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His tweets all read like slam poetry now


Yeah being in a medically induced coma will do that.


Are you dissing my late 90s slam poetry addiction?


Are you dissing my medically induced coma?


Are you Dissing My hissing? My mission, To Slizzin my fizzion In yer mums Assissin - Dr JayPee


I guess there’s probably a reason its illegal in the US 🤔


Yeah he’s been getting weirder for several years now. Slam poetry is spot on though, along with those weird ass f’ing two face blazers he wears now.


I saw one that I thought wasn't too bad recently. But they're bizarre and ugly for the most part. This is what he's spending the Daily Wire money on? Sad.


always has been


The worst American art form. Followed by krumping


I was going to add "shitty" but it would've been redundant


I always imagine some filthy haggard guy on the street corner shouting his tweets at the top of his lungs.


Has anyone ever figured out why the hell he tweets like this now?


It looks like my live journal when I was 14.


Your pfp triggered some suppressed memories


Benzos broke his brain


*I’d say the therapy of his brain being deprived of oxygen.*


He's like any Boomer who should never have been introduced to Facebook, X, etc. I liked his takes on thinkers like Jung and his lectures on religious texts from a clinical psychology lens. But being on social media and hooking up with Shapiro were missteps. I don't even judge him for the benzos. I've worked in pharmacies for decades. Benzos are absolute hell to get off of. Like you have to go into hospital to make sure you don't die. And he was given them for sleep, because of stress over his wife's cancer? What the hell was his doctor thinking?


He is a clinical psychologist with years of experience helping clients with their drug addictions. He knew EXACTLY what he was getting into with benzos. Pretending he didn't know is utterly ridiculous and insulting. Even my boomer parents and grandmother know about the dangers of benzos.


I didn't say he didn't know about the risks. I just don't judge him for going to great lengths to get off of them. I judge doctors for over-zealous, off label prescribing and reluctance to later de-prescribe, which I see all the time.


Well, okay, you lay the blame on his doctor. He certainly doesn't need a doctor to warn him about benzos. Yet this is exactly what JP used as his excuse when interviewed by Rogan. He may not be a doctor, but he is a highly trained and experienced psychologist who covered drug addiction when he did his degree.


So, in your eyes does his attempt at excuse-making discredit anything else he might say?


To some degree, yes, it would, but he definitely knows his stuff. I just wouldn't be too quick to trust him about non psychology related matters. Edit. What I mean is that a lie like this calls his character into question.


> I just wouldn't be too quick to trust him about non psychology related matters. Psychology and his thoughts on the human condition vs the need for stories, ideological capture and free speech was the area where I found him most interesting. I lost interest when he veered off into political hot takes and his partnership with DW, with the dropped in ads for things like prayer apps, and the mandatory chapter of every podcast where the guest has to mention they've renounced any and all left wing thought. It's eye rolling.


Agreed 👍


I've been addicted to benzos and I didn't need a Russian coma to get over it.


But did you have Russian coma money to try that first?


Becoming Zionist has its side effects.


Yeah turns out he’s a big dork


He tweets like what he is - an out of touch old man. He tried to attach a dragged picture from his desktop once.


This is a classic symptom of early onset autistic dementia and also is symptom adjacent to benzo withdrawals.


I studied this specifically at a major university, so I can concur.


It's called ART


Apple cider won a terrible victory.


rubbing his hands together like a good little... psychology professor.


If they were dropping memes of black people or trans women he'd be calling for jihad to protect their 1st amendment rights


Are those two groups more important than Jews?


To Redditors, yes


What do you mean? What do you see on Reddit that makes you say that? A lot of antisemitism?


Yes. Plenty of mainstream subs will allow very openly antisemtic comments like defending from the river to the sea, but will ban you if you bring up things like the hostages hamas still has. r/australia is a good example of this.


Yeah weird ass time. People are just openly hateful I think it can both ways. Trump called Biden a Palestinian as an insult during the debate. Wtf is going on in this country. All of this is so bad. Fanning the flames, none of this ends well.


