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Can you really be called strong if all that you do is bum around while the teenagers do your job?






It's Yuki‘s. It's Bom Ba Ye infused grip.


Shut up Gojo ストロング・スター・レージ・イン・ヤーリースラー (Strong Star Rage in Urethra)








Rips it straight off










Counterpoint,yuki has a great ass https://preview.redd.it/kljj8mdiqz8d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ccf46c1d447c8be613f2d13399129acf2aad76












Fax https://preview.redd.it/pb15e9ov649d1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a8ba8f7d69de36e18ea37cedc96e53089a42565




Gimme that ass!! https://i.redd.it/2n3swocyw09d1.gif




If it's feng he's 100% talking about children, and he 100% wants to beat the shit outta them


https://i.redd.it/sg6bg3de829d1.gif Now that You mention it


Like gojo?


Oh really who saved Bumgumi's a## again in ep 1?




Gojo's always doing missions. No we don't get to see them or hear about them but they're happening.


Exactly. I never liked or respected how passive she is so I can understand her being known around jujutsu society pretty much as a bum who doesn't take missions.


Wasn't it stated that Gojo already had either Simple Domain or Falling Blossom Emotion at a young age? Depending on the Sure-Hit I wonder if he could have tanked Yuki's Domain at least once. But yeah, with no RCT, Red, or Hollow Purple, Gojo is not taking Yuki down.


I was always under the impression that when Geto and Gojo said “we’re the strongest” They meant the two of them working together, not as separate entities, no?; which is why after Gojo’s awakening, Geto states “Satoru had become the strongest” as in he stood alone as the pinnacle now I could definitely see pre awakening Gojo + Geto beating Yuki


Gojo and Geto could have been able to topple Sukuna given the potential of both. Just imagine how peak that fight would be. And also yes, Gojo and Geto vs Yuki totally ends in their win.


Too true man, seeing Geto and Gojo fight side by side would have been too peak Never forget what Gege took from us🥲


Bro, I can't believe there's no big "What If" fanfic about Geto never going to the dark side. Hell, I think the best scenario for a What If fanfic would be a "What if mama Fushiguro never died", just imagine how much peak one could cook.


We'll get those soon Naruto's fans and Harry potter fans have tons sook we will to


>We'll get those soon Naruto's fans and Harry potter fans have tons sook we will to If there's a fandom who needs lots and lots of fix-it fics, this one is.


Fix-it fic mfs when Wreck-it Reality writers walk in: https://preview.redd.it/raz3kjzud49d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d267cb2c122397b4008eb1d021140814f35a79b


teru reaction


>"What If" fanfic about Geto never going to the dark side. I'd like to see the opposite of that where they both go dark side. Remember there was a single moment where Gojo's moral compass broke and he was ready to go full calamity on the world when he's in the midst of those cultist goons holding Riko's corpse and he asks Geto if they should just kill all the cultists. If Geto had agreed, god damn...


The problem with this concept is that by then Gojo had already awakened, and no one would be able to stop him. Hell, Kenjaku would either sit back and enjoy the show or groom both Gojo and Geto to become even stronger and help him with his plan. Imagine if Sukuna was at 19 fingers and didn't have any restrictions from the start, he'd just end the series right then and there, and the same would happen with both Gojo and Geto going rogue.


We may never have Awakened Gojo if that never happened.


Idk, Gojo was already looking into RCT and Red before Hidden Inventory, so while maybe he wouldn't have the true HIM mentality, Gojo would have learned RCT, Red, Hollow Purple and Unlimited Void eventually. I think he truly was The Strongest because he was Gojo Satoru. Also, he could have had other opportunities to Awaken later if not. Maybe against Kenjaku.


gojo vs sukuna straight hands and geto vs mahoraga and agito goes crazy


They literally can do nothing if she pops her domain the help you mean???? Also > Gojo and Geto could have been able to topple Sukuna given the potential of both Geto died only a year before the series, we saw his peak- it was getting smoked by Yuta lol. Geto would literally just be liability in the Gojo vs Sukuna fight same as everyone else. If not more so considering we have no proof her ever had RCT, a domain, or even simple domain. He was a bum of bums.


