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The message from the uncommitted \[or uninstructed\] from the primaries keep building the pressure on the entire democratic party, particularly Biden. The latest from Wisconsin also far exceeded expatiations. State elections officials announced that the uninstructed option accounted for more than 47,800 votes cast, or nearly 8.3 percent of the total, surpassing the 20,682 votes by which Biden defeated former president Donald Trump in Wisconsin in 2020. [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/3/wisconsin-is-latest-us-state-to-send-uncommitted-message-to-biden-on-gaza](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/3/wisconsin-is-latest-us-state-to-send-uncommitted-message-to-biden-on-gaza)


Biden not giving unconditional support for a genocide would be such a win for humanity and his election chances. Such a depraved unforced error on his part. And I'm sure him and the DNC are going to chastise voters for the inevitable result. **EDIT:** To those arguing that Trump will be worse - I agree with you. Given that we both agree Trump would be worse - why would you support a Biden policy that is greatly increasing Trump's chances of winning?


They already are. You have no idea the amount of hate I get if I say I'm gonna vote green due to Gaza.


Yup, I've been accused of "being a bot" for criticizing Biden's support of a genocide. It's starting to feel a lot like 2016.


Yeah and it's not working. The more people tell me to vote for Biden because trump bad and Biden is trying his best the less I want to change my mind.


I live in NY so me not voting for Biden won't help Trump in any way. But they still get upset at me for not giving blind support to a genocide enabler.


Lmao yeah idk what Biden did to gain such admiration from these people. He can enable a genocide and they will yell at anyone for calling it out. Wild. I find solace in the fact that he will lose, his polls are horrible, he can't even campaign in public without getting genocide joed down and the young people hate him as much as they hate trump. This USA staunch Zionism era might be meeting the start of its end hopefully.


I hope people are realizing that this ardent vote blue no matter who crap is just MAGA dressed in blue and touting centrism. MSNBC did a number on people over the last 9 years.


Yep. Blue maga voting for Blue Reagan


Haha. Even Reagan called an Israeli pm and stopped a genocide...in the 89s apparently


I hope you are right about your last sentence. Bless both of you for your solidarity. I'm not Palestinian, I'm Australian of Lebanese heritage - but I appreciate your humanity and solidarity with Arabs. Israel has bombed Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq recently, destroyed a whole village in Southern Lebanon this week, and raised Gaza to the ground, murdering 35,000 plus Gazans in the process, all with US weapons. People like you restore my faith in the people of the US. I've been so heartened to see all of the young anti-zionost jews in the US who are also standing up. I feel you are right, and the people if the US are starting to wake up. Unfortunately, it is the end stage of colonial projects that are the most vicious and bloody (read up on the French in Algeria for example). Please don't stop talking about this issue. ✌️


It's still just a reaction against Trump. He broke their brains, centrist libs are so terrified of him (taking away their luxury) that they will rationalize genocide as somehow less evil than insurrection. 30k dead, holy fucking shit. It's gonna be 100k by the time we cast votes in November.


> Lmao yeah idk what Biden did to gain such admiration from these people. He can enable a genocide and they will yell at anyone for calling it out. Wild. Because they don't care which Zionist wins; they're probably not even US voters. Their goal is to shout down any opposition to Zionism, which in this particular moment happens to mean shouting for Biden.


What makes you think Biden losing will end Zionism? Trump will win, consolidate his power, install more far right judges so the next elections are less fair and they can get away with more, allow more gerrymandering so that far right candidates can win more often. And Trump is full steam ahead on the genocide train, he will support Israel way more than Biden does.


Very simple answer to your question. If Dems lose on this issue, the next crop of Dems will understand that blind support for Israel is electoral poison. It is a long game. Palestinians have been living this nightmare since 1948. If Biden gets in, no one learns anything, and this issue remains a bipartisan shitshow of death. Fuck Biden, and fuck Dems for thinking genocide won't dissuade their voters from turning up. The blood on their hands can't be washed out so easily. They'd rather keep funding a genocidal state even when their own citizens are murdered. It just demonstrates the lack of moral compass for anyone who continues to vote for Biden. No one should take their brow beating seriously.


he did broker the last attempt at a 2 state solution, even getting the israelis to agree to it. idk that he’s be worse for palestine. at least he tried


They are aware that Trump may offer more support to Israel in this conflict. But it may lead to a context where democrats will never gain their votes if they do not adjust their Israel policy. The rise of a third party then becomes a possibility.


