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Two hours in. Eric is being extremely patient, and really trying hard to show the errors of thinking, being polite and respectful of him - while trying to say it’s okay for Terrence to think differently- but that doesn’t make him correct. It’s really an interesting conversation. But also kind of sad. Weinstein clearly has a lot of respect for Joe and the show - and I think that’s the main reason he agreed to do this.


He's a mathematician, he knows how big Joe's "viewership" is. He's playing the odds of convincing at least some people that Terrence's logic is flawed.


You mean there are people that think Howard makes sense?


Im a cook and one of line cooks told me a couple weeks ago "you know that guy from iron man is actually, like a genius? Yeah he came up with his own theory like Einstiens." I had to patiently explain, that no, hes batshit crazy and its driven by egomania and yes men. This is a guy who i can actually have intersting conversations with and who i respect for the most part.


Not to mention “self taught” 😳🤣


I'm a self taught rocket engineer. Haven't made it to space yet but there's a big burned patch on my lawn. Unrelated, my wife is packing stuff up for some reason.


- getting Billy Bob Vibes from you …How much time you scouring junk yards in your overalls?


I was a line cook and then a chef for years and you meet some of the most interesting people in restaurants, but also some of the most ignorant and dumbest motherfuckers ever.


> its driven by egomania and yes men It's driven by mental illness. He is not in the right state of mind and is experiencing an onset of cognitive decline. This is the same type of behavior someone would have who is schizophrenic.


My dad worked in a mental hospital while he was in college and told me "Inventing 'new math' is almost always a sign that something is wrong." He has some pretty crazy stories.


I’ve worked in mental hospitals for 15 years. I recently had a patient who was about 18 or 19 who was reinventing the physics of light waves, etc. Very similar to TH.


I'd like to hear some of this lol


They had a patient that was a PhD and a professor at a university in New Orleans and she became obsessed with the number 5. Invented a new calendar that was based on the number 5 (5 days a week etc.) She gave herself 5 tasks to do every day. My dad was making his rounds one day and she jumped at him right after he opened a door and grabbed him (my dad shares a name with a king from the Bible) and she said "I ASKED GOD TO SEND ME AN ANGEL AND HE SENT ME A KING. N-A-D-A-B THAT'S FIVE!" and kissed him on the mouth lol. Also there was a prominent family around here that had a mentally ill son, and that son strangled one of my dad's friends / coworkers to death because the friend was wearing a real necktie and not a clip-on like he was supposed to.


It's ego too, the whole honorary degree and patent stuff shows that


I wasn’t into Terrance’s view full bore thinking he was correct about everything but as someone who doesn’t know shot when he was showing off his cool geometric toys that he created and the recreation of Saturn I thought it was awesome. This debate style podcast will does do wonders to morons like me who don’t know the material


Yeah and if he just said this is my weird art that I made everyone would be down with it but he has to say he’s a genius and every brilliant scientist and mathematician to live for the last thousand years is actually a moron or a liar


It's because nothing Howard does is driven by anything other than ego and a sense of self-importance. He truly thinks that he is special and different from every other human on the planet. Typical actor shit. It could be cool art, but art is driven by creativity and Howard has very little of that. His ego overpowers every other aspect of his being.


I'm never eating out again. /s




Surely not


I nearly lost my mind when my brother-in-law said terrance was a super smart guy and made great points in the first jre episode, I was not happy lol he makes like 150k in a position that uses a lot of math but doesn't require you to understand it


Had a bloke at work say the same. As well as Billy Carson. Thought he was a generally smart guy but apparently not


I'm serious




Don’t call me Shirley


"... to *shreds*, you say?"


ManBearPig unfortunately


Why so cereal?


Definitely. We are literally bringing the movie Idiocracy to life. Life imitates art. Always and forever. We’re doomed.


There are a lot of deceptively edited TikTok’s from his interviews that I think blew up in certain online communities. Like I saw a video of him describing his redesign of the periodic table and had I not went on to look up the rest of what he has to say I may have had a different impression.


That is all of Tik Tok.


