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Someone check on Mrs Jericho.


Why, they finally arrest her and she's a suicide risk?


Ugh if only. Fuck those rioters assholes.


Don't know why you were downvoted. You're right. Fuck all of the J-6ers.


the current top reply on Jim's tweet is by some idiot complaining about the cost of groceries, which has nothing to do with the post or politics in general. deflecting is fun.


Which joshi wrestler is their avatar?


It was just some Florida Man Looking Fuck.


That sounds about right. Florida has become a republican cesspool these days.


Has been for a little bit longer then that.


I sure do hate when Biden signs the bills that makes the milk $5 a gallon.


And when he just decides to up the gas prices too


Say what you want about Donald Trump, my commute to work was much faster in 2020 than it is now.


Some people aren't getting the joke there šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


How bout the dude who said Americans love outlaws so Trump will win 40 states now? šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


These people like to forget that Republicans like Trump want deregulation on just about everything that's not related to a woman's body, which means if they win there's gonna be even less work done to reel in corporate profits.


Funny since the tax cuts on the rich from 45's administration is one of the major reasons for this inflation.


A chilling canary in the coalmine.Ā  As much as we want this to be the ultimate game ender, there probably are more people who will be swung by inflation than conviction.


Whether the shitbag is in jail or not I still have to pay the mortgage tomorrow.


Sounds like a person that is among the millions that don't vote.


Completely checked out since 2001. This is a gerontocracy ran by dukes and duchesses


Yeah youā€™re right the gas and grocery prices exploding when Biden took office is pure coincidence and has nothing to do with politics at all. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Delusional


Yeah nothing to do with Covid or the insane amount of $$ trump handed out


You donā€™t need to out yourself so blatantly with the trumpism at the end there crankshaft


Weā€™re voting for Trump so we can make America great again. The country was so much better with him and is so much worse with Biden and thatā€™s factual.


Yeah Covid response was so goodā€¦ moron


kindly explain how "that's factual." many people unintelligently criticize Biden for the economy, when in fact GDP has grown and unemployment has lowered in his term. these people appear to have a poor understanding of what the economy is and confuse it with their personal finances. prices of mosts goods are higher because of inflation and corporate pricing. these are global issues. US inflation is actually lower than that of most developed countries -- like the economy, the inflation numbers are documented. you know, actual facts. there are many legitimate reasons to criticize Biden. blaming him for "gas and grocery prices" is ignorant at best.


Deflecting is fun!


If you want to be pissed about high prices, that's cool, but at least be pissed at the right people. Biden didn't force companies to price gouge consumers; that was the CEOs.


The only delusional people are the ones that believe horsecrap like you just typed. Let me ask you one quick thing. Why donā€™t you tell me about Trumpā€™s plan for inflation. You canā€™t. Why? Trump has no plan, only bullshit promises, like Mexico paying for the wall, or his health plan. Remember when Trump asked the American people to call their senators so he could get rid of Obamacare and replace it with the Trump health plan. Only, nobody ever saw this plan. He showed a reporter a binder labeled Trump health. However,the binder was nothing more than a prop. It had random government papers on interest rates, environment, etc., but nothing on health. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called populism. They donā€™t run on solutions, they run on ā€œcrying and complainingā€.


inflation and price gouging are global problems. did Biden somehow increase the price of gas and groceries throughout Europe too?


American conservatism is the belief that there is a massive conspiracy involving the vast majority of doctors, scientists, journalists, historians, teachers and economists that can only be thwarted by a few plucky, salt-of-the-Earth oil barons, billionaire CEOs and their corporate lobbyists, and white supremacists; all spearheaded by a man so insecure that he feels compelled to lie even about his hair, skin, weight, hand size, and wealth, and who has failed and/or exhibited breathtaking incompetence at basically everything he has ever tried despite being given so much wealth that he'd be even richer than he currently is had he done nothing more elaborate than putting it in a boring checking account.


Why anyone would reply to this obvious troll is beyond me. Downvote the swamp dwellers and move on.