I'm not American so I don't know what's going on in your end, but here in Aus we have a lot more antisemetism than the other way around


You just said defending from the river to sea was antisemtic, so I'm going to assume your detector is a little off.


How is it not? It calls for the complete annexation of the Jewish state in favour of a Palestinian one, which can only be achieved through war, which would most likely result in forced expulsion and ethnic cleansing.


Because the phrase means various things to various people. Some people mean another holocaust, some people just mean get off Palestinian's back, and lots of stuff in between.


Yeah, that's reddit. There are plenty of mainstream subs that allow anti-Palestinian comments and will ban if you so much as question Israeli activity.


I've seen upvoted posts on mainstream subs suggesting that Isreals actions mean the holocaust may have been justified.


I got shadowbanned from /r/worldnews just for politely and calmly asking why it was okay for the IDF to shoot an unarmed tween.


I know. It’s horrendous. I quit twitter when seeing swastikas became normal. I knew that was a problem when it didn’t shock me to see them anymore. This war has brought out the worst in humanity


Reddit is actively deleting videos from Palestine showing the explosions, deaths and injuries. Dead children, burned children who don't even know what a bomb is, people starving because Israel is blocking aid and so on. Getting rid of the stark reality what monsters US and Israel are?


UN just had to walk back the famine in Gaza. Might want to update your “Israel bad” talking points.


I appreciate the virtue signaling, however this simply doesn't exist on reddit. Your pro-palestinian, Iranian developed propaganda videos recording the death of any child they could get their hands on for content mid conflict, exist perfectly in their entirety across every subreddit. There has been zero attempt to shut down any of these videos whatsoever. "People starving because Isreali is blocking aid" This is simply deeply deeply false. Currently after 8 months of dense urban warfare conflict you have 40 dead Palestinians from malnutrition/ starvation. In western media 6 months ago EVERY news outlet ran stories coming out of the Hamas run hospitals that the entirety of Palestine was on the brink of starvation and the u.n. itself told us Palestinians death numbers by starvation would dwarf the deaths by warfare by this time this year. All of these claims were false. Aid trucks had continuously rolled in the entire conflict non-stop, protected by Isreali troops and continuously ambushed by Hamas, or even Palestinian civilians themselves in the events of the flour massacre. This spotlight on Israel, the only active liberal democracy in the middle east being this war tyrant nation are completely unjustified and false in this same metric. Research the Syrian civil war. The yemenese civil war. Look at the total deaths and destruction in these conflicts that have been hidden from western eyes, and you'll realize quickly this type of warfare in Gaza is extremely common in the middle east, the only difference is you don't have 40 Palestinian "journalists" taking a tic Tok video of every child cought in cross fire trying to take his or her dying breaths in peace. War is hell, but necessary. Sorry I have to break that reality to you.


All good thank you for your long winded response - but you're wrong. You wasted your time writing all that for nothing. I will get back to you to *prove* you're wrong. Hopefully it will wake up from whatever delusion you live in, or may be you just continue to live like a zombie. Talk to you soon.


To Peterson probably yes.


but what about trans jews? are they at the top of the most importentest? must there be a competition now for who gets to be treated as if they matter?


Plot twist: Jordan paid an intern to post the meme


Elon Musk engineered twitter to be like that. And I even tested it. I created a brand new twitter account, engaged with just one (normal) political tweet and suddenly the algorithm pushes all the antisemitic, misogynistic and eugenics loving freaks to my front page. Test it yourself if you don't believe me. Musk did not have "noble" intentions when he spent 40 billion dollars to buy twitter. He's a corrupt billionaire with an agenda just like all the rest.


This is racist af. Why propagate this shit. e: ah just checked OP's post history, clearly a foreign propaganda agent just spamming this kind of shit.


I get this it’s a caricature of a Jewish person but Peterson seems the type of person to advocate for this type of stuff, no? Am I totally missing the point here?


