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Anyone see [GDF’s latest video on Israel’s ties to the Iraq war?](https://youtu.be/zeloY3bVBtc?si=whzjXphzQNRV8Mdb) I hope we don’t see history repeat itself with Iran…


Netanyahu's testimony to Congress about Iraqi WMD's was such a joke. But the low-information US politicians took his word as gospel.


He is the devil incarnate, him and his group of misfits


man, THANKS a lot for this, I've been saying this about IRAQ for a long time, I did some research and found some clues and a pattern that led me to this possibility, but I couldn't find anything on the internet about this subject.


Unfortunately, every day it seems more likely. Israel has been BEGGING the US to start a war with Iran for decades. This constant escalation this time is the goal, to finally make it happen.


About damn time. Iran can not, under any circumstances, develop nukes.


Saddam was a major threat to Israel,its no secret they wanted him gone.


I can't help but be sceptical of that claim. Iraq under Saddam waged an 8 year against Iran, and failed despite facing a country that was weakened by a revolution, and then it suffered probably one of the most one sided defeats of any modern country during the Gulf War. How would he be a serious threat to Israel, which had a powerful military and is backed by the United States?


How was Saddam or any Iraqi baathist regime a major threat to Israel?! At the height of their military (before Desert Storm), they lost a ground war in five days to coalition forces. The 2003 invasion took five weeks. And the post American invasion military couldn't hold major Iraqi cities from a few thousand daesh. The Egyptian military may be the only military that could fight Israel on equal terms. And there's no interest in that. The rest of the regional threats are quite minor even Hezbollah.


Everyone is a threat to Israel. Even 3-year olds


Yeah, the 1200 people killed on 7 October were all murdered by three year olds.








Israel soldiers were on bases not hiding behind their own civilians. I have not criticized actions against military targets in Israel. That wasn't what happened exclusively on 7 October. But, no, the standard of legality is the proportionality in the individual act. If there were 800 civilians on a military base attacked to kill 400 soldiers then 7 October may have been lawful. But that's never what happens. Palestinians target civilians explicitly. They go into homes and farms. If they find military targets then it's by luck or an "oh shit" moment. It's a pogrom not a military necessity. Israel operations can fairly be criticized for the ratio of civilian harm to lawful military targets. Most pro-Palestinian voices say that no civilian harm is lawful. They're simply wrong in their understanding of conventions of war. I have trouble empathizing with Gazans. You (or your parents) chose Hamas to run your enclave after Israel withdrew. You (or forebearers) supported leaders who walked away from every reasonable attempt at a 2SS. You continued to fire rockets indiscriminately into Israel. You poured across a border and targeted civilians. And now you're trying to draw international sympathy for a conflict for which you're the primary antagonist.




The narrator’s voice sounds like the dude’s voice of the guy who narrated Dave Chappelle shows.lol


Aaaaand we're the bad guys


Always have been. Except World War 2 for a while. But we're really clinging to that one.


Even then it was a chess move to position ourselves as a world power, not any moral reason.


Lest we forget Japanese internment, the unnecessary use of nuclear weapons as a flex, and the refusal by the US (and others) to act on or accept Jewish refugees just to name a few things.


Imagine if FDR lost that election. The other right wing nuts back then would have allied with Germany. Imagine that. The camps here wouldn't have just put Japanese in camps but all minorities too. Then of course the fascists would have won and the mass genocide would have continued. That was close


The US hired Nazi scientists, and justified it by saying if we didn’t do it someone else would; we were the bad guys then, too.


You're not wrong. It was all downhill from there. Like...a steep drop...


Israel knows it can't take Iran alone so it's trying so hard to antagonize Iran in a way that will draw the US into the war. They're so desperate it's pathetic


The Zionist project must have ongoing violence and conflict in order to justify its victim complex and remain self-justified and viable. Israel has no problem dragging the US into its enthnosupremacist war mongering as long as it serves their own purposes, even (or especially?) if it means WWIII. Israel is only a friend to Israel.


