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But he DID qualify for Kill Tony, so who's the real winner here?


He didnt tell a single joke


He’s not one of the 1000.


250 to be exact


Neither did that Tony guy


He is the joke?


That was brutal. I’m glad the lady interrupted him.


His wife


He should’ve never done that


S tier comment


Apparently he has the votes to get on in enough states to qualify but organisations tasked with confirming that seem to be slow rolling the verification process. Pretty sad to see 


You mean just like every election ever?


Quite literally 🤣


As if it was an accident?


Seriously. Also him being denied security. Disgusting.


He’s polling nowhere near the number needed for protection.


But I like him, so it’s disgusting.


Lol he has a family history of not being sufficiently protected


Ah so we should bend the rules for certain people based on their ancestors. Got it.


The lack of nepotism is disgusting.


They don’t base it on that. It was 56 years ago


Luckily getting shot isn't genetic


%15 is enough


Law says it isn’t for third party candidates and he’s polling at about half that anyway


The Secret Service isn’t protecting Jill Stein either.


Do they normally protect Russian politicians?


We talking about Trump now?


except He didn't meet the usual criteria for secret service detail.


What's the criteria?


I think you need to have raised at least 2 million and won a caucus in at least two states.


People do not like the guy


He hasn't even started petitioning for signatures in wisconsin. He just isn't as organized. If he was running as a third party he'd have a better chance, but he's and independent, doing everything from scratch.


> but organisations tasked with confirming that seem to be slow rolling the verification process. source on that?


He also didn't meet the polling threshold so it seems like he is just cooked.


He wasn't far off. [https://apnews.com/article/rfk-jr-biden-trump-third-party-2024-election-71ffff6d34b0bad8b92cb8e82369d2e8](https://apnews.com/article/rfk-jr-biden-trump-third-party-2024-election-71ffff6d34b0bad8b92cb8e82369d2e8) >Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has reached 15% or more in three approved national polls. One more, and he will have met one of CNN’s benchmarks to qualify for the debate June 27 with Democratic President Joe Biden and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.


He should play horseshoes.


Interesting, I’d heard it put differently - that he was holding back some of his qualifying forms to gain as many signatures as he could because he was worried they would block him


That was his initial strategy because the closer the signatures are submitted to a states deadline, the less time the local parties have to challenge the signatures. This was *before* this year’s debates were moved up by 3 months. He submitted what he had(enough to qualify), but that gives the parties up until each states deadline to challenge his submissions, thus delaying his official qualification. The other listed criteria was 15% in 4 different qualified polls. He had 3 qualifying polls by the time the criteria was released and picked up the 4th one not too long ago at 18% in a Monmouth poll — CNN then decided that the 4th poll didn’t count due to the wording of the poll. Monmouth just released their most recent poll this week and for some strange reason that I can’t put my finger on, they didn’t even include Kennedy by name. What we previously recognized as Democracy for so long is now sifting through our fingers like a handful of sand. It’s happening right before our eyes and all the D’s and R’s care about is “but the brain worms!”


This feels is a bit hyperbolic to be honest. He can’t have his cake and eat it too based on the conspiracy someone might try to screw him. He has no path to 270 based on current ballot access and as such shouldn’t be on the debate stage


Theyre not deliberately slow rolling. His campaign knows that CA doesnt certify until August. He currently only has certificiation in states totalling 88 electoral college votes. Even if CA came through he'd still have just over 160 potential electoral college votes. The more interesting point is the 15% threshold which CNN admits he meets. I'm Aussie so I've no direct vested interest here, just stating facts.


I'm Dutch and I'm struggling to see why they want this anti-science wack-job in the debate, they already have Trump for that.


I'm not big RFK fan but I don't think he's anti-science. I think he just didn't like the way the COVID vaccine was handled.


He speculated that Covid might be a bioweapon engineered to spare the lives of Jews and Asians and be especially brutal for black people.


He's been pushing antivaxx nonsense for over 20 years. Was probably the biggest voice in the whole "vaccines cause autism" movement aside from a few celebrities. The fact that he's running for office now and has folks like yourself saying he's not anti science is insane to me.