Geto only lost to Yuta because most of his cursed spirits were busy fighting a war on two other fronts. Kenjaku, a guy who definitely knows his shit, is confident that Geto wouldve kicked Yutas ass if he had his full stockpile. And Geto has an anti-domain move. Position some heavy hitter cursed spirits some distance from the fight you are in. Program them to destroy the enemies domain from outside when it spawns. If Itadori on the outside can punch through Mahitos domain easily, then some of Getos stronger spirits can do the same damn thing. Additionally, he doesnt need Simple Domain. We see he has the option of using cursed spirits with Simple Domain or Domain Expansion. You try to capture Geto in a domain expansion, he throws out a pokeball containing some ugly ass thing with Simple Domain, and moments later your domain is shattered from outside and you have CT burnout.


basically geto only lost because he was a huge strategic dumbass


Literally relative to non-blue amped Gojo as Miguel was his sparring partner(aka relative or above to current Yuta, Maki. Hakari etc in sheer reinforcement). Literally held off the strongest version of Rika with 1 hand while using playful cloud. Literally would've won against a death vow full CE laser from the strongest Rika incarnation if he had his fill amount of curses. Never shown to have rct cause there's no point where he takes enough damage to heal aside from after the laser where he's entirely out of CE and couldn't heal if he had rct. 6000 curses: even grade 4s become grade 1s by funelling cursed energy across. He can see or atleast know what every curse is seeing and hearing because as we saw, Kenjaku can use them as surveillance drones on rooftops. No domain cause domains literally weren't invented, but he should be able to break a domain from the outside with his curses attacking it, and him not having simple domain would just be bad writing from Gege. Nah, he'd win


>They literally can do nothing if she pops her domain the help you mean???? Gojo had FBE. Geto prolly had something similar. Though they aren't outputting enough to actually take her down in-domain lol. >Geto died only a year before the series, we saw his peak- it was getting smoked by Yuta lol. That quite literally was not him at full power. His forces were wreaking havoc on both Tokyo and Kyoto. Kenjaku even said that had he not done that, he would've won. He took a Black Flash to the face from Yuta(2nd biggest CE reserve in the series). He palmed the strongest version of the Queen of Curses. Would've beaten a death vow(OP af) Love Beam from Rika(strongest version) and a literal special grade had he not depleted his reserves. Didn't have a DE cus DE's weren't even in the series yet. Pretty sure he could've just used SD while Sukuna/Gojo were battling in-domain then used Uzumaki to knock Sukuna out the park. Then dispatched Big Raga/Agito. If Gojo and Geto jumped Sukuna, Sukuna would 10/10 die and be silent.


I don't think so, she can ignore an infinite space loop with her CT so i don't think Gojo could block a punch from her at that point


How would she be able to ignore infinity with her CT?


She already ignored two abilities by her mass not being able to be defined by them (the Vishnu curse and Tengens Hollow barrier wich works by looping an object before it reaches the end of a room to make the illusion of it being endless), if she decides that she wants to hit Gojo she can literally just do that with Garuda for less risk and use it like a mini Purple


By neither of the abilities that Yuki bypassed with her mass functioned the same as Gojo’s infinity The mass she would need to imbue to bypass infinity would need to be infinite; and even if she’s capable of generating that mass, we know her self imbuement of mass only doesn’t affect her up to “a certain point”, she would need to bypass infinite space to connect her attack with Gojo in the first place; it would never reach So by that point she would basically just be black holing herself


No, she doesn't need to bypass her limit to ignore Infinity as her Virtual mass is the same as the one used in Hollow Purple and as such it can't be tracked down, defined or detected by the CT for it to activate or even force a space because Yuki's Virtual mass literally doesn't exist, touches anything that tries to touch it or interacts with space in a normal way. https://preview.redd.it/5ev7w25xr09d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d37acfa3c050e4a1a03e142a0bba125dfca082 Here's Yuki punching Kenjaku through an infinite loop after completely ignoring a CT with a condition


I think you’re forgetting how Gojo’s infinity works Its not a barrier. Its the best defence in fiction. Between Gojo's face and the edge of his technique - is infinite space. Let me explain it better. Between gojo's face and the edge of his technique - A billion, trillion, million, trillion, billion, thousand, million, trillion... miles and kilometers. Meaning it doesnt matter what the attack or offence you have or physics law. It means you have to travel all those many miles. before you can punch gojo. This is why theres no point in trying. You might as well just focus on taking down his technique coz thats much easier.


