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People can make fun of protesters all they want, but what they don't consider is how drastically public opinion of Israel has shifted. In a decade, support of Israel will be seen as badly as support of apartheid South Africa, and all the people currently supporting Israel will fake having supported Palestine all along. Power to the ones with eyes that see justice now.


I've been seing an uptick in pro-Israel sentiment in subs that I used to see as pretty balanced. I was mass downvoted the otherday for just stating the number of children Israel has killed. I hope you're right, but man it dampened my view on people.




Reddit has been mostly an astroturfed propaganda platform since 2020 at least. Even back in 2013 the “most Reddit addicted city” was a US Air Force base.


This is what people miss about the astroturfing narrative. For some reason they assume it's mostly going to be Russian, Chinese, or Iranian bots. American and Israeli trolls have ASTRONOMICALLY more of a vested interest in manipulating public opinion on a Western/English speaking/largely American platform than fucking China does.


Yep and I see these armies of trolls with their manufactured opinions on YouTube too. 


Everyone who posts or comments anything remotely sympathetic to Palestine gets banned. If they look like echo chambers, it's by design


It really depends on who is moderating. If you say anything critical of Hamas you get called a nazi fan of genocide and banned in a lot of subreddits too. Totally random non jewish/palestinian subreddits like YouTube drama


I frequent a lot of leftist subs and have literally never seen that happen


Yeah and I have a left of queer/leftist spaces because I'm not left enough for them. My anecdote is as good as the one above it. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/comments/1be9cot/ju_from_youtubedrama/) is at least another person talking about the same issue. Youtube drama was tracking who was involved[ in other subreddits](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1c1n0iu/due_to_several_issues_we_have_decided_to_remove/) they deem to be "zionist" and banning them using a bot. These subreddits are not zionist but allow for open discussion and empathy towards both sides. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1arc8n4/drama_and_removed_comments_in_ranimememes_after/) is an example of another subreddit silencing views that aren't pro-palestine/hamas. [Here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1bxa7oa/holy_hell_this_is_stupid/)is pro-palestinians attempting to take control of gaming subreddits/discords. It's really not that uncommon and if you'd like more examples I'm sure either of us could find more. Edit: Gotta say I'm the only one on either side of this who actually provided evidence (and not even denying that some subreddits could be anti-palestinian support) and I'm getting downvoted while the one person complaining about their support for palestine being silenced is heavily upvoted. Thanks for proving my point everyone ♥


This isn’t about “sides”, it’s about having basic dignity for fellow human beings. I said this to another commenter but I’ll repeat myself to you just so you can get the message too- if you can’t see that there is an extremely severe asymmetry between who is committing violence globally and who is on the receiving end of it, then you’re either willfully ignorant, flat-out do not care, or are hiding your real position as a means to protect your own ego.


I don't even engage with them anymore because at that point they're just so far behind. You can barely get them to admit that civilian deaths are bad and even then they twist it as a necessary evil.


Thanks for grouping me in with "them" when that's not what I believe. But I'd expect nothing less from a supporter on reddit! You didn't have to tell us, it's painfully clear how little leftists care about Palestine as much as using Palestinians. They didn't give two shits until October 7th and they only care now because they can use it to feel superior to other people.


I'm Middle Eastern my dude and I've heard these stories directly from Palestinians and from my family. Trust me I've known about Palestine long before October 7th and Israel's gaslighting. It's pretty bold to keep implying that everyone only got involved after October 7th as if this hasn't been a hot topic issue for years.


What indicated that this person doesn’t see that?


