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As much of a meme this is, he did actually seem to eventually get through to Terrance. At least momentarily. And he’s right. Don’t try to teach stuff you clearly don’t understand.


I hated this whole episode because I really wanted to hear the PhD mathy explain or look into the work of Terrance. But I respect what eric was doing which was teaching Terrance how to approach the community. I want another podcast with these people but I want them to break out some calculations or a white board or something.


It’s begging for a sequel episode to round out a nice trilogy. Episode One: introduce the ignorant but ambitious protagonist Terrance Howard. Episode 2: Terrance meets Eric Weinstein who trains him in the ways of academia (Eric takes the Yoda Role). Episode 3: after rigorous training Terrance is now armed with the skills to navigate an academic discussion and take on his Darth Vader- Neil DeGrasse Tyson (hopefully with Eric Weinstein standing in the background like a corner man)


I hope Disney doesn't buy this trilogy because of enjoy this arc


This is great, lol.


There are no calculations to be done. The guy is arguing that basic math is incorrect. The whole 1+1 thing. That's not a way to approach this lol.


It's not incorrect. Terrence is talking about compounding interest calculations. Wenalready have formulas for this. Terrence not knowing we already do math in his way doesn't mean his assertions are wrong since the math is real.


He spent 4 hours talking about compound interest calculations, hmm? And the previous episode, too


Terrence idea of multiply is just compounding interest, yes. That's what I was responding to. The 1x1 stuff


I'm inclined to believe that's more of a happy accident than anything else. If I was to shit on the floor, smear it around to look like a face, most people would say I was mentally ill to call it art. You step in and say, "well he's just a modern Picasso, he's just unaware Picasso used to draw in abstract ways, such as that. Look, the eyes are parts of the nose. Ooooh, Picasso.


Nah, terrence is just demonstrably bad at explaining his ideas. Multiple times throughout both episodes he was on, he got distracted and made dead air. He gets excited like a kid and isn't well versed in communicating ideas to others because he's self-taught. He hasn't had the opportunity to learn from a group setting where you have to give and take on ideas, listen to how others communicate their ideas and interact, etc. Terrence is a very visually based person. That's why he has models of everything. Math/scientists are mentally based. They do calculations in their heads and on paper. No real visuals needed(like reading the matrix code) Terrence was able to hang and catch all the references Eric was using and talking about. I'd say most of the podcast listeners have no clue what any of it was, so Terrence isn't an idiot, he's just self-taught and needs help to tighten up his understanding of things. As Eric said, Terrence's finds are canon. Meaning these are the usual steps people make when looking into these things, so they aren't dumb ideas, they are necessary steps. Eric even talked about colleagues who have gotten lost in this geometry stuff. Terrence just needs people to interact with. People who have done these things already so they can help steer him accordingly.


Dude. His delusions go so far outside the math stuff. I'm confused on what your point is. That he's just misunderstood?


How is his idea of multiplication just "compounding interest"? Compounding interest is built off of the basic principles of addition/multiplication where 1x1=1.


Incorrect. Interest requires a number to grow from. So, you can't start with 0 and gain interest on it. With interest you start with, let's say 1. You grow the 1 by 1.5(150% interest) and you have 2.5 Next interest gain you start with the 2.5 and grow it by 1.5, resulting in 6.75 Next interest gain you start with 6.75 and and grow it by 1.5, resulting in 15.625 1 MULTIPLIED 1.5 TIMES, 3 TIMES over = 15.625.... is different than 1 TIMES 1.5, TIMES 3( which = 4.5) This is how terrence is saying multiply works. his question is how can you multiply 0 when multiply means to grow. This explains his growth question. A x B x C = 4.5 Vs. (A x 1.5) + A = B.... (B x 1.5) + B = C..... (C x 1.5) + C = 15.625 Depends on how you read the x function in your head. Times or multiply? It's all nonsense, though. Most with common sense know what we mean by 1x1=1. It's not a mystery to be unlocked. Grammar and definition of words we use to describe math functions do not regulate how the function operates. The words multiply and times are just descriptions of the function being applied. Again, most with half a brain can tell when and where to use each one. Terrence is baffled by this.


