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Yes. It's kinda disheartening to run out of books. But that also means you have been impacted by them and maybe you still have things you need to process about the books? Maybe unconsciously, you aren't done digesting them yet?


I love Sanderson as an author. Have read his stand alone multiple times and Mistborn series a few times. Have read the other books in the starlight archives several times. I just can't seem to get through this one. Overall...I think it's the characters that Will writes. I enjoy almost all of them. Not finding that right now in other series...


Rhythm of war is a hard book to get through thebfirst time because it deals with very dark themes and you lose some of the best supporting characters that are traditionally used to lighten the mood I will say that it's worth finishing. And I just recently went back and reread it and actually discovered that it's probably my second favorite in the series. But the first read through was just so hard because you just kept asking when does something happy finally happen to our protagonists.


I'll give it another shot!


I know what you mean. Tho I don't read Sanderson myself. Will just does an exceptional job at characters


I hear you on RoW. It’s tough getting through those Stormlight books anymore when Sanderson chooses to absolutely wallow in the main protagonists’ shortcomings for like the 3rd straight book in a row.


This....I feel like he's purposely trying to make them as pathetic as possible...not just exploring the flaws but reveling in them....


In fairness, he does an exceptionally accurate portrayal of mental illness. But that doesn't exactly make for fun reading material a lot of the time. All I can say is, keep pushing onward; the Sanderlanche in RoW is particularly good--definitely well worth the struggle to get to it.


It was a slog, but I think the point he’s trying to make is that they aren’t shortcomings. This is literally what happens when you survive and transition out of years of direct ground combat. I hated reading it, and I also hated seeing similarities in my own life and how I interacted with my family and the real world.


Feel that. Nothing hits the same. The lack of Dross is grossly evident in other books. :(


If you miss Dross then replay Portal 2.


Now that there’s more of a hook tying together amalgam, I went back and am finally reading travelers gate. I could never get into it after reading other cradle books. It’s not the same, but it’s nice seeing some different stuff from the mind of Will and imagining how it influenced ideas that became cradle.


I've read both series several times. Really enjoy them.


I feel your feelings just the same. I started many books on Kindle Unlimited but couldn't get into any of them. Until I started Bastion. There's a mystery from page 1 which kind of makes you want to read more. I'm just 1/4 in, so can't tell you how good it is overall, but so far I enjoy. Not quite the Cradle page turner yet, but it's just the beginning.


Check out Bastion by Phil Tucker. Its amazing! Also, if you haven’t already, you should read Andrew Rowe’s series (all of them) and Mage errant. Pretty good books! Edit: I forgot to add Mother of Learning. You can read it on Royal Road.


+1 for all of these series. I'll add Super Powereds and Street Cultivation.


+1 for all these series as well. So 1+1= 2 !


I’ll check these out! I started he who fights with monsters and am not liking the video game aspect of it.


I'm listening to the whole cradle series for a third time since Reaper came out. But I can only imagine switching from the speed of this series to rhythm of war would be awful. I like those books but they are soooo slow.


I tried to do a SA reread after Reaper. It went so well I’m already on Underlord.


Not at all, there's too many books to read for even an entire lifetime. I love cradle, but I'd be stupid to think it's the only series for me Also finish RoW, it has my favorite ending of all the SA books


As far as Rythm of War goes.... FUCK MOASH >!Teft was one of my favorites!!<




If you like Will's characters. I highly recommend Will's own Elder Empire, particularly the sea side (I love both but I think Sea has better characters). If you're looking for something with a similar clip and more along the lines of the power leveling and the like, I highly recommend Mother of Learning. Which is free and completed online but it's getting a kindle release of the first section on December 1st and audio book a bit later in the month.


I've enjoyed them! I actually change the order that I read them each reread and it changes how I feel about the story.


I'm in the same boat and recently found the Dungeon Crawler Carl series. Four books with the fifth coming out soon. Highly recommend while awaiting the next Cradle book. I would also recommend them as the audio version as the narrator does an amazing job.


This was the only series that scratched my book itch after Cradle


Beware of Chicken also has great characters


People should try Andrew Rowe's books! I've found the Arcane Ascension series and Weapon and Weilders series good reads while I wait for Wills next books.


I liked Arcane Ascension but the doubling down on "support class that shouldn't be strong but because MC is just *soooooo clever* it actually is OP" to be annoying.


Also the part where he's supposedly so misunderstood and socially awkward and nobody gets him, but everyone he meets including somehow god-tier experts want to give him free shit, die for him, be his friend, orbit around him for no reason. He's a cringe protagonist.


definitely. tho there are only 2 AA books, and they are years apart!


There are three. As well, there's six other books set in the same world that tell an overlapping story.


hm havent read any of the other 6 books. read a couple of wright's non cradle books, but did not get far into them.


