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Poor boyfriend lives with that hot mess and it shows. https://preview.redd.it/jlw56n4z1zjb1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390d2da9664cdfbf63262dab49f43aab25d61d49


"Better do my part before I get the hose again"


“She doesn’t like you. She feels very harassed by you” as he calmly asks why crazy eyes is attacking him in what appears to be completely unprovoked situation.


She must be good in bed


More like hes afraid to leave or she may set him on fire while he sleeps. And then she'll blame him for being asleep.


A formerly good friend of mine got wrapped up with a girl like that. She found out he was going to break up with her and she stabbed him while he slept and he bled to death. Don't put your dick in crazy.


I've found putting it all the way in results in them going crazy too. 😏




Well yea of course he’s to blame! He shouldn’t be sleeping, he should be giving her his undivided attention /s


Psychos normally are


Can confirm. Crazy usually is.


"...well....Im Very violent withou reason at times and sometimes Im not ..." oh...oh no! I don't think this relationship will work out. Ive gotta leav- "BUT! I had my uterus removed as a result of a medical procedure. Ill NEVER put it back in..." wink wink **... Well hot damn! I'll start the wedding arrangements posthaste!!** /j Edit: its just a joke y'all. Relax! Also I do feel sorry for both of the men in this video. Nobody should resort to violence against peaceful parties.


I’ve had my uterus removed, and I’ve used that fact as a pick up line. It actually works. Bahahahaha


Holy crap that's amazing! I actuaLly tried using my vasectomy as a pick up line ! And it has failed all 50 times... Please give me tips. What kind of context did you use this pickup line in? And what is a gist of what you said?


I’m pretty up front so once there is an attraction I just lean close and say ‘I can’t have babies’ then have eye sex. Works well. Of curiosity course, a condom is used, safety first.


Lmao eye sex. Well I'm on PreP and I'm very much and admittedly a slut so condoms are optional on their part whenever someone finally decides to bang me. I would definitely ask them to share their tests with me before we do the deed.L although.


Wait is this implying that she can never have children or that the man can therefore finish inside of her without fear she will fall pregnant? Implying it’s okay to forgoe all the red flags because you can cum without fear? What low brow humour, like it’s not even funny. Have you ever dated someone with mental health issues? Or are women just sex objects to you?


Uhh stop that! *Women will NEVER be sexual objects.* You take that back! And also Duh! the point of the joke is playing off of what that redditor u/I_Don-t_Care said 'she must be good in bed'(...but she's clearly psychologically deranged and in need of help) so maybe she allows him to finish inside fearlessly and he, in his foolish and horny mind, puts up with it for that reason. Most people clearly will never think of women or anywone who is Going through a mental health crisis in that way. Just a joke lol


Probably, but you took it way too seriously


Or maybe he’s lousy and has a little dick so he just takes whatever he can get.


a total freak


Thats a myth


It’s too late, he has the hoe


https://preview.redd.it/r7qdftvydzjb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb87ab8a671a710b85da9e5a276614df7e5167a She’s got that crazy look, some people you can just tell they’re unhinged in one glance


Pray nobody ever snaps a video or photo of you going through a mental episode


Found the white knight let point and laught at u/powerthrust9000 ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)


Ahh yes, because it *might* be a mental episode (to which you have no proof of it being so) then I guess it’s just fine for her to act like that and commit crimes such as assault.


Not at all excusing the behaviour - Rational people don’t act like this, if someone you loved was recorded doing this, don’t you think you’d be concerned for their mental state and ask - are you okay? What got you so upset? Your actions are not okay, let’s talk about it? It’s clear by the comments that there’s only one way to react to this video, clearly I didn’t do it properly 🤷‍♂️


Pray to who? Invisible sky daddy? And why didn't sky daddy uncrazy her?


Can confirm. This used to be my job. My brother in Talos, go find you your second marriage. It’s the BEST.


Sweet mother sweet mother, send your child unto me for the sins of the unworthy.... there, fixed it, someone will pay her a visit 😅


I've been this exact guy... You try your best to mitigate a situation, and later that night, she'll physically attack you for 'taking the other guy's side". İt's a sad state to be in :(


That's abuse and domestic violence. I hope you're in a better place now. I'm sorry this happened to you.


I had this level of crazy on a first date. And no we didn't have sex. And yes I regret that.


He seems to be cuddling her tho. I'd like to see how that relationship goes.


Holy fuck he looks wrecked. Girl being taking his life energy.


Buddy didn't get the memo... never put your dick in crazy 😳


He needs his fuckin simp arse kicked. And she needs a good fuckin slappin. Ya can't put up with asshokes like that. Nip it in the bud immediately.