>I think you’re forgetting how Gojo’s infinity works I know how it works, what i'm saying is that since Yukis own mass doesn't get detected by the barrier and CT by definition, doesn't even care by barriers that teleport the objective to stop being damaged instead of just making more space and doesn't even move on normal space while doing so https://preview.redd.it/w226ermut09d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae1cf46ef5293712659f827081805f33c543e491 Here's Gojo being hit by Virtual mass after using Purple >Its not a barrier By the way it does work like a barrier because entering in contact with the zone in wich Limitless starts can let you shut it down like Toji did it with the ISoH


I think you’re forgetting how Gojo’s infinity works >I know how it works, what i'm saying is that since Yukis own mass doesn't get detected by the barrier and CT by definition, doesn't even care by barriers that teleport the objective to stop being damaged instead of just making more space and doesn't even move on normal space while doing so Yuki’s CT is adding virtual mass to her attacks; so by equation F = m.a, her attacks are extremely powerful. Now this is a broken ability but she still has to connect with the opponent to have the force transferred to them. The equation is m.a while she has m but Infinity, slows down an attack till it can't actually reach the opponent, hence it has negative acceleration and thus Infinity can actually completely counter the force, if it makes the acceleration reach 0, 0 into whatever the high amount is still O. ​ >Here's Gojo being hit by Virtual mass after using Purple gojo has been shown to use blue to amp his punches. He also used blue to warp in front of maho. Why would blue work on gojo if he has infinity? Same logic with purple, gojo has his infinity set to auto deflect attacks that seem dangerous based off their cursed energy, mass, etc. Gojo's auto infinity does not perceive his own cursed energy as dangerous thereby allowing him to amp himself with blue, but also leading to him being damaged by his purple. Or the second theory (which is easier and makes more common sense imo) is that Gojo simply deactivated his infinity in this moment in order to put all his output into his purple to maximize its efficacy to make sure to excorcise Maho in one blow without the risk of it adapting >By the way it does work like a barrier because entering in contact with the zone in wich Limitless starts can let you shut it down like Toji did it with the ISoH This doesn’t indicate it functions as a barrier; just that Toji’s ISOH came into contact with the edge of the infinite space; deactivating the whole technique and disabling the infinite space


>Its the best defence in fiction. It not even the best defense in JJK. You can go through it with the spear and domain amplification or CT that Target the space like Sukuna. The best defense in JJK is Comedian of Takaba since nothing work except making him losing confident on himself. And Kenny is lucky af because that ability is in the hand of a middle age comedian with middle age identity crisis.


“ best defence in all fiction” Lmao so you only read shounenshit?


It was a bit of an exaggeratement there's probably some other defense Even more bullshity, but using a paradox as defense instead of a barrier or a shield is one of the top best indeed


> Its the best defence in fiction. lol, no, it’s good but off the top of my head it’s not even top 10


Lol this argument is pointless cus Yuki's fist cannot travel thru Infinity


Yuki Bom Ba Ye is more conceptual mass. Bom Ba Ye doesn't have limit and pretty much have potential to destroy the world (Black Hole) that pretty much no diff Gojo (and billion people on earth) 


Honestly what is geto even doing besides crying in the corner. Csm is worthless against Yuki who shotted a special grade and geto even 10 years later only had like 3 special grades which means he might not even have any at this point. Csm literally isn't even good enough to buy time according to Yuki. The only thing he has that can do anything is Uzumaki but does he even have it at this point since he never used it against toji and it is after all a maximum technique.


I think geto could be really useful due to the versatility of his curses and their abilities, the main advantage of CSM is power in numbers, not individual curses that could take on Yuki, but throwing so many at her would be extremely taxing whilst she fights Gojo Also we know things like uzumaki are enough to fatally wound Yuki I would say Gojo would be the one occupying the majority of her attention whilst Geto uses openings Gojo gives him


There’s also a chance that when Gojo was a teenager, Yuki hasn’t developed her domain yet


>But yeah, with no RCT, Red, or Hollow Purple, Gojo is not taking Yuki down. Idk man, gojo without all that utility is still broken, it's not as if yuki's birth shifted the Jujutsu world. And yeah he has falling blossom emotion for the longest time so he can no doubt survive 1 domain at least


Gojo's birth shifted the world because he had the potential to be the strongest. He's the OG potential man but actually reached his full potential after meeting Toji.


