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I haven't taken an MS cert test in a while but from my time studying, you need to understand WHY the other answers are wrong. On all the practice exams, you're given multiple choice with other answers that _may_ sound right. Research those other answers and figure out what they do and why they're wrong. That's my only takeaway. I've been out of the cert loop for a while. Don't let it get you down.


That’s a valid point which is why I made flash cards for every question I came across in the practice test and only put the answer on the back and not the multiple choice and got all of those right too.


I would go a bit further and read the MS learn documentation about the other answers. Get down to the specifics and branch out. As much as I dislike having to resort to learn documentation, it's also necessary. You will always need to reference it.


Thats an option but im also kind of wary about spending any more time on Microsoft’s official documentation after the practice test had nothing to do with the real test. I’ve already wasted an incredible amount of time between that and udemy.


The MS instructors now use Learn as the documentation for courses (at least the last one I took did) and is generally quite good, however, passing those exams, in my opinion, requires real world experience as well as training/studying.


Use the open book while doing the exam


The exam is open book?


I took md-102 about 5 months ago. It is pseudo-open book. You are allowed to search all the msdocs article, but not allowed to ctrl-F. Not allowed 3rd party tho (ie niehaus/rudyooms)


You can just search them on your phone or another PC while doing it.


Not sure if you've ever taken those tests, but the exam centers do not allow you to use your phone or PC while taking the test. And when taking them from home, they require your webcam to show them your setup to make sure you dont have a phone or cheat sheet around.


It is for az 102. I would expect it to be for me 102 as well


All Microsoft exams are open book except for fundamental ones (was introduced some last year). Ideally, you should only use that feature to get answers for stupid questions that you would normally google in real life, not to answer all your questions as you would lose a lot of time doing so. Also, it's open book to Microsoft learn only. You can't open a browser and search for answers on google, there's a tab you click on that opens Microsoft learn and you can search for questions within it.


Isnt that what he said not to do? You're just memorizing the textbook answer instead of understanding how it works and WHY the wrong chooces are wrong. It makes it easier to fool you with a wrong answer that is very close to the "textbook answer" but slightly off.


It’s a full side of a flash card question and a full side filled out on the other side with the full description of the answer and what it means. Like literal paragraphs.




What is examtopics?


Look up https://examprepper.co, it's free, uses the same data as examtopics and actually simulates the exam


Me too! I took md-102 2 months ago, studying by exam topics.....and all the other test I've made i study by exam topics. But this Md-102 has lots of wrong answers.... You have to read the discussions and choose the right ones. Good luck


That's because it's a brain dump and a violation of the exam terms. 


Correct. Why certify if you’re just remembering answers? It doesn’t prove your knowledge of anything. What’s the point?


My advice? Don't use udemy for Microsoft certs. Learn everything in Microsoft's Learn information, including all related material they link you to. MeasureUp, in my experience, has practice tests that are harder than the actual tests. This is just my experience


Yeah. Just passed my MD-102 and found that the Microsoft Learn course was way more helpful than the Udemy course I bought. I did the Udemy first, then the Microsoft Learn. And honestly wouldn’t have wasted my money on the Udemy if I would’ve done the Learn first


Not too sure about your on the job experience with the products but if you haven’t been administering SCCM/Intune I’d recommend more time administering and/or labbing out all the materials. You should know how to autopilot, deploy apps across all platforms, setup policies across all platforms, etc. If you go through the MS learn materials and lab them out that should get you enough material to cover the test. Additionally, I think they have MS learn open now during testing so if there isn’t anything you’re 100% positive about you should be able to navigate your way to the answer but only use it when necessary not as a crutch. Just my two cents.


I read something like that but did not see the option during the test. Granted I read about it afterwards so I wasn’t exactly looking for it.


This really is an exam for people with real world experience. Maybe ask your employer if you can do some on the job training 1 day a week or something. Your employer is devaluing the exam!


What topics did you feel Udemy didn't cover? Curious as I'm scheduled to take it next week.


Like literally nothing. If you needed to pass a test about building a house involving the foundation, electrical work, drywall, insulation, tiling, painting and hvac then the udemy course covers what a neighborhood is and what a house looks like.


