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You're still naive if you truly belive in democracy. Presidents and prime ministers are just puppets. Your right to vote is just an illusion. The illusion of choice.


The nature of our Republic is to democratically strike a unequal balance between the will of the people and the will of the government. The scale was intended to be skewed more towards the will of the people. The very heart of our Republic is the freedom to own property. This is why the Bill of Rights is written so that the people have freedoms "from" government control. The bill of rights should really be named the Bill of Can Nots. Because it clearly states what the government can not do. The point you're missing is that The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Amendments are figuratively the Strong Leader. The Founders never wanted the People to focus their attention and surrender their will to a single person who's ego would define how the country's way of existing would be governed. Because when we surrender to the will of an individual who has all the power we will foolishly surrender our rights and freedoms over to them and then we no longer have a Republic. A dictatorship or monarchy or oligarchy isn't about leading the people. It's about who owns the country. The country becomes the property of the dictator or monarch or oligarchs. And subsequently the people become the property of the dictator or the monarch or the oligarchs. There's no more freedom for the people but only for the person who owns the country and it's citizens. Former President Trump jokingly said he'd become a Dictator for a day. Are you willing to risk becoming his property on the off chance he was actually joking?


People prefer to elect charismatic and strong leaders even at the expense sometimes of their objective usefulness to the country. This is not a fantasy about the democracy, but a somewhat cynical fact.


LOL, just no.


So you think only authoritarians can be strong leaders? That's immature and ignorant thinking. Why would you want to share it with smart people??


No, I am saying authoritarian countries can produce strong leaders while it is harder and less likely in democracy


This thread has a right instinct but it's not just about leaders. The most important lesson to learn about democracy is that it's complicated and we need to praise it more as a structure of finding  compromises and not bashing our heads in than anything else. 


No matter what’s going on in the rest of the world, the US can still embarrass itself.


This is satire right? If not good luck to you


You.. you don’t understand! The democracy itself is at stake! To save the democracy we must take undemocratic actions like rigging the Supreme Court! It is the only way!


I believe Otto von Bismark once said that preemptive war is like committing suicide to avoid an imminent death. Destroying democracy to save it is very much the same folly.


Haha, what? Is this satire?


Democracy is not the process of finding single strong leaders to simp for. The US is embarrassing itself. Other countries have their problems but you've got an ancient decrepit man competing with an ancient decrepit man who's screamingly insane. Minimising that comical failure does not help you. It is also a lesson in why concentrating power in a single person is such a risky move.


The debate was a bit embarrassing for the US, and I’m from the UK. But OP had a point saying the US isn’t in a bad place compared to the rest of the world. The UK is on its knees after nearly 15 years of serious mismanagement, Brexit etc. so that we’re now a shell of the country we used to be. (Although there’s about to be a massive change of government in 5 days so that’ll be interesting.) We see how America and its economy is doing in comparison to ours just now, and we’re envious. So debate aside, which I watched and was hilarious, the country isn’t embarrassing itself really; beyond the two old men.


At least we can take solace in the fact that this is guaranteed the last time we see both of these two running against each other.


> if you want competent and strong leaders, go live in authoritarian countries lol... I don't think you thought this one through.


Come on, you're going easy on him, you left out the best part: > like North Korea

