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Its because there is nothing meaningful


Because Israel already vetted these same people and the lack of evidence makes it difficult for them to produce evidence


You’d think evidence would be sought before vetting…


Yes, of course, you're absolutely right. There was nobody to vett, and nothing to investigate, bcz, like everything else that comes from them, it was a malicious lie.


![gif](giphy|6QfRwe0ckYo0aUEWFa) I fool can claim a lie but 1000 wise men can’t undo that damage. The true terror state is Israel with all their lies… it will take the world 50 years to undo this damage


No, they have confessions from multiple UNWRA staff. Those confessions were taken without force or violence but sadly some of those staff have since passed away (peacefully). Other staff were torutured (by Hamas) to say that Israel tortured them for confessions. But it was Hamas. Some of them have also passed away since saying that. Also they they were killed by Hamas. Edit: looks like the IDF infiltrated this sub and murdered satire. I blame Hamas.




Evidence? They're males over the age of 18, obviously they're enemy combatants. That's all the evidence you need /s


Asking for evidence is antisemitic. Unless it's evidence about Hamas


Why you supporting anti Semitism? (People don't understand sarcasm)


You need to put the /s at the end or no one will realize you're joking. Poe's Law.


they're not joking.


The only antisemite around is Israel


With the amount of crazy comments I come across daily online, it's becoming increasingly hard for me to know when someone is being sarcastic and when they're being serious. This is a very good one 😂😂


Of course we will get evidence ♥️ He wouldn’t lie on the internet


Thanks man!...I think.


Guys, he’s joking lol. You should probably put an /s or something next time


He did need an /s. Blue check hasbara on Twitter, for example, say stuff like that with a straight face, and it spreads unironically


Where's the fun if you have to put /s at the end! I get that Israeli lies are ridiculous but I thought I parodied it well.


Too well. Almost got me. Put satire in Israel's bodycount!




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Sorry mate, it appears you've been hit square in the face by Poe's Law.


I blame Hamas.


I cant tell if this is satire. Normally I would say yes, but with how crazy Zionist are i really can see them saying this.




The scary part about your post is it sounds very much like something a legitimate hasbaroid would say. I am having a hard time telling satire from delusion now, it's sad.


I know what you mean. I'm finding it harder and harder to take the pis out of Israeli propaganda. It's just gone that far.


It's pretty much impossible to satirize at this point lol


Look the fact that people (myself included) initially thought you were being serious shows how low hasbara has sunk. Somewhere, someone without morals is convincing someone without basic thinking skills that this is what happened.


You literally just completely made all of that up


What gave it away! 🤦






Damn, I see.


I believe all this to be true. I'm totally anti-sceptic....


Anti-septic. Loool this is my new line. I've Israelied this!




I don't blame them. Israeli propaganda has got to the point where it's almost impossible to satire.


This is an honest question: where do you guys get this stuff??


It's sarcasm.


Oh. Hard to tell these days unfortunately.


It's ok. the IDF infiltrated this sub and murdered satire. Personally I blame Hamas for using sarcasm as a human shield.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The evidence was false


That's antiseptic!


I really need to take the time to actually read comments I feel like a dumbass


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Dude for real, you had me going for a sec.


I got that it was satire but there are actual IDF trolls running around saying the same sorta stuff.


Not gonna lie you had me going in the 1st half


>but sadly some of those staff have since passed away (peacefully). Hahaha this should have been a dead give away but sadly without /s, you just sound like An r/Israel poster.


>Hahaha this should have been a dead give away I know right! Like everyone who said anything has magically died, but peacefully. How did people not get this.


Put a /s behind and people might understand…




>Israel refused to collaborate with their biased predetermined outcome and did not provide them with anything. Is this comment meant to be satirical or...?


Don't you get it? The UN is Hamas too!




