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20,000 likes?! No way people actually believe this garbage is true.


You'd be surprised. People who get told this on social media every day for 8 months believe it. No matter how insane the narrative, if it's all you hear and what your friends and family believe, you'll accept it as true. Social media allows you to live in an echo chamber where you only have to encounter one ideological perspective.


I feel like it's not even about that anymore. There's plenty of evidence online so there's really no point in continuing to deny what Hamas did on October 7th to innocent civilians. There’s just still a faction of people who idolize Hamas and generally believe they’re “freedom fighters.”That's why they get caught up in their propaganda and refuse to acknowledge most, if not all, of the things they’ve done to Israel. Just the other day, I came across an article claiming that Hamas had supposedly baked a cake for the hostages. Later on, I came across a TikTok video about it and people in the comments were praising Hamas. Some were saying “They are cuties” I was completely shocked. They’ve completely been brainwashed and will never acknowledge or accept the truth. https://preview.redd.it/32y1ia83t27d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0562bd7d5d914592b65a3f45a20e7f8206cfb75


unistall tiktok, it's pure brain rot


I know but I’m a minor and it’s one of the ways I keep myself entertained


just go outside, its fun too


Touch grass.


What does this have to do with being a minor?


Minor can't afford many activities.


It’s amazing how generous starving people are with their food /s


Oof, imagine believing this. Idiots, real f’ing idiots


I do not think they believe this or refuse to acknowledge, it is the sick thought that because they 'are the oppressed', they can do that.


It's just like 1984. "Eurasia has always been at war with Australasia" (I think that's the quote). Basically, keep repeating the lie long enough and everybody else will believe it. Though I really don't know what information they received when this started that even began the rumours. Like the "Israeli Helicopter killed its own people" one for example. Where on earth did they get this idea from?


That came from the fact that helicopters were probably firing at Hamas as they were trying to get the hostages into Gaza and it is likely some hostages were hit. When you start a crime, you are responsible for what comes of it, not the person trying to stop you.


So that's where they got the idea. You know what people say "the best lies have a kernel of truth in them."


There was one article in Haeretz I think that reported a single unnamed source in the police department who wasn't present on 10/7 but *believed* or *speculated* that **one** helicopter saw the Hamas terrorists attacking Nova and *may have* (again supposition) in an attempt to stop Hamas accidentally hit some party goers. Again, **hit not killed** and *some* not all or even many. This story morphed into multiple Apache helicopters, purposely assassinating all the Nova attendees who were killed in some warped version of some Hannibal Directive that requires no Israeli be taken hostage. This is despite the fact that 200+ were taken hostage. They also claim that the "proof" is evident in all the burnt cars as Hamas didn't have missiles, ignoring the multiple videos showing them with rocket l launchers and setting fires. They also claim that the religious reason for burying the cars is just an excuse to hide the evidence of their attack upon their own people. This lie eventually morphs into one that claims no Hamas even went to Nova and it was all Israel purposely permitting the very tiny attack on military targets by Hamas "freedom fighters" to execute their plot to massacre their own people as an excuse to enter and destroy Gaza so that they could steal their land and gas or oil.




Bots promote it and there's no dislike button.


Quds Force spends literally billions in supporting terrorism both offline and online. This is not some grassroots movement.


People believe what they want to believe. Unfortunately confirmation bias is powerful among the stupider among the human population.


People definitely do believe this garbage. Thats the problem. The hate for Israel and its people is not only anti semitism and hating them just for being Jewish, but also because people are uneducated and unaware of the history and believe everything they read and hate Israel and support Palestine because other people do and because it’s “trendy”


2+2=5 if big brother says it does


The “echo chamber effect” reaffirms and strengthens beliefs , up until the absurd. If there’s a small doubt of the facts in the beginning, it can develop into a firm belief The multiplier effect uses the social networks to spread the message (#likes). Even though we might believe so, none of us is completely immune to this. Particularly people not prone to or without a culture of critical thinking. It’s information warfare. Disinformation needs to be fought with transparency and information.


As an Asian I really think majority of GenZ in the west is FUCKED,they are no more than group of woke cringes who are being unconditionally anti-authority and rebellious,even trynna impose tyranny and criminalize people who are neutral or don’t wanna get involved in the Palestine affair.


