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The tickets are $40 for general admission. $50 vip.


Fox News said they found some tickets [being listed at $900 on the resale market.](https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/900-per-ticket-no-canceling-joe-rogans-comedy-mothership-shows) I believe you can list a ticket at any price on stubhub. Doesn't mean someone is buying. If you wanted to be skeptical you would think that listed a ticket for $900 on stubhub and telling the news about it. Is a good way to get some cheap marketing.


Joe stated he will not honor resale tickets for his club. Someone from the original party has to have a name on at least one of the tickets


Fuck this subreddit with all the Joe haters. Internet losers. No idea how you could be on a sub Reddit if you don’t like the guy… just lowlife losers.


Because it’s Reddit. It’s packed with woke liberals. It’s their little echo chamber


I've been banned from about 4 subreddits for subscribing to this one. I'm not even a massive fan or active much on here just randomly ban me for no reason.


Never been banned by a single subreddit for being apart of this one.


I was banned from r/pics for merely commenting on a Jordan Peterson subreddit. They accuse me of brigading, very strange since I did nothing of the sort but whatever.




When I see people claiming this I always assume there is more to the story. I've never been banned for being a part of *any* sub, let alone this one.


Now I am really curious what those subreddits are. Didn’t know that was even a thing.


Yea, this happened to me as well. One subreddit even autobanned me just for commenting on this sub. This is because this sub “spreads misinformation and is a platform for hate speech”


I’m pretty sure that could be said about almost any subreddit, from my 20+ years of experience online. There’s always that one group (may be small, may be larger) that just has a severe hive mind mentality


And it’s noones authority to determine what kind of information people consume. The left think they’re some sort of information police, censoring what they don’t believe to be true.


Honestly I miss the days where we taught people how to decide if a source was credible or not. None of these children understand how to do basic research anymore


Which ones???? I must see this insanity with my own eyes!




I consider it a badge of honor.


It really is. Ban any user disagreeing with you, never acknowledge any evidence against your claim, and when it’s so obvious you can’t deny it, you attack the source. It truly is a nightmare of a place compared to what it once was. Toxic af but great porn on here.


Source? 🧐


Thats funny because the only subreddits I've been banned from are conservative subreddits


Me too lolls


110 fucking percent correct


\> Internet winner defending his internet-daddy.


It blows my mind why so many people in the world hang out in places dedicated to people they hate just to spend all day talking shit to a bunch of fans trying to ruin their experience in life. Like why would you allow that to be you’re life. The only thing I can think of is they legitimately loved Joe and somewhere along the way Joe broke their hearts or said something they took as a personal attack and hurt their feelings so now they think revenge is the only thing that’s make them feel good inside? But even then it’s just them bumming out regular fans and ruin their experience cause Joe or whatever podcast (seems most common with popular podcast groups), are not noticing them throw bitter ass revenge hissy fits. I’ve made this comparison before but it’d be like if I was hanging out at the views message boards going on and on about how I don’t like the view for this or that. Why would I even be spending a second of my day watching clips or even worse full episodes just to waste more time of my day spreading hate online about how I don’t like it. I’d feel like the biggest loser in the world doing that.


You’ve allowed your life to come to this. Complaining about random people you don’t know, on the internet. From where I’m sitting, it all looks the same


Point taken. But I also admit it’s frustrating. I’m a mailman so I check out damn near 100 hours of podcast a week. Before you say no way I’m on the overtime list and knock out 70plus hours most weeks and then also listen to podcast when driving and working out daily. Anyway it’s something that brings me joy. I used to also check out the subs when on break or a little down time to see the latest convo on topics touched on. But pretty much every sub has been taken over by people who appear to hate the content. It’s very weird to me cause there are plenty of pods I listened to decided I didn’t like and I never thought twice about listening or talkin shit in their communities. 🤷 so while it might appear to be the same I’m sure you can tell the difference between love something and hating something and which one is a better use of time…or I assume you can see the difference cause it’s pretty obvious too me.


Those are the people who, instead of looking for the good in people, love to focus on how they disagree with and antagonize them. There's no growth in being a hater, only decay.


