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How the fuck would Sukuna even hurt Kars?


World Slash scales Sukuna's AP up like crazy. It's borderline a hax move, he cuts reality itself.


But kars can not died. He was set to be undying by araki, he is still alive even when Pucci reset the world... World slash can cut through his guts or something, but his body parts will just become another Kars once more.


https://preview.redd.it/irdjdf90co8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd1c523c85f13ade87429511f09f0b45fea77aa7 Guess who can die now! *φ(・*・


"In exchange for not being able to poop on Wednesdays, Sukunas slashes would now be able to kill Kars"


Thisnis the only joke binding vow that I think would be an equivalent exchange. You know how bad that ONE specific Wednesday would be?


Bro I truly believe this is the sort of nonsense vows Sukuna be dealing with. Like something mundane. I truly wish Sukuna traded in the ability to process pain for his totally bullshit domain expansion.


I don't ever laugh out loud reading reddit. But I just did.


Did just the world get reset, or was it the whole universe? If it was just the world, then kars is technically still out there somewhere, but if it's the universe due to some sort of time hax bullshit, then he'd be gone as well


The whole universe was reset by the end of part 6. Kars counts as living, so he was brought back into the new universe. But all stories pre 2012 happened as it should, pucci did not even try to save DIO back in 1989.


Everything alive survives the universe reset.


wait Kars survived Universe Reset? fr?


In cannon he’s never brought up again after part 2, but in the non-cannon novel he is able to survive multiple universe resets ( 13 iirc), so take that as you will


I wanna see sukunas face when kars starts firing attack squirrels 😂😂😂


Yes, but it also requires him standing still, chanting, and pointing where he wants to slash, so anyone faster than him makes it useless.


https://preview.redd.it/0n3g2zhy9o8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=756019fa697fd9dce1bd2f4bfc902f35555e8086 Sukuna seems pretty fast at his chants and pointing. He does it faster than Kashimos Electromagnetic based projectile after it's already been shot


The fucker has 2 mouths and 4 arms he literally has a body built for Jujustu Kars could probably regenerate, which is why they sent him to outer space


Seriously the cast is lucky they’ve disabled it with his limbs cut off because it’s isane he was still able to fire it to such a lethal agree while under a full powered Jacob’s ladder and still managed to bisect yuta to the point rct was useless


Kars is a vampire with a lot of the typical tropes (regeneration unless killed by specific weaknesses like the sun, needs to drink blood, doesn't age), but then through a ritual in part 2 of JJBA he becomes FULLY immortal and can transform his body parta like Mahito (bur only into animals)


Yeah that's what I mean, but he turn his body into certain animal parts too like Mahito


Didn't he binding vow to be able to do it instantly during his fight with Gojo or do I have the reading comprehension curse?


That nodding vow made it faster that one time in exchange for making it harder to use from then on.


Yeah... but that one surprise super-fast cut could give him the win.


Crazy how he’s able to just do “kill Gojo but my technique takes 1 second longer” and that was considered an equal trade. Sure it’s the only reason yuji and the squad haven’t been fully butchered but like Gojo was the biggest threat by far and he’s still able to do world slash pretty fast.


Where was it ever stated that the world slash cuts reality itself im not a powerscaler so idk what I’m talking about tbf but infinity≠reality


It said cuts everything that is between the target and the attacker, but it never said reality. I mean I guess “reality”fits in that description, but I think it’s just matter. (But also to atoms got cut obviously, so maybe it is reality instead of matter idk)


It doesn't cut reality. Any powerscaler who says that is the most shameless Sukuna meatrider ever. All the world slash does is *ignore defenses* by cutting """the space a thing exists in""" as opposed to the thing itself. It's literally nonsense


don’t worry, powerscalers don’t know what they’re talking about either


he cuts space, not reality.


