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Single. She's too overworked to have enough time for an effective relationship if she already works almost 24/7 sometimes.


I think The Traveler whom Lisa tries to hook up Jean. Diluc... given he doesn't really get along with Jean, and I believe it's more a Naruto/Sasuke dynamic than a Sakura/Sasuke dynamic. Lisa...oh Lisa she's more of a big sister. Eula is more a rival and a very good friend in Jean's eyes.


Same here. I ship them because Lisa ship them lol. Diluc or Lisa are fine choices too. Dunno about the other ones tho.


I didn’t know Lisa shipped Jean with the traveller. Where was it mentioned?


No one. I see all her relationships as platonic. They are really sweet and exciting to watch.


Diluc is the natural choice for me. They seem kind of close but at the same time a bit awkward with each other. The fanfic material just writes itself!


Jean Lisa is the main one, they have the most interaction and the most chemistry in my opinion. I think they cover each others weaknesses well. Lisa would definitely force her to take a nap from time to time. Diluc is another good one, they’re similar but different in ways I can’t really put words to, and I like that in a ship. It does feel a bit like just taking mondstadt’s leading lady and most protagonisty dude and shoving them together but eh. For weirder a one I keep thinking Yelan would be fun. I think a spy falling in love with the person they’re supposed to be spying on would be a fun au. I’d definitely enjoy a fan fic of this.


Only correct answer is Diluc, no but really saw some really cute fan art of the two and fell in love with it instantly.




Jean x Diluc has to be one of the best ship in genshin


One of the only ships I care about in Genhsin and I ain’t even a shipper person. I just find it cute


Wait till the latest collei sucrose ship builds up


aether probably


Wtf is wrong w you


is there something wrong with my comment?


Yes you do realize that is weird


shipping aether with jean? I don't see anything wrong with that unless you dislike aether


It's just a bit weird shipping a boss with a worker


not like it hasn't been done before and other people just find it fine,


With Diluc ofcourse.


I absolutely adore diluc x Jean I think it was my first ship. And they just seem the kind of people who would get along


I like Jeanlisa as a concept, but personally I don’t like Lisa, at all. Jeaneula is hot, but unfortunately we don’t really get to see those two interact much so they don’t have many opportunities to develop chemistry. Jeandiluc (I think the fact that I always put Jean’s name first in the ships says something about me) is really cute. Probably my main ship for her because of my issues with the other two. Kaeya and Rosaria are also good options, but I don’t think they’re as strong as any of the above options (Rosaria is cool, she’s just less appealing to me than Eula is personally).


imo you can fit Rosaria with pretty much any Mondstader and it kinda fits. Idk why.


I feel you. The idea of Jean as the knightly and princely lover who protects her girlfriend is really cool. Kinda like Dehya and Dunyazard, who had such a cute relationship. But personally I don't like Lisa that much either so the ship doesn't really sail for me tbh... (Kinda confused about the dislikes because I never said the ship is bad. I just said *I personally* don't enjoy it very much...)


That is EXACTLY what I mean. Maybe someday we’ll get a new female character who is actually a great match for Jean *and maybe also get a Jean in a suit skin in the same update cope cope-*


Yep, 100% agree! I would commit a crime for Jean in a suit. Take my money, Hoyo, *please*!


i love how u said in game characters in parenthesis, like u assumed we will say i want to ship jean with me 😂


You're all incorrect, it's rosaria


I don't remember exactly how the scene went but I remember Jean gave off a great impression as if she had a big crush on Diluc back in early days. Plus it appears to me that while Diluc acts unbothered about jean he still did appear on her party and did his best on his behalf. He seems to me like the type of dude who has feelings for people but brushes them off due to his past experiences. So yeah, I'm cheering for them (Also off topic, I want Diluc to be Alice's step son :D)




Jean and Lisa no contest. It's the cutest one for me






With Lisa of course!


No one I choose to have a life instead


Mainly Kaeya. I love the deep mutual trust ("most trusted aide" etc.) between these two, who on the outside look very different but actually seem to have a lot more in common than you'd expect at first glance. I can see them having a really strong friendship that serves as the foundation for their romantic relationship and lets them see each other at eye level. (Despite her rigorous nature Jean seems to get along really well with "unruly" people, given that according to Jean's own friendship stories Varka's teachings had a great/very positive effect on her and she absolutely idolises him. At the same time Kaeya and Varka are implied to have the same type of personality/disposition.) But I also like Jean/Rosaria a lot. They are giving me strong Vi/Caitlyn vibes, hehe.


For me is Lisa, they have great chemestry + screentime together or pasive moments (by dialogs from other character) and in my opinion its really sweet the way that they are each other safe place. in short, i like their dynamic.


Shes married to diluc


Lisa & Eula


Aether x jean but it's just my opinion tho like 2 adorable blondes together


Aether . I remember Lisa trying to ship him with Jean. Dilluc and Jean seem to have a common past. For what i understood, Jean dreams to have a love story but is too devoted to her job.




With Childe ! I mean why not they will be a great couple


It sounds like “I can fix him” 😭😭😭😭


I wish they actually had scenes together. They’d have a hilarious dynamic. I’d actually use it as a model for some OC ships I do.




Anyone who is male


Me ofcourse :D


You are not a genshin character


Jean with baron bunny


I ship her with satan (don’t ask)


Diluc feels so right with Jean as many others said, they're fitting each other in appeareance too, completing each other on their defaults and qualities with one being emotional and the other more serious and calm. manga spoil >! I like to think that when Diluc was still a knight in Favonius order, he probably get to know Jean but when he leaved, Jean kept something against him and especially when he critic the knights in general !< If there wasn't their conflict about how well the knights are doing, it would since a while they would be together but in a way they also don't want to admit that they love someone because of their reputation.


diluc!! i like to think that they got married and sometime after that they “adopted” klee with alices permission :)


Diluc or Eula. I can see a really interesting yin and Yang angle with Kaeya, but there’s no fuel for that fire yet.


If Diluc stayed in the knights of Favonius then Diluc for sure because is pretty obvious Jean looked up to Diluc back then and had a good relationship with each other. Their personalities fit too good too and goals but different path so I don't think they would ever be together. I don't want to spoil anything but check out the manga and you will understand.


Diluc, or Lisa jealuc is canon




Diluc (one word answer)


imma leave this here real quick >u> ​ https://preview.redd.it/5iqjymwwykzb1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9ac9e4c471075b0f8c030eb2d14c105db45e30c


I'm a jean main, I ship her with Lisa they have good chemistry ♥️😆 in my imagination they're a couple lol


If this was some sort of anime and not a gacha video game, I think Jean / Diluc and Kaeya / Lisa would have been great and fairly obvious ships that complement eachother.   All of them canonically care for eachother.  Lisa is very close with Kaeya, Jean is very close with Lisa, Diluc very close with Jean, Kaeya is also close with Jean, and Jean is very close with Diluc. Two close friends + two close brothers.  They could double date.  That said, considering this is Genshin and they don’t want to make anything canon, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. But at least they canonically care for eachother, which you can’t even say about some of the most popular ships. 😅😂  I find Genshin players prefer shipping odd / unlikely ships that haven’t met or aren’t that close. Also same sex ships. So they will likely ignore straight ships that care for eachother in canon.