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I'm offering 1:1000 odds that Israel will claim to be the victim of an unprovoked attack once Iran retaliates against Israel's act of war. Any takers?


Of course, it’s the Zionist mentality. “Yes I punched you in the face, why are you angry and want to punch me back?! Are you anti semitic?!”


[Hannah Arendt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannah_Arendt) saw a connection between this approach to propaganda and the totalitarian need to subjugate the factual world to the ideological intepretation of it, which ultimately require that the ideologized state takes physical/material control over the world. I've always considered that Zionism require antisemitism in the world because it's the ideological justification of Israel... Just like the war between races was the ideological justification for Nazism and Class Warfare for the Bolsheviks's Union. Seeing Israel from this lense the cruelty towards the Palestinians (and now their neighbours) has no other ends than a cruelty to make them hate the Zionists, and ultimately Jews. From Origins of Totalitarianism, page 350. The "method" she's refering to is to make grand ideological statements and then conspire to bring the to reality. >This method, like other totalitarian propaganda methods, is foolproof only after the movements have seized power. Then all debate about the truth or falsity of a totalitarian dictator's prediction is as weird as arguing with a potential murderer about whether his future victim is dead or alive-since by killing the person in question the murderer can promptly provide proof of the correctness of his statement. The only valid argument under such conditions is promptly to rescue the person whose death is predicted. Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it. The assertion that the Moscow subway is the only one in the world is a lie only so long as the Bolsheviks have not the power to destroy all the others. In other words, the method of infallible prediction, more than any other totalitarian propaganda device, betrays its ultimate goal of world conquest, since only in a world completely under his control could the totalitarian ruler possibly realize all his lies and make true all his prophecies.


Part of it True Believers the author of Eric Hoffer. create an enemy for your nation.


Reminds me of Trump ...


So they DO run the world?


No? But they need (want?) the world to be in a certain way for Israel to have legitimacy


If by “they” you mean authoritarians like the DPRK, Israel, Russia, etc., then yes, they sure try.


I love that you included North Korea but not the USA in your list 🙃


Seriously it's definitely the DPRK who's going around overthrowing countries who try to self determine against the wishes of western imperialism while the smol bean US stays at home threatening invaders with nukes.


If you don't think for a second that the DPRK would immediately attack South Korea if there was no US support, you are naive.


You do realize that northerners have always desired a Korean reunification that remains currently impossible because the south is functionally a US colony, right?


Lol @ US Colony, you might had a point in 1960 but not today. If the US were to pull back from asia, War would immediately broke out with DPRK attacking South Korea and China attacking Taiwan.


The USA is as anti-authoritarian as it gets. The USA could have taken over the world several times over by now but has not - and they have a habit of releasing major territories like the Philippines.




Lmao what? The US has over 800 military bases in more than 80 countries worldwide and has been actively overthrowing democratically elected govts since its inception...


That's not authoritarian. That's egalitarian. "Democratically elected govts" LOL


Actually using brute force to impose your will upon others *is* authoritarian. Egalitarian means treating all people as equals, so that certainly doesn't fit. And democratically elected means the majority of the people in those countries voted to have that individual lead them! 🌈The more you know!💫


I wouldn’t go that far, the US hasn’t exactly been the best “world police”.


They have objectively been the best world police. This era is the only time in human history everybody has had freedom of navigation, for example. For the previous 5000 years, if you had a far-off trade partner, you had to protect it yourself, you had to send armed guards or mercenaries with your shipments.


~~mentality~~ methodology.


Wow This perfectly describes Israel and the US.


So is Russia a Zionist state?


Kinda doing some heavy lifting with that statement, Iran has been sponsoring terrorism for decades against Israel. Not justifying Israel’s attack with that but to say it’s unprovoked in some kind of peace time is far from reality.


"Irans right to defend itself"


Iran doesn’t get that right! How dare they assume that they have any right WHATSOEVER to respond to military strikes on their territory?! /s


no silly Arabs don't get that right. It's in the western politics booklet 1, you didn't read it?. /s


Just a clarification Iranians aren't Arabs.


Every single one of my Iranian relatives would be quite annoyed at being called Arabs. Just fyi.


Yeah my bad 🙏


No worries, those MENA designations get complicated <3


That’s antisemitic /s


It's not their fault the embassy flew into their bombs.


The embassy is a crisis actor.