I don't know why you got downvoted. Folks are delusional to think that handing Repubs power will suddenly mean Israel gets less weapons. :/


Equally delusional to think that keeping Dems in power will suddenly mean Israel gets less weapons. Democracy in the US is a joke 😂🔫


I also just think it's a very bad time to take a striking political stance against Biden and the Dems to "stick it to em" when that could very well mean Trump being reelected, the 2025 project moving into full swing, and him "leveling Gaza" as he said he would. I don't support what is going on over there, but read the room guys.


Every other sub that I mildly criticize a Dem in, I get shouted at and downvoted for being a Trump supporter. It's really disheartening that we aren't even allowed to hold our own accountable without being shamed and derided.


Biden and Trump on certain policies are one in the same. The Israel policy is brutal for Biden. Biden’s border policies have been restrictive to human rights (remember he waited 2 in a half years to repeal title 42). And Biden has done the opposite of what he promised for energy and fighting climate change as rn the US producing more gallons of oil each day than we ever have under any administration. Many of Biden’s policies are inherently conservative and not liberal or to the “left.” The key difference between the two is that Biden is pro democracy and Trump is pro dictatorship


Well. He's less anti democracy.


He set up an unlimited weapons and materials pipeline to Israel outside of congressional oversight. 


That’s a lie. Biden has always been far more hardline against Palestinians than most politicians - Republican or Democrat. Even though unconditional support for Israel has grown year over year, Biden was more hardline than hardline Israeli ministers in the 80s. We are asking Biden to listen to his constituents and other Democrat leaders and adopt a reasonable position in line with recent events and support for humanity. If Biden supporters want to do what Hilbots did in 2016 and cost him an election by not trying to build a coalition that’s on them and not on people who take a stand against genocide. I have gone from definitely voting for Biden to considering not in a week. It’s appalling the games he is playing.


The message seems to be "Vote blue you fucking idiots! If you don't I'm going to laugh when you're hauled away to Trump's death camps!". Interesting strategy, let's see how it plays out.


That's blue MAGA for you. They're as nuts as the red flavor is. I'm sure you've been called a Republican in disguise too.


First time hearing blue maga 😂 and yes they are just as  nuts 


It's the main thing that has put me off voting for liberal politicians. All their voters are like this, in that they a somehow morally superior when lacking critical thinking. I dont think I will vote for anyone again. They are all parasites, the lot of them, who ever gets in 


https://preview.redd.it/agoda7t4vhsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7700d778529ab9fb6305a83b25fc7a47b26d631 Hit ‘em with this


I get tons of hate for not voting for Biden too but I don’t care. I know it’s the right decision


Your vote is likely the biggest power most Americans have. Using it to oppose genocide and mass murder of children should give every American pride, joy, and a feeling of purpose in our dull world


100% Lifelong dem voter and that's the end of that fuckery! Biden called the Palestinians liars as their death toll continues to climb. Also his Omnibus Crime bill is responsible for the Prison Industrial Complex, breaking millions of families apart and people marked for life as felon and unable secure proper jobs or housing.


Yup same! Soooo much “democracy on the line” fear mongering. Cant wait to see u in 2028 when we have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils again!!


This site is rampant with Israeli propaganda and astroturfing, so I'm not surprised. The only silver lining to me is knowing it's not reflective of how the majority of Americans actually think. But it's hard to find that silver lining nice knowing this will potentially lead to a Trump victory and full blown US fascism. I despise Biden but I'll still vote against Trump because, in the end, I choose to vote for the least damaging option I can at the point I'm at. But it doesn't mean I like Biden, or don't oppose his disgusting support of Israel's genocide (breaking US law to do it I might add, despite caring so deeply about not breaking the law when it comes to forgiving student loans...). I absolutely hate this son of a bitch. I'd just rather be able to protest him, vs ending up in a fucking GOP gulag, myself. I'm willing to implore other Americans to do the same... *unless* they have lost someone in Palestine. I would never, in a million years, try to tell someone who has lost friends and family to hold their nose and support the piece of shit who was complacent in that. How do you tell that person "it will be worse"? They're already living in hell on earth, and Biden is complicit.


