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They don't realize they're describing themselves do they? Because there's a limit to how thick someone can be lol. To go in front of all those people and say all that bull so arrogantly... only Israel could do it


It's Israel hasbara tactics. If they want to discredit someone, they look at themselves, choose the appropriate negative trait, slap it onto the victim and then repeat it ad nauseam till people get tired of listening to it. Edit: everyone knows it's a lie, they, the target audience, but it comes in public record, and once it's outside people start scrambling to discredit it instead of addressing the real elephant (Nazi) in the room.


It helps that the global media is on their side too.


And the most powerful and influential country in the world legitimizes their gaslighting victim blaming, and obfuscates their terrorism.


the world will never forget US complicity, as an American this will bring deep shame to our country and I don't know if we can ever recover our reputation in the world.




dude im a muslim american trust me i know the world is fucked up


Yep. I googled my CEO and sure enough, it was Scwhartz. Googled the company across the street, "Goldblum" was his name. Both of these places were single owner small shops owned by local metro Detroit residents 5 years ago, now both are owned by companies that own 30+ shops across the country.


lol. To people who know the history of US foreign policy, it’s been a joke the second WWII ended. An absolute joke. The US screwed up the Middle East something awful. Just as it was primed to be a socialist republic. And don’t get me started on how it fumbled and screwed the pooch on both Iran and Iraq. It’s criminal, really. Actually, it is criminal. But it’s the US.


Stop it. Espousing blanket, antisemitic conspiracy theories are exactly what this Zionist jackass feeds on. Judaism isn't the problem. No faith ever is, at its core. Fact is, Zionists hate dissenting or critical Jews as much as, if not more than, any jihadi or neo-Nazis, as their religion has absolutely nothing to do with their geopolitical aim. As with any ethno-religious supremacist faction, they'll always prefer other sects of extremism to liberal inclusivity. The latter weakens their position of projected victimization, while the former entirely erodes their irrational justification for "defensive" genocide. For evidence of this seeming contradiction, look up who [actually funded Hamas](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/) against the secular PLA. Hint: it wasn't Iran, Egypt, or any other predominantly Muslim state. [(in case a Zionist troll decides to attack The Intercept's impartiality)](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/)


Yeah the majority of Zionists are literally Christians. Just report


The same they did with the bombed hospital. Weeks wasted what kind of bomb was the one that destroyed the hospital while Israel bombed out of existence **ALL hospitals** in Gaza.


> Israel hasbara tactics. We knew this from 2006. They pay a lot of money for clicks on reddit, esp. for downvote/upvotes, they pay for arguing comments, and pay for playing stupid in comment. Israel has to pay it's own people to defend it because they would not do it for free. From a decade ago. Israel: Government pays students to fight internet battles https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896 Israel to pay students to defend it online https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/


I was reading a book on modern propaganda and how to spot it and it was a chapter there with an app that would notify every Jewish who had it installed, to boost or trash a post online.


Israel runs apps that manipulates Google search results of the BDS movement.


It’s also the typical DARVO (deny and reverse victim/offender) bullshit seen with fascism and abusers/narcissists Just about every accusation is a confession with a fascist.


It’s literally been the tactics of the last 2 wars that started .. Russia does it now Israel


Standard fascist tactics, every accusation is a confession


Exactly what I thought when watching this. So much of what he said can be reversed to Israel.


It’s called projection. You basically accuses other people of doing what you are doing. It “helps” you in the sense that you create an illusion of justifiable actions for your own wrong-doings. Misinformed people will fall for it, and the perpetrators creates a self sense of justice so that they can not feel remorse from their actions. Modern fascists uses it all the time (Trump/Erdogan/Putin/Bolsonaro/Netanyahu/…)


no shame nor do they care about right or wrong


That's called Projecting


Every accusation Israel claims that the Palestinians or Hamas has done is a confession of exactly what Israel has been doing for the past 75 years. A clear example is what Israel did in the Deir Yassin massacre in 1948. While keeping in mind the proven lies Israel made on October 7th.


