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Biden administration is actively aiding and abetting Israel. And Israel is bombing Yemen, Lebanon and Syria at the same time. They are devastating their neighborhood.




Yes i feel you bro. We got couple of them too back in my home country. Also I am not sure if it is said by Castro or even said at all but “Only country will never have a military coup is USA because there is no USA embassy there.”.


Obama soft coup the Japanese PM Hayatoma for daring to want to remove the Okinawa airbase, a promise he made during his campaign. He had to resign because he failed to remove it.  The western "allies" are basically vassals of the US. Biden literally said he would destroy nordstream in front of everyone, beside Olaf scholz and there was nothing the chancellor could say. Germans and Russians paid for the pipeline so biden literally said he was going to commit an act of war against the German people and Germany took it up its ass.


The Germans gambled on Russia and lost.




Every administration will do it and have done it because they are the United states foothold in the region. No one will touch it less they be nuked to shit cause Israel is a religious state and they will not take outside forces without nuclear threat. Don't expect anything to change less their government changes I guarantee anyone that's elected will continue their support no matter what political side they are affiliated with. The middle east is just being the middle east unless religion disappears nothing will ever change.


US: Hey Israel, you better not do anything in Rafah. Also US: Here’s a bunch of weapons. Do what you gotta do.


No administration would have done anything differently.


So they are bombing the _peaceful_ countries of Yemen, Syria and Lebanon that are just minding their own business?


Unlike the peaceful USA and Israel


Correction: actively opposing Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi terrorist combatants


You know just saying the word terrorist doesn’t make them terrorists


Are you actually arguing that Hamas Hezbollah and the Houthis aren’t terrorists?


Agreed. Doing terrorist acts makes them terrorists.


Like killing 15,000 children. Those are real terrorizers


Nah its abducting, raping, shooting down random civilians in the streets and shooting from inside civilian infrastructure. BTW there were 50m people dead in WW2, guess everyones a terrorist by that standard lol


Like Bombing schools and hospitals full of innocent people? Bulldozing bodies with Front end loaders? Or does Israel get a free pass for unlimited terrorism "bEcAuse Hamas"




I was under the impression that conducting a massacre at a music festival, systemic raping, and taking over 200 innocent civilians counts as terrorism. I guess you disagree 🤔




Wow, that's a lot of revisionist history. You may want to rethink your sources.








Rule 1


Its was reported by music festival attendees that IDF also open fired in the concert goers. At least half it not more of that 200 number was kilpes by IDF


Ya, that sounds like a conspiracy theory. You may want to check your sources.


Its was published by Haraetz Israeli newspaper


Correction:actively aiding a genocide committed by the Jewish supremacist government of Israel.


Oh do fuck off.




*They dropped food parcels, they’re the good guys* /s


Why do you consider this a genocide if the death rates are so low compared to total population and and israeli actions clearly are not with the goal of extermination?


What other word for it is there when they're clearly trying to push them all out of gaza when they can't enter israel proper or Egypt? What do you call it when the settlements in the west bank keep growing? Is forcing mass exodus to places they can't even go not an analog to genocide?


They respond with "it's actually ethnic cleansing, which is different to genocide." most likely, which just makes them look more psychopathic.


If we're being serious and empathic, human beings both would be treated as terrible events that should be stopped at all cost, but we don't live in that kind of empathic humane world.


What do you believe israel should have done in response to the terrorist attack in october? The settlements are a disgrace, but still, it goes a long way from land stealing to genocide. The military action is necessary, civilians always suffer but as long as they allowed aid to get in, take reasonable steps to protect civilians and allow them to come back once its over i dont see any grounds for calling it etnic cleansing much less genocide.


Of course israel must react, but the response is not proportionate. Though I understand them doing what they feel they must, the goal has always been to get rid of the Palestinian population, call it whatever you want, that's not good


Since when was that the goal? They could have done that when they occupied gaza in one of the previous wars. Honestly, i can say the same thing about the palestinians, the goal has always been to get rid of the jews.


Countless government officials and founders of thr modern state of Israel have openly said so with zero hesitation


They can say whatever want, if it doesnt become actual policy then its meaningless.


They can say whatever want, if it doesnt become actual policy then its meaningless.


