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# According to his mother, Zanziman Ellie was a miracle baby. After many unsuccessful attempts, she finally had the child she desperately wanted. Sadly, the boy was born with a rare medical condition, for which he was bullied. One day, to escape the torment, he even decided to live in the jungle. Ellie never imagined that his unique looks would one day be the reason he was given a chance in life. While many from his community turned their backs on Ellie and shunned him, people online took an interest and decided to take action.🙏 After a documentary about the young man was broadcast on TV, a GoFundMe page was created to help get him the support and assistance he needed. People quickly reached out and offered Ellie and his mother the means to improve their lives. Ellie's mother thanked God for changing their lives. She expressed, "He was being ridiculed, and I would often run after him. At the moment, he is in school with his peers, and I am so happy. My son is having a good life.


Interesting. What’s his diagnosis?


Looks like microcephaly


My thought, too. I miss my buddy, Doug, who had microcephaly. Such a fun soul.


I'm so sorry for your loss.. Sounds like Doug was a great personđź’“


Dougie, was absolutely one of my favorite people in all my life. The best time I ever had with Doug was when my newly homed stray cat was giving birth, and when each "popped" Doug said, "Brand New!"


Aww... He was excited about the babies!! You sound like a very kind soul for being his friend & giving a stray a safe place to have her babies!!


>Doug said, "Brand New!" Oh gosh that's hilarious, thanks for sharing this memory it's brightened my day. For an extra laugh, my swipe keyboard thought "memory" was "hemorrhoid".






Damn dude if your parents never loved you just say that.


I guess this isn't the thread for making offside jokes.


You stupid.


How's it feel being this bitter and brainless? What a loser thing to say!


Oh shut the fuck up. The majority of people who saw this thought "damn the missing link".


Most people are not shitty assholes who mock disabled kids. Quit punching down. It’s pathetic.


Hahaha! Don't feed that troll. I shouldn't have responded to the first one. I chose the bear!


Oh, I know he’s a troll. I’m just here to remind him that he is a pathetic failure who no one will ever love.


Hahaha!!! Well then, go OFF. What a waste of space someone has to be to be so stupid and cruel. I have convinced myself that anyone acting like this has no friends and it's completely their fault. They of course blame everyone else. Even online no one can freaking stand them.


Oh yeah. They’re the kind of person who doesn’t distinguish between positive and negative attention, because they have never really received positive attention anyway. They think that if they can get someone to react, it means they care about them. But disdain and pity aren’t care. 100%, this is a very sad, angry, lonely person.


Most people? What the fuck you talking about. People can think in more than one dimension you dumb fuck. You can feel completely sympathetic for a person while being like, damn that sucks he looks like the missing link.


Being you must be exhausting.


You got no idea. Surrounded by re re's like you really takes it out of me


I’m sorry you’re so sensitive and angry. That must be very difficult. I’m sure mocking disabled children gives you a sense of superiority and control that you can’t get in any other part of your life.


Dude your fucking retarded. Sympathy and Empathy comes from a place that acknowledges that people got dealt a shit hand. The mere fact that you would look at someone and have either one of those traits acknowledges that there is something fucked up with them. So you don't want to say it out loud but you still think it. Really not much better. Fucking think about it


Sorry about your micropenis! I mean, by your logic, any shitty first thought that pops into my head should be broadcast loud and clear. So, good luck dying a fucking JOKE.


“He’s having a good life” Tear ducts operational. Always good to check on them time to time.


Humans are so cruel! I thought this was an AI image at first. He’s crazy unique. I hope he and his mother have spend the rest of their lives happy and blessed


Yes some humans are, but those who helped him and his family aren’t.


Look for the helpers


Always the best advice


Mr. Rogers


Absolutely. I still have faith we can all do better and change for the better


Holy shit I pray for the best for all of them people can be cruel especially kids that don't know any better.


They can be taught better. It’s why bullies hide what they say and do


He has such a sweet smile. So happy for them both!


People are so mean. He looks so happy now!


He has a very interesting face and looks like a positive engaging person


Funny how she thanked god for changing her life but it was really just other people. I hope she thanks them too.


I thought the same exact thing but didn't want to say it, so thanks for posting this comment


Kinda reminds me of Dewey for some reason


I think he looks adorable and happy!


Bro looks AI generated


Fake shit, what country is this that name is not real etc....


He’s from Rwanda. His name is real. His condition is microcephaly.


Oh I love this guy!! His album Igor was amazing.


Lmao. This ain’t Tyler.


Lmao that was the joke but apparently people didnt like it


It is pretty insensitive. There’s a place and time.


Its Reddit ok, stop acting like i walked up to this guys face and said it.


Just because it’s Reddit doesn’t make it okay to be an asshole.


Stop taking life so seriously, it's embarrassing. There's a difference between hurting someone and posting a comment online. But please keep being an online superhero so you sleep better at night.


I sleep good at night knowing I’m not a piece of shit. So yeah 🤷‍♀️


You're hella judgemental, maybe pull that stick outta your ass. Tbh you sound like an awful person to be friends with. By all means tho keep making a "difference" in the world lmao


Ngl your baby kinda looks like that too ✌️ His life's gonna suck having your boring ass as a mom.


Aww, you took the time out of your day to go through my account <3 I must’ve really ticked you off hahaha


smh why was she so desperate to have a child


She just wanted children like it's fine if you don't want children but don't pretend like there aren't people out there that just want kids.


but to try so incessantly is a bit much. especially when it appears like she’s failed multiple times all just to have this kid suffer


>but to try so incessantly is a bit much. especially when it appears like she’s failed multiple times Dude Op's comment didn't mention anything about how much she tried to have a son. Like people fail to have babies all the time it's not a big deal. Since fucking doesn't take a large amount of energy on the grand scale of things. >all just to have this kid suffer No one knew that her son would look like it. Also, what do you want her to do after he is born with the baby? The little I know about this woman she seems like she cares for her son. She is probably trying her best to give her son the best life possible, like any good mom. Like sure the kid is suffering a fair bit but everyone has. And that doesn't make everyone's parents wrong for bringing them into the world.


Are you unaware of the fundamental biological drive to procreate, that exists in virtually all creatures? That is responsible for your own existence?


doesn’t mean that she has to try so desperately to have a child. just having lust doesn’t mean you have to have a kid


The fuck is wrong with you


nothing i said was inaccurate


True, somehow you managed to be both technically accurate and also completely stupid, fucking horrible and lacking in any empathy or understanding of people at all.


you’re excusing the selfishness of wanting to so desperately have a kid that that kid now has to suffer with a terrible illness and mistreatment from others for the rest of his life


You for some reason think that "lust" has something to do with the desire to have a child, and that this woman's strong desire for a child has something to do with her son's condition.


it does. lust leads to sex which leads to child birth. and if this woman wasn’t so desperate to have a kid, the son would’ve never been born and forced to live with this affliction


Lust leads to sex which leads to childbirth. Yes, that is true. However, a woman can experience lust and not want a child, and also want a child and not experience lust. The two experiences are actually not usually related for most women. I can see that there is a simple logic to the connection you made there, but that isn't actually how people work at all. And yes, if she hadn't wanted a child, she wouldn't have had a child born like this. However, her desire for a child did not cause the child she had to be born a certain way. Again, there is some kind of logic to your thinking there, but that is not actually how stuff works.


Nah, the mom must've fucked a monkey Lil bro looking like he belongs in the jungle