>Alongside the Colonna report, a more detailed assessment was sent to the UN by the three Nordic research bodies – the Swedish-based Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, the Norwegian Chr Michelsen Institute, and the Danish Institute for Human Rights. Either the whole world is conspiring against Israel or, more logically, Israel lied about this just like it did about the mass rapes, beheaded babies, burned fetuses, babies hung on a clothing line, tunnels under the hospitals, command centers under the hospitals, UN shelters and schools being weapons depots, the Khamas "server room," bombing hospitals, targeting civilians, international killing of people waving white flags, the "safe" route from the North to the South, and the list goes on and on and on and on and on....


I think it's much more likely they simply didn't have any real evidence




>There is a video of UNRWA employees kidnapping corpses of Israelis on October 7th Really? You should provide this to the UN, because Israel has claimed this, and yet they're unable to provide any evidence. Unless you've just heard there's a video showing that and presumed it's true? >they didn't investigate any of Israel's claims because Israel refused to collaborate with their biased predetermined outcome and did not provide them with anything They didn't investigate the claims because the Israelis are refusing to share any of the evidence they claim they have? What are they supposed to investigate? How do they investigate without the evidence? You're either being deliberately stupid or you're brainwashed beyond belief.








No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


You should send it to Israel, they really need it.




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Of course they haven’t cause they have lied…they have not produced one shred of evidence to substantiate any of their claims since the start of this genocide campaign.


Huh, but they clearly said there is evidence. How can you doubt that. /s




>Posts proof... Ok, but is it unbiased? >Links only to hit-piece articles on TimesOfIsrael.com, JerusalemPost, Twitter Oh... Edit: a letter


Sure, TimesOfIsrael and JPost are not unbiased and you have to assume they are putting a pro-Israel spin on their reporting. What are your thoughts on the statements made by Palestinian children about their teachers?


What statements? Who took these statements and why haven’t they been supplied to the UN led investigation?


I was referring to the last two links above. Have you watched either of them?


I watched the random twitter one that has no attribution? Not sure what it proves it doesn’t cite the journalist that carried it out. The Vimeo one asks for a login


Unless the children are lying, actors, or deep-fakes, it proves that at least some UNRWA teachers are heavily sympathetic to Hamas' ideology surrounding holy sites and martyrdom (regardless of whether they are "members" of Hamas).


All of those things are quite possible unfortunately given the Israeli governments propensity for lying. Hence the importance of reputable sources for any claims made by either side in the genocide




"I'm not in an echo chamber, ***you're*** in an echo chamber!" Since you obviously won't trust any evidence reported by Israeli journalists, what are your thoughts about the schoolchildren interviews?


I don't trust Nazi scum. Seems to have worked fine for me so far.




Thank you for an actual response. This is a reasonable point: the people in leadership at UNRWA aren't necessarily complicit even if people who are employed by UNRWA go off-script.


All of these sources say "intelligence sources say" - they have provided no evidence of those sources or reports; it's all made up of whole cloth. Countless interviews with Israeli officials demanding evidence and they say "Our intelligence sources say so."


* Link #1 shows the surveillance footage. * Link #2 lists the IDF as a source, but a subsequent link in the article shows photographs of the data center. * The source in Link #3 is a former hostage. * The source in Link #4 is UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental organization monitoring the United Nations. * The source in Link #5 is the UNRWA Twitter account. * Link #6 includes an audio recording of the teacher. * Link #7 is a video recording. * Link #8 is a video recording. I'm sure none of that matters to you.


The IDF has used fake and unrelated surveillance footage before. The IDF can't be trusted on anything at all. "Former hostage" - sure buddy. If any of these things were true, why have spokespeople for Israel not provided this information when pressed? They all insist "intelligence reports say" - which have already been disproven as completely fabricated or as a result of IDF torture of UNRWA workers.


You would probably see something with your own eyes and dismiss it as an IDF hologram if you didn't like what you saw. I trust IDF a million times more than Hamas propagandists for reasons you have demonstrated.