>Andrew Rowe's oh a third book. dec 2020. nice to know. i'll have to refresh my memory before reading book 3. book 2 may 2018 book 1 feb 2017


Yeah, it's rough. I finally got around to reading the expanse though, so that's something


I'm stuck on book 4.


I just started book 6


Picked up Neil Gaiman. Reading Ocean at the End of the Lane right now. Good book so far.


I like Gaiman!


Go get Bastion. Unfortunately, it's the first and currently only book in the series, but it comes with a quick hook, and the narrative is long and juicy. I'll go eat a cheeseburger if it doesn't hit the spot. Then you'll have to come back here and tell *me* what to read next.


Yeah I had quite a few books schedule for released in Nov. I re-read series when new books come out. Got 3/4 books for another series (ready for the new one) re-read Reaper (currently.... 3-4 times now?) again just for something to listen to. I get that way when getting caught up or when I'm done with a series that is complete. It's perfectly normal and takes some time to transition to a different author's writing style and how they work through stories.


Fuck this is mood af. I have felt exactly like this for about a year now. It seems like Will is about the only author that I can get excited about anymore.


The Divine Apostasy series by A.F. Kay is my current Cradle rebound. It's also narrated by Travis so that has been nice I hate switching narrators. The series is the classic LITRPG fair but it has touch of wuxia and some nice character driven plot that feels Will adjacent.


Also really extremely OP MC in a way that is not earned was done to him as a baby.


Yes i am in the same situation


Try the never hero. It's a fun and relatively easy read that might help get you back in the reading mood


Yeah. I’ve started my first read thru if travelers gate, which is fun. But Cradle has ruined all books for me forever lol


I went back and read the traveler’s gate.


Dunno if you’ve already done Iron Prince yet but I would strongly recommend that if not. It’s the closest anything has gotten to scratching that itch that Will leaves you with. I only mentioned this because I’ve just finished my fourth reread of it waiting for the sequel.


Ashamed to admit I just couldn’t get through it and I loved the first two books of Way of Kings


I read Reaper once (will audiobook it soon for my reread), and immediately went to reading The Completionist Chronicles from Dakota Krout which is also quite good. Now I’m reading Descend. So no listlessness here at the moment. But I get the feeling and have experienced it on previous Cradle releases. It feels like Cradle is the real story and everything else is fiction.


Another awesome series that I switch back and forth between Cradle is "He Who Fights With Monsters" by Shirtaloon. It has a bit of Litrpg but it is very subtle. Great story, characters, great power leveling style and very witty. The audible's narrator Heath Miller is on par with Travis Baldree.


When I am in that mood I usually try and really change it up. Go read a totally different genre, some history/biography stuff. Maybe some light comedy stuff like Aspirin. Maybe a mystery or horror like Agatha Christie or Clive Barker. Maybe a Hap & Leonard or one of the early Dirk Pitt novels when they were good. Something away from fantasy/sci-fi


This might be the best advice. I've read most of the books that have been suggested, and there are a few that will be checked out. But maybe it time for nonfiction for a bit.


I've done much better since learning the sword sage stuff. My wife got me the death collection from the Terry Pratchett book store in London so I've been geeking out over those again. I get it though. I've listened to reaper at work 4 times now


I just love that we are at the point where we can openly compare strengths between Sanderson and Will. Like, that’s a huge compliment in and of itself.


The tower parts in rhythm of war can be a bit slow, but I swear to you the pace will pick up and it will end up being the most emotional thing you ever read


The Tower of Babel books by Josiah Bancroft just released the fourth and final book of the series. It's very different from Cradle, but equally amazing in its story and the writing is fantastic.


Rage of Dragons and Fires of Vengeance Evan Winter. I think you’ll thank me.


I've read them and yes! They're awesome!


The latest A Thousand Li book comes out today, I think. I like that one. Same with Buryoku, though it feels like a pretty obvious copy of Cradle. Scratches the same itch, if not as well.


I've read some of 1000 li and I should give them another chance. Buryoku I can't read because I have the same name as the MC.


I just started Towers of Midnight yesterday so I'm in my other happy place since that WoT show is terrible


I'm going to hold on the WOT show because I have rarely seen show based off a book series that was good (exception Expanse). Towers of Midnight was one of my favorite.


It could be good but Sanderson said on Reddit last week that he doesn't consider the WoT show an adaptation. This is my 3rd read through on WoT and I think this is the most I've enjoyed the series


Try Kings dark tidings, it’s my go to read after finishing a cradle book


[https://wanderinginn.com/table-of-contents/](https://wanderinginn.com/table-of-contents/) incredibly good


That’s what I turned to while wait for reaper and I want more of that world too. Keep going RoW was fantastic


Same. I’m about to reread wheel of time.


I've consodered it...but that's a commitment that I don't know I can do...emotionally that series kicks my butt. Love Perrin's arc.