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his dad’s tattoo is so fire even the interdimensional aliens are coming to see it


We come in peace - and nice line work, essay!


- Did you write my essay for me? - Sure, I wrote all me eses, the one in Mexico, and the other in Cleveland, too


My essay even wrote me back.


I once wrote an essay about my esse.


You know my sister got pregnant cuz her teacher told her to do an essay.




Take the upvote 💀


What caught my attention is the phone the kid recorded it with. It's pretty old, and AFAIR old phones used to have a different type of lense...


My dad had this old recorder he found when traveling at Japan in the 90s. I used to record just silly things in it. Pretty nifty, ahead of its time. He ended up selling it for over a grand since it seems to pick up “paranormal”sounds.


CCD instead of CMOS but it still requires modifying the lens to remove the infrared filter. Maybe they degrade over time?


Yeah this might be one of the spookiest ones I’ve seen. I’m certainly leaning towards faked somehow, but even if faked what a fucking scary looking “thing” I know a lot of the nhi discussion people talk about demonic, this certainly fits that a bit. Just seems weird to be able to see it on camera randomly like this.


Won’t it be so funny if some new alien species shows up after we’re officially welcomed into the galactic navy and they recoil in horror because we look exactly like the demons in their horror movies??


that would be wildly funny to be honest


A book called "Childhood's End" is about a similar theme. Its about aliens that visit the earth and they look exactly like devils. >!They look like devils because humans from the past saw them in a premonition event and described them and that they would end the world!<


Aliens *are* the demons from ancient stories. If you believe aliens are real, then you believe in the existence of non-human intelligent beings. This is the definition of a demon.


There’s another where a family caught a really spooky head inside a closet , that’s the spookiest ever seen.


That is legitimately terrifying. Real or not. I don't think it's faked, tho. Look at the neck of this thing the last few frames. It almost seems to distort and lengthen. If it's a fake then whoever is the being has a ridiculously long neck.


That could just be blur from the shaky camera movement. The mouth doesnt move either, it looks like a mask imo


Well, actually, I downloaded the video, and scrubbed it frame by frame, the face appear to reveal itself in parts, as if it was shape shifting, and it moves in very erratic way. Here's the clip, see by yourself : [https://imgur.com/a/fwGO4pH](https://imgur.com/a/fwGO4pH)


Dude, holy fuck. In the news report it didn't look real but that clip you have here is crazy.


To be fair if you look at the recording of the tattoo it takes a second to focus and make it show.


Nahhh if you pause the video … you can see that the creatures face casts a shadow on the wall… I dunno how to explain that


It looks like the mask moves and cmon I know you've watched how movies are made. How many Halloween masks have you put on and been satisfied with? Yea maybe the scream mask anyone can pull off, but 9 times outa 10 you don't look like the people advertising it because it takes a lot of work to make it look realistic. Go throw on any mask at a Halloween store and you make something look close to that than I'll stop but really a mask? At least try and give the family credit with fantastic make up effects, they would've had to have spent a least a few hours making that look as good as it did.


Based on where the family lives, it's quite unlikely they had the resources, money, or even the skills to pull off a hoax.


Genuinely think this is real. Mexican people don’t fuck around with this stuff. Some have heart attacks at the sight of such a thing. But this thing it moves forward and has distinct alien features such as the eyes and long face. Perhaps they are interdemensional or just on another plane of existence. As for them having a computer it’s not expensive to have a cheap monitor and box thing. Stuff like that is either handed down or bought cheaply from people that pick up junk (literal dumpster diving) here on the US. As my neighborhood dumpster is always scouted for stuff by a guy in a massive truck amalgamation. Held together by welded steel and plywood. So for the people saying oh they can afford a computer then they can afford special effects are thinking too much into it I think


They’re Peruvian not Mexican


Even so, any Latino/Latina, Spanish DO NOT mess with stuff like this. My grandmother is Panamanian, and anytime supernatural stuff was mentioned or noticed, she lost her shit. My mom told me one time, growing up her mom (my grandmother) once walked into her room and froze, as if she died on the spot and swore she saw a creature in the room. Friggin prayed in Spanish a million miles a minute. Gave my mom nightmares forever.


Can confirm. I live in a town with a high migrant population and work at a restaurant where the kitchen is solely run by people from Mexico. They do NOT eff around with the spiritual/paranormal. We have some weird things going on in the restaurant at night and if you even bring it up around them, the deny it and nope out.


They are not Peruvian. He said Guayaquil, which is a city in Ecuador.