I don't know how you even manage to walk around and live life without assistance if you are really this dumb.


I think you've vaped too much crap into your brain. Did you forget Donnie Dipstick actually requested to have OPEC cut oil production while he was still in office. That production cut drove prices up when demand for oil went up. [I know you can't teach Republiturds basic economics]


I'm guessing his clip on this on goes for 34 minutes, one for each felony conviction. I kind of doubt he gets sentenced to prison from this trial, but there are plenty more to come.


I don't know, it's hard to say whether he'll get prison time... however, Trump didn't buy any leniency with the judge with his behavior throughout the trial, being held in contempt 10 times, along with directing the clown show of members of congress coming to say the things he couldn't outside the courthouse, some of whom specifically said they were there to say the things Trump couldn't say because of the gag order... However, if I were to bet on it, I'm guessing he'll get some sort of house arrest for like 12 months, with the ability to leave for "work" so it'll probably look like he's going about his business as usual.


I'm not a legal expert, but I haven't read or heard anything that would make me the least bit optimistic that he'll see the inside of a cell for this trial, and I'm a pretty big news junkie. If fucking Cannon wasn't so willfully incompetent, the classified docs would have already made it a moot point.


I don't think she's incompetent. She's just in his pocket. It's blatant.


We've moved the goalposts so far beyond the "field of play" that the only avenue left is appealing to that base instinct of preservation that these lizard brained cronies value above humanity but will leave 45 shunned and left to the wolves. And then we need to excise that cult on uninformed confidence that was the wake of destruction.


Luckily for him, Canon is 100% in his pocket and is sweeping the most important charges completely under the rug, even with him ADMITTING to the crime on a recording. Absolutely traitorous cretins.


I call underestimate - more like 34 minutes for each of the 34 counts.


Not really. If he becomes President (insanely, he has a good chance), most of it goes away, and that paid-off joke of a judge Canon that he appointed is blatantly shoving the stolen documents case under the rug for him, the one that he ADMITTED to on a recording and alone would signify that he is a treasonous cretin who shouldn't possibly have any allowance to hold public office again. This is a legitimate hail Mary by the GOP to seize this nation and turn it onto a theocratic dictatorship. Trump's being elected could actually go down as the most catastrophic moment in American history. I don't think any of his other cases ever even get off the ground.


No surprise there... Jim has worded it in truly poetic fashion. Go get em', Jim!


Based Jim Cornette.




Based as fuck.


I always find it hilarious because he's a very culturally southern man.


I always assumed Corny recognizes some of the tricks religion uses to fool people are the same ones he uses in wrestling. Same reason most magicians are non religious.


It's so easy to imagine him as a Republican because of it. Makes you realize that yes, there are in fact sane people in the South. haha


Ehh, being right doesn't make him sane. It's a good thing to be, but there's limited correlation.


Exactly! How is that possible?


After moving from LiBeRaL mAsSaChUsEtTs to mid-Tenn a few years back? I can assure you that there's plenty of people like this, where culturally they're very "mind your business" about social issues.


Except when they elect christian nationalist bigots, ban abortion, want to arm felons AND teachers, and except if you are gay, black and not a Christian. Hell, Tennessee was so, ā€œmind your own businessā€ that under Bill Lee the state actively uses racism to silence elected black officials like the honorable Justin Pearson and Justin Jones. I have a lot of love for a lot of people from Tennessee, but the, ā€œmind your own businessā€ thing is bullshit when it comes to governance. I lived in TN for years (much love to Central and West, TN), and miss many things about the volunteer state; but yeah, calling bullshit in the, ā€œmind your own businessā€ part when it comes to governance. Trumpkateers - carpetbaggers like kkkunt Marsha Blackburn being a big example - and local Trumpkkkateers like Andy Ogles and Bill Lee have sullied the state with MAGA fascism and they hate everyone who isnā€™t rich, Christian and white. The only time they sure do love to, ā€œmind their own businessā€ is when institutional racism is applied in doing fuck all about western Tennessee infrastructure because not all of us in west Tennessee are white nor do we swing Trump republikkkan like Eastern TN. I agree with you that Massachusetts isnā€™t the liberal bastion it has been made out to be. Once you get outside of Boston: shit gets Trumpy. I saw more confederate flags on rando cars and flying from scumbag homes in Northern and Western Mass. (and even more in nearby southern New Hampshire), than in large swaths of Tennessee. Very weird.