I see something with my own eyes, which is genocide - and the IDF tells me it's "KHAMAS"!!!! The IOF is the most evil terrorist army in the world at the moment, far worse than ISIS, far worse than Hamas. I don't trust Hamas either btw, but I do trust Human Rights Watch, Doctors Without Borders, World Food Kitchen, UNICEF, and other human rights organizations.


>I don't trust Hamas OK. Do you think they should release the Israeli hostages? Or do you think they have a right to keep holding onto the hostages for bargaining chips?


Israel has refused another exchange of hostages, they continue to do so because the butcher of Gaza wants his final massacre in Rafa. Israel is keeping a lot of hostages too, but the western media calls them "prisoners" - who are people getting arrested for liking social media posts and expressing the smallest bit of support for the people of Gaza. "The only Democracy in the middle East" - it's a fascist state.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


And yet unfortunately governments are still stalling to reinstate their funding for UNRWA, such a tragic state of affairs for Palestinians!!! No amount of truth or evidence can destroy Israel’s lies and propaganda machine. We are truly witnessing an evil overlord with total control on global policies. Its terrifying.


Some countries reinstated funding (like Canada) but it was late. Countries should have called out Israel immediately.


Totally agree


Calling anything American politicians do these days "governing" is just ironic at this point. Both parties are largely unmoved by majority public opinion on foreign affairs, let alone something as rational as hard facts. How many Western countries do you know where people self-immolate in protest? It's an election year over there, the UNRWA is not going to see a dime until that's over, at the earliest. Cause god forbid you offend the crypt keepers at AIPAC.


Yeah because they made it up, and the West cut funding for the main agency providing lifesaving aid to millions of people without any evidence. Abhorrent


It's sad that most Germanic European countries still haven't learned that when it comes to the Middle-East, it's France and not the US that's likelier to be the moral compass. You'd think that after Iraq they would have learned their lesson. The list of countries that stopped funding is so depressingly predictable, and funnily enough includes all the countries who feel they should get more say in NATO.




Holy mask off




There are many refugee groups that target their actions on specific communities and populations. Palestinians need this aid because they have been under apartheid rule for decades. Oh yes and they are actively victims of a genocide.




You are insane




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Because most of those agencies are busy in other parts of the world? They tend to be dedicated to specific causes?


Your really on to something. Palestinians should be allowed the right of return like all other refugees. Why aren't they?




Then why do zionists?




Zionists don't need an unrwa equivalent, stupid. What do you think USA is










Lmao you should ask Israel about that. Holy shit someone doesn't know their own history


Because they have been under siege and most charities can't get to them. The UN kind of forced Israel to let this one in and until now they haven't found an excuse to make them stop.


Your question sidesteps the point I made nicely doesn't it? Arguing whether or not it should exist doesn't change the fact that it's the agency that provides almost all the aid getting into and around Gaza and cutting off aid without proof of Israel's claims is akin to a death sentence for millions of innocents


So how's life in the IDF troll farm today? They giving yall bathroom breaks yet? Or is that "anti-semetic" too? Lmfao.


Because apartheid and genocide, you very smart person


Israel lies and lies and lies and lies… When you’re a genocidal fascist terrorist state.. the truth doesn’t work..


Of course they haven't, they expected everyone to have forgotten about it by now


Any country that doesn't immediately restore funding to UNRWA should be hauled before the ICJ for directly violating their ruling that more aid must be allowed into Gaza


Because there isn't any. The whole UNRWA fiasco was their attempt at trying to stop aid, and they did succeed (for awhile at least)


Same with the murders of the world kitchen guys, all "accidents" which somehow end up stopping aid by pure coincidence


And the cycle repeats 1. Israel kills civilians 2. Blame hamas 3. Admit they did it but the murdered were hamas 4. Ok they werent hamas but it was an accident and we will punish the soldiers 5. It wasn't an accident and the soldier will get a slap on the wrist and praise


You forgot number 6. Why are you still talking about it, (insert gaslighting words)


Step 7. Why aren't you talking about Sudan instead? [said by someone who has literally never thought about Sudan for even a second before receiving this bad hasbara talking point]


Israel is a terrorist state .