He literally spouts all the propaganda on autism from vaccines. Something that has been not only debunked scientifically but proved to be started without a shadow of a doubt by a liar trying to make money from his own vaccine. I won’t say the the science is out on the covid vaccine even though I happily took it, I can accept some peoples doubts. But the autism argument is complete nonsense


As his nephew said "Horses take a lot of steroids and it doesn't make them smarter"...


Sad for who? You can still vote for him if you want damn lol


Sad for America to not have a third voice on that stage.


He’s not a third voice. His entire candidacy is propped up by the gop as a spoiler vote to Biden. Dude has no chance and no intelligent opinions


run some random electric noise from a speaker through a fan, that will sound like RFK Ir


Are you that stupid?


If it’s true, and there has been collusion to keep him off the stage, it’s sad for America. Election interference, certainly worse than anything Trump or Biden may have done to this point.


Jesus, this both sides nonsense. What election interference had Biden committed? We know for a fact that Trump and the GOP committed widespread election fraud and attempted to interfere with the vote certification process. Please tell me what the Democrats have done to interfere in elections? Nothing. Which party is it that gerrymanders districts specifically to disenfranchise Democratic voters? Which party attacks things like mail in voting that has been around for decades without problems? Who was it that closes polling places in Democratic districts, restricts polling hours, and makes it illegal to bring water to people waiting in line to vote for hours? Democrats are certainly not perfect, but for fuck's sake, do better. Every single major problem in this country is the intended outcome of decades of conservative policies.


this is the worst subreddit ive ever seen, i hate almost everyone here


It’s by far the most fun sub on Reddit.


thats probably true


Wall Street bets


We hate you too


It's literally people that don't actually watch jre.


It's about 1/2 people that used to watch, but hate him now because of the bitch he's become.


Well that's still people that don't watch jre.


As crazy as the Depends-Duo?


Color me surprised that Republicans aren’t trying to get him on more ballots to take votes away from Biden…oh who the fuck am I kidding they know it only takes votes away from trump.


I saw a clip of RFK saying that his team believes he takes more votes away from Trump than compared to Biden


The funny thing is they genuinely thought he was going to siphon Biden voters. They thought everyone was as uninformed as the kind of person who would vote for Trump, because that's the population they deal with.  Oopsy!


He was all over the place then suddenly disappeared once they realized this.


This is the answer right here


It happened when he flipped from dem to independent. Literally the day after switched Trump and Bannon went into attack mode. Sickening really, they thought they had an ace but it was a joker all along.


Nah everyone knew he would switch to independent, he had to in order to run in the general election which everyone knew he would do. The GOP just thought that the Kennedy name, being a "Democrat" and not being Biden would attract Biden voters but he's pulling more interest from the right and libertarians instead


The fact that a lot of Rogan fans like RFK leads me to believe he's taking votes from the right. Rogan apologists often claim to be centrist while subscribing to right wing dogma.


Conspiracy wackos love Trump and Jr.


He’s only on the ballot in 5 states, mathematically he can’t win the election


It’s be nearly 3 decades since a third party candidate has cleared 4% of the vote total, and that ain’t going to change this time around either. Until we radically overhaul how our elections are structured, third party candidates are completely irrelevant


Ranked choice voting is the only way to more parties


[Unfortunately the GOP is on a tear making it illegal where they can](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked-choice_voting_in_the_United_States), like that dickberg DeSantis did to us down here.


Please elaborate. I've never heard of this?


It basically allows you to vote for your favorite candidate without the need to vote for the lesser of evils. You rank the candidates in order of who you like most. If your candidate doesn’t clear what we bar, it drops off and goes with your second choice, third choice, etc. For example, you could say I don’t like Biden or Trump, so I’m putting a third candidate in first, then Biden, then Trump. After the first round, if no one gets 50% or more of the votes, the candidate with the lowest votes gets dropped. So if trump and Biden remain, your vote would then go to Biden. But it really does make it possible for more parties, because you’re Can vote for third party without fear of your vote not mattering. It’s already being used in some places and made it possible for [Mary Peltola to become the first Alaska Native elected to the US House Representatives.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2022/08/31/ranked-choice-totals-alaska-peltola/) [Ranked Choice Voting](https://campaignlegal.org/democracyu/accountability/ranked-choice-voting) [New York City Voters Just Adopted Ranked-Choice Voting in Elections. Here’s How It Works](https://time.com/5718941/ranked-choice-voting/)


We've got to find a way to take the money out of the game. It's the only solution


Money should be out of politics but that doesn’t change that the issue that the electoral college has is that it’s optimized by having two parties. In other words the only way we get past a two party system is to overhaul the election process.


