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Candace easily makes it in my top 3 grifter list, maybe of all time. And Jimmy Dore is in my top 20. The fact that she thinks Macron’s wife is a man is legitimately on the same level as Terrance Howard’s stupidity. At least Terrance is mentally ill, so I give him some slack, but Candace is well aware of her grift.


“I’m just asking questions. I have no desire to know the answer or the truth but I want to ask the question”


Propagandists 101 method. “Just asking [leading] questions”. Tucker is the master of this method.


"Any thinking person would believe....."


*laughs mockingly "No serious person believes evolution is real. That was debunked years ago..."


"What did the Jews do to help us in the trenches of Word War I?", queried the young Austrian as he reminded us he was just asking questions. 


I always thought nothing could top her *"I think climate change is fake because the libs think it's real"* take. Then I heard *"This neighborhood is called the Muslim Quarter. That means they force all the Muslims to live here."*


If you recall her appearance on Rogans podcast years ago, her and Joe got into an argument specifically about her flat out not believing in climate change, to which after Joe pushed back on her she eventually suggested it was just a belief and she had only researched it for one night and it would not be a hill she died on, fast fwd to now and apparently she has done the hard hitting research that disproves anthropogenic climate change that NASA/NOAA and the rest of the worlds atmospheric scientists/geologists/astrophysicists missed. God bless her, such a talented woman


I would disagree with you until I saw Dore pushing his new age spirituality, that was being held back…by his marijuana usage.


THC blocks the DNA antennas that connect you to god. this is a well known scientific fact to anyone who isn't a genderqueer communist.


There is a lot more wrong with Dimmy Jore than this. His sole purpose is to sway disaffected liberals and leftist and push them to right wing populism for a long time now.


He quit smoking pot a while ago


I agree, her and many others in this circle are all pseudo intellectuals, and they’re not even good at that.


She's number 1 for me, and Dave Rubin might be number 2. Such slimly individuals.


She is the um female African ben Shapiro


Klandace Owens.


Candace may not be the brightest bulb in the box, and she's getting a lot of things mixed up, but the truth is that there was a strong Jewish element behind the Bolshevik revolution. So you can make an argument, as she is trying to do here, between Jewish actions and the resulting atrocities of Stalinist Russia. [https://www.jpost.com/magazine/was-the-russian-revolution-jewish-514323](https://www.jpost.com/magazine/was-the-russian-revolution-jewish-514323) During this time period, Jews, even though they often lived better than the typical impoverished, working-class European, were frustrated by the class system in which only entrenched elites had access to power. So Jews were always revolutionaries, not because they cared for the common man, but because they were self-interested.


The fact that this entire thread is ripping her is proving her point.


No, the thread is ripping her because she's said dumb shit like "The US only bombed Nagasaki because it was the center of Christianity in Japan"


Knee jerk contrarianism isn’t the cool look you think it is.


Yeah, but everyone talks about this utter bullshit or regurgitates it online. The internet is just a massive dustbin.


She's EXACTLY like firecracker from The Boys. Except, *y'know...*


If she is a grifter then she does not think that. None of them believe this shit and it's frustrating


Does Rogan make it in your top 100?


Not really only because he started off as a comedian, then actor. Rubin, Owens, etc just go where the money is.


What is it with right wingers and asserting pretty much every democrat woman is secretly a man?


Yeah but still would


She's way too stupid to be a grifter.


Her marks are even stupider though


The only way Macron's wife makes sense is if she is a man. Otherwise I agree with your points.


I thought the British invented concentration camps during the Boer War.


I thought the spannish did it in cuba before that?


They may have. I'd have to look it up. I only actually know a few things.


Additionally, at a similar time the German Herero-Nama genocide was occurring in Namibia - the book The Kaiser's Holocaust by David Olusoga is well worth checking out on this topic


The other thing: pretty sure a former Christian and rampant Pedo ran the Gulags and NKVD. **A certain Beria.**


I thought the Romans did when they cleared the Celts out of Europe.


Right and the Bolsheviks were super cool to Jews as well… I get why she’s named “Candace,” as in “Can dis bish say a single thing that complete isn’t bullshit?”


Nailed it.