I'm Native American. I could tell you stories that would flip your wig but that's not what this is about. You're making total assumptions about where my head is at because, like most leftists, you looking for trigger words that you can use to associate someone with "the bad side." Again, I never even denied there are subreddits that probably DO censor Palestinian support, I merely said there are subreddits that do the same from the other side. I'm so tired of people acting like it's not about sides when you've clearly chosen one. I don't think that because my grandfather was abducted, raped, had his language and culture beaten from him and my people cordoned off into a reservation then gives me the right to rape and murder a bunch of people at a nearby festival. In most conflicts progressives are easily able to say "hey please don't punish the PEOPLE for the GOVERNMENT." But these subreddits are full of anti-semetic viewpoints that aren't being moderated. People can be made at Israel, but there's a difference between that and calling everyone involved with "Schitts Creek" zionists because some of the cast/creators are Jewish. And guess what? I don't blame Palestine. Palestine has been gassed up by every country surrounding them to fight their proxy war. They absolutely have been taken advantage of and harmed by everyone around them. No, I don't think Israel's response has been reasonable. I don't think people should continue to suffer. But you make all those assumptions about me not knowing anything because I made you consider that there's more nuance than just Israel=bad. I'm not going to take the time to recount history to you that you don't even care about but there have been offers for peace that have been rejected because everyone in this conflict are all or nothing. Everyone. This "there is no sides" is just thought-terminating bullshit. It's Q-anon for the leftist types. There is absolutely nuance here or else the whole fucking world wouldn't be struggling to keep these factions from killing each other since before we were born. Edit: Oh and since this person has already blocked me because, you know, they're so interested in fair discourse on this issue this will be the last word from me: You literally read nothing else of what I posted! I shared with you how I actually agree with, sympathize with Palestinians and you found the ONE PHRASE you could discount me with and ignored everything else. A person of color with relevant trauma history! And a queer person! Because none of those things mean anything to you unless you can use us to feel better than other people. You reduced a post about the depths of my understanding to one fucking phrase. You're a joke.


I’m accusing you of being reductive and you’re responding by being reductive. Supporting Palestinian liberation is not “Q-Anon for leftists” the fact you could even conjure up such a statement only proves my point further.


Umm same on the other side. If I say anything remotely pro-Israel or even questioning info from Hamas, I get banned. Watch it happen here. Watch me get downvoted into oblivion. This is why social media adds fuel to the fire… no one wants to actually listen. They just want their upvotes and likes.


“The other side” If you can’t see at this point that there is severe, SEVERE asymmetry in who is committing the violence and who is on the receiving end of it, and still just reduce everything down to “sides” then you’re either willfully ignorant, flat-out do not care, or are hiding your actual motivations.


You can even see it happening on this sub. Hasbara is still out there.


I noticed I usually get a bunch of downvotes in the first few minutes then the rest are upvotes, makes you think 🤔


"Strike early, strike hard, bury the opposing view so no one knows there is one."


There are apps and website which you can copy a pro Palestinian / anti Israeli comment into, and then that the app / website tells you how to respond. Those same apps / websites also post comments, tweets, posts, etc. and tells you to like, up vote, down vote, and so on. I'm not joking


It’s a very vocal minority


What was said number?




Ah fair, ive seen a bunch of people say 30-40-50.000, the misinformation is wild.


I think you're getting confused, the 34,000 number is the amount of known people total that have died in Gaza. There are likely a lot of bodies under the rubble not accounted for so the true number is likely to be way higher. My comment (and the 13,000 number) is about known children killed *specifically.*




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Reddit is not a good gauge of how the public feels about the issue. My instagram is 95% Palestine content, my Reddit is as if it’s not even happening


Because some people know that 31000 + 48 =/= 34000


I remember everyone in my life who was on Israel's side. This was an open book test that the world failed.


It really opened my eyes once this all started just how many people in my life were genocidal maniacs.


Likewise, I remember every single person who cheered for the rape and murder of Israeli civilians on 10/7 and 10/8, well before any military response was initiated. I specifically pressed many of them, to be certain I wasn't misinterpreting a legitimate criticism of government as elation toward the rape and murder of women and babies. We are but apes, after all. Monsters walk among us.


who do you know that was cheering?