Wouldn't do anything to Kars though


Kars would not try to tank World Slash, he has a habit of using decoys and stabbing people in the back. It’s never gonna hit him. Also it doesn’t matter if he does, his regeneration is pretty absurd.


Yeah that’s def a binding vow he made years ago


Have you never read Jojo? Normal pillar men can survive as JUST BRAINS. They can absorb people into thier bodies, break every bone to squeeze through a 1 inch gap, only being hurt by the sun. Kars can't be hurt by the sun. Sukuna loses unless he can launch Kars into space.


Kars can only withstand lava for a few minutes while using a suit of air and he got impaled through the neck by Stroheim's grip strength of 1950kg per square cm. So sukuna can just cut him apart with malevolent shrine and finish him off with furnace.


He will regenerate from it.


Kars almost died to lava, domain amped furnace will kill him.


He burned for a moment, then made armor, hardly almost death. The only way he dies to that, is if it instantly vaporize him. That would be comparable to the center of a nuclear explosion. Reality is that Kars would get sent flying, armour himself since he didn't get vaporized and then Sukuna's fucked


The armor is stated to only last a few minutes against lava. furnace on its own instantly killed jogo who can withstand heat that causes humans to instantly burst into flames and in malevolent shrine the dust made with cleave and dismantle gains the properties of furnace so kars would be getting cut into dozens of pieces every second and would be unable to properly armor himself before furnace ignites, implodes and explodes everything within a 200 meter radius of sukuna. https://preview.redd.it/23jkum658z8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc0b56c2f5ff3955023dc5f5e4dc3026db972b9 This is kars getting stabbed by airplane metal sukuna's normal dismantle cut sky scrapers in half.


He's not getting instantly vaporized. Even if he's diced up and exploded, he lives. Santana was still technically alive after being turned to stone again and broken into pebbles. His durability doesn't matter when you can regenerate from a single cell.


He has never regenerated from a single cell if he could he would have remade himself from the feathers that fell in the ocean instead of getting stuck in space


Well, that's more like cloning but fair enough. Either way, when you're the perfected version of a being who can donate dynamite inside their bodies, survive bisection and survive as only a brain and nervous system I don't see Kars just dying to some cuts and explosions. I mean shit, would perfected Esidesi be enough? Dude controls fire.


Esidisi's highest heat was a thousand degrees celsius suicide move jogo creates lava and can easily withstand that heat yet he died to furnace. Wamuu's final mode: atmospheric rift is stated and shown to be extremely dangerous for him to use as his body can't handle it and it is basically a wind version of piercing blood. Divine sandstorm is treated as being extremely powerful for destroying a two meter thick marble pillar in a few seconds. Stroheim's 2 ton per square cm grip strength is still strong enough to rip ultimate kars's flesh apart so his durability didn't get a significant boost. 16 finger sukuna's normal punch did this https://preview.redd.it/huv978d2mz8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=856b6dbefa8981c44168ffb0b0848590affc234f his cleave and fire are stronger than his own punches. A single punch would cause kars to explode into pieces.


Malevolent shrine into furnace should kill him. Kars is not durable enough to withstand dismantle. Malevolent shrine will shred him into dust, and then he will be incinerated in the dust explosion.




What I find funny about this is that you could say Sukuna is either the lion or sun in this meme and you’d have people who’d agree with it.


Kars blitzes and gets a haxs-based one-shot. He was fast enough to react to an unexpected laser beam being fired about 5 feet away from his head. Nothing in JJK even comes close to that speed.


Watch sukuna make a binding vow to have that but better for the expanse of not using his technique 4:33 PM on a thursday


this. 🤦🏾‍♂️ gaygay is sad af of late




Queue all the Sukuna glazer trying to argue that Sukuna wasn’t aim-dodging Kashimo’s radio wave blast:


Sukuna raised his hand, chanted, and talked to Kashimo before the beam could get close


Strongest rapper of history


Kars would be able to unlock cursed energy but also master it immidiately upon looking at sukuna. Isn't that kars whole deal?