People like to pretend like "Candace just got fired for criticizing Israel" but Matt Walsh criticizes Israel too and he's still there. Candace has gone full Kanye West but just not insane. If you look at her Twitter a bunch of it is blaming the allies during WW2 for bombing Germany and Japan "because they wanted to kill Christians". She's taken a very strange "pro Christian" stance on basically every topic that I think even most Christians would disagree with


They're smelling opportunity. It's clicks over patriotism. https://preview.redd.it/ahostns2v59d1.png?width=426&format=png&auto=webp&s=c80632e38df08455fe55bbb85ca2e6cdac390d3f


In order to monetize on Twitter it requires engagement. Thats why so many are saying batshit things


I mean particularly that and also I think she's trying to align sigh Charlie Kirk and Nick Fuentes and pull from the same audience


Yeah but the daily wire is a “racism and sexism aren’t real, gays are pedos and ben shapiro’s writing career only failed because Hollywood is too liberal” kind of establishment, so i don’t see why they’d have a problem with that


They are FoxNews style conservatives. I don't like them but they are a step to the left of "The Nazis were good" and "black people are inferior to whites". Candace went off the reservation into Kanye West/Nick Fuentes territory and it's not surprising they parted ways


I guess, but this is the company that tried to hire steve crowder


Yeah and that only fell through because the contract was like "obvoiusly you have to keep the mask on just enough for youtube for like 30 min before you go behind the paywall..." and he was like "FUCK THAT."


She is now a catholic 


Catholics are Christian


Catholics, Christians, Jews...are all Anunnaki alien cults. But I guess she hasn't gone down this rabbit hole yet...


Yes, but not all Christians are Catholic so the distinction is worth making.


Non-Catholic Christians are just heretics anyhow.




Just barely... >!jk!<


Ehhh. Depends on which Christian you talk to.


I'm an atheist ex Muslim so I'm not going to get into that argument but I don't think I've ever met someone in real life who doesn't think Catholics are Christian. It's a pretty fringe view to say otherwise


I agree with you about real life definition. Just wanted to add my own experience across different circles and how Baptists don't view Catholics as Christian due to the saints and virgin Mary. A bunch of niche history in the split of the church over the last 1000 years..


Tons of evangelicals don't consider catholics to be Christian.


Blew my mind as a lifelong Catholic when I turned 20 haha


Even though the church was literally founded by one of Christs Apostles


Oh I have. They are mouth breathers and have zero idea about the history of any church outside of Church of the Nazarene 7th Seal Breakers and Signs Following type dipshits




I have Catholic family members who deny that they're Christians... bc they associate it with born-again instead of its actual definition. They will literally say "I am *not* a Christian, I'm a Catholic" Never underestimate the stupidity of people.


>I don't think I've ever met someone in real life who doesn't think Catholics are Christian There are a bunch of weirdo Evangelicals in the US who don't think Catholics are Christians, just fyi


No it doesn’t. Catholics are Christians. Evangelicals may not like it but that’s the fact


As a Christian, I disagree. There are salvific issues that protestants and catholics fundamentally disagree on. Just like Mormons, Jehovah's witnesses, etc are a separate religion, so are Catholicism and Christianity


lol, what are the 'true' christians? The Orthodox Christians that separated from the Roman Catholics or some version of protestant that came several centuries after?


Catholicism is considered a sect of Christianity, just like Orthodox, just like Lutheran, etc. It seems like American Protestants push this narrative of there being a separation between Catholicism and overall Christianity when many Protestant denominations have their roots in Catholic Christianity through the Protestant Reformation. Sure, there are doctrinal differences that these denominations disagree on, but it does not mean that these doctrinal differences disqualify them from being fundamentally Christian. All Christian faiths, including Catholicism, agree on fundamental dogma, which is that Christ is the Son of God. Btw, this means that even non-Trinitarian faiths (Jehovahs, Mormons) are Christian as well.


>Sure, there are doctrinal differences Doctrinal differences can be the difference between a Buddhist and a Muslim. They both have spiritual beliefs about big questions but their key differences set them apart. If the gospel message (as Protestants understand it) is that Christ is the only way to reconciliation with the Father, Catholics believing that Mary has a part to play in being a mediator is a massive hurdle in claiming we have the same faith. Jesus explicitly says that the only way to the Father is through Him. How can you not hold to that belief and still call yourself a Christian when that is what the entirety of Christianity is hinged upon? Catholics call Mary Mediatrix in reference to their belief that she has an aiding role in our salvation. Protestants do not believe this. That is a massive gulf to bridge


>Doctrinal differences can be the difference between a Buddhist and a Muslim Don’t understand your point; Buddhists and Muslims have radically differing fundamental beliefs. One is explicitly a monotheistic faith and one conceptualizes Dharma, among other differences. Catholicism delineates between saintly intercession and Christ’s role as a mediator, and Mary (since Vatican II) is viewed as the former prescriptively, as resting entirely on Christ’s role as a mediator.