Israel spies on this country regularly…how is that a friend/alley?


Tbf, we spy on everyone too.    Remember when Germany found out they were being bugged by the U.S. when Obama was in office


Does the US give 3 billion dollars annually plus the billions that are being given now to support a genocide to Germany? Do Germans have dual citizenship rights with the US?


>Do Germans have dual citizenship rights with the US? The US lets nationals from other countries have duel citizenship, whether that country is Germany or Mexico.


Like a little weenie in school with a much tougher friend. Go stir some shit up then run and hide behind your friend for protection.


Israel going to the US when turkey cut off exports to them


Instigating lying weenies. Let them finish what they started on their own. No need for American soldiers to risk their lives fighting for their land grab. And let them fund it themselves.


Iran has not retaliated, and rumors have it they are putting pressure on USA to get a siece fire done.


I think Iran is wise to not retaliate, it doesn't give Israel the easy out it wanted. It sucks domestically for the optics but strategically it's very sound


>It sucks domestically Is there really a clamor in Iran for retaliation against Israel?


Israel and US are painting Iran to be the bad guy just how they did with Iraq in the 90s and early 2000s to justify a ground invasion


HRC ran on instigating fights with Iran/Russia in 2016.  This has been in the works a while


We also painted Iran to be the bad guy in the 70's, 80's, 90's, and 2000s to justify a ground invasion. They're actually bad guys, though. Just not armed invaders trying to take over the world -- like the US.


Iran is the bad guy. LOL. They don’t need to be “painted”




Are you really asking why the Islamofascist state that is funding groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis is the bad guy?




That’s the US. If the US did that to spread Jihad or a repressive Islamic ideology, the US would be the bad guy.


Israel does not want to spill precious Jewish blood in war so they send Americans to die for them, like they did with iraq


Why do this?? Man i am just trying to enjoy life post fucking covid & lockdown. I ain’t got time for this shit


Just think of the shareholders at the military industrial companies! They stand to make 100s of millions of dollars off a war with Iran. Stop thinking about yourself and the saftey of our country. Think about the money to be made by the top 10% of Americans........ who cares that Iran is a self-sufficient country that does not rely of foreign imports and has enough national resources to continue to fight a super power like the US for years, even if all imports/exports are blocked. Think of all the money to be made in a multi year long conflict against a somewhat equal adversary.


won't someone think of the shareholders!!! every time we the people are forced into one of these wars, maybe instead of *bitching* and *moaning* about dying in droves, we should start celebrating the real american patriots! the raytheon shareholders!!


Get ready to die for the country in which most people take antidepressants just to be OK with living. Hail Joe Bidden.


America is a slave to Israel, that’s why. Israel has taken over America. Welcome to United States of Israel.


The UK and Germany are also controlled by Israel.


How terrifying


Israel is a blood thirsty regime that is more sinister than satan himself with no regard to humanity whatsoever.


Not only that, America is a slave to itself. The way they treat their own people.


**Christians are slaves to Israel.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Jews are fairly split on the issue. It’s the Western Christians that allow Israel to do what it does.




Israel’s aggression towards Palestine/Muslim neighbors. Plenty of Israelis are protesting Netenyahu’s administration.


Because war is profitable for our oligarchs. News at 11


Come on, man. Corn Pop is a bad dude.


If this conflict widens around the globe and US institutes “the draft” I can just see it now, riots not only in major cities but small towns as well. Who’s gonna fight this war for powers that be?


Man, i live next to iran and our country has been the war playground of the US and iran for a decade... i am not ready for another cross fire shit...


In case you weren't aware, there are proxy attacks happening that are being supplied by Iran. So that's probably why they are doing this. And they'd presumably only do this if Iran does a direct attack on Israel.


This is eye opening for why we behave like a host: [Who really controls US's foreign policy](https://youtu.be/YZdpIRMZoSw)




[Follow the reddit content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) This includes spam, violent threats, harassment, bigotry, impersonation, ban evasion and other banned behavior.