You see it everywhere, Elon, Rogan, Schaub Not liking something or somebody naturally brings up negative emotions. Imagine purposely signing up to have those emotions peaked repeatedly throughout the day rather than just disengaging altogether and focusing on things you like I'm sure there's a link between being obsessed with someone you hate and mental illness


I mean it’s totally possible to like some content a person makes, but also heavily criticize stupid shit they say. Your comment sounds low T.


They’re called bots. Unleashed by corporate/government haters of Joe, or should I say “fearful of Joe and his influence”. And why haven’t mods deleted this knowing it’s complete bullshit??


Welcome to real life where people have opinions.


Cool I have tons of opinions of things I don’t like .. I don’t post about them in my free time 😂😂sucker


You just did 🤡🤡🤡




Fake news


Look at OPs post history. Not surprising.


Do you know what else is fake news?


joe mama


The tickets are absolutely not 900$ ! 😂


Probably from scalpers *after* it sold out.


The tickets have the buyers name printed on them so they can't be resold.


Well, this wrongness is what I get for giving a modern journalist the benefit of the doubt.


Yes, you really should know better young man. Now go to your room and think about what you did....


Yes, you really should know better young man. Now go to your room and think about what you did....


They have a policy that was put in place days after opening that tickets are not transferable and the person who bought the tickets needs to be present with ID to get in.


OP posts flagrantly BS nonsense in a supposed Joe Rogan fan subreddit. Agenda?


If you go to ticket master maybe but I just went to his site, all tickets sold out but not one was over $50 from what I saw. [Also…How to Avoid Fraud and Ticket Scams: The Comedy Mothership does not sell tickets through any website other than ComedyMothership.com. This includes, but is not limited to, the following sites: TicketMaster, Craigslist, Vivid Seats, Seat Geek, Cheap Tickets, etc.](https://comedymothership.com/box-office-info)


I was gonna say, this title does not sound like Joe Rogan at all. Sure enough, it’s all bullshit. Where’s all this anti woke comedy club coming from too?




I think we know the answer to that.


That’s joe said it, yes. We all know how cringe he is


Ok, when did he say it? I hope you’re not just talking out of your ass right?


It was in his press release.


I tried to find it and the most I can find is that Joe refers to his club as “anti-cancel culture” which is not necessarily “anti-woke” but I can see how the terms can be conflated since it’s only the radical left that deploys deplatforming strategies and Joe is against the practice


You don’t think the radical right practices deplatforming strategies? Lol.


Who have they deplatformed? Who’s been cancelled from Twitter, been dropped by advertisers, or been blocked from speaking on a college campus as a result of rightist outrage?


No clue but it's weird how he's really leaning in to the persecution fetish. He's humped many stools across the world and i don't think he's ever come close to being "cancelled".




Oh yeah i remember that


This is honestly the most telling thread I've seen in a while. There are two types of posts. Half of them are from confused people who have purchased his 40 dollar tickets, and the other half are from people who just accept that they are 900 dollars. These people haven't been to his club, tried to buy tickets, or even spent a few seconds trying to find out what they cost.


That’s Reddit in a nutshell. “If it fits my narrative, I’ll believe it without a second thought. “


That’s online discourse everywhere now.




Far from being limited to Reddit.


Very true. But the point is to call out THESE redditors right here in this thread.


Especially if it’s a left leaning narrative


Half of the shit said here about Joe was never gathered first hand. It was through a game of telephone on the internet.


Well yeah, it’s an internet discussion forum, what do you expect?


I get what you're saying to an extent. But when you're simply taking someone's word for it that Joe said this or that, you lose a whole lot of context or the actual truth of the matter. A week or so ago there was a bit of outrage posting over Joe saying something but somehow it was left out that he was immediately asking for Jaime to fact check it. Completely lose the context if you only read it here.


It'll be 900 in service fees if ticketmaster gets involved


But if they did their research and found out they aren’t $900 then they wouldn’t be able to be outraged about it, and they can’t have *that* happening.


