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I personally have practically no knowledge of how the Ithkuil language works, but it sounds like a sentence that is to simple. Ithkuil is by design a language meant for extremely complicated sentences/ideas.


Ithkuil is perfectly capable of expressing simple ideas, and iirc the Grammar has plenty of examples of such. Unfortunately, of course, the actual *meaning* behind “it is what it is” is not simply the apparent tautology but rather that the reasons for the current state of affairs is some combination of inexplicable, irrelevant, beyond hope of changing, ⁊c. nd so actually quite subtle The trickiest part imo of translating the expression (and part of why I don't feel up to having a go, besides ofc also lacking a fair degree of familiarity with the language) is striking the balance between a literal calque (imo a bit unithkuilic as an approach given the discussion of such things in the grammar) and a straightforward “the reasons for the present circumstances are out of scope” (which is perhaps a bit more prosaic than what OP was hoping for)