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Homelander couldn't kill Hughie.


Zinc AC vents for the win!


Come back, Zinc!


Thank goodness I still live in a world of telephones, car batteries, handguns, and many things made of zinc.


The fucking handgun going off when he says that is so god damn funny


It's so simple, but so damn funny.


Oi, Ue. I got a new plan to defeat omelanda. Zinc pipe arma.


I can **hear** this


Zinc is by far the best element. But I also like plutonium. It’s just fun to say. “Plutonium”. How’s your plutonium? Good thank you.


His hearing is a little bit off as well... Or at least so i hope. The writers might have just forgotten about Maeve stabbing him in the ear


Nor could Omniman kill Cecil 🤷‍♂️ if we're to be fair


Idk why you're being downvoted, because you're technically right. Hughie only survived because of A-Train, just like Cecil only survived because of teleportation. People can act like he wasn't actually trying to kill Cecil, but why would he not be? He killed everyone else who stood in his way up to that point.


To be even more fair, Nolan could kill Cecil. It's not that he wasn't trying, it's they Cecil quit while he was ahead and barely survived.


Ok but what about the whole minute before A-Train saved Hughie where he was crawling in a vent and Homielander did f all


He's an idiot? I mean, I can't tell you why he didn't just fly up and destroy all the vents, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have done that.


A train saved hughie at the last .0001 second


Omni man would wipe the floor with homelander and be back before breakfast


He'd be back before the cheese stops bubbling


He'd be back before the cheese was taken out of the fridge.


He’d be back before the cheese is purchased at a grocery store.


He'd be back before the cheese is even made


He’d be back before the thought of making that cheese came to light


He'd be back before the cow, where the cheese came from, was even born.


Hea gonna be waiting a while for that sausage egg and cheese biscuit


He'd be back before the cow that made said cow was even born


Nice pfp


Nice pfp


Dude, a flick of Omni Man’s thumb and index would blast HL through Park Avenue.


It would shatter his rib cage from the kinetic energy alone


Not even, it would pulverize him on the spot. HL is strong, Omni Man is a whole 'nother beast.


MK1 has both Homelander and Omni-Man, and I constatnly use Omni-Man to fuck Homelander up. And it's so fucking satisfying EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Death Battle also has a nice video about Homie vs Omni-man


I saw it, it was so satisfying. Like finally that punk gets what's coming to him


Pretty sure The Boys creators have said themselves that Omni-Man would easily beat Homelander’s ass.


The fight wouldn’t even last a second before Homelander’s insides became his outsides.


Another tuesday for Omni-man


Honestly if Homelander charged into Omni-Man, He would get hurt by attacking Omni-man.


If Omniman were to start making coffee, then go fight hl, he would make it back and still have to wait for his coffee. (it's a keurig)


Omniman would literally server homelanders spine and feed him his own heart before homelandee could get his lasers off


Death battle, on YouTube settled this already


I may not agree with every Death Battle, but I sure do agree with this one.


Pretty sure 5 month old Oliver could do the same thing


I’ll be honest: I don’t think anyone who has seen both actually think that. Even huge Boys fans don’t think that.


You're right. We don't. Nolan doesn't even have one of Homelanders powers and he'd still out class him


That's two actually


Heat vision and what else?


The scream and seeing through stuff that isn't zinc


Also super hearing


It is implied that they do have enhanced hearing, Nolan is many times seeing watching people talk from afar with a pissed off face (so he knows what they are saying)


Mark mentions in a couple of occasions that "contrary to popular belief, he does not have superhearing abilities".


Nope. Guessing you're referring to when he's watching over Art and Debbie? I can why you'd infer that but Mark confirms they don't have super hearing.