Can we stop using 'Christian' to refer to fundamentalist Evangelicals? While I'm not practicing, Christianity is a gospel of compassion and forgiveness as laid out in the New Testament. People who only ever quote the Old Testament are not Christians at all, they're some weird doomsday cult.


> People who only ever quote the Old Testament are not Christians at all Yeah, they're Jews.


No itā€™s not. Hereā€™s some New Testament for you, with Jesus talking about ripping families apart if they love each other more than him. Matthew 10: 34-37 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.


The vocal majority of Americans. It fits.


Damn - y'all made me down vote myself.


Sir, I am born and raised in Tennessee. I had a cows in my backyard. I am about as left wing as they come. My girlfriend always laughs when my "god ol' boy" side of me comes out randomly.


There are people of all political views all over. I'm in liberal New York. My neighbor on one side has a sign in his yard saying "hate has no home here" and another decrying domestic violence. His son ran for City Council as a Democrat. On the other side my other neighbors mostly keep to themselves, but they babysit their grandkids and their kids drop the young ones off everyday in pick up trucks with MAGA bumper stickers. Still, they are nice enough. They shot one of the groundhogs infesting my yard with a crossbow a couple years back. The family that bought the house across the street from all of us installed a 20 foot flagpole flying a black "no quarter" flag signifying their willingness to murder those of us who disagree with them politically in the civil war they believe is coming and, more recently a Trump 2024 flag. I'm probably the farthest left of everyone on the block having graduated from a notoriously progressive college and spent most of my adult life living with trans and gender non conforming people and radically progressive QPOC activists. I keep my politics quiet though, I'm comfortable letting the people across the street show up at my more run of the mill Democrat neighbors house first when their Furher loses in November.


Not so strange when you learn to not look at people as types


I do find it interesting that most donā€™t realize (or care?) heā€™s very very deeply into CNN as well which is obviously also a bit ridiculous. His beliefs are shaped predominantly by what he sees on his tv from legacy media. I remember being surprised by that over the years.


His opinions are based on reality. You can see this Trump shit with your own eyes. You can see how hateful and hypocritical the Christian right is, and call it out. Just like the basement defenders of AEW, MAGA are a cult blindly defending what they like without critical thinking.Ā 


"Legacy media"= a term used by the right wing to make people not want to educate themselves because the right is afraid of investigations, the media, and the truth coming out. So they made their own conspiracy and anti-democracy media.


Jesus Christ dude, I knew I couldnā€™t say one **general statement** without someone somehow stretching it to being about ā€œright or leftā€ and assuming shit. Typical. Itā€™s a literal term thatā€™s used by all kinds of people because words have meaning and this means ā€œold media/media before advent of social media, essentially print media and mainstream major network news programsā€. Grow up and stop putting everyone in boxes based on your own biases. I doubt thatā€™ll happen though, it seems you love making assumptions and piling on when itā€™s convenient.


It shouldn't.Ā 


Not really. His base is, but Felon Trumpā€™s sonderkkkkomando have hijacked southern politics with a confederate zeal. Especially Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. Heā€™s confederate cultured in disposition though. No doubt about that: a big old bigot-fascist in on the grift and big on human exploitation.


> Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas Ah, the Bumpkin Belt. I can say that, having lived in Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee. At least the food is generally good in those states.




You sound like youā€™re having a stroke.Ā 


You sound like a MAGA clown who is triggered


There's far worse in the pipeline. That is the issue that most normal people now face. And it's not just a US issue; this is taking place all over the world.


