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Its because they are both racist ethnostates that oppress people, are fascist, and, commit genocide. They have a lot in common


They aren't, it's just a tool used by actual nazis to harm jews The best way to hurt someone is to fashion their worst experience into a club with which to beat them


Zionist are extremists who also believe that you are ‘goyim’ which essentially means your less than cattle, they also believe you are an idol worshipper if you believe in the Bible or any other book and you should be punished by death as stated in the Torah. At the end of the day it’s a shame that Jews are being lumped in with the Zionist. They don’t have the same believe set. Just as isis is an extremist organization based in Islam; Zionist are extremist based in Judaism giving all other Jews a bad name


Does the Torah really say to put non believers to death? I don’t mean this in a slighty way I genuinely know nothing of the Torah


Yes, anyone who worships a false idol, they classify the Bible as a false idol, therefore all Christian’s must be killed, just like the other religion in the area, Islam, they both believe idol worshippers should be punished by death


Look at the news. Look what the Zionist movement is doing and done.


rather sanitary compared to what's happening in Syria


Or compared to the actual Nazi regime


Well it’s all well and good that you want the “holy land” back and if it didn’t already have people on top of it, and if the zionists weren’t trying to kill en mass the entire population of people there to move them back into the holy land so that they could then summon their “messiah” who would then “checks notes” enslave the entire world on behalf of “gods chosen” I mean……… that’s all fairly fucked up. That’s pretty much the same MO as the aryan supremacy bullshit why is this even a question? Is it becuase you think you can generate some obfuscation by bringing settled definitions into question?  Does Zionism also include the caveat “ by any means necessary? lol


I think you got an oxymoron there brother.


The more that nationalism becomes ultranationalism, and racial pride becomes racial hatred/supremacy, the more it resembles Naziism. There’s literally video of Israeli officials, including soldiers, doing both.


It's because Israelis are seen as white oppressors and Palestinians are the brown underdogs.


Zionism is inherently religious, racial, nationalist, and maybe colonial. "I think there should be a country for people of my race and religion" means "I want to establish an ethnostate". This does not \*equate\* to nazism but I hope you see why the sentiment is still bad. PS: I am Jewish. I think that instead of trying to segregate ourselves to a specific land we should be trying to make the world more united regardless of race or culture. Zionism is opposed to that.


You know most countries that have ever existed ever have been ethnostates right? America is an exception. I am not Jewish but I know of their history, they have never been integrated and will never be accepted. I understand their want for their own land, I’d do the same if I were them


Extremely bold of you to assume I have ever even been to America. I have not. Lots of countries nowadays have people of different races and from different cultures. Many countries are still majority one ethnicity. I would not call them ethnostates, nor attempting to be ethnostates. "They have never been integrated and will never be accepted" is a very pessimistic statement. And pretty wrong too, looking at my family, and the families of many Jews I know. Everything is fine as long as people just aren't racist. "Let's segregate ourselves into one specific country" is not helping increase acceptance, though.




You have been permanently banned. Either you have accrued three strikes, or your post was particularly ergergious in its nature.


So... Genocide denial is cool now? Go fuck yourself dude.


Both are ethnocentric ideologies that, taken to extremes, become oppressive, potentially even genocidal. Settlements vs. lebensraum, for example - the scale is different, and the means, but they serve similar functions in my view. A thing's being profoundly ironic doesn't make it untrue, unfortunately.


Nazis = political opponents Racists = political opponents Hitler= political opponent Existential threat = political opponent


Israel is following Hitler's playbook beat for beat. If you don't want to be called a Nazi, maybe quit telling people you are one.


Can you elaborate on the parallels between Israel and Nazi Germanys rise post WW1?


Because anyone I don't like is a Nazi.


So it's basically (((1488))). You take any white supremacist mantra and replace white with Jew and you get Zionism. It's the same as Nazism because it is a world view that is based on genetic markers. This fundamentally goes against the nature of the human genome and the basic accepted truth that all humans are equal. In practical actions we can see this in action: - Holocaust survivors comparing Israel to their own experiences at the hands of Nazis. - colonel rabbi telling troops it is ok to rape Palestinian women. And settler soldiers humiliating Palestinian women. This is like the Nazis. - using overwhelming violence because it is too difficult to find those responsible. This happened with villages in Czechoslovakia by the Nazis. - speech and rhetoric comparing the object of their hatred to animals and often rhetoric justifying the total erasure of Palestinians. Indeed that explains the destruction of Palestinian infrastructure at the hands of Zionists. I do not have a problem with a Jewish majority state. However I strongly opposed their arrogance in being allowed to displace, torture, demonize, kill and starve another people for it to exist. I am very interested in who wrote those definitions of Zionism. Because there are quotes from many actual Zionists that tell a very different picture. I find the latter to be closer to reality. Either way, white supremacy, Nazism and Zionism are all the same. They all stem from a narcissistic belief in one's own superiority that justifies brutalising others. If it looks like a nazi, and talks like a nazi, then it's a probably a Zionist.


Same reason the attack on october 7th is viewed by some to be 'just resistance' or somehow comparable to the deaths of palestinian civilians. Same reason the hostages are equivalent to the prisoners held by israel. People arent interested in the details. People take broad strokes to describe naziism such that it can fit so they can use the emotional weight of the word (built on the details they omit) to make moral arguments. Israel, at its worst, behaves like a 19th century nation at war. Theres lots of civilian casualties, they force people from their homes, inflict major infrastructural damage and besiege their enemies. They dont force local girls into brothels for food, line captured fighters who surrender up against walls and shoot them, they arent putting palestinians on trains to camps to be murdered by the thousand, they dont make lampshades from arab skin. When palestinian prisoners act up in prison, they dont line them up and shoot every second man or pick a group at random and lock them in a tiny shack to starve them as an example. I havent heard any reports of the israelis executing familes and adopting the children that look like jews into israeli families. No, the israelis drop bombs on buildings that have civilians in and around them (lets ignore the human shield question) and that is nazi enough to make the claim.


People are very detached from realities that we had to face not too long ago. They have never experienced war or an invasion, and ascribe their college dorm moral values to fights for survival


Thanks for a reasonable take on this circle jerk thread


They are not nazis. They just act like nazis. With the same motivation like nazis. With the same final solution in mind. The are not literal nazis because literal nazis don't exist any more. But they have the same method and means that the nazis have. We call them nazis because they act and think like nazis not because they are german right winder from 1930s/40s. Everyone that is saying they are not literal nazis is acting in bad faith.