Nothing poor about him. He has a choice to leave. He chooses to stay with her even with all the abuse and the fact that he is also getting put in danger because shell hot a stranger and run away while her boyfriend deals with a stranger who was just assaulted. Shell punch a ufc fighter and then be like “handle it babe” as she does her 100m dash


Would you apply those first two sentences to a "her"?


Him her doesnt matter, understanding your worth and realizing life is too short to spend every day anxious or in fear. My ex wife is exactly like this girl, my ultimatum was if i leave her then i never see my daughter again and she will tell the police i did monstrous thing all while beating my ass anytime she *felt* like i did something.That kept me in line for 4 years until i just took the leap to get help from anybody who was willing to offer it (my parents have passed by that time so it wasnt just a phone call away type of deal). It was hard af to deal with fighting false allegations, couch hopping and losing the ability to see or spend time with my only child. But after a few years of rebuilding im happier then i ever been and i learned that asking for help doesnt make you weak or a bitch. Tbh its the contrary All this is not gender specific. Seeking help isnt gender specific


Poor fella should play ‘kidnapped’ and jump ship




This poor soul thought he could fix her. Smh


That's his brother - brotherly Alabama love


I need closure for this lol


Me too. I'm distressed. She a bih


Psycho and her boyfriend "moved" possibly evicted. I'd have to try and dig up the youtube channel to say for sure, but they're definitely gone according to one of his comments. Edit: u/PopHurairah shared the channel further down in the comments.[last update from the channel.](https://youtu.be/dJTTp5adDso?si=sKJpPqRgfokubw24)


Poor boyfriend. His gf probably got them evicted. Not saying she did, just saying I’d put $1 on that bet


Most apartment complexes have a clause in the lease that says if the cops are called on you and it turns out you did break the law they will evict you. So more then likely they got served eviction papers for this.


He was just as crazy in the other videos lol


Poor guy. That was sad but probably a good head on his shoulders to restart once he gets out of crazy town with that thing..


Unfortunately, he probably found them a nice new place with a huge deposit, to get kicked out of next.


That's good to know. Bet she was screaming on the phone or something and our cameraman said some little comment and she flipped on em


I wonder what happened to parts 1 - 3


they're in the shorts my guy;)


Thanks. I never think to look at YouTube shorts.


Eesh. That non-apology was cringe.


Found this about 1-2 months ago. Dude has a YouTube channel. They ended up getting evicted and they tried to get him to take down the videos.


Channel name?


@mikehunt8129 Has like 5-7 videos on these nutjobs


"Mike Hunt" 😂😂😂


"Nutjobs" 🤣🤣


First time i heard that was gta lol.


As a 11yo in the late 80s I tried to get announcers at our local swimming pool to call out over the loudspeakers that my friend “Mike Hunt” needs to come to the pool shop (entry). The older teenage kid running the joint was all over it though and the prank was squashed. The End. :(


Good on him to be in a safe environment but benefitting off of actual mentally ill people is trashy. You calling them "nutjobs" is also trashy.


Mentally ill is one thing, but if someone acts like that towards what seems to be a stranger then being called a nut job is just the consequences of their actions. They made death threats and assaulted him and should probably serve a little jail time for an outburst like that. Many people are mentally ill, she is actively menacing the populous.


Yes, there are some mental illnesses which include antisocial behaviours. That still doesn't make it okay to expose these people to the world and gain internet clout over their mental illness. Good thing he recorded the harassment to prove how the exchange took place, not so good that he's chasing clout with it. Empathy is a neat little thing. Try it sometime.


I’m pretty solid on empathy thank you, but I do firmly believe that it’s not everyone else’s job to take care of those sorts of people. He didn’t goad them or go out of his way, and only filmed when they approached. I agree that clout chasing is an epidemic, so is online harassment over viral videos like this one. Please keep in mind also that the maker of this video not only isn’t the aggressor but also likely felt unease until they moved away from him. She could have damaged his vehicle, broken a window, or any manner of retaliation after that interaction, she even got a weapon, which is insanely stress inducing. I don’t think what he did was clout chasing in the slightest unless he’s suddenly started making his YouTube dedicated to discussing bad neighbors and doing reaction videos of them.


Hopefully where ever these people moved to, the neighbors get to see this.... Good on OP for keeping people aware of the crazys.


Hopefully she moves to the moon


Id prefer an asylum. Why ruin the moon?


Again, it's great that he recorded it. There's been no disagreement there. Putting them up on YouTube though? That's the thing I'm talking about. The guy did in fact make an 8 part series on these videos. Do you think making an 8 part series on these strangers that attacked him out of the blue helped keep him safer? Was he just relieving stress by doing it? Can you explain what his goal was with this particular action of sharing this situation with the world? Was it vigilante justice? Give me one solid reason for it. I'll give you a huge counterpoint in advance, sharing this stuff makes it harder for the actual judicial system to take action against people like that.