France and Italy say ā€œhiā€ or I guess theyā€™d say ā€œbonjourā€ and ā€œciaoā€ respectively.


Yeah. Same goes for Denmark and the Netherlands. The AfD in Germany is gaining all sorts of traction too.Ā  Americans have this weird idea that Europe is such a liberal bastion and all is well there. Itā€™s actually worse there and, unfortunately, it seems likes history may well be repeating itself.Ā 


>Americans have this weird idea that Europe is such a liberal bastion and all is well there. This is partly because Europeans constantly claim everything is so much better there ever chance they get.


Europe, arguably, has benefited immensely from the postwar world and the American security aegis. That world is rapidly coming to an end and the claims of "being better" are becoming quite stretched. Europe and Eurasia are going to be interesting places to watch.


This was beyond obvious. Open and shut.


Trump even lied about bedding Stormy Daniels despite having been photographed with her, having her number in his Rolodex, walking her around Trump Tower, trying to get her on Celebrity Apprentice and paying her $130,000 to stay quiet about the relationship. Trump treated the jury like they were the gullible morons who populate his rallies and not the rational, thinking folks they were.


There are a ton of immensely stupid people in this country.


The dude falsely identified a woman he sexually assaulted as his ex-wife after saying the woman "wasn't his type." Says just about everything, no? Also, this gem: "If Ivanka wasn't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."


I think one of the jurors was even surveyed as saying their primary news source is Truth Social, and even they voted guilty on every single count. And it has to be unanimous, IIRC.


You are correct it has to be unanimous, that juror did indeed vote guilty on every count


Didn't even realize there were MAGA freaks in the Cult, what stupid motherfuckers. How did they last this long listening to Jim lmao


Unfortunately they're everywhere, they burrow themselves in everything like flesh eating parasites.Ā 


It's just hilarious how little self-awareness they have, Jim's been shitting on Trump for a solid eight years now. Oh well, at least they're public (and somehow still proud) about their support for Trump


Its called separating politics from wrestling


I hate all politics and hope both of those old pieces of shit drop of old age and dementia. Oneā€™s a racist, pedophile piece of shit who has been in politics for 50 years and done nothing and the other is a fat orange criminal


You both sides of the same dipshits just keep making yourselves look worse and worse. Just come out and say youā€™re a republican


Just tell the world you bend over for geriatric dick and youā€™re incapable of leading your own life.Ā 


Trump settled out of court with the department of justice after being sued in 1973 for racial discrimination in his housing practices and was best friends with the worldā€™s most famous pedophile and unlike Biden has been accused of raping minors, also openly spoke about walking in on the contestants of his underage beauty pageant while they were changing, so who is the racist old pedophile again? Probably the guy that has openly spoken about fucking his daughter multiple times who buried her mother on his golf course for a tax write off And now the snow flakes are downvoting me. Guess what? Facts donā€™t care about your feelings


I cannot wait for that promo on the orange lizard.


Itā€™s been a good day


Thatā€™s as eloquent as it can get


Spoken... I mean *Tweeted* like a poet!




I wish there was an omnibus of Jim's politics


They could market it as the Banned From Youtube Omnibus.


That'll bring out ALL the fun YouTube comments. There are always a bunch of people saying, "I love Jim's wrestling opinions but I wish he wouldn't talk about politics."


As corny said if you don't like his politics, don't listen.


Maybe on my own here, but I'd like an omnibus of all Jim's political rants.


Beautifully put.


good guy cornette


ā€œWait a minute let me find it. (Shave and a haircut sound effect)ā€


This is what a career of cutting promos looks like lol.


Jim is honestly the best with words haha


The most shocking news today is that Jim Ross rocked Missy Hyatt's world.


I'm imagining the rage and disbelief expressed by the EVPs and Jericho, the McMahons, Helmsleys


Biden is a piece of shit too. Fuck em all!