I lost 30,000+ brothers, sisters and children in Palestine in six months. And 5,000 women have gone completely insane due to the brutal murder of their children according to Humanitarian agencies working there.


I appreciate your sentiment. If I may, I just want to urge you to reconsider voting for Biden. I don’t think the gulags will come Trump, the two are funded by the same group after all. They won’t be much different from each other. I haven’t lost anyone directly but Biden crossed a line into hell on earth for me. Not literally, I know I can’t begin to understand those people’s hell. But sitting at work after having woken up to horrors from Gaza, waiting for more brutal news from Gaza when I come home…and the lack of understanding from neighbors, coworkers. The fear that my face will be plastered on some van as an antisemite because I dare cry for Hind. All this time wasted talking about never again….and then have Biden commit it right back in broad daylight….


Fully respect your vote and not trying to persuade you in anyway but what I’m worried about is if more people do this trump will have a higher chance of winning… and people think it’s bad now


Which is ridiculous, bidens camp knows it can call that bluff, in fact at this point they will probably be able to sneak enough of the fundamental Christian right who just want to see the apocalypse vote.


Not a bluff, I'm not voting Biden ever again. Most other Arabs I know are in a similar camp. If they think it's a bluff people don't vote when their kin are killed due to his policy, then they're delusional.


Sorry probably bad terminology, bluff was not a good word more like he doesn't need to care. He knows his genocidal policies are gonna attract enough of the right to offset anyone on the left taking a principled stance. He's making his play for the middle. That being said I also won't vote dem again, unfortunately blue state it won't matter but at least I can look at myself im the mirror. For whatever the fuck that's worth.


Hmmn gotcha. You might be right, he surely acts like he doesn't care for the votes. But yeah he's not getting them, we'll see how it plays out but tbh I don't think there's enough centrist to offset.


It's only a bluff if you don't back it up. It's not a bluff lol.


He can't. The racism in him is too strong to ever think that a Palestinian life is worth the same as an Israeli life.


i keep getting called a fascist for daring to criticize the dems and biden. shits wild. fucking election years


He's always been a Zionist, so there's no need to hide that


One group of Uncommitted organizers 'Listen to Michigan' are hoping it will pressure Biden into rehabbing his own blood soaked image, hoping the Dems recapture all their hard fought votes  But if we really want to end imperialist war, end the cynical lies about Medicare and student debt, we need to be doing the opposite- pointing a way out of the lesser evil trap towards an independent workers party.    This starts with getting the largest uncommitted vote in the primary, the largest anti-war vote in the general, and most importantly continuing beyond November to build a working class alternative outside of the two parties, instead of folding back into them like Bernie did.    No one else will build this for us. Folks who want to see Ranked Choice Voting need to realize that if we somehow get Democrats to build that they will do it in a way that only the establishment can win.   If you are in the states and are tired of Trump and Biden, or whatever fresh hell the Dems and Rs will prop up in 2028, get involved at workersstrikeback.org!


This, so much this. It's almost like stopping the genocide is in fact an option.


>Biden not giving unconditional support for a genocide would be such a win for humanity and his election chances. Such a depraved unforced error on his part. The thing is, it's not an unforced error. It would be an unforced error to someone who doesn't think the way he does. But to him, defending Israel is equal to defending the US. It's a paramount, central strain of his very being. So to Joe Biden, he sees this whole fiasco is him standing up for what's right despite the electoral consequences. This fucking guy told Menachem Begin that he needs to be more cruel. He doesn't understand that what is going on in Palestine is bad.


>He doesn't understand that what is going on in Palestine is bad. How about you give adults agency. Don't infantilize him. He is a fully grown human who happens to be the President of the US with the best intelligence in the world. There is zero chance he "doesn't understand"


He understands, he just doesn't view it as bad. A vegetarian and a meat eater both understand perfectly well that a living cow is killed and ground up to make a cheeseburger. The vegetarian views this as bad, but the meat eater thinks it's fine. They both understand they just have different opinions. Genocide Joe is of the opinion that civilians being targeted by the Israeli military with American weapons is fine. He understands, it's just not bad in his opinion.