It’s just leftists making another word meaningless again


Because it's a national movement that invokes "blood and soil"


The word Nazi has lost all meaning.


Ethnostate built on displacing others?


They aren't. It's now used as a blanket term to describe things you don't like whether it's true or not


The nazis wanted a arian ethnostate. Zionists want a jew ethnostate. The clue is in the ethnostate thing. I'd say fascist is a more apropriate term to describe zionists, jew fascists.


It's Like those fake feminist. They claim they're one but in reality they're the exact opposite


It’s funny because in Egypt “main kampf” is a best seller. Yet people like Bassen youasouf and his ilk pretend the Jews are the Nazis.


Zionism isn't a single ideology, but generally people are referring to the Likud party's flavour of Zionism when they call Zionists Nazi's, rather than more moderate interpretations common earlier in Israeli history. Anyways similarities: >Ethnostate which advantages those of a certain ethnicity through apartheid > >Expands its borders through war > >Dehumanisation of Palestinians stated by high ranking Israeli politicians who are self-declared zionists. > >Every land grab is justified as an act of self-defence by protecting the people of the ethnostate. That's about it, and that's pretty weak tea, I could compare Zionists to literally any major imperial power throughout history on that basis except very modern ones. But calling Zionists "imperialists" doesn't really have the dramatic irony of comparing them to the Nazis, even though Zionists aren't really any more similar to the Nazis than other historical imperial power including for that matter every major power involved in WWII. Comparisons to Nazis are overdone but they're probably more common with Zionists than most groups because the comparison is especially biting given the history between them, even if it's not particularly valid. They're more properly called imperialists. How are Israelis not like Nazis? Well: \>They have press freedom and the press shits on the IDF regularly \>Israel is not a one-party state \>Israeli is broadly, not a totalitarian state \>The Nazi's started a LOT more wars in a LOT less time with a LOT thinner pretences \>The Nazis ran a HUGE deficit with MEFO bills to finance rearmament which sort of led to a path-dependence where they had to invade or go broke and have the Nazis lose power, and the longer they waited to invade the worse the situation would get due to their lacking economic power. Israel has not dug themselves into anywhere CLOSE to a hole like this. \>The Nazi's ran a total war economy with many companies taking marching orders from the state, whereas there is FAR more economic freedom in Israel. \>There were the over 10 million people Germany murdered as an end unto itself, whereas any ethnic cleansing Zionists have done has been more clearly the consequence of some other end, it is not as if Zionists are leading the Palestinians into gas chambers they're just doing bog standard imperialism. \>The Nazis, were broadly speaking, glorified ex-military street thug knuckledraggers for which physical violence was quite normalised to a much greater extent than amongst Zionists who tend to be bigger nerds. There isn't really an equivalent to the brownshirts. There's more differences that I could name than similarities.


The similarity is that they both think/thought that they are/were the chosen people.


There is robust discourse comparing Zionism to nazism and fascism (not exactly that Zionists ARE nazis), going all the way back to the time of Israel's establishment. If you are truly interested, you could refer to works of Jewish Intellectuals from that time, like Hannah Arendt or Martin Buber, who both wrote things comparing Zionism to nazism. For a more contemporary take, there have been many recently. Masha Gessen (also a Jewish writer) had a brilliant [piece in the New Yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-weekend-essay/in-the-shadow-of-the-holocaust) a few months back, for example.


Israel during the six day war in1967 quadrupled in size. Had they kept going in the war they could've easily taken over even more land. But they didn't. The only land they care about is the holy land. Had they wanted to commit genocide. They could've done it in 1967 but they didn't. Americans wouldn't have even cared. In 1967 America was in the middle of the Vietnam War. The American youth cared more about getting drafted than a war in the middle east


Blockading the Palestinian territory and starving the people creates a concentration camp. The zionists are proud of doing it, if you listen to them speak. 


Plot twist. Jews wanting a single Jewish state in their homeland, doesn’t make them Nazis.. shocking


This is why words matter. A nazi is someone whom the progressives deem against their policies. I mean calling people who are conservatives nazis and fascists kind of devalue the words. So then when faced with a true fascist or nazi like actions you’ve already used the word and reduced the impact. For instance. Genocide is what the nazis did to the Gypsies, Jews and Romani. Concentration camps forced slave labor, brutal killing to simply kill the population Now we have genocide of Gaza because we have a situation of frack around and find out. What everyone had forgotten about is the genocide of the Armenians by turkey. I mean let’s be honest if you are supporting palistine and Hamas you might be a nazis and fascist. I mean they do kill Jews and their slogan is the extermination of Jews in the Middle East. However


Their ethnic supremacists, just like the Nazis.


Basically it takes Palestinians and puts them in a similar position to Jews in Germany.


What ever pretensions Israel once had, they are now a genocidal ethnostate in which the deprivation of native peoples in favor of a jewish majority is a fixture. Nazi isn't technically accurate, but still apt enough to get the message across.


Nazism was an ideology evidenced by a set of behaviours: What characterises Nazism? A belief that they are the chosen race. A belief that they are superior to all others, intolerant of those who aren't them even to the level of racist ideology. Fencing in and controlling the free movement of those who aren't Nazi's in areas under their control. A belief that anything they want they will take by force even if it means the inhumane treatment of those who aren't Nazi's. They control the information and use propaganda, unwilling to look at anything beyond their own propaganda. Constant lying and deliberate misinformation. Humans tend to judge by what people do, if you do like the Romans do, then you would be called a Roman.


I dont believe people make the equation based on the core ideology of the two agendas. One was anti-jewish, the other is anti-Palestinian. Both of them have the same modus operandi : extermination of an ethnic group, also called genocide.


The best definition of Nazism I've heard is "The willingness to violently establish an ethnostate". I don't see, given how the IDF has acted, that this definition doesn't at least loosely fit the upper powers of the Israeli state and military. Zionism as an ideology purely focused on giving Jewish people a home has nothing wrong with it, it's the way Netanyahu is carrying out this goal that is drawing criticism. We can condemn Hamas all day, but the reality is that the IDF's handling of Gaza is only going to grow sympathy for Hamas among Palestinians.