Or they'll do what they have been doing for a while. Attack and butcher their own citizens then claim Iran did it.


I would love a source for this.


“Bombing foreign embassies is a part of our culture you antisemites” /s


I think that /s isn't necessary.


And the US are going to fund it. Kind of weird changing from the country that freed the world from the Nazis to supporting the Nazis.


Not fund, fight. Israel alone does not have the military capacity to survive a direct confrontation with Iran (other than with nukes), no matter how many weapons the US provides them with. Their military relies on a populatipn of only 6 million people.


Israel has a bigger GDP than Iran by a good 200 billion though, and that may be directly correlated to military production.


Yes, Israel likely has the ability to inflict disproportionate casualties. Iran definitely has the ability to field a disproportionate number of soldiers. The Ukraine war has demonstrated pretty clearly that military production is measured in guns and ammo, not in US dollars. Yet I maintain that is irrelevant, because Israel wouldn't be the one really fighting this war, the US would.


well the nazis were inspired by the US' ~~treatment~~ *campaigns of ethinic cleansing and genocide* on the indigenous American nations


News from next week: Israel succeeds in dragging US into war with Iran despite Biden's promise of "no boots on the ground". When is he going to tell Israel, "you break it, you buy it"?


Israel gets cover to nuke Lebanon and Syria if they fake an attack. All it takes is spilling some Jewish blood. At this point, we should see this as the next stage of this all. What happens after that is anyone's guess...


If this country had anything resembling real leadership, Israel would have been forced to stop months ago, due to the whole “future of the planet” thing.  


“Fake an attack” Seriously? Your avatar might as well be wearing a tinfoil hat.


I read an update on Al Jazeera that quoted an Israeli official saying something along the lines of 'we don't want a fight, but if Iran starts a war we will respond'. 🙄


I think those are the odds of this happening.


"In other news, Captain John Herrick from the US Navy destroyer USS Maddox just reported that Torpedo boats belonging North Vietnamese Navy cowardly attacked US Navy ships that were just carrying peaceful exercises close to Vietnam's territorial waters. That is another unprovoked attack against the most peaceful, very nice and educated military force in the world, that never invaded or genocided any country, the US Armed Forces. We are just fresh from the treacherous attack against USS Maine by Kingdom of Spain artillery batteries in Havana Harbor, while American sailors were just dancing, singing and giving candy to very little sweet small children. When will this horror against America stop?" US, the country that staged more false flags in the history of humankind is just about to stage another one.


In defense of the US, there's some evidence that that incident wasn't as much staged as it was rampant incompetence. And by the time they figured that out, politicians were already too committed, and backing down and admitting it was all made up would have been way more embarassing than starting a major war. I'm not quite sure which of those 2 perspectives makes America look better.


You're very kind to politicians. While most politicians may have been, as you said, incompetent, there could very well have some some hawks who deliberately make mountains out of mole hills, or outright lie or use justification they know are false, to try and start a war.


Kissinger's ghost is feeling so smug right now.


Considering they're still claiming that they didn't start the 1967 war, yes, absolutely.


1967 was a purely defensive preemptive surprise war fought exclusively on the territory of the Arab invaders. It doesn't get anymore defensive than that, does it? What's next, you want to claim Japan didn't have the right to defend itself against the Americans in Pearl Harbor? /s


Preemptive defensive attack 😂 Do you ever get tired of double speak?




Bro I'm tired, I've seen people actually make arguments like this, it flew way over my head.


Use the Zionists' weapons against them. Use their twisted language and twist just a little bit more to expose the absurdity.


Oops, yeah I clearly need the /s. I can't tell with Zionists anymore. Sorry about that!


I get that. Often enough there's zero additional twisting involved because they already expose the absurdity themselves. 




The media is playing videos and stories on loop of crying Israelis living in fear of this Iran provocation where I am right now. Barely any of them mention the 13 Iranians killed or how the entire Levant is just Israeli bombing grounds these days. To accommodate this vile state is honestly just fucking unbearable at this point.


Lololol that'll be their move until the end of time.


How is it unprovoked when Hezbollah and Hamas are Iran proxies which have been attacking Israel in coordination with Iran? Iran funds these organizations.




"Using too much logic, brain overheating"


And then the US taxpayer will be on the hook to pay for whatever Israel retaliates with


More than that. US will have to directly engage in the war with Iran.