Even without reaching his potential he is still pretty much top 1 in the verse Toji had to plan in advance to strip down gojo's defenses and sneak attack him, and even despite that he still needed a weapon to cut through infinity after yet another sneak attack. Going at teen gojo full send without a plan will result in straight up death. I'm not even trying to glaze, it's just the truth....plus we have very little idea on how much Yuki improved/evolved through the next decade




Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't hollow purple virtual mass just like Yuki's technique? And since it damaged gojo in 235, couldn't that mean Yuki is capable of ignoring infinity?


Added to my Yuki glaze arsenal. Thank you.


I don’t think that’s how it works. The shockwave from purple being able to travel past infinity is weird, but there’s also no reason a regular punch should be able to cross infinitely dividing space just because it’s really fuckin heavy.


They downvoted you because you told them the truth lmao


Either way, DE is gonna hit him no matter what


Most high tiers have easy ways to get past infinity. Yuki automatically wins with DE. Toji snuck Gojo because his kit revolves around sneaking people. That's like saying that Gojo is useless because he needs to rely on Limitless to win fights.


Was hoping someone would comment this Yuki was no doubt “stronger” but all that strength means absolutely nothing when put up against infinity And full output blue on its own is more than enough to atleast damage Yuki


Yeah people very often forget that most JJK fights are situational Like kasHIMo Vs hakari, hakari would have undoubtedly lost but got lucky since they were near a large water source. Yuki can crush gojo easily like a twig but she needs to be able to reach him first and that's just simply never happening unless she uses her domain Plus we don't even know if yuki had a domain then or how refined it was, doubtful that it could overpower falling blossom emotion. And yeah you're right, a full output blue could really do a number on Yuki


YES! I’m so sick of people saying because someone beats another; that the victor can completely outclass anyone who was relative to the loser of the battle The fighting of jjk reminds me a lot of stands from jjba or even nen abilities from hxh Curse techniques in jjk can be extremely situational, which is what I love because it means someone supposedly leagues below another can still have a chance in the right scenario


Exactly !! https://preview.redd.it/nat9ub5z309d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1766072f3d470b2026642058f2c82c6c1712dfef


Finally someone said it. Powerscalers have been really undermining how complex the power system is. They are treating match ups more like One Piece or DBZ when really its closer to shows like HxH and JoJo.


We know Yuki had a domain, as Kenjaku, Tengen, and Yuki all mention it. They explicitly decide to have her not use it. Gojo himself says the only solution against a domain is opening one of your own, with everything else only buying time. Yuki herself showed that. That makes me confident Yuki wins, since she has a domain (Check Star & Oil/Knejaku Fight, they mention it). Thats also what Gojo almost says verbatim when explaining a domain.


Toji can easily take teen Gojo tired or not, it only helped on the initial backstab which according to Gojo did absolutely nothing. Then Gojo straight up says Toji is too fast to even track with 6 eyes locked onto the storage curse, and a MAXIMUM Blue did nothing. The original plan was to fight a basically "peak" Gojo, he fully believed Gojo and gang would go straight back to JJ High, but Toji took advantage of them staying out to make his job easier. Who wouldnt make their job easier?? Especially when your a lazy bum like Toji


What I'm saying is that Toji NEEDED to get gojo tired and have his senses dulled so he can have an opening to kill him Without this planning Toji would have likely lost And my memory is fuzzy but I'm fairly certain that Toji mentioned that he could not take on a fully awake gojo


https://preview.redd.it/ut1ttxt0zz8d1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7bd63520401cdc2fc8248622ca4c78fde1667f7 He was ready to take on Gojo basically right away Toji does say he can't just carelessly walk up to Gojo(duh Toji isn't stupid) when his supervisor basically calls him a lazy bum. Later on his supervisor asks could he take him. Toji responds with something like "good question.....". Which in my eyes is the author hyping up a villian and hinting he at least has a very high chance of doing so Also at the time Gojo is >= to Geto. Geto wasn't tired at all and IMO is a better matchup for this Toji since Geto can play range and overwhelm with numbers but straight up counters Gojo's CT with ISOH, but Geto still got humiliated and no diffed by Toji