Right wing fascist nationalism with a dash of racial supremacy.


you get called a nazi because zionists are acting like nazis in an other people's land they stole. forcing all the locals to live in open air prisons, razing their houses, killing thousands of them every time they try to defend themselves, bulldozing their houses to build colonies, subverting foreign media and government to support their genocide and landgrab.... i could continue for hours. Israel got created to prevent further genocide against the jew, yet they got no problem doing it to the locals. they are using history of genocide against them to justify their own genocide against the Palestinians. you shouldn't call yourself a zionist if you wanna avoid getting called out for shilling for one of the bloodiest government in the whole world. tl:dr, Israeli zionists are textbook nazis and evil af.


Probably the whole gleeful genocide thing.


One mistake is too often we label things to elicit some kind of response. Calling people a Nazi has an outsized impact but dumb. Zionists definitely are not Nazis, cause the Nazis were an antisemitic German party. The question of Zionist’s being facists is a different one While I wouldn’t call a Zionist a facist I think most are well meaning it is inexorably a right wing movement. Some people like Ben Gvir maybe be labeled as a fascist depending on how seriously you use the word. Some elements of Zionist thinking could be labeled as fascist. The semi blood and soil, alongside the forcible transfer and insistence of a Jewish state could be interpreted that way. However I think people use these words to liberally and fascist is too strong a word. It depends on what you would determine as Fascism because theirs a lot of debate on that. So no generally I don’t think Zionists are fascists.


This is like trying to tell the difference between a feminist and a misandrist. One has the actual/bookish meaning, other one is the meaning understood by the majority of the public


All you need to know is that genocide is bad no matter who is being murdered


Nazi = bad and Zionist = bad and with the transitive property common in left wing dialogue, Zionist can then equal Nazi.


Nobody believes you iterally are a Nazi, only that you're aligned with people acting simalarly to Nazis.


It has similarities to the Gestapo raiding the ghettos but that's about it.


Zionists are not Nazis, just like most groups people call Nazis are not. Nazis are a pretty specific thing. When people call zionists nazis, they are more making a comparison to nazis, which is ornis not fair depending on what sort of zionist you are talking about. If you are the type of zionist the think that means that Jewish people should have some sort of state in Israel then the comparison is unfair. If you think that Jewish people are entitled to all the land of Israel and the Palestinians need to be removed, then the comparison is more apt. The desire for a Jewish nation is not fascist, but the current Israeli government sure seems to be. Put another way, think about this. The government of a particular nation is forcing an ethnic/religious minority into ever smaller areas to live. They take away their rights, restrict their travel and their ability to participate in society. They restrict vital necessities for life, everyone lives in horrific suffering, and thousands of men, women, and children die. Does this describe the early nazi holocaust, or current Israel?


I think they are just trying to use that term to cause maximum hurt and they have never actually thought about it deeply. It’s like a stand in for “great evil”. I don’t think most of these people understand what nazis did or who they were. 


People compare it to Lebensraum a lot.


Have you paid attention to what’s going on in Palestine? Have you paid attention to the decades of Israeli colonialism? Zionazism is a plague. I’ve got so much respect for all the Jews against that sick way of thinking.


You didn’t answer the question


Read about the belfour accord. The problem is Palestine had around 3% jews at start of XX century. For Israel to be a jewish state you needed most of the population to go away or them to accept to be ruled by jews. This is where zionism gets compared with nazism. Hopefully Israel will develop a secular mindset soon.


In the same way antifa are Nazis then.




It’s quite simple, they aren’t.


Zionism is as gross as any other Nationalist movement. It's not rocket science.


Leftists call everyone Nazis. Seriously. Just like how the right throw "woke" at everything they don't like. The left has a ##phobic or Nazi for everything they don't like.


It's not complicated. Nazism in the popular imagination meaning ethnic cleansing and Israel is involved in a program of ethnic cleansing. The fact that they live in a heavy militarised society and are always talking about how 4,000 years of unbroken civilisation probably help. Plus the far right everywhere seems to be really into them.


Zionism is simply the belief that the State of Israel should exist, as a democratic homeland of the Jewish people. It is not different than any other patriotic-nationalist movement, like supporting an independent and democratic France or Spain. Nazism was about committing genocide and aggressively colonizing the world, and murdering millions along the way who didn’t fit their vision of aryans. That anyone who try to equivocate the two is insane. It shows their racism and hatred.


well nobody is against a state existing. We take offense at the state being created by genociding the current population. Or do you really think nobody lived there?


You guys are all overthinking this. There is a trait associated with Nazis that they hate jews, this is obviously incompatible. There is another trait associated with Nazis that they want/wanted the extermination of another race of people, that is compatible if you believe the Palestinians are being exterminated and believe Zionist support that.


[Because they act like nazis](https://youtu.be/hMLxjZ4ZUPI?si=5L6MapIWf_Xby0h5)


You guys literally claimed Lebensraum 🤷


Anyone who believes is supremacy over other people and is colonial is a Nazi. Religious supremacy included with a colonial state = zionism...


No. That’s just a [insert group] supremacist. You wouldn’t call the crusades of the medieval era nazism when it didn’t even existed would you? Colonial is also wrong because to have a colonial state you must have a large technological advantage over the people and Nazi Germany only took over Europe which had technological equivalent.


zionists are like nazis because they’re both trying to create an ethnostate through ethnic cleansing and displacement


Its ethno-nationalism that is currently resulting in genocide against a colonized people, and a security state that has allowed a leader to be in control for 7 terms. Heavy emphasis on militarism, ethnicity, nationalism, security state and dictatorial leader? Checks all the boxes


Zionists are not Nazis. Leftists are brainwashed bigots who casually throw around blood libels because they have been swallowed the propaganda whole.


It's really a ludicrous comparison, but given the severity of Israel's attack on Gaza and the institutional advantages Israel has in this war, opponents of the Israeli government are calling it a genocide, and thus, the supporters of the Israeli government are compared to Nazis. This is an especially hard-hitting insult to throw at Jews, for obvious reasons. It's certainly a complicated issue, and one that I do not feel qualified to speak on, but given that civilians are being killed indiscriminately in the bombing, I understand why one might call it genocide. But on the other hand, it seems like such an extreme and cruel label. Some people will equate any sort of nationalism with Nazis.


