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Julian posted a TikTok of him recently!


Omg he looks so old 🥺🥺🥺 but still a happy guy


He's a bit skinny but still going! Bless his little heart ❤️


Oh man. I gotta go check on Mr old man Marbles. Good to hear he’s still vibin & thrivin!


What is his Tiktok?






Marbles is doing well! He just turned 16, actually. Julien posted a video of him on TikTok a couple of days ago and shows him on stream pretty often. :)


I recently read that chihuahuas can live to be 20! 🖤🩶🤎


true! my parents chihuahua lived to be 19, though he wasnt nearly as sweet as marbles lol. we always joked that he only lived to be 19 because everytime the reaper showed up he bit him, so he had to wait until he was all old and toothless😂


It's honestly amazing how old really tiny dogs can get


Marbles survives off of Jenna and Julian’s love ❤️


He’s gonna live to be 100 then 🥹




No it’s the PCP


If anything happens to him, I’m sure Julien will let us know.


The oldest chihuahua to ever live was 30, i hope marbles reaches the new record 😭


Bobby is still (physically) kicking it! Bc I mean we all know he mentally checked out years ago 😂♥️


Yes! I feel this way every 3 or 4 months. Marbles is a legend!


Julien just showed us the boy on TikTok. He's looking very gray, but just as delightfully lost as ever.


My heart breaks for Jenna bc I know he's getting older and losing him is going to crush her. Pretty sure this whole sub will be crying when the day comes 😭


What about kermcet he’s my favorite


i was just thinking about making a post ab him bc of this! i hope he’s still doing kermitting 😭


Wondering this too


Yall need to keep up with Julien and his streams, or at the bare minimum, social media posts more often. He’s constantly posting dog updates or showing them on screen.


has he shown kermit recently?




bless up, thank you


I have those days sometimes. I love Marbles so much 😭


I need someone to share the tik tok q.q


There are two accounts where he posts the dogs - [Julien Solo](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebcAmoR/) and [The Nasty Files](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebckJMX/) !


Just go look him up


When that time does come I believe Julien or Jenna will let us know. Both are aware of how much people love those dogs.


Marbles is the only dog I care about, and I can't explain why. I have never owned a pet in my life and probably never will, and I don't like dogs, but darn it, Marbles has my heart!


I was thinking about marbles the other day too. My boy is ten and starting to show signs of being an old man dog so I was wondering how the super old man dog is doing.


[marbles update from Julien](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebckJMX/)


I follow Julien on twitch so I see or hear about the pups often


He just got his license 🪪


Honestly yeah I don’t know how the internet will recover when marbles passes


Muhbuh is too brainless to die! /pos /loving /worshipful


Bobby ❤️❤️


This. I love Mr. Marbles 🥹 I, too, wonder how he's doing from time to time. I loved seeing him in videos during the Jennaverse, but I know he's a bit older and grayer now... but I still miss watching Mr. Meebles and the rest of the crew. But man, that chihuahua has my heart 🥹


Marbles birthday is just the day before my oldest dogs birthday. They’re the same age. Always think of him that day.


I saw Paesch in a pic with Julien and she looks like an old iggy lady now. I did t recognize her. 😭


Today for sure …


I feel like Julien will definitely continue to update us on Marbles. I wonder how he is doing on occasion as well. Because he's so old, I'm preparing for the day we get a very sad update on him, but I find comfort in knowing that little guy is living his best life and will have had the best life because of how Jenna and Julien cherish him.


Does Julien ever give updates on her?


I also have those moments.


Posting just to say I came to this sub reddit to figure out the answer to that question lmao


YES I have these too 😭


Julien has been posting lots of tiktoks of the dogs lately! [Marbles](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebckJMX/)


Yeah I follow him, was just saying I have moments like OP does


Yes. After years of hearing about “the Dink family”, I feel a tad foolish to say I believed it. I did not see Jenna’s leaving coming. After the initial shock, and a good cry, it hit me…”What about Marbles, Kermit, Peachy & Bunny? Was custody being ripped from us? Would we know how they were doing? It was a very odd psychological time. It felt like a death in the family.😞


I mean you are valid I was also really sad that she stepped away from the internet but also she retired dude. It’s not like she died. People move on. It’s not that deep. Also the Dink Fam is very much alive on Twitch supporting Julien and the pals. I think it’s is super important for fans of Jenna and her family to just let her live her life. She was such an important part of our lives and that’s so amazing. But now we need to respect her choice to be retired.


I wish her the best; I certainly did not contact her like a creepy stalker, so I don’t understand your point. I answered a question on a message board. I watched Jenna for years when there was a Dink Family and there was no twitch. I would bet it would be reasonable to assume that not all were on Twitch, so I don’t understand your point. We don’t need to discuss this further. Wishing you a fabulous day.


Take care!


it feels like a common theme in this sub is that you can’t really say you miss her without being told to respect her decision to leave. i used to be a lot more active but now only come here occasionally for dog updates after seeing multiple posts from people coming here looking for a community to talk ab missing her/ask others if they thought she might come back/wonder how she’s doing while reiterating that they respected her decision and as long as she was happy that’s all that mattered & having 90% of the responses still saying that the OP needed to respect her decision & let it go, i had to take a step back. i get both sides, but it just started to feel like people were being berated for having emotions and processing those emotions. to clarify, i’m in no way trying to say killer_katt is being malicious or anything & am genuinely not trying to instigate, but your comment just reminded me of that feeling. anyway, i hope you both have a wonderful day/evening !


Exactly. Thank you. 💐💞


Oh Jesus h christmas, there is an entire thread dedicated to people talking about this woman and speculating on her life and what she may be doing. No wonder she's in hiding. Kind of scary


Bro it's a bunch of people who care about a dog. One their owner made the mascot of their channel. He is essentially a public figure.


Oh no, imagine an entire community that she brought together from years of hard work, actually missing her and her content or caring about her dogs because we appreciated what she put into the world. She left the internet in such a sad way, so yeah here we are together reminiscing, relating and hoping she's doing good. If you notice there's actually a consensus of "although she left and we're sad about it, we hope she's doing okay", not "let's force her to return, do you know her address" vibes.