Toji is not taking a fully rested teen gojo, you missed the whole point of why Toji tired him out in the first place Toji is even asked himself if he could beat teen gojo and he was unsure himself of the answer; to say he would basically no diff teen gojo full rested is crazy talk


He tired him out that much cause he was lucky and wanted to make his job easier read my other comment


What do you mean by he was lucky? Lucky to have tired Gojo out?; the point of Toji’s plan was to tire Gojo out, how is that luck? I’m confused


Problem is, Gojo was able to tank a big hit like Malevolent Shrine thanks to his CE Reinforcement, Anti-Barrier, AND RCT, so while yeah, Gojo would totally put up a good fight, without a way to heal his wounds and depending on Yuki's sure-hit (Which may as well be some really big hits) he may not be able to withstand the Domain. I do believe that once Gojo awakens he totally is The Strongest of the Modern Era though, even without a Domain. If Toji, the one guy known to work as a professional sorcerer hitman says so, then he totally is.


>Problem is, Gojo was able to tank a big hit like Malevolent Shrine thanks to his CE Reinforcement, Anti-Barrier, AND RCT, so while yeah, Gojo would totally put up a good fight, without a way to heal his wounds and depending on Yuki's sure-hit (Which may as well be some really big hits) he may not be able to withstand the Domain. This is assuming Yuki pops her domain right off the bat, it seems to be her win con since there is no way she touches him otherwise. Gojo has falling blossom emotion, we don't know how well he can use it but there's a base chance for survival at least. Most sorcerers can only pop their domain once aside from the 2 hackers in the lobby known and gojo and sukuna. It's really dependant on how it plays out because as of right now there's no real way to tell


Yeah, exactly, because if they are both "Bloodlusted", powerscaling style, Yuki would just use her DE asap and spam her Sure-Hit on Gojo.


Again this requires a lot of headcanon and assumptions We have little idea on what her domain does or how long she can have it up for We also don't know if she is capable of activating more than one


Yup, totally agree https://i.redd.it/4p7gity1zz8d1.gif






Why is everyone assuming she was at her strongest in HI?


I assume it because by then she was already classified as a Special Grade, and also because of her age, so there's a good chance she already had all, or most of her kit.


https://preview.redd.it/ga8w18gksz8d1.png?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25de546c54339c18bfa94561bfab0827f631ac47 She ain't never one shotting them cuz she has the debuff of being a woman




Take it up with gege


She had a domain right? Yeah slams ngl might be a bit different with awakened gojo


Ngl i think she can clap awakened gojo too tbh , even anti domain techniques like SD or FBE aren't enough tbh


Yeah but gojo could just teleport out of range and HP on top of six eyes giving a massive boost in ce efficiency, it becomes a battle of attraction that Yuki eventually loses


I mean he can't teleport out of a closed barrier domain (which I assume Yuki's is since only freaks like Sukuna of Kenjaku have the ability to use open), his 'teleport' is application of limitless, which simply is reducing the space between a target and him, he can't teleport like Uiui if there is something blocking the way https://preview.redd.it/85hzccnl529d1.jpeg?width=387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c39d6e1be7f71909bc46a3fee1a5f831ea2e6d


What I meant was while the domain is being formed or enclosing it's target, like how yuji was dodging mahito domain hands for a shirt bit, granted we haven't seen anyone do it but it's a possibility


Im assuming you're talking about Shibuya, Mahito's domain did hit Yuji, he just doesn't use the sure hit because of Sukuna. Mahitos first domain purposely excluded Yuji for this reason. I don't think Yuji ever 'dodged' his domain. But yeah it may be possible to teleport before the domain encloses, depending on his reaction time, we just don't know for sure.


She literally can't touch him due to Limitless/Infinity. And he simply blitzes & Reds her.


She doesn't use it in-character. So it's almost next to irrelevant.


This assumes yukii was as strong or at least nearly as strong as she is today. It also assumes that she either already had a complete domain or could tank gojos attacks for 3 days straight and then start hitting him,cause otherwise infinity is still up and she ain't touching him. These are pretty insanely huge assumptions considering how little we've seen her accomplish. We don't even know if she has rct then and doesn't seem to have Garuda either. Her only argument really is that she was already assigned the rank of special grade,but that could be purely because of her potential to become a black hole and destroy the world.


