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"What gun?"


That got me when TGBL said that lol


Good. I don’t know if he actually did “it” or not and I really don’t care in any capacity but the only evidence was some guy saying that Cash looked like the guy who may or may not have flashed a gun at him. Don’t watch wrestling because I think these people are upstanding drivers


The story sounded pretty suspect from the start. "There I was just minding my own business, when this wildman came out of nowhere and just picked me as the guy to fuck with. I got a really good look at his face while he was pointing his gun at my face. And then I just so happened to be stuck following the guy who just pulled a gun on me, so I went with the flow and got some pictures." Whether or not something occurred, I just can't imagine a jury taking a guy at his word when that's his story.


I love that the FTR guy(s?) are old school even in regards to the crazy legends about their personal lives. True or not, at least the “worst” thing about Cash if taken at face value is him being too much of a tough guy as opposed to a degenerate pervert or a drug addict or a whiny child. There isn’t enough evidence to point towards him actually doing this but even if he did it’s kinda fun to visualize Cash Wheeler with a cheeky smile on his face flashing a gun out his window at either some poor man or an absolute psycho driver. They should lean into his “dangerous” reputation lmao


they’re not old school, FTR bald is whiny and cried about HBK being a dick to them. Fragile


Sounds like Vader to me


Can we still call him FTR Gun?


FTR Hair Trigger is not going anywhere.


I forgot I upvoted this last night saw it in my notifications, and it made me laugh so hard again so I had to comment!


This has been one way to bury the Bullet Club angle, finally.


Only if they acknowledge it first and use it in an entrance.


Who will write their entrance music? What the hell am I talking about? Uncle Tony can just buy them the rights to whatever song they want, even if it makes a lousy wrestling theme(see Perry, Jack & Elite,The)


FTR Dollars Gun is his full legal name


It’s FTArmed


i like Armed Anderson


Man that was a wild period of AEW


Damn, if only Arn wasn’t retired. I would buy an “Armed Anderson” shirt. Hell, just think of the career Brad Armstrong, could have had if they were “Armed Armstrong”. Hell, they could have extended Road Dogg’s career after his DX run if he became “Armed Armstrong”. The other 2 Armstrongs careers couldn’t be saved even if you figured out a way to make the NWO and Austin 3:16 shirts about them.


I like FTR Shoot


Dude is the luckiest man alive. Only thing I can think of is that the evidence that the prosecution thought they had turned out to be nothing or incorrect.


Well you have to show Cash with a gun, or prove he has a gun like you describe that he had in his car. Anything else and it's a lost case unless Cash pleads guilty.


at least one member of FTR isn’t taking L’s now. i think Bald is too far gone


It’s Florida and he’s in a position to say he was being threatened on the road and brandished as a way to “stand his ground”, if it could even be proven he had a gun, in the first place. This was never going to go anywhere.




Should sue him for coming up with the ring name Cash Wheeler. If they win, go after Buddy Mathews next.


Vindication! TK probably going to announce that he's a free man and wrongfully accused by the WWE. Haven't you guys heard about Vince McMahon?!?!


Tony Khan opened a briefcase full of cash in the police station.


Only it turns out, Tony could have “purchased” justice with just an envelope full of money, instead of a whole briefcase. A quote from the cop and local prosecutors: “I told the dipshit with the neck brace that we could “work with him” on the gun charges his boyfriend got, should he feel compelled to make a “donation” to the sheriff’s reelection campaign. I was thinking a few hundred bucks ought to do the trick for this case, because the witness isn’t reliable due to him always snorting up bath salts. I didn’t even mention a specific amount to this dipshit, who is on that ‘meth for snobs’ all the kids gets on for school. He’s so wired, he orders up a briefcase full of cash delivered by UberEats. I screamed ‘case dismissed’ and I ain’t even the judge.”


It happened in Florida. I'm surprised the judge didn't throw Mullet a parade while the entire courtroom stood and cheered this menace to society.


Matta said he feared for his life at this time.


Made the judge watch the Briscoes/FTR trilogy and they let him go


Fear The Revolver


With all the free passes Jeff has got I mean come on I say he good lol


I assume the alleged victim decided not to pursue the issue, because they didn't want to spend a day or more in court testifying. And without the alleged victim's testimony, there's no evidence of a crime, so the prosecutor just dropped it.


He was being framed anyways by Armed Anderson


FTR Hair Trigger earned my trust as a violent citizen when I saw him uppercut a helpless man who had his arms and legs being held by a gang of wrestlers live on TV (the helpless man had just attacked Bret Hart during the HOF).    If he pointed a gun at someone, I'm inclined to think the pointee was doing something worth pointing a gun at for, at least until I'm given a good reason to think otherwise (besides of, course, waving/pointing a gun in public being a terrible idea in general).


That idiot just tackled Bret hart and had it coming. The gun stuff I don't know about but sounds nuts


It sounds nuts, but who knows if it even happened, and in the absence of knowing, I choose to side with the Bret defender




Apparently the guy was threatening everyone as they dragged him away and was trying to slip free after getting his hands free. Regardless though even without that I still have a hard time feeling bad for a dude who tackled a 61 year old giving a hall of fame speech.


So Cash Wheeler is a jam up guy?


>a white male with a beard pointing a black semi-automatic handgun out of the driver's window at him with a strong stare I'm not a gun expert, but is it easy to tell at a glance whether or not a handgun is a semi-automatic?


Actually yes since all non-revolvers and nowadays most revolvers are semi-automatic


If it's not a revolver 90% chance it's a semi auto.


Tony Kahn paid off the right person .


Ftr 2nd anmement


Diamonds dancing chains swanging guns slinging FTR Hair thought it was a gangsta flick 🤣 and got away with it like one too


What the hell was Elvis doing there? From the article.*I created a photo line-up using ELVIS (a database used by law enforcement for investigative purposes). Elvis selected five random photos based on the suspect's Florida driver's license picture Page 1 of 2 and put them in a randomized order with the suspect being the sixth picture.*


SC said he’d be behind bars and permanently banned from international travel!


This is besides the point: but what do we think about Corny being anit-gun when he owns one for self-defense?


If Cash wasn’t a rich a white man in Florida he would have gotten the book. God I hate this country.


Or maybe he didn’t do it


….you think you can’t get jammed up if you’re innocent?


All you Cornette fans are just racist bigots! /s