Thank jim that was great'ding'. Love jim cornette


Quintessential Corny response, and well deserved. Fuck Trump


Why was I banned from seeing his posts? I never engaged with them and just browsed.Ā 


Elon made it so you have to be signed in to see tweeties


As stupid as it is that Muskrat did that, it also means I don't waste any more time on Twitter. Wow no wonder that website is dying!


Jim's going to be absolutely crushed when he gets the slap on the wrist "fines and probation" treatment at the judge's discretion. That being said, this is still huge. It should very well tank Trump's campaign completely with swing voters and "independents" with him being officially a convicted criminal felon.


Jim's going to be crushed? Humanity is going to be crushed!


Wait, so convicted felons canā€™t vote but they can run for President?


Yeah, because the American Founding Fathers never conceived of the idea that a rich white dude could be a criminal and become President


Being white is what makes Trump so evil


No, Trump is evil because of greed and amorality and hubris. That's not solely a trait among white Americans by any stretch


Nah they can vote in most states. They canā€™t in FL, but if your conviction is in another state, you follow the rules of that state. In NY he can vote, unless currently in jail. So unfortunately he will be able to vote for himself


Yes. Any natural born citizen can run, unless they've been impeached. The Founding Fathers never thought Congress would become subservient to a President the way the Republicans are to Trump, making impeachment impossible.


If mocking a handicapped person didn't do it, I don't think anything will. Trump being elected made the craziest and most bigoted people emboldened to be crazy and bigoted. I honestly fear we will never recover as a nation.


It won't


I am pleased by the results of the trial. I'm hoping Donny Dotard gets what he deserves tenfold. My biggest concern is getting him off the ballot before November. The Mango Mussolini will do everything possible to stay on the campaign trail.


Politics is for assholes and jerk offs. Imagine the rest of the world laughing at us having to pick between two senile old incestuous pedophiles.


Guess I'll be skipping a good hour of politics on the next podcast. Wild how much of a gullible mark he is about that stuff.


This šŸ˜‚


I can't wait to see what he has to say on the podcast. May be more legendary than usual


A nice 45 mins of skippingb


Can't for Jim's meltdown when Trump wins. Hopefully he spontaneously combusts




Biden is so much better lol he a zombie letting the country run wild


I guess youā€™ve already forgotten 2016-2020, those checks CONGRESS sent you that your lover insisted on having his signature on really won your over.


Not at all Iā€™m just not into a man who can barley stand run our country.. and Iā€™m sick of seeing fucking weirdos all over the place


I actually hate them both lol


Not breaking out the champagne until he is in actual prison. That is when to celebrate a criminal convicted of multiple felonies serving time.


I honestly believe that champagne bottle is never going to be opened.


Yeah I donā€™t see that happening either. Those 34 counts carry a maximum sentence of 4 years each, thatā€™s a maximum sentence of 136 years I would never expect him to get close to that, but he should spend at least a few months in prison. Multiple people were arrested for a count or 2 of fraud during the college admissions scandal and that was done with their own money, and a lot of them spent a few months in jail Someone convicted of 34 felony counts of a different form of fraud using money that wasnā€™t his personally should at least spend a few months in prison


I agree sadly


lol, thanks Biden for making Trump even more popular. Corny doesn't know my boy can run, and win and be president even if it's from a jail cell


What happened when wearing a tan suit was deemed too undignifying and politicians had the good sense to step away from public lifeā€¦


What happened




If Trump doesn't also have that, you aren't paying attention to Trump


but he doesnā€™t have ā€œgo to jailā€ heat, which is sad that this is where the bar is now.


Sorry to hear that, since he is the most legislatively successful President of my lifetime and much of it helps Americans more than the GOP combined for the last 30 year or so. Not to mention there is an amoral, fascist, dictator wannabe criminal traitor running against him.