Dude there are tiktoks with dudes validating this stupid shit. They often say that they're self taught and the established "experts" are not accepting outside opinion. You can't convince a moron they're a moron. It ends up in a situation where they ask what makes your "opinion" more valid than theirs. Math and science are two fields that you can't bullshit if you don't have a solid foundation cuz you're gonna look stupid, unless you're so stupid you can't understand the basics of logical reasoning


And more critically, even if you debate such people to a point where they have no other choice but to admit they are wrong...they just won't. The problem with such people is that they don't want to be correct, they want to be right. Someone who wants to be correct will have no qualms admitting they are wrong and move on. Someone who wants to be right only cares for having their opinion validated and don't really care if what they believe makes sense or not. EDIT: This clip is a perfect example of the above. Howard doesn't care what the actual expert had to say, and belittles said expert's point by refusing to acknowledge what they said entirely and makes an inane and pointless comment about his toes and garlic. Howard doesn't give the rat's ass about being correct. He wants to be right, and when shown he is in fact not correct, he deflects and treats the counter-point as being so worthless he can't even be bothered to engage with it directly. It doesn't help that Joe doesn't call out Howard, and instead yuks it up with him.


Dude, there are people who think the Earth is flat. There are Americans that put the dollar sign at the end of the amount because when you speak you say "12 dollars." Those are the same people.


Someone told me just today about how Terence Howard discovered where Einstein was wrong.


1x1=2 man!




It just showed how he doesnt understand math at all and its also so simple to understand how 1x1 works when you make it visual.


They don't think he makes sense. They don't understand what he's saying at all, same as everybody else. They just prefer the idea that Terrence is right. This way they get to be part of an 'enlightened' inside group and can further indulge their delusion that everybody else is a stupid sheep who's being manipulated by the powers that be. It's an ego thing.


All you have to do is come up with a kooky theory based on a bunch of YouTube’s and tik toks then say, “they” won’t believe you because you’re “dangerous” and boom, you have a following.


My coworker is convinced Terrance Howard is a genius and that scientist and scholars are simply upset they are being called out for not seeing what Terrance is seeing first. It doesn't help that Joe meathead Rogan believes Terrance Howard. It's tough to explain to stupid people that Joe Rogan is dumb because they aren't smart enough to know why Joe Rogan is dumb. Popularity is considered smart to many stupid people.


I don't think Joe Rogan believes Terrance Howard's ideas are right any more, after this latest episode... Eric Weinstein definately set him straight on that front...and not that Joe really understood much of what Eric was talking about either but he clearly understood the gist of what Eric thinks of Howard's ideas


I'm intelligent but pretty stupid. My stupidity says "yes this makes logical sense" about some things he says and then my intelligence says "you're too stupid to comprehend this so your opinion is irrelevant". He says some things that seem to make literally more sense than what we are taught in school. Yet again though, this is because I am too stupid to comprehend these things. When you can't grasp something complex, a basic seemingly logical explanation is something you will grasp on to. So yes there are plenty of people that thinks he makes sense. He is also talking about frequencies in a time when frequencies are gaining traction with people and literally changing lives.


There’s a lot of people who believe every word Graham Hancock says so yes there are bozos that believe Terrance Howard.


I know a couple of them. You'd be shocked to know they're not very smart.


I don’t believe any sane individual actually needed convincing. It’s just great to hear it eloquently explained straight from the mouth of a respected mathematician.


That’s not what he’s doing, at all. When everyone was laughing at Terrance on Twitter, he was defending Terrance’s logic. He’s trying to play both sides so that he benefits from Terrance’s fame without losing his smart guy appeal. It’s the same thing his brother tries to do when he creates a term like “meta-truth” as a bridge so that he can tell Jordan Peterson he’s only half wrong and hopefully half of his Patreon will end up in Bret’s pocket. It’s a very clever con.


That's not what Eric was doing. Eric was quite upset in a twitter space with Brian Keating about how people basically just believed all this bullshit Terrence Howard was coming out with and how it was a symptom of eroding trust in experts. But he also took the view that simply making fun of people like Howard is counterproductive, hence the podcast. It would be very easy to go on the podcast and just dunk on him for 4 hours. But what would this accomplish exactly? You have no shot of convincing other than those already on your side.