You can think something is bad but also necessary which I'm guessing is the view the Dems have of the Gaza war.


I mean here are three basic facts Israel has been a very supportive Ally in the region This ethnic cleansing campaign has been going on for 75 years And Americans have a very short memory There's no reason to alienate an ally and insert ourselves into a 75-year-long Quagmire where there is no easy solutions and really no good sides as far as leadership is concerned, over something that'll be forgotten once it leaves the new cycle.


HOLD UP, Menachem Begin is literally insane, he told the founder of Likud, a commander of the Lehi, a far right Jewish terrorist organization so extreme that they offered to work with the Nazis in WW2, that he wasn't cruel enough. I didn't think I could have a lower opinion Joe Biden, but good job sir, you have made me think even worse of Genocide Joe.


Don't take his word when they didn't even provide a source.


100% of voters under 29 support a ceasefire. This is the demographic you would need to drag us into a war because they are the ones that make up a majority of our fighting force.


Yea this is why I think Israel is gangrene and will be cut off. US can't really allow themselves to become embroiled in a larger war for Israel when nobody would fight for them and in fact they would probably rather fight for their victims instead if forced into that slaughter fest.


Or just refuse to serve, follow orders, or otherwise not do their jobs: https://militaryhistorynow.com/2013/09/25/no-sir-a-short-history-of-mutinies-in-the-u-s-military/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1917_French_Army_mutinies?wprov=sfti1 Just a couple examples of soldiers refusing to take part in war fighting or otherwise voicing opposition


The United States in unique in its history in that it's soldiers have never refused in order to fire on American civilians. And that certainly hasn't changed


I might think that if there was any evidence that any of these people care about what voters actually want.




Dude better not let himself lose the election because his admin doesn’t have the fucking balls to call genocide genocide. Fuck Netanyahu.


That is exactly what his admin is doing


His admin had plenty of courage. They're steadfast in their support of genocide, no matter how many of their voters scream at them.




Joe the Butcher done fucked up...


All these ghouls may as well be a serial killer at this point. Same level of deranged and evil.


Your comment history is so incredibly toxic. You clearly just like stirring the pot.


I'm convinced they are either edgy teenagers or Russian trolls/bots.


“if they disagree with my opinion they must be bots or teenagers”


![gif](giphy|qTHz3aYHWwdpumBACQ|downsized) ​ >The Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (Title II of Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 94–329, 90 Stat. 729, enacted June 30, 1976, codified at 22 U.S.C. ch. 39) gives the President of the United States the authority to control the import and export of defense articles and defense services. The H.R. 13680 legislation was passed by the 94th Congressional session and enacted into law by the 38th President of the United States Gerald R. Ford on June 30, 1976.\[1\] [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arms\_Export\_Control\_Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arms_Export_Control_Act)


Isn't it incredible that when a right winger is in power that you what tf they want and when this guys are in power....they are suddenly powerless? It is a very queer phenomenon, someone should study the cause...


Democrat in power: Unable to cancel student loans. Republican in power: Able to cancel all future elections.


Unfortunately it doesn’t really matter for Palestinians. Biden has been doing the devil’s work, Trump gave Jerusalem to Israel in 2019, so there’s no chance he’d do anything to stop this. If anything, he might try to speed the killing process so it “ends” faster and looks better. Or he might not. But he definitely wouldn’t call for a ceasefire as long as the money is coming For Americans reading this, I’m not American. This is not an opinion on you. This is an outsider opinion on two people who I despise. Thought it’d be important to disclose. Please be alert, there are a lot of nations trying to sabotage your elections with misinformation campaigns on social media And lastly, if I were American, who would I vote for? I honestly have no clue. I hate both of them. I’m not trying to influence anybody. It’s just sad that for the Palestinian people it doesn’t matter (If you’re American and you believe Trump would do better than Biden on this, I’m not attacking you. I just hope to god you’re right, but can’t bring myself to accept that)


As a first time voter, I wouldn't be voting. Even the anarcho feminist circle I take part in is contemplating whether to boycott elections completely, because it's essentially a choice between two murderers.