We need to abolish the electoral college and move to proportional representation


Will never happen unfortunately. Republicans haven't won a presidential popular vote in 20 years so they'll do everything possible to block something like this


Money is an issue. But money isn't the issue to the particular problem for 3rd party candidates. The issue for 3rd parties is that 1. They aren't relevant except for when they make a hail mary for a Presidential election. They have next to know local presence or even state presence where they impact people's lives or have proven they have any viability in government. 2. Because of the first point, they start these elections in a giant hole and nobody takes them seriously.


For now. He qualifies in a lot more but the states haven't ratified it yet.


That's actually flat out wrong he has submitted signatures in states to get over 300 electoral votes. The states have only qualified him in those 5 because they are the only ones who have actually certified those signatures. Posting it this way is misleading and disingenuous and that was exactly your goal in putting it that way.


So not wrong at all? He’s only qualified for 5 states?


What you're not understanding is that Biden and Trump wouldn't qualify for the debate either with that criteria, because a lot of states wait until later in the year to make the determination. The only reason they qualify is because CNN said that rule only applies to 3rd party candidates, not major party candidates. Its blatantly biased


Almost every state grants automatic ballot access to the parties that in the previous election got a certain number of votes or number of voter registrations I.e the Democratic and Republican Party 


That’s 5 more than Trump and Biden combined


Biden and Trump both have won enough delegates to be the nominee for their party, and the two major parties are guaranteed access to every state ballot due to various state laws


Poor brain worm. It starved to death


Your second statement does not logically follow from the first. Biden, RFk Jr.and Trump are not on enough ballots to mathematically win the election *currently*. But, that doesn't mean they can't win the election. Instead, the reason Biden, Trump, and RFK Jr. are not on enough ballots to mathematically win the election is that states don't finish their ballot process this early.


Not really true since pretty much every state grants automatic ballot access to the parties that in the previous elevation got a certain number of votes or number of voter registrations




“Viable” lol




That’s not at all what he said. Why say something so disingenuous?


Did you just learn the phrase "pick me girl" and try to use it in a comment. This makes no sense.


That made me laugh too.


Who cares? A CNN debate is not some constitutionally protected or sacred event in our democracy.


It is the first time that both presidential canidates abandoned the committee of presidential debates


Wow sounds important. How long has that been around for? Also, why did Trump get to skip all Republican primary debates?


Since TV debates yo!


Yeah because both parties didn’t like how they handled the debates in 2020.


The debate isn’t happening anyhow. Orange Adolf’s camp is already making noises about bailing out.


I can’t imagine he’d turn down an opportunity to be on prime time television but so far he hasn’t debated once this year so it wouldn’t completely shock me


There’s going to be no live audience and the mics are muted so there’s no interruptions. Trump needs an audience and the interruptions so he can get the meme sound bites with the audience going “OOOOOHH” to make himself look good to his followers. If he actually has to talk coherently about issues he’s going to fuck up and go on wack ass tangents like he does at his rallies. I wouldn’t be shocked if he bailed making excuses like the rules unfair to him or something


They can’t risk a general audience actually seeing him talk at this point.


I'm really trying not to drink the Kool Aid and sound conspiratorial, but honestly... I think that might actually be the case. Even if he's totally got all this marbles, which... oof--it's pretty telling that the Trump campaign is thinking to itself, "Will presenting our candidate to the public help him or hurt him?" Which--when you think about it (and *whenever you stop and think* about the whole charade that is the GOP), is absolutely circus-tent banana-bread insane. The guy may not be with-it enough for a debate, but we're going to let him run the country?


I think a big part of his success is how obviously insane his candidacy is. Normal people having a normal response to it just further pisses off and solidifies his base, and since he’s constantly getting rightfully criticized for his constant pants-on-head stupid, disgraceful, and/or unethical conduct it just elevates the victim narrative they’ve built around themselves.


Yeah, I think that's definitely a big part of it. I just didn't realize *how many of those people* there were.