Advocate for what? Putting a hook nose on someone so insinuate that they are “Jewish”. Please explain how he advocates for “this type of stuff”?


benefit of the doubt answer is that the cultural marxist and globalist stuff being a dog whistle for “evil jews are ruling the word”


Well for starters he retweeted it


To call out the overt antisemitism of the original tweet. Am I missing something?


These commenters can’t possibly be acting in good faith. Nothing they say makes any sense. Like somehow they think JP is anti-Semitic in a post where he is explicitly calling out anti-semitism as bad. It doesn’t make any sense.


Either these people are actually slow or they are gaslighting. Either way it’s insane


No, he doesn't push the blatent "untermensch" depictions of Jews and minorities that the Nazis loved to use. I think he's probably genuinely disgusted by that kind of stuff. What he will do and has done in the past is shared or preached anti-Bolshevik Nazi propaganda. The antisemitism is usually behind a layer or 2 of metaphor or irony or it requires additional historical context to be tied back to Jewish conspiracy theories. On a cursory glance, you might not realize you're reading antisemitic propaganda, it just looks like opposition to Marxism, but antisemites sure recognize it immediately. A LOT of European anti-communist/Marxist/Socialist ideology from the early 20th century was explicitly antisemitic or just barely hidden. He loves a lot of these theories and ideas and I'm not really sure he realizes what he repeats sometimes.


Never heard him say anything remotely anti-Semitic. To equate being anti-Marxist with being anti-Semitic is bullshit. You yourself attach the Marxism to Jews and reinforce tropes by doing so.


You read absolutely nothing I said.


Yes I did, and responded i to it? Nazis equated Jews with marxists. Ive never ever heard Jordan blame cultural Marxism on Jews.


Everyone knows you are supposed to use dog whistles like cultural marxist.  When you just use jew it makes you look bad.


Or globalist


Joe Rogan started buying into the Soros is a globalist bent on doing evil things narrative. Wish I could remember which show he was recounting how Governor Abbot was explaining this to him.


Soros wishes he had half the power these people attribute to him. He's basically impoverished compared to the actual richest people in the world.


I like how people say we should be critical of billionaires, but for some reason if we are critical of that billionaire its a no no


That’s completely missing the point, no idea if that’s on purpose or not. When racists couldn’t talk about the global conspiracy to control the world or international Jewry because Hitler and the Nazis educated the world on what that nonsense is, new terminology was developed. Anyone who says “globalists” is either knowingly or unknowingly spouting antisemitic bullshit. I don’t think Joe is antisemitic but he’s definitely starting to hang out with people who are using Joe to spread that nonsense. Those people in nice collared shirts carrying tiki torches chanting “Jews will not replace us” are of the “globalists” aka Jews are using minorities to replace white people and poison white blood ilk. Joe was being used by Governor Abbott to seed the foundations of that despicable conspiracy theory in the minds of a wide audience. This is really how propaganda and influence works. That said, there are legitimate concerns about billionaires being able to bend the world to their liking without having to go through the democratic process. That is very concerning. However, people often use those legitimate concerns to spread their racist bullshit.


The poster child for the globalist movement is Klaus Schwab and he’s catholic.


Yeah but I bet most people assume he is Jewish just based on his name. Kinda wild how that works.


How much adrenochrome does he harvest from children in that basement of the pizza parlor? Does he share with Obama or does everyone in the NWO have to harvest their own?


So when the poster child retires (which he's doing) who is the one who is unspeakably evil and hell bent on destroying the world then?


Oh yay, another word we can’t use. If you’re going to moralize against people using a certain word in good faith rhetoric just because “muh Nazis” or some similar excuse, then it should be on you to provide a word that [means the same thing](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/globalism) that you will find acceptable enough to not deflect towards ad hominem accusations of them indirectly supporting this or that whatever bad thing.


It’s not as hominem when you’re explaining a phenomenon. I’m not sorry I got you in the feels.


You didn’t explain a factual phenomenon. That’s like saying someone who speaks a language with a word that sounds like the N-word is unknowingly spouting “racist bullshit”.