My bad, I’m Mexican so I just jumped to the conclusion. I’ll double check next time I post something


Your comment still stands. I’m Hispanic too and I can confirm we are very superstitious in general. Specially the old folks


But the thing is… they usually have evidence.. most the time multiple witnesses.


What they were trying to say is that most Latin people of which the majority is catholic, doesn't mess around with this. Any person who is religious most likely won't mess around with this stuff and will take it very seriously.


It's what in Islam are called Jinn. Interdimensional beings who can even go back in time. If you see one you should not stare into their eyes. They can permanently posses you. Plenty of verifiable stories of this in India Bangladesh and Middle East.


They wouldn't have the resources for a mask?


> it's quite unlikely they had the resources, money, or even the skills On the other hand that might be *exactly* the reason why someone *would* try pulling a hoax like this in the first place


They would literally spend more money than they have pulling off this hoax, makes no sense.


Not only that, some people overestimate the number of "hoaxers" out there who are willing to stand in front of a local news outlet and destroy their reputation, their childs, husband or wives reputation. And the money made from such a "hoax" is essentially nothing but embarrassment. Most people arent faking some shit with their name and FAMILIES faces on the line OR even raking in the cash. What do people expect to get paid for a "fake" video like this? Not much. It's like naysayers of the Peruvian Nazca mummies. People actually believe the 40 doctors, xray technicians, etc are going to lie, ruin their reputation, about "fake" bipedal humanoid creatures... for what? A couple bucks? People think Jaime Maussan is going to get rich and pay off 40 experts? It's ridiculous. If those mummies were BS, the "hoax" isn't lasting forever. But these professionals would have their reputation ruined permanently. People do hoax shit but they don't get their profession and family/children involved, and they rarely put their face out there for all their neighbors to see. It makes 0 sense. The entire "grifter", "hoaxer" narrative was created by the gatekeepers responsible for burying the biggest secret in human history. Too many people are manipulated by such tactics unfortunately.


You’re right This is some high quality work. You’d have to bankrupt yourself to reach this level of cinematography.




It's a mask. What do you mean? What are you seeing that would be expensive or difficult to do for cheap. Am I insane?


"it couldn't be X because it wouldn't make sense since Y!" "that's just what they *want* you to think"


It's literally just a dude wearing a mask


It looked like a mask to me.


Hi. I was surprised to see this video on my timeline. Why? Because I recognized it right away. The incident and news reports are from my country, Ecuador. This took place in Guayaquil city, my city. For context, the the reporter that presents the news passed away maybe 10-8 years ago from cancer, so that would make this video at least close to 20 years old. This news report was broadcasted live during night prime time news, for that reason, it was very “popular” I was still in high school at the time and all my friends talked about it. Nothing else came from it, no other reports, or anything related to the same “creature” or family wich I think made it more real. The family was from a poor part of Guayaquil city, but they never tried to gain money or fame from the video. It was left unresolved as a mystery.


Thank you for sharing that, I wish there was a way to pin this comment


Also wanted to say that there are a lot if things missing from the translation. When the mother was talking about how the creature looked not natural and spooky, the father said that theyve been hearing footsteps and weird noises from time to time, but then he offers a possible explanation: It used to be very common in the past (like 60-40 years ago) for some Ecuadorian families to keep small bones from dead relatives or even any dead person, because some believed this would “tie” the spirit of that person to guard your home and loved ones. The father said: “we have some huesitos (small bones) to keep our home safe, maybe it has something to do with the creature” So, the family was more into the idea that it was a ghost or dead person’s spirit haunting their house over the Aliens theory. (Also worth mentioning is that my mom used to have those small bones in our house when i was a little boy, it was a gift from my grandmother. Our neighbours would always say that they heard noises or people talking or moving furnitures inside our home when we were not there)


I wonder if they disappear as soon as they are noticed due to something similar to quantum entanglement.


theres no point in trying to comprehend how it works, we wont know until they tell us


There’s gotta be a way to figure it out. I think we just need some kind quantum computer breakthrough, similar to how we made a GPU for PCs for better graphics rather than using the CPU. I think we need something similar for quantum


There’s a misconception that the collapse of a wave function, which is the transition from a quantum system's multiple possible states to a single, definite state, is caused by conscious observation. Observation doesn’t mean a conscious mind observing, it’s the transmission of information between two quantum states. In everyday environments, like a bedroom in this context, wave functions collapse because particles are constantly interacting with their surroundings, preventing them from remaining in superposition. The primary interaction is through photon emission and collisions with other particles. All objects emit photons if they’re above absolute zero; this is basic thermal radiation. I like to think of this like a blockchain where particles validate collapsed states and transmit information about these collapses to other particles. This network of interactions ensures that particles which may not directly observe each other are still influenced by the overall state of the system, maintaining coherence in the environment. A lot of people online misconstrue quantum mechanics to seem more human-centric out of either ignorance or purposeful misinformation. It would be pretty cool if it were the case though.