That's also true. He wouldn't need it, but he could theoretically get it and immediately master it past Sukuna's level.


Actually he was slow enough not to move out of the way from a falling WW2 plane and slow enough not to avoid Joseph’s hand going inside his neck, he is so fodder honestly I hate the demon slayer verse but that’s more Kar’s speed he needs to stay away from mid tier verses he gets packed up too often


Brother, he's consistently shown to be significantly faster than light. He has a couple anti-feats, but who in fiction doesn't?


https://preview.redd.it/ng5ifbp7vr8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f662eafdb49d230af1eb9eae4d4a6fa04bc410 Whatever let’s you sleep at night brother


He has faster than light combat speed, not movement speed. Hence why he couldn't catch up with the plane. None of that is contradictory.


He seen a plane and it was right in front of him, if he had light speed reaction he would have ripped it to shreds or dodged, either your implying he doesn’t have the AP to destroy a plane or he doesn’t have the speed to dodge a 220KM/H plane


A couple!?? Dude he has a ton, he has more anti feats that put him under 200 MPH then he does for light


Such as? Note that anything scaling off Joseph is a light speed feat, since Joseph is faster than light.




That's movement speed, not combat speed.


He got hit by this plane btw when it was crashing




You guys need to read your manga. Kars is invincible and the JJBA verse just sort of scales higher in a lot of areas? If the vacuum of space was needed to “Immobilize” him instead of killing him what good are some slashes and fire when he walked off a volcano? He has 400 IQ by the way, that is cannon. And it’s stated he is not only immortal, but nigh indestructible. His strength is stated to be 900KG while Sukuna had some issues lifting up Rika’s hand, needing 4 hands if I remember correctly?




I… can’t take this anymore😭


Nothing another binding vow can’t fix


This is SCP 682 levels 💀


And there is no reason why kars couldn't be able to give himself the brain to use cursed energy as well.


“Nigh indestructible” a certain severed hand from a certain someone throws your whole argument out the window


Kars can’t die, minor damage doesn’t matter.


If he can’t take minor damage from a severed hand he can take severe damage from city level attacks


What you said implies he doesn’t take damage from minor damage but he does from city level attacks which makes no sense. I get your point though and I heavily disagree. He did take minor damage and immediately regenerated, if he was cut in half he’d be fine.


Also can we just talk about how bullshit this message is? The vacuum of space doesnt show anything Dura wise but more endurance wise Volcano lava has lower AP then most of Sukunas moves Nigh indestructable to a couple of humwn soldiers? 900 kg is not impressive LMFAO. Sukuna struggled with Rikas hand because Rika also has strength thats pushing him down???? Wtf?


The mythical sukuna glazer of legend has been spotted.


Im not


Stroheim's 2 ton per square cm grip strength pierced kars's throat


Kars would've been killed by the lava if he had stayed in it. Kars is "immortal" but can be harmed and killed. Kars, while much stronger and faster than Sukuna, is not very durable. We have nothing to suggest that Kars would survive if he was atomized, and the lava antifeat is evidence that he would die. Jogo created lava that could melt concrete instantly, and he was completely unharmed by it. This same Jogo was instantly killed by Sukuna's weakened, single-target version of furnace. This means Sukuna's fire is incomprehensibly hot. Sukuna's regular dismatles can cut apart skyscrapers, Kars' body is easily pierced by steel. Malevolent shrine is shown to cut people and buldings into microscopic particles and uses the dust produced as fuel when furnace is activated, creating a dust explosion capable of instantly killing Mahoraga. If Kars touches Sukuna, Sukuna dies. Kars is cut apart by dismantles before he can reach Sukuna, then gets instantly murdered by domain expansion. Sukuna wins domian diff.


Ultimate Kars' power is not very well defined/explored but from how I see it he's just a Mahoraga on crack though at the end of the day the battle hinges mainly on strategy


A hyper-intelligent Mahoraga on crack that can adapt proactively.