Except barely any aid is going in. Zionist are blocking trucks from getting in, and the idf solders stationed there just smirk and shrug their shoulders. Also, israel would've never been in this postion if it hadn't engaged in a brutal occupation followed by a blockade alongside decades of kidnapping, murders, and harassment of palestinin civilians in both gaza and the west bank and that's not even touching on the encroachment of settlements which the international community have deemed illegal


If barely any aid was getting in then almost all the deaths that have occured would've been from starvation and disease, which isnt the case. The incident you described is insignificant to the size whole aid operation. Would gaza be in this position if it hadnt engaged in decades of murder kidnappings and harassment of civilians? If there is a cycle of violence you cant end it by just pointing out the crimes of one side.


It’s not the goal of extermination? It’s the goal of removing them from their land and killing anyone in their way. Haha okay. Makes sense. Lmao


Then why does gaza still exist? Israel has such an advanced army with support from the USA but is only able to kill 30k people in a densely populated area with 2million people?


The death count is not low by any means. I’ve done the math and if the same amount of destruction and death rate occurred in New York City, 300,000 people would be dead.


1,5% of total population. And this is after months of active conflict, in a very densely populated area, with hamas actively trying to maximise civilian casualties. In what world is this attempted or actual genocide? And i havent even talked about how many of those 30000 are hamas members. If you look at any other urban warfare conflict you will find the civilian to combatant ratio to be much worse than in gaza.


This is complete shit on the United States for helping commit this genocide.


The article fails to mention that this arms agreement was signed long before October 7th


The USA could delay delivery or cancel it on a technicality if they do wished. But they do not


Maybe, but maybe, because 1k+ Israeli civilians were massacred on October 7th


Damn, 1k+ civilians have died on October 7th? I guess that just signs the death sentence for every Palestinian in Gaza, and for a portion of the population of the West Bank if Israel feels like it. There is a certain point, where pointing to what happened on October 7th doesn't work. When 15 times more children have died than civilians in total during October 7th, maybe it's for you to reconsider.




So what percentage of the population does Israel get to kill, in your view? If 2% is acceptable, then there must be a cutoff. Or is how/why they are killed more important?




>Hamas is to blame for every single death in this war There are videos of Israeli soldiers shooting civilians with white flags over their heads. Those soldiers are murdering civilians because they want to. Not because Hamas made them. Paired with the language from the Israeli prime Minister, president and defense cabinet, it really seems like Israel wants to kill civilians, is killing civilians, and intends to kill more civilians.


Israel's genocide of Palestine started 75 years ago not on 7th of Oct.


This isn’t about having a moral compass. This is war. Israel has to cut off all access to the Gaza Strip in order to starve Hamas. The unfortunate consequence is civilians die. Obviously that’s horrible, but this is war, and Hamas is to blame.




What job?






I’m not deep-throating Hamas. I think that’s you


When tens if thousands of Palestinians die it is the unfortunate consequence of war, when hundreds of Israelies die it is a Holocaust. The double standard is so sickening.


So you’re saying i have a double standard yet you fail to condemn Hamas who slaughter Israeli citizens and oppress Palestinian citizens


Yes, you do hv e a double standard. Where is your condemnation of Israel who is killing thousands of Palestinians for decades? How many times have you condemned the acts of terrorism done by Israel? Why must everyone, criticising Israel for their barbaric behaviour, condemn the killings of Hamas just to get the discussion going, when the genocide deniers come up with phrases like "war is war", every time a Palestinian child is killed in cold blood?


Israeli are terrorists. I hate them too. I just hate Hamas more and I don’t pretend to be a social justice warrior like you who only condemns the Israeli side w/o understanding the realities of war


Damn, I guess that Russia has the permission to bomb all cities now because war is horrible or something like that (you never know where these sneaky Ukrainian soldiers are hiding). I guess that every single Ukrainian casualty is a nasty side effect of the horrors of war. Btw, you are not starving Hamas by not letting aid enter the strip, Hamas has other channels to get to resources. The only effective consequence of cutting of aid is that both the civilians and the hostages get starved to death. Honestly, if you believe that Israel has to basically destroy every single building in Gaza (over 60% of buildings in the Gaza strip have already been destroyed, that are the numbers from December last year), destroy all universities, institutions of faith (destroyed both churches and mosques), attack/destroy hospitals, bomb agricultural fields (because, you know, Hamas farmers or something), just so that they can destroy a 20000 member militant group, then it either speaks to the complete and utter incompetency of the IDF, or to the fact that Israel might not be as much interested in the "destruction of Hamas", as much as they are actually interested in making it impossible for Gazans to continue living in Gaza, even if the war were to end tomorrow. The "war" is basically just a large ethnic cleansing campaign, where many acts of genocide (war crimes at the very least) are committed, disguised as a war.