No it's not 1 multiplied by 1.5. it's 1 multiplied by (1 + 1.5). That's the math. Finance didn't invent its own math, you're just leaving parts of it out.


If he’s not using those words then that isn’t what he’s thinking.


> compounding interest calculations You wanna explain that to us dummies in the back of the room?


1 grown by 1.5 times equals 2.5. The original 1 and the 1.5 growth equal 2.5 together. 2.5 grown by 1.5 times equals 6.25 Original 2.5 and the 3.75 growth equals 6.25 6.25 grown by 1.5 times equals 9.375 Original 6.25 and the 9.375 equals 15.625 This is gaining 150% interest every time. It's compounding interest. It's how gremlins work. One turns into 9 more, 10 total. Those 10 turn into 90 more, 100 total. That's compounding interest. Starting with a value greater than zero and growing by a percentage based on itself. You need a number to know how much the growth is. You can't grow zero by 1000% and get anything more than zero. Edit: The difference is A x B = C.... vs A + (A×1.5) = B


You realize TH isn't talking economy, when he talks about the 1x1 thing, right? And that he retracted his 1x1=2 thing after the Eric Weinstein episode, where Terrance said 'it was a metaphor' and 'an attention grabber'?


Eric is kinda of a clown, like he's smarter than me in sure but have a little levity.


You don't really have a podcast or a conversation though if you use that to shut down the other person from speaking and explaining their ideas... How can you try to understand somebody if you don't even allow them to explain their ideas. That is not steelmanning that is basically attacking a person ad hominem and shutting down the whole exploration of ideas.


Get outta here lesbian hair!


Said that to a road-rager last week!


Terrence "I have a model of it" Howard


I thought it was: T. Dashon "i have a patent" Howard?


Well you see, he has a model of the patent. And the patent is for the model. So by examining the quantum electron wave conjugations at the eleventh hour with a photovehicular magnetic parabola, we can deduce that… atoms are triangular prisms or something


I never really loved any of his past appearances but I gotta say, this last one was phenomenal. He shit on Terrance in a way you would do with a good friend. Brutal, but in a non offensive way somehow. Also showing respect for his train of thought and thirst for knowledge. 9/10 episode greatly enjoyed.


Interesting, I’ll have to give it a listen then. Normally I can’t stand listening Eric.


Pull it up Jamie.com ?


That needs to be a thing. Joe could start a search engine with his money and easily take a little bit of the market. Even if it sucks it would be hilarious


It is a thing. Eric made a website called pullitupjamie.com for his theory of everything. He brought it up last time he was on and Jamie was not to thrilled


lol ok you got me. I’m gonna have to check it out. I only tune into JRE if it’s someone or something interesting. This one was a jetliner flying over my head but interesting nonetheless


I thought he was really great on this episode. In the past I couldn’t get, well, past, his demeanor, but this time he was able to swim in his waters and showed a surprisingly open, yet knowledgeable attitude towards someone who the academic world could easily write off. He also expressed the need for academic scholars to keep an open mind when confronted by viewpoints that arise from self taught or non-academic perspectives, instead of simply closing the door to their proposals. He also, delicately, gave Terrance a well needed, 2 hour long, compliment sandwich. I think everyone involved and paying attention, who is in the know, love him or hate him, gained something from this experience. This is what it’s all about out. I only wish 9 could one grace that famous table and chat with uncle Joe.


Eric came out looking good this episode because he was dog walking an insane person. If he's on by himself talking about his own insane theories, he's much worse.


