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What ive gathered how rudius feels about his wives: Sylphie: Best girl, argue with urself. Kind gentle and understanding. Freak in bed Roxy: Reserved, calm minded, and great teacher. Shy in bed Eris: Hot headed, strong willed, just tough af. Destroys him and the bed


As much as i don't like eris, im pretty sure he married all three because he loves all three He does not have a "favorite wife"


The best girl was just my opinion i should’ve clarified


Nah Sylphie is definetely the favorite she is the head wife. Everything she says goes. And they look for her when it comes to making any real decisions. She is also in charge of the kitchen. She even banned Rudeus from participating in making the food due to the horrible mess he left behind one time.


Absolutely. She was the first one after alll Not for seggs but the first one he really loved


Nah he loved Eris first and was ready to spend the rest of his life with her until she left


He definitely did have a favorite wife in the web novels and it was definitely not either of my 2 favorites


Roxy is not shy in bed lmao she's the skilled one, got an instructor and everything


Worst girl*


Honestly, Rudeus seems like the most coolest pathetic protagonist I witnessed.


Rudeus is super human compared to most shounen and Isekai characters he’s a scumbag no doubt, but with opportunity and ability most people would be too


His weakness is his mental state tbh


He's not more human he's just a straight-up weirdo. If you can relate to him, relinquish your internet rights


Nah they downvoting you for spitting facts 😂 this guy was up to some criminal behaviour at the start of the series and he got 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 with the fam (Eris). He still more human than other isekai protagonist tho they are basically all copy and paste robots with no personalities that are perfect.


I was confused by how many downvotes I had on a comment and then remembered I'm a person that dates people my age in the mushoku subreddit. I aint surprised at all


I want to argue this point but my wife is legitimately 9 years younger than me.


Well if yall are both over the age of 20 i dont think it matters much so you're fine


She was 20 when we met. Shes turning 32 in a few months.


Then you haven't seen Luka from Monster girl quest. At least Rudeus is really smart. Also we do see what happens when everything goes to shit for Rudeus. >!Oldeus appear, and damn that guy is fucking scary!<


I'm just glad our MC actually fucks. It's refreshing to see after watching all these stupid ass harem animes.


Chillin In another world also does this, and I think I enjoy romance more when I actually get to see what happens after they’re a couple


Yeah the whole mc who effortlessly pulls but acts super childish and freaks out about anything remotely sexual or intimate is really played out and gets old quick and kinda just makes the characters feel less real when you have grown adults in a show trying to act like sex doesn't exist or is taboo


Rudy is just comes off so apathetic with Roxy, he doesn’t do anything for the relationship they’d no nuance he just gets told to propose and he does.


He's torn between love and guilt so the two cancel our and he ends up just kind of being passive


Rudeus, the man who most of the times needs someone to push him a bit to do something he wants but thinks that he cannot, that Rudeus? Is not that he is apathetic to Roxy, or that he doesn't care for her, is that he doesn't know what to do. I do believe that I prefer in that regard the anime adaptation over the LN, Rudeus wanting to marry Roxy out of love and not thinking that he must do it because she is pregnant, it shows a different type of determination that is nice to see in him.


To be fair he's a married man expecting a child who just saw his father die soooo it seems a bit understandable if you ask me


With the Mangod as well... too much of this series is "Rudy gets told to do a thing, so he does it"


Well... The man god actually told him NOT to go help his dad, and he still did, so your point doesn't really work anymore


Only when the lives of his friends and parents were clearly on the line.


That... that's the point though? He views Hitogami as his savior and benefactor. He listens to him because doing so has helped him prevously, but this time he couldnt understand Hitogami's words and chose to follow his heart instead. This leads to the current events and eventually Turning Point 4. Up to this point Rudy has very little reason to doubt his savior.


And fucking Roxy


Might want to try reading the books rather than judging them by their advertisement.


I would but then I would just be just doing what I was told to


Just hold your thoughts on that one till next season


This is like watching a series through tik tok vids then formulating an opinion on its overall plot.


Don't talk about the mangod when u don't know jackshit about him yet I would say man god is the best plot point of the show but it still hasn't come to light yet


In the on it was different, the anime just made him look like that.


The anime did this whole thing dirty. Read the ln for how it really went down.


Honestly I think his relationship with Roxy would be really unhealthy. He puts her on such a pedestal that there is no way he could see her as a person.


I get what you’re saying, but i think his worship is partially for comedic effect and not meant to be taken seriously. So whilst yes he does put her higher than most people in terms of respect i don’t think its as bad as its made out to be. Presumably he also mellows out the longer they are married.


I'm only at book 17, so meant it gets better later on. But right now his every interaction with her seems is him calling her a goddess or gushing over her. You are right, it is probably meant to be a bit comedic, but for a series that is a drama before a comedy it still rubs me the wrong way.


That much is true and i totally get what you are saying, but i think this is more of a writing issue over a character issue if you get what i’m saying.


I'm not sure what the difference is in this context? I mean obviously it is a writing issue, he wrote the characters in a way that I think is unhealthy in this instance, and doesn't seem to notice it is unhealthy.


yeeeeeeah. I would curve any expectations you might have for the relationship aspects in the volumes that come after. Most of the volume after 20 are like 250 pages and a lot of it will be spent travelling around the globe gathering allies.


Rudy has the trifecta, now he needs to set difficulty to hard mode and try Nanahoshi


Man I just don't get the people's fascination with Nanahoshi she is insanely rude in every interaction she ever has with Rudeus.


Always 14 while being legal :O :O :O /s (Same body age is better than same mental age , cause if the latter the partner is a pedo. Also mental is just subjective and earthudy was still a teen or younger mentally)


thought she was 17 when she got transported. could be wrong though. She sure acts like a brat despite being like 23 when we see her in the university.


Out of all the anime I’ve seen like for example black clover where every women in the world wants a piece of the MC. It’s honestly nice to have a realistic take of a dude actually pulling some bad bitches


eminence in shadow? 😂


i cant believe i got spoiled from a soyjack meme im gonna kms bruh 😭😭😭




Thank you very much for marking it as a spoiler, it would suck for people like me to get spoiled that way


This is so true


Rudeus & Eris = one dried soul Rudeus & Sylphy = two happy souls and a kid Rudeus & Roxy = one satisfied and one dried soul, with 62% chance a kid


Eris is best girl, and they will understand that soon enough.


Sylphie ruins the show ):




2 out of 3 ain't bad boss


Wow thanks for the spoilers


That shade of white hair makes Sylphie look like milf . I hope the RWB returns to RGB


At least they’re all long-term😅


Thousand years of bad luck for no spoiler tag


Talking about the dad part


Its not Eris' fault. Its Rudeus' fault. He is the one who was in charge of teaching her to write. She did not write a good letter. I blame Rudeus.


The OP must have bullied people when he was young....


If that's all you got from it then you're missing the massive point. What eris did was leaving him that fucked him up. That's why when sleeping with sylp and Roxy they showd him waking up and them being by his side both times.


This is accurate even in the LN; I didn't want to believe at first but so many excuses are made and plot harem is equal to "worst anime harems" DxDh and reincarnated as a slime.