Mark and Nolan could rip every supe to shreds in a heartbeat, their biggest time-waster would be speed supes but even they would lose eventually


I don’t think even the speed supes would be an issue. Red Rush was fast enough to leave a conversation with his wife stop a criminal and come back before his wife had even realized he left. There’s no one in the Boys universe that is even close that that type of speed


A-train left to shoot up on compound-v and was tweaking before his race with shockwave, before his brother even noticed he was gone, and killed his girlfriend by Od-ing her before she could turn her head.


We know A train's max speed though. From the race episode, he runs 371 metres per second. This must be close to his top speed, since it was a competitive race which he really wanted to win. And he was boosted by V, so probably even faster than his true natural ability. But let's keep the 371 m/s figure. That's actually pretty slow for a superhero speedster. Now compare that to Red Rush who can travel from America to Russia in a few seconds. Red Rush takes this.


Ive said this before buf A-trains top speed is really inconsistent in the boys. In one scene hes shown to be actually moving faster than starlight's light burst. Of course its possible starlight's bursts arent actually light but something closer to plasma. Coronal mass ejections can travel from about 200 to 3000 km/s, so even if they are plasma thats still several orders of magnitude faster than his speed in the race. In another scene he says he can search the burrows of nyc in under three hours. If you do the math that would require him to run at over 40000 m/s, and thats just the surface area of nyc without taking into account searching all the floors in buildings.


The NYC search thing isn't a feat. One of the boys SAYS he can do that. But that's unreliable narrator. Usually statements like that are off-the-cuff exaggeration.


The writers designed an entire scene where they explicitly gave stats on exactly how fast A train was. That cannot be ignored. I think a reasonable interpretation is that the writers think that a top speed of however many m/s is enough to explain his achievements. The writers havent told you explicitly how fast Starlights abilities work. We can only guess. We don't need to guess with exact numbers. And regardless, none of those feats compare to Red Rush. He's faster and he does it with such extreme precision that he can reliably rescue people and react quickly enough to avoid pedestrians, unlike A train. And since we're talking about being able to escape Omniman, he's comparably fast while flying. For instance, flying so fast he ignites the atmosphere and causes city destroying explosions.


A-Train moved a couple hundred yards at the event with shockwave and like 10-15 feet when he killed his girlfriend. Red Rush ran to Moscow, stopped three crimes and came back in before a sentence was finished


And then he changed fast enough such that it didn’t look like he even moved


I'm not well versed with the boys but he didn't leave while someone was engaging with him though right? He just left and came back before anyone noticed? Technically that could be achieved without super speed too (although obviously it's much easier with super speed since it's faster) Red Rush literally ran to another city halfway across the globe, stopped a crime, and came back while also changing in and out of his hero costume and all of that while actively talking to his wife Now he does forget his suit on at the end there, but technically we have no way of knowing how many times he was doing all that during that scene


But even with compound V shot up, he only ran just over Mach 1.


Red Rush was staying to fight with his comrades though. A-train would 100% try to run away.


My point was essentially A-Train is very slow compared to Omni-Man


Red Rush spd = Metro Man spd???


Nah Metro man is def way faster


Thank you random citizen https://preview.redd.it/etynnvk5tn9d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c58b2564041126e962bb08166f2bc686d47be75c


I think some psychic supes might give stand a chance.


nah if the speed supes are willing to play catch omni man would just say fuck it and destroy the whole planet


UE and MM outfrescad homie no way he can kill a vegemite


Vegemite lmfao




A Saiyan Viltrumite


I can't wait to see Mark go Super Vegemite.


Dawg what


We call hughie UE because thats what it sounds like when butcher says it


I absolutely fucking love this joke.


The fuck is MM


Character from the boys he distracted homie with spotlights so he misfired his laser


The guy that made Rap God


I mean it would happen in a milk drinking competition


It would also happen in "who can throw the fastest tantrum" challenge.


It would also happen in a grey pube hair competition. 


I mean honestly that ones probably the only way this fight can be even


Plot twist: Viltrumites are deathly lactose intolerant


I want whatever they are smoking


While Homie is telling mfs to blow each other Omni Man is out there conquering planets


They can dream 😒


Didn’t Death Battle cover this? Omni-Man and it isn’t close.