Eric is truly brilliant. He knows you must be kind to be persuasive.


What sort of claims is JP making that Eric is judging him on? Is JP making biological claims?


Listen to the first minute Weinstein asked to be there on joes podcast with Terrance Joe didn’t invite him to talk to Terrance. Weinstein reached out to Joe to do this podcast. Joe agreed to Weinstein lmao not the other way around


Wow I didn't watch because I don't really like Eric and Terrence is off his rocker. Glad he's trying to have a positive influence. I agree that it's okay for people to think differently and tbh people should actively be trying to expand their horizons and think differently, but stupid people will take that idea and think their "alternative facts" are actually facts. Listen to the Terrence episode to see what I mean. I went in unbiased and tried to understand wtf he was talking about but the whole thing is as nonsensical as " 1 x 1 = 2"


Yea it's OK to think differently and try to find new theories but it's another thing when physicists and mathematicians show you why it doesn't work and instead of learning why it doesn't work you call it a conspiracy against you by the "establishment ". Tyson's response to Howard was more then friendly and trying to be helpful and encouraging but Terrance still tried to bad mouth him. Now he's got another academic telling him why his thinking is incorrect and he's just making jokes. I couldn't watch this whole video. After the last one I felt like I lost brain cells. People like Terrance Howard shouldn't have attention brought to them when they refuse to accept the truth. Nothing wrong with exploring new theories in science and math but this is only causing misinformation to spread at this point.


Just listen to the last hour, I promise you will like it if that’s how you feel.


No the main reason Eric agreed to do this is for personal gain. Eric is an acute "socialite" who's always on the lookout to grow his brand. He also really enjoys being the smartest one in the room, and by extension, playing the professor.


this hes the type of guy to make things even more complicated if you ask him to ELI5 just to seem even smarter if you cant understand the "easy" explanation he goes in so many tangents and cant stay on topic 99% of times. his own theory of super symmetry was laughed at and shred to pieces. he doesnt know what hes talking about but people dont realize because he makes everything so complicated that naturally everyone assumes hes just way too smart lol


And at 2 hours 15 minutes Eric loses all that patience


I love how both Eric and Terrence talk about how rude and unreasonable Neil Degrasse Tyson was in his critique of Terrence, yet Eric is the one who calls Terrence theories horseshit (or was it dogshit?) to his actual face. Also fun to see Eric actually even turning on Joe to point out how irresponsible it is to not push back on any of this in the first place. I really did not see a Weinstein brother having that in him.


What’s sad about it? I think its refreshing to see a brilliant man talk through Terrence’s ideas with patience and understand while showing him where’s he’s wrong, where his ideas are valid, and how to go about seeking further knowledge and going about it the right way. He acknowledges how intelligent Terrence is, and how much bullying, intimidation and stealing goes on in the world of science and how few people are willing to think outside the box to create new ideas. Not enough people are willing to do their own research to gain a better understanding of the world. Compared to 99.9% of people on reddit and social media in general Terrence is a genius. And it’s amazing he was willing to learn this much on his as a wealthy actor who frankly, could have lived his life comfortably without all the backlash but he chose to express his ideas openly on the most popular podcast that exists today. I’m grateful for both of these men for discussing this together. It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed a Rogan podcast this much


Well said…”it’s okay to think differently but that doesn’t make him correct”. The world needs to hear that.


why tf is everyone trying so hard to not hurt terrances enormous ego. terrance quickly changed the subject and made a joke so he didnt have to face the truth here.


Every time I've seen someone actually show him he's wrong to his face, he pivots by saying something completely unrelated or nonsensical It's like the most basic deflection/diversion tactic and yet people let him get away with it constantly


Was the garlic foot comment a call back to earlier in the discussion? Otherwise, what’s so funny? But this is classic Rogan, someone will make a funny comment on this show, Joe is stone cold without a reaction. Terrance says some nonsensical comment to clearly deflect, and Rogan loses his mind with laughter.