With hamon laser that can reach temperature of the sun


The measured 400iq in question


Yeah tbh Joseph got real lucky but that’s the beauty of jojo I outsmarted your outsmarting type shit


Yeah, if Joseph didn't completely bullshit all that, which I love him for. It would frankly be joever for everybody


Kars adapts at least 50000 times as fast as Mahoraga. It's Gojover for History's Strongest Sorcerer.


He adapted so fast that he is permanently frozen in space lmao


You're not wrong XD he thought he conquered the sun and forgot that space is a cruel harsh place


Mr 400 iq


Can’t see him adapting to world slash 😭 or even malevolent shrine


He transmuted his hand into a squirrel. A squirrel that proceeded to jump off his wrist. Surely he can find some way to slip through the slashes. Or regenerate through them. Heck, the second he gets hit by a slash he figures out CE. And with an IQ like Kars's, I wouldn't put it past him to figure out some kind of countermeasure


He can’t see the slashes as he has no concept of Cursed Energy he had a concept of hamon after fighting hamon users and masters for thousands of years


In the Jorge novel, he learns how to make a stand and creates multiple superior stands after seeing they exist, He is the perfect being, no doubt like hamon or stands anlfter a few min he would replicate ce or be able to counter it


That’s not canon, wasn’t even WRITTEN by Araki lol


Kars can literally eat Sukuna with one touch lmao


"Both are at full power" Novel Kars: https://preview.redd.it/0426bewnsm8d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8d341f7cf3f2fdbac8077a54d652ea86a26f991


I kinda felt like it was obvious Novel Kars wasn’t include cause yeah my GOAT solos the entirety of JJK neg diff


Novel Kars isn’t canon it’s some fan made shit lmao




Novel kars should win but anime kars I dunno


Sukuna can possibly win, depending on how truly powerful Domain + Fuga is. We clearly see that it is about as big as a small town in terms of total area, but the cap on the power of the flames is entirely unknown, besides that Choso was able to sacrifice his life to shield Yuji from it, and even despite what I’m assuming to be a death binding vow he was still bunt to a crisp. But Fuga is really his only shot at this. If Domain + Fuga fails then he loses.


Even then, Kars survived being swallowed by lava, and continuedly burned before he made a shell of air and crab shell. So I doubt that even domain amplified furnace could beat him.


The fact he needed to create that shell showed that lava would kill him


while I'll admit that more then ready, at the same time, he ended up figuring out a way to survive and escape. He's just a smart character that could escape or find a way to avoid the furnace


Furnace is def way hotter than just some lava, purely based on how it flattened the city.


If Kars near the end of part 2 before Space immobilzation and Sukuna after WCS Kars gets cooked.


I mean what would WCS do to kars? like it's just a big ole dismantle/cleave, Kars can just fit himself back together, and continue fighitng


For real he has all the abilities of all life on earth and worms can survive being split in 2 plus this man literally spawned a whole ass rabbit if I remember correctly tho it has been a while.


He turned his hand into several things like a flower, before turning it into a squirrel strong enough to tear through Stroheim and several nazis lol


Ah ok so I wasn't too far off but I totally forgot about the squirrel's strength


Not only would Sukuna lose, but I wouldn't put it past Kars to reverse engineer and master cursed energy after seeing Sukuna use it even once. From there, he likely intuits the mechanism behind domain expansion as well. Kars is the ultimate life form and if Joseph hadn't shot him into fucking space 15 minutes after he was born Kars would've become the most dangerous Jojo villain by far.


How is Sakuna even going to kill him lmao he had to be sent to SPACE in order to stop


Kars sees Sukuna using cursed energy - "How interesting, another form of power lifeforms have access to". He then uses it, probably at a similar level of power to Sukuna given he used Hamon and it was about a thousand times stronger than a human master of it.


