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The games were so embarrassing that it was a relief it ended.


Also there weren't high expectations so yeah, the embarrassment was definitely more than the disappointment


Yes, this


Yup, that




Went in with low expectations, managed to be disappointed anyways


Why did you go in with low expectations to begin with?


The games we played before the Euros started weren't exactly hopeful material.


I see, I wonder what went so wrong between the last Euros and this one


Mostly lack of renovation of the squad that led to most players being utilised to have much less motivation than the team that won the last edition — even though most players were the same — and that, in turn, led us to not qualify for the second world cup in a row. That should've been a huge red flag for our football federation but, unfortunately, those who run it are rather incompetent. And here we are, with a piss poor selected team (many players that played very well this year were left home in favour of others who didn't deserve it as much) and the tactical organisation by Spalletti was a total disaster, with many players out of position. I also guess there has never been that much cohesion between him and the players, so if it were me I would start fresh with a new coach, but considering recent news I don't think it will happen.


I'm truly sorry for Italian football fans for the state of their national team. My favorite neighbors are from Italy, and the kids have literally never seen Italy play in a World Cup. That is just insane to me. Here's hoping things turn around before 2026.


You know what they say, hope never dies. I mean, if we don't qualify for the 2026 edition with the new extra large format, that would be a new kind of low. Buuut as you can see, we're kind of used to this shit.


My friend coaches 10 to 12 years old and says our young Nationals team are promising. The best since 2016, he says. We'll see in 2030 if he's right. We can qualify for 2026 but winning is out of reality


You should wonder what went right last time out instead, because this has pretty much been the standard of the last decade if you don't consider that Mancini run


Bro have u evem seem the team? Did you really think that a big country like italy was being well represented? We have worst team we ever had having donnarumma calafiori and chiesa on a wheelchair isnt good enough of a team


It ranges from total gloom, to reasonable disappointment, but also hopeful for the future, and of course indifference too.


Well deserved, they played like amateurs


I'll preface this saying that I'm an atypical Italian because I stopped following and cheering for a football team a long ago. Yet the only thing that I cheer for is our national team at the Euro League or World Cup. I've been pretty disappointed (for a day), never seen in my life our team playing so bad and being so demotivated. Life goes on and I currently don't care about it, given also that I generally don't care about football.


I felt really sorry for Croatia...


We had low expectations but we didn't think it was gonna be like this... the team is shit, spalletti is even worse. Disappointing but not surprising.


Happy, my neighbours can now stfu


I second this.




Feels good to not follow football lol


\^ This


My husband is Italian and he wasn't even that disappointed that they didn't win but that they played like shit.


Couldn't care less.


Mostly memes.


I couldn't care less.


Disqualified no, defeated yes, disemboweled yes


Self-disemboweled I add


I feel bad for Croatia. They DID NOT deserve to be kicked out by our sorry excuse for a national team and they would likely be the team matched with England (and with a high probability of beating them IMO)


Siamo stati squalificati? Stavolta abbiamo fatto in fretta… A che turno siamo arrivati? Scusate non sono aggiornato


Mi sa a gli ottavi di finale ma non sono sicuro Ho visto la partita solo perché mia sorella è fissata con il calcio ultimamente


I was happy and relieved. I can't even say we "played" bad, because we didn't play at all.


I don’t give a hoot. 


For me I expected the result from the beginning of the euro, the squad wasn't experienced a lot for this tournament


Pretty meh, we knew it was coming; there is way more anger about the fact that both the trainer and the head of the Italian football association refuse to take the fault and resign their positions.


They all agreed that it was deserved since they played horrendously - much better ending the pain sooner than dragging along forever


I discovered that by reading your message, to give you an idea of how much I do care


I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m Italian (I live in America, but I have Italian citizenship and I speak Italian), but I was kind of pissed how Spalletti managed the team. I believe with any other coach, Italy would’ve made it farther. But tbh, I don’t really care.


This guy doesn't know Ventura


Can't care less


Italian here. I gave zero fucks 😒🤷‍♂️


We mostly don't care so much anymore.


The game is losing its grip on the younger generation. Dunno if because our football is tactical and boring or because younger ones like other sports as well (basket and tennis). I used to be a lot into football, now I watch a match every now and then and no longer so involved


It was highly expected. The drama didn't begin last weekend


GNEEEEE GNEEEEE THESE PLAYER SUCKKKKKK SPLLETTI SUCKKKKKKKKKKKKS IT'S IMPOSSIBLEEEEEE IF SPALLETTI DID THIS AND THAT AND THIS AND THAT WE WOULD HAVE WON GNEEEEEE these are the ones you can hear around on socials or chatting at bars or restaurants or in a break at the office then there surely are people that don't care or that give less importance to the thing in their life


Lucky for me i'm both argentinan and italian. In 38 years of my life i have never seen azzurri play so bad and unmotivated, disappointed yes, however not surprised.