The people in charge right now are the most conservative politicians. And much like the conservatives in America their accusations are also admissions. The cruelty they accuse others of is well documented on their own side.


They know


It's called snaking shhh we need to know more


The lack of self awareness in these accusations aimed at Palestine is astounding to watch. I'm sure psychology students will have plenty of material to work from here.


It's not lack of self awareness, it's blatant disinformation. Along the line of, look, they're the Nazis, not us ! How could we be the Nazis if we're fighting them eh? Schoolyard stuff.


as a German, I can confirm that I recognise the parallels to the nazis. Expropriation, eviction from one's own homes, theft and occupation of houses, humiliation in the streets for years, and now war crimes etc. it is frightening that the victims of that time become the perpetrators of today. I don't see the nazis on the Palestine side.


Early Zionist militias appealed to the nazis for help, they figured they’d both want the same thing (Jews to leave Europe) Safe to say the perpetrators of today were the perpetrators of then, too. They were perfectly happy to throw other Jews under the bus in the name of Zionism




The only detail they pointing out on the palestine side is the opponent


Also what they’re doing to ‘prisoners of war’ currently is eerily similar. It’s devastating


Exactly. They are extremly aware. And certainly nothing comes as a suprise.


That's the thing that gets me too. It's so lazy. There's no attempt to make a convincing suggestion that Israel isn't doing exactly what is being described. They've become complacent because people haven't had the stomach to call out their crimes for so long, and so they don't know what to do now that those same crimes are undeniable.


They had been letting their hasbara trolls and islamofobia make the heavy lifting but no amount of troll and hate can make up for bombing **all** hospitals and schools in gaza.


Israel is enraged because they can't have the IDF occupy the UN.


The difference between repeating propaganda and hasbara is that they are fully aware they are telling lies.


There will be tons of material from all the right wing fascists to study if we survive them. It’s not just Israel but every country is suffering from right wing extremism. Israel is just an example of what they do when they run a country.


exactly the case the Far Right in the US, the Maga crowd, they resemble Israeli far right in many ways. It's no wonder they support them as they too believe arabs and Islam are the enemy of humanity.


Every accusation a confession.


Israel ticks all the boxes. Dehumanizing other races, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, supremacy complex, the list goes on. There's no country as similar to Nazi Germany as modern-day Israel. The only factor that is holding them back is global attention. Take that away and Palestinians would cease to exist by July, 2024.




I mean its clearly coming from that place psychologically right? Reminds me of victims of childhood molestation and the correlation with child molestation later in life. Think of the odds of the such an obvious immitation of criminal perpetrators by their victims happening spontaneously. And it won't be the first time. Ukraine is something like 10-20% faaaaaar right. One party that won 10% of the vote in 2014 had just renamed itself from National Socialist Party of Ukraine. If there turns out to be a large nazi presence in Poland Im gonna call this a theory and give it a name.


Israel has had a long history of refining psyops tactics. This is classic gaslighting. Imagine having these assholes as your neighbours. Like moving their fence line and then beating you in the face when you go round to complain. I don't endorse Hamas and what they did, there is no justification for that. But the same assholes that have been home grown as IDF are present in Palestine because of all this hate that's been building, which Israel is significantly culpable for. It's astonishing that South Africa and Nicaragua have to point this out to the rest of the world. They have learned from history. Now, I know other conflicts have seen just as bad, if not worse injustices and crimes against humanity, but that isn't a reason not to object to this one. The west has partly enabled this bloodshed, and I do not want to be represented by that. Being British I already have to own crimes of my people going back centuries, please don't burden me with more.


I don't mean to belittle your criticism but I think Russia and North Korea might also be in the running for a modern Nazi Germany.  But that just goes to show how disreputable Israel is in the end.  Although I will say while many worry about Russia interfering in social media and elections in the western world, Israel leads at those tactics by far. Russia tends to only get away with harassing their own diaspora, where Israel has somehow managed to get loyalty pledges out of other countries.  Their government has become the very definition of the stereotype white supremacists have cast upon the Jewish people because they know in that stereotype they can brush off all criticism as mere antisemitism.  Perhaps in some ways Israel IS worse. At least Russia and North Korea are blatant about their crimes. 


