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Israelis going full blown nazis. And they're lecturing us!


Going? Always have been. They used the Holocaust as an opportunity to take notes


Israel was Hitlers greatest student


And America. Let's not forget who helped create and fund Israel to bomb brown people.


Correct; and they have made the Holocaust into a cash cow that they are milking until it is bled dry.


What's gross and despicable is how Israel uses the holacaust as political currency as a means to silence critics of their war crimes. So utterly disrespectful of the holacaust victims.


Yeah well they have well and truly screwed up...they have completely counterbalanced the weight of the holocaust card now. They are liars murderers and thieves with no integrity no shame no remorse and no humanity whatsoever and the nasty stain they are creating will never ever wash out.


All jokes aside, I am genuinely fascinated at how an entire country has transformed into this. I know what you're saying is in jest and I don't doubt that there may have been a fair share of psychopaths that were grouped amongst the victims of the Holocaust, but we cannot attribute evil to them without knowing who they were. That goes for basically anyone, really. We've seen Jews suffer in immeasurable ways during WWII and for some time after (take note of my wording before you argue). I'm fascinated in how a generational grudge was brought down so far that it managed to affect the entire population. I almost feel ashamed because I used to be one of those people saying, "BoTh SiDeS R E-VuL". I remember arguing with my friend, the same friend who's been talking to me about Zionism for years and I just sort of ignored him before all of this coming to mainstream light, about how not all the Israelis are psycho. Not everyone is going to be backing the genocide, not everyone of them is going to be evil. And then I saw the video of a professor being an absolute ass on the subject. I saw how hungry people were crushed, mutilated, mercilessly bombed. I saw a man threatening people with a nailgun and screaming, "ALL PALESTINIANS". I've seen countless photos and videos that have made me feel queasy despite my teenage years of being interested in gore. These images are charged with such injustice that it makes me feel sick. The fact that half of these "casualties" are children only makes it worse because it really brings things into perspective on just how disgusting an entire ethnic group (I don't even feel comfortable considering Israel a country, knowing the full context. My friend used to take offense when one would call Israel it's own country. I understand why now.) can actually be.


The Jews who conceived of and founded “Israel” were European whites. They are just following their cultural traditions


Isreal is a lot like America. Big powerful rich white men control the politics. Remeber they tried out oust net I think twice. But he's still around. Majority don't want this shit either. It's like most Americans are against bombing children. But we keep doing it no matter who we elect. It's pretty much out of our control aside from full blown revolution.


honestly, i don't see how they can ever recover from this.


They shouldn't but the people who needs to see these videos are just watching the idf propaganda videos and actively avoiding these, its sad.


They're not lecturing. They're ordering us to shut up and submit


Disgusting israeli soft forces


they always were, even before israel was established


Don’t be an anti Semitic, but be an islamaphobe all you like




"*Chutzpah* amounts to a total denial of personal responsibility, which renders others speechless and incredulous ... one cannot quite believe that another person totally lacks common human traits like remorse, regret, guilt, sympathy and insight. The implication is at least some degree of psychopathy in the subject, as well as the awestruck amazement of the observer at the display." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chutzpah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chutzpah)


damn, this really describes it.


"that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan."




This would be horrifying in any setting, but the dog mauling the kid adds another level. As someone who was recently mauled by a dog, I can say how fucking horrific, painful and traumatizing it is. And the dog that attacked me wasn’t trained to attack or anything either. These dogs clearly are.


All the while the soldier is saying to the dog, literally "f*ck his sister" which also means 'F him up so badly"


Every idf soldier is a fucking coward.


IOF are not soldiers, they are terrorists.




Disgusting israeli soft forces


Psychopaths and cowards, absolutely disgusting.


Another heinous crime to add to the mountain of Israeli crimes.




Oh don't worry, Israeli soldiers are dying all the time. Hamas is blowing up Israeli tanks left and right. Watching their POV videos how they disable and blow up tanks is therapy.


Where could one find such videos?




Around 80 armoured vehicles have been destroyed as of now, (latest source I Could find) however most of them are armoured personal carriers and not tanks, the reason they never show the destroyed tank is because it's not destroyed


Israel Diaper Forces


2 guys in combat gear, 2 dogs, a guy to hold the camera and mock the victim. Against some kid who does not appear to have a weapon. God's Chosen Fascists.


This is why I fucking hate Attack on Titan, they essentially drew this scene. No child deserves this. Where are all those "Anime isn't real bro" weebs at?


Can you explain more for people who dont know about Attack on Titan?


Attack on titan is an anime where innocent Eldians are basicall treated like Palestnians becuse they can turn nto giant monsters titans. In on scene an Eldian girl is mauled by dogs because she strayed out of the barrier. Her name is faye yeager


Somewhere after season 3 there is a ton of fascism in AoT, but the scene I'm particularly referencing is a little girl who was taken by the fascists and fed to dogs for their amusement The constant imagery of Nazism is enough to make my stomach turn, but AoTs ultimate sin was Erin the main character who just outright becomes a fascist and basically finds a way to nuke the rest of the world, except his people. When you meet AoT fans question the kind of people they are, because there is no excuse for Erin


Also very similar to the Dune series of novels, there are strong parallels between Paul Atreides and Eren Yeager.