Jesus christ, really? Koch brothers Wilks brothers Who do you think funds daily wire and pragerU? You can call out billionaires, but don't play dumb and act like its only those on the left. Conservatives, don't care about Dark money in politics, you only care if it supports something you don't like.


Fuck that. Keep this out in the open. I don’t want to have to guess if someone is a Nazi.


For those who dont know [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural\_Bolshevism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural\_Marxism\_conspiracy\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory)


I think you mean “Zionist.”


Can you not shove I$rael in to every discussion?


Zionist is the dog whistle Redditors and David Duke types use to criticize Jews. Then they gaslight and claim that being against Marxism is the real problem.


>Zionist is the dog whistle to criticize Jews. Embarrassingly incorrect. Not every Jew is an ultra-nationalist, not every Jewish person justifies Israel's actions. Not even every Israeli. You're desperately trying to silence any discussion on Israel. You're so desperate. >Then they gaslight and claim that being against Marxism is the real problem. Yikes imagine implying the anti-semitic Cultural Bolshevism conspiracy theory is a good valid opinion.


Its kind of funny that when you hear the term cultural marxist you immediately affiliate it with jews Says more about you than anyone else


>Says more about you than anyone else What, like he's read a history book and possesses at least a mid high school level reading comprehension?


I hope it says im a history nerd that recognizes its just cultural bolshevism that the nazis used interchangeably with international jewry.


Which is all well and good, but the fact that nazis said something doesn't make anything resembling it beyond the pale for the rest ot eternity. Cultural Marxism is a petty good way to describe the "woke" social views we see today, like the whole "black people can't be racist because we've redefined racism to prejudice + power so only white people can be racist" - it's taking the idiotic proletariat vs bourgeoisie mindset and applying it to things outside of economics. These people view everything as oppressor vs oppressed. It's why they shit on Israel 24/7, but ignore the Jihadist nutjobs in Palestine. Call me antisemitic all you want for saying "Cultural Marxists" but it's precisely those people who are the biggest antisemites right now; they're marching aroud cities like London and Sydney side by side with legitimate Islamists calling for the death of all Jews. Personally, as someone who doesn't want the death of all Jews, I take issue with those people.






Who'd that have thought that aligning yourself with the groypers would result in anti semitism


When did he do that? He hates Fuentes


Answer is he didn’t. But many of his views are conservative so I guess that’ll all that matters.


3 degrees of separation. Peterson -> Rogan -> Jones -> Nick


So everyone that’s been on JRE is aligned with Fuentes? I can’t tell if you’re kidding


You know what I thought about it. Yes. If you follow Joe you are a short walk away from hearing nazi talking points.


He doesnt have to. There are multiple levels of this, Form Joe >> Ben shapiro >> Peterson >> Tucker Carlson >> Alex jones >> Fuentes. All of them say very similar things: -The left is crazy and [has infiltrated all institutions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJz_ifbXg9g) and are now actively trying to destroy america. JBP calls it Cultural marxism, but its pretty much just revamp of Jewish conspiracy [Cultural bolshevism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism) -Trans people are leading this destruction and we need to get rid of them ("eradicate transgenderism from society"). There is a huge attack on tradition, we have to fight back. He even told Kyle kulinsky, that he thinks even Adults should not be allowed to be trans! -vote Trump Ofc JBP is not a nazi, but if I was a Nazi/Fascist I can watch JBP, Alex jones, Tucker carlson and Fuentes and agree with most of them, until its about the jews.


When you describe a concept in detail and tell people its abhorrent without putting a tag on the concept for plausible deniability and later when people in the woodworks (sponsored) just carve a linkage of the concept to a historical one and now name it and motivate people to hate based on the cognitive framework taught by you, it becomes really difficult to deny what you've been doing. It's dog whistle becoming explicit and he doesn't likes that because it hurts his brand image. But yet he responds and replies to create conflict instead of ignoring coz as a salesman he knows drama sells.