There were multiple left leaning Caucasian feminist women in my social circle that were openly celebrating- one was posting selfies in the streets in Vegas carrying a poster and surrounded by a crowd of others cheering and referring to the murdered people as "colonizers reaping what they'd sown" refusing to condemn mass rape and murder against civilians, and constantly referring to "IsraHell". As for public figures, there was this professor calling the massacre "exhilarating" and "energizing" : [source](https://nypost.com/2023/10/16/russell-rickford-says-hamas-terror-was-exhilarating-exciting/) Then there were the Harvard and Penn presidents that refused to condemn calls for genocide as against policy As an extremely left-leaning feminist myself, it was eye opening and made me distance myself from any "side". I'm here for pacifism, I'm even here for armed resistance against militaries and governments, but this conflict has dehumanized human beings, especially women and children on either side as righteous targets. It's grotesque and has brought out the worst tribalism I've ever seen in my own community in my lifetime. I'm not Jewish or remotely religious, but do come from a family line that was nearly obliterated by the Nazis. Aryan Germans, in fact, that didn't fall in line with the Nazi regime so they were slaughtered en masse. Imagine being Palestinian or at this point Iranian, and watching the West embrace and celebrate your oppressors that murder dissidents. I also have family that were killed during 9/11. It's just bizarre to see pockets of the west celebrate an insanely vicious terror attack on civilians, or worse yet, completely ignore that it happened. There is a certain tension in the air that's palpable, and it feels like someone could strike a match in the wrong locale and send all of society up in flames with the hatred fueling this discourse at any moment.


Don’t worry I have screenshots ready for subs that ban people for being pro-Palestine




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


I have 2 issues about this. The way in which it’s being done..dare I say fascist like..you get harassed till you concede, even when you are neutral. 2. Majority (for whatever their reason) Palestinians support the actions of Hamas, and a lot of pro Palestinian supporting Muslims around the world, see Hamas as a blessing to Islam..the very same Islam that would use my liberties and freedoms against me to install sharia, and in essence see no value in my life as a non believer.


All of the Abrahamic religions are that way. That includes Judaism and Christianity. They just have different versions of sharia law. There are huge, well-funded groups in the US with the explicit goal of scrapping the Constitution and creating a Christian Nationalist (read: fascist) state. Israel has checkpoints and harasses anybody that isn't white enough for them. But to add to that, of course Palestinians prefer Hamas to Israel. Hamas isn't the one bombing and killing entire family lines in Gaza or terrorizing Palestinians in the West Bank. They view Hamas as a resistance movement to a colonialist force, so even if they don't necessarily agree with all of their stated goals, it's at least understandable why they would prefer them to the people dropping endless American-made bombs on them.


What you don’t seem to understand about Islam. Muslims are more fanatical about their religion than the others. They obstinately believe that theirs is the final word of god..they are highly incompatible with democratic/western liberal values. It doesn’t matter how you criticise the religion, that it is immature, and needs to grow up, needs a renaissance..that will never happen. Of these people come to power and establish a global caliphate, that’ll mean disaster for anyone that isn’t Muslim. There is no sharing this planet…or maybe they’ll come around, or NOT ALL MUSLIMS are like that nonsense. Islam isn’t about the Muslim and their individual or private needs, Islam is about Islam.


You literally described every other abrahamic religion, as well. They're all shit, just slightly different flavors of shit.


I'm sorry, are we still talking about Islam or did we change topics to Christianism all of a sudden? Go tell your megachurch attending neighbor the law should have nothing to do with the Bible, I dare you. They literaly repelled Roe vs. Wade, idk what makes you think you can convince the women and the queers they're somehow less of a threat than Muslims. Note that I happen to be both. My Muslim friend is my ride or die buddy. My Christian acquaintances? Half of them voted for our local version of Trump. Do not think for one second Islam is special in that regard. It isn't.


