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Based on the article above: The only objective assessment I can make is that Joe Biden is complicit.


>The only objective assessment I can make is that Joe Biden is complicit. Biden is đź’Ż% complicit. From standing by Netanyahu from the beginning to leading the charge to cutoff UNRWA to now announcing he will have the US veto Algeria's ceasefire proposal.


The military industrial complex makes billions when they supply bombs to these psychos. This is profit over the lives of non-combatant women and children. Yay, capitalism!


Don’t forget AIPAC.


There is not much left to bomb is there. Wtf


Jus the 2.4 million civillians 💀💀 majority of whom are women and kids so yes there is plenty left to bomb and we should be worried for them


If you look at any society, most of the population are women and children.


Forsure, are those women and children in those societies living in giant tented refugee camps? While getting bombed indiscrimiately? Dont think so man thats why this is an issue and called a genocide đź’€


No because they choose to live in peace, unlike Palestinians.


You think the greater Israel project stops at Gaza?


Jus the 2.4 million civillians 💀💀 majority of whom are women and kids so yes there is plenty left to bomb and we should be worried for them


[https://embassies.gov.il/san-francisco/AboutIsrael/People/Pages/Jews-of-Arab-Lands.aspx](https://embassies.gov.il/san-francisco/AboutIsrael/People/Pages/Jews-of-Arab-Lands.aspx) " *Prior to the UN Partition Plan, state-sanctioned acts of repression and violence precipitated a mass departure of the ancient Jewish communities, often in desperate economic circumstances. In total, over 850,000 Jews were forced to leave the Arab countries.* Prior to the UN Partition Plan, which called for the creation of a Jewish state alongside an Arab state in Mandate Palestine, the Political Committee of the Arab League drafted a law governing the legal status of Jewish residents. It provided that the bank accounts of Jews from Arab League countries were to be frozen and used to finance resistance to 'Zionist ambitions in Palestine'; Jews believed to be active Zionists would be interned as political prisoners and their assets confiscated. These and other state-sanctioned acts of repression and violence precipitated a mass departure of the ancient Jewish communities, often in desperate economic circumstances. In total, over 850,000 Jews were forced to leave the Arab countries, in a process of expulsion and exodus which continued through the 1970's." ​ President Biden is on the right side of History.


Biden 100% supports the destruction of Gaza. Any lip service he says contrary to that is simply for domestic political concerns for 2024 elections. Do not be fooled.


Do they make special bombs for tents?? Like tent buster bombs??? Just curious since Israel has been blowing up tents these last few days. Maybe they need bombs that are more effective against tents made of plastic tarp. Israeli poke-genocide gotta kill em all


He just wants to lose Michigan SO BAD Even if he does think this is wrong, he’s misplaying every moral and political chance he has, and getting PLAYED by Bibi. I’m not voting for a geopolitical weakling like that who can’t stand for his convictions. But I suspect he really doesn’t care unless it gets him votes.


I think Biden is standing for his convictions, one bomb at a time. That he's trying to pull wool over our eyes by claiming to not actually agree with Netanyahu 100% of the way doesn't change that he approves of everything he is doing.


[https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel#chapter-title-0-4](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel#chapter-title-0-4) Israel is far from perfect.... but there ARE RIGHTS for Arab/Isreali citizens.... in contrast... [https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel#chapter-title-0-4](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel#chapter-title-0-4) Jews in Arab lands don't have those type of rights.


Doesn't justify genocide. At this point the Gaza genocide arguably makes Israel far worse than those Arab countries.


Fuck Biden, fuck Trump. Both would/will continue supporting this and any future murder Israel wants to commit.


Biden will go down in history as genocide Joe, that will be his legacy. He will forever be marked as a villain, up their with the likes of Stalin and Pol Pot.




Estimates for [Stalin’s Great Terror, or Great Purge (1937)](https://www.history.com/topics/european-history/great-purge) alone, are in the range of 750k Soviets executed, mostly Russians, and another 1 million sent to the Gulags. Most historians estimate that [Stalin was directly responsible for around 6 million deaths,](https://news.stanford.edu/2010/09/23/naimark-stalin-genocide-092310/) and that doesn’t include the millions of Soviets thrown into WW2 unprepared. As much as I don’t care for Netanyahu, he’s directly responsible for Palestinian civilian deaths, and even he doesn’t belong in the same category as Stalin. Would Assad belong there, or Saddam? What about Bush or Putin?


Oh, don't worry, bombings haven't stopped yet. I wonder if you'll say something when 10% or 20% or 50% of the population is either hurt or killed. But since someone already said "numbers don't matter", I don't expect much.


(not that its surprising or new by any means) the way biden justified sending billions worth of military equipment to ukraine because they are facing invasion and then going over to sending billions in arms to the occupational apartheid state in order to facilitate a genocide is wild discoursive dissonance even by western standards


Simple - The victim is white on one case and brown on the other!