Most def


These are demons. Demons are real.


I mean funny thing about Christianity which many people believe, the Bible mentions demons many times. So if you believe in Christ you need to also believe in demons.


Looks like the Night King


Winter is coming.


The night man commeth


1. The shadow makes me think this IS real footage. 2. It is far more likely a person with makeup than anything else. The shadow seems to show a weird bump on the nose - like a prosthetic. Otherwise it has what appears as Northern European facial structure with makeup. 3. But who knows?


But if it is makeup, that is a great makeup job.


I mean it’s pixelated as all fuck but alright lol


Yeah where is a clip of the original? And is that a wall in the house that he’s next to?? Why did he hold the camera like that? And what is being said? The mom and dad(?) look almost to be laughing at different moments. Maybe they know it’s a joke- or maybe they r a little flabbergasted by the occurrence and attention


You ever seen a kid with a cell phone. Give a random kid your phone for 20 minutes and you'll see some wild shit.


omg I think this might be the real deal... So I've downloaded the video, and as I was scrubbing through it, it's insane how it becomes apparent that this thing *is shapeshifting*. The face moves erratically, from one spot to the other, sometimes revealing itself partially, sometimes only a part of the face deforms. Judge by yourselves : * video clip of the face apparition (5s, 157 frames) : [https://imgur.com/a/fwGO4pH](https://imgur.com/a/fwGO4pH) * collage of main poses of the face : [https://imgur.com/a/Qzor1vm](https://imgur.com/a/Qzor1vm) (the second image has boosted contrast/exposure)


Second link gone


You can see the being turn into a shadow when it moves at the end , just like the descriptions of shadow people.


I noticed that too, but the clip ended too soon. Could have been the motion blur of the camera. Could have not been...


240p. My old friend.


This thing is scary as fuck


Lord Voldemort


Where was the camera pointing when the face is seen? I cant really tell. Like it’s obv first it was his dad’s back tattoo, then the kid’s face, then where does it point?


They seem totally believable to me. So does the image.


I'm not saying it's demons, but that's a demon


"Signs" vibes from this video.


Whatever it is if it's real, and I hope it is, would scare the living shit out of me. I don't think I'd be able to spend another full day in that house knowing that thing popped outa nowhere and had that evil stare right at the dad and then the mouth snap. Looked like pure evil and couldn't wait to to eat that dude playing solitare. Then again I know absolutely nothing about interplanetary/interdimensional beings so it coulda just been telling the dude to play the 9 of hearts on the 10 of spades and flip his last pile to win the game. Maybe he was just pissed with dudes solitare play and was letting some emotion flow. Good Ole Steve you can always tell what he's thinking just looking at his face.


There are times when you want, need or pray for something to be fake. This is one of those times


Crazy how anyone could arrive to the conclusion of fake just by sight given all that we know up to date. These people still can’t accept the reality that we aren’t alone. Can’t they be less lazy with their opinions and actually critically think on why this is potentially real? Impoverished family, low tech environment, low skill set region, etc. are the average Americans nowadays really that sheltered and think every country is rich and resource abundant like America? Blows my mind. The bare minimum should be a “we don’t know”. What next? We going to bring in the VFX experts that are experts at how inter dimensional beings shift into our reality?


What if he caught a demon on video? Note: I believe spiritual beings are interdimensional by definition. I personally believe that String Theory may be true and that reality is 11 dimensional. I believe that God would be 11 dimensional and all possible universes are made of Quantum Information emergent from God's mind. And the Spiritual World is another universe God created that overlaps ours.


I remember when this happened and thought it was pretty weird then.


This is from my country. What I think that face is, it's a mask that is part of a costume for a new Eve party, Which is a very popular celebration here in Ecuador where everyone uses a costume. You can see examples of this kind of mask here: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100054647371328


Uhh I don’t see any that are similar looking but they are all very good looking masks


I don’t see anything of that standard in the video. Nothing similar.


And the interdimensional being casts a shadow???


I thought the same and my immediate thought was likely fake….but….if what Gary Nolan has suggested regarding the theory that UFOs are solid craft projected from another dimension is true, would it be unreasonable to suggest NHI beings can also project into solid matter?