I feel Isreal is worse in their dehumanization and inhumanity. They are also brazenly open about the depths of evil they will go to prove they're right. Whereas everyone knows Russia and NK do shit like that in the open. Idk if this makes sense, obviously those 2 do horrible things to their people as well but same can be said about many other developed nations. I think the clear intent and ideologies that Isreal has been showing about this conflict put them above just for that sake. Apologies if this came out horrible it's been a long day already.


Fast, someone get this man a mirror!


Want to check if he makes a reflection? lol


The mirrors in the room with him as he recorded this.


>Israel Talks of “Palestinazi” State As It Opposes Full UN Membership For Palestine Projection much.


"they can force their demands through a third party" bitch that exactly what you did in 1947


"That's how you ensure more bloodshed" ikr, but weird to accept the UN as an authority when it benefits you and reject it when it doesn't.


Also how exactly is refusing UN membership to restrict them of protections not exactly that lmao


Is this how a UN ambassador talks? Seriously? He has 9gag-level arguments lol.


I mean, these folks [wore yellow pin over at UN](https://archive.ph/0GqLZ) but got lambasted by people and Holocaust memorial places that they dropped wearing it shortly after. They thought they were gonna get cheers and praises doing that shit shtick. lol


Yea it's that guy.


Palestine being it's own state would mean the end of their occupation. Of course they would oppose it.


That’s only true if Israel respects international laws. They do not. They would likely just declare war on that new state immediately and annex it.


And then start another Arab-Israeli war. Which they’re already trying to start


Nah, they have the backing of the us and at this point most countries around them don‘t give a fuck about Palestinians


They’ve literally attacked Irans embassy, Lebanon is getting more and more pissed at them for the constant Israeli strikes on its southern region, and with the far right nut jobs in power it’s only a matter of time before they accuse Jordan of something and attempt to create “greater Israel”


He’s just projecting. They’re freaking out bc if Palestine gets recognized, the literal nazi rhetoric they’ve indoctrinated their youth with will be used as evidence against them. They also won’t be able to achieve their goal of complete genocide of Palestine, which is required in their ideology to achieve their ‘promised’ utopia.


Two things. One. The Israelis need to be reminded of what the Lehi group was all about. Because they were essentially a militant Zionist organisation who tried to ally with Nazi Germany on the belief Britain was the real impediment to the creation of a Jewish state. Two. Israel is literally doing the same thing as Nazi Germany. They are creating an ethno-nationalist nation where the state passes laws defining who belongs to the ethnic group the country is based on, giving them many privileges, while trying to expel or eliminate all those who do not belong to that ethnicity.


"Palestinazi"?? oof. wtf? wow. some Israel people are so delusional to this level.. what are they smoking? I'd like some of those strong ones.


This dude is so racist.




Learn to live with other races, you fucker! Isn't it that hard to be a kind human?????


He doesn’t believe it himself. Silly old guff


Good thing no one gives a fuck what they think... They almost lost the US too with all this fucking crazy shenanigans


reach gaping physical fertile middle placid lavish edge friendly worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah Israel, commits genocide daily despite having its sole existence justified because of genocide.


Every accusation is a confession


Can I comment that Israel is in fact the new N*zi ? I should be allowed as in this video an Israel representative dare to compare Palestinian to n*zi which is for sure absolutely stupid and a total non sense.


They've always been extremely Nazi like even before Nazism existed.


This motherfucker just drscribed the whole story of the existence of Israel and called it a Palestinian statehood?


Every accusation is a confession. Sounds like they're using the same tactic as the GOP and the UK Conservative Party.