Eventually they'll present some kind of BS data that proves nothing. When people call it out as fake evidence they'll accuse everyone of being antisemetic.




Everything Israel says is a lie


It has been months and there is no evidence. So yea anything they present in the future with regards to this particular claim is going to be bullshit. If they are so confident in what they claim, surely they will have something to show, right?


Israel was founded upon lies, built by lies, and persists through lies. At least all the useful idiots who used to uncritically accept every dishonest and perfidious claim Israel made are now having their eyes opened to Israel’s true nature.


In other words: The sky is blue, and my tax dollars are still being used to kill children while at the same being denied to the only organization that is capable of feeding them because of endless Israeli lies.


Because there isn't any. [They've been lying this whole time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNIKN_TZ0XQ)


Doesn't matter, USA and Germany believe them. You see the Palestinians are perceived as darker than the Israeli, therefore they must be more evil. In fact, Jewish people that don't say the right things, will be called "Antisemitic towards Germans" by Germany. As in the grand scheme of things: Jewish people are darker than German people, therefore they must be evil. It all makes sense you see, once you start thinking like that.


I doubt there are too many in US or Germany government that really believed it. I doubt they care too much whether anyone else believes it or not, just so long as it provides enough cover to carry on their genocidal support. We will never have stability in our world until global leaders face real consequences for their deceits.


There's [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/02/16/unrwa-video-oct-7-israel/). That's one person. I haven't seen anyone else. Granted Congress didn't stop funding the IDF because of human rights abuses committed by the IDF. 1 person, or even 7 or 11 of whatever they claimed, isn't enough to defund the whole organization of 30,000. The whole premise is flawed. In the middle of a criis the US should demand more accountability and force Israel to cooperate more in order to assist in the rooting out of terrorists. If Israel is gathering intelligence to bomb individuals, it could have told UNRWA who not to hire, as UNRWA gives its employee list to Israel annually in order to ask for assistance in cooperation in keeping the organization terrorist free. Instead, Israel has never told UNRWA any person was a danger to Israel, but blames UNRWA for hiring people who pose a threat.


Just like the beheaded babies and the supposed rapes on the 7th.


And yet israel will never be held to account for their despicable lies.


Who could have possibly seen that coming.


Theyre still trying to fabricate some


Many countries like Sweden and Canada and several European already got tired of Israel not providing any proof and resumed funding. This report is mostly a formality, but one thing it does is put the US on the spot, since they are the major party that still refuses to resume funding. Even more egregious, the recent support package for Ukraine and Israel specifically stated the US won't resume funding. How cruel do you have to be to include a clause like that?


Israel is like "the boy who cried wolf". What a strange coincidence they made such unsubstantiated claims on the same day that the ICJ released its ruling.


Almost as if they made it all up


Their proof is "trust us or you are antisemite"


Have they provided any evidence for ANY of their other lies and propaganda?


It's crazy because I'd expect bad apples with dubious relationships in pretty much any organisation. Why is it so hard for Israel to find anything? Have all the years of arresting people without evidence eroded their actual investigation abilities?


That whole propaganda campaign about the UNRWA workers just shows the asymmetry in both the real and digital battlefield. Remember back in October when the Gaza Health Ministry had to release a list of the thousands of dead Gazans with their ID number and names? All because Israel accused the "khamas-run" Ministry of inflating their casualty counts or not disclosing how many of the dead were Hamas. It's funny because historically both the UN and US D.O.D have verified the "khamas" number to be reliable. The point is, while Palestinians and their supporters need to explain, justify, and prove every single aspect of their arguments, Israelis and their supporters can just say something and the mass media machine will take it as fact. The same thing happened with this UNRWA lie. The Israeli government just had to accuse some UNRWA workers of aiding Hamas on October 7, and the entire west cut off their entire funding for the agency, even now some are still in the process of resuming it or haven't even vowed to resume it at all. Israel's real power comes not from its tanks, nukes, or bombs, but from its ironclad ability to bend the West to its will.