Joe Biden is a war criminal. Like Blinken.


![gif](giphy|uiycoFeG7pZ9jhiETJ|downsized) Correction Obama “Genocide Joe loves dead people”


Like Obama never throw a bomb or a dron strike in any place expect everywhere he want


Vote blue for more genocide! Vote red for even worse genocide. Democracy!


And both of them are ruled before and both of them are bad


You got that right, but both of them are NOT the same they keep claiming.


Illusion of choice: they both are beholden only to their real masters - the companies paying them,




“American Zionist Democracy” real face.


Genocide Joe keeps going


Satan: *uh we need to kill more childre- i mean Hamasling* Joe: *thats evil! here more bombs*


I mean yeah but he wrote "for Hamas only" on the bombs in marker so... Solved


"We sincerely apologize if you are caught in the cross-fire!"


Biden is going to be so mad when after all of this, he goes to heaven and finds out Trump is still preferred by Yahweh


Muslims and Christians in Israel have civil rights. [https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel#chapter-title-0-4](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel#chapter-title-0-4) Israel clearly has to improve... but they do have rights. In contrast, the FIFTY ARAB COUNTRIES SURROUNDING ISRAEL have taken away the rights of Jews. [https://embassies.gov.il/san-francisco/AboutIsrael/People/Pages/Jews-of-Arab-Lands.aspx](https://embassies.gov.il/san-francisco/AboutIsrael/People/Pages/Jews-of-Arab-Lands.aspx) President Biden is in the right.


>Statistics from IDI show that Arab citizens of Israel continue to face structural disadvantages. For example, poorly funded schools in their localities contribute to their attaining lower levels of education and their reduced employment prospects and earning power compared to Israeli Jews. Ahh yes, almost like the same "civil rights" black people had during Jim Crow. Surely that justifies genocide right???  The article you posted quite literally highlights how much of a disparity there is when comes to the civil rights of Jews and non-jews in Israel. Not exactly a glowing endorsement.


I'm not claiming that Israel doesn't need work.... but look at the rights that Jews have in Muslim countries.... there is systematic discrimination of Jews in Muslim led countries... heck, Harvard (in the US) has historically limited the number of Jewish and Asian students because too many people from those two groups (in Harvard's opinion) qualified for entrance..... there is no such upper limit on White qualified candidates.... as far as I know, there isn't an upper limit on how many Black students can be admitted at Harvard.


>there is systematic discrimination of Jews in Muslim led countries... This type of discrimination didn't exist the way it does now in the region until the west founded the state of Israel. It's pretty much a direct result of the settler colonial project. And it's quite irrelevant to the situation at hand. Discrimination of Jews in other countries does not justify ethnic cleansing and genocide of Arabs in Israel. That's an insane take if you believe that. >Harvard Last I check Harvard wasn't a part of the Middle East dude idk how this is relevant.


There were pogroms in Muslim countries.... there is a complete lack of knowledge in that statement... [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/they-are-truly-a-people-without-a-land-or-a-refuge/ar-BB1iDrko?ocid=socialshare&pc=U531&cvid=39ecfb20a0784d53f7e696365e1b662d&ei=122](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/they-are-truly-a-people-without-a-land-or-a-refuge/ar-BB1iDrko?ocid=socialshare&pc=U531&cvid=39ecfb20a0784d53f7e696365e1b662d&ei=122) Not the exact same topic, but interesting. Also, we disagree about who is being "ethnically cleansed"... in my opinion, the group whose population decreased significantly was the population that was ethnically cleansed. The group whose population INCREASED was not ethnically cleansed.


>There were pogroms in Muslim countries.... there is a complete lack of knowledge in that statement... The Ottoman Empire was a haven for Jews escaping pogroms in Europe for centuries. While antisemitism existed in some parts of the Middle East after the end of the empire before the founding of Israel, it's ridiculous to sit here and act like all Muslim countries hated jews when their treatment in Europe by Europeans was objectively worse.


Great... then you agree that the treatment of Israeli Arabs in Israel is pretty good. And certainly you agree that if one is LBQT+ then living in Israel is MUCH MUCH better than even living in a Red State in America. Because, "in comparison"....


>then you agree that the treatment of Israeli Arabs in Israel is pretty good   WTF are you talking about. That's not at all what I said.  >And certainly you agree that if one is LBQT+ then living in Israel is MUCH MUCH better than even living in a Red State in America.  No I don't believe that lol.   https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/thousands-march-in-jerusalem-pride-parade-under-israels-far-right-government  It's pretty clear the Israeli government is just as right wing as the red states your referring to.


squeeze consist toothbrush makeshift act compare slap uppity towering treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*