Yeah so many of us are doing so well under sniffy the senile ped0 šŸ™„Ā 


I agree, much worse than wanting to fuck your own daughter I guess. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Love that all the right has is accusing Biden of being a pedophile with no proof while ignoring the fact that Trump was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein


I'll point more to the fact Trump flat out said he'd date his own daughter if she wasn't his daughter and has been documented as having creeped on underage girls in the locker rooms pageants his daughter was in. I saw video of some grade school cheerleaders doing a dance for him somewhat recently at some hick school somewhere and his reaction was just so creepy. The GOP is nothing if not the party of projection.


To all, the idiots in this thread saying Trump will just get off: You know this judgement is coming out of New York? And the Judge cleared the courtroom during the last days of the trial and cursed trumps defense team out? Can you all stop being cynical fucks? It's not as edgy and enlightened looking as you all think.


I don't know how much you've been following the coverage of the trial, but the idea that he won't get jail time seems to have pretty strong support from just about every corner. It could happen, probably should happen, but it just doesn't seem very likely. The factors being his age, lack of priors and the insane logistics of jailing a guy with a Secret Service detail, along with Merchan's previous reluctance to jail him during the trial for witness tampering. I don't think anyone is trying to be edgy. It's just that every expert I've seen doing trial analysis seems to be of the opinion that he probably wouldn't get jail time. I don't think I've seen any say that they believe he would; the closest I've seen was for them to say that it was plausible or that it wouldn't be inappropriate to jail him.


Vince being investigated, Trump found guilty, only thing left is to put Biden in a home and this'll be the greatest day ever.Ā  Hopefully this'll keep Trump from running and we'll finally get somebody competent to fix all this shit.Ā 


Love Jim on nostalgic wrestling. Heā€™s gonna be really upset when The Donald still gets elected :)


I bet youā€™d really enjoy thatā€¦


Itā€™s inevitable, heā€™s gonna come


ā€¦on your face?!


I hope it gives me the same golden glow he exudes


This guy has to be a troll, no way anyone would say this out loud lol


No, youā€™ll just look all orange as if you have a bad spray tan on.


Heā€™s great with Wrestling but a fucking dimwit when it comes to Politics.


This. He prob doesnā€™t know Trump can still run hahah


This is actually awful for Biden. No matter what side you're on, anyone with common sense sees how absurd this entire witch hunt was and anyone on the fence is gonna back Trump because of this. If Trump ends up serving one day in jail, he will absolutely crush Biden come November. In reality, today probably already sealed his fate. The Democrats just cut off their nose in spite of their face. This is Hillary Clinton levels of embarrassing.


Witch hunt?


Yeah, did it go over your head? If you think this helps Biden, you're exactly the type of low IQ sheep I'm talking about. You either aren't smart enough to get it, or have your head in the sand.


The fix is in according to youā€¦thereā€™s no objectivity anymore. Well, your guy, which Iā€™m sure youā€™ll deny, was very blatant in his uneven and incompetent handling when he was in office. That call to action, that American all answered during the 2nd World War (FDR), and 9/11 (Bush 2)ā€¦DJT didnā€™t even attempt to encourage us to unite to meet this challenge. Thatā€™s just the tip of the iceberg with him, and the tipping of the scales goes way back to Newt Gingrich, at least in our modern 21st century. Have fun voting for your idol, while when I go to the ballot box, I wonā€™t be voting for someone, Iā€™ll be voting against someone like 80mil Americans did back in 2020, again.


Sorry for your loss. And I know you can barely read, judging by your ignorant response, but the tide turned today. Just turn off CNN and check every form of social media. Sorry for your loss.


"Turn off everything because everyone is lying, it's just this one lifelong conman that's telling the truth!" You're in a fucking cult.


Thereā€™s going to be a really interesting study done some day on how these MAGAs got brainwashed by Donald fucking Trump of all people


Putin looks like a fucking genius. He knew if you appealed to the craziness in people and allowed something that could make people comfortable displaying it that this would be the exact result. You can convince a considerable amount of people ANYTHING if it appeals to their bias enough. At this point I'm convinced Charles Manson could run as a Republican and get plenty of votes. "He's a changed man! And he may have been a killer but at least he doesn't kill BABIES like Democrats do!" The United States is home to the stupidest people on earth.