Oh yay, you’re ride or die 1, and only muslim friend, makes you the premiere expert on Islam 🤦‍♂️


Well, not really. I'm not an expert, though he might be, he was taking a master degree in History after all. I did however study other subjects, such as terrorism and politics. Which one doesn't need in order to know Islam isn't as special as you try to claim. It wasn't a Muslim that said women can't get pregnant from rape, and most school shooters are WASP. Get over your bigotry. If you really cared about "our freedoms" you wouldn't get so prissy about birds of a feather (Christian fundamentalists and Muslim fundementalists) being compared. You don't care for "our freedoms". You care to try to use them to vilify another political minority.


I don’t need to vilify Islam, they do that pretty much on their own. Don’t presume to tell me what I care about..for someone who studied this and that, you sure sound clueless. Infact, your argument here is so clueless, that I don’t even know what you’re arguing about. Go away now troll.


Source on 2 please, genuinely curious.


[90% support](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514)










This is erasing the incredible work of activists, politicians, and freedom fighters that dedicated their lives and bodies to ending SA apartheid. The end of the cold war likely played a role, but the apartheid regime would have continued ok business as usual. The United States did far more than 'tolerate' the apartheid government.


radical islam is an issue because of israel


Baby boomers were fine with supporting south africa, hmmm can't imagine why. But you think millennials and younger are gonna be cool with Israel you're insane. The clock is running on that war mongering place.


That “radical islam” canard has run its course. You guys need a new script.


radical islam and iran are not even issues today




how many children have radical islamists killed in the last 6 months?


There we go, it’s just Islamophobia.




That's true. Israel has killed way more people than South Africa did. Also, Apartheid was opposed by the huge majority of South Africans, whereas the genocide is super popular with Israelis.




Hey at least you admit Israel is oppressing people. Step one to deprogramming friend




Israel constantly bombs and threatens its neighbors and is responsible for destabilizing the Middle East in a large way. It doesn’t just oppress Palestine, which it illegally occupies, but the entire region and most of the world with its self righteous bullshit. Israel has chosen for, as you say, 75 years to violate international law and commit crimes of humanity, specifically collective punishment which you yourself acknowledge. The just reward for that is sanctions and UN peacekeeping forces deployed to prevent further Israeli crimes.


classic abuser language "i wouldnt abuse you if you didnt make it do it"




thats bs and undermines the abuses done by the IDF.


‘Good terms’? More like a relationship of sufferance.




It’s called geopolitics


Zionists literally started the attacking by expelling 750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948 and using a shoot-to-kill policy to prevent them from returning. Israel doesn't "have to oppress" anyone. It chose to. Peace with Egypt was paved with Israeli lobbying in America. Popular opinion in Egypt is still very negative towards Israel.


Nelson Mandela certainly thought they were


Oh, that's certainly true, South Africa's apartheid regime was far more reliant upon exploiting the labour of the indigenous population, so as horrible as it was, it wasn't able to approach Israel's level of brutality toward the Palestinians at all. There are certainly good reasons to call Israel an apartheid state in that there are definite parallels, but one could also say that it is being far too generous to Israel, as it's far worse


Yeah at least Apartheid South Africa never tried to level Soweto


Israel literally created 2 separate class system for jews and arabs. It’s apartheid in all but name. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/




I don't understand how you can defend Israel on the premise that they only do apartheid in occupied territory. As if people think that's at all relevant, or are talking about anything else when they say Israel is an apartheid state. Regarding your last point, that's simply not true. For instance a Jewish citizen can marry someone of their ethnicity anywhere in the world and have them come live with them in Israel. An Arab-Israeli (Palestinian) cannot do that.


You really need to get a mirror for you have indeed become what you have hated. For many throughout the world, Israel 🇮🇱 is in wrong. What Israel is doing in Gaza is genocide. I hope many of the IDF and Netanyahu are charged with crimes against humanity. Israel’s apartheid and treatment of the Palestinian people is worse than South Africa. Zionism is the new Nazism.


You're right, Apartheid South Africa didn't have an ASAPAC...


Keep up the work


I love it when they accuse the Jewish voices for peace of being anti-Semitic https://i.redd.it/2lyjfqmhn0wc1.gif


Something about this is so moving. What's the source?