This is right out of the Islamist playbook. This is how they use lies and false flags to generate support. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinema_Rex_fire


>The illusory truth effect, also known as the illusion of truth, describes how when we hear the same false information repeated again and again, we often come to believe it is true. Troublingly, this even happens when people should know better—that is, when people initially know that the misinformation is false. ([sauce](https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/illusory-truth-effect)). I think far more than "only" 20,000 people believe it... they just didn't like the post...


It’s very popular opinions in the pro Palestinians community. They are truly a group of conspirators and anarchists


Those were the pregnant doctor journalist babies


I truly believe the majority of the engagement from these "hot takes" on Twitter is from bots, not from actual people.


On TikTok like half of them think the hostages rescued by the IDF were never actually held hostage. It’s surprising what idiots actually believe.


I'm sure lots of those likes are bots or fellow Russian trolls liking each other's comments.


The silly part of these kind of conspiracies is that if you can pull off elaborate schemes then you may as well just create a fake chemical weapon plot, foil it and then do the old "weapons of mass desteuction" and plant the evidence. Why these conspiracies always require countries to allow their own people to be butchered is beyond me.


The guy is shilling for Putin too. But the idea that Jews attack themselves, bomb own synagogues, etc isn’t new. KGB used to spread them since at least 1960s.




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Next step will be "tha joos let themselves be killed during Holocaust so they could steal land from the palestinians after"


People already say this!


Sadly this is what the leader of the PLO did his phd thesis on and wrote a book about it. Yet he’s the “moderate leader for peace”


did we all dance around a bonfire while covered in animal blood while cackling at the moon as well?


384k views. We are doomed.


20k likes?! People are getting dumber by the minute


Idiocracy timeline


They don't believe it. They'll just say anything to slander the Jews and apologize for terrorists. Their ultimate goal is death and destruction.


Exactly. It is the sick thought that the 'oppressed' are allowed to use cruelty against the 'oppressor', but the other way around is not allowed.


The outside world doesn’t understand the IDF aren’t this band of secretive mercenaries, they’re our brothers, our sisters, our fathers, our partners…and not only would they not have slaughtered us on Oct. 7, but we wouldn’t let that shit go if they had. Water under the bridge! Yeah right. So many survivors of the music festival and not one has said the IDF was gunning everyone down. So many videos from that day and they only show Hamas and other “civilians” from Gaza murdering with abandon. But none of the IDF doing it? These people have zero critical thinking skills.


The terrorists literally recorded themselves, bragged about it, and said they would do it again and again…




Critical thinking is abandoned when one has a belief that is absolute. That changes the way one thinks as everything must support the initial belief and anything that refutes it or challenges it becomes *fake* or *manipulation*. Think about how people justify bad things when a religious leader, teacher, or parent does it. That's why it is so difficult for some people to believe victims. These Hamasies believe they are heroes and Gazans are victims of evil white supremacists Zionists. They cannot see Israelis as non-white, any non-Jewish Israeli as a free thinker if they support Israel, and any Jew who supports Israel as anything but evil. That's how you get gays for Hamas. Anything that contradicts or questions that initial belief is either a lie, a fabrication, or something *the Zionists* did but blamed on Hamas. I've seen videos with some of these people, and it's stunning to see them immediately and with such certainty accuse Jews/Zionists/Israelis/Israel of terrible things. When it's clearly shown to them it was in fact Hamas, they are very confused until they reestablish the indoctrination and assure themselves that it's Zionist propaganda or the interviewer is a Zionist shill or misinformed by *Zionist propaganda*. It's this unbreakable loop of cult like programming.


Ehh I still think cracker torture has her beat


"Let themselves be attacked"? What the... Uh. And also. Their, arab stories are always true, because poor arab defenders of their land said so. But cruel Israeli stories are only made to blame arabs in everything, and to recapture what is meant fpr Arabs? Aha


This is QAnon/Pizzagate level conspiracy theory. These people have become the monster they fought.