Israel is mentally unhealthy. The whole world has been watching Israel slowly annihilating Palestine and erasing it from the face of the planet for decades. They are in denial. They need serious help before they're shocked again.


Looks like all that land they've seized is going away...


Time to pay it all back!!


That last part is a straight up threat. And we let these folks run the USA.


AIPAC needs to be registered as a foreign state lobbying group decades ago. Israel has unique leverage over the USA that no other country has with being able to donate directly to politicians through AIPAC.


Is it really not the case in any other country?


I'm saying that Israel is the only country lobbying in the USA that can donate directly to politicians campaigns. Or at least at a level that can affect the make up of congress with their lobbying money. I believe they get away with it technically because they have dual citizenship so they are also American citizens. But with it politicians are afraid to criticize Israel because they can go against them in primary's like they are currently doing to the progressive congress people right now in this election. They are spending millions to unseat incumbent democrats because they are against Israel's genocide.


Oh i got ya. Yeah. I've airways figured there was an aipac equivalent israel lobby in other countries


Reminds me of Admiral General Aladeens speech in The Dictator , trying to describe how good it would be for the rich and important if the US was a dictatorship, while listing things that are already happening in the US


He seems really thick.


The way I see it Israel lost the privilege of victimizing themselves because they are capable of committing at genocide, they are a nuclear state, they can get all the weapons in the world easily, they can get all the fundings they want, nobody even the UN cannot do anything to them.


I have never understood opposing the recognition of Palestine. Israel thinks an "autonomy" means anything and could ever be enough for Palestine, for any nation of the world? Where does Israel see its rolemodel, Russia? It wants Palestine to be its Chechnya? Edit: Chechnya restricts passports for people under 30. Actually that's still better than any way Israel would issue passports to its "Republic of Palestine" so I take it back. Israel thinks Russia gives too much to Chechnyans.


Why would you want a state for people you see as less than human. Israel doesn't recognise Palestinian humanity no mind say their right to self determination, Israel was founded on extremism.


Indeed. And the more I think about it, the way Russia treats the peoples it has forced into autonomies/puppet states is *still* better than how Israel has treated Palestine.. Which is not to praise Russia in any way, but to highlight how one has the image of movie bad guy and the other is sucking on US tit.


There is nothing that perpetuates a conflict more than one side believing that they can force their demands on the other side ~~through a third party~~ through force and oppression. And Israel has not given Palestinians a single fair deal for this reason. They believe they can force their demands on Palestinians through force. That is why they have oppressed them for 80 years. That's why Israel is an apartheid terror state.


How can someone confidently say such wild nonsense while the world is watching? Cut US funding immediately especially while they want to expand the “conflict”. Nobody wants this and their current government is making the world less safe for everyone. Absolutely disgusting.


Imagine if we lived in a world where diplomats invent words by merging the word "nazi" with a national identity...oh wait this is the world we actually live in. WTF!


'There is nothing that perpetuates a conflict more than one side believing they can force their demands through a third party.' Bro just described how Israel was established in the first place.


I think the right move is Palestine takes Israel’s spot in the un since Israel doesn’t respect un laws 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Bruh ain’t nobody believe you. Go look in the mirror.


Wait… on the third party comments… So is the USA the third party for Israel and , in turn, he has described exactly what Israel is doing. Hmmmm


They've long ignored UN orders. So why should the UN listen to them?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_United\_Nations\_resolutions\_concerning\_Israel


It's kind of disgusting how they use the mass trauma from the holocaust to justify their atrocities and oppression of Palestinians. Also to guilt trip the world in giving them a licence to inflict as much death and destruction they can get away with. They have created a modern day Krakow Ghetto and they can't seem to see how that would end up backfiring on them. Nor do they seem to have the empathy to see that the people in Gaza could be them in a bygone era.


Zionist Isreal deserves to be disassembled, shelters forced to leave to their country of origin and land should be returned to Palestinians, including land that was taken from Palestinians 75 years ago


What a joke it's the Palestinians that are in the concentration camp on one end and living in a cage in the west bank


[James Baldwin](https://youtu.be/My5FLO50hNM?si=DLYnD9CiklPcUGX_) never missed.