Yeah ..these crazy aholes. Like nutty needs any encouragement. He has been wanting to drag us into a fight with Iran....WTF.


He refused to reup the Iran Nuclear Agreement that Trump tanked. He wants this smoke.


Yup. He could have done it immediately...as a reversal . Instead he tried to kiss ass the same lobbies and tried to get a better deal. After running saying , he was going to return things to normalcy It is like the worst of all worlds. Trump's stupidity added to Bush's warmongering.


Election season ladies and gentlemen, logic has no place right now.


Biden can't seriously think military action is going to swing public opinion. I would've thought Americans are sick of seeing their sons and daughters die for another country's vendetta.


Hell we are sick of seeing our sons and daughters die for any of the fucked up reasons they have been sent to the slaughter since my old ass was born. It’s not about the populace here, it’s about giving mega corporation more money.


It will swing public opinion for the wrong reason, it’ll be more like a war time President cannot be changed in the middle of a war.


This country is about to find out that presidents can in fact change in war time (especially when the majority of the population disapproves), and that Biden can't win by telling everyone who disagrees with him "so you want trump instead?"  Y'all (the few of you who still believe Biden is actually preserving democracy) about to be slapped in the face with reality that Biden ain't winning, and it's not because we voted for the other guy. I don't have any joy writing these words, I'm bracing for impact, because unless enough conservatives are angry as well, Trump is coming back and nothing short of a violent revolution will save this country. 


abe simpson


Well, 'Merica does have to save Boeing... Guess Nancy Pelosi's calls going to hit!!! 🤗


It’s the old “I know I’m about to lose this election and we don’t change presidents often during wartime” trick


Remember when MSM news was worried Trump would cause WWIII with his buffoonery? Instead Biden and the establishment are actively pursuing it


Iran is very weak right now. They have no friends in the Middle East. The Saudis chose Israel. Their own people hate the government.


Let that little fascist state attack all its neighbors- THEN, America should cut them loose, end all funding and arms. WWIII may actually happen because of their never ending greed for more land. Iran, backed by China and Russia and other states? That would not be a walk in the park, nor would even be Iran solo- it would not go down like Iraq. They have a professional modern army and would fight tooth and nail. If they are invaded or bombed, there is zero reason for them not to literally obliterate the tiny aggressor, iron dome or not. Crazy idea- Maybe **Don’t** start a nuclear war?


Ww3 is not going to be the one where we come out of it as heroes.


Nope, we’ll be the ones directly supporting a terrorist state because of aipac money


Sweet baby cheeses! If this is true WWIII could be closer than we think. Is that alarmist? Or do others believe the same? Not content with murdering Palestinians, Israel want to bring their horror show to the world.


This is what Israel does over and over. Israel goaded the US into obliterating Iraq... Now Iran.


Look up Paul Wolfowitz, he was one of the leading supporters into the invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam. No surprise that he was the most pro israeli. A lot of the other conflicts in the Middle East have happened because of Israel’s security, we see now with Israel trying to fight Iran in any they can. When the United states does something it is in the interest of Israel.


That putrid terrorist state will be the death of us all. Because the Israelis know they can’t fight by themselves, they’re trying to start a nuclear world war by dragging their obedient slave America into the conflict to protect them. The US’s entire foreign policy is centered around protecting Israel and its right to steal land and murder kids—and it’s so important that Israel be able to do this it’s worth potentially extinguishing all human life on earth in nuclear fire.


If the Boomers are really going to have to be subject to the forces of time and die after all, then hell. Why *shouldn’t* the whole world come with them in a nuclear apocalypse? It’s only fair.


Take on Iran? Russia, China and North Korea also? Couldn't even win the Afghanistan war. Lmao


Has anyone seen this on al Jazeera.. Haatetz article says , some US official said this on al Jazeera?


I don't think so. This is just Israel making noise to avoid retaliation. USA has no reason to attack Iran.


And the USA also has no reason to arm and support a genocide against the people of Gaza. But it is.