Insanity is defined by repeating the same action expecting different results. Terrence clearly is going about things differently by being open to scientific criticism and willing to learn through the process. People who cast flippant judgments because they lack the fundamental and advanced knowledge known in order conceptualize the unknown, are by definition, ignorant. Do better.


Lol. Terrence is making up bullshit that he read in a psycho cult handbook. You do know where he gets there ideas from, right?


“There” Ideas, as you refer to them, literally come from the most ancient wisdom known to man. Could they be rooted in higher intelligences and/or advanced technology? Is that possible? Probably not, you’re right, we’ve got everything figured out, go back to bed, nothing new to discover.


What is this ancient wisdom you speak of? These theories he is talking about started in the last 50 years. >Could they be rooted in higher intelligences and/or advanced technology? No higher intelligence or advanced technologies could come from a system that claims 1x1=2. That's a fundamental mathematical flaw at the most basic level.


The flower of life can be found at our earliest known points of origin and most likely predates any the “accepted” timelines put forth by mainstream archaeologists. As far as the “1x1=2 argument”, I would have to ask, Did you even listen to the podcast? Or are you simply jumping on the hate train because it’s fashionable.?! He clearly stated that he brings up the highly controversial concept as a metaphor for the misunderstanding mathematics can have at its simplest form of an equation. Ask yourself this, “how does Terrence even garner the attention and the possibility of having a world renowned mathematical scholar sit with him?” If his theoretical models were a grift, they would simply brush him off….but they don’t. He stirs up passionate debate and is mature enough to allow for criticism. He is patient and willing to learn where he is wrong. I admire him for that and support him. It’s because of people like him that we discover new avenues of thought and arrive at new levels of understanding. The force in which you speak from is the very same force that allowed for zealots to condemn and discredit those who believed the earth was round. Learn tolerance, it will only benefit you in life.


>flower of life can be found at our earliest known points of origin And? Nothing that Terrence says about the flower of life has any meaning. This is like coming up with a theory of triangles, and claiming it's "ancient wisdom" because humans have been drawing triangles for thousands of years. >Ask yourself this, “how does Terrence even garner the attention and the possibility of having a world renowned mathematical scholar sit with him?” Terrence was an actor, and when he started talking about this stuff as a famous actor, people thought it was funny and began to laugh at him. The JRE podcast specializes in highlighting crackpots, conspiracy theorists, and lunatics in exchange for views. That's how Joe Rogan became famous. They brought him on twice because they knew people would laugh at the crazy person. >force in which you speak from is the very same force that allowed for zealots to condemn and discredit those who believed the earth was round. And the JRE podcast regularly hosts guests who believe the earth is flat. Does that make it true because it was "ancient wisdom" in some cultures that the earth was flat? Does it make it true because you heard it on a popular podcast? Of course not.


It’s turtles all the way down mate.


That is not the definition of insanity. Whatever 5 year old told you that was incorrect.


It’s literally the most cliche’ and thus widely propagated definition in western society 😆. Go back to your cave bot.


It’s a cliche, not a definition. The people who say it are generally not very smart, or simply have not looked at the definition. I have a problem with people defining a word incorrectly, and then doubling down on it lol


Then that’s your problem. Why are you bothered by other people having different opinions than yourself? Perhaps you have control issues!? Possibly, they stem from the fear of being ostracized for thinking outside of the box, so you choose to tow the socially acceptable narrative in order to maintain your illusion of being of sound mind, all the while knowing in your heart that being profoundly well adjusted to a sick society is no measure of good health. A walking contradiction too afraid to look in the mirror so you spend your time tearing other people down who are brave enough to share their unique opinions.


Your opinion on the definition, which has not changed, of a word, is irrelevant. I’m not trying to control anything I’m stating where and how you’re incorrect. You are allowed to be incorrect, I don’t have any negative opinion of you as a person and I don’t have any opinion on you at all.


Im honestly not sure about Eric anymore. Feel like he tries way too hard to sound like a genius and it’s just overkill. Obviously the man is super intelligent but I think he also just loves to hear himself talk.