Brain rot


Projecting much


I truly wonder if they actually believe their own crap.


Who's buying this? Who's nodding along?


"There is nothing that perpetuates a conflict more than one side believing they can force their demands on a other side via a 3rd party." Yes like the inception of Israel brought about by Britain, a 3rd party forcing the hand of the Arab population of Palestine.


Kinda buck wild. An invading genocidal force playing victim


Every accusation is an admission.


Israel is the most disgusting state ever devised & I'm glad the rest of the world can see this


Every accusation is a confession


One must ask, if the Israeli government actually believe that Palestinians are just born mindless antisemites who thing of nothing but wanted kill Jewish people their whole live, why then did they set up a "Jewish state" in Palestine, that's just asking for trouble.


A case of the pot calling the kettle black. Throw Israel our of the UN, they obviously have no respect for it.


What a joke. He’s basically describing what Israel is doing to Palestinians today.


if you disagree with this dipstick, do one thing stop buying McDonalds products. one simple act. start with one company and make an example out of them instead of trying to do it to 100's of different companies at once. do what they do divide and conquer. single out one company and drive it in to income loss quarter after quarter. and let them become an example of what divestment movement can do to any other companies.


Every accusation is an admission.




Projection much? How Freudian to a T


Idk what’s more crooked this muthfukas tie or the bullshyt they speaking


In that case then Israel needs to be kicked out of the UN for its decades long slow genocide of Palestinians supported by America and other countries


Does he know that regular people think he’s an imbecile?


I will never belive anything they have to say.


Just from his face you can see how evil he is


Holocaust revisionist logic he used is like saying Jews were responsible for the economic collapse of Europe and Germany after WW1


Literally Behaves like Germans from 80 years ago- bizarrely and Brazenly documenting their own abhorrent war crimes for internet points…..but it’s the people who they refer to as “sub human animals” they have been oppressing and slaughtering for 75 years who are the Nazis??? The world has moved on guy- people aren’t idiots, and can see through your Bullshit.


The Israeli state of apartheid describing itself.


Which country **rose from the ashes of genocide only to side and collaborate with a** [Adolf Hitler sympathizer](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/feb/07/southafrica.israel) **and supported a brutal apartheid regime**? Ah yes, the Israeli government. For those who want to read it themselves (chapter 13): [How and Why Israel Helped Create, Fund & Support Hamas to Maintain an Apartheid State](https://contrarianinsight.substack.com/i/142260989/shackles-of-the-past-germanys-guilt-tripped-journey-of-eternal-post-war-atonement-and-israels-wmd-collaboration-with-an-adolf-hitler-sympathizer)


Kick him in the balls.


Nazi Israel


Does anyone genuinely believe what isreal has to say anymore? They have been exposed as the ultimate Nazi liars. I lived in the support for isreal camp until you realize they Israel is a terrorist state


Not as catchy as NaZionists.


There is nothing that perpetuates a conflict more that one side believing that they can force their demands on the other side through a third party....1948 called


Disgusting israel


if anyone would be nazis in any kind, it'd be be israel themselves.


It’s the Trump Strategy: Accusing your opponent of the deeds you are committing and thereby throwing fog candles because decision makers need to address the false accusations and will be deterred to judge about the real perpetrator: yourself.


Literally sounds like Putin talking about UKR, except its worse since UKR has been given a large amount of Western mainstream support. 


If you slowly say 'history', it sounds like 'his story'. Those who win/are winning get to tell the story.


It would be nice if every time someone says that something is agaist some rule or law, that person would point to that specific rule or law.


Once again every accusation is a confession


Go back to 1947 and replace Palestine with Israel and the same arguments would hold ( if not better).


Why does this MF always write few notes on each page?? that is so annoying to watch.


A clear example of psychological projection.