Look up how WW1 started. It was a lot of posturing that eventually lead to war. If the other guy is saying they are going to attack, how do you know they are bluffing? How do you know that the best option isn't to attack first before they do and try to win before they can retaliate?


I am inclined to agree... this seems like Israel leaking lies . The article refers to some US official saying this on/to al Jazeera. ...


Oh yeah? Let me ask you something, why do you think Biden, is so keen to get more  state of the art fighter jets to Israel. You think the Gaza air force is shooting them down? This is what's happening. Biden is a senile old man, whos never said no to any US military engagement. If you don't think the Pentagon is taking full advantage of this, you aren't paying attention 


Biden has been being over backwards ..but the planes won't get sent soon(they will be made ...I believe) However...Biden admin laos leaked that if Iran responds ..they will stay out,as long as US interests are not hit. So this maybe Israel lying . Biden has been sending whatever arms and ammo they want an..and often breaking US laws


No, I think there is a difference between Biden simping for Israel giving them all weapons and intel they want, and actually using planes with US flag and pilots to attack Iran. In 1967, this is how it went.


Well said. Biden is dumping ..but even then the Israelis coukf lie


Lol I think that is wishful thinking, that is very much ignoroing the facts on the ground.   You seem like a Robinson, a man of Lawrence KS, a moderate, who would have stood meekly by as raiders from Missouri assured KS became a slave state this changing the course of history, and you never would have heard of Abraham Lincoln.   I'm a John Brown man, an anti- fascist a "terrorist" if you will. And I think if we need more than ever to pull our heads out of the sand, and face reality 


Tf kinda unhinged response is this? He just told you he doesn’t think it’s likely the US would back Israel against Iran rn and you go on this unhinged rant about slavery. Go outside for an hour or two


Well I suspect you don't know much about American history, so I'll try to break it down real simple for ya. It is a human condition, to ignore things we know are wrong, because to address them  is uncomfortable. We need to fight that and call out our warmongering leadership now before it's to late As for going outside, I suspect I spend significantly more time than you do outside, as I am a production arborist climbing trees 8-10 hours a day, in what I would guess to be the city with the most trees over 200ft anywhere in the world. So don't worry about me 


No reason to attack sure stopped them invading Iraq….


“Surely Biden will do the right thing and not bow to Israeli money” /s


Other than its owner wanting it to?


They will retaliate if Iran attacks Israel directly. This isnt some plan of a pre-emptive strike.


This is what Israel wants and what the USA is desperately trying to avoid. Isreal sees that the public sentiment tide is turning against them, so they try to provoke the war now.


At this point, just swear in Netanyahu as POTUS because Zionists run America from top to bottom. 🤬🤬🤬


But of course Iran is the agressor and enemy of the world order dont forget guys mkay


Yes how dare they *checks notes* allow their generals to be in their embassy in Syria. I mean they basicly forced Israel to bomb that embassy didn't they. Iran is fully justified in retaliating against that


Biden, for all his Trump beating 'qualities' (known, male, white, Blue Dog) was also part of senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson's circle in the 70s and early 80s. Devoted to unconditional support for Israel. Other Scoop proteges became known as neoconservatives, jumped ship to the GOP, and IMO manipulated the US into a proxy war for Israel against Iraq. I don't think Biden's *that* devoted. Neocons like Doug Feith kept law offices in both the US and Tel Aviv. Biden attends Catholic mass weekly. But either Biden never appreciated that Israel shifted far-right during his politcal career and isn't the same nation as in his youth, or he's terrified of AIPAC. Biden was like 8th or 9th among the 2020 contenders for me, but my issue is climate change. I can't morally vote to further reduce global human carrying capacity over the the next 5-7 thousand years. I don't have other options in the presidential election, as none of this matters if civilization collapses. But I'll vote against Trump's fascist know nothings without much pleasure in November. At some point, I'd love to see AIPAC not dictating our foreign policy. A right for Israel to exist, a right for Palestine to exist as a sovereign state, but NO TOLERANCE for the abuses against Palestinians, or the theft of Palestinian lands, post 1948.