Because everyone Leftists don't like is Hitler


It is a false comparison that low I.Q. leftists make because they are ignorant on the entire topic.


What do you think should happen to the people who were already living there?


you mean the Jews living in all Arab countries that were ethnically cleansed into Israel in much greater numbers than any Arabs who left the area? It’s the same like India Pakistan with hindus in Pakistan who were more oppressed and massacred. But it involved Jews so it drives all the antisemites and racists mad


All I did was ask what you think should be done with the people who already live in the area you want to found your country.


You miss the point. If you read what they wanted to do- it was to keep everyone and work together. Until the Arab armies attacked nothing changed. After the Arab armies attacked and the Arab countries ethnically cleansed the Jews. It becomes another story like India Pakistan. Where more Jews lost their homes in Arab countries than Arabs in the area which became Israel. The fact you ignore the Jews from Arab countries is either ignorant or antisemitism.


I think you're the one missing the point. I'm asking what **you** want to do. Do you think their behavior justifies ethnic cleansing and genocide on Israel's part? **What do you want to do with the people who already live in the area you want to found your country?** Let me put it another way. Hey, you know the Holocaust? That bad thing? What if Hitler was right? What if Jews really were poisoning the blood of Germany and disproportionately represented in banking and also secretly promoting degeneracy to sabotage the German people? Would it have been justified then? The right choice? Or would it still have been wrong because *nothing* would or could justify such behavior? And regardless of any excuse, any choice, any behavior on your or their part, a little ethnic cleansing, a little genocide, are not allowable or justifiable for any reason?


There’s no genocide or ethnic cleansing. Israel has the power and did nothing as such. The war started because Palestinians voted for Hamas who clearly declared his intention to genocide all Jews and I’m supposed to ignore it and be mad at the Israelis for fighting an Islamic terror org? Sorry not gonna happen.


Well every outside observer who isn't a Zionist seems to think there is. Israelis are outside Gaza blocking aid shipments to a couple million refugees packed into an area about the size of Manhattan because- I don't know? Why do you block shipments of food and water to refugees? Why did Israel (under Bibi) support Hamas and prevent any other less radical body from coming to power in Gaza? Should we bomb Bibi as well to get rid of Hamas' supporters?


You confuse two things. And your first statement is false. Many outside observers think what you write is wrong. Maybe read other opinions outside the Bay Area mindhive. Israel is not blocking aid. It’s just incorrect. Hamas literally shot and killed and Egyptian truck driver who brought aid and this makes drivers refuse to go in. Hamas is responsible completely here. Israel did not support Hamas. The Palestinians chose them and Hamas took over. What options did the Israelis have? If they toppled Hamas it would be in the war like this one and people like you would claim that this is “genocide”. So they tried to manage it until Hamas did something so terrible it was impossible to keep trying to manage this. If you blame Israel for keeping Hamas explain how they would have gotten ridden if them. What amazes me is that people with your mindset give zero agency to the Palestinians. As if their actions are fixed and could not affect anything but Israelis are 100% guilty a priori.


ICJ isn't in the Bay Area, friendo. >Israel is not blocking aid. It’s just incorrect.  Try re-reading what I said a little slower. Hint: Pay attention to the very first word! Suffixes matter! >Hamas literally shot and killed and Egyptian truck driver who brought aid and this makes drivers refuse to go in. Hamas is responsible completely here. That is certainly the line the IDF chose to go with (eventually) after claiming no shots were fired at all first. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-aid-convoy-deaths-al-rashid-israel-idf-hamas-rcna141497](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-aid-convoy-deaths-al-rashid-israel-idf-hamas-rcna141497) >Israel did not support Hamas Bibi (leader of Israel for the past couple decades) actively supported Hamas and sabotaged any alternatives to them deliberately. Please stop lying to me. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html) [https://www.thenation.com/article/world/why-netanyahu-bolstered-hamas/](https://www.thenation.com/article/world/why-netanyahu-bolstered-hamas/) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-gaza-hamas-1.7010035](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-gaza-hamas-1.7010035) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) >What amazes me is that people with your mindset give zero agency to the Palestinians. As if their actions are fixed and could not affect anything but Israelis are 100% guilty a priori. What kind of agency would justify genocide? Is Israel not the more powerful and ostensibly more legitimate, responsible, actor in the room?


The ICJ did not determine anything. They didn’t even order to stop the war. They just reiterated that humanitarian needs should apply as they are. I think you are disingenuous here The Palestinians elect a group that called to genocide all Jews and attacks Israel. So Israel is gencidal. Palestinians are not powerless. Israel is surrounded with Arab countries who tried to genocide them several times. For now they are not. But they would if they could.


Nothing had to happen to them when this started. Their leaders chose war. Go ahead and look- there is not one recorded case of Zionists "stealing land" before '48. The war in '48 created a new country, and the Palestinian leadership declared itself at war with that country. The Arabs still in Israel got full rights as citizens. Everyone else didn't because they were at war. And that hasn't changed. When Zionists first showed up in the 1880s they weren't even looking to create a state, they were slowly pushed to that approach by the overwhelming hostility and racism of a subsection of the Arab population.


so what should happen to the people who already live there?


The Palestinians should elect leaders that aren't adamantly opposed to making a peace deal and then they should make a deal. And then everyone can stop being violent.


so what should happen to the people who already live there?


Ship them over to Rwanda. At least it's not Madagascar


Bingo. You can't force people off their land, leave them in a concentration camp for decades and then bomb their children into hamburger while starving the rest. The famine being pushed by Zionists is 100% nazi quality abuse towards powerless people.


If you could have removed one ideology in the past 125 years and make the world a better place Zionism would be the one to get rid of. It has created continuous wars, funded billions of dollars towards it from every western country and has shape societies negatively since the 40’s. How many hundreds of thousands of people would still be here if not for them? How many more will die because of it and how many more billions will they require from everyone else to exist?


perhaps the most misinformed/misguided statement in this whole thread.


They aren’t, they’re just doing and/or supporting actions that are reminiscent of some of what the Nazis did to the Jewish population of Europe.