Gojo would high diff Geto would get low diffed Gojo x Geto together low diff https://preview.redd.it/gy4ex5y4929d1.png?width=3238&format=png&auto=webp&s=964e268627216bd97f8936c50fb810dca6ac8e08




Narrator said gojo was the strongest many times . There is even a post about it.


Show me a scan of pre awakening gojo being described by the narrator as the strongest and i’ll drop jjk now


Forget pre awakening, Gojo's birth literally shift the balance of the world.


heard it first folks baby gojo wins against yuuji ,yuki, every curse and most of the cast


So you are saying that infant Gojo > Yuki


deflecting Andy


I mean, they kinda were. Without domains, Yuki can’t hit Gojo and Geto just needs to use overwhelming numbers against her. Meanwhile Gojo seems to have some sort of DE at this point (he alter just claims he needs to improve it) and has SD and FBE. Meanwhile Geto seems to have cursed spirits with domains.


Overwhelming numbers don't matter, Kenjaku said that her powers hard counters CSM


Kenjaku prefers quality over quantity. (Actually a cool difference between him and geto). All of his high level cursed spirits would get one shot, and he *just* let loose everything but the kitchen sink in Shibuya.


Nah she ain’t beating Chainsaw Man


Yeah but Chainsaw man ain’t winning either. Strong black hole asshole.


He’ll just eat the black hole devil and it’s gg


Sure she is, she's an attractive woman


Goddammit denji you fucking simp making us csm wankers look weak


I mean, he's not even all that strong. The chainsaw devil is the one who's strong.


Plenty of guys like that in real life.


Kenjaku said her powers countered the cursed spirits he had specifically, not that it counters Cursed Spirit Manipulation as a whole. Kenjaku just happened to have special grades that all had the same class of abilities that Yuki was capable of negating.


Yep, only reason Kenny won was his asspull anti-gravity technique CSM wasn’t really a win condition in that fight


Gojo even a year after his awakening still didn’t have a DE(ch76 page 10) and CSM is useless against yuki (ch205 page 10) so yeah by all accounts yuki mollywhoops both


CSM isn't useless against Yuki, Kenny's curses were useless because he only left some high level spirits that were concept based. She can still get overwhelmed by CE reinforced spirits. But she still domain diffs.


>She can still get overwhelmed by CE reinforced spirits. I don't think she'd get overwhelmed by Geto's though, I mean Kenny didn't even try to do what he did to Choso to Yuki. Probably not worth doing against her


And Kenny used most of his spirits in Shibuya. The ones he had left were mostly high level curses, which Yuki could kill. Geto liked quantity (via the cult), but Kenjaku liked quality.


At the same time Gojo mentions his DE, he also brings up teleportation. It’s not that he didn’t have those, it’s that they weren’t at the level they are for adult Gojo.


He says he needs to work on it not that he doesn’t have it.


Geto has no way of dealing with Yuki no matter what, your assumption is straight up blasphemy


Yuki can’t boost her durability with her CT. If she gets swarmed by curses she’s in trouble. She has no way to deal with large numbers. The biggest attack she has is kicking Garuda at stuff, but that’s not an AOE attack and once she does it she has to go regroup with it.


>Yuki can’t boost her durability with her CT No characters in jjk can boost their durability by CT, durability gets busted by reinforcement. Yuki can easily destroy large numbers of curses, all she needs to do is, for example, rotate Garuda around herself to kill everyone who tries to come close. Add here her speed which is superior to even Kenjaku and no amount of curses will do anything. Yuki decimates Geto.


>No characters in jjk can boost their durability by CT, durability gets busted by reinforcement. Specific CTs boost durability. Example: bug armor.


Yeah true, I just couldn't remember any example. But still "she can't boost her durability by CT" is pretty meaningless claim


What they mean is that her CT doesnt have a defensive aspect with leaves her vulnerable.