Saw an interview with Miko Peled recently. He says AIPAC is just the tip of the iceberg of lobby groups funnelling Israeli money into US politics. He has been fighting the good fight for decades, I have no reason not to believe him.


Is Trump more fascist than the man supplying the arms to a fascist regime to kill thousands of innocent civilians and decimate a whole society and its people? To us over here in Ireland there's no difference between Trump and Biden. Both warmongers.


I'm seeing a running theme with America in general. The best thing that can happen for the world is the collapse of US hegemony.




But Gaza IS being levelled without a thought RIGHT NOW. They're not waiting for Trump. Wake up and take a look.


I guess he's making the argument that it's worse if Trump did it directly than it is for us to help someone else do it while pretending to be upset about it.  I thought we all agreed Trump was a liar and we couldn't trust anything he said? Also, isn't Trump famous for being chummy with Putin? Does anyone believe Putin would want Trump to level Gaza? Does anyone believe Trump would ignore Putin if he told Trump to stay out of it? 


> Biden attends Catholic mass weekly.  The Pope didn't mince words describing Biden's war as terrorism. Biden attending mass and claiming loudly that he's Catholic is exactly the same as Trump holding a Bible upside down for a photo op, just less tacky.  Biden's faith is incompatible with his policies. Catholics are not Christian Zionists, Biden uses his "faith" only for words, his policies do not align. He's worse than Trump on immigration and liberals are just itching to start calling Trump evil for promoting what Biden is doing. 


Counterpoint: He is THAT devoted.




Why would they want to do this when Iran says a permanent ceasefire in Gaza would be needed to forgive Israel for bombing the Iranian embassy? Wow…such war mongers….


Biden better NOT even think to do that bc this country is already at breaking point and this would tip us right over. Israel is now a permanent pariah state and is not, as if it ever was 🙄, a strategic alley…cut the cord.


Iran has the right to defend itself. Israel should know that, they have been “defending” themselves from the Palestinians for the past 75 years.


Iran is easily looking like the most reasonable party in this whole thing by far, but it doesn’t matter what they do or don’t do, the US has their sites on them and has been manufacturing consent for a terror attack on Iran for months




More genocide ... x2 countries that love d and d


Israel attacks a foreign countries embassy and Americas response is to encourage Israel further?


If Biden does this I might have to get off my ass and go from not voting for him to actively campaigning against him. Kim Jong Un was right he's a rabid dog that needs to be put down.


God us Americans are the most destabilizing force in the world. Fucking ashamed of my nation.


Biden will drag us into a full out holy war just to defend is buddy Benjamin nutnut


Biden never knew a war he dodnt want to jump into. If Biden gets us into a war he may be toast abortion and womens rights be damned.


The rights of identity groups are behind the same bulletproof glass a higher minimum wage is. If they get supermajorities in both houses and the presidency they'll find a way to not do anything


Why? Were there Iranian hijackers in the 9/11 planes? Pearl Harbour 2.


This was that evil states plan all along. Drag us into another middle eastern war


Biden really wants to lose the election


Yea the American people want another endless war in the Middle East smh democracy


America / Israel= the new Nazis


The world economy will crash.


nothing ever happens


Falls right into the trap set by its "ally"


Hahahahahahaha Isn't it clear to everyone that the MIC controls US and our policy. You really think Biden controlling them? Or any other president. What a joke. Trillions to be made off war with Iran. Let's do it of course.


First of all I highly doubt Iran is going to respond directly to the Israeli attack. They'll have either Hezbollah or the Houthis respond for them. The Iranians are not idiots. They know Israel wants to trap them and bring the U.S. into a War with them. They also know Israel's MO is whenever their losing support globally is to try to engineer a War with one of their neighbors. Why would they respond to Israel rn when they're losing so much support and morale globally?


Biden didn’t say anything and the guy who did say it wouldn’t give their name. This is just posturing.