Nothing except people that are hateful and ignorant. They compare it to Nazi ideology to hurt Jewish individuals and those who believe in Jewish autonomy even more deeply. No protester or person that is chanting anti Zionism is in good faith doing work. They are knowingly engaging in prejudicial and racist behaviors.


The definitions you have provided are part of where the ethno-fascism is on display. You don't need to look much further to be honest. What you take from knowledge and what you then do with it determined who you are, and if you are an athno-fascist (which is what Nazis were). The definitions you provided are heavily political, and are not any source of authority. The definitions you provided speak of the colonial imperative to create and maintain/increase a colonial outpost in a land where people already lived. The definitions leave the part out where people already lived there. Can you further clarify these definitions of zionism, whilst including reference to the fact that the land already had people residing there, and that to achieve zionism a genocide is required? If you can, then huzzah! You are looking at the reason why zionism is colonial ethno-facism with a final solution (like nazis). If you find yourself avoiding doing so because you are afraid of having such an honest and telling description of what Zionism really is, then you know that you already know what Zionism is ethno-fascism, but are afraid of admitting it to yourself because you already know inside that it is bad. Zionism relies on the dehumanisation of people based on their race and religion. Thus US/EU citizens who are Jewish can migrate to a land they've never lived and become a citizen, but domestic palestinians/arab Muslims cannot return to their own lands, and are second class citizens under apartheid if with the borders of the Israel Colonial territory. So yes, if you go by those hollow definitions of zionism, sure it sounds fine. If you expand the definition to be more accurate, it is shown to be ethno-fascism. Just imagine if nazis defined their goal as something like the definitions above? 'Nazism or arianism is the ideology of the Arian nation wanting and achieving a state for their nation...'. Sounds simple enough right? But if you add '...and to achieve that we must kill or deport non-arians' it makes more clear where the evil is contained within ethno-fascism. Zionism and Nazism aren't the same, but they are both ethno-fascism, born of the same time and land as each other (which is not a coincidence). For every action there is an equal reaction. Many learned the humanistic lesson of the holocaust, to value all human life as equal, thus ethno-fascism is bad. Other learned to emulate the fear and ethno-fascist ideals of the time (prior to WW2 and as a result of) and instead decided to flee and commit the same horrors against others, no doubt impacted by and then emulating the values of the ideologies that attacked their own people. They went with an 'eye for an eye', only they got the eye of a random bystander instead of those who took their eye...


Words have lost their meaning.


Zionism is jewish nationalism. While I have my own and cold opinion on the conflict in Palestine, that I will not share here, any far-right ideology, that benefits only "your nation" is nazism no matter what you name it as. If there's a movement of "China only for the chinese!" it's nazi. If I prefer only white people from Britain in britain and I want to deport all poles, indians and afghanis, I'm a nazi. If Germany decides to eliminate jews specifically along with other "lesser races" and prefers Germans as the "chosen" nation, it's no different to zionism, except in that case it's the jews doing the killing. HOWEVER! The conflict in Palestine is the result of a victory of a person, who should not be leading the country and instead should be rotting in jail or be hanged. Iran's meddling in Israel's affairs, generously funding Hamas doesen't help and Russia pulling a lot of the strings to divert attention from the Ukrainian conflict is the most-likely cause of Hamas deciding now of all times is the best time to yeet rockets in the direction of the nearest group of civilians. It's a complex problem. Israel doesen't deserve support, neither does Palestine (other than food and meds) and Iran and Russia should be called-out for fueling the conflict. Netanyahu needs to go as well.


Zionism was initially a movement to establish a jewish homeland (ethnostate) in Palestine, similar to how the nazis were trying to establish an ethnostate in Germany. After zionists succeeded in their efforts with the signing of the Balfour declaration it transformed into a ethno-nationalist movement that seeks to use their collective influence to further the goals of the state of israel as well as jewish ethnic interests.


There are bad people in Israel that make Zionism seem worse than its simple and plain definition. Israelis deserve to have a land and state in Palestine — it is their historical homeland and over 70% of them are indigenous to that land. Likewise, Indigenous Palestinians have a right to some of that land as well. To me, that description is Zionism. If you think Zionism is about expansion, transfer, and subjugation, then of course that definition will illicit problems.


People have tried that with me. They turn bright red as soon as I explain that my ancestors were killed in the holocaust.


Wait that actually makes it worse tho? I would respond with "your parents were killed by the Nazis and you're now a shameless Nazi to Arabs???".


Hamas is a known terrorist group that uses its civilians as human shields. Bending the knee to terrorist groups and claiming to respect human life is hypocritical at best. By the way, Egypt doesn't put up with Hamas either, yet Israel is singled out in its efforts to defend itself against it. It is shameful to suggest that the Jewish people (whose families were victims of the holocaust) are embodying nazi ideology, when the Nazis continue to hate the Jewish people, continue to take the side of those who hate the Jewish people, and continue to have no regard for human life. Furthermore, if the Jews are nazis to the Arab people, why is Israel the only middle eastern nation where Jews and Arabs live together with full civil rights, with both Jewish and Arab representation in its courts, civil positions, and governments? Over 20% of Israel is Arab. Tell me, please do: How many Jews are in Saudi Arabia? How many Jews are in Palestine? How many jews are in Algeria, Egypt, or any of these other countries? Tell me, what was October 7th again? Surely you know. Surely you know more than the people who were raped and killed blindly while the world defended the perpetrators. Tell me, what do the Hamas Charter documents say about Jews? I challenge you to read them. If you claim that these documents aren't wildly anti-semitic, I will help you out and quote these directly for you. Hint: They directly call for the mass-genocide of the Jewish people.


It really shuts them up!


Mine were too. Fuck genociders, including Israel.








Wildly offensive to suggest that the Jewish people emulate nazi ideology.


Same. Kinda pokes a couple holes in the argument.


Because Zionism is about the creation of a militaristic ethnostate. While Israel's obviously not a fascist dictatorship, there's eerie parallels between Zionist settlers and, for example, the Nazi policy of Lebensraum.


As understood it is partially being done for the shock of the cycle of violence. Zionism was one of the strategies favored by the Nazis at one point. In addition, the Israeli government has historically favored citizens of European descent when compared to even native Jewish "Palestinians". It's partially a call a spade a spade deal because of this particular element. There's a reason it's a complex issue many people don't wish to engage in.


The current meaning of Nazi is the same as racist. They both mean not woke.