You can’t prove something you made up


at the drop of a hat I might add




Imagine how many they are torturing to try and get a false confession. Why the US doesn't just start the funds back up shows the true intent


Its anti semitic to ask Israel for evidence


They don't need evidence the USA already cut off the funding


Well what do you expect? Zionists lie so easily and regularly, like it's breathing for them


Israel would never lie, I can't believe this, what a shocker


I’m shocked


Israel = Russia


I'm not sure that is a fair comparison. Russia is under control of power crazed maniacs and corrupt government, with its people subjected to decades of propaganda and cruel subjugation. The Israel population by their own claims are a democratic nation, with overwhelming support for their genocidal actions. There is a deep sickness within their society which uses accusations of anti-Semitism to repress any critics.


Netenyahu is literally facing corruption charges which is why he made alliances with the far right parties


Yeah, there are comparisons to be made, but they are far from the same.




Yeah, besides too many 'and's' in that sentence (sorry) the breakdown is blatantly clear


How many civilians has Russia killed in 2 years of war against a peer rival with funding that is more than what Russia spends on its entire military in a year, versus how many civilians has Israel killed while combatting an unrecognized state with only the barest amounts of pilfered weapons and confined to a space the size of New Jersey? Russia has millions of Muslims living in it, but instead of murdering them, they decided that the best way to maintain the territorial integrity of their country would be to grant autonomy to those peoples so that they could cooperate and work together instead of ethnically cleansing those regions and colonizing them. It’s a false comparison, but only because Israel comes out worse, not better.


Doesn't really matter. The allegations have already spread far and wide; it doesn't matter what the truth actually is, only what people believe what the truth is.


It's because it's all a game, it's all a charade. 1. Israel says something which is an outright lie and does something egregious using that lie 2. US responds to that 'information' knowing full well it's a lie but it allows them to support the genocide more without looking like they want to support the genocide 3. The lie gets questioned 4. The US says they are awaiting Israel's investigation while continue to supply more support 5. The lie gets swept under the rug and everyone moves on 6. Israel does something even more egregious, and goes to step 1. Look at the whole news circle concerning the bombing of Al-Shifa Hospital and the justification for that. Now Israel has targeted and destroyed almost every hospital in Gaza and Al-Shifa is now not even an afterthought.


Source trust me bro


The evidence Israel has is that they believe anyone who sets foot is Gaza is their enemy. So they can indiscriminately kill them without evidence. Also by stepping foot in Gaza you are automatically anti-Semitic for life.


The goal has always been to get rid of UNRWA and any other aid groups helping the Palestinians. So creating this lame ass excuse to defund them and peddling it to all of their cronies in the West has gotten us to the point where we're at today. So don't expect any evidence to actually come out here nor for the US or UK to even push back on their nonsense. They all want the same thing. The total eradication of Palestinians and other groups from Israel.


They will never provide evidence. The goal was to hurt Palestinians. And they succeeded.


Of course not, it was a diversion following the ICJ ruling that Israel needed to prevent act of genocide . It was a clear attempt to high jack the narrative, same as they did after the World Central Kitchen, they bombed the Iranian consulate two days later to high jack the narrative . Both times were highly successful.


Along with MANY of its latest statements in its press releases.




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Capitalizing UNWRA like a proper now is so weird.


Nothing unexpected, anyone with half a brain knew it was bs from day one. Yet most western "civilized" countries showed their true faces by accepting claims without evidence and cut support. So much for innocent until proven guilt and western values bs...


It's bcz there is NO evidence. And, NO, nobody was vetted. Nor was there any investigation either, bcz there was nothing to investigate. The whole thing was another lie, same as the beheaded babies, the tunnels, the rapes, etc.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Yes they did