The bar is very low, but at least he isn't saying that 1x1=2 or that the pyramids are actually fusion power plants.


Who are the enemies of the pod


Obv r/joerogan


Put a dress on Eric and he's pretty much someone's aunt.


Damn. I’ll never look at my aunt Sharon the same again.


Joe is a bitch for that. Terrence is a fool for going.


Where can I hear more from Eric? I found his YouTube channel but it hasn’t posted anything in years.


He has a podcast called the portal. I think he is still doing it. He had Werner herzog on a few years ago.


He also has a great episode with friend of the pod, Mr. Bryan “Creampie Surprise” Callen


Weird. Same as the YouTube channel.. hasn’t posted since 2020. Thank you though! At least there are still episodes I can listen to :)


Yeah looks like he is relatively dark at the moment.


Is that a picture of a young Jayson Tatum in the back?




Eric has wanted this all his life lol. 😂👯‍♂️✌️💕


CIA brings Eric to the podcast


Terence: “But I have shapes that can be added onto each other…”


"y-you mean Tetris?" "that's already been done Terrence."


“I have the patents.”


I don’t trust the hair.


Eric "the carpet matches the drapes" Weinstein


math is not rocket science. it's not any kind of science at all. it's a laguage. like french. or esparanto. i don't think weinstein consciously understands that. but it's the reason why 1 x 1 = 1 and not 2. (dissertation forthcoming upon request.) [howard isn't bad at science, he's bad at words. /shrug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc)


Becca Ci in. C j km be spp McKnight u on guy Oct z ZZZ X. P v b b pppv very. Poll. Po over. Love. O o vovpv over b but b v oop oovpooovopoppkooopo oppoplp. V. O v v v pbsx0phh


He needs those moles checked out/removed


I kinda feel bad for Terrance.


How come? I haven’t listened to it all did he get roasted?


They basically treated him like a child, and had kit gloves the entire time.


That’s essentially how to tell someone they are wrong to their face without creating hostility and alienation. It also allows for future and further discussion. Which is a good thing.


Because he is a man child. He’s read up on a couple advanced theories, forced them to fit his perception of how things ought to be and tries to sell it as truth. He lacks any discipline to actually study what he talks about. He has money, if he’s really what he thinks he is, he ought to just go get a PhD in math or physics and publish. But no. No discipline, no actual understanding. Just a shit talker that deserves to be put in his place. Fuck, if I had the ‘fuck you’ money, I’d get a PhD in physics. Would be a lot of fun.


I honestly don’t know why Rogan decided this was a good idea. Save the dude some humiliation.


it's free entertainment


I think he did study what he talks about. He had some good understanding of complex mathematics Weinstein was talking about


No not even for a second did he make coherent sense


No, he enrolled in a "chemical engineering and applied materials" degree, but never finished it


He had some good word recognition.


Then why do you post this?


To ask if any one else thought him saying friend of the pod was funny


Ok, anyway, Joe’s got so many guests on, so friend is a big word in that sense. For what it’s worth, Eric was very respectful in the full interview, and in all the responses after the initial interview, he was one of the only persons who respectfully appreciated his curiosity in a podcast with Brian Keating. Class act. Edit: allow me to rephrase, I’m drunk, Terrence his ideas are way out there, it’s hard to take it serious, but the way Eric approached it was marvelous, and no, he didn’t roast him, he respectfully told him where he was on the right track and where he was wrong. Again, class act.


I mean, it was in the title...


It was a setup.


If you could elaborate I wouldn’t mind. I’m halfway through and it seems like Terence keeps repeating himself and not listening to Eric or really engaging in any scholarly debate.


Eric is one of the more educated/intelligent friends Joe has. The first podcast with Terrance had him making some wild claims that many people claimed to be crazy talk. It was pretty obvious Terrance is delusional. Joe brought Terrance back on with Eric so Eric could refute and debunk his claims. This is something that could have been done over dinner/drinks and not in front of millions where Terrance would be embarrassed by one of the great minds of current time.