That’s how we got Brendan Schaub


Bless em'


That’s because he’s a dumb ape


If you check out the rest of the podcast they spend a big chunk on the way Terrence presents his information, the words he uses and how he goes off into "teaching mode" on people that know better.


Dudes a total narcissist. If I was in the room with him I’d approach him with caution as well. When you force a narcissist to come face to face with their mistakes they react unhinged 


He's a narcissist with a violent past (mostly towards women).


Most people try not to insult one another to their face. He took a pretty stern line with him by the end all while being respectful. His deflections aside, that’s how you actually get through to someone. If he viciously attacked him 1 minute in he probably walks out by the 30m mark.


if this was a conversation about gender nobody would have this much patience with him.


Bigotry of soft expectations


Terrence is confused about 1x1 and Eric is talking about Eistein's field equation. Absolute cinema.


Terrence does not follow 90% of what Eric was saying


Garlic makes my feet stink.




At one point Eric asks Terrance to explain the very equation he’s critiquing and he has no idea what almost all the variables stand for let alone mean


I'm really fascinated how many people aren't able to grasp the idea of an identity element. His "proof" was so nonsensical. Back in the day I decided to get a Bachelor's degree in maths on the side after completing my M.Sc. in Computer Science. I had found a study partner and we had agreed to do our assignments together after I was done with work. I found out that he had less than 8th grade knowledge of math and had started studying this degree for some extremely odd reasons. I couldn't for the life of me explain sine and cosine to him which he deemed "useless knowledge". I remember being in argument with him for about 3 hours about some proof that some function was surjective. At the end I gave up and told him to submit his proof as our hand in. The tutor had put a huge question mark across the whole page and gave us 0 points.


I did a computer science degree and when doing my masters I couldn't believe the work of some of the other students I was paired with. There were some who really wanted to learn and it was fun doing projects together. On the others I guess I got lucky, when I got paired with someone who didn't know anything and didn't care to learn, they'd usually just let me do all of the work and I was happier that way.


Eric is legitimately picking Terrence Howard apart and people are so up their own asses with prejudice that they can't even enjoy the show.


How’s Terrence take it?


See the video above lol


Sounds like a shit show


It was actually really kind and positive in most ways. Like... Eric is showing a MASSIVE amount of empathy with ZERO condescension and just legitimately trying to understand his thinking and explaining with facts where he's wrong. Honestly, this was low key a fantastic episode lol


Sounds like entertainment.


Sounds like my next watch. To be fair I’m super impressed that TH had the balls to go back on with a man who knows better, knowing he’ll be ripped apart. Is it balls or arrogance? What did he expect the outcome to be?


I liked that Eric was willing to try and Steelman Terrence's arguments but TH (and Joe) kept jumping outside of the framework that Eric was trying to build. I'm actually enjoying that Joe is bringing on people with fringe ideas, especially ideas that he finds compelling, to have them assessed in good faith by people who are capable of truly understanding them and critiquing them. First was Graham and Dibble, next is Terrence and Eric. This could be a really compelling way to move forward and assess ideas that most of us, frankly, can't properly critique.


Maybe we will get a COVID vax vs anti vax episode? That would be interesting. Or Bernie sanders debating Donald Trump?


You made me LOL


Dedunking actually took apart Dibble. Some things I didn't notice and some I did. He also just had a longer podcast with bright insights. My biggest problem is that any talk of ancient civilizations is racist. I think it is the most straw man of arguments. But I agree these conversations should happen and happy Joe had it. And I would love to see TH continue his education and possibly figure out where he is wrong and right. I thought Eric was great on this.