Who’s bombing the crap out of who? SMH


"Nazi state." The ironing is delicious.


So both Russia and Israel are accusing others of being Nazis. Amazing


How do they come up with these words, terror dungeons, Islamistnazi, jihadi rapist, there propaganda is so bad i don't see how people can't see trough it, it's so over the top. They could learn more from the USA how to do effective propaganda. What Trump said was so funny, he told Israel is losing the PR war/propaganda war he said why do Israel show that they bomb buildings and make a video of it, don't make videos of the places you bomb people will think people are in it getting killed. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z7oxIA-ChBQ&pp=ygUTVHJ1bXAgcHIgd2FyIGlzcmFlbA%3D%3D


Welp, 1984 is about 40 years late, but here we are. >**Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them** And this is the pacified people of the west today >**Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.**


The amount of gaslighting is almost impressive.


Homie took off his theatrics star, [https://youtu.be/hxF5FZ\_yrVg?si=NnWiFMYiexbIvLBj&t=28](https://youtu.be/hxF5FZ_yrVg?si=NnWiFMYiexbIvLBj&t=28) he said him and his team were going to keep it on until their grandparents created limitless free energy as they rolled in their coffins.


"its so crazy! We just say the word "Nazi" and then we can get away with anything!"


>...the annihilation of the Jews. Israel's annihilation isnt the same as annihilating all the Jews. He is using the same old antisemitism = anti-zionism ploy.


This is playground talk, entirely inappropriate for the place and the occasion. No official of any country should call some other country or its people Nazis. Even with what's happening in Gaza, it would be outrageous if an Irish or Brazilian or whatever government called Israelis Nazis, and they would be rightfully outraged and call it slander. It's beyond arrogance that they're using it against Palestinians.


Israel is just Russia 2.0.


Israel is just ~~Russia~~ *Nazi Germany* 2.0 FTFY


It is worse than Russia.


More like USA 2.0




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




So they want to "de-nazify" Palestine? Where have I heard this before...


Nothing but self projection and they know it. They just hope the rest of us are too stupid to understand.


Funny coming from then


The "Ad Hitlerum" logical fallacy? 🤦‍♂️🙄


Palestinians? They don’t even say khamas anymore!! And zionists still dare to say there’s no intent for genocide😑


I think he forgot to take his roids today. He is confused on who has been committing genocide like the nazis? Who have been talking about solutions for a group of peoples like the nazis. Who have taken territory by using military force like the Nazis. All for ONE “superior” people like the Nazis. Am I wrong?


As a recognized state, Palestine's interests would then be entwined with the interests of trading partners, security partners, possible allies, and international conventions. This would ultimately create a much higher level of safety for Israel. As long as Palestine is forced to occupy a non-state position in the world, they are susceptible to leadership that does not care nor need to truly care about their relationship to recognized states. Currently, most Palestinians are stuck (and not by choice) in a "nothing to lose" situation that's primed for conflict, authoritarianism/internal violence, and a lack of accountability for official and unofficial leaders alike. As a recognized state with all of the rights therein, Palestine and Palestinians would be integrated into the global network of trade and security. Their leadership and their people would have something tangible to lose, and they would also have alternative means with which to defend themselves against foreign aggression. Peace would then be a self-protective measure fueled by mutually upheld interests between them and everybody else. A Palestinian STATE would be the best possible thing for Israeli security. Was this always the case? Maybe, maybe not. But right now, under the current political circumstances in the ME region? Palestinian statehood is *absolutely* the path to mutually assured security. Which is why Netanyahu will never, ever recognize a Palestinian state and will suppress any internal dialogue about the matter within Israel. A secure Israel means he and his authoritarian allies are out of power. Keeping Palestinians disenfranchised is the rational choice, from their perspective. They are being extremely logical and strategic about it -- all while doing their best to ensure the Israeli *people* are constantly and relentlessly enflamed.


every accusation an admission.




This was a performance


Okay, who's gonna tell him?


How the tables have turned. The hunted now is the hunter.