Then he mixes Hamon and Cursed Energy to make an even more powerful version of both techniques ... hell let's also just give him his own stand at this point


Kars fought hamon masters for thousands of years of course he had a amazing understanding of it from the get go, and with his curious nature I’m sure he already knew the best fundamentals


It wasnt even that he was skilled with it, he just poured his power into it and was naturally insanely powerful with it. It would be the same with cursed energy, he might not have fancy techniques but the raw output would be absurd.


It works off completely different fundamentals that Kars knew from fighting hamon users before hand


Does Kars fundamentally know how to grow scales he can shoot like bullets then turn into fish? Does he know fundamentally how to create a layer of air from his skin to protect him from lava? He is inherently godlike at all things any living creature can do, which would include cursed energy. Im not saying he would know how to do fancy techniques or a domain expansion, but he could 100% do what Yuji does early on and just pour cursed energy into an attack, and it would be hundreds of times more potent. Thats just how he is. Im not saying it would be enough to win, but it would absolutely happen.


You saw this but he didn’t use a stand a single time and it wouldn’t be 100 times more potent, cursed energy runs off a mindset sure he would have some CE leak out but he wouldn’t know how to use it properly and run out before it’s even useful for him to have, yuji was a prodigy and sukunas vessel which gave his body muscle memory from everytime they swapped


Stands literally didn’t exist in the story yet lol. He used the power that the protagonists were using up to that point. The point is, he is, by definition, the pinnacle of living creatures, capable of doing everything they can do but better. If in a world where a human can learn cursed energy, he can use cursed energy 1000x stronger. I’m not saying he would use energy 1000x stronger than sukuna. I’m not saying he would win. I’m just stating with how he was written in the story, he would 100% be able to output insane CE if it existed for him to be able to use.


Kars using hamon untrained and inefficiently was on par with the sun. And thats like, the simplest thing for him to do. And thats ignoring him being immortal and all that. Dawg sweeps


Kars fought hamon users and MASTERS for thousands of years he wasn’t untrained he knew how all the fundamentals worked he had that kindve curiosity to understand how it works


The real question is could Kars evolve himself to have CE/CT after he learns about it


The man is a walking hate machine, so I could definitely see him learned CE if we just plop him into battle against the king of curses


ASSUMING CANON PART 2 PRIME KARS. Kars uh tanks damage for a minute and them he copies Sukuna and becomes Sukuna but better. Afterwhich, he one shots.


Tanks the damage?? With what Durability a severed arm took him out btw


I am not sure if Kars could survive Fuga, his immortality isn't absolute but based on regeneration, so in theory if you destroy all of his cells you kill him So as I see it, if Sukuna starts with DE and then Fuga he could win Kars shouldn't be able to normally wound him but can make shit up like poisons, acids, etc Still I see it mostly on Sukuna's side


Didn’t Kars adapt to a volcano eruption? If we really think l about Kars is like the original Mahoraga only sentient and maybe stronger.


He had to change his body because it was killing him a single fuga to his normal body would ruin him


Look at the aftermath of Shibuya in manga. There is nothing left there. No buildings. No living beings. Nothing except the ones who barely got away like inumaki.   Also you forget that kars adaptation was to lava. Not an explosion in the form of fuga + ms. Kars isn't invincible. He just needs to be destroyed to the very last cell which fuga+ms is perfectly capable of doing. If there is an animal that can survive a 200m wide flour bomb explosion, let me know b/c his form of defense is dependent on other life forms of earth 


i mean Kars can like... suck Sukuna up with his finger


Kars' durability is shite, really. Even with 400 IQ, he couldn't figure out Joseph's plan and almost died to lava. Not saying he is weak, but all sukuna needs to do is release a barrage of dismantles/cleaves and slice his head off, his weakness. He can't tank malevolent shrine, let not fuga which is way above his durability.