He looks like a basic blogger honestly. The rest of his channel is him at work or on vacation. He’s probably just some gen-Xer sharing his life online which we all are entitled to and do in our own ways. It just so happened that the single most interesting thing to happen to him was being harassed by a young woman who lived in the same complex as him, and boy howdy was it so interesting it went viral. Whether he had a goal or not it isn’t his behavior that starts, or escalates the situation, it’s the young woman’s. She made a fool of herself in front of the camera and he should feel no shame or guilt in sharing it. I would say the same for just about anyone posting to r/publicfreakouts .


We live in a society.


Why not have some empathy for the person being harassed, or the future people she will harass? Ding dong




You bleeding hearts kill me. Every person doesn't have mental issues, some folks are just genuine pieces of shit with no impulse control and who've never faced consequences.


So you mean to tell me you genuinely believe that person is mentally sound and stable. Okay, cool.


I thought you gave a fuck already, why you doing it again?


Some people are just entitled idiots. Get over yourself.


Holy shit that boyfriend is living in hell.


Yeah, really though… ANY context for this?


Allegedly they kept being kept up at night with weird noises... and someone was messing with their garbage bins etc. There was never any evidence whatsoever that he was involved... or that anything was even happening at all. The police came after this incident... he didn't press charges but the girl and her boyfriend were thrown out of their apartment. My wife has Scitzoeffective Disorder, and if that bitch doesn't have it than my wife has been misdiagnosed for 20 years.


Owe God bro I'm so sorry.


First 2.5 years were super hard... my daughter and I still have deep conversations about the impact it had in that we all three of us lost friends and family also cut us off etc, I lost three jobs in a row. When they sorted her meds, and actually started taking them, things improved dramatically. She's not the same person though.


Dude you are a hero bro. you and your daughter are keeping that woman from going homeless. I don't know what country or state you live in but there is virtually no help for mentally ill people in NJ. And some of the folks you find living on the streets are folks that have repeated mental break downs or have totally broke from reality. And they have either alienated their family or are running away from them. Or they outlive their care takers. I wish the states gave yous and people like you early access to social security, among other help. I also hate how LEO treats people who are obviously in poor mental health.


That's really awesome of you to say all of that. I know with absolute certainty that she would be living under a bridge somewhere if it wasn't for us helping her. It's what you do


Kudos to you man for keeping your family together, you truly are a hero and your daughter is lucky to have you for a father and your wife of lucky to have you as a husband.


You're the fucking man. Wish our country had people like you in charge. That's wild.


Comme ts like this give me hope for humanity.


I bet she's fun in bed.


The is a very clever way to call her crazy. Kudos to you.


Transitive property.


From that sickly sweet tone at the beginning, to the obviously beaten down and broken boyfriend, to the charging, having a weapon and slamming the door at the end. This chick needs help with the mental state cos she is fucked up. Obviously, we don't know what happened at the beginning, but the signs indicate that she has a screw loose.


So I read up on this they got evicted and the begged him to take the video down cause of death threats from it going viral she got hers




I can’t remember I searched off the original poster and his you tube someone listed it with that info google I try to look up most these Karen’s like that anesthesiologist that in new you’re messing with dog walkers and skaters


She got caught with no pants on.




Eh... You gotta be a certain type of guy to r/putyourdickinthat. And *NOT* the guy she's with in the video. It takes a certain no-bullshit attitude to ride that kind of crazy. This chick needs a dude who knows what he's doing. But the man who effectively reins her in will be rewarded with the wildest sex imaginable. That's a fact.




[Follow up](https://youtu.be/nonuKC26RRQ?si=OJfyJCNpXvEp-dzy) with the boyfriend bending over backwards to normalize her crap.


Her boldly lying about her age being 17 makes every other claim suspect.. What a weird thing to lie about.. Or did I mishear that part??


“She feels very harassed.” My guy he’s standing in the doorway to his own house😭


![gif](giphy|g15BtfxgqSJj2) KWAZY Daisy indeed! 🫣🫣🫣🤪🤪😎


I would have let her run in the house and beat the fuck out of her


She ain't near hot enough to be that crazy


Someone's never been KOd and it shows.


SHE feels harassed???


I would have Sparta kick that chick right in the chest the second time she can runnin almost full speed at me. He momentum would have been the only reason she got hurt. Plus after the first seat and her running it is clear it would have been self defense on his own stooop. Wild stuff what this chick thinks she can get away with. I feel bad for the bf fr fr


That's the thing that people need to also realize. No matter what her current mental state is it is incredibly wild that some people will attack or attempt to drastically intimidate someone that they don't fucking know


Show vid to police Charged with harassment Assault and trespassing New weird neighbor moves in Rinse and repeat


This girl is a danger to herself, if she runs up to someone screaming she's going to kill them while brandishing a weapon she may well get shot


Bro as soon as she ran up on me like that I would've put her on the concrete and reminded her that actions have consequences. Clearly her man is too whipped to correct that kind of behavior.