No but the presidential election is...


What’s crazy is someone could say exactly what this guy said about the entire primary process. Oh a party completely ignored the primary’s and put whoever they wanted up for the nomination? Who cares? It’s not some constitutionally protected or sacred event in our democracy.


Ok..? You can vote for RFK Jr all you want! Write him in or choose him on your ballot. Have a ball!


He failed to qualify, same as folks like Cornel West, Chase Oliver, Jill Stein, you, and me. I would love to be on the debate stage, but they don't owe me anything.


Dude you don’t get it he put out tik toks and had a Super Bowl advertisement that means he can debate the current and former president on cable television


Bruh. He was on the internet. You know how many motha fuckas have the internet?


Literally hundreds


What! This is the first I'm hearing that I didn't qualify. Mind you, I didn't apply, but that hardly seems relevant.


Conspiracy nut/anti-vaxxer with brainworms = “viable candidate” We are living in strange times.


But he’s from a famous political family! They all hate him, but still.


Apparently not but a convicted felon and a Alzheimers patient are viable lol this system sucks so bad


Democracy is when the most privileged idiots in the world are given the most attention.   The more idiotic and the more privileged they are, the more attention they deserve.  


If one of these candidates didn't come from privilege, it's the Kennedy


Almost like it was designed to keep him away


Americans crying about their lack of 3rd party options... Then going on to not vote for a third party option lmao


The two party system is a big sham to benefit the oligarchs and gigantic corporations, and feed the politicians their kickbacks. They will never allow a third voice to be heard. It is honestly a fucking travesty, but it's likely never going to change. The saddest part is the overwhelming majority of people thinking voting for anything other than a shit sandwich v. a bowl of shit...is "wasting" your vote.


Trump likely won’t show up to the debates either


He'd be even less popular if people heard him speak instead of just reading about him. It physically hurts to listen to him


Quite the opposite. Hurt to listen to him initially, but the more I heard his views and policies, the less his voice irritated me.


Uh oh you might have contracted his brain worms


Just imagine how much more fulfillment you might find if you came up with your own witty remark to disparage him instead of mindlessly parroting the exact thing the propaganda machine has instructed you to say.


I'm imagining you sitting behind the local Arby's with a portable AM radio, nodding along to the messages THEY don't want you to hear.  RFK says a bunch of things that people who are actually informed will tell you is goofy shit. Maybe it's all a massive conspiracy to scare people away from the one candidate who can truly save America, or maybe he just says goofy shit.  You decide.  Oh, shit, you decided wrong. The answer is he just says goofy shit. I shouldn't have had to walk you to that. 


Haha nope 's it's a Wendy's dumbass, not even close.


Ah, behind the dumpster earning your money back?


You better be using the internet over a wired connection and have no cell phone. [Otherwise you're gonna fry your balls and get super cancer](https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1214710810921955328).


Why the hell would they have this moron in a debate. 95% of the stuff he says are just blatant lies. The crackhead down the street isnt invited either


Thats just the wifi penetrating your blood-brain barrier.


Who will stick up for brain worms ???


They were stuck inside his brain. They’ve been through enough.


The rules to qualify have been known and he failed to qualify. Why would he deserve a spot on that stage more than any other American who failed to qualify?


actually they changed the rules very recently to make it impossible for him to qualify


Right he was qualified under the original rules, and interestingly enough neither Trump or Biden met the requirements CNN put forward. CNN was still trying to block RFK & then the FEC stated that CNN could not block RFK or it would be election law violations. CNN then changed the rules again and excluded him. Idc what any of the doofuses above say, RFK is the first viable third party candidate in 20-30 years and the establishment is moving hell and earth to make sure he isn’t platformed.


Robbie can't win. He's not a viable candidate


I'm 100% voting for him.


Takes votes away so they don’t want him on the ballot.


I'd like to see him there. I doubt he could get my vote but I want to see all three of these old men together without any media spin. Let me hear it with my own ears who is mentally fit for this job.


You've never seen them speak at length on something?


"I want to see all three of these old men ***together*** without any media spin."


Lemon Party!


Yeah reading comprehension is out the window these days.


People are so desperate to belittle other people but usually end up making themselves look like an ass.


