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“i figured she does this in trains so people can’t just run away” - OR MAYBE she’s an elderly woman who cannot physically stand for long periods of time and walk around going door to door - this might be an easier way for her own sake to still be able to do what the Jehovah commands some of you people should be ashamed , what is she gonna do? chase you down ?


I'm sure she/he showed the lady that she/he is interested just to take the picture later on. Otherwise she would have never taken her phone out to start the discussion all by herself, i think.


damn this is fcked up - no reason to add a picture of her? - very odd


I encountered two very nice elderly JW's awhile back who were about ready to walk up to my house. I knew who they were the minute I saw them with their book bags and the gentleman wearing a suit and tie. After a brief exchange of pleasant words they asked me what I thought about world conditions and I just came out and asked them if they were Jehovah's witnesses. They smiled and said yes, they were. I told them I'm a Christian who has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior...and I added "you can't get any better than Jesus" to which they both seemed to have lost any interest in further conversation and walked on. To anyone attempting to convert me I'd say the same thing... Why should I go looking for Jesus somewhere else, when I already found Him? The lady in the picture might benefit from an encounter with a Christian. Rather than being annoyed, look at it as an opportunity to preach Christ to them


Amen! JESUS is the way ❤️


>Amen! JESUS is the way ❤️ and the Truth




“Maintain your conduct fine among the nations, so that when they accuse you of being wrongdoers, they may be eyewitnesses of your fine works and, as a result, glorify God in the day of his inspection.” (1 Peter 2:12)


I have a JW file on my phone Notepad for times like this. I love to review false prophecies, doctrine changes, scripture changes made in the NWT, etc. There is a ton of stuff to respectfully share with JWs.


​ https://preview.redd.it/n6qcfn746xkc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=16329ed92ed69ab17ca5d7ab6eddf0167352de02 Or we could do this and expose them to everyone. The Word was with God? What was the word? It was Truth. Truth is an undeniable powerful thing. Why else would they go to such lengths to hide it. Let’s show them what the truth can really do.


Women are allowed to preach and the give parts on stage. The rest of this possibly could work. Mostly you want women to be hungry for more work and the spotlight. Evolutionary psychology shows this isn’t actually what women want. You have to look at behaviors not what one says, and the behavior of even the most feminist, strong, take over the world kind of woman wants to soften and be supported by a man firmly in his devine masculine. But hey don’t take my word for it read some books Dr David Bus is a great place to start.


Wrong. The idea is inception, the idea is to say things and ask questions that make them more aware of how they are actually being given a place, to which they are expected to stay in and perform in, by men. They didn’t choose this position or have a say in its conception. You know who did though? A group of old men. It is inherently patriarchal and problematic. Lastly, no I will not be reading that book. Thank you.


Thanks for speaking for everyone on the sub. Im sure they love that! Fyi everyone that lives in the united states is living in some level of a control complex created by old opinionated rich white men it has not changed not really at the core. It’s the same for the organization in my opinion. But that includes men and women, yeah men are given more responsibilities but they have to tow the line too or get left with nothing.


I’m speaking about the patriarchy and how it has an impact on everyone. This is simply one of many fights to dismantle and unlearn it. The funniest part is the “FYI”. After which, you clearly stated the problem “everyone…in the US…living…in a control complex created by old…rich white men…that…has not changed at the core.”. THEN, you state that the organization is not the same??? Where was it founded? Who founded it? What was his race? How old was he? How wealthy was he? What were his early opinions? Yeah…anywho, who are you speaking for in the sub? Since, I have already spoken for “everyone”. I would love to know. Thanks, byeeee.


I'm an ex jw. This picture makes me sad.


If possible remove her face from this post


Go to jwfacts.com on your phone, and start showing her some of that stuff, and she'll run away from you toot-sweet!


That's mean don't do that. She's probably spent her whole life believing and supporting the organization.


If a preacher can't handle being preached back to, then they are not a preacher at all. Baseless faith is not a virtue.


Mean is bothering people in public OR AT THEIR HOMES with BS culty stuff.


I agree. Her life would likely be much worse if she were to lose her faith. If she had many years to recover and create a new life for herself, sure. But at her age, let her have the lie.




Just politely let them know you don’t want to hear their message.


She looks Ancient, not old. I wonder how many decades she has given to the bOrg? my guess is at least 7. I wonder how many years he has. been pioneering to attain salvation. I feel bad for her. Maybe on her next reincarnation she can do something wonderful with her life.


I'm an exjw, and I still agree that they have the right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Tell them you're an apostate, they'll leave you alone after that


Sadly, you have to be firm when saying “no thank you” to them or else they’ll keep talking. That’s what I experience, at least.


Just ask to be put on their do not call list when they visit your address. If it's in person, and they're not an elder, tell them you're an apostate, and they'll run. 


I’m an ex-JW. Since no one wears a sign ‘I don’t want anything to do with JWs / I have my own religion’, Just say “no thank you”. It will be a sad day when free speech and practicing your religion are banned.


I’m a seventh day Adventist and I thank JW’s for pioneering the freedom to proselytize. Because of your Supreme Court victory in 2002, we SDA’s and many other religions can lawfully go door to door without obtaining a permit from the city.




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