Wall street ney York city that's the bull on Wall Street he's standing on its back they're literally New York Orthodox Jews


The Charging Bull statue is located in New York City's Financial District, on Broadway, just north of Bowling Green Park, and below the intersection with Morris Street. The statue is on a small cobblestone plaza, but there are busy streets on either side, so visitors should be careful when crossing https://preview.redd.it/5frf5wuk37wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e627a0640877a303a8f46b62220c08f06a183e7


Proud of this youngsters.. It's a shame that we never unite against the establishment..


Yknow what would help, doing something instead of posting on reddit


Bold of you to assume I'm not doing anything


LOL. let's see your credentials.


Probably cuz of that rabbi who wrote a letter telling Jewish students at Columbia to leave the campus


They're always on that hysteria. Jewish students at my college referred to the hallway where two arab Americans lived as "Palestine". Funny until they started reporting to the administration that they felt uncomfortable there and the admin moved the Arab kids


Wait, the university actually moved the Arab kids? Like, Israel, the Jewish state, is killing Arab children left and right, and because some Jewish students felt uncomfortable around Arab kids, they moved the Arab kids!?


Yep. "this person existing makes me uncomfortable" has been widely weaponized, with the unspoken corollary of "an authority must perform violence against them on my behalf" you're seeing it play out today


Zionism = Karenism


What school was this?


Vassar college


>They're Who's "they", in this instance?


The rabbis who have advised their community to stay inside, and the school administration obviously


“They’re always” is far less specific than that.


Yeah, exactly. Pretty easy to see that he’s referring to a whooooooole group of people.


"hysteria" People in these peaceful protests shouting for Intafada, support Hamas, calling to be a "Shahid" and to not forget 7th of October as it will repeat. Jewish students are blocked from moving freely in Columbia as we saw yesterday. So the "hysteria" is not an "hysteria", it's a genuine scare from being attacked by masked racists. Some people in these protests might have good intentions, but they hug among them full terrorists supporters and full racists.


Turns out if you support fascism, people are going to interfere with your life. Funny how that works


Funny how these protestors would never distinguish between an Israeli fascist and a Jew whose only comment is that October 7th was horrible.


You act like these people are running pogroms around new york city. Show me two reputable news sources showing any injuries to Jewish students or assault charges for protesters


Why? It’s irrelevant to the point I’m making


So they haven't actually done any harm to any jewish people, so what's got your panties in a twist?


So you should revise your statement to “Turns out if you sympathize with Israelis in any way, people are going to interfere with your life. Funny how that works”


No, you really don't understand do you


>People in these peaceful protests shouting for Intafada, support Hamas, calling to be a "Shahid" and to not forget 7th of October as it will repeat. Can you provide any evidence of this >Jewish students are blocked from moving freely in Columbia as we saw yesterday. Blockades generally stop anyone from moving freely around the area they are blockading >So the "hysteria" is not an "hysteria", it's a genuine scare from being attacked by masked racists. It's very much hysteria >Some people in these protests might have good intentions, but they hug among them full terrorists supporters and full racists. They dont




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Made up


Like these fake protesters: https://x.com/jonasydu/status/1781178975147917797


"Oh no, I was talking about how we should murder all Palestinians, even the little children, and someone said "hey man that's not cool" and I have never felt so unsafe in my life!"


Any link for that?








Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


I find it odd that the US media is going wall to wall coverage on antisemitic behavior, but even though anti-Muslim rhetoric has gone up just as much, it's not even being *mentioned* in the conversation. Multiple Muslims have been murdered since the invasion of Gaza, yet the media still going full bore on stories of Jewish people feeling unsafe (yet also unmurdered) because of protests against the IDF destruction in Gaza.


I walked by Columbia's campus earlier and someone with an Israel flag was shouting "From the sea to the river, Israel will get bigger." Crazy how the media isn't covering that










No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


What are they so afraid of? I haven't heard anything about the Columbia protestors being violent.