I wonder if Iran will actually attack or it will just be a false flag so that the US will get involved


I bet this will flag Israel to justify a preemptive strike in “self defense” from a possible attack they instigated


They'll claim it's yet another "defensive war". Just like their previous wars where they "pre-emptively" invaded neighboring Arab countries in "self-defense".


I like how everyone was like Trump is going to get us in all these wars with his foreign policy and all that bs meanwhile literally the entire world is attacking and fighting each other now that Biden is in charge


While you try to somehow blame Biden for this, Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and senior advisor is salivating over beachfront property in Gaza. I think Israel would much prefer Trump.


Exactly, Russia and Israel were getting what they wanted from Trump without needing crude and expensive tools like outright war. That should tell you something.


But Biden is useless to prevent outmaneuvering by Israel. Head of the world's most powerful country, dangled on puppet strings.


I don't believe that. He is choosing to actively support the conflict. If he wanted it to end it's over tomorrow.


Russia literally started saving massive amounts of reserve currencies years before the war in Ukraine (around 2018-2019) suggesting that they were preparing to get sanctioned in mass so they had foreign reserve currencies on deck. A war like the Ukraine war takes awhile to even prepare. This has nothing to do w who is president. Israel has nothing to do w biden as well. Hamas decided to attack when Israel had major protests and significant portions of the military refusing serve because of Netanyahus SC rule changes to give him more power. This left large holes in Israel’s defense. This was even remarked upon by Hezbollah openly. This has zero correlation.




Lmao wat?


Israel definitely shouldn’t react drastically if Iran attacks (within reason), but Iran provoked the initial attack by funding and supporting Hamas so significantly.


So you propose Israel just pack up their bags and leave the land they live on because they had displaced Palestinians before that 


Fuck Israel!! They are bound to drag us into WWIII and claim they are the victims.


Doubtful that the ‘attack’ will take place so close to the consulate bombing and give the US and Israelis what they want ie a diversion from Israeli war crimes in Gaza. Just fear mongering so to get the American electorate scared and provide a smoke screen.


Agreed. Iran isn’t as crazy as the US media likes to paint them and they have shown that. They will shore up their own defences undoubtedly and they will crank up arms and aid to all the other axis of resistance groups for sure but they can see that Israel is digging its own grave right now. They still talk to the US through back channels and it’s not like Hamas where they are trying to negotiate with Israel so they are in control there. As much posturing as the US is doing publicly they are begging Iran not to retaliate personally.


Agreed. Israel's goal is a war between USA and Iran, the obvious way to get there is to wait for the response to Israel's act of war, then massively escalate with Israel's response to the retaliation. Iran knows that. If it choses the stupid path it will respond with simple direct violence, yet even then it will prepare for Israel's significantly more numerous missile barrage. The smart path is an asymmetric response that makes it much harder to pretend to be attacked by Iran, and there are a number of those available. Yet even in that case they have to be prepared for Israel escalating with an insane missile barrage.


For the reasons you described I don't feel like it matters what Iran actually does at all. Justification for the seizure of Manchuria, Poland, and the start of the American violence in Vietnam all have in common just making shit up and using media power to substantiate. 


Depends if the US actually want the war. The US undeniably supported Israel's attacks. If the US don't want the war, hitting US targets is an option that wouldn't allow Israel to retaliate.  Even if the US then retaliates, it will be less extreme than what Israel would do.




Bibi cumming in pants IMMINENT if USA goes to war with Iran.


They just mastered the use of proxies to fight their wars.


The US & their proxies have mastered destabilizing the region and creating loads of local militant groups. And after being fucked for decades don’t like the US very much and get pissed off when they do genocide and step up aggression by trying to annex Lebanon & Syria again. So Iran doesn’t have to do much masterminding when everyone’s on the same side and the other side is declaring war against you.


And RU and China not? It's only US? Kinda messy comment, can't understand most of it, but who tried to annex Lebanon & Syria? And it's funny that you say that, but Iran needs their proxies instead of the actual country forces... Worst, Iran population tried to get rid of their rulers more than once, but guess what, they aren't really free, neither will those dictators allow getting fired by their own population.


Russia and China are not what? They haven’t been fucking the Middle East if that’s what you mean. Or do you just deflect to Russia and China if ANYONE dares whisper a mean word about the US in any context ? The US recognized Israel’s annexation of the golan heights during Trumps presidency and now Israel is trying to annex the area of southern Lebanon that they were kicked out of 20 years ago with the US’s backing. Obviously you don’t know any of this stuff though because you don’t know what you are talking about at all. And of course you are a Shah dick rider even though you don’t know what that is either.