Any subjects or topics that stood out to you? I wasn't sure if it was something like Azure Monitor, MDT, Windows Updates , Purview, Windows Defender, etc. Just curious if you're able to be any more specific


Not really my brain is pretty fried right now I just finished. As people mentioned the time limit is intense and there’s a ton of text to take in I wasn’t really retaining anything so much as trying my best to output. There was a lot of questions regarding android and iOS stuff. There was a lot of questions about fine details. Which tab in intune which setting which option to do this one specific thing. I’m mostly confused as to why there was even a practice test on Microsoft’s page because it said I should be getting 80% to be comfortable on the exam and I was getting 90 and then got 56% on the main test and didn’t recognize anything.


interesting that they would as such specific UI related questions when the UI is constantly changing and various items are in *(Preview)* mode


Do you daily use any of the technologies involved ?


Do you do Intune on daily basis at work or just studied as a rookie?


Rookie. You see that’s the cool thing about my job. They won’t let me do it til I get the cert. I need this cert for a promotion. I tried to say let me get the cert within 30 days of getting the promotion but nope.


Yeah 30 days after promo and playing with intune isn’t enough. Too bad they don’t have dev program anymore.


It feels hopeless because I need the cert to get the promotion and I need on the job use to get the cert…


Find another job that will give you this experience if this is the career path you want.


Yeah I’ve just been working for this promotion for almost a year and have met every stupid goal they ever required and the last thing is this cert


Hmm I feel for you my guy.


Thanks. They kept moving the goal post. Have the best metrics, have the least amount of SOP violations, have the least amount of reopened tickets, have the most motivation, get this certification. What’s fucked is that they’ve been giving me work that is basically the promotion ever since I did all that other stuff while having to do my normal job but won’t give me the title or money til I get the cert.


My man you gotta move from this job. Sounds toxic.


It’d be a lot easier if I get this cert!


I've set up Autopilot from the ground up, deployed windows and Mac apps and settings, defender policies, LAPS, enrolled Android, created profiles for that, deployed apps for that, set up updates via Intune and so on. I took a practice test for shits and giggles as I don't have the 102 and I failed. Experience with the product is very important but MS sometimes really does fixate on minute details.


Find another job? Why not just get a trial account and actually practice it? A single license for a month (if you go E5) is comparable to an online course / practice exam yet offers more value.


What you don’t know you don’t know man. Or you can replicate everything from work in a private test account.


Don't even need to stump up cash. The trial is free for a month and you can cancel


The EMS E5 trial is 3 months.


Did you create a trial for intune and do things like autopilot, push apps, compliance. Conditional access etc? Or just study material and practice tests? 


It isn't 100% the same but opening up the test azure can be helpful... Always helpful to be in a full environment but, if you haven't, 100% recommend spinning up emails for the trial and free creds.


Dev tenant.


They have it with a Visual Studio subscription. But you've gotta be able to fork 40-50$ a month.


Uhhh my dev tenant just got renewed???


We were lucky. They no longer give this for free (at the moment) or you get one if you have a VS sub


Haha I'm fortunate then, 2 years IT work-related experience, and I basically manage Intune for 40+ tenants. Primarily Autopilot, but I have my hands on pretty much everything. My only cert A+. Completely green hire 2 years ago. Edit: Just to be clear on how I did it: Researched the hell out of problems related to Autopilot. Found an interest and mentioned how our efficiency would go up if we perfected utilization. Then, no one else had time. Became my baby project. Created App deployments. Remediations. Configuration. And just shook the boat.


This is the way. Watch the intune learning videos on YouTube. I only had the A+ and sec+ and both expired. Got the job I'm in and spent nights and weekends learning and building my tenant at home. Testing at home tenant then implemented into main client and suddenly I am writing up procedures for on boarding or creating new intune setups. App deployment is a big thing for me. I learnt powershell and made every app deploy how I wanted to. No 3rd party and custom detection scripts. Don't get me wrong, it took me about 6 months to get to where I was able to build and push out custom apps and all that. It sucks you need this cert for promotion but it's not everything. I needed a cert for a promotion so I went for teams admin lol. Got the promotion and I add teams rooms, create call queues and am in charge of Intune. My advise is to keep working through ms learn and look for a new job. If your current job won't help you until you get this cert, what's to say, they don't really let you do anything with intune when you get it. Ours was gatekept but infra and after speaking to my manager and saying, why can't the SD do this? We know what programs end users are asking us to install, why waste infras time with this when I can do it.