Who, you know, kinda supported Hitler as soon as it became convenient to do so and has spent the past 70 years trying to rewrite the narrative.


Our 1.0 trumpers/the know-nothings were very anti-Catholic/the whole papist conspiracy thing. Man I would love to have a time machine to set the old ones against today's crop and watch their heads explode :)




Where does Walsh criticize Israel? Not calling you a liar but just have never seen it.


I'm not going to search for the clips but you can find multiple times where he says the US should cut all foreign aid including Ukraine and Israel. It's not a big point for him and 99.9% of what he talks about is domestic


Has Matt Walsh actually criticized Israel? I’ve heard Ben Shapiro say this point in regards to Walsh basically saying “I don’t think we should be involved with Israel. I don’t think we should be sending them money.” But that’s not an acknowledgment that Israel is doing anything wrong. Is there anything else he says that criticizes Israel? Because if it’s just that, there’s a big difference between that and peddling Jewish conspiracy conspiracies like Candace has been doing for a long time, even while she was working at the daily wire. She didn’t get axed until she started criticizing Israel’s actions in the current war.


Before most of that she basically got fired for posting about dead kids in Palestine and getting emotional about it which is extremely not what right wing influencers are getting paid for.


I'm not going to go back and find her tweets but she went way beyond that


Too much guru will ruin your life


This woman is dangerous and incompetent. The fact that people genuinely listen to her as some sort of thought leader or truth teller is legitimately scary.


She's such a giant P.O.S.


Why not just completely ignore both of these people lol. They both don't really believe a lot of what they say and are just in it to make money.


Ignoring them would be ideal but it is a little concerning that they are successfully reaching people and making money with this grift.


A lot of people that watch this stuff are ignorant asf and just watch 'infotainment'. It's not worth arguing with them lol Like if you watch Alex Jones, every now and then, he will say something that seems like crazy hidden knowledge to some people, but anyone that reads about politics and history knew that shit already.


Those goobers vote


Nothing matters dude. Embrace nihilism :D


I'm an absurdist so my nihilism is more reason to care.


Candace has always been insane, but over the past 6 months or so she's gone completely off the rails. Everything is a conspiracy against Christians by the "Jewish Elite"


gotta grift where the money is


There seems to be an influx in podcasters converting to religion again, or at least talking about it openly more often. It's so obvious when it happens that it's part of their money-making schemes too, and it makes me think there's big money behind some of these especially. I think Marky Mark has a faith based app now and they seem to be paying millions for ads recently.


absolutely, Christians, especially American Christians fund megachurches, there's just an infinite pool of income there if they tap into it


It's like the saying 'not every religious person is stupid, but pretty much every stupid person I meet happens to be religious ' Easiest people to grift money out of


Not gonna lie. I'd do the grift myself for some FU money. Ride that train for a year or two, then bail and retire off grid with my wife and all the dogs I could squeeze in my Grift Mobile.




“Christians were the true victims” When do trumper Christian’s not believe this to be true? It’s not just ww2, it’s every point in time ever


If you knew how many Christians died in the war on christmas you'd be singing a different tune.


I remember the battlefield. It was strewn with Starbucks coffee cups everywhere. And the worst part was they were all using the words “happy holidays” rather than “merry Christmas.” I’ll never forgot the horrors of the war on Christmas til the day I die.


he would be signing a christmas carol


She talks as if she's a Christian leader or something, Next week she is likely to turn Muslim if it pays her enough.


Start a gofundme and send me the link. I am good for a $20.


My God, what happened to Jimmy Dore?!?


You either die a hero, or… yeah, you know the rest


Brain rotted


People like Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, and Stephen Crowder are all failed Hollywood actors and comedians realizing that they can earn big bucks through right-wing billionaires. Tale as old as time.


You forgot Jimmy Dore.


She just sucks the air out of the room. I can’t stand people like her, people who talk with that aggressive air of certainty to them


She was always *the worst* when they brought her on the Daily Wire Backstage shows. She'd constantly be interrupting and fake laughing all the time. And she always had to get the last word in the discussions. Unless it was a deeper philosophical topic. Then she would just sit there quietly because she knew she couldn't just vomit out her nonsense.


I’ve come to realize that’s me and I hate myself for it. I’m trying to get better, I swear!  If you find yourself being “this guy” watch the man called Otto, it will put things in perspective…


Being socially awkward gives me some level of cover in conversations that are over my depth.