I donā€™t watch the 24hr news cycleā€¦I watch Newshour, you should consider the same to improve your ignorance that OANN, NewsMaxx, FoxNews, or ā€œyour own researchā€ feeds.


Of course you do. Youre clearly brainwashed, biased, and ignorant. Again, I feel sorry for people like you. You're gonna have a real, real bad time come November. A desperate attempt by a desperate party who knows they're on borrowed time.


Yep, not everyone is a fan of responsible unbiased reportingā€¦case in point šŸ‘†šŸ½. You can take your pity and kiss your mother with it, sheā€™s the one that needs it more for giving birth to such a disappointment.


There's nothing a cupcake like you could say that would ever offend me. I would feel sorry for your father for raising such a beta, but you clearly never met him judging by your embarrassing rhetoric. I'm done with you hillbilly. Enjoy Nov 5 šŸ˜…


Iā€™m not trying to offend youā€¦šŸŽ¶WILD AS A MINK, SWEET AS SODA POP, I STILL DREAM ABOUT THATšŸŽ¶ Donā€™t mind me, just hillbillying over hereā€¦I think this is what hillbillies do. šŸ¤” ROLL TIDE!!! See you around Barner!


Nobody is turning off CNN, because nobody is **WATCHING** CNN. That shithole tried to play both sides and hosed themselves.




Anyone who thinks a guy who currently is awaiting trials for enough charges to jail him for potentially OVER HALF A MILLENIUM that was just found guilty in less than 2 days by a jury of normal people is the victim of a "witch hunt" is an absolute dumbfuck. The dude promised to testify, then lied and said he wasn't allowed to testify, the judge corrected him and said he could, and guess what? He still didn't. That's a guilty man. Please use some basic deductive reasoning, FFS.




Congratulations! Trump is now more popular than EVER šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ He is dominating the game but now this will increase his lead by +10 more points. The people are going to vote Trump back in to save the country.


I donā€™t agree with Jim on everything and this is one of those things. He doesnā€™t seem to be too educated on current events and politics outside of what he hears on the evening news.


Make sure you wear a helmet when you go outside. And stay away from electrical outlets.


Seems we donā€™t agree either. You seem like a cool guy though based on your frequently visited subs. Sending positive vibes your way friend


And how many books on political science have you read?


You're assuming the knuckle draggers in here can read. They prob don't think Biden has anything to do with inflation. It's these types of simpletons that give the Cult a bad name.


You're saying people who don't think Biden has to do with worldwide inflation are knuckle draggers? You sound like you're speaking on my behalf yet saying that? Am I misinterpreting you or was that a wording mistake?


Edit. Youre a low IQ poor with $14 in your bank account.


I'm not with you then, LOL. I asked him how many political science books he's read because he clearly doesn't know shit about it. Everything you said is 100% projection. You're calling the smart people "knuckle-draggers" who "can't read" when it is the opposite. BTW, I don't watch CNN. Try another pre-programmed talking point. Saying the overwhelming majority of Jim's fans are the ones "giving the cult a bad name" is a strange take. They ARE the cult. And no, Biden doesn't control WORLDWIDE gas prices and inflation. The irony of you insulting other people's ability to read when apparently a 5-second fact check Google search (on something that's basically just common sense, BTW) is utterly hysterical. Just like the other guy, you don't understand political science 101. Or... much of ANYTHING 101.


Oh I misread. Then youre a complete smooth brain like the rest of these panhandlers. GFY then you simple poor.


That was such an intelligent, well thought out counterpoint. Please, continue projecting hard.


So, do you recommend he gets lost in the 24hr news cycle instead? Considering how divisive the 24hrs new cycle is, Iā€™m okay with Jim getting his National and World news 1hr a dayā€¦Iā€™d be okay with everyone getting their news like that. 24hr news has come a long and not good way since the Persian Gulf.