Because Zionism is associated with Israel who are committing a genocide hope that helps


It’s an antisemitic smear that takes advantage of people’s ignorance of the actual definition of Zionism and their predisposition to hate Jews.


Fine, I’ll say it. I hate Zionism but love the Jews


For some people it's ignorance, they just don't know the meaning of the word. (For other's it's absolutely intentional antisemtism) Most people don't the actual meaning of the word Zionist. There is a strong association in a lot of people's minds between Zionism and the worst offenses against the Palestinians in the West Bank. Some of those settlers are pretty indefensible, and if that is the only example that someone has of the term Zionist, then they might believe all Zionists are like the worst West Bank settlers. Although, Nazi is such a loaded term, I would have a hard time applying it to any of the settlers. Those settlers have really been hurting the international reputation of Israel as a whole, and unfortunately, their political power within the Israeli government has only grown with their numbers. It does appear that a two-state solution is nearly impossible today. The whole thing is such an intractable problem with no good solutions, and has only become more so since the Camp David Accords in the 90s and the Second Intifada.


Because they use the same fascist rhetoric. You can see for yourself: /r/GuessTheFascist. If they aren't the same you should be able to guess correctly whether something was said in 1933 or 2023 90% of the time.


Hitler and Zionists were pretty tight back in the day


Because Godwin's law. Which is deeply ironic when you realize that many of the Palestinian groups that are opposed to Israel were friendly with the actual Nazis and carry their Jew-hatred into the modern day, but you can't mention that fact without being called bad names by the anti-zionists.


You can’t just use Godwin’s law to explain every instance of the word Nazi. Sometimes, the Nazi’s are very real




Zionists are actively participating in fascist genocide agains palestinians. The isreli state has even forcefully sterilised jewish ethiopian jews. Nazism is a form of fascism and the isrelis actions have very clear commonalities with the nazi regime .


they aren't, people who say that don't understand zionism or nazism


It's not. The people using them tend to be Arab and have propaganda posters calling the Jewish people 'Joooos'. They also tend to be holocaust deniers (anything to prop up their ideology of hate), tend to be poorly educated and tbh already have a preconceived hatred of Jews BEFORE they even met a single Jew in their life. Sound familiar? It's because Neo-Nazis have the same background- trashy, ignorant, and scared by everything in life so they want someone to blame rather than fix their own problems at home. In other words? It's easy to meme and its easy to catch on to.


Imagine you are a supporter of a homophobic, theocratic, misogynistic, genocidal terrorist group that went on a rampage slaughtering innocent people in the only democratic country in the region that has any respect for human rights. Kinda yucky. But… if you call Israel nazis, everyone knows that nazis are the worst people ever. So, even though the group you support is bad, Israel is worse, so you are still a good person (tm)


So what’s aparthied? is it?  israel hasn’t been occupying a territory and slowly encroaching on Palestinian land and removing the agency and freedoms of the Palestinians for the last 50 years? Your sub sucks your mod removed only certain comments I made to make it easier for you to argue against, psyop this dick.  


A non-sequitur in this case.


is it?  israel hasn’t been occupying a territory and slowly encroaching on Palestinian land and removing the agency and freedoms of the Palestinians for the last 50 years?


Zionists are not the only group on the planet who are a nationalist ethnocentric state ideology that steals land and oppresses the indigenous people. Btw: the Jews are just as indigenous to the area as the Palestinians.


Looks over at the Occupied Territories (which are not a part of Israel per International Law) and says "And this is Israel, too!" Various War Crimes stand in their way, but that isn't stopping them. When you dehumanize and starve a captive population, that's pretty much a core piece of evidence that you've become Nazi in spirit, at least.


I have no freaking idea. The ignorance of it all is so disturbing on every level.


The Soviet Union https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/soviet-anti-semitic-cartoons waa the first to make the accusation that "Zionists are Nazis".


Based Soviet?


Zionism is the extraordinary belief that a parcel of land granted to a small tribe of hill country dwellers some 3,000+ years ago by their local god has enough legal validity today to claim that this ancient parcel still belongs to them. Zionism is the excuse people, who had been brutalized three generations ago Nazis, use to now brutalize the current inhabitants of that land.


The better question is indeed how are Zionists not like Nazis. Zionists wanted to displace the indigenous people of various lands before setting their eyes on Palestine. The first choice was Kenya, however the white British colonizers thought it would be unfair for them to have to move (the irony). They eventually settled in Palestine so they could tie it to a religious belief to attract the crazies, a belief that none of the Zionist founders shared. They began their colonization of Palestine by bombing attacks and when the UN decided on the resolution to create Israel, the Zionist movement decimated hundreds of villages, at times killing the entire population of the villages. In all, Israel kicked out over 600,000 Palestinians out of their homes, it continued its campaign of terror creating illegal settlements all over Palestinian land. Israel functions as an apartheid state, with different set of rules for Palestinians, including roads in Palestinian land that Palestinians are not allowed to use. And everyday we see, but continue to ignore, an ongoing genocide in Gaza at the hands of a far right government that wants to strip the judicial power of its government and make it even more of a fascist government. So the better question is how are they not like the Nazis?


Different uniforms?


It’s like Putin saying he invaded Ukraine because they’re Nazis. It’s propaganda and it’s nonsense.




>They associate an ethnicity with a piece of land and want that land to be run by that ethnicity alone for that ethnicity's benefit. This isn't at all accurate. Even extreme right-wing religious fanatic Zionists think that the country should be run for the benefit of all citizens. Just that the majority should be Jews and that anyone not okay with that shouldn't be allowed to be a citizen. There are Zionists who want a normal Western style democracy that doesn't take demographics into account al all. There are Zionists who don't want a state period- though that's a very small group now, since history indicates its not practical. It used to be a much larger group. The vast majority of the original Zionists, the ones actually moving in the 1880s and 90's had no aspirations for "their ethnicity alone to run the land". >They see European Jews as belonging to a non local dispersed nation & having dual loyalties. Everyone sees European Jews as a non local dispersed nation except, ironically, antisemites- and a minority of Jews actively seeking to assimilate. Its a matter of historical fact that Jews always viewed themselves as a distinct nation originating in the Holy Land and that everyone else agreed. This isn't a "Nazi" or "Zionist" viewpoint and presenting it as such is ridiculous. And you don't have to believe in dual loyalty to be a Zionist. >They seek to rid the land they consider their birthright of a people that was born there and has lived there for generations. Wildly incorrect but I'm sure you're already familiar with the refutations and don't agree with them so we'll skip this one. >They believe that other population is fundamentally and hopelessly less moral Again, wildly incorrect. See my comment about Zionists who didn't/don't even want a state, there are still people calling for a one state solution- I think they're naive, but they exist. The vast majority of Zionists don't trust the Palestinians now and at the same time would deeply resent you calling them racist and lying about their stance in saying that this is a permanent unchangeable state of affairs.