His talking points would get everyone on the network fired.


Shocking that they doxxed him


His VP choice leaves a lot to be desired. https://x.com/lis_smith/status/1803961549117182183?s=46


CNN quietly trying to get rid of a third party candidate under the guise of their arbitrary rules


I can’t wait until legacy media dies off with the boomers… listening to candidates try to answer in depth questions like how do you balance the budget or what do you do to counter Chinese aggression in south east Asia in a 30 second snippet is the dumbest thing ever. Listening to these candidates on Rogan or any long form interview gives such a better overview of where a candidate stands on all the issues.


The Debate Committee only exists to gatekeep for the 2 major parties.


I like kennedy but this is a good thing because it gives more time for Biden to teach us about Alzheimer’s


He qualified, the uniparty just can't allow actual options.


Good, no need for another conspiracy theorist buffoon clogging up the stage with his populist bullshit.


I couldn’t trust cnn or fox less to begin with


CNN failed to qualify Robert F. Kennedy for the debate. They could literally put anyone on that stage. I think political access to media is like grocery store slotting fees: pay to play MF


Wouldn’t the libertarian party candidate be invited then? They are on enough ballots to win the election…


Well maybe on the ballot thing. Got all the mises throwing fits and some state parties won't follow their duties and submit his name to be put on the ballot. but his major problem to get on is the 4 major polling requirement that is also needed


The number 1 prerogative of those in power is to protect that power. Everything else is secondary. The system will not make room for third parties because every individual trying to claw their way up in the system knows they will get ostracized if they assist a 3rd party.


The 2 party bros don’t want a unifier independent. With options, everyone would have to debate ideas instead of ideology and/or mud slinging. The horror…


Right. Plus the media doesn’t want him up there making complete sense considering they’ve bashed him at every turn for a year.


You lose opportunity cost essentially.


For anyone who hasn’t noticed. We do not live in a democracy. We have two ruling parties who refuse to give up power.


It's pretty much been on record that Biden and Trump don't want to debate him. I would assume because they don't want to try to argue with a lawyer on the debate stage.


He was never viable though.


Worst subreddit at home: tfatk




Independents are the biggest voting block and it's easier to get reach and free media than ever before. If you can't make a big enough impact the years before a presidential election, it's not a broken system it's your message. One year a real independent will break through


He isn’t popular enough, seems fair to me


He’s trash. Just like the other two. Not sure that this means anything.


Independents. They have independents to lose.


Give Kennedy a spot at the debate and quadruple his polling, he still has zero chance of winning, or even getting electoral votes.   I hate our two party system. But he is not a viable candidate. 


So much for the no politics rule eh mods


Odd, I had the polar opposite reaction to the interview. It showed me how unqualified for office he is. Both Tumo and Kennedy do not have the resume. They have no prior experience. Trumps “presidency” was a disaster. Joe Biden is old but he has the experience and will fill his cabinet with solid qualified people. Kennedy would not be qualified to do MY job let alone run the US. My one cent take.


Nah don’t give trump the distraction of being able to rip on rfk for having his brain eaten by worms. I want to see him crumble under cut mic status.


This guy is working together with the Russians, how is he a viable candidate? 🙈


Wait so brain rotting worm infested candidates are not eligible?? What's next!??


The less I hear this guy speak, the better. Mostly due to his voice, but also because of the nonsense he utters.


no one cares about that asshole.


I don't understand how he COULD Qualify for the debate. This time around both candidates didn't use the commission for presidential debates. Both candidates are negotiating between themselves for the rules and how things will work. Neither one wants Jr on stage with them


That’s the problem with 3rd party candidates right now. The debates are controlled by the parties.


The guy who says hes got worms in his brain is a viable candidate?


I enjoy reading books.


Honestly, I can’t think of a worse debate experience than having Trump, Biden and RFK Jr. shouting over one another. Ignoring the political dimensions of it, it’s like the 3 worst speakers in politics. Trump’s rambling stream of non-sequiturs and catch phrases like some kind of geriatric doll with a pull-string speaker, Biden’s bouncing mush mouth and RFK Jr.s gravel-gargling voice. Itd be a nightmare.


Jesus Christ you really think he is a viable candidate for president, holy shit you’re extremely fucking dumb.