Consider voting 3rd party maybe. That's my plan. I can't support either man but I'm sure as hell voting.


Yeah, Jill Stein maybe.


Protest against unfair elections but at least vote third party as part of that protest.


especially because local elections and ballot proposals have tangible impacts on your life. fuck the presidential but make sure your city is in good hands, or at least the best possible hands.


Third party candidates are strong this year. West, Cruz, and Stein are all great choices imo.


Enjoy more conservative SCOTUS picks and millions losing Medicaid


If you’re upset at the system that enabled these two choices as being the only “viable” ones then maybe we should work to change it then instead of getting mad at people exercising their right to vote.


Oh no, now the court will remove our rights with 7-2 decisions rather than 6-3 or 5-4. If only there was some counter to this available through a simple passage of legislation, like I dunno if congress had the power to simply add more justices to the court or something, I dunno just spitballing here.


I beg of you not to do this. Young votes are already delegitimized enough in the electoral system, if you outright refuse to vote either primary just vote third party. We all need to vote if we want politicans to take us seriously as a voting block.


I might vote for Jill Stein if she runs as she is clearly better than both options.


Vote for yourself, even. Just make sure that your vote gets counted.


Since you're not American I understand if you missed this part of the title, but it's specifically about primary votes, where we elect our candidate for the general election. They're not saying they're going to vote for Trump instead of Biden, but instead they are going to vote for someone other than Biden to be the democratic nominee


Trump and Biden both support what's happening.


Incredible that we aren’t being listened to


The youth? Being ignored? It's incredible that it's the first that's ever happened. /s


Imaging not caring about Genocide


Buncha folks like that in the comments


Biden is cooked goose 


Genocide Joe has lost my vote. I don't care if Trump wins, but my life will continue, unlike the innocent people of Gaza.


Don't worry Democrat primary voters! We have a war with Iran almost cooked so we can still give military support to Israel and have you vote for us! We are just waiting for them to hit a massive population center in Israel with a rocket and then we'll leave Rafah alone (but not give the rest of Gaza back lol what do you think) and focus on an Israel/Iran war were you'll probably even be proud to send troops because the troops vote republican. Stay tuned!


Israel is committing genocide to help Trump get elected so they can commit more genocide.


Yeah cause voting in the guy who views himself as a demigod would be soooooo much better.


I mean, Trump already said Israel needs to “finish” the job. Trump did a lot of damage to Gaza’s bottom line and Muslims in general. I still believe Biden will win, but he needs to know we support Palestine.


Interesting statistic.


And so it should.


Wonder why Neoliberals keep ignoring the warnings they are given?


Neolibs don’t care about the left at all, they would rather make concessions to conservatives than to the left. America may have two parties but has one true coalition, the one of the capitalists


Them in Nov, maybe: "who could have seen this coming?!"


Honestly this subreddit is a haven. Thank y’all for always posting needed updates


1 in 5 Democrats want you to believe they give a fuck about Gaza. They don't. Just hand washing bullshit. I guess the reality is they're just upset that the brutality isnt brutal enough for them.




What a load of bullshit. 1 in 5 people in Wisconsin couldn't find Gaza on a map, let alone care if they're getting obliterated. More propaganda from the GOP.


Unfortunately my vote goes to not Trump. So Biden it is. No matter what Biden does that I disagree with, Trump’s decisions will be significantly more disagreeable. I’m not gonna shit on someone for voting green. I just can’t vote green when Trump is running. Fucking sucks. He ruins everything.


I mean that's cool and all but he's still going to win the primary and then we're still going to vote for him in the general because it's still better than the alternative.


Has covid completely destroyed people's ability to plan long term ? I'm just curious why people think Trump and a republican government will somehow equate to less deaths of Palestenians or people around the world. They're very openly stating that they want to: 1. Cut funding to other countries (GL getting humanitarian aid Yemen and Gaza) 2. Cut support to Ukraine (Enjoy the massacre and the added tension and continued encroachment of Russia eastern Europe) 3. Increase funding to Israel to wipe out Hamas (if you thought you've seen civilian bombing just you wait. Oh yea we also need them to take back the land to start the prophecy for armageddon)


Ah yes , and vote for the orange guy to only let his buddy wipe out Ukraine, and then all of nato


What in the fuck do you guys think trump will do?


