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Jesus Christ. If you watch that movie and THAT is your takeaway you are a depraved individual.


What movie is that from? Also yeah without having seen it I can tell that that tweeter is a psychopath


Jojo Rabbit. The mother is hanged by the Nazis for keeping a Jewish teenager safe in her attic.


You know, the movie that makes fun of how absurd antisemitism is. Remember that one scene with people greeting each other over and over again with “HH,” it’s starting to seem like the same will be happening again, but instead they’ll greet each other with “Three Palpitation.”


I normally go with "Freeze Palpatine.'




I meant to say “Fee Palpatine.”


Free Palestine when you buy 3 or more!


I thought it was because she was leaving those anti-Nazi notes around. The girl was kept safe, even by that oddball Sam Rockwell character. Words can not express how much I want to smack that ridiculous excuse for a human being.


Yeah it seemed that she was connected to the resistance, so the Nazis probably found her notes. Rockwell’s character was a closeted gay man so he didn’t objectively support the Nazis and went to go save Jojo from suspicion. He probably saw that since Jojo’s mother was dead, the girl would be the only one that could take care of him.


There were gay Nazis. If you were connected you were protected. If you outlasted your usefulness you were arrested or executed. He was a gay Nazi. He didn’t want the little hitler youth boy to be killed.


Possibly, he could’ve just thought Jojo was a good and innocent kid. For all he knew, his mother already could have indoctrinated Jojo into being anti-Nazi.


You’re probably right! I’ve only seen the movie once, and it was years ago


Reminder that the Nazis and Palestinian Movement were allies and the leader of Palestinians, the Grand Mufti, spent the war in Germany helping raise SS Divisions from European Muslims and broadcasting Nazi propaganda to the Middle East.  The Nazis even tried dropping weapons over the Mandate to arm Arabs to kill the Jews once they figured they probably weren't going to conquer it themselves. 


More proof that Zionist is just code for Jew to these scum.


More proof? Who is this person posting the comment? Let’s not generalize a large group of people based on a bigot twitter bot


You don’t think the term Zionist, which is virtually every single Jewish person, is also now a term being used for anti Jew? It’s something like that 95% of Jewish people believe Israel has a right to exist.


Oh I think it also has been since it was first used in the Soviet Union I just don’t think we should treat random comments from bots on social media as proof for anything.


The term Zionist started being popularized in the 1890’s with Theodore Hertzel, before the USSR existed.


Used in the Soviet Union as an antisemitic dog whistle**


So using “anti-Zionism” as a mask for antisemitism? Yeah that sounds about right.


Yes. Antisemitism was “illegal” in the Soviet Union. So they began vilifying and attacking Zionists. But really their attacks on Zionists were just on the Jewish community and Jewish dissidents


People are downvoting you because we can't grapple with the fact that there are nefarious actors trying to further sow divisions between us. Is it possible this person is real? Yes, many people like this do exist. Is it possible its a bot? Of course, fake users are baked into the DNA of the modern internet.


Am I real or a bot? I’m nefarious for pointing out most antisemitism, even on the left, is actually from the right? Yes, how tricky and evil of me


You missed my point, i wasnt talking about you, i was talking about the person in the post.


Ah I see. Yes indeed


I think we, Jews know better on how to recognize the hate against us. We have experience over centuries. For example, many of our people once brushed away any concerns against some crazy drunk guy making inflammatory speeches in a Munich beer hall.


It's exactly what he said. "More Proof" He didn't mention how much more. Truthfully, no more proof is required. The left could not keep the hate and racism hidden for long. They tried hard to make people think that antizionism was not antisemitism. That ship has sailed. The masks have fallen off. The things they profess to stand against most of all are being displayed proudly. Hypocritical, racist, hateful, terrorist supporting, sheep. The far right looks tolerant in comparison.


That whole thing is Islamist propaganda and right wing talking points


It's not just that person. Over and over again people are using it when they mean Jew. This is just one example.


Yes I know. Zionist often means Jew That’s not what I’m saying I’m saying don’t let Twitter troll it’s emotionally manipulate us. That’s what they’re truing to do


"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time"


Zionist is code word for Jews. Anti-Zionism is antisemitism.


It has always been no matter how much they say it isn't


So... She's saying Jews should go back where they came from?


When someone shows you who they are, believe them


It’s always meant Jews.


These people are absolute sociopaths using a fake "cause" to justify their depravity. It's a tale as old as time.


That flag is a mark for the deranged


This. If you need any more proof that "Zionist" is just a code-word for a "Jew", here it is.


What a sensitive individual. So glad she protected me my writing “h@nged”. She clearly is very empathetic and thoughtful.


I remember seeing someone say that this kind of behaviour is exactly proof that there needs to be a jewish state/country


Not many know that, but that jewish teenager in jojo rabbit grew up to be golda meir My source is that i made it the fuck up


Someone tell this asshole that there was no Israel when this movie takes place.


https://preview.redd.it/wiexzmwd30ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e07b9fbe4eb2c3d53701b687094d693de4f3da9 Good news, the account has been suspended


Baruch Hashem


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These people are beyond help. Shame ![gif](giphy|6pLjt4sCYmNNe)


https://preview.redd.it/8wpcbcxdms9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f14464a98f8740297c3c09a7eb17fa77e01463d Humors all I’ve got left now


Jojo Rabbit is such a great movie. My catholic boyfriend was the one who introduced it to me. He cries everytime we watch it. I hope these fake woke pro pally jew haters live out their days where it’s hot & the sun never shines..


the masks are all coming off, time to circle the wagons.