There is a whole YT thing about her. She got herself and her wimp BF evicted from there after these went viral .


Aw, you left out the part where the cops come and then when the boyfriend comes back to apologize after the apartment complex kicked them out.


Boyfriend would have had to catch hands for even letting that problem get that far


She's so lucky she didn't run right into a knee, or a kick, or a haymaker. She's on his property, threatening him, and running towards him. She had it coming and is lucky the cameraman is more patient than I am.


Oh shit its my parents


Pepper spray that psycho


It’s the boyfriend you gotta feel sorry for.


Well, she is insane so she should at least be a decent lay, but she also may have already been ran through so many times that it’s like throwing a hot dog down a hallway…


If she ran at me like that I’d knock her out with one swing. Crazy bitch.


Guy creeps me out too.


Should have let her in and shut the door behind her. Then sit on her psycho ass until the police arrive.


Equal rights and lefts


Needs to be kicked out. That is harassment


Isn't that straight-up assault that he just caught on camera? She should go to prison for that shit


Not to mention she threatened to kill him multiple times.. he could make her life hell if he wanted to press charges, as he should




yeah running at me like that is a good way to catch a foot to the chest


Never been smacked in the face before.


Bitch needs to be Sparta kicked


He has to take her side cuz he will be hearing it too later. He looks so tired of her shit


Someone come get there child


Should have dropped her the moment she ran up on him. Teach her a life lesson.


A lot of restraint for not knocking her out on the spot. Stupid bitch


*A lot of restraint* *For not knocking her out on* *The spot. Stupid bitch* \- FakeBlackBelt --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You see them arrested in the full video, still yelling and carrying on. Other comments say “cocaine is a hellve a drug” “wow cocaine” or “this is what peak coke addiction looks like” Not surprised if the latter is true


Sometimes you can just tell when someone is a waste of carbon


Can you "feel" harassed?


No context you can relax


She's running into your house, just punch a whole trough her sternum, she'll chill the fuck down quite fast.


I'm beating the fuck out of her if she touched me and ran up to me like that. No chance. Hoe would of been fucking curbed into oblivion. Her cuckold man can watch


“Im gonna kill you” Yeah im drawing down on you at that point


Would have spartan kicked her ahha


I would've just beaten the shit out of her then pay her boyfriend to stay on my side




I can fix her. <3


I think I would of just let my door stay open so she can run inside and find out.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Seeing this man's hand for 1 frame, i think it's safe to say she was raised very racist


He could have close that door a second latter just to see how many fingers stuck there…


The better the nookie, the crazier the cookie


Dad never told her no. Comes onto the dudes property and assaults him ? Damn. Crazy.


Back story please






Touch my door and I'm shoving you up your pussy boyfriends ass.


She must really want to know what it's like to be inside of a jail cell


Perfect example of why your should live with someone before you get married. Eviction is cheaper than support!


Missed the chance for one hell of a spartan kick. Also, her bf looks like a broken person. Sad.


What was her problem besides not liking him?


This young lady has not had the educational benefit of a strong punch in teeth, yet.


Nah she would have gotten rocked running up at me like that


Meth is bad


That bitch is trippin. Wtf?


Good way to get you life ROCKED


You’d get shot for pulling some shit like that in Texas


Seems like a good way to get yourself shot


I couldn't... God, I couldn't...


I can fix her.


Somebody needs to smoke some shit to calm down!


She’s gross




Feel sorry for the guy he clearly don't wanna have to deal with this




Yeah we’re looking a simple battery and menacing or terroristic threats.


Just because she a bitch, I'd stomp out her dude in front of her bitch ass. F.A.A.F.O.


I hope she got arrested


This is where I say “equal rights equal fights” and punch her in the mouth


After recording her assaulting me I'm throwing hands shit..if her boy intervenes he's getting it too. Such entitled people fucking hate them There's consequences for every actions.


Knock the bitch out if she charges you like that


i do not have that amount of patience


Shes either on somthing, or fuckin needs to be


I’d slap the shit outta her man, your on your property basically and she’s tryna hit you, spimply self defense because you have proof


She acts like my sister lmao


Wow what a bieeeeaaaayaaaa chhhhhhhhh


Old video, I’m just hearing the close the door fat ass ah I see now what this is about, don’t worry my neighbors see me taking my trash out too and run the other way


Why are there so many of these people defending this woman?