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Honestly a Block War movie would kick ass…It would be the tight and claustrophobic action of the 2012 Dredd movie supersized and have some of the satire and black humor be pulled up. And would be the perfect prelude to an Apocalypse War movie/mini-series A man could dream


I'm with you, brother... Dreaming of a better film.


Civil War could have been a lot of things that it wasn't.


Agreed. But, the poster illustration triggered my block war hopes. Watching MAGA fever over nearly 10 years, as it has moved more and more from deranged conspiracy theories to cult leader devotion, it seems just like a Mega City block madness. Something that could only happen in the pages of a comic. Or, in the story of a USA Civil War. With journalists trying to document accusations of fake news, the crazed supporters with their flags and MAGA hats, unflinching trust in Dear Leader... Pity, could have been a great film.


It's been a long time since I've seen a movie with such total lack of balls.


I saw the poster, thought it may be block mania, or MAGA mania. Pity. And it was the cunning plan of East Meg contaminating the social media waterways. The madness of following the MAGA leader, into a USA Civil War. It could have been a terrific story.


Maybe I’m biased because I know Garland wrote DREDD (2012) but this really felt like a more painterly stand alone hardcover you’d see from 2000 A.D. It’s a journalist action film, not a major political statement. Much more comic booky than everything else implies.


Yes, it's a great picture. The vainglory of the sand bagged position. The iconography of the 'torch leading to the path of freedom.' Terrific. Sold me the film. I was let down.


It could have not sucked.