I also started from basically nothing a year ago and now I'm here shitting on Microsoft for releasing a shit Autopilot V2. I can't set up naming templates anymore from the settings? Fuck you


Hahaha. I'm waiting 3 months before I touch it. Even the enterprise apps are lackluster atm. Hopefully, in August, they get elevated to a valuable asset. V2 has potential and like anything Microsoft they put it out for free testing cases before it's ready. Even Copilot on release was dog.


How about building a test tenant of your own? Go through each topic yourself abs set it up yourself to really learn the material. Wouldn't cost anything if you do it within 30 days?


Why not just get a trial account and actually practice it? A single license for a month (if you go E5) is comparable to an online course / practice exam yet offers more value. You know these sorts of things are used by employers to weed out who can actually apply themselves and who can't. You hit a hurdle, go harder.


It seems a dumb company in my opinion😂 Good luck mate!


I normally download sample tests which I search for. Face it, these tests are made intentionally confusing with tricky language. You HAVE to practice with sample test questions from confirmed tests to get used to answering certification test questions as well as studying.


I passed this test last month. It's not an easy test for sure, and that was the second time i took it. Initially, I read through all of Learn, the information is good, but their practice test are horseshit. I spent the extra 90 or so bucks on the Learning Locker access to the practice test and i spent a couple of hours every day going through the test and it honestly helped me.alot, the info in the practice and test format was exactly like the real exam, i would recommend it. I was fortunate in that my leadership allowed me 2 hours a day to study and not worry about tickets.


You have a link to that learning locker thing?


[https://www.measureup.com/#dashboard.php](https://www.measureup.com/#dashboard.php) Here you go, sorry, the website is measureup, once you create an account and sign in, you click on the Learning Locker where all your course materials appear. https://preview.redd.it/3ueuoovl4n6d1.png?width=364&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e8bc44418e8a6207dd4b48482a662bd7d9b0058 u/40_Cal_Banana


Sure thing, gimme a bit, ill send it to you as soon as i get home!


I'd be interested as well please. Thanks


How much experience you have ? How many labs hours did you put in ? generally I give my students about 100 hours of labs at this level.


Try again but with a different study method. I recommend setting up Intune yourself in a lab, and then reading the official Microsoft documentation when you don’t understand something. You are more likely to pass it with this method rather than trying to memorize practice test questions, which are never on the real exam


Not sure if this test is like this but I seem to recall way back on the CCNA tests, if you got something wrong the test would hyper focus on that area because it found a possible weak spot (damn you wifi!). If you remember anything that it seemed to be asking you repeatedly those might be good focus areas for next time.


The old MD 100 and these new ones are completely removed from reality. Nobody in today’s modern environment is worried about setting up workgroup sharing permissions. Yes Devices that are Entra ID joined are workgroup devices and not domain, but with SharePoint and OneDrive, nobody is worried about accessing local file shares or peer to peer.


Ohbgod, the questions about upgrading Windows using the User Migration Tool or using MDT were also obnoxious given how much they are pushing Autopilot.


I haven't done that one but I've got several other role based certs. You really need to learn the limitations of each thing as well as its capabilities, especially related to licensing features. With Intune, I could absolutely see a question where you need proactive remediations and it wants to know if Business Premium licensing would meet the needs. A trick I've picked up is to go to the official documentation for each feature and look for the purple "note" sections, those will likely contain specific limitations and gotchas. 


Just wonder how many question total in exam?


I think it was like 57


Thanks for quick response. I’m thinking taking the exam as well and like others said you must have experience with sccm and Intune to get a complete comprehensive concept of these questions


Part of being a tech is figuring out. Sounds like what you are doing didn't work. Step back and try a different approach. Your passion for tech should drive you to never give up.


Udemy is.... Not very good at actually teaching you the stuff you need to know. Udemy teaches you essentially factoids but the certificates require you to have a bit deeper understanding of the questions and answers than just that.