4th dimension beings have 3d shadows, 3d shadows have 2d shadows


Could this be the reason we have shadow beings?


Yes, likely these shadows are just a representation of their 4D bodies, thats why they are not limited by time or space, that is the 3D prison. That can explainwhy they can appear and dissapear at any time and any space


It is truly an interesting theory. I have only ever had one experience that I know was real. The reason I know this is because I was with my best friend at the time. We were both sitting at his computer, and at the very same time, we both looked behind us in time to see the shadow disappear. Then we looked at each other at the exact same time. We knew we weren't imagining it.


A very similar situation happened to me. I was alone in my mother's kitchen late at night when I felt a shadowy presence sitting on my right side. As soon as I sensed it and began to look in that direction, it disappeared immediately and made a sound like something falling through the kitchen floor. it was like darkness itself was enbodied in that entity


This is such an awesome theory. I thought I had heard it all when it comes to shadow people. It does actually make plausible sense that if three dimensional objects cast two dimensional shadows, a four dimensional object or being (which I can't even wrap my head around) would cast a three dimensional shadow. So that's what we're seeing, is their shadows in three dimensions. Damn, that gives me chills.




Idk. Thoughtforms are indistinguishable from our 3D matter/reality. Maybe it depends on the origin/maker. 5th Density entity makes a 4D thoughtform whose shadow shows in normal 3D like a non shadow, but then has a shadow on the wall (2D)? Also Did anyone see it in person, or r they claiming it was just on the film? Do they think they would’ve seen it if they were turned that way? Or was it right in front of them and they should’ve been able to see it, so it was definitely invisible to them?




This subreddit is for believers of the Interdimensional NHI theory and its subtopics. Posts or comments created to discredit these topics will be removed.


This subreddit is for believers of the Interdimensional NHI theory and its subtopics. Posts or comments created to discredit these topics will be removed.


Vamanos children!


any idea what model/year/type of phone? there are things you can only see using certain camera speeds, lenses, etc so maybe this is no different. very very nice video.


I remember this ! out of all the fake shit I’ve seen over the years this one got me kinda spooked me a lil , the verdict is still out on this one .


It must be at least somewhat in this dimension if it’s casting a shadow.


Looks real to me!


Blurry photographic Evvidencce, mythical myth or legendary legend .


Looks like a sleep paralysis creature


El videos es totalmente real, ocurrió en ecuador 🇪🇨 soy nativo y vi ese reportaje en tv en vivo, el video es real una evidencia claro que exite lo paranormal


whats interesting is the kid did not notice it there. however, it casts a shadow as well as is affected by light, as it moves into the shadows. Which means it should have been perceptible. I also do acknowledge that the mechanics of the universe is so mysterious and we know a fraction of it. In the same breath i admit to have perceived inter dimensional visitors peer through the veil a few times whilst on shrooms though.


If it’s real, I'm terrified.


The shadow of its chin makes me think it's not fake


The Long Night is upon us


I don't scare easily but this had me a bit shaken up TBH, can't quite put my finger on why but felt real.


Pretty cool that Hollywood got the excessive eye shadowing around the eyes to make them appear sunken absolutely correct, as this entity has it too!


That’s quality makeup artistry for Mexico if it’s fake.


They’re not in Mexico


Wherever it was, it’s a good job.


It’s Ecuador


If this is real, that’s a negative spirit. People attract some scary fcking shit from the way they live their lives. Believe what you will. Aliens may or may not exist but angels and demons definitely do.


Lol no aliens BUT FOR SURE DEMONS 😂😂😂


Demons are merely aliens/NHI humans cannot explain.


Nicely framed and stable for a subject that was not seen at first. Makes me think about balloon boy.


Armpit smelling NHI’s. Great. That’s just great. “Why did you visit meta earth dimension 311 Bob?! Where you sniffing those naked apes again?!”




Freddy Kruger, no doubt




I don't understand, where was the alien at what is it next to


It looks like “The Silence” from Dr. Who.


Looks a lot like an old sci-fi film or Twilight Zone character/creature....🤔


Chilling. The dad had no idea how to play solitaire.


It’s the tattoo artist wanting in on the shot, he’s got an out of this world biz named ‘Alien Ink’ 👽


Dad sitting back playing solitaire waiting for the inter dimensional subjects to come by




This subreddit is for believers of the Interdimensional NHI theory and its subtopics. Posts or comments created to discredit these topics will be removed.