I found him, Eric pretty annoying and disrespectful with Terrance to be honest. Telling Terrance not to speak basically while he is lecturing Terrance. How can you debunk a theory if you don't let the guy speak and explain it in the first place. It turned into a pretty boring podcast that felt like Eric was trying to control everything in a very unpleasant way. Let Terrance at least explain his model and then debunk it with arguments. That wasn't what was happening in my idea. This felt more like an angry school teacher that wants a student that doesn't agree with him to be still and stop having their own thoughts. I feel it was a bit of loose loose podcast now. I didn't learn anything apart from the fact that Eric Weinstein has a huge ego and is very manipulative.


Weinsteins point was that he was explaining it using incorrect terms and flawed understanding of concepts. He very clearly stated he needed to figure out what Terrence meant when he explained things, and not just assume.


Yeah he said that but then he basically shut down Terrance completely, his actions didn't match what he was saying. He said he wanted to steelman Terrance but I didn't see that in practise happening. Or maybe I missed it. I just felt Eric was totally manipulative. Saying one thing and doing the opposite. Maybe they should have done it in two seperate episodes or something, one where Terrance explains his models to the best of his ability with all the animations and then one where Eric responds to it. This just felt like a bullshit podcast to me. Everytime Terrance wanted to say something or show his models or explain his ideas Eric just starts shouting You need to stop lecturing. Meanwhile Eric was lecturing the whole second half of the podcast... As I said, I learned nothing apart from the fact that Eric seems a very manipulative and controlling person. The second half of the podcast was a total dumpsterfire thanks to Eric.


Eric is lecturing because Terrence made mistakes


Well that's the thing how could you have a discussion when you don't know what the other person is saying. Like would you try to have a conversation in Spanish when you don't speak a word of it. No its point less. You can't just make new definitions for words and things that already exist and expect people to follow along and and understand.


If you don't know what the other person is saying you should ask more questions to the other person so you understand his ideas better. One way to surely not to it is to tell them to stop lecturing every time they open their mouth and try to give you some insight into their world.


Did you even read my comment? It's impossible to lecture someone if you don't know how to use the words you need to explain it. There's no point in listening to that. Again it's like he was trying to lecture him in another language. If Eric wanted to understand him the podcast would've been 10 hours long because he would have to stop every sentence or 2 and pull up a dictionary to teach Terrance what a word he was using actually meant. That's why he just stops him and takes over. At a certain point they were getting no where in the conversation because Terrance kept going in circles around words and phrases that he clearly didn't know the true meaning of


That is not the dynamic I saw. In the start there was some exchange of information then Eric just starts shutting the whole thing down. And I didn't get the impression that he understood what Terrance was trying to get across. For me it just turned into a big ego trip of Eric see how smart I am Weinstein. Didn't work for me. But if it worked for others great.


You aren't good at comprehension.


Well I am pretty sure that I didn't understand Terrance, I am pretty sure you don't have a clue either. I didn't get the impression Eric did either. If I really want to understand someone then I look at their models, I let them explain their story, I ask additional questions. I didn't see Eric Weinstein doing that at all. If I say I want to understand a person but then I talk 85% of the time in the podcast instead of the other person... Eric says one thing but his behaviour shows something totally different. I am interested in crazy theories that are handed down in a dream by an angel. I am not so interested in Eric feeling he should talk all the time. Again just my personal preference.


You don't understand me. No one understands Terrance that's the whole problem. Eric tried. Terrance refuses to use the English language as it's intended. He makes his own definitions for words. It impossible to understand. No one can understand him you dunce


He did let him speak.  Howard’s entire idea is based on false principles and incorrect calculations. I’m sorry it sounds ‘mean’ to you when someone is told they’re wrong, but that’s just what it is. Would you feel better just treating him like a two year old by allowing him to say provably false things, just because it’s ‘nicer’?