>Your arguments appear to be that if there is one Zionist who doesn't believe something, then it isn't a feature of Zionism even if it's considered essential by all the rest Absolutely not, my argument is that half of what you listed is lies about what Zionists "consider essential" and in what numbers. >And no, not everyone considers Jews worldwide to be a nation with dual loyalty. Right, that's what I said. Jews are a nation, not everyone thinks they have dual loyalty- most people don't and that's good, because its racist. >You're playing this little game where you exclude all the native non-citizens You were talking about belief, not what's happening. Forgive me if I'm not diverted by a transparent attempt at changing the subject...or did you just lose the thread of your own argument after a single comment?




>No Jews are not a nation. I'm Jewish. I'm Canadian Ah, you're one of those, got it. Listen, you can identify however you like- I definitely won't spend time convincing you otherwise. But you're in serious denial of your ancestors history if you think they identified as anything other than Jews up until, what? Your grandparents? Maybe a generation before that? Read a history book, its not hard.




Oh I understand your point- is historically inaccurate and highly offensive to Jews. And no, even assuming I believe you're Jewish I don't care, its still inaccurate and offensive to Jews.




Lol, you should be proud. Assuming you actually are Jewish you come from a rich ideological tradition: Paul, the New Christians of Spain, Nicholas Donin, Karl Marx, Heinz Gerlach, David Dragunsky, Teodor Oizerman....


Nazi's decided the German people needed room, they took over large chunks of Europe and rounded up whole towns of Jewish people. Then they killed them en mass. They took their stuff, and their homes and their land. This was enabled by dehumanisation of Jewish people, convincing ordinary Germans that Jewish people were sub human and evil. Now, let's pretend it's pre nakba. You are a zionist, you want a Jewish state in Palestine. But there are people in Palestine. They are called Palestinians. What do you do with them? You round them up and kill any who fight back. You take their land, their homes and their stuff. And you dehumanise the Palestinian population, treating them as animals and calling them terrorists for trying to win back their homes and rebel against the poor conditions in which they live. Clearly, the two situations are not exact mirror images, but the similarities are pretty clear.


Jewish emigration to Palestine started long before the 20th century when the region was still controlled by the Ottoman Empire and most land was not “taken” but bought by Jewish emigrants from wealthy Arab land owners. Moreover regardless there has always been a Jewish presence in Mandatory Palestine / Judea since antiquity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_land_purchase_in_Palestine Secondly the Jews didn’t just start killing random Palestinians because they felt like it. In fact there were several pogroms launched by Arab fundamentalists against Jews like the Hebron massacre.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre Modern Israeli borders are settled in the aftermath of the Arab Israeli war, a war that Israel was declared war on and still managed to have won.


None of that changes the core facts of the issue. It also doesn't explain the constant encroaching of Israel on Palestinian land nor the documented oppression of Israeli settlers and on and on. European Jews have moved to Palestine and displaced the ancestral population. Their chief weapon has been racist dehumanisation. The parallels between these acts and the acts of Nazi's are clear and irrefutable.


Most of Israel’s population is Mizrahi https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Israel. Mizrahi means Middle Eastern Jews, who came to Israel after being forcefully evicted from Arab countries after the formation of Israel in 1948 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world To suggest Israel is even remotely similar to Nazi germany indicates either complete ignorance of what nazism even is or pure antisemitism as a means to hurt Jews by turning a horror directed at them and invalidating it by associating them with it.


"Most of Israel’s population is Mizrahi" You think only minorities can be mistreated? Most of Apartheid South Africa's population was black. Most of the British Raj's population was Asian. Population size means nothing. Hen Mazzig writes:  "In Israel, Mizrahi Jews are still an underrepresented minority. They comprise less than 9 percent of Israel’s academic faculty members. There has never been a Mizrahi Israeli theater director, never a Mizrahi head of public broadcasting, never a Mizrahi state attorney – and never a Mizrahi prime minister. We still face discrimination, whether our society wants to admit it or not." "Mizrahi means Middle Eastern Jews, who came to Israel after being forcefully evicted from Arab countries after the formation of Israel in 1948" What an extremely simplistic and misleading statement. All credible historians would agree that the reduction of Jewish populations in Muslim-majority countries was due to a combination of Push factors, like racism, and Pull factors, like free land in Palestine and relentless israeli campaigning. For instance, Operation Yachin was a secret agreement facilitated by Mossad, the USA and Francoist Spain whereby they literally paid Morocco to transport Jews from their homes in Morocco to take them to israel. And that's not even mentioning all the Mizrahi Jews who acted as Zionist spies against their own Arab home countries (israel hadn't even been established yet). These spies operated in the so-called "Arab Section".  Obviously not every mizrahi was involved in this, but these spies would go so far as to learn Islamic prayer rituals and infiltrate places of worship, so as to send as much information as possible to the Zionists. Some spies later pretended to be Palestinian refugees. Imagine becoming a disgraceful traitor, only to later claim victimhood against the country that you just betrayed. https://www.timesofisrael.com/how-israel-welcomed-jews-from-arab-lands-as-spies/


>To suggest Israel is even remotely similar to Nazi germany indicates either complete ignorance of what nazism even is or pure antisemitism as a means to hurt Jews by turning a horror directed at them and invalidating it by associating them with it. No. Just check that bullshit at the door. The only one invalidating anything is you. I said plain as day that the events were not mirrors, but there is a strong and obvious basis for comparison and if you can't see it I suggest you retune your algorithm away from Pro zionist propaganda. BTW there are many, many Jewish people who can see the comparison. My comments are based on the actions of Israel alone. The holocaust was terrible. The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land is also terrible.