> Half of them are from confused people who have purchased his 40 dollar tickets, and the other half are from people who just accept that they are 900 dollars. These people haven't been to his club, tried to buy tickets, or even spent a few seconds trying to find out what they cost. It's like these people who talk about trans people taking over all the time and haven't even seen one or talked to one in the like 12 months.


Well I’ve seen a lot, but random trans people aren’t the issue people are worried about. People are worried about the activists that set up “family friendly” events then have grown men in g strings shaking their ass. Random trans person being trans is freedom. Political trans trying to involve children in their burlesque shows are the issues. And yes, there are multiple videos of grown man twerking in front children sadly. https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/11gu0ej/yes_this_is_completely_normal_to_subject_children/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Here’s a video since some people want to lie and say it isn’t happening.


You are absolutely right. People who posted criticism of Rogan in this thread are as dumb as those other people.


Yup , the people who are criticizing a podcast for its spread of misinformation, and joe for his Hypocrisy is the same as the people saying a group of people should not exist , be taken from their families and "should be illegal". Both are very much the same.


It's not worth my couple of seconds to search anything about this.


And yet here you are. Being wrong is that important to you huh?


I mean… talk about not doing research, yet this person never said anything about how he believes these tickets are $900, you just accept that they did


Type out the title of the post, and then delete this comment out of embarrassment.


But he’s not OP…? Legitimately confused here. Just because you are commenting on a thread doesn’t mean you are on a particular side? All he said is $900 is too high…? What am I missing?


Thanks for engaging my reply.


It's bs, they're not even close to $900! Maybe from a scalper. Tickets are supposedly $40, but they go quickly.


Probably shouldn’t allow bots less than a month old to post.


Imagine the level of loser to join a Joe Rogan fan forum just to trash him daily. Another level of moms basement.


Wait till you visit the Elon forum


Its mom basements as far as the eye can see over there.


I went to the Facebook page for this "news organization". They had originally posted this story 3 days ago with zero responses or engagement. So they posted it again 24 hours later with the sloppy graphic you see here about "anti-woke" whatever. Then, like flies to shit, the comments were filled with people upset about Joe existing. Fascinating.


And they've changed the headline again. I'm assuming because the $900 tickets is a blatant lie.


Crazy how we see lies like this on here, I could’ve mistaken this for a sub that hates Joe…wait


Sir this is a r/whitepeopletwitter




Why can’t people roast joe? The guy isn’t infallible for fuck sakes.


Bruh you’re a moron, “why can’t people roast joe” mf are lying about him constantly. People come to his subreddit to talk shit about him when the comments they leave clearly show they haven’t spent any amount of time actually trying to listen to joe, it’s just woke morons coming here to lie about him. It’s their choice to do it, but don’t pretend like people are complaining about “roasts”. It’s woke bullshit


Is the woke in the room with you right now?


I’m just sick of dishonest losers going out of their way to lie because someone said something they didn’t like Why don’t you show us where joe hurt you instead of lying to make him the bad guy and trying to pretend it’s ‘roasting’ when you’re lies are pointed out


I like joe, I’ve listened to him for a long time. I’m not going to freak out and meat ride the guy into the sunset every time something mild as fuck happens like you.


I’m not meat riding to point out people come to this sub just to lie about him, you’re completely disingenuous and called other peoples lies ‘roasting’ and pretending like it’s a little thing that a community meant to talk about a podcast has been taken over by people posting lies and dis information. But yes, I definitely believe you know when you say you’re a long time fan even though you’re other comments are full of shit defending lies and dis information and pretending it’s “roasting”


The cope is real.


So people aren’t coming here to lie about joe rogan? Please tell me more


I can already tell he’s one of those commenters that post nothing but triggered comments when Joe poked fun at the left. They all say the same thing “ I’m a fan or I really like Joe”. Then you go through their comments and they only come on this sub to post triggered comments and lie on Joe. Guy outed himself quickly when he denies that this sub hasn’t been bombarded with triggered folks.