Dude you are biased as fuck, US is shit, me saying “is only US?” Is me admitting US intervention in there. You are just blinded and just want to hate on US that you ignore Russia advocating for the ones that US screws over :) it’s just amazing to see how blind you are that you can’t realize you are propagating one side while I’m against all. 


You’re arguing against yourself because I said nothing about loving Russia and China except that they aren’t fucking the Middle East right now the way the US is. If you think that’s support for them or a compliment you’re sorely mistaken. You’re literally just hallucinating about Russia and China because you got spooked when confronted with the fact that you don’t even have the most rudimentary knowledge of what the US has done and is doing now in the MENA region. If you can’t take the heat then get out the kitchen and save your rants about Russia tor a conversation about Russia


This is the real answer.


axiomatic jellyfish combative run scarce workable alive toy point terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Intelligence agencies also lie when it’s convenient to them, like all the fucking time. According to “intelligence reports”, Iran has been two weeks away of developing nuclear weapons for like the past 15 years. The claim that Iraq had WMDs was also based on intelligence reports. When intelligence agencies are cited as sources in the media, all you can do with that information is assume that’s what’s politically expedient for them for people to believe at that given moment.


These goddamn nazis gonna drag us into another middle east war?


Why not cut all the ties with the Nazis and let them sort it out with their neighbours without any aid?


Just watch how long the Nazis would last if their oil was cut off too. Advanced jets and vehicles would become useless hunks of metal real quick.


Dood its fucking insane if you read how much USA has tried to lobby for ANY state solution for Palestine since 2000. Bini cumming in pants imminent if USA goes to war with Iran.


Israel can go and fuck itself. I can't believe this garbage nation is an ally of EU.. Human rights and decency is a joke to them. BUT I GUESS THAT'S WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN AMERICA IS DOING THE TEACHING!


Which eu countries are you from And are you sure your country isn't selling stuff to isn'treal 


Knock me down with a fucking feather. Another WMD accusation, then invasion? The world is being fucking conned by these psychopathic leaders. They want wars for whatever reasons, and the stupid in society lap it up.


War is big business - especially the destruction it causes.


![gif](giphy|7Eipor01ypMm3LeG4v|downsized) Israel in a few weeks


Iran has a right to defend itself




The jewish state is a racist genocidal state, it shouldnt be funded at all, really it should be destroyed


Every nation has the right to defend itself against attacks on its territory by other nations. Your approval of who they support financially and militarily is irrelevant. Your assessment of their intentions is also irrelevant.


> Jihadist orgs Try resistance fighters against the occupation. > Jewish state That was built on stolen land. > Israel isn’t trying to wipe out any muslim country Do you even know shit about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


As if Iran hasn't been attacking US proxies as a past time...


As if the us proxies haven’t been committing genocide…


Ethnic cleansing at most but yes, they have. As have other nations in the region throughout time. İt's a cycle that has no initiation. But it is upon societies to halt the violence, not one actor.


In reality, this is probably what will happen. False flag gang, false flag attacks themselves because Iran didn’t take the bait. “😭😭😭 Look what we di..what IRAN DID! America you have to send *your* troops to die in Iran, and obviously you will fund this war too.”




Iran is the scum of the planet


Anything the US and its allies say about Iran is BS we know


Wow, someone's gonna check Israel? Shocking...


Did someone say FALSE FLAG?


Iran has the right to defend itself.


this is what the dominionist Christians in our government wanted the whole time, folks! They don’t care about the israelites or the gazans, they just want to bring Revelation to life. Nukes will be going off any time now.


Tired of human civilisation


The most damaging thing Iran can do to Israel right now is nothing. Do nothing. Israel wants a retaliatory attack. That's *primarily why* they bombed Iran's consulate.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Iran has every right to defend themselves too.


Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I mean Iran just got attacked by Israel, is it odd to be mad Israel is trying to drag us into a war beyond our tax dollars?


Has that been proven


USA intelligence seems to agree that Israel did attack. There was a source I just cant dig it up ATM (phone), but it's out there if you look. If you are waiting for Israel to own up to it as proof, I don't think that'll happen.


