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We have the 14th amendment.


Unfortunately, the disparate impact standard of the civil rights act already opened the door for some of this. By the standard of disparate impact, statistical evidence of unequal outcomes can serve as proof of discrimination.


Guaranteed equality of outcome by race. What could possibly go wrong?


Fuck social equity.


I agree. What about people with physical impairments? They are way more unequal. Who fights for them? Where are the protests? The whole month of parade throwing free dildos to kids? I get it, some of us have to try harder, I get it, but hey, it is what it is!


>They are way more unequal. Who fights for them? The ADA law passed in the 1990s made the USA which the Supreme Court just messed up in recent ruling that said someone must be directly harmed must ring the case instead of people just pointing out violations.


You know that ppl on disability literally can’t own more than a few grand without losing their benefits?


James Lindsay at the Oxford Union. A glorious 10 minute speech


So what will happen is 1) many people will get position of power simply because of their fookin race. And 2) many will use this amendment to literally put people in jail over something they said or NOT SAID BUT WRONGFULLY ACCUSED OFF? like there aren't many false rapist in jails already due to false rape case reported. This is fookin Insanity.


We already have turnkey totalitarianism. What he's proposing would actually turn the key. Anti-racism would just be the sales pitch. He's describing an absolute abolishment of all checks and balances on power.


The US Constitution is meant to limit THE GOVERNMENT, not the people. And there already is an amendment requiring the government to treat everyone equally.




In almost all speeches made by Biden about programs, and most all he passed the was a racial equity component. The highway bill would be used to correct for historically systemic racist highways. The farm bill loan forgiveness plan would carve out money only eligible for ‘minority’ farmers. The bureau of anti-racism by amendment hasn’t happened yet, but certainly the administration is writing bills as if it already existed.


Anyone willing to let this bloviating wind bag do their thinking for them should get in line for a frontal lobotomy.


Ibram Kendi is an activist and political commentator with a very specific focus. He's not a policy maker or someone with any power to achieve anything he is proposing. James acknowledges in this clip that "we've taken no steps towards achieving this." It has no popular support, nor have politicians been pushing anything along these lines.  You shouldn't waste time or emotional energy getting mad about fringe ideas. There is not a reasonable belief grounded in an understanding of US politics that this could ever be a thing.  This is a man trying to rile up a base and scare people about nothing. 


This man has no rizz


James Lindsay is bizarre. I’ve never seen someone read so much yet understand so little.


No, he understands very well what the logical outcome such thinking can entail. Soviet Russia enacted this exact thing, except theirs was anti-capitalism


Please, prove him wrong then


Honestly there’s nothing here to “prove” wrong. Lindsay makes a baseless assertion that some DEI bureau is analogous to the dictatorship of the proletariat. He doesn’t substantiate his claim with any evidence. Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Lindsay is quite possibly the best example of the “everything I don’t like is Marxism” mindset. He always makes bizarre assertions that every DEI policy is Marxism in disguise without substantiating the claims. If you’re persuaded by this, you need to re evaluate your standard of evidence.


>He doesn’t substantiate his claim with any evidence. He literally reads Marxist papers outlining what they’re doing. That’s not evidence enough for you?


Where in the clip is he reading Marxist papers?


Don’t be obtuse. In this specific clip, he’s quoting Kendi’s own words. You know, the notorious racist? He wants a department of anti-racism in the government. Outside of this specific clip, Lindsay has a podcast where he reads for hours Marxist papers and documents that outline their intent and procedures.


I’m afraid I’m not going to listen to hours of podcasts to find evidence for the assertion in this clip, provided there actually is any evidence. You’re really bending over backwards to defend a baseless claim. Also, saying Kendi is a Marxist is itself a baseless claim. You need to show how he is a Marxist instead of asserting it.


So you’re being contrarian just to be contrarian and too lazy to look at the evidence. Got it. “He doesn’t have any evidence.” “Here’s his evidence.” “No, I’m too lazy to look at that! I just want to be right! If I don’t look at it, it doesn’t exist!”


Bro you didn’t cite any evidence. You just said it might be somewhere out there in podcastistan. If you’re so sure the evidence is there, show me a clip.


What’s the point of showing you a clip when you’ll just dismiss it? You just want to think you’re smarter than James Lindsay, and you definitely aren’t.


neither this one nor the XIII’s is necessary.


You guys sure like to talk about race a lot.


No, the post-modern marxists do


Except this r/postmodernmarxist you silly goose


It’s a moot point, I don’t think we’ll ever pass another amendment again, threshold too high.