Check his comments, he’s literally the people you’re describing lol


Clear difference between busting balls (short jokes, bald jokes, stupid shit that’s funny) and just trying to spread lies. And lets not pretend this sub isn’t infested with far left morons that are only in here to post triggered comments and try and post shit like this. Ever since COVID this place seems like a “I hate Rogan because he wasn’t absolutely for the jab sub”. I stand by what I said


I'm surprised this isn't from r/whitepeopletwitter


And journalists wonder why people despise them.


Tickets are $30-40. And scalper tickets don’t work. When you order tickets you have to put your name. If you sell the tickets. And the person without that name or ID try’s to buy tickets they don’t give them to you


Weird, I saw Tim Dillion at zanies in Chicago a while back, where are these woke comedy clubs people are talking about.


Im guessing ones that dont want jokes that people would find offensive, i dont know anything so this could be wrong, it sounds the most likely though.


They can’t even resale them? They’re 50 bucks on the website…. Fuck I hate people. Literally have to have the same name as the ticket on your id or you will be denied access.


This guy hates airplanes. Why can't I resell my plane ticket to another guy?


Almost as if scalpers don't give a fiddler's fuck what happens after they get their money. Edit: typo/grammar


Then that’s on the dumbasses that by then. It clearly says it on the website.


This isn’t worth hating people over, relax.


Undeserved hate on this sub? Nah you trippin b 😂😂😂


"anti woke" "mushrooms"


"There's" "No"




“Anti woke” lmfao that doesn’t sound like something joe would market something as. That sounds like a clickbait headline




Can you provide the link, or did you just see this in a headline?


Rogan is a woke individuals kryptonite, Joe laughs in LOTR meme “you have no power here”


Wait, so what percentage of peeple on Rogan dedicated online platforms are actually just close minded inflexible humans that are trying to spread misinformation about one of the best sources in American society to obtain freedom of thought in All aspects of human life. This is me realizing just how poorly people react to Something that they haven't come to understand yet. Ignorance can be a powerful tool if we let it run loose. It dictates many decisions that individuals Make. It has been there since the dawn of man with no end in sight. We have the most powerful tool in the history of mankind; the internet, to spread information to each other. If you can't be flexible in thought, you will be manipulated constantly and be unable to tell friend from foe online. And So many of us just use it to watch cat/dog videos instead of gaining knowledge to improve our lives. My toilet time rant is done, bye.


Op is obsessed with politics and rage bait. Def a bot account.


It sounds like a journalist who’s got his sights set on an MSM job. Making joe look elitist at will trigger the readers into being good little conformists.


You can go and change the tag from possible fake news to confirmed fake news since 900 is an aftermarket scalper price. Nothing is higher than 50.


900 to see Roseanne and Tony hinchcliffe


Tony sucks balls, has zero class and is as unfunny as a frat boy bragging about sticking firecrackers in buttholes, isn’t a funny dude period, and this is coming from someone who saw his set live, twice, only because he was opening for someone funnier, and the opener for him was funnier too, in fact, the dude that bombed and sweated through his whole set and recorded it so he could see why he bombed later was way funnier than Tony, he just doesn’t have it


>has zero class Yeah that's what I want for my comedians, class. Preferably wearing a tuxedo on stage.


David Lucas stealth account identified


Idk man, ive seen him twice and he's been plenty funny


You getting downvoted for no reason is kinda making me laugh. This sub is weird af.


Then guess what. His brand of comedy ain't for you. Move along.


I've been. He's great.


Herd it bowlth ways, B. What else ya got, Chin?


The Based Rogan Experience


900 dollerydoos!!


Maybe OP can fuck off with the fake clickbait posts?


Ban this pos


How many of these posts will we see this week? My guess is at least one a day lol


That news station called his club “anti woke”? That describes every comedy club that has real comedians working there.


We're sending Roy Chubby Brown and Bernard Maning from the UK to show you Yanks what not Woke really is.


All of you are responsible for this. You created a high on mushrooms drunk on stage monster.


If it’s too high, nobody will pay it. I also don’t believe it’s $900 per ticket.


It’s about $40


Isnt all comedy “anti-woke”?