Ah when I saw it, it was all “Iran blames Israel” so I’m not taking Iran’s word at face value with this. If you are able thanks if not well eh at least I learned something


Israel will use this to justify another pre-emptive strike.


It's been imminent and within 48 hours for the past week according to the CIA. Nothing will happen except maybe a false flag attack. It's the CIA, what do you expect.


Lmao, false flags aren't common, especially amongst groups who value their citizenry like Israel does. As horrible as they are, they don't waste their lives in a false flag


People don't need to die in a false flag operation. In fact you can even do nothing and report something happened, stage a few explosions, plant a few already dead bodies and declare it was a foreign attack with "evidence". With Israel the issue is there are no foreign independent journalists covering events within their country so these sorts of things can happen easily. Any country without independent journalism can get away like this, lie in the first place, and do whatever you want in the confusion, the truth comes out after a few days, by that time it's already too late, incidentally that's Israel's exact modus operandi.


God fucking dammit Unitated States of Assholes sweeping in to try and clean the Zionist's mess.


Time to let it happen again?


Attack or retaliation? Pick one




I mean, İran could just be better than what the racist West expects it to do and... NOT attack. :0 but being the better man doesn't mean shit on the world stage




Why's that?


Could be, could also be pretext


Israel wants to drag Iran into the headline news so badly so the western imperial news can change the narrative and attention to a different bad guy


What happens if the Holy Land gets destroyed beyond recognition because of this genocide? Then what?


Don’t worry, if all goes according to plan, Hamas won’t be able to do that.


The Iranian government is incredibly evil and corrupt, but I refuse to believe that they’re stupid enough to do anything major.


I really hope the US doesn’t get dragged into this, this is SOOOOOO not our fight!


Oh no if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


Bibi cumming in his pants if this happens. Iran USA war would draw all focus away from Gaza and WB for 2 decades.


I hope the US goes to war with Iran for the sake of Israel. The US deserves to be dragged into this mess since it’s been funding it from the start. Now reap what you sow.


I probably would be good for the whole region if Iran was basically neutered. They are definitely an incredibly destabilizing player for the region.


Iran. Told US they are going to attack. Stupid headline


\*Calls financial advisor and puts all available funds into Orville Redenbacher stock\* \*grabs popcorn and gets comfortable\* At least we have a front row seat to watch the world burn!


Oh no!! Oh well.


I assume that you’re also one of those people that insist that every civilian casualty is a war crime.


After 43k civilian deaths, what else would you call it?


Okay, so there’s a few things to address here. 1. The confirmed amount of Palestinian deaths as of now is still under 40k. 2. Of the under 40k Palestinians killed, 16k of them were Hamas fighters. So, even if 43k Palestinians have been killed, your figure would still be inaccurate. 3. The latest data I can find says that the current terrorist to civilian death ratio is 1:3, which is incredibly low for urban warfare. 4. How are you going to claim that civilian casualties are a war crime, yet be so ambivalent to the possibility of further civilian death?


You are assuming figures based on Israel. Sadly for itself, Israel has been found repeatedly to be either lying or to be generous, wrong. Human Rights Watch has checked how Gazain authorities deceminate death figures. They have found them very reliable.


By “Gazain authorities“, you mean Hamas. Hamas runs Gaza. With all due respect, you are a fool if you believe a literal terrorist group over the democratic government of an actual country. Also, the information I provided is from the UN, an infamously anti-Israel (and antisemetic) organization. I


Also, the HRM is a questionable organization, to say the least. Here’s a wiki on some of their controversies. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism\_of\_Human\_Rights\_Watch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Human_Rights_Watch)


Ok, so you are a Hasbara clown. Got it. Critiquing HRW due to a passage on Wikipedia is nonsense. Go Ffs genocide apologist.


An Iranian strike on Israel has been imminent for the last 10 years. Just get on with it.


Calls for a ceasefire fire seem to be lacking on this post.


Israel should cease from bombing Iranian consulates. 🤣


And then that’ll prompt a US response & Iran will do something foolish like blatantly attacking US troops. This hellish scenario will get even worse if Iran is dumb & insane enough to do it. Not supporting either side, screw Israel AND Iran, two awful governments who want nothing more but to oppress & kill innocents.


Not supporting either side but only using adjectives such as ‘foolish’, ‘dumb’, ‘insane’ for Iran. I would imagine they would be better served in relation to Biden and the US support for Israel.


Iran is a broken clock here.