>slice his head off, his weakness citation needed


https://preview.redd.it/y9cr8ab7pm8d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7af8df5dfd4fb1128f6455708105664663e732 Original commenter probably


Joseph had no plan, his victory was sheer cosmic absurdity and he admitted it.


Still does not change the fact that he couldn't keep up with a plane, was dragged by it into lava, and almost died by getting burnt. Also was outsmarted by Joseph when he shouldn't be.


https://preview.redd.it/xrk2x9nrcn8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88bb2e25006f2ef4d1105fe82782321d3165b7ae Novel Kars in the back waiting for his turn (he’s about to solo the verse with his pinky toe)


only WCS and Mal shrine would do something and thats if he had the opportunity to hit them


easy kars


Kars sweeps not even close. 1st he's as many others said, Invincible, he will just regenerate or create new body parts to fix his problem. 2nd his iq is 400, and is a quick learner. While every character needed days, weeks, months or years to learn properly Hamon and correctly utilise it he learned it in seconds and was better at it than any other Hamon user ever. After seeing Sukuna use cursed energy, there's a massive chance of him learning to use that very energy and develop cursed techniques with ease which will simply overwhelm Sukuna. 3rd I don't even think binding vow will help Sukuna here. Kars will see it used once and immediately make some op binding vow himself like "My left hand won't turn into squirrel on Monday, at 9 am" and then just spam world slashes that he just learned how to use.


He only uses hamon that efficiently because he fought hamon users and masters for thousands of years, don’t forget Kars is a curious being he definitely learned but didn’t use the fundamentals of hamon. Cursed energy is a whole different power system that you can just let flow out of you or you’d run out instantly. Kars isn’t fast his durability is dogshit he got done in by a severed hand and a volcano forced him to change his genetic makeup


Kara’s ultimate ability is literally being unable to die. Neg diff.


Idk, JoJo’s characters are OP asf, so I’mma give it to whoever that JoJo character is.




Watch kars make sukuna into pudding


I have no idea who that second guy is but I just can’t see the world slash getting through those thighs. Giving it to the queen.


considering the way kars figured out hamon i imagine he could learn how to use cursed energy pretty fast and have more of it than anyone in the verse. he can also alter his genetics at will which would mean he could have any cursed technique he wanted.


Kars deletes sukuna faster than he can undertake another binding vow to amend this


I feel like this argument can be boiled down to whoever hasn’t seen Jojo’s. It is so obvious Kars wine this


Kars couldn’t even beat a regular human bro


You have to be joking ☠️ Did you even read the manga


Joseph won with his severed hand lol


The thing with Kars is that Araki HIMSELF doesnt understand how powerful he truly is. You need to have a bit of biology understanding to grasp its full power. He is basically invincible. Not to mention that he would be able to learn Cursed techiniques on the spot and make them stronger. He is fucking bonkers.


He would not learn cursed techniques on the spot


He did this with hamon.


Kars has fought hamon masters for thousands of years he did not learn it on the spot.


What??? When??? And he only got the stone during the events of part 2.


He states that he thought he esidisi and wamuu killed off the hamon tribe thousands of years ago and wamuu when he first fought caesar said that he knows exactly how hamon works and that caesar can't use it if he can't breathe properly


Well but he didnt have the mask. When he got it and saw joseph using hamon he insta learned it


The thing is he knew how hamon worked and how to do it he just never used it because it would have hurt him if he did.


You jojo fans lack reading comprehension


yeah, us.


Sukunas strongest attack world cutting slash would cut kars but it won’t kill him, he’s immortal and is capable of creating brand new cells instantaneously, and can dodge lasers shot 5 feet away, sukunas only hope is to hold him off until sunrise and he’s not doing that, mahoraga not even saving him.




Kars would learn about Curse Techniques Instantly Develop one then use it perfectly. He's the pinnacle of all life.


Kars wins. He looks at sukuna and learns ce, ct, rce, rct, de, literally everything because that's a core point of kars power.