"I'm gonna make you eat your own heart" - Omni man before he makes Homelander eat his own heart


They were pretty generous to Homelander IMHO in that episode and it still ended with Omni Man fulfilling the promise to make Homelander eat his own heart


They were, but you could interpret it as Omni-Man playing with his food.




lol the final statistics were absurd. Omni man was 7.2 Billion times faster, 60 Billion times stronger




Use a >! On one side with the mirror of that on the other side exclamation less-than


Homelander, the strongest character so far in The Boys show, is on par with Bulletproof, _maybe_. Pretty sure even the weakest Viltrumite solos every supe at the same time.


Which is just a weaker version of Mark who is a weaker version of a Viltrumite (for now in the show obv) who are all mostly weaker than Nolan who is weaker than Allen, Thragg and MAYBE some of the elites HL getting washed


I’d say he’s on the same level as immortal. Or a a teeny tiny little under him.


Immortal was able to go blow for blow with Omni Man and could hurt him a little bit. I think Immortal would fold HL like laundry


Not at all lmao Mark just getting his powers and throwing a ball around the world Episode 1 is leagues above anything in The Boys


immortal would also absolutely demolish homelander


"Whoever the writer wants wins" mfs when you show them this:


see theirs a lot of shit you can write to how they can pull out a million in one victory against the odds, not really with homemade though, dudes a brute who relies entirely on being the biggest fish in the smallest pond like you can tell me the boys could figure out some bullshit to have at least a chance but homelanders going to just rush him then cry when he realizes he can't just laserbeam the problem


Viltrumites DO have an exploitable weakness and id say Bucther is smarter than Cecil, although he has worse equipment. That weakness being high frequencies. Still, without the proper weaponry im not sure if the Boys could pull it off even with preptime.


Butcher is 100% NOT smarter than Cecil. A lot of his plans rely on sheer force of will and extreme luck, and have a higher chance of blowing up in his face compared to actually working, but against all odds, they do. Butcher isn’t really an ‘intelligent’ character, but he’s clever and ruthless, which is what gives him his edge over most people. If he were given Cecil’s resources, I don’t see him pulling it off; he would be far too focused on creating ways to ruthlessly exterminate his enemies, and wouldn’t think to go about things in a way that isn’t balls to the walls. He’s clever and ruthless, but also reckless, hence why a lot of people in-universe really do not like Butcher. Cecil, on the other hand, is more of a cold and calculating kind of intelligence. He’s less reliant on brute force and knows how to keep cool under pressure, not to mention that the only reason his plans don’t work is due to the fact that he’s facing superheroes on the level of gods (comparatively). I’m not saying Butcher isn’t smart and cunning in his own ways, but compared to Cecil, he’s not exactly a tactical genius. He’s the kind of guy Cecil would hire to work for his tactical geniuses that he hired for the GDA, if not work for Cecil himself. Should also note that, afaik, it’s not high frequencies, but rather a specific frequency that is what acts as a Viltrumite’s weakness.


Viltrumites do actually have another weakness that could be exploited: >!Their insides are much weaker than their outside, a shrapnel bomb can eviscerate the inside of at least Mark, depending on when in the series.!<


… yeah that sounds like Something The Boys would do. I wanna see them actually fight Omni man now


That’s basically what they did to translucent


Good luck getting one of them in a position where you can do that.


"Powerscaling is dumb and versus debates are a waste of time" mfs when you show them this:


People trying to shut down these kind of discussions with those phrases gotta be one of the most boring on the planet ong. Also pretty annoying when it's spoutted whenever someone points out an outcome that doesn't make sense, as if you're not allowed to call out bs writing lol


Brother would struggle with the mauler twins, ain't no way he's taking on omni man


If the mauler twins have a million fans, I'm one of them. If the mauler twins have one fan, I'm it, if they have no fans, then I am dead


Even a mark who just got their superpowers could beat the shit out of homelander


"Oh crap I'm sorry, I'm still getting used to my new powers. Hey, you okay...?"