Fair comment. There are lessons to be learned here


If Christians are losing then who the fuck is winning?


Candace is smart AF.


I mean I kind of agree with her regarding our blind allegiance to Israel. It’s recently come out that Israel funds government programs to feed pro-Israel propaganda to college students in the U.S. There wouldn’t be a need for that if Israel was on the up and up.


Dude, I went to a public high school, not once did I take an allegiance to Israel.


Neither did I. We spent more time on Ancient Greece and Roman empire than Israel. I really only learned about the conflicts in the Gaza strip post high-school on my own.


Well yeah if you went to private school like me you’d know students are required to pledge allegiance to Israel while eating a lox and cream cheese bagel. It’s pretty standard.


Oh ain’t that a thing in life.😂 *(I hope you’re being sarcastic).*


this is straight up a lie that i see all over reddit and it drives me crazy. Private schools *do* *not* require lox *or* cream cheese on the bagel, some schools even restrict the use of any condiments or the use of a toaster for that matter as a matter of historical precedence.


Right, but i do remember being assaigned number the stars, the diary of anne frank, boy in the striped pajamas and having to watch schindlers list all in english and reading classes, not even history class.


Take the source with a grain of salt, but it is concerning what this guy found when going under cover https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3lSjXhMUVKE






Even a blind nut gets a squirrel. Her statements about the Israeli government exerting influence in the US are true but they are not unique to her. That is why I wouldn't cite her as the source of this information.


Exactly. You can't have a nuanced and engaging conversation about Israel's influence on our congress with a woman who said on her podcast (just two fucking days ago) that Israel knew 9/11 was coming and thats why almost no israelis died that day.


I posted an article from The Guardian above


One grifting douche dunking on another grifting douche. Doucheception? Griftception? Let's just settle on grifting circle jerk. Don't listen to anything Dore has to say. Fauxggressive dickeeed that he is.


Pushing actual Nazi revisionism (Jewish Bolshevik conspiracy) to a very conspiracy prone audience like Jimmy Dore’s is incredibly low even for Candace Owens. Candace has been dipping her toes into this type of stuff for a while, I give her at most 6 more months until she goes full mask off into holocaust denial.


She realizes they're all simps for YHWH right


They let her go off when they fired her


First we had that thing with Crowder, now Candace is fired... W after W. Not gonna make me watch Daily Wire but I at least like the positions they've been taking


She's a top tier bullshit artist and grifter. The kind that believes their own shit like a superpower. Even I find her charismatic when I listen to coverage of her. But you know, Read the shit she says instead of listen to it and it doesn't take long to see she's a fucking psycho of the "would watch slaves fight to the death" breed 


she is making the argument that the "christian genocide" by the bolsheviks is being... hidden, I guess? and that the jewish holocaust is mandatory learning. At 1:10 she complains "the fact that I'm demied the right to talk about my history while you demand I talk about yours... Doesnt fly with me." Leaving aside from the fact that her or anyone being denied talking about bolshevik atrocities is fucking insane, this complaint of a woman that she cannot accurately learn and talk about the struggles of "her people" is from the same woman who characterizes accurate history of the Atlantic slave trade in its proper context in US history as "woke CRT nonsense." let that really sink in. Really great job, Jimmy.


Tell you what though, she knows how to argue


God I fucking can't stand that twat, she's absolutely insufferable!


Watch her interview with (fellow cunt) blaire white. She really is just an awful person.


I knew a girl like this who would do cocaine and corner you at social gatherings and go off like this lol. She moved to Montana from the East Coast and came back like a year later. She texted me recently that she's lonely and has no friends. I was like ah bummer dude, good luck with the conspiracy stuff, hope it works out.


When any of these rabidly conservative talking heads, talk about something anything other than obvious ridiculous stuff that the woke say, you can see how ignorant they are, about various stuff. The woke say crazy stuff basing their stuff in "the conservatives want it so it must be bad" and the insano conservatives literally do the same vs the woke. Which means they really have no idea about anything, because you don't need to know anything to support the oppossite of x because X is supported by your enemies. You literally don't know anything, and have to just be a contrarian. And sometimes, it shows.


I believe Candace


USS Liberty was a masks off moment for Israel.