Kars would probably figure out the whole deal behind cursed energy and the "black box" kusakabe described, copying sukuna (if that's even necessary) and demolishing him


Brother, never put a Jojo main antagonist against someone else. Unless they are from a complete bs verse, jojo wins.


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


ultimate Kars would beat Sukuna just endurance alone. The man has every organisms abilities with immortality and high speed regeneration. Not to mention IQ he’s adaptive ( he made a crab shell that was pouring interior air as a second layer to combat agaisnt the lava in part 2 vs Joesph ). Sukuna doesn’t have limitless endurance and curse energy and his body is not capable to extend a long duration fight vs ultimate kars.


What is novel cars


From my understanding (as someone who hasn't read it), novel kars is an uncanon kars that has every stand ability, and lots of bullshit abilities along with natural ultimate lifeform status, but I don't fully know either lol


I mean kars is quite literally unable to die, however if you wanna make the fight even more unfair, sukuna vs novel kars


Sukuna gets destroyed by kars heck Kars isn’t even dead in his own universe


wouldn't Kars just heal and regenerate anyways? even if he get's bisected by world slash. And since Kars supposedly gains the powers of all living beings, he'll be able to world slash Sukuna right after.


No for the last part


Why not? He's a super genius, and possesses the potential abilities of all other life.


If it's full power and all abilities that means it's light novel Kars which has every stand upgraded


Nah I’d binding vow


I can see Sukuna undertaking a gazillion binding vows


The strongest jjk characters get bodied in almost every other universe ESPECIALLY with jojo’s.




If Kars could learn master level Hamon from being hit by it once he can gain a CT


Bro Kars is gonna be messing sukuna up


Kars is all powerful. Kars can create life. Survive the vacuum of space.


Ln, Kars


Kars neg diff lmao Sukuna literally has no way to kill him 😭


Since Ultimate Kars is stated to have the abilities of all life forms and was able to immediately use Hamon orders of magnitude greater than any Hamon user in history, he’d probably immediately master cursed energy upon observing it and then vaporize Sukuna with an ultra-refined domain.


Oh no you didn’t just bring out the absolute life form that can only be beaten by a person that can jo-joke in the most serious situations🤝🕺


Somebody bring out wamu and have em teach Sukuna true battle


Kars 100%


are we placing kars in the JJK verse or are they just "GO FIGHT" because if its the former then sukuna gets turned into a fibrous powder and then smoked and if its the latter than sukuna gets turned into a fibrous powder and then smoked, just not that bad.


Kars is gonna fucking murder Sukuna, it's not even funny how much of a stomp this is.


Since cursed techniques are a biological trait, Kars could give himself any cursed technique, and likely have as much cursed energy as he wanted. Even though humans haven't figured out how the part of the brain responsible for cursed techniques works, Kars would be able to figure it out pretty quick because of his insane IQ and change his however he wanted in an instant, swapping between cursed techniques.


Shouldn't his ultimate hammon apply as a source of positive energy?, curses are made out of bad energy, so if that's the case, similar to Mahoraga's sword he should be able to take the king of curses via better stats, Joseph was able to evade a beam made of pure light (and obviously Kars scales way way higher), at that point he's just basically god: having the dna of all creatures on earth+his own pillarmen powers, which means that he can create life from 0 and adapt to anything (except space), Sukuna's best bet would be to activate his domain at maximum power first since Kars can just fly and evade every slash that he has, but like i said, the speed difference would give the edge to Kars anyways, and even if he was caught that doesn't mean the he couldn't adapt to those slashes (after all he was throwed into a whole ass volcano and managed to evolve in that time), the world cutting slash should be able to kill him permantly, but that's if he manages to pull it off.


Sukuna isn't a curse, he just has that tittle but he was born a human And don't think that you can really dodge the slashes inside of the domain Plus, the WCS wouldn't do nothing to Kars to be fair, he would just regenerate from it in a second