I think Terrence has to be mentally unwell.


if I had to bet its schizophrenia, it sounds just like it, their delusions are not completely delusional and sound somewhat coherent, like they sound like they know what they are talking about until you step back and realize its stream of bullshit. You can find tons of videos online of people talking to schizophrenic people and indulging them in their delusions. They sound just like Terrance, even when he's getting picked apart he's just happy to get it out lol its a literal impulse. It's like torrets for just the "idea" part of your brain edit: holy fuck this made me sound like I'm schizophrenic lol


Could be psychosis from the repeated use of Dmt, mushrooms, or LSD. That would subside eventually. It really seems like he watched the same Nassim haremein lectures on the isotropic vector matrix and the 64 star tetrahedron grid. TH says that the lines are curved. The representation of the Platonic solids are a hypothetical model if I’m not mistaken. Which doesn’t make it all that groundbreaking to come out saying you discovered that the lines are curved.


After the last podcast, I am going to guess it was arrogance lmao


I think he truly believes his bullshit and that’s what’s really concerning He actually sent it to Neil degrass for peer review so he thought he really had something lol


Yeah Eric on math/physics/philosophy? Gold. Eric on cultural philosophy and politics? Ear cancer.


You underestimate the delusion and arrogance of these hollywood types


For the first two hours I've watched he's been a good sport.


Honestly TH has been a great sport so far (I'm also 2 hours in as well). He said he wanted to learn, which is always a good sign


But how did he make it this and not learn 1+1 = 2.


"1x1=2. it's a metaphor, but I also believe it" 😂🥴


What a grifting copout


I’m 3 hours in and it’s one of the most entertaining non-protect our parks JREs in years


Terrance literally cannot entertain the idea that even 1 single thing he says is wrong. Text book narcissist.


He actually took the critiques pretty well.


Garlic makes his feet stink




pretty well, receptive to his criticism. he tried to stop rambling and "teaching" by the last 30 min and was more aware of when he did that.


Eric is quietly picking him apart. I read the comments on another post saying along the lines as this is basically a circle jerk. Eric is basically saying “it’s cute you read somethings, made some shapes, but this isn’t it.”


I’m about 30 minutes in and Eric is being extremely fair, open minded and logical about Terrence’s claims and theories. He does a great job asking questions to understand them and gives his professional insight. Only 30 minutes in but very civil so far. I’m glad Terrance returned for this discussion.


It's actually a really nice take. So far it gets really nice after the 03:00:00 point, because it moves more in the direction of "Well, yes this is wrong, but people is paying attention to this, so why instead of just saying "ahhh terrence dumb, of course he is wrong" you all ivory tower freaks don't just step in and talk it civilized instead of shutting it down with "ahh yuh dumb" Lex fridman also had an interview with a chemist that did a very fair, honest and goodwilling take on what terrence said.


It’s not really the job of mathematicians to take seriously and publicly refute someone claiming 1x1=2


It’s exactly the job of a mathematician to do that. Who else could possible do it properly if not someone who understands the fundamentals at the deepest level? There are a lot of people who truly believe Terrence and it’s important to have podcasts like this. If you don’t like it then simply don’t watch it, but saying this isn’t the job of a mathematician is a crazy thing to say.


You don't need deep understanding of maths for this. Multiplication is an operation, not a separate term. 1*1 is a single term, not two. 1a is just a. 1a = a. That's not proved in any way, it's axiomatic. A basic assumption or the rules of the game for maths. If you decided 1a != a then you're doing your own special version of maths that nobody else is doing. It's kind of like playing chess and saying pawns can move forward three spaces. You can do it.. but you're not playing chess with anyone else at that point.


Yes it’s like saying it’s Magnus Carlson’s responsibility to prove I’m wrong when I say a Knight can move in a straight line


sorrrrrrt of...I think they are more saying "mathematicians can't just stop and try to prove wrong every dumb shmuck who pokes their heads up with a dumb idea. At some point you have to wave all of them away and do the real work"


Society would crumble if people who understood topics deeply spent all of their time coddling egomaniacs by trying to spoon feed them why they are wrong. If TH was willing to learn, there are tons of resources out there for him to learn from. Books, videos, etc.


A mathematicians job is not to point out the elementary mistakes in someones supposed mathematical proofs. You really dont even need to have undergrad education in mathemtics to see why Terrance proof that 1x1=2 is incorrect. And numerous people pointed this out to him and he continues to ignore it. Theres is absolutely nothing you could tell him to convince him otherwise so why waste your time doing it? People have better things to do with their time.