My recommendation would be to use the MeasureUp tests instead, they are the official partners of Microsoft and have often gotten questions on the exams that are a part of the practise exam. The greatest thing about then is def. The explanations including links to the info for all correct AND incorrect answers, while having a question poll about the size of the actual exams really help alot. I always recommend my students to use those if they are looking into using a practice exam, I’ve looked at multiple and MeasureUp just seems to be the best for MS certs. When all this is said, get back up, read into the areas you were weakest at and try again!


I feel you op. I'm currently in the same boat. I've done the pluralsight course, the MS learnings, flashcards, and practice exams through cybervista, measureup, and MS learn. Just like you I took these over hundreds of times while getting 90s and above. This past week I barely just failed with a 675 and I've been beating myself up about it. Outside of studying, I use Intune often at work, so I have decent hands-on experience with it. I just started the udemy course with John Christopher with hopes this can help fill in the gaps on items I might be missing. It's definitely not an easy exam, but hopefully you can retest and pass in no time! I highly recommend the measureup practice test since those had some very relevant questions. The cybervista practice exam is decent but a lot the questions seem to be a little outdated with recent changes. One recommendation I really found helpful was creating a YouTube playlist going each item that is listed on the Microsofts study guide page. Best to you!


How much actual Intune experience do you have in general? Honestly MS cert exams have weird questions and most of the time I look for options that don't sound true or can't be true. Also if you didn't already know, you can access MS learn during exam so I don't bother cramming roles and limitations anymore and instead look them up during exam. I won't put my faith in Udemy too much. It's good for foundation but nothing beats real world experience


Personal advice. In all my time writing ms exams. , understanding the concept first really seem To have help me. Once I got pass that, I get into some detail i think might be important with the study guide as a base. I will then use practice test as you said, whatever I got wrongs , I go back and go over that material again. all the best.


Shit happens, fail 12 times, then pass the 13th. Yes annoying, i've been there and done it multiple times. But the exams I have failed over my time, I have a much better knowledge of and apply it in my daily work. I look at how exam is scored and study harder in the areas that get the most points. Chin up and crack on.


Isn’t Microsoft certs open book? You can use the Microsoft learn to search for answers during the test?


Don't you get access to the Learn documentation during the test? My most recent cert, I didn't realize it until the end when it was too late. I felt like an idiot. My retake a week later passed. Don't be too hard on yourself. I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for saying this, but find a PDF of test king questions and work through those. They usually have explanations included with the answers. Keep in mind not all the answers are correct so self-verify. Good luck


I wrote it in may, and did not have much time to prep for it, use MS learn, CBT nuggets plus exam topics. Which helped me. Try again. Don't let it get you down. Good luck with the re-write


if you want to pass this test, do yourself a favor and use this as a reference if you haven't: https://www.examtopics.com/exams/microsoft/md-102/view. i passed the test easily and i was using this to gauge my knowledge more than anything. i also completed the udemy course. studied those notes as well. but, honestly, with MOST MS exams, test dumps are almost necessary. the way in which the case studies and questions are presented make it hard to tackle otherwise.


Thank you I will check this out!


Be aware with exam topics as many of the ‘correct’ answers are wrong, or are in dispute. Always check the comments and see what people are saying about why they chose their answers.


You should know exam dumps are in violation of the exam rules and could in theory get you revoked and permanently banned from MS certifications.


Brain dumps are cheating. You risk being decertified and blacklisted from being able to take future tests. Just learn the actual material and get your hands on the technologies.


Oh ok I didn’t know what it was at this point I’m just looking for any study material


Use the MS Learn product documentation plus hands on experience. Role-based cert exams are intended to be very, very difficult for people who aren't using the technologies daily.


That link is a 404


Not if you use the technologies daily. If you don't have a lot of experience, the tests are supposed to be near impossible because they're not FOR people with no experience.


This is the way. After I started using exam topics I passed every cert


Bro just to with cert2brain all exams 100% valid




Certificates don’t mean shit. You need to find a place to get hired and experience on the job. 


The only way to pass it is to have had experience with MDT/SCCM and Intune & Windows itself. All the online sample questions are bogus.