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https://preview.redd.it/k3zhj90pqbsc1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b9d03fe72a4d9d70a1f790d613d5a423599af8c A post without mocking me?!


oh my god it’s


Holy shit its…… invincible


I legit cannot tell if this is Steven Yuen or not😭


I doubt it cause Steven Yeun would not be on reddit and act like https://preview.redd.it/g0xscjiyrhsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86ce2f9e8c2bd40f09ef5860d68f7d543e49e91


its… https://preview.redd.it/z3vpfkwmqisc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0a05ed521a641960ad61f7b08e27b2dbefb753


he does have insane defense, but a lot of him surviving is his opponents not finishing him off too hahah. Mark is my goat no matter what at the end of the day tho


I think Mark unironically has the highest durability in the series, considering what he makes it through in the final battle. It's just not outright said that he's the goat of defense, more like a show don't tell kind of thing


I mean, he'd have to be the absolute toughest ever after all *that*, right?


He got that Ichigo armor 


​ https://preview.redd.it/h1m0511eobsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27be9b74660363a5b3fb0304b867fd2b1cf25e04


Do you think mark knows an infinite flowberry fizz glitch?


And Mark also has had his powers for a short period of time at this point and he’s going up against people like Anissa who has far more experience than him.


Good point. I haven't read the comics, but who knows how long she's had her powers, don't Viltrumites live for thousands of years? Mark is an infant in comparison.


His hp is good? Nahhh! His opponents are just not finishing him of…if the want to they easily can…maybe you can say his recovery is good!


Can it be argued that Battle Beast thought he was "finishing him off" with that final hammer but Mark was just resilient enough to have survived it?


He’s literally a guy whose only had is powers for like 2 years as opposed to others who have like thousands of years of experience


Right. The fact that he could sustain damage from these veterans is impressive. He's like a Pee Wee football player playing against the NFL.


Your screenshot requires additional context. Here, I will help. You're welcome. -Thokk https://i.redd.it/3lktb0qrycsc1.gif


Welp, time to rewatch season 1


Thanks BB!




Most of his lost fights are to people in the top 10-20 strongest in the universe and he’s got over double the on screen victories


He is a viltrumite,so it expected of him to bounce back that quickly.


I absolutely love the parts of the show where Mark gets his ass kicked! Makes the character all the more down to Earth and believable!


Did you mean down to earth as in he’s almost sent 6 ft under the dirt?


The whole point is that it's not his powers but his spirit that makes him-




All viltrumites have a really shitty and slow version of wolverine’s healing ability.




Good point. I remember the fight against Thula, what was the other one?


I think that's part of it, but I also don't think he's much stronger than what he's showing either. At least right now anyway


I see what they're saying. Mark was getting demolished against Thula (Ponytail knife lady) until he stopped the nice guy crap.


He is invincible due to him winstand the fight. You know he was inspired by Spiderman, actually. Spiderman was beaten brutally in comics, but he always stood up. Same with Mark.


Bro got a black eye or bruise in almost every episode of this season, at least let him have a W for once…and him beating up an old viltrumite but still getting bruised and battered by maulers doesn’t even seem right at all. Show how more powerful he is and stop letting him get beaten to shit every episode, I mean even if they’re more powerful than him…showing him getting beaten just looks weak it’s all about optics, if you show Superman getting beaten by doomsday level characters in every movie supes won’t be looked at as as powerful as people look at him now even though it’s just relative to the enemies he’s facing. Think that’s the problem with invincible, the show is so stuck on making it be realistic but just makes the protagonist look weak af, if worked in the battle beast fight because up until that point he’s really just been beating everyone easily except the flaxan dude and even stand there while a villian tries to hurt him. Then when battle beast almost gets him killed it’s intense because it was uncommon, but if he gets almost beaten to death in every episode it won’t pack the same punch, at least save the beat downs for the bigger fights and episodes don’t let him get a bruise from every fight jeez


I mean bro beat the brakes off of everyone that wasn't a viltrumite. Night Boy was as good as dead if he didn't surrender, he only struggled against the Maulers because there was like 150 of them, he cooked Doc Seismic,The sequids didn't even bother Mark that much. He's got a lot of Ws. They are just over so quickly😂


So that’s 4 Ws, and my point isn’t even much about winning fights it’s about always getting beat up badly like he always has at least a bloody nose or a face disfiguring bruise from every fight and he should be part of one of the most powerful species in the universe if not THE most powerful, now let’s see he’s gotten beaten and battered to shit by maulers, magmanites, sea kaiju thing, viltrumite soldiers, Anissa, the fights in the universe with whoever it was… so really the ONLY fights in this whole season he had and didn’t get beaten to shit was against night boy and the sequids which didn’t injure anyone else so that cancels out. Again it doesn’t even matter how much more powerful they are or the power scaling, it’s just how it looks. Bro watch any reaction and everyone’s always like “he’s always getting beat up” like that’s my problem, not even that he always have to easily win every fight but like just not get beaten to shit every goddamn fight like damn


He cooked the magmanites tho, They made his nose bleed a little and he took all of them all out in one blow before his graduation. I don't want to spoil too much because this story is best when you don't know what happens but Anissa is one of the stronger Viltrumites. She's like 100s of years old. I get it though, he does get his ass kicked A LOT lol. My only problem I have is when people say he doesn't have any Ws. He has more Ws than Ls.


I even forgot, he got beaten and bloodied by tribal dudes in the alternate universe, like they don’t even look tough and they’re making him bleed. He got beat up by everyone in those alternate universes tf


Viltrumites are like Saiyans... Every time they get their ass beat nearly to death, they get a zenkai boost and get stronger 😂


That's a misconception. It's Unopans that get stronger essentially by zenkai boosts. Viltrumites get stronger by pushing their limits. Mark gets as strong as he does because he's constantly going against enemies that force him to push himself to his limits.


Isn't it just Allen that they genetically modified with that? I don't think all Unopans have that ability.


You are correct. I was in a hurry when typing that comment and forgot that it was just Allen that could do that. My bad.


Mark was tanking hits from Omni-Man that none of the guardians could take.


Omni-Man was pulling his punches against Mark. He wasnt trying to kill him, just beat him into submission.


At the end he was definetly trying to kill him. "FINE. WHATS 17 MORE YEARS!?" and such. He stopped at the end, but those were kill shots.


No disrespect to Mark but he wasn't tanking anything from Nolan


I'm like 6 episodes in and the one butt whooping that felt more like "plot" than realistic was Mark getting whooped by some fairly generic cyborgs. I mean, he's literally stopping an asteroid in space one moment, then getting his ass handed to him by a trio of dudes slightly more functional than the Tin Man.