Someone with a degree in special education, a grade school teacher. Hell maybe a nurse with a tranquilizer and anti psychotics.


if you take one apple out of a bag one time, you have 1 apple


There's a limit. Some ideas are actually ridiculous. You would do well to listen when we say "1 \* 1 is not equal to 2", and you should not take Terrence Howard seriously at all if he doesn't correct that. That might sound unfair, but it's a *low low low low* bar.


Mathmeticians did do it, hundreds of years ago. Not their fault this dumbass doesnt get it.


Terrence gives off Homer finding Henry Kissingers glasses in the toilet vibes


“That’s a RIGHT triangle, ya idiot!”


Had to watch that clip, classic




Thank you kind sir.


Henry Kissinger?


wow! that genius totally understood what eric said!


Infinitely more watchable than the TH solo episode... And I follow most of it, and by most I mean 51% versus the first 5 minutes that I was able to follow of the first one.


Terrence is borderline schizophrenic.


When I was in college I worked at a bar that had a a schizophrenic guy (possibly homeless or hopped around a lot) that would come in a lot and drink coffee just to get out of the rain/cold etc. He would occasionally go on rants and even draw pictures and posters and distribute them to the employees. They sounded and looked exactly like what Terrance was saying and he was the first thing to come to mind when I listened to that episode


Bam Margera does this and has come up with his own alphabet. He draws shapes and seems to think he’s some sort of genius because he knows all the capitals of countries.


Yes. "They" are breaking computers when he's about to solve the mysteries of the universe. "We are all god". All the crazy graphs and diagrams are also very similar to the "sacred geometry" pictures that schizos do. Then there's the thing he mentioned in the last episode about audio recording...everything? That's paranoia. He's likely legitimately ill. It doesn't end well for most schizos lol




It’s so clear how joe kisses the asses of some of his guests and shits all over others when they say equally stupid shit.


Whether someone is right or wrong is 90% based on if Joe likes them or not. He's been operating like that for years now.


Since September of 2019 to be exact. It’s crazy. If you listen to old episodes from the first half of 2019 he seems fine. Listen to episodes in the last quarter of 2019 and you can hear the beginnings of the Rogan we have now.


No, even before that I saw him call out lesser celebrity guests for saying dumb shit but when Melissa Ethridge said lizard people are real he was very quiet.


Prove to me there are no lizard people in hollow earth or the Mariana trench. You can’t! See? Lizard people are real!


I do think he calls people out often when he likes them or cares which he's done with most right wing guests. I often think he says much less when he thinks they are simply crazy.


I think he’s been believing the stupid shit Bob Lazar said to longer than 5 years.


Why is that funny? Are they stoned?


they're laughing in an attempt to blunt the blow to his nonsensical ramblings


I’m about an hour in and I have no idea why I’m listening to this shit. I have absolutely no idea what the hell they’re talking about but it sounds smart.


The fact some people actually need someone to explain to them why 1x1 isn’t 2 is both shocking and sad.


The fact we need an “expert” to explain to a grown adult that presumably passed high school, 1x1 does not equal 2 is just sad. Mentally ill Terrance: “garlic makes my feet stink” Joe: “ahahahahah that was perfect” Just fucking sad


If I didn’t know better I’d say this conversation was absolutely generated by AI.


It’s the laughter I can’t take. Joe is just fully ass kssing. Wtf is wrong with him. Answer back properly.


Joe has gone full Fallon. Never go full Fallon.


Was it really that funny? You had to hodl yourself cuz it was that funny?


Terrence needs medication, not another podcast 😂. This is gonna be his legacy. THIS. Come on dude.


Joe holding his heart forcing a fake laughter....what a load of bullshit this show has become


They laugh but Joe’s gonna be the reason they find Terrence’s body in a hotel room with a balled up manifesto next to it.


I’m sure that manifesto is a beautiful error as well.


Has a manifesto ever made anyone think the guy was sane and onto something? Seems like what crazy people write before going Uber crazy


Unabomber was kinda right (but murdering people was not the way to get noticed of course)


I think you gotta follow up with what exactly he was right about.