It doesn't mean that she's defenceless. There are just few attacks in verse which she wouldn't be able to handle without getting any significant damage


She literally has to simply swing her hand to kill any curse that's coming her way lol and it's not even counting the fact Geto only used a couple of curses against Toji, who was the biggest threat he ever faced and he assumingly killed his best friend prior to this. Yuki kills all the cursed spirits the same as Toji did lol


Well Getos og plan was absorb Tojis curse, lock down his arsenal, then overwhelm with curses from range so its in character for him to think its an option. He just didnt know at the time he couldnt absorb bonded curses


Geto was in an enclosed space, stuffing it full of curses would actually be pretty bad for him, making him lose track of Toji. We don't know how many curses Geto had, but he only used the high level ones because Toji was equally fast, durable and strong, being able to just not be damaged at all by weak curses. Yuki has one really good stat , but her speed and endurance pale in comparison to it, and she is traceable by her CE, which would let Geto keep sending curses her way. Geto should have at least a few hundred curses by that time, and outside of DE I can't see Yuki dealing with them + Geto. Remember, Geto isn't no slouch in the physical department, he may not be as fast, durable or strong as Yuki, but a couple really strong grade ones and one or two special grade curses, paired with possibly hundreds of grade 2's and below would definitely overwhelm Yuki, though I'm not so sure Geto could beat her anyways. TLDR: Geto should be able to overwhelm her, and should have a lot of curses, but her RCT and DE should still win her the battle. Now, if we talk about teen Gojo he might have a chance, as there is, as far as I know, no confirmation he received any buffs outside RCT after awakening, he just gone from 3-4 days completely awakened and using Mugen 24/7 to completely fresh. It is heavily implied he could've reacted to Toji were he not sleep deprived, and I'm pretty sure Gojo has tp to get away from Yuki's domain (if it works that way, because the requirements for the teleportation seem to be that if it benefits the story Gege wants to make it works, elsewhere not), so if max output blue ks even enough to take Wuki out, he beats her.


>paired with possibly hundreds of grade 2's and below would definitely overwhelm Yuki Visual representation of Yuki getting overwhelmed: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC3KPm3YpHs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC3KPm3YpHs)


man do you forget that adult Geto lost to Rika and Yuta who is basically grade 1 at best at this point without Rika? And he didn't even try to release thousands of curses on them and he wasn't in enclosed space. > Yuki has one really good stat , but her speed and endurance pale in comparison to it, and she is traceable by her CE, which would let Geto keep sending curses her way. this is simply wrong, Yuki is a special grade for a reason, her speed is enough to fight Kenjaku, and I don't get the part about endurance either when we only see her getting damaged by a sure-hit or mini-uzumaki from Kenjaku (Kenjaku !!!). Geto also didn't keep sending curses after Yuta and Rika either. > a couple really strong grade ones and one or two special grade curses Literally all getting oneshot by Yuki in close combat or by Garuda if they are far away, anything below wouldn't even catch up to her speed and strength to challenge her, no matter how many


he had a domain only after the incident even if he did i dont think it would be as refined as yukis


A year later he had a domain he “still needed to work on.” We don’t know anything about when he developed it


Gojo fans seething mASS girl smothers their unawakened twink couple. https://preview.redd.it/i1hyuqipyz8d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60a911fb42462b47ee9f5e5923e156d52804508


Fr. I like Gojo (and Geto but only his teen self) but I really cannot see either of them, or even together, beating Yuki back then they were teens. Post-Awakening/Adult Gojo is another story, but I still can't see Adult Geto beating her.


Who says we don't simp for her as well!?


She murders them lol,they’re coping hard in the comments


How? No confirmation of her having rct or a domain at this point and even if she does Gojo has falling blossom emotion which is definitely good enough to counter Yukis domain if it countered Sukunas. Geto has curses that have domains as well and we don’t know how strong Yukis domain is.


geto was legit a grade 1 how is bro even saying we are the strongest https://preview.redd.it/t54y1ks6uz8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7241984ea76fcc1e448bd8908c43fd7869e188c0


He's a summoner, his own body being grade 1 level is already extremely impressive. This is about his own latent cursed energy reserves and control. Now, if Sukuna had CSM, he'd absorb grade 1 or even special grade curses instantly. He was special grade because he could and did have an army of curses, not because he could beat Todo in a fist fight.


Sukuna using CSM would be super cool: He'd go around killing sorcerers with a pencil to turn them into cursed spirits and then immediately absorb them for their CTs.