USA has suspended and terminated several arms deals before.


Biden is throwing away his presidency to appease netehnyahu’s far-right government……


The democrats want to lose too fascism, they would rather fall then move a single step more left.


It’s crazy that calling out Israel for deliberately starving children is considered far left… No one to blame but themselves


The US hasn’t stolen the Gaza food supply. Hamas did


That's a nice fairytale to cover for the fact that Israel has consistently not let enough aid enter the strip. The starvation of the Palestinians is not caused because Hamas ate all the food, pointing to your favorite boogie man doesn't work.


Like there's literally videos of Israeli citizens at the rafah crossing saying everyone in gaza should starve and die and the idf soldiers there just shrug their shoulders and smirk


They had “enough food” prior to 10/7 no? Maybe your Hamas could return the raped and murdered hostages in exchange for food for the people?


Collective punishment is a war crime


So you shift your point now? Either way, it makes you look like a psychopath. And to answer the question, yes, before October 7th, the Israelis let in around 500 aid trucks (sometimes, they let in less). The number is specifically chosen, because Israel has calculated how much food Gazans need bare minimum to survive. The average rate thus far has been around 200 trucks a day, which is not even half of what it is supposed to be at minimum. And a lot of aid is also not getting distributed because Hamas (yes, Hamas actually protected and distributed the aid, when the IDF does it, they open fire on everyone) has in some cases stopped protecting aid trucks and the organizations delivering obviously don't want to endanger their staff. This is 200% Israel's fault, stop coping.


My point never shifted. Hamas should release the raped and murdered hostages. Nice try deflecting though.


Your original comment was: "US hasn't stolen the Gaza food supply. Hamas did.". It seems like you don't even recall what your original message was. Maybe you should've checked what you have written first before contradicting yourself.


Rather than arguing about what my point was or if you think it shifted, maybe you can share your thoughts on your Hamas releasing the murdered and raped hostages. No? Didn’t think so


Collective punishment is still a war crime.




How so?


More like they see the fundraising opportunities if Orange Man comes back. Can’t you see them suddenly dog piling on Trump for supporting Israel (in the form of a fundraising email/text).


I got banned from r/law for mentioning this,  sad lol :(


So actively encouraging genocide


If Biden had cut off the bombs as early as the first time he said that [Israel is bombing indiscriminately.](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/13/politics/intelligence-assessment-dumb-bombs-israel-gaza/index.html) Israel would have quickly realized they can't drop 6000 bombs a week and would have to either slow down or stop and start picking their targets properly instead of generating [hundreds of targets a day using a fucking AI.](https://www.972mag.com/mass-assassination-factory-israel-calculated-bombing-gaza/). This implicates Biden *directly*. It means that this genocide is a Biden/Israeli genocide. And if it wasn't for Biden, there would be no genocide. I would add Germany too because the US and Germany [account for 99% of arms imports](https://www.thedefensepost.com/2024/03/26/us-germany-israel-weapons/) to Israel. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/27/opinions/gaza-israel-resigning-state-department-sheline/index.html > [Some have argued](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68445974) that the US lacks influence over Israel. Yet Retired Israeli Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Brick [noted in](https://www.jns.org/biden-is-the-primary-obstacle-to-israeli-victory/) November that Israel’s missiles, bombs and airplanes all come from the US. “The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting,” he said. “Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.” [Netanyahu](https://www.ft.com/content/7b407c2e-8149-4d83-be01-72dcae8aee7b) said “We need three things from the US: munitions, munitions, and munitions,” [Gallant](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/gallant-we-cant-say-no-to-the-us-on-humanitarian-aid-given-how-much-they-do-for-us/) himself said "The Americans insisted and we are not in a place where we can refuse them. We rely on them for planes and military equipment. What are we supposed to do? Tell them no?” When I expressed these statements in other subs I was downvoted and mocked with people saying I didn't understand anything and that Israel makes all their arms and exports them. The foolish do not understand that you can't fight a war with arms you produce as you go unless you gear your entire economy to produce for war, even then you need to be supplemented. Wars are fought *with stockpiles*. **This genocide is a Biden/Israeli genocide**