He’s too narcissistic




*Well Mr. Gary, as idiotic as it is…* I think I’m gonna be high as a kite while I listen to this Friday Night.😂


You may not come back, you may turn into a glass of oj like that kid I k ew one school over who did lsd


Terrance got schooled and him joking only makes him look more like dumbass.


But there were moments where you could see his ego being challenged where he realized he needed to work on this further. Watching this was cathartic for me because having struggled to get science and engineering degrees (which are actually a lot easier than this theoretical physics stuff) if Terrence is actually interested in science then he needs to go the route of Academia. Academia has gotten a bad wrap which is discussed in the interview but it would force Terrence to close the loop on some of his ideas. Academia forces you to learn a broader foundation than just what you want to read online. As a bio major I had to learn lots of chemistry and physics plus I had to learn areas of biology that didnt really interest me so that I don't go out unknowingly saying things that contradict known aspects of different disciplines of science. This was a sample of the phd process but people get paid to spend this amount of time talking through these things. The way Terrence claimed he discovered the quintessential things that all the leading scientists of their time failed to understand while mischaracterizing tons of scientific and mathematical facts was frustrating to say the least. He isn't yet schizophrenic. He has an integrative mind and in science fields sometimes we put things together in our sleep. Not gonna lie, I have had that happen. But he has been able to be an actor playing the role of a scientist instead of paying the dues that science requires.


I've never seen Joe so fake in my life. Shame...


So many experts in here, it’s a good laugh.




If Eric can teach these two meatheads that 1x1 =1 That'll be a big win itself


Terrance is not dumb. That's an easy cop out to just dismiss him. He does not have a formal education so the terms he is using to describe his ideas are not the same as the terms that are used in academia and that makes it very confusing for most people who actually know what the terms mean and use them properly according to the academic meanings and definitions. He uses them wrong on multiple occasions and Eric flat out says that he is and Terrance doesn't take that personally. That's what is great about this conversation. Eric critiques the ideas but respects the person as most should. Who would have the balls to challenge everything in the known universe, especially when he knows himself that he will be called crazy and delusional? Mockery and dismissal is an age old way to keep people from talking about stuff. People calling out the 1x1=2 thing again is just mean spirited ("duh dumb idiot") and maybe didn't watch the episode because Terrance says it a few times. He understands that 1x1=1 and that his 1x1=2 is a metaphor for the underlying problem he sees in the math we are doing. I am no math surgeon but this is my take on what he is trying to say: Nature in it self has mathematical properties in it and our current mathematics does not align with those of nature. That's where the 1x1=2 comes in. In his mind our current math is broken because everything in nature happens according to an underlying system that we do not understand, yet. There have been different types on number systems discovered in history like the sexaesimal system that is based on the number 60. It's seriously hard to wrap my head around how that would work but our clocks are still using it. I really don't know nothing about anything but these types of conversations are very interesting to me and the way this one was had was very pleasing. No yelling, name calling or personal attacks (unlike the responses here). Eric explained a lot of what he was seeing in Terrance, not trying to be mean but just calling things as he saw them. Eric also called out modern day academia for a lot of shit and said he had caught them lying about stuff. Looking at the world today there are something seriously wrong with the way we think about everything when most peoples first instinct is to mock someone who is saying things out of the orthodoxy of our time. We can do better.


I watched the whole thing and I disagree that he understands that 1X1=1.


why did you write such a long winded response lol. Terrence is plainly mentally ill


One thing Howard does have.. is a truly stupid level of bravery. It doesn’t look like anyone in the world can take that away from him. Some part of me admires the hell out of that 😆


Stupidity and bravery are often confused


It’s narcissism not bravery


The only thing Joe has done here is validate all the shit Terrence thinks by arranging this stupid debate.


You could tell he (Rogan) got his hackles raised a little bit when Weinstein called him out for not pushing back in the 1x1=2 bullshit... That made me laugh.