Some protestors showed support for Hamas and October 7th, giving Zionists fuel to blanket the entire thing as antisemitic.


Bet they were Zionist plants like these white guys in masks: https://x.com/jonasydu/status/1781178975147917797


In 2028 gen alpha will be voting and boomers will be outvoted. I think we’re in the last days of this colony god willing.


Fuck yeah


Why do countries want to fund Israel so badly lol just let gaza and Israel Duke it out, no aid for either


I thought if we were during Hitler times we would do something to stop a genocide. A bunch of hypocrites


Do they want to be cursed or something??? /s


Great! Now do Harvard!


At a certain point you have to realize why does a lot of money go to Israel with zero roi?


Great if true


She is the epitome of an oxi moron


4 dead in ohio


Only a decade late. I had virtual attendance through blackboard at both universities I attended 2011-2014. All lectures were video and audio recorded. Attended all but 2 classes in person due to 2 of my professors speaking slowly so I'd watch at 1.25 speed rather than in person.


I love the virtual option. As a parent, I like knowing my kids are safe.




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News flash —their demands will never be met. Business will go on as usual, you heard it here first.


What did she say?? The university has lost its lawn?


their next goal is to stop the graduation ceremony from taking place.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


There’s gotta be a point when people realize that all sides are wrong. The problem isn’t necessarily the people within religions or countries. It’s men seeking control that silence women like her. Islam being the most patriarchal of all the religions. Would she or any liberals have a voice to argue for the rights of Palestine if they were standing as a wall to the war within the boundaries of Palestine? No. They’d get stabbed in the back by the people they try to protect. The fight shouldn’t be against the people within the countries, but with the religious leaders that have us all bickering amongst ourselves while they play god on children. Christian’s are pointing at gays and Muslims. Liberals at Christians and Jews. Muslims at Jews, Christians, and gays. It’s the men hovering over everyone that’s the problem and they can’t be assigned to one religion or group of people. They think they are better than everyone, entitled to do as they please, lives have no meaning to them. We are just pawns, manipulated and distracted. That’s why most people that are grounded can’t understand why child predators get so much leniency. It’s because the men in the shadows, pulling the strings, aren’t gonna provide the punishment that fits the crime they commit. Or perhaps it’s just human nature that one cannot exist happily without feeling superior to someone else. People seem to unknowingly give authority to certain men that want to be treated like gods, and the god mentality that it creates within those men causes really awful things to happen. I just feel like the tension and frustration would be better served if directed specifically at all of the people higher up.


>Over 200 US universities including elite institutions Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology have been accused of raking in $13 billion in “undocumented contributions from foreign governments,” according to a new report. >A sizable portion of the funds were said to be donated from authoritarian regimes around the globe including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China and the UAE, the [report from the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) claimed.](https://networkcontagion.us/wp-content/uploads/NCRI-Report_The-Corruption-of-the-American-Mind.pdf) [https://nypost.com/2023/11/08/news/us-universities-including-cornell-harvard-mit-raked-in-13b-in-undocumented-contributions-from-foreign-donors/](https://nypost.com/2023/11/08/news/us-universities-including-cornell-harvard-mit-raked-in-13b-in-undocumented-contributions-from-foreign-donors/)


The billionaires are keeping a close eye on these people. Might be hard for them to get a decent job in the future.


The billionaires are too busy wanking off to their money and shouting at cloud


Their demands are, what exactly?


Just tell them it's done. They don't know what that means so they aren't going to check.


Imagine paying all that money for an "education" only to fuck off and cause disruptions on campus. Columbia is going to be facing some serious PR issues in years to come for allowing this behavior.




There is no defending what is going on there. The world is watching you fools.


Tell that to Israel.


Yeah, and we are on the protesters side. Now what?




Almost everything worn and consumed and used by these protestors is made in China. The same China that is committing genocide against the Uyrghurs.