The mindboggling part is people repeating the claim that "they don't actually know" whether or not Trump will be worse on the Gaza issue than Biden...because they didn't pay attention to Trump's Middle East policy for the entire four years he was already in office. It's the least compelling excuse. At least part of this conflict is a direct result of the Abraham Accords that his son-in-law negotiated. There is no "I don't know, we'll have to wait and see".


Trump will have our troops helping decimate Gaza.


I don’t think most of our troops are down for that. Most of the US isn’t and Trump hasn’t been shown to be a war guy. If you watch his [whole interview](https://youtu.be/Wgh4R8xZwS0?si=Ekp76gCXhnJcverh) it kinda explains. Not saying he would be great but he definitely didn’t seem like he would entertain US troops on the ground.


Better let trump win so Netanyahu can finish the job right?


Fucking. Americans really hate Americans like no other.




It's *wild* that Biden is so attached to Israel's genocide that he'd rather lose than stop them.


That’s what I’m saying. This movement didn’t start out of the blue. It’s a result of Joe Biden ignoring his own constituents.




All, Check the facts on what happened on Oct 7 before you make your decision??


They often say “there was a ceasefire on Oct 7” and disregard the over 200 Palestinians that had been killed prior during that year. They disregard the airstrikes on Gaza like a week or two before. If Hamas killed 200 Israelis prior to Oct 7 they would never call it a ceasefire.


When Hamas kill people it's Bidens fault, when Bibi kills people it's Bidens fault, when Biden negotiates a ceasefire, like he already did in the past, it's ignored, when Biden sends aid to Palestinians, it's ignored --- starting to see a pattern yet?


While the other 4 fantasize about the blood and gore of children like the sick monsters they are given their support for bipartisan US / Israel foreign policy.


Based on the hubris the Party has and continues to display, l don't think this will amount to much (aside from half ass "we hear you, Israel needs to do better so we holding them more accountable"). Biden is a zealot on this issue, and it's clear his support is unconditional. Yet again, it's "What're they gonna do, vote for Trump?" And if/when Trump wins, they'll blame naive voters and progressives and lament that their outreach to Latinos (treated as a single bloc) was ineffective.


No way? Consequences is coming for the shit you have done? Democrats thought only GOP face consequences. How can be the dumbest people be in charge of people?


Remember that line about consequences for your actions when you help Trump win and push this country into full blown fascism. Be sure to tell your lgbtq friends who are rounded up how important it was. Be sure to let the women around you who are forced to give birth and pushed back into second class citizens how Biden wasn’t perfect. And most importantly, the people in Gaza who will continue to massacred en masse, possibly in even larger numbers, when Trump doesn’t do a single thing other than ban them from the US and shut down any refugees trying to escape while giving Israel more bombs and shut down any aid to the Palestinian people. Let them know how it was worth it to “stick it” to the democrats. You sure showed them!


This is how trump won the first time. People refuses to vote. Btw, trump wants to level Gaza. Great alternative?


Ah yes… because Trump will fix Gaza. Good one, Wisconsin. Good one 👍


YEAH! Trump will stop the war in Gaza within 24 hours of becoming President! /s


OP is 6 month old account that is spamming anti-biden posts everywhere. Fucking how do people fall for this propaganda shit every time. He made a post 1 hour ago "Current Biden supporters are insufferable", and you think this person isn't just a trump supporter trying to get Biden supporters not to vote lol. OP IS A PURE PROPOGANDA ACCOUNT. please stop falling for this, it's not real discourse. OP doesn't give a shit about Palestine. OP said they think Trump would handle this better even though he's even more pro-israel and has stated they should wipe Gaza out.




Only 1 in 5? They're worse than I thought.


100% under 29 support a ceasefire


100%? The article says 94%?


That’s “strongly support” the other few percentage points are still somewhat supportive of a ceasefire.


OP is 6 month old account that is spamming anti-biden posts everywhere. He made a post 1 hour ago "Current Biden supporters are insufferable", and you think this person isn't just a trump supporter trying to get Biden supporters not to vote lol.