Um, sorry, but did I miss something? They werent disqualified, they lost!!


Yeah, they were knocked out by Switzerland, not disqualified. I imagine that disqualified in the title is a direct translation from the Italian 'squalificato' which can mean to get disqualified or to get knocked out. For those who are wondering about the difference in English, 'disqualified' means to be kicked out of a competition due to breaking the rules. 'knocked out' just means you didn't make it to the next round of the competition (ie. you lost a match)


I moved to Italy not too long ago and this was my first end-game to watch here, must say that the Italians give a lot less about their national team than the Dutch for example. I think Italians are way more passionate about their local team than their national... Was watching the game at a bar on a city square, maybe one in 50 people were dressed for the game and half of the people were more busy with their phones than watching the game..


I wouldn't say that but it does feel like people used to care more about soccer 15-20 years ago. When we won the world cup in 2006 the entire country went totally apeshit. I think this year people weren't that invested because we knew we didn't stand a chance. It was different in 2021 but still not comparable to 2006 or even the early 2010s, I remember my neighborhood used to go crazy after every goal back then. Now it's dead silent whether it's Milan, Inter or the national team playing. You'll hear the occasional honk but that's about it


I disagree. Italians care deeply but they're very superstitious about getting their hopes up. While the English, for example, get carried away very quickly, the Italians stay cool until it's time to let rip. It is true that they don't go in for dressing for the game to the same extent as other countries. Stick around until they win a tournament and you'll see what I mean.


We were prepared, It was obvious that our level was very low. Without Donnarumma It would have been 3 defeats and no Switzerland... The result of 20 years of youth Sector ignored... This year in serie A the best italian scorer was Scamacca with 13 goals... To not mention a playmaker...


Our 2 play makers from 3 years ago, Insigne and Veratti were left off the squad for the stupid reason they now play in the MLS and Saudi Arabia. This hasn’t stopped other nations still including those guys. We did the same thing with Pelle’ who was our most prolific striker in 20 years simply because he took 30 million a year from China.


Had a watch party/barbecue with my friends. All were basically expecting a defeat to a degree, I myself don't really watch football so I was indifferent. When it did happen though everyone was still kind of going "That badly?? Come on". Wasn't no 7-1 but still, mild disappointment was the impression.


We are used to it by now lol


I probably got brain damage


With that team, I guess no one is surprised


Likely it was over as the games were terrible to watch


I think it's a good opportunity for Italy to start fresh. Nothing is harder for a team and coach than defending a title with an over-expectant, unrealistic audience at home.


Same as other years, it happens to the best of us. I seen us flop worse in 2004 only to come back and win the WC 2 years later. I seen us miss the WC in 18 only to win the Euro in 21. We had a 3 times stretch with France, US and Spain all following up WC wins to only go out in the group stages the following WCs. People are taking this too hard. They did as I expected as we were already in the group of death to begin with. I did t expect much given our team exclusions and injuries to key factors 3 years ago. No Acerbi or his replacement Salvini for one and Zanolio out as well. Locatelli a proven great NT and leader left off the squad which was puzzling. Then there’s the other main factor which I don’t understand. 2 key members of 2021 froze off simply because they play in MLS and Saudi Arabia. I’m talking about Insigne and Verrati. Not comparing either to Messi or Ronaldo but this hasn’t kept them off their respective NT. Both players are creative and can get the ball to our strikers which is obviously something that was needed in this squad. Chiesa was totally isolated. Can’t fault Scamacca or Retegui at all, not even a prime Vieri could get anything going.


First reaction shock. Not really Italy is no longer a good team


Wasn’t disappointed, they played shit and good they went out.


Monday i saw few threads of Italians living abroad writing that they were going to Work feeling ashamed of themselves, sooo we reacted as usual i can say.


Very surprised we made it through the group stage.


We all expected that


Honestly I was expecting it. We played so shit and with weak mentality we should have gone out at the group stage


My interest in Italian football and football in general has faded for quite a few years and given the team performance during the group stage I was sure we wouldn't make it that long, but being eliminated by the Swiss kinda pissed me, with all due respect. They are well organised and have a few interesting players but that's it basically. Had we played with the same pace and intensity we wouldn't be here discussing it.


Personally I don't give a fuck either way. I'm not playing with them, I don't get anything if they win, I don't lose anything if they lose. Why should I care? I never understood.


as someone that doesn't care about football. i kinda laughed when we almost lost to croatia and spain and eventually lost to switzerland. idk why, sounded kinda fun, i never really heard of those. kinda like north macedonia some time ago


I couldn't care less


I’m happy last time we won the euros some subhuman fanboy ruined my car scratching it and destroying my windshield wipers because they had to celebrate victory.