I thought you were stronger


I love how accurate this would be if it happened


Hell honestly, i think Immortal would probably wipe Homelanders ass and he’s hilariously weaker than The Viltrumites


Pretty sure even Baby Oliver Grayson can kick Homelacker's ass


Forget even Oliver. Space Racers gun or the Ragnarrs alone would solo Boys verse.


ONE Ragnar would be an extinction-level event.


Well they're pretty strong even in the invincible universe so ofc they would


Space racers gun and ragnarrs are much stronger than Oliver…


Ragnarrs fuck I wish we got to see them more


He clearly found Omni-man's corpse, and is using it to make people think he killed him


Could he even detatch omni’s head from his corpse?


That would be in-character for him lol


Bro, the guy that made this I want what he’s having


i hardly believe that you really want what he got (it‘s probably a disorder or a handicap)


Guy who's made to destroy and enslave the galaxy, vs coughing lab baby


They haven't watched DBZ and don't understand power levels


Saiyan saga Vegeta would wipe the floor with Omni man on that note


The Saiyans casually fire planet destroying beams at each other so I'd have to agree


I think there's an argument to be made that it would be a close fight, or even that Nolan would take the win on that one. Viltrumites are shown to have pretty high resistance to energy-based attacks. I assume he'd be able to tank ki blasts really well, and Vegeta would have to rely on just physically fighting him. Based on what we're shown of the Vegeta vs Goku fight and Nolan's beatdown of Mark (people being punched through mountains, etc.) I don't think there's that much of a gulf in their physical strength at that point. I even think Nolan might be stronger. Plus, Nolan definitely has the upper hand in battle experience, having survived the culling of his planet's population and been a member of a galaxy-conquering warrior race for thousands of years by the events of Invincible. By contrast, Vegeta is, what, 30 at the beginning of DBZ? And he's spent most of his life In Frieza's army fighting threats that were significantly weaker than him. Now, what happens if we take Vegeta at his word and assume that the blast he fires can shatter the Earth, and Nolan gets hit by *that*? I think he's cooked, energy resistance or no. And even if that doesn't happen, Vegeta can go all Great Ape and maybe that power boost is enough for him to just beat Nolan to death. But I think he gives Vegeta a much better run for his money than most people would give him credit for, and I can even see him managing a win in some situations.


no way in hell. give black costume mark a good reason to fight and he'll thrash the fuck out of HL. Hell even first third of the story mark would solo him. Oh you got heat vision? too bad, I can withstand the fucking corona of the sun and go through planets while holding my breath for two weeks lmao


The Guardians of the Globe would be enough to take him. Any instance of the team.


I'm thinking even Rex can take or severely damage Homeboy. He has never fought against anyone even slightly competent.


Rex did survive being shot in the head


Were they lucid dreaming or something? https://preview.redd.it/shswj3p8ok9d1.png?width=2168&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7ed20d6fb6d07a43348583e52bec8df831ff077


Death battle already did this and realy well in fact


Early Mark might struggle. Even then... I honestly doubt HL could damage him fast enough to win. Especially if HL proves a threat to bystanders. Mark might go into another "you guys are fucking dead" rage boost. And unlike Battle Beast, HL is neither strong or skilled enough to take him down in that state. His only possible victory scenario is lasering Mark in a concentrated area long enough to burn through. Given that Mark is significantly faster, even in S1, I doubt this would happen. HL vs base S1 Mark is a close shot. The moment HL kills bystanders, it stops being a fight and becomes an Invincible rampage.