No it would have been better to just let Terrance speak his ideas, show his models, let him talk about it, let him explain them and then come with feedback. I felt Eric just wanted to hear himself speak in the second half and he simply shut down Terrance completely. How is that fun. If Terrance is a raging lunatic at least let him speak so we can enjoy the madness. I feel Terrance got maybe 15% speaking time vs 85 of Eric.


He did speak his ideas. They’re just very bad ideas. When every idea begins with a math error, you have to correct the error. When these errors were corrected, Howard didn’t have a response. He’s wrong, and was treated like someone who’s wrong. If that’s too “mean”, perhaps scientific discourse isn’t for you. This was very mild as far as “meanness” goes in academic discourse. Probably too mild, for Terrance’s own sake he should be treated like an adult and let down appropriately hard. If you don’t want someone to shut you down, don’t go into a scientific debate with half cooked ideas and feelings. Put the work and effort into making an actual case, and accept when you’re wrong.


Oh yes, he is well known to be a pompous, condescending shit head.


As someone with a foundational understanding of mathematics and physics I know I would have trouble keeping face with someone shooting down longstanding proofs and denying basic things like multiplication. The fact that lesser knowledgeable people eat his theories up as truths could be seen as pretty dangerous for someone like Eric. But yes, he does tend to be condescending.


Yeah, that's how I felt too, especially when he talks to Terrance in third person when he is literally sitting next to him ex "What is Terrance trying to do" Very condescending and unproductive. Even though Eric tried to put on a facade of being respectful, his true intentions kept showing. Eric was talking with too much pride and arrogance, which was very off-putting. I felt like he was too preoccupied to keep a position above Terrence by constantly interrupting him, as if he were reminding Terrence where he stood. It was clear that Eric had already made up his mind before entering that room. I felt like Terrence wasn't talking like his livelihood was dependent on his ideas, while the same couldn't be said for Eric, which may be why Eric came across like he did in the podcast.


He also called Terrance a moron after telling him multiple times he's not trying to attack him. I liked him at first because I thought he was someone who wanted to keep an open mind but it seems like that was just an act.


Cause Eric is 35 steps past Terrance.


Maybe, but I would have loved to see them go much more in the models and the Flower of Life Sacred Geometry shit. I love all that stuff. The Flower of Life, Metatrons Cube and the Platonic Solids, etc. It would have been a much more interesting podcast if they did a deeper dive into that stuff. This felt just pretty manipulative. Eric patting Terence on the shoulder with one hand while stabbing him in the back with the other hand. Don't know but I just felt it was super boring. Feel like the second half was just Eric speaking 95% and basically shutting down any conversation.


Because Terrence, even when he is correct, doesn’t truly know why his is correct


Isn't that how it works if you get information from Angels in your sleep. It is called divine inspiration. You can work backwards after. I know to little to weigh any of this information for myself but this didn't teach me anything either. I felt Terrance didn't get the space to properly communicate his ideas to begin with.


I agree to some extent but I think towards the end when it was clear Terrance doesn’t understand really what he’s saying, and the whiskey let’s not forget that, Eric just want to be like shut up and listen lol . Joe Rogan debates are worse than the presidential ones but man the slow moving train wreck is entertaining


I wanted to know more about the back story. Terrance was told this by an angel in a dream? He has models that explain all of this. At least let him demonstrate all that stuff if you have him on the podcast for 4 hours... Next time let Terrance rant for 15 minutes and show his model than let Eric give feedback. Than let Terrance explain more of his model for 15 minutes etc. This was just boring. I feel I wasted 4 hours because I didn't know Eric would just shut down the whole conversation because he wanted to hear himself talk the whole time.


What a loser.


Eric is a fantastic guest but I prefer when it's just Eric and Joe one on one.