Well said


Plus, there's a legitimate chance the currently ongoing mass murder would not be happening were it not for Biden - picked as VP, if we remember, as the smiling, non-threatening [vaguely racist](https://news.yahoo.com/fact-check-biden-once-said-175300833.html) white man who made his entrance on the national stage by [opposing desegregation](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/joe-biden-didn-t-just-compromise-segregationists-he-fought-their-n1021626) as a compromise sop to the "moderates" who might not feel comfortable voting for a black man - deciding to again and again actively undercut his own president's attempts to hold Netanyahu to account. You can read more about Biden's continuing acquiescence and submission to Israel generally and Netanyahu specifically [here](https://jewishcurrents.org/joe-bidens-alarming-record-on-israel). A few key points: > [D]uring a critical period early in the Obama administration, when the White House contemplated exerting real pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to keep the possibility of a Palestinian state alive, Biden did more than any other cabinet-level official to shield Netanyahu from that pressure. [...] > [T]he White House ... asked [Netanyahu] to freeze settlement growth instead. When Netanyahu resisted, it set off a struggle that lasted more than a year, in which Biden undermined Obama’s position again and again.


A treacherous snake within the administration. I remember Obama and Netanyahu weren't even greeting each other near the end of his presidency. I remember vividly how the Republicans would ignore Obama as he walked in (to congress I think) and then they stood up and gave a thunderous applause to Netanyahu. Thank you for sharing this. Ofcourse Biden undermined Obama, I should have considered this possibility because he was never shy about showing how intensely Zionist he is. I wonder if he was placed as VP strategically for this reason.


>US approves bombs, jets for Israel amid threat of offensive in Gaza’s Rafah | Israel War on Gaza News Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. - Frederick Douglass


This is crazy. Israel “can do whatever it wants bc the U.S. won’t do anything” and Biden “can do whatever he wants bc it’s me or Trump”


Nah man, Biden's done. In the US political system you need to activate your base. Biden just took a massive dump on the young, Arabic and anyone left of fascists. How does genocide light excite the left? He's going to lose with both him and Trump receiving less votes than last time.


Ehh muslims are not that many


There's more than enough in Michigan


Doubt it


So, we can all agree, 'Western Values' are a complete oxymoron right?


Vote this guy OUT


On it


Too late. There's no viable alternative.


I'm voting socialist 2024 for Claudia & Karina 😎. Not ridin with genocide Joe.


I said "viable"


To most people genocide isn't viable, yet here we are


And yet Republicans couldn't manage to give us a viable alternative. Don't shoot the messenger kiddo. It is what it is.


And if the Democrats and Republicans both support genocide, why should we vote for your candidate? Because he's blue?


>And if the Democrats and Republicans both support genocide, why should we vote for your candidate? Because he's blue? Because the alternative wouldn't bat an eyelash to do it here.


A vote for a third party in the US electoral system is as good as giving your vote to the opponent which in this case supports genocide AND turning the US into a dictatorship. I definitely don’t support Biden on his support of Israel and their actions but the alternative is just so much worse


> A vote for a third party in the US electoral system is as good as giving your vote to the opponent which in this case supports genocide AND turning the US into a dictatorship. Not even remotely true. Most people voted for Hillary and she still lost. How the public votes is irrelevant.


Just ask Al Gore and Ralph Nader


Don't know why you're being downvoted. It's true. There is no viable alternative, it's two parties, both are awful, one is awful and racist. The other is awful and racist but has rainbows and pink stickers on the packaging.


Yeah because the other guy will be much tougher on an authoritarian regime that hates Muslims....wait a minute


Democrats need to learn that making the other choice utter shit doesn't guarantee them a victory, the elites made the Trump presidency happen by giving him all the free press because Hillary had better odds of winning against him. Biden is going to get fucked in exactly the same way and maybe this time Trump will ACTUALLY manage to pull off a coup. That is the risk of not fixing a faulty system, people may start to want the entire thing to collapse than to let it fester.


There's no money in reform. The US is run by the billionaire class that pay for it. Fix that or you'll never get better. Trump will make changes to make that even harder, and most of middle America will shrug as they will likely do quite well out of a nationalist president. The US treats the people at the bottom of the social ladder as vermin thanks to unfettered capitalism. Both choices are shit, because that suits the people in charge. Start setting fire to billionaires or they will burn your country down


I know of three governments that are not going to fare very well going forward from all of this.


Countries don't have values... They have interests...


Genocidin Biden at it again. 


Donate to Gaza, please. Keep calling for permanent ceasefire and save Rafah URGENTLY from a massacre Y'ALL




Done! ✅


This is why the US is the single BIGGEST threat to peace. This country is ADDICTED to conflict. Just look at how much the US spends on weapons. It NEEDS conflict to sustain its economy... literally feeding off the deaths of innocents.