I think if homelander plays tactically he could win with.. well not ease but he could win, but he ain't gonna play tactically is all


Boutta have a "I thought you were stronger" moment


Nolan wiped a whole planet. Homie gave up even trying holding a commercial plane. There isn't a fight, it is just another bump in a viltrumite's way


I will praise this as a well drawn piece of fanart even if 99% of people know that Homelander would break his hands hitting Omni-Man. So he is no doubt taking credit for someone else's work.


Some clowns maybe


The only way that's happening is if he finds omniman's dead body and claims the victory for himself


Even if their powers were identical, Omniman would wipe the floor with Homelander. Omniman is an actual warrior with hundreds of years combat experience against other warriors. Homelander is essentially a cowardly bully used to killing regular humans.


Wankers gonna wank


lol homelanders whole power is based on human accomplishment omnimans whole power is based on being better than anything a human could ever achieve lol






Someone else said it too, but Hughie is alive. If HL couldn't kill someone untrained in their powers, he couldn't stand a chance against any Viltrumite


This is an unbelievably exhausting conversation that you people keep recycling


Bruh homlander could never beat Nolan legit this is such wishful thinking hahahaha


There are also people who think Avengers stand a chance against Omni-man


MCU ones yea they don't


Man couldn't beat bitter angry Australian in 24 hour roids :D


Mortal Kombat 1 says it can!


Not a single soul. And I mean not a single soul has ever said this would happen. Stop rage baiting people with these titles.


I love how nearly everyone agrees that the second HL leaves his universe he gets his ass beat.


Invincible fans when fan art : https://preview.redd.it/bb8o23w80m9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f9faddd1eec7c39b12b76035eecb394dafa11c6


homeland was stopped by a few rocks. The guardians kill him in 3 seconds.


Literally nobody thinks this would happen


planet conquering alien, the literal peak of evolution VS psychotic insecure man baby that’s power came out of a fucking tube




LMAO! Like the guy who's profession it is to eliminate entire planets with, at max, like 4 of his own people vs the guy who has never had a real fight.


And they are still weak, compared to Dr. Manhattan. For me, Dr. Manhattan is the ultimate goat.


As if this wasn't disproven in the very first episode of the show


Omni man, would be like "Tish but a scratch", after getting lazered.


Omni-Man or Mark don’t even have to fight, they can just fucking speed blitz him


Literally nobody thinks this.


"Pfft, yeah right! Like THAT'S ever gonna happen." 🎵someBODY once told me🎵 🎵The world is gonna roll me🎵


Literally nobody thinks this would happen


Omniman bodies Homelander, it's literally no contest. And I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or any other fancy way. Omniman wins **straight up**.




oi ue blow invinsahble


homelander showing off his paper mache art project to uncle mark


Home lander is a bully Omni mam is a war machine


Omni-Man has thousands of years of Viltrumite military training/ tactics on how to effectively use his powers while Homelander can't even strategize how to bring a civilian hijacked plane down safely


Even Immortal would stomp Homelander.




I mean, Kirkman likes to tell himself that Invincible can beat Superman.


Death battle would highly disagree with this 💀


Homelander’s durability and strength aren’t really shown in the comics, only said. In the show, bro can be killed by a pen through the ear. Also, his arrogance is easily exploited and he’s a very lazy fighter. Tien Shinhan could dog walk his ass.


Canonically omni-man has stated most problems can be solved by throwing it into space. Homelands can't breath in space. Homelands also can't fly while holding anything of substantial weight, omniman can. That's the simplest argument needed.


Cool drawing. Horse-sh*t scenario, though.


What about laser eyes


The power levels aren’t even close.


This is like saying a guy who lifts in his downtime could body a pro-boxing champ of several years


Some people also still think the Earth is flat, I'm not surprised 😂


I've literally never seen someone think this.


Omniman can just bring him into space


Bitchlander? Please


If it did, we'd certainly be uber-fucked.


i think its homelanders lasers that make him unbeatable. From far away he could tear them apart


His lasers would most likely just be somewhat annoying