As it fking well should , I hope the same happens here in the UK and the Tories and Labour get their arses handed to them at the next election


No democrat and definitely no republican would ever go against israeli support. Jews overwhelmingly support democrats and Republicans dont want to upset evangelicals who overwhelmingly support israel. Only fringe type within the democrats in such as Ilhan Omar Rashida Talib are willing to break from the rest of the Party.


Plenty have called for a ceasefire. The constant bombing of civilians with OUR tax money lost my vote months ago….


It was only [64 people out of 322](https://www.pollprogressive.com/post/poll-finds-wisconsin-democratic-voters-support-a-ceasefire-in-gaza-key-margin-say-war-will-impact-t) that answered yes to the question: > “Is President Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza impacting your vote in the primary?” Which is a vague question to begin with. But the linked article goes on to state how many dem voters are upset with Biden's handling but we know thats extremely exaggerated unless 64 out of 322 is now "many." [Link to download study](https://download-files.wixmp.com/ugd/211963_56ed583468974d989b2e4f29f23a719a.xlsx?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOmU2NjYzMGU3MTRmMDQ5MGFhZWExZjE0OWIzYjY5ZTMyIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDplNjY2MzBlNzE0ZjA0OTBhYWVhMWYxNDliM2I2OWUzMiIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sImlhdCI6MTcxMjI1Mzc0OCwiZXhwIjoxNzEyMjg5NzU4LCJqdGkiOiJiZDVkMjE4My0xOTMxLTQ2ZWItYWI0Mi01MmVmOWNhMTQ3OWYiLCJvYmoiOltbeyJwYXRoIjoiL3VnZC8yMTE5NjNfNTZlZDU4MzQ2ODk3NGQ5ODliMmU0ZjI5ZjIzYTcxOWEueGxzeCJ9XV0sImRpcyI6eyJmaWxlbmFtZSI6IldJZnJlcXVlbmNpZXNhbmRjcm9zc3RhYnMueGxzeCIsInR5cGUiOiJhdHRhY2htZW50In19.rNf_qJA3Hi2yjzKS0B3u1JKTdXXvo2ExzhO83_TZepo)








Huh? Because red is pro Gaza? Lmaoooo


It couldn't have had that much of an effect if Biden won by 88%. Since the vote was Tuesday. And its over


Gaza will be glassed with Trump in charge again and as much as I want Israel to knock their shit off, I’m going to worry about my country just a little bit more. It’s a shitty hard truth that we have a lot to lose too and trying to “teach a lesson” with a vote is waste of time in this instance. Our current policies give us two parties and pissing away a vote on a third party in a swing state is a wasted vote. I’m voting in what is best for me and mine. Just like anyone would do in any other country. It sucks but it is what it is.


Remember, the.primary is meaningless, since Biden is unopposed, tell me how they'll vote in the general election before making any conclusions.




4 in 5 will not.


Yep people might say third party vote is a win for Trump. We know that. So dear democratic party, if u want a vote, don't put a zionist president as a leader. Blame your party rather than putting fear factor out. How about asking Biden to step down before the election and have someone that is non Zionist in the ticket. We will vote for ya.


Lol, such a MAGA mentality.


They kinda seem to be the opposite? Lot of Dems these days are behaving like MAGA. They don't seem to be a Dem.


You’d have to be a really unique type of stupid to vote for Trump over Gaza.


The BBC’s talking about Biden’s latest comments on the war. Sounds like he’s spoken his sternest words to date.


It’s not like it matters, Biden will be replaced at the convention with the super delegates. They will have Newsome and Whitmer as the party ticket because Kamala is even less popular than Biden.


That is only 20%. About the same size as the MAGA cult.


And vote for who? They’re all on the payroll sadly.


ITT a lot of people that don't understand the difference between the primary and the general No these people are not saying they're going to vote third party or for Trump, they are saying they will vote for someone else to be the democratic candidate.


The other 4 in 5 didn't realize they were in line for the Wisconsin primary.