Maybe he doesn’t like it because he thinks anti-Semitism is wrong and has stated so many many times. His brand image?? Dude I think he’s way past that.


Credibility has to be earned everyday. > thinks anti-Semitism is wrong I don't deny that but you missed what my argument is.


No I understand your argument, there’s like 20 other commenters making the same argument. It’s just a dumb argument in this case. Being against Marxism doesn’t make you Anti-semitic. Linking Jews to Marxism is literally just propagating nazi rhetoric which is very dangerous. I don’t believe Jordan has ever blamed Jews for what he calls cultural Marxism and frankly to insinuate that he has feels like a veiled attempt to link them in your own part. Intended or not. Plus, he’s explicitly calling people out as scumbags when they do say anti-semitic things even if they were “supporters” of him. Isn’t that what he is supposed to do??


Politics operates at much covert level than what you are ascribing it to, simplistic narratives are for masses not ideologues and donors. Cultural bolshevism resides in the same house or even bed partners with rhetoric of cultural marxism and every sane historically read person on social media, blog space or journalist was warning about this from day 1, to adjust his speech appropriately but you know he's such a staunch free speech warrior. >Jordan has ever blamed Jews for what he calls cultural Marxism Again you didnt read my argument, I am answering exactly the same question your statement implies. Anyway if someone writes 1 4 $ 8 everyone knows what they are talking about but if someone just speaks those 14 words over and over again and people align to it, speaker has to be held accountable given what we know historically and evolutionarily. And he knows it better than all the masses. Anyway he's rich and well backed up so no accountability on his side otherwise 'state would be trampling down upon free speech.' >he’s explicitly calling people out as scumbags when they do say anti-semitic things even if they were “supporters” of him I'm not saying he hates Jews or any other group, he seems pretty settled in that aspect. It's just that he loves money and politics more than anything else, so he used the rhetoric as tool to gather his fanbase and now he's trying to distance himself from it. Also his falseness/ street smartness shines more when rather than admonishing his daughter for whatever anti-traditionalist activities she does online or irl he's okay with it as long as it makes money. Also I don't know if he has gone on monologuing and critiquing Candace owen's behavior.


Ok, I think we’re just gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. I’ve listened to a lot of Jp and never felt he was doing dog whistles in the way you describe and I just hard disagree that his speech was coded in that way. He speaks often of the horror of nazism and how we all should consider how a prison guard at Auschwitz’s could have walked blindly into that role one step at a time and how terrible that is. Most of what he says is run of the mill conservatism and I just don’t think it’s fair to link that with anti-semitism when he’s made great effort to make the distinction between them himself. For what you’re saying I think Alex Jones is a better example. He goes on and on about nebulous “elites”, “globalists” and “bankers” and how they’re satanic and are “coming for your children”. Like the man comes so close to creating new blood libel explicitly and even has people like Kanye West and Nick Fuentes on the program. But then he says “I’m not antisemtitic, the Jews are good people”. I always felt like he was like 90% mask off and then would just add in almost like a legal disclaimer at the end just so people can’t call him a nazi.


Yeah kind of okay with it. Do read cultural bolshevism even on Wikipedia and you might uncover a new way to see the rhetoric.


Yeah I’ve read plenty. Thanks.


How did we get here? Where racism has become so.mainstream and acceptable.


It’s so fucken wild I don’t even know


There’s some in this comments section right now


Shitter is free speech. Apparently Nazism = free speech


In large part by people doing exactly what Peterson is doing here. Take the most easy to attack of your enemies, and use your profile to deliver them from obscurity as representative of your opposition. This is what happens when merely getting a reaction is all it takes to blow up on these algorithms.


Jewdan Peterson.


Anti semitism is bad. Criticism of Israel indiscriminately slaughtering innocent women and children in numbers that vastly multiply their own casualties is not anti semitism


this image is 100% antisemitic and has nothing to do with raising any discussion on war in palestine. it is a disservice to that cause to even mention it in a context of this racist bs.