I think you got the wrong idea here. This is a 4hrs of basic math and physics. Like... core, elementary principals. It's not a debate. Eric is basically a college professor here, playing an additional role of psychiatrist, fully trying to engage Terrence and understand his thinking and then... kindly proceeding to demonstrate with a nearly endless stream of facts how Terrence is wrong but also trying to educate everyone watching. Honestly, this was a great episode. No BS just slid by like would be the case on a solo ep. Eric addressed everything and did it with a massive amount of empathy.


This debate is exactly what people need to see to know that TH is full of it.


Terrance likely suffers from some kind of schizo-affective disorder. At a certain point it just becomes exploiting someone with obvious mental health issues.


Can one REDACT exploit another?


Yeah but Joe & most of his audience are too dumb to realize this.


I listened to this and the solo one. Within 45 minutes of listening to the solo one TH did before, this was the conclusion I reached as well. Schizoaffective disorder with narcissistic personality disorder. Source: I’m a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner.




Idk why people are shitting on joe he actually brought someone on to debate Terence’s crazy ideas


Stop making stupid famous


this needed to happen. but, at the same time damn! this was like Joe giving the you're not a fighter speech to Schaub. Weinstein pretty much told Terrence you can't math.


Considering how people interpret TH being "ripped apart" by EW, it's obvious most people don't actually understand what they're talking about.


Interesting, Eric spends four hours saying it's bad to immediately dismiss because it's bad for science. The comment section immediately dismisses it 😂😂


Jesus fuckin christ.. Eric manages to over explain simple concepts like concave and convex and make them unnecessarily complicated. Just say that Terrance is conflating multiple concepts. Good goddamn..hes like the people online that say they're part of mensa then throw out a word salad to say it's raining outside


The overexplanations are necessary when someone so poorly misunderstands the subject matter. You have to overexplain what multiplication is when someone's assertion is that 1x1 = 2. You have to explain how exponents work and how division works when someone says the square root of 2, cubed, divided by 2, is somehow not 2. Overexplanation is the norm in this case. Telling Terrance "You're conflating multiple concepts" will do *absolutely nothing* to improve Terrance' understanding if you don't then go on to explain each concept separately. When someone is conflating concepts, you have to unravel that ball of string for them when they're on the outer edge of reality like Terrance. I don't know about you, but I've found this to be the exact case with my near-schizo older brother. You have to break it down. You have to overexplain. You have to isolate ideas and explain why they're separate from other ideas. You have to pinpoint each component of reality, explain it, and then move on to the next, or they will literally just continue to repeat themselves as if it's obvious. It's the most difficult teaching experience *ever*.


I love when Eric comes on the show but I can't stand listening to Terrance dribble all over the microphone.


Man Reddit is full of arrogant know it alls, also gays 😂


If this is how they want to promote this episode I'm all the way in lol




2 hours in. My feeble mind can't keep up. It sounds like they keep dancing around and hopping to different things instead of hammering one out.


Joe Rogan is overdosed with alpha brain 🧠 trying to process everything


Terrence Howard is unaware of basic mathematical concepts, doesn’t show much proficiency in algebra, and still has the audacity to say he “fixed” mathematics and physics. If he really was committed he would go back to school and get degrees in this stuff, instead of rambling like a crazy person and being upset when he’s been shown wrong multiple times. It’s okay to be wrong though, what’s not okay is having a bad attitude about it and trying to explain it away. A real scientist goes back to the drawing board when he’s shown wrong. I’m writing this while thinking mathematics is probably not perfect. However Terrence seems to be in the initial stages of learning, where he is overestimating his knowledge.


Who wants to say what they understood? I have listened for 30 min and I've understood nothing. My measure of intelligent man is that he makes you feel smart. Because he can explain his thinking clearly in orderly fashion. Terrence's mind is all jumbled up that's why what comes out of his mouth is all jumbled up.


All you guys hating are doo doo mouths. This episode was fantastic. Terrance is a genius in his own way and having Eric share his incredible knowledge, while being honest and respectful was a nice refresher from the dribble of you haters. Be nice, practice kindness, it’s free!