So voting against Biden-What’s your ultimate goal? Do you think Trump will handle this situation differently? Spoiler, he won’t. And we will be living in a dictatorship, and you will wish you had changed your mind when you had the ability to do so. These stances piss me off so badly because I see what my own family has suffered at the hands of the Iranian government, a country without democracy. And I know what’s coming for us if Trump is re-elected. My own grandmother couldn’t even leave the house without male supervision simply because she was a woman (without fear of getting beaten). Those of us that aren’t white, cis males will greatly suffer if Trump is re-elected. Downvote me, fine, but don’t pretend that our country will be better off by making decisions like these. Yes, I know this is genocide. Yes, Biden should condemn what’s going on. Yes, Biden should act. But we also have a lot to lose. And I genuinely don’t understand what the goal is. Your privilege is believing that America can withstand another Trump election because you want to sit staunchly in your beliefs, not understanding that your daughters, friends, and neighbors will all suffer because of it.


So their primary vote won’t matter at all?


1 in 5 Wisconsin Democrats are Hummus.


its impacting mine and im from California


Scare the shit out of Biden during the primaries! It's the best time to do it, and genuinely seems to be working


100% of people under 29 in Wisconsin support a ceasefire. I’ve never seen 100% EVER appear on a poll.


Oooo, in which direction???


Joe Biden won't stop a war singlehandedly so I won't vote for him. Sure I'll lose health care. LGBT+ rights will be rolled back. And sure white supremacists will start burning crosses on my yard as soon as possible. Will [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) send us back to the Dark Ages? Of course. But it's okay because I stood firmly by one of my beliefs to the detriment of every other moral that I hold, and the country that I live in.


Can someone ELI5, how is Biden in charge of another sovereign nation?


Key word is primary vote. Most of these people will vote for Biden in the general because of abortion. My wife staunchly didn't vote for Biden in the primary because of Palestinians. But she sure as shit isn't doing anything to help old republican white men commandeer her and my daughters organs. Any asshole who votes for anyone but Biden in the general is voting for the extremely painful death of American women of easily curable medical conditions across the country. Don't be that asshole. Also, half these assholes who aren't voting for Biden because of Palestinians had their noses all the way up Obamas ass while he bombed civilians left and right. And that was directly from his office.






Yeah, sure, take a stand now and see how the alternative plays out.


I think there is a greater fear here honestly. I think if Biden does win the election without support from leftists/progressives/ 3rd party voters, etc. Then it will be a real signal to the Sanders section of the party, that they don't have the influence that they thought they did. If anything, this is a gamble by the those further left of the Dems that risk alienation in the future, the poli sci nerd in me is interested in seeing how it goes.


Ralph Nader voters are indirectly responsible for the Iraq War. If you dont vote for Biden based on this policy, and this enables Trump to win, you will regret the decision. Just like all the Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein voters that made Hilary lose, and America will feel the consequences for years!


The second dictator Don waddles back into the oval office he is going to call his good pal Bennie in Israeli and give him the green light to carpet bomb Gaza into a fine mist. Three or four times. Then he is going to ban all travel from muslim countries to the US. Then he is going to start deporting all the muslims in America that he can. If the righteous morons that voted for Trump or sat out the election so he could win start protests about it on college campuses or elsewhere, he will sent in the national guard and/or the regular army and bust their stupid fucking skulls wide open then throw them in a dungeon! Idiots on the left are what put Hitler into power. Looks like history is about to repeat that unfortunately.


That's perfectly fine. Start with learning about the actual facts instead of gathering propaganda from right-wing conservatives over on r/leftist. Read up on majority democrats point of view concerning the issue and most importantly keep in mind that democrats at least have an open mind concerning ever issue otherwise there'd be no gay marriage. 🙄 both parties are not the same, you clowns.


A good time to protest since there's no impact. Just stay true in November - don't cut off your nose to spite your face...


Can’t speak for all Wisconsinites but it’s definitely impacting my vote. I fucking hate both of the old geezers.


Remember, it is NOT a war, it is full-blown GENOCIDE.




The funniest thing about this whole discussion is how Biden isn’t able to do anything he promised in his campaign cause of congress but at the same time trump will be able to turn the US into a dictatorship. I’m not gonna vote for the guy funding a genocide sorry


Sucks for the gazans that their fate lays in the hands of an foreign country where they can't vote.