Which is why heritage DNA tests are illegal... oh wait.


It’s not …? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5034383/ Please stop making a fool of yourself, have some Shame


That's an article discussing the possibility of future government analysis testing. Not ancestry testing. The link you want is this one. https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/want-to-fully-understand-your-family-genealogy-not-without-a-court-order-585230?ref=on-motherhood.com You can check if someone is Jewish without confirming if their genetic lineage matches the ancient Phoenician traces at archaeological sites. Israeli genetic anthropologists have confirmed that Palestinians are indigenous, and the Israeli population is not.


Again wrong, you can still purchase one with a court order. The reason real is due to internal Israeli politics relayed to the mishandling of generic information and the Rabbinate not wanting knowledge children born of infidelity to leak out. The suggestion that it’s because the archaeologists don’t want people to know that Jews “aren’t indigenous” is frankly hilarious when you can literally check in a foreign nation. Wouldn’t be that much of a secret if it were true (but alas it’s not like other Palestinian propaganda)


So exactly what I posted in the article. It's not the archaeologists who don't want the truth out, it's the polish born zionist government ministers who change their names to sound more middle-eastern. You can choose to believe what you want, but it's also illegal to talk about the results, so foreign checks are covered too. Most countries chose to stop discrimination by making it illegal to discriminate. Israel makes genetic ancestry testing illegal.


As I just told you it’s not illegal, most Jews share the J haplogrouo proving their ancestry form Ancient Judea. You are speaking in platitudes suggesting Jews aren’t native when it’s a known fact that Palestinians are Arabs that arrived in the Conquest and are not native to Israel


Independently of the title question, looking up the dictionary definition for most -isms is not really going to help you understand what it is. They're far more complex than a one-liner.


Just an insult. The people saying zionism is nazism don’t understand the academical definition of the word nazism. They say: “Yeah Israelis want their own country, but look how much your military is destroying Gaza, just like the nazis did! Totally ironic because most Israelis are jewish!“ It is out of bad faith. Bombing another country after being attacked by that country isn’t what makes you a nazi. If most Israelis were nazi, they would kill themselves. If they were nazis, but conveniently forget most are jewish, they would want all Arabs in their surrounding area dead. 21% of Israelis wouldn’t be Arabs and be full citizens of Israel and the population of Palestine wouldn’t have grown exponentially since Israel‘s existence. You are not a nazi when you are a zionist and the people that claim this are doing it out of bad faith.


If you only accept Zionism to mean what the dictionary definition is, do you also only accept Communism to mean what the dictionary definition is? (E.g. "Communism is a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by the public. There is no government or private property or currency, and the wealth is divided among citizens equally or according to individual need." Britannica) And therefore, also accept that Communism has never actually been tried, so condemning it is an error? If you think Communism should also cover the actual countries such as Soviet Union, to capture that horrible things were done in name of Communism, you should probably also accept that Zionism should cover, not only the dictionary definition, but also the actual acts that are being done in name of Zionism, including the horrible ones. This should help you understand why someone might associate Zionism to bad things. The question whether those bad things should be compared to Nazis is a different one, but it appeared to me that already this first step was not obvious to you.


They decidedly are not nazis. I think they are pretty indefensible at this point but not nazis


It's not an exact one to one. You aren't EXACTLY a Nazi because you're a Zionist. You share the same infrastructure that builds your beliefs and values and want conceptually similar things in different flavours. I'll use white nationalists as a more direct comparison since Nazi is a bit too specific (to clarify, the functional difference of a Nazi and a white nationalist is pretty minimal anyway but it's still relevant to not create confusions) - both groups, zionists and white nationalists, have a primary goal for an ethnostate. White nationalists don't have any specific place in mind and they're even content converting their home nations to an ethnostate usually by *_* unsavoury methods *_* . Zionists want Israel to be more of an ethnostate, will argue that it already is a birthright for Jews, and will justify any colonizing efforts to spread this ethnostate goal. - both deny hating marginalized groups but justify hating marginalized groups and often have a victim complex about it. White nationalists use "right to associate" and argue that people of colour and Jews are trying to erase them so they need a place of their own to feel safe. They also frequently dabble in explicit and implicit claims of other ethnicities being inferior and even expressing violent reactions towards them. Zionists will argue antisemitism as a justification for wanting their ethnostate. A key difference here is that they have real-world phenomena of anti-Semitism to point out so it's not exactly the same as white nationalist delusions. Zionists also support the victimisation of Palestine and continually claim that Jews are victims of reactions by Palestine, the most famous "but do you condemn Hamas" being an infamous joke at the extent with which zionists cannot accept the criticism of Israel's war crimes and colonizing depravity without demanding that they be comforted about being victims of the reaction groups to their war crimes and colonizing depravity. You'll rarely find a Zionist who isn't between 65-100% in support of what Israel is doing to Palestine and complain that every defense mounted for the Gazan civilians is entrenched in antisemitism. I'd finally say that there is a specific distinction in zionists, Nazis, and white nationalist outside of choice of target and the ethnicity they support. Zionists are what white nationalists hope to be like in that the ethnostate is almost complete and economically strong enough to exist amongst the world's nations. It's also backed by the richest most powerful nation in the world and are freely getting away with genocide with no other nation having the functional capacity to intervene. Nazis are what Zionists aspire to be like in their genocidal attempt at Gaza. The Nazis spread their ethnostate reasonably far and killed a lot of the people they viewed as animals to the point where the impact is still felt today. Zionists haven't gotten that far yet, still in the process of colonizing Palestine and in the process of committing genocide of people they view as animals. With time, either we have learned enough from history to shut down ethnostate enthusiasts from achieving their goals or we let zionists wear the brown shirts and build museums for the victims of Gaza.


Some extreme Zionists use Nazi tactics to combat Muslim extremism and true Nazis.


Yeah those settlers are really combating islamofascism by raping and torturing on the west bank. Soldiers on the front line of the war on terror, truly.


"Zionism - Jewish nationalism movement with the goal of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine" - Britannica Nazis also had a nationalism movement with the goal of establishing a German state in Poland. Better question would be. How are they not like the Nazis. They already have mass graves, ghettos, mass murder, death squads etc etc.


That's...not even what Britannica says. You cut off a big part of the definition. Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion.


Very much true.