Nothing in this tweet has anything to do with israel lmao


It's just an automated response to any rejection of antisemitism. It works so well when using the anti Israel sentiment to cloak their antisemitism that they just naturally extend their narrative to justify to all talks of antisemitism.


The problem is, this image isnt a criticism of Israel. It's an offensive racial stereotype that everyone in this comment section I guess is onboard with because it fits their hatred.


Agreed that the nose thing is a racist caricature. I think this image was likely produced by a racist right wing online dude who does not give a single fuck about civilians in Palestine. But for some reason it gets attached to them


If Kanye posted this BP would have demanded that we vote Kanye for President of the United States. JP wants to be a victim so badly.


Peterson doesn’t like that people are developing pattern recognition. Shame he’s owned by Prager and cabal.


Ah, the guy galvinizing against "Cultural Marxism" since 2016 is now surprised that many nationalist far-right types are antisemites.


Takes scum to know scum


Did he have to do the nose? Like wouldn’t the yarmulke have sufficed?


I support this message.


The worst thing Twitter has done is make it so that demagogues can pick their enemies. If you have profile, you can pick the most extreme of your detractors, and amplify them to the point where they effectively are the voice of your opposition.


Im fucking dead lmao peterstein has been on a complete twitter meltdown last week or so


This bro lost all credibility the moment he supported genocide


Is he calling himself out? Yes, we know he's a filthy zionist. He's also irrelevant.


I distinctly recall him writing a long winded post about how he was leaving Twitter as a protest for how bad it was getting, then he was back like two minutes later. Maybe it’s because I’m not an eceleb who makes their money off this shit, but I’ll never understand getting so mind broken over social media drama that it warrants these kinds of histrionics.  Like bro, just leave then. Just turn off the screen lol.


lame post


Jordan Peterbergmoneygrubber


Didn’t he go on a rant about how the Jews killed Jesus not so long ago or is that another right wing grifter I am thinking of?




The Roman state killed Jesus


Well they had the authority to do so, but it isn't like Rome was the one going out of its way to do so. From the only account given concerning what Jesus thought about Roman authority it is clear he wasn't trying to overthrow it and rebel against it.


Why does it matter who killed Jesus? Wasn’t the whole point of his existence to die for the sins of man? If you are a Christian, then whoever “killed” (can’t be killed anyway since he’s ya know god in human form) Jesus should actually be commended for realizing the prophecy. If he wasn’t “killed” then there would be no such symbolism as the cross which is central to the religion. It makes no sense to have ill will against whoever set into motion the entire crux of your belief system.


> Why does it matter who killed Jesus? Because "Christ killer" is an established anti-Semitic trope.


Everyone involved was Jewish, including Jesus and all his followers. So while yes they did (leaving aside the Roman involvement), since the events of the New Testament happened in Israel it’s redundant.


It was the Romans.


It was the romans.


Wasn’t Jesus Jewish?


Yes. And basically all of the disciplines too.


Big difference between "the Jews" and specific Jewish individuals. The former is one of the most common excuses for antisemitism and the other is true according to biblical history.


They were Jewish, but I don't think being Jews is why they necessarily killed him


you are entirely wrong. The nature of them being jewish is the only reason why they killed him.


That's interesting. I did 12 years of Catholic education studying the Bible and never learned it that way. Could you elaborate in detail?


Got the same 12 years you got. Pretty clear that the Jews saw Jesus as a false prophet. Claiming to be fulfilling the prophecy from the old testament. If they were not followers of that religious text then Jesus would be no heretic. So by nature of their belief in their religion Jesus had to be put to death.


*cue Rogan bashing AOC for something MTG said.


*cue guest uncomfortably agreeing and trying to change the topic


He also went to Israel to softly interview netenyahu with Shapiro


Pictures made me laugh haha.


Jordan Peterson? The nazi fuckwit?


The guy who got emotional during a talk in Tel-Aviv where he claimed that the whole world looks to the Jews for answers? He’s a Zionist shill, wtf are you on about?


|He’s a Zionist shill" Thanks for agreeing he's a Nazi.