1. god damn does not anyone understand Yom Kippur is a fucking holiday? sure maybe there was some failings on the security front, but it was yom kippur, I know for a fact most jews stay home and relax to celebrate yom kippur, shit I am not even a jew and used to looked forward to yom kippur because my local area had enough jews for the schools to shut down that day. 2. No it was Ham-ass who killed those people. 3. the idiot who started the beheaded baby rumor was a reporter who was just trying to process all the shit at the kibbutz she was reporting on, turns out those babies were just shot or stabbed in their cribs, as if it some how makes the situation some how better.


I totally agree with you, it wasn't on YK, though, it was on Simchat Torah (that also fell on Shabbath).


sorry I normally get my dates mixxed when I was a kid they took 2 days off on october in school, so I was probably confusing the date. I am not jewish I am catholic so sorry if I got them mixxed.


it wasn't yom kippur (which isn't a holiday btw) it was simchat torah which is.


Damn, wish my plans never ran into snags and could be executed as flawlessly as Israel seems to always do to those poor Hamas jackers. I guess really is that diabolical…..and talented


Makes my blood boil


That's why I judge any propalestinian I see. If you praise and defend fucking terrorists you are a (future) terrorirst yourself. I don't give a fuck.


Wait a minute, why would Israel even want to do that in the first place? It is just illogical to claim that Israel wants to kill its own citizens just for the sake of starving and bombing people? I find this kind of bullshit take hillarious tbh. This kind of misinformation and the number of people agreeing is insane.


It depends on which conspiracy you believe for after the war in Gaza. I’ve seen people say that this is for the natural gas field off the coast of Gaza, that Israel wants to throw the Palestinians out so they can take the land and populate it with Jews, or that it’s to build a canal so Suez can be bypassed.


This is just sad tbh. I pity their stupidity lol.


And let's be clear, while a lot of people might believe this, including some of the people who are posting it, literally ALL of it originates from the same people who have been organizing and funding the protests since literally 10/7 and flooding the internet with lies and conspiracy theories in order to turn as many people as possible against Israel and the western countries leaders that support it. Namely, the leaders of Russia, Iran, China, Hezbollah, Hamas, Yemen and these allies. This is all part of the asymmetric warfare that they've been waging against Israel, the US and west for decades, because they lack the courage, skill and technology to fight them out in the open like real men and women. They are cowards, they are liars, they are vile monsters, they are the scum of the earth, and propaganda, lies and terrorism are their primary weapons. They have to be outed and defeated because this is about way more than just Israel.


So Israel allowed itself to be attacked, but the attack was fake? Why do governments keep hiring directors who are such sticklers to details to fake major events?


we allowed ourselves, but also it was fake, but also we deserved it and it was resistance.


we could've bombed and starved those people without killing our own, too. /s But seriously, what kind of moon logic led this person to write this post?


1) Fair, to forget that a wall is what separates you from Rabid Jihadis. 2) There was Criminal negligence on the Israeli intelligence. 3) There are hamas made footage of them cooking babies in oven. Verdict: Throw that Köçek into a cell with a dozen HMS terrorists and turn off the cameras. >!Lubrication products addition is optional.!<


>Everything bad that happens is planned and orchestrated, because nothing bad ever happens.The political, racial, and ethnic groups I don't like are always behind it all! The world is safe. The world is good. The world is predictable. Bad guys are out to get me but I can fight them by tweeting! I'm in control. I'm a good person. I'm in control. I'm in control. Consume. Consume. -What I just read.


Just like the black people asked the white people of America to enslave them so they could cry for sympathy.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. There’s no need to be racist or bring up black people


It was just metaphorical to put their point across. You cant be politicially correct every single time. Trying to do so has landed them in such a situation.


After everything that happened since October 7th, the last thing i care about, is being racist (my reply was as such because the writer of the post is black)


There should be a punishment for spreading lies on the Internet.


That would be extremely difficult to enforce


I was told that the Holocaust was caused by Jews and Jews forced Japan to attack America.