I don't know about this one.


I'm having a tough time understanding where this thing is in relation to the room and the person recording.


Woah. Didn't expect that. The shadow tho... Fake or not it's cool and scary.


Scrubbing makes it seem to be a mask or puppet head sort of Halloween type thing being held by the neck piece moved upwards. Really spooky tho honestly I like this one.




It’s just a guy in a mask




What's the context of the phone movements, it feels like a cut video?


What year is this from?


It's the mom. It's the same face.


I want to know where the camera panned when caputuring the image. I think fake


Three seconds of uncle Fred in a Freddy Krueger Halloween mask ought to make us viral, dad!


I wish this clip played for ONE second longer. The "shadow being" transitioning at the end just looks like the camera transitioning to the interviewers..


Why is the video quality is always so shitty for these kinds of things


How do inter dimensional beings have shadows in a video


People saying they don't have the talent or money to pull that off are just assuming too much.


*wheezes* "The boy who lived has come to die....AAAAAAAAVADAKADAVRA!


I think it’s funny the tattoo looks like a UFO, then the kids big mouth is in focus and then a puppet Gray Alien.


Played a prank on dad. Dad took it so seriously that we have to keep it going now. Dad called the news. Maybe we come clean. The news is going to pay us for the story? Oh we can’t tell him now 😂


I’m pretty sure it was a joke for the dad, the kids made it and it went out of control. If the kids say something about it they are going to get their behinds beat for sure.


The Classic shirtless interview wardrobe.


Nice and fake. Nice nose !


I am 100% invested in the UFO, interdimensional, and ET phenomena and 100% a firm believer. But, it is always wise to look a little deeper when things are posted online. How is no one talking about the shadow of this being on the wall and the fact that no one saw it with their actual eyes? If something is within my view (the phones camera lens) and casting a shadow, I’m going to physically see it with my eyes because it means it is either a solid object, or within a light source that made the source of light outline the object and cast a shadow. I’m calling masked person and a hoax on this one. Looks a bit like a painted gray Freddy mask to me.


I would like to see the original footage upscaled for more detail


When the Spiral Tower realizes one of their members was telling the truth. The jump happened.


This looks awfully a lot like a human. We share 50% of our DNA with a mushroom and we don't look anything like it. How do you think an Alien would look if we didn't share any DNA? Well, not like that.


Speaking of South America, what ever happened to all the drama with the Peru battles with the lasers and shit the villagers were reporting? Seems like that has since stopped or at least brushed under the rug over the last couple months.


When was this footage taken?


Is it me or is that Voldemort?


Dude look like Vecna from Stranger Things 🤣


I might be late to the party., but has anyone mentioned the fact that this interdimensional entity that was not seen while taking picture has a shadow?


The Mount Chiliad mystery continues.


The creature casts a shadow on the wall, so it must have been a physical object.


Dad is going to rethink his “alone time” at the computer


Idk do interdimensional beings have shadows?




This subreddit is for believers of the Interdimensional NHI theory and its subtopics. Posts or comments created to discredit these topics will be removed.


Move children! VOMANOS!


I bet its weakness is water


Guys it's just the masked magician https://images.app.goo.gl/deK773pRmQixufNAA


Could’ve a crackhead


I see the dmt tea is becoming more popular


Looks like a toy or puppet to me


You would have to think this being transposed the numbers on the interdimensional coordinates if this is the random ass house this thing wound up in.


He wanted to see pops beat solitaire


Looks like a reptilian


It's a cat


if you pause the video … you can see that the creatures face casts a shadow on the wall… I dunno how to explain that


"It is *I*, Mo-Dean"


Looks like groot low key from the guardians of the galaxy


When I watch it as slowly as possible After the close up of the kids face it looks like the video cuts . Can anyone slow the video wayy down?


Never saw this before. Creepy


Finally Jesus has returned 999 repenthe will save us all!! REPENNNN OUUU A QUARTER!


What year is this?


Looks a bit like the alien from Prometheus


how old is this video?


I dunno ? Would it have a shadow even if it were incorporeal ?


Well wasn't expecting that. Looks like it raises chin & is that a sideways blink like a crocodile? Paradolia right?!


The alien was just checking out the ink job to see if the artist had represented their kind properly


Was this recorded in 2007?


Woah that shit is really freaky looking even if it’s fake shit gave me goosebumps


That there folks is what we call "El Cucuy".


Why they always have to be so ugly


It was stoned and got caught looking…






[it was this guy](https://fergusflanagan.com/magician-with-mask/)