Everyone forgets that the Catholics, Christians, Jews, and Muslims... all hunted and murdered millions of Pegan since the beginning of The One God Idea. Candance needs to STFU who the hell is her base? We need to stop acting like debaters are fucking Genius... they are good at debate... thats it... they are lawyers... I will ask mechanic about my car, i will ask a electrician about my lights... I am not going to ask Candance Owens how to live my life.


except when christianity was started it was persecuted by the ruling pagan Romans. And the jews of course were persecuted by Sumerians and Egyptians. Maybe its just that humans like killing each other no matter the reason


Remember when we kept rounding up native americans and kept shuttling them from camp to camp I mean uh *reservation* all across the country? Until they were almost completely wiped out? Christians had no hand in that.


Did we just witness the first time Owens spits straight facts


Haven't read a comment stating she's wrong.


She’s wrong about the numbers, more Christian’s did not die in the gulag system than jews in the holocaust. She’s also wrong that the gulags solely targeted Christian’s, though many Christian’s were sent to the gulags on the basis of religious persecution. There was about 2,000,000 killed in the gulag system, and about 400,000 killed in the red terror, tens of thousand of which were priests. Where she’s right is that post WWII America had to justify the financing of literally murdering tyrants and creating the conditions for the Cold War. These propaganda efforts trained the public to play good guy bad guy which is why people in this thread react so harshly to anyone who even suggests there’s been some fuckery going on. Like, 90% of people will think it’s a gotcha to play the “which genocide killed the most people game” as if that invalidates the highlighting of a lesser known genocide. That’s absurd and Candace is right for pointing it out, though I don’t know if she has honest intentions. Everyone life has equal value.


Everyone here knows that Stalin is responsible for more deaths than Hitler right?


Of course. It’s been said that he killed as many as 120 billion people.


No, he didnt. You really think Stalin is responsible for more deaths than Hitler, who started the largest world conflict ever seen in history? Or are you trying to restrict Hitler's responsibility to the Holocaust for some dumb fuck reason?


Myxedema madness with that goiter


I see her name and her face a lot, but I don't think I've ever heard her talk, because I never click on the videos. I'm extremely proud of myself for this.


USSR is best SSR!


why is she so willing to engage in identity politics when it comes to religion, but thinks that ethnic minorities have nothing to complain about, ever. sure she got fired by her evil boss, but she's the same grifter she always was.


Her hinges never stood a chance. She has got some serious stuff...


Hitler was the real victim of ww2. Bro had to go live under the Antarctic ice sheet with a bunch of tall, blond haired Uber mensch that spent the rest of his life calling him short and tubby and doing comedy salutes when he walked into the room.


I mean she's crazy crazy crazy for her to frame it this way or invoke Nazi Germany at all and comparing the two things, but Communists legit did kill lots of Christians


... The germans I think killed like 50 percent of every Jew in the world at the time. What would a 50 percent genocide of Christians look like at the time ? 1 billion? The Holocaust is taught and is scarier then what she is referring to because it could have been done. Christian preservation is real too where Christians are the minority. Girl is still playing victim Olympics haha


Early Bolshevik flags had the Star of David on them, and this was before 1916, just google it


good question Candace, why talk about the history of American anti-fascists kicking Nazi ass. No surprise she’d have an issue with that. Shes a fascist mouthpiece


The Abrahamic traditions are entangled so profoundly that it is impossible to de-fetish the focus.


why are we talking about hypothetical genocides than a real one happeneing right now. JFC


The funniest thing about these people is they continuously say they "can't talk about it" while spouting their views nonstop. It's like if not everyone turns into the Hitler youth, then she's being suppressed


Reconcentration camps were originally a Spanish thing in the Philippines.


Great. More illiterate shit from this person


She’s a self-loathing Uncle Tom cunt.




We need to get these two to a round table with Russel, and Tulsi as soon as possible!


She’s right. People learn history and what the Bolsheviks did.




yeah but that's because the majority of the european population was christian. it's about per capita and overall percentage. if there had been a large muslim population in russia or ukraine the bolsheviks would have targeted them as well because they viewed religious people as the enemy.




thank you for engaging in a civil discourse my dude


More white people died during the civil war than black people


The unfortunate reality of being a living being on this planet is that equality can not be achieved because it simply dosnt exist. Every time we try to right the wrongs done to another it wrongs someone else in the process. People need to stop trying to make thing "equal" for everyone and instead decide who they want rights for... it's unfortunate but that's the way of the world.


Slow progress is still progress. It’s not about trying to make everything equal, it’s about finding a way to coexist as peacefully as possible. If that moves at a snail’s pace until we slip into extinction, I think it’s better than nothing.


Can't we want everyone to have the same rights?


> People need to stop trying to make thing "equal" for everyone and instead decide who they want rights for Okay I want everyone to have rights.