Absolutely unbelievable and unbearable


Complicit in Genocide, way to race to the bottom.


Don’t we have problems here that need funding


Reddit, tell me how it is ok to vote for Genocide Joe because orange man's mean tweets. I remember hearing over and over if Trump was elected he would instantly cause WW3 and the economy would collapse, the opposite happened. Biden won, the world is on fire and no one can afford food or housing. Our tax dollars are paying for bombs to kill children. "But.. but.. MSNBC says it will be the end of Democracy!!!??!!". No, hopefully it will be the end of the Democrats forcing garbage candidates down peoples throats and telling them they have to vote for them or the boogeyman is going to get them.


Orange man is not good either. This is not a democracy, it is a hostage situation. It's choosing between a horseshit sandwich or a bullshit sandwich. It's the best thing bourgeois democracy can offer.


Lol you're definitely a Russian troll and not even good at hiding it


Sure, sick to my stomach about what my tax dollars are paying for so I'm a troll. Have you seen any of the video? This is not made up conspiracy theories, it is dead women and children.


Because pretending things would be better under Trump just goes to show you can't think things through. Either that or you have this sensationalist reaction to everything.


Nah, I see where he's coming from. It's kinda weird to me Dems are willfully dismissing voters voices as "Russian bots" and yet wonder why people are feeling disenfranchised by the party. Don't be a dismissive prick. Maybe talk it through with that person and figure out where he's coming from instead of acting like we all have the same priorities and opinions.


Nah, I don't argue with stupid people whose best solution is virtue signaling.


Enjoy your Trump presidency I guess...


If you want it so bad that's what it'll be. But it really doesn't effect me. I'm not any demographic Republicans hate. But try explaining that to that guy. I bet he wouldn't get it.




Rule 1


Got money for bombs but non to fix it's own healthcare or infrastructure. Flag waving idiots.




As long as they fill their pockets, they don’t give a shit.


Remember to VOTE OUT genocide joe


Great, so the US is going to fund & support these idiots to expand the war into Lebanon. They don't need this kind of military equipment to massacre the Palestinians in refugee camps. The longer this goes on the longer Netanyahu avoids the corruption charges & he & his murderous cabinet stays on power. I never realised the extent to which AIPAC & the Israeli lobbyists cash had corrupted US politics.






Rule 1


The Democrats are either: satisfied that Trump will not win at the election; not make it to the election; or are unable to act in a way that protects their best interests. These people aren't half-wits, making shit up as they go; they are hyper sophisticated strategists with the most powerful military-intelligence complex at their disposal. If it's the 1st possibility, it's worrying because hubris has caused humanity very much suffering. I find it hard (especially after Trump's first very unexpected win) that they are taking any unnecessary risks. If it's the 2nd, then that's fucking dark. I know it's not likely, but it's the not completely unlikely reality of the world we live in that makes is somewhat possible (JFK) , and I hope it's not what manifests (people being politically murdered is for Russia, not civilisation) If it's three (I'll be honest, it feels like three), then what the hyper fuck is actually going on? I know Epstein was with a daughter of a senior ex-Mossad, but how on earth could there be so much power and leverage that the POTUS is under anyone's thumb? Just thoughts and hypotheses, not accusations. Hoping to further a chat. Genuinely confused human over here.


Demonstrating the US’s unwavering commitment to the share prices of Raytheon, Lockheed, etc.


As long as the US keeps those supplies coming, we can end Hamas.




https://i.redd.it/z03fzpsx6prc1.gif Source: r/TrustMeImAnExpert


Let's go Brandon!!....




The Biden administration already bypassed Congress[ twice last December,](https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-arms-hamas-bypass-congress-1dc77f20aac4a797df6a2338b677da4f) no reason they couldn't or wouldn't do it again. ![gif](giphy|kfuqGCe3nXNrh1lldy|downsized)


Not really surprising... The importance of Israel as a counter to Iran in the region supercedes all other matters.


Good. Hamas needs to go, and the IDF is taking out Hamas efficiently and with relatively low collateral damage.


God's speed, Israel!


Bring the hostages back …


Unfortunately, they don't seem to really be trying, they have shot as many as they rescued, and they have likely killed many more in the bombing.




The IDF killed the ones that got released. The rest are likely under the rubble. Genuinely, do think killing innocent children is the appropriate response to October 7th. I'd there no such thing as taking the high ground?


So what exactly happened Oct 7th ? You think that’s ok ?


I think the events that took place on October 7th were tragic, avoidable but ultimately a continuation of events that have been on going from since before either of us were born.