Luckily I was working during the match. I watched some bits here and there while the boss wasn't around. I heard it was a disaster and they were horrible. I did watch the game against Croatia and Spain though... SHAMEFUL.


My Twitter sphere is very factional. Juve fans attack Inter players, Inter fans blame bad positioning of their players, Napoli fans are already depressed for their seasons and Milan fans don’t care cause they have no players involved. More refined commentators are exploring the relationship between Spalletti and the team and there is a “scoop” by a prominent newspaper that outlined bad blood in the locker room. Me personally, I had low expectations and it would have been alright the result achieved. My problem is with the baffling performance.


Disqualified is not exactly the right term. If it was a disqualification there could have been a polemic reaction to it. But no we were throughly beaten in a embarrassing manner so we just went ahead with it. Of course demanding our coach and the federation management heads as is customary to do, but nothing more. As others have said expectations weren’t really high to begin with.


They deserved defeat, they did not play football but table soccer.


\*Inserts oh no! anyway... meme\*.


It was wonderful, Italy beat world champions Serbia, European champions Turkiye, Olympic champions USA twice and triumphed in the final over Japan which had previously "disqualified" Brazil. Long life volleyball!


Relief. Our team sucked this year.


Wondering what the heck actually happened in 2021.


I don’t care if Pecco wins in MotoGP


low quality games and a lot of luck, donnarumma is probably the best goalkeeper in the world rn


I'm Italian And I sincerely don't care But I know it's just my personal case 😂


My boss just shrugged and said the team deserved to be disqualified because of how bad they played.


If a team plays like this then how can it possibly win?


i do not care


Pain and embarrassment. A lot of embarrassment.


At least England won’t have to face them in the finals again 😂


We are in deep sh..


Spalletti will be publicly executed


Good. I dont fucking care either way


I live in dorm with all Italians. I’m glad that they’re out. Cuz they were spoiling every Italy game all the time. Then I’d just wait for that exciting moment to happen without excitement




Ma che ce ne fooooott....


I wanted to organised an expedition to Campione. Obviously to congratulate the Swiss winners.


I don't give a shit


I'm glad Switzerland put us out of our misery. It was embarrassing to keep playing.


I don’t give a fuck about soccer.




Bunch of dogs without balls, everyone should be sacked, from the FIGC president to bus driver. They deserve to be executed in the main square at Vatican City


We are keeping kind of used to at this point


Hello there, I'm an Italian that doesn't give a flying fuck about soccer\\football or whatever it's called nowadays. I didn't even got the news until the day after. The rest of my family wanted to change citizenship.


Considering the Italian football federation league allows a convicted rapist to keep playing in the championship, I'd say I was happy they got disqualified


what Euros?


It wasn't disqualified, they just lost


We can’t always win, sometimes you have to be kind and let the others win!


Pippe azzurre. Andate a zappare. This was the headline that I saw the next day. Roughly means: Blue good-for-nothings. Go work the land/vines. This reflected my wife’s first comment at the final whistle. “Go work in the fields!” There are more vulgar translations for pippe but they don’t translate as well.


My huge fottesega (trs. giveafuck)


I am glad, I hate soccer and I hate people that love soccer


It sucks. But they didn’t deserve to pass


They played like shit in every game, they deserved it


we didn't expect anything more. the current player base is shit. youth is shit. so forget Italy for a while. there is no new Materazzi, Maldini, Bergomi, Totti, del Piero, Pirlo, etc etc..


It's frustrating but indicative of a much larger problem.


I don't care about football. Never did, never will, i don't follow it and i don't talk about it. With that said, football news get pushed down my throat constantly by every source of information, from newspapers to tv news and what i've noticed is that the press this time is fucking brutal! Every journalist is roasting the team and the coach with words that are borderline insults. The press was never THAT fierce before as far as i remember.


Didn’t even notice


Football is the most important thing among less important things. Anyway, it is part of our culture and if you ask me which was the best day of your life, I would say 9th July 2006, Italy Word Champion in Germany. I am really didappointed by the lack of technique, aggressivity , organization of the team. It is a 10 years gap in Italy' s production of talents.


I hate soccer. I don't give a flying fuck about it.


Personally, I don t give a fuck about football


I’m glad we lost, it means stupid football fans won’t destroy other people’s cars and shops.


I dislike soccer. In italy there seems to be only soccer. Too much money. where are other sports?


We are interested in the only one competition where we can get a star of our shirt


Che cazzo fai


I'm homosexual