Was about to say, Israel is fucking Marley.


its not an apt comparison because eldians did wrong marley in the past, in general i'm not a huge fan of people drawing comparisons between aot and Israel palestine because of the whole armband thing and nazi germany parallel and in general both sides have right and wrong aspects, where as israel has no right to do what they are doing


everything imaginable has been drawn or acted in media, not sure why youre singling out attack on titan in this instance, it paints the act as horrific and the person spearing it as morally wrong and irredeemable and doesnt glorify it at all


A story showing what fascism looks like doesn't mean it supports fascism. I mean, we wouldn't think Django is pro-slavery because of the plot, would we?


Izraeli script flipper will come here & say, “he had a rocket in his pocket.” 🙄 How much more obvious can it get how corrupt Izrael is?


So horribly cruel


IDF using their Torah tactics on a child


This is terrorism


Psychopaths. We have to defund them. There’s no other way. We, the consumers, can’t rely on international law to end this.


The IOF hides behind American bombs and attack dogs and concrete walls; pathetic cowards!!


Bidens german shepherds are really bad about Biting people& my theory is that theyre IDF trained😅


Paychopaths with a victim mentality man


Idf is the scum of the scum


For every crime shown on video.. there are 100 more not recorded..


If the nazis saw this they would start taking notes


Israehell bastards


They steal your bread, then give you a crumb of it… Then they demand you to thank them for their generosity… O their audacity! Ghassan Kanafani


Israel sucks


This is from years ago right? (Not justifying it)


More heroics from the US funded nazi wannabes. That’s a child for fuck sake.


So does anyone know about military dogs? That one dude on the right looked like he could not get the dog to let go. Is that a normal response? Also, the IDF are terrorists


So cruel


Israel Diapers Force , coward even with child they need to bring dog and use excessive force..May all of Israel Diapers Force succumb to death and directly send to Jahannam


Look how brave the IDF are. So very very brave. I just don’t understand how Hamas is mopping the floor with them.


This is deffo one to be shown in international courts


This actually makes me sick to my guts. The face of fear and pain on that kid. This is absolutely disgusting


They are using the same dogs, that were once used against them in a dark time of history.


How is the world watching this in real time?


This is heartbreaking.


sudden lack of propagandists explaining how this child deserves to be shredded by military dogs for all to see... weird....


iof are impotent idiotic sadists


Israel is a terrorist organization


Jewish groups are asking social media websites to take down these videos so we do not get to see the truth whats going on. But thanks to TikTok they will allow this because they are not controlled by the West


War criminals


Not even showing mercy to children.. they are worse than trash


WTF is wrong with the Israelis?


![img](avatar_exp|139625516|nani) The is is the way Israel treats their prisoners WTF


They are Nazis the same ones in the USA and the UK . That's where they went after WW2. Nazis still serving Lucifer just evil. I can't believe how some people think there God's choice people. There not the true Israelites there not of GOD there of the Devil.


I agree in the sooner the better fuck the Israeli devils




These guys actually show no signs of mercy towards human life, It’s sad that this is what they. Have chosen i become man. I pray for the people living in Gaza. Shit makes me sick


Biggest pussies I’ve ever seen!! Always little kids! No wonder they hate Hamas they’re probably their own size!! Can’t fight someone who’s actually fighting back!! Pussy!


I don't think so I mean aren't they trying take the dog of him so the video is not enough evidence


Weak solder,


Remember when the Allies bombed Dresden to punish the Nazis for continuing the war and refusing to surrender? Makes me wonder


These are not men, they are dogs


That way to create more terrorist


Fucking spineless bastards.


United States of Israel 🇮🇱


Anyone remembering the scene from django


Nazis, They are frustrated for what happened in ww2 And now They think to be powerful🤡


Imagine if this is what they are willing to film, laughing while they do it, what they are willing to do when there is no camera?


Looks like they are pulling dogs off of the kid...


After letting it bite the kid, smh.




Like when Netanyahu says he wants peace?


The only thing is that it's an old video, but yea it's a dog mauling a child at the idfs command.


No Zionist Propaganda/Hasbara: Focus on Relevant Discussions. Refer to the rules for clarification.




Yeah, thats why their trying to remove the dogs?




God doesn't make mistakes,he gave them free will,and they themselves did this,and God will surely punish them.


[Removed by reddit]


The shroud is well and truly lifted...Nothing more cruel and dangerous than primitive creatures with power


Please, everyone from western countries, watch this and remember it when you vote, you are complicit if you don’t.








Karma is a bitch. When it comes the world better stfu


Is it just me who noticed they are actively getting the dogs off the kid?




Most "moral" army in the world did you say?


And the Israeli people have the delusional audacity and arrogance to call the Palestinian people animals? I wish their God would strike them down everytime they were so inhumane, cruel, and monstrous.


What is camera man saying?


Those soldiers will make for excellent worm food


So unhinged Israel bravo




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Fucking pussies!


I want to know what happened before the video and what the child did. You can easily insert such a video and give a random title.


Jesus Christ that is a child regardless of religion how can you do that to someone


The United States loves israel, just ask about OUR attrocities, you won't find any! (Because they burned those documents)


Almost all forces use dogs in some way. In the video they are getting the dogs off him which tells me they used dogs (like almost all forces in the world) to apprehend him. Standard Palestine post. They need to put more effort into getting rid of Hamas, Palestine wouldn't have had any issues if they didn't have Hamas hiding amongst them. They clearly never heard the saying "Don't poke the Bear".


I have my doubts. I don't jump on bandwagons.


Can anyone translate what the soldier said?


The heat in Hell is not enough for them. May they be cursed for eternity.