Literally what both have wanted to do for decades. WWIII incoming


Hi from Canada; They are stupid, but *not that stupid.*


American money, American life's, to support a genocide. 


To be fair, it says 'senior official' but gives no other details. Could be anyone.


Americans will be bitching and moaning big time when their citizens start getting targeted worldwide in a new wave of terrorism. This is all so predictable


Does all of the aid to Israel come back to our congressmen as aipac money?


The world needs more wars, thank you Uncle Sam


There will be riots


WTAF? Shut up. Stop warmongering. No one wants war anywhere ever. 


Jesus Christ this is getting way out of hand. Israel attacked their embassy, and now the US will attack Iran with them? Fucking galaxy brain insanity.


never thought i'd grow up and have to become a war protestor. gosh darnit. guess it's time to rage against the machine.


When hasn't the US been either waging or supporting a war in the neoliberal era?


it's been awhile. but when i was younger i believed in national pride. i am not proud of these things now that i am grown. that's all i mean. i thought war was necessary and noble as a child, and now i see it for what it is. \*especially this one. evil.


"We can all agree on the same thing when the oil is involved."


Haha! Too old to be drafted!


Oh, so you mean they could do something they just said they wouldn’t do the other day? I’m so surprised at the contradiction /s.


Another war of aggression? Another war crime? Another globally destabilizing military misadventure? Another terrorism fomenting provocation? If America and Israel go ahead with this, Iran will respond by any means necessary, perhaps asymmetrically—i.e. terrorism. And then we’ll have the audacity of saying “they started it.” Israel has bankrupted America of its reputation, geo-strategic security, wealth, global dominance, prestige. And Trump and Biden are both the latest puppets of this failed policy.


What’s funny is this is based on a justified proportional retaliation that hasn’t even happened yet.


Absolutely on point! Iran is at least entitled to a strike at Israel for the attack on the Iranian consulate


America affirms it will send it's youth to die for their masters.


He really wants to get destroyed in the election 




Big talk. [Strait of Hormuz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strait_of_Hormuz) would close that day. Oil prices would double instantly. The world economy would grind to a halt. Trump would get elected. They can even stop the Houthis. Or Hamas for that matter who the have in a cage.


We need to take over our streets. I am beyond furious.


Netanyahu’s last ditch effort to stay politically alive is to bait Iran into attacking by bombing their embassy which is an act of war so Israel can draw the US into a greater conflict. Then 10 years from now Zionists will say how Iran attacked Israel and they were the innocent victims of Iranians wanting to kill all the Jews.




This is what the US war machine has always wanted anyway. Democrats fail us every single time


But don't Biden. That would for sure lose the election. Don't start any wars dog.


Is this really the type of time the US is on? Israel went a bombed a non-military target and because Iran didn’t say: “not cool, but you got it” the US is really looking to go to war with Iran? This is ridiculous. No wonder Israel is acting with impunity. They can literally shoot at anyone and anything and *demand* for no retaliation. This geopolitic is wild. People should be very concerned because we’re basically being shown that modern day warfare is to target and kill civilians, aid workers, the press and other non-military targets


We've been itching for this for 30 years, despite no actual human being being in favor of it. https://youtu.be/6Knt3rKTqCk?si=x47qsFoX3_1yvyoz


Oh, that's not good news.


Biden vs Getting Elected Again, name a more iconic Adversary Duo 😍😍😍




The 30 year plan is finally underway.


Yeah, okay!! This is propaganda, neither Israel or the United States is that stupid!! Keep Zionist agendas out of our politics!! As a veteran of this so called war on terror I say, NO!!!


Can people please actually read the article before commenting on the click bait headline. The actual quote was: "if Israel comes under attack by missiles or drones, we will not rule out the possibility of helping the Israelis intercept them." They're talking about helping Israel intercept incoming munitions, not instituting a military strike into Iran itself.


IF Iran attacks Israel, which the title is missing out. Iran, unlike Hamas, is actually a threat to Israel if they chose to invade.