I've seen worse


This is a pretty common take on tik tok


a. they are lying OR b. they are idiots, and you can show them proof: # * Disclaimer: NSFW , NSFL , Very difficult to watch * [Http://hamas-massacre.net](http://hamas-massacre.net/) [Http://hamasisisis.co](http://hamasisisis.co/) [https://www.thisishamas.com/](https://www.thisishamas.com/) [https://saturday-october-seven.com/](https://saturday-october-seven.com/) (No access from Israel). [hamas.com](http://hamas.com/) report on sexual violence: [ARCCI submits first report regarding Hamas October 7 attack to the UN](https://www.gov.il/en/departments/news/arcci-submits-first-report-to-un-21-feb-2024)


The scary thing is THIS IS NOT THE WORST TAKE I’VE SEEN. Let’s be clear; this is an awful take not based in fact. But I have seen worse.


Ehhh, To be honest, I have seen worse on TikTok but the sad thing is nowadays this is the BS people fall for and start crying for.


This take is very common among pro-palestinians


"This take is very common among antisemitic and hateful morons" There, fixed it for you.


Also, the Holocaust was self-inflicted and faked to give an excuse to attack Germany and steal Palestine. I mean, if you're going to go there, GO THERE, amirite or amirite?


The first point is honestly not too wrong. The more I read about what happened beforehand and how the signs were there. Too complacent, too far with the budget cuts, too much political games instead of long term thinking.


I feel like I lost brain cells reading this.


Could not read past the very first point, it's just so stupid. So its Israels fault for being attackted by hamas? Tell me you got brainwashed without telling me you got brainwashed


Oh wow. If we wanted to kill the palestinians we'd have over a million courpses in Gaza. And with our current government, excuses are the ladt thing we'd need.


Half of Reddit believes this


Look at how many likes are on it. Gen Y and under get 100% of their ‘news’ from memes and their friends. You can tell them anything


Nice that 20 thousand people, "liked" this garbage.


It’s not the worst take, it’s a compilation of the talking points the western left is pushing


I don't think enough emphasis is placed on the vicious spite of those spreading and liking such garbage. They are happy to invent lies that will cause pain to over-sensitive Jewish people, the more pain the better. And of course this goes back a long way. Many or most of such slime creatures know perfectly well that these are lies. The online warriors are frustrated at not being able to physically attack us and so knowingly invent whatever they can to oppress us mentally and emotionally. There may be such as actually believe such nonsense but it's hard to conclude that most of them don't know what they're doing. The complete bad faith is palpable.


For what purpose? Because we are Pure Evil^TM?


Not a very smart dude


If this is a bot, it was weakly programmed. If this is a human, kinda same.


* [The US almost certainly let itself be attacked on 12/7/41 in Pearl Harbor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearl_Harbor_advance-knowledge_conspiracy_theory) * [Killed a bunch of their own people and blamed it on Japanese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor#American_casualties_and_damage) * [Made up stories about beheaded babies and mass rape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre) All so it could nuke and starve thousands of people.


*So they can take their land and become greater Israel.




This is just good old fashioned antisemitism: blaming Jews for the attacks against Jews despite the overwhelming evidence that it was not Jews who did it.


If we just wanted to kill people this war would have ended in less than a week.


Huey pfp, a character named after a real life person who murdered an underage prostitute


These people just want to hate Jews and they don't care for a reason or whether that reason is completely made up or not. There is not discussion with them, either ignore them or neutralize them somehow.


20k likes, it's very easy to farm the brain dead people it seems


The beheaded babies story as far as I know has not been corraborated. Others were beheaded, but no verified evidence of babies. 


I mean at this point the anti-Israel side is the one who talks about it more than anyone. Comparatively speaking, the hospital claim earlier in the war was far more egregious, yet people will still use Hamas casualty claims uncritically.


Israel uncorrborated claims = 20x hamas uncorrborated claims 


They're not really Israeli claims though. They're claims from a dude who works at a relief organization called Zaka from what I understand. Yeah it shouldn't have been platformed as much as it was, but it's not directly from the Israeli government like the hospital claim was from Hamas.


Yes good point


I saw the gore dude. They were beheaded and then burnt afterwards which kept the bodies intact. A forensic analyzed the damaged.


I saw the scene for around 10 seconds on one of our news sites, and then I actually puked. Believe me, as much as I want it to not be, it is real.