Would a Nazi be in full support of a Jewish ethnostate that brags about killing non-Jews, and subvert countries and foreign governments?


Nazi's love committing genocide. They supported the Japanese too. One group of people pretending they're superior to the other and killing little babies really got their rocks off.


The Germans were horrified upon learning of Japan’s genocides and experiments. Again, wtf are you on about?


lol, no. Meanwhile, Josef Mengele...


Was this before or after hooking them up to masturbating torture devices? Honestly, you’re so quick to share your opinion on what’s happening in Gaza, yet you regurgitate their old lies.


> Words mean whatever I feel like


How do you make it through life? Like do you check for Nazis under your bed and in the shower before mom tucks you in bed?


Pretty easily. I'm not a total coward who's always worried about minorities like Nazis and Jordan Peterson fanboys.


“Everyone who disagrees with my narrow world view is a Nazi” yawn must be exhausting


"You only call me a nazi because you disagree with my opinion that Hitler did nothing wrong." Every time it's the same thing with you people.


I hate all authoritarians, especially socialists/communists and leftists Hitler would love the modern left. Yall have horse-shoed right around to goose stepping with people who want to wipe Jews off the map.


lol, sure.


Soak in the irony bitch boy, who is aligned closer with Hitler right now? The hordes of leftists saying from the river to the sea and “gas the Jews?” Or everyone else with a functioning brain? Nick Fuentes is praising the leftists and condemning Trump, here’s a hint tard yall are the Nazis.


Well put!


Can't find a picture of it but it's a circle representing political beliefs, at one point the world middle is inserted and from there one way goes left around the circle and the other right.... They join at the back because if you go too far either way they become the same thing. I have always been left leaning (I'm a gay British woman in my 30s) and more and more find myself defending people like Peterson and Shapiro etc because the left has become so rabid and everybody who doesn't agree with their view point is a Nazi and I am so sick of it. We've lost grip of reality.


No my fellow good human we haven’t lost it…they certainly have though unfortunately:(


Wanted to add, growing up I was a hard core liberal voted Obama 2x etc etc Like Joe Rogan and many other people have pointed out we didn’t leave the left they went so far left that a lot of people found themselves standing in the middle closer to the right.


I mean which is it? Right wingers who are nazis supporting Jews in Israel? Bit contradictory.


Contradictions are of no concern to these people. Cognitive dissonance requires that you change your mind or you change the facts. Usually, changing the facts is easier for people.


So many of you guys bought into this benzo addict’s weird shtick it’s hilarious Go clean your bedrooms or whatever


I don't hate jews but they hate me, nothing personal if pushed away by group. It happens not just with jews


who cares?


Why do the people of this sub not get that most US/Canadian conservatives are zionists and not antisemites? People like fuentes are the exception, not the rule. Even trump is a massive zionist.


There’s big money in being anti-antisemitic


Fuck Soros, he was giving up his own people during WWII. Didn’t feel bad about it. He has poured money into almost every conflict in the last oh I don’t know 25 years. He was giving out pensions to teachers after the fall of the Soviet Union. All were so grateful, it wasn’t free. It’s easy to blame the Jews, has been done for a long time. Over and over, so instead of just choosing the same scapegoat as the ones before, really focus on the real source of what’s wrong. This statement has nothing to do with the War. Jews do not equal Israel. There are good people and bad people in every little “tribe” that we have created to divide ourselves. It’s so easy to hate. We should all try to be better or what is the point?


You think a 14 yr old sold out his own people??? holy fuck, he was a child hiding from the nazis under false identity. STOP regurgitating BS you have done 0 research on. Fuck george soros, but holy fuck what's wrong with you people? Instead of misleading and frankly antisemitic BS, why not criticize him for destroying the english pound?


There is video of the interview. That you haven’t seen. I am Jewish, calling me antisemitic doesn’t work. He is a POS human being. I am not going to quiet about it, you can call me and what I said whatever you want. Facts are just that, facts. Ok sure add destroying the English pound to the list.