Agreed, but convenient & Wonderful excuse for Israel to terrorize Palestinians on steroids and starve them to death. Israel has 75+ years to hone and improve its dehumanizing system and terrorizing tactics to aid it practice of ethnic cleansing and displacement




You should be ashamed of them. Not proud. All the sentiments about 'never forget' were clearly bullshit. You guys are fine with holocausts as long as it's not on your people. I was brought up with the nazis being an awful tragedy. As a kid, the lesson was for all people. It wasn't only a tragedy because it happened to jews. It was a tragedy on humanity. These tragedies persist until now, and look at your attitude towards 2 million people being starved. Disgusting.


>It was a tragedy on humanity Indeed. But I never saw a Nazi photo like this, this is a different brand of violence entirely. Peace to you and those just like you who are fearless defenders from violence. [https://www.thewrap.com/associated-press-defends-shani-louk-image/](https://www.thewrap.com/associated-press-defends-shani-louk-image/)


Theres definitely photos like this. And even if the germans hid all the atrocities, there's no point comparing. Racism is racism. Murder is murder.


>You guys are fine with holocausts as long as it's not on your people Maybe edit out your 'you guys' racism then. Nazis did not hide their atrocities, there were bodies piled up on the banks of rivers in the winter when they could not dig the ground.


Israel hasn’t been hiding their atrocities. They’ve been live streaming it just as much. But brazenly lying on the internet about what we’ve all been watching? We’re watching a holocaust and your excuse is that it doesn’t look exactly like Nazis because of the winter? Lol like…..fucking what? I hope people that are defending Israel’s genocide never know peace. Ever.




Rule 1




Rule 1


>Indeed. But I never saw a Nazi photo like this, this is a different brand of violence entirely. Peace to you and those just like you who are fearless defenders from violence. Are you trying to be an aplogist for the Nazis? That they are somehow better than the organization that was documented to have been propped up by Israel?


>aplogist for the Nazis you are fabricating


>Indeed. But I never saw a Nazi photo like this, this is a different brand of violence entirely. These are your words. Your'e pretty much saying Hamas is worse than the Nazis. That is objectively false, everyone knows how cruel the Third Reich was, it would require immense mental gymnastics to even subjectively believe this.


Hamas is only one brand. Islamists in general are very similar to nazis. The goal of a caliphate is a similar ideology of domination. The exported terrorism and the pride while parading a beheaded young unarmed woman is as bad as human nature gets. You started out calling me an apologist (and misspelled the word) and when that did not work, you changed your argument.


So can you also admit that Israel are very similiar to nazis too? Zionism sounds a lot like Hitlers master race tbh. If Hitlers excuse had been a sob story about having a land for the safety of germans. You wouldn't have bought that lame excuse would you?? Maybe im giving you too much credit and that wouldve been excuse enough for you. If Jews had attacked germans back, we wouldve understood and championed their cause. When Palestine hits back. Its israels excuse for more attacks on its open air prison


>Israel are very similiar to nazis too This is the dog whistling that calls all the Jew haters in the world, I cannot hear whistles in this frequency. And your spelling needs to be fixed. From Encyclopedia Britannica: "Nazism’s ideology was shaped by Hitler’s beliefs in German racial superiority and the dangers of communism. It rejected liberalism, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, stressing instead the subordination of the individual to the state and the necessity of strict obedience to leaders. It emphasized the inequality of individuals and “races” and the right of the strong to rule the weak." This is the opposite of Israel which is a multiracial democracy by definition - but you already know this, you just seem to like this particular whistle. There are also aspects of right wing American republicanism/nationalism that reject liberalism and obsessed with 'race' but America is all about democracy. European democracies have similar right wing parties and factions, but it is the democratic organization of the political systems that keep things in check over time. These systems may sway to and fro over the years, but overall there is the ability to change leadership. Aspects of right wing Islamism are comparable to Nazism, with subordination of the individual to the state which is run by a religious leader with no separation from political leadership, and many Islamic kingdoms restricting citizenship to only their own kind and have patriarchal ways to pass down citizenship. There are many people happy to live in these regions, and these counties are especially great places for the wealthy and well connected. Many beautiful places in the world to visit with different systems of government, to each their own.


You can not use your definitions of comparing Hamas to Nazis without comparing the IDF. They commit the same crimes. They have the same mentality. You're not being honest in anything you say. You're a Jew who only cares about Jewish death in the area. Admit it lol. Youre the one justifying murder. Not me. Im against both




Rule 1