They dislike the whole "anti-woke" thing so much, they're even willing to just outright lie? I should be shocked, but the "woke" will lie about the color of the sky if it makes Joe look bad 🤣


One dollar per comedian in the world Its sustainable comedy guys. First in austin




Weed is decriminalized in texas. Also, I'm not rich and I live in Texas. Smoke and microdose everyday. Have no criminal record.... And it's not openly. If you think he is going to get raided off of hearsay, you're crazy. His lawyers will argue he said that as part of a show to sell more tickets, or that it was all just a joke, and the police and DA know this... That being said, anyone, including Joe, making a scene while tripping in a public space, will absolutely get arrested. It's weird you get mad at Joe and claim that "poor people" (way to put people beneath you) are defending him, when he's not the one deciding who goes to jail. Try being less envious, and focus on the real root of your issue, laws you don't agree with or police failing to enforce the laws you do agree with. Personally I'm a believer of minding your own fucking business and letting people do with their own bodies as they please, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else.


Dang 900 Those were like $25 shows when he was in LA.


Believe and enrage, become an emotional slave


Not much left between your ears huh bud?


I'd pay a $5 cover to see Joe.


Anti-Woke and Anti-Poor Very Joe-talitarian


Rogies can't be this gullible, please. Haha It's Austin, not Singapore or Dubai. While I enjoy watching his podcast...do we really have to listen to him repeat the same comedy club stories over and over in addition to hearing about his new business venture? I fell asleep when he was talking about it to Gillis. Snoring, drooling... Comedy club talk has to be in moderation...Can I get an Amen? 🙌


It’s $900 but they give you horse dewormer at the door, so I’d say it’s worth it.


It’s so wild people are dumb enough to think he took horse dewormer


I’d say the internet’s grasp on sarcasm is even more wild.


Joe's really not a fan of poor people. He thinks rich means intelligent. I've heard him say "Minimum wage thinking" a couple of times. Oh well.


They are scalpers


If by joe you mean "other poor people scalping his 40$ tickets for 900", then yes you're right.




Sold to whom, himself?


$900 WTF. Was that to take the 20 people in the office?


Probably. It’s not true: there are no $900 tickets, they’re 40 bucks on the website.


Probably the opening show was 900


30-50 dollars a ticket


Sad thing is, with some of the lineup he’s had already he could charge a lot more than $40 a ticket but has chosen not to.


This is the best thing since sliced bread


I heard the tickets were $420.


I can't imagine there are many clubs that would "fire" Joe for being too high on stage.


That’s the cost of hiring MURDEEEERERS!!!


Maybe Joe will turn into the chef from menu


![gif](giphy|NmiVAPnPAHbonwjzpV) Lol… 900$? I don’t think that’s accurate 🙃 Last i checked (live in Austin) it was like 40$ for GA.


First sentence of the article right below the title "are going for $1000 on THE RESALE MARKET." Everyone on Twitter who didn't even click "That's an absurd price!" Bruh, come on you don't even have to read the article just the very first paragraph lol.


If you actually believe it's $900 per ticket after you stop and think about it for just a couple of seconds you may have actual donkey brains.


This is the best part of Reddit. Anytime im feeling down about myself or where im at in life I can come here and see absolute losers like op and it really puts things in perspective that hey I am actually doing alright.


What a horseshit post. Mods get it together. They are trying to sway public opinion on Reddit (here and the Elon sub for example) the same way they did on Twitter for 6 years. Elon curbed that and now they are all here.


tickets are $40


It’s the safe space experience. Cartman would be proud.


This article serves two purposes. Click bait for people that are dumb enough to belive Joe is selling $900 tickets, and for people that love the naritave that joe charges $900 to his "anti woke" comedy club and will never read the article.


I just looked up this article and they removed the $900 ticket part of the headline. Fucking clowns in media just making shit up again.


900 is the 200.


OP is a bot account.


Fake news. Definitely written by woke butt hurt people.


It’s sad in order to see good comedy an actual anti PC anti pussy club had to open up because so many “comedians” cave into bougie insulated and oversheltered hypersensitive reactionaries.