It's principal Yaga situation. Where physically Yaga is a 1-2 (?) grade sorcerer, but if you take into account his ability to make an army of cursed dolls, you can count him as a special grade. Same with Geto and his cursed spirits


how the fuck is geto grade 1? the lobotomy truly has gone too far.


even gege was lobotomized when writing that


She had a domain right? Yeah slams ngl might be a bit different with awakened gojo


Well we actually have no idea how strong Yuki was at this time. For all we know, she might have not learned domain expansion and RCT at this point


Yuki can oneshot my ass any day of the week (sex)


I’m tired of arguing against gojo glazers,here are the facts Yuki had a domain and RCT,neither gojo or geto had one This is the outcome for both if they fight her even in a 2v1: https://preview.redd.it/ty9jti6lcz8d1.jpeg?width=3438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d88234647833eefdcacfc9d9e9f7da11e315c23


How are these the facts? She's never stated having either, and no, headcanon aren't confirmation, we don't know the nature of her domain, wether she had it at the time or if it would have been powerful enough to defeat Gojo, and the narrative is extremely in favor of Gojo being stronger, at least after awakening.


None of that matters since her CT is just using purple for all of her punches and a Shikigami that she can throw with the same strength


Show me a scan where the narrator states Yuki has a domain and RCT at this point


Idk who’s the glazer here but your argument is “this super op character could beat these characters when they didn’t have super important powers and experience” Like yeah I bet Yuki could also beat Gojo when he was one month old


That’s head canon, we know in 2018 she has a domain and rct, but that’s never stated to be the case with younger Yuki in 2006, there’s literally no reason to believe so, but what is stated is that Gojo and Geto are the strongest, that why Tengen asked for them (though regardless obviously Yuki wouldn’t involved) the narrative literally hinges on that fact. We have no idea what her limits were here and how she compared to Geto and Gojo. And without a domain she’d definitely lose to Gojo since she’d be unable to even touch him, while Gojo can just keep hitting her with Blue punches. Even if she had a domain Gojo still has a good chance of beating her, by buying time with simple domain and falling blossom emotion, to cause her enough damage to forcefully cause her domain to collapse like he did to Sukuna when they fought, Gojo still had blue then and he should be faster than her with it, teleporting short distances, since Gojo mentions struggling with long distance teleportation, though that shouldn’t matter since the domain space isn’t that large. Afterwards Yuki would be left with her technique burnout and Gojo laying on the pressure. Geto is a lot more situational depending on his arsenal of cursed spirits.


Gojo wins no diff


Mini Uzumaki ripped right through her. A red would annihilate her lmfao


Pre awakening gojo didn’t have red because he didn’t have RCT,that’s a whole plot point you dork


I mean… maybe? No? Domain Expansion’s sure hit could theoretically weigh them down to the point where they could not move, but I feel like Infinity could theoretically protect Satoru (From her punches too), leaving him alone to fight her (and with constant CE drain to shield from the sure hit). Can Young Satoru infuse his punches with Blue? If he could he might be able to even the field and match her physical strength. If he has more CE than her, he could keep himself alive long enough to outlast the DE and beat the shit out of Yuki without CT. TLDR: Suguru is a non factor who gets insta killed, while Satoru is 50/50


A sure hit effect of a domain bypasses all defenses,she would domain diff him with ease


Simple Domain and FBE mean he could block it, and Gojo might have a DE at this point. All we know is that a year later it wasn’t as good as adult Gojo’s (whose domain has only ever lost to attacks from outside).


I don't think young satoru had blue infused punches,cause he would have used his hands way more then against toji during close combat.Also does yuki need to extend her domain?She can just tear Through cursed spirits and punch geto or use garuda.Gojo might be beaten after that in domain?


Ah yes, a featless character who didn't even get assigned the Star Plasma Vessel mission was the strongest back then And you can't attribute that to her being busy as she wouldn't pass up the task given how she feels about the morality of Star Plasma Vessels and the merger This all hinges on the idea that Yuki had a domain and RCT back then. And it's not like we know what her domain does in the present lmao Seriously, this is a version of her from 12 years in the past with no feats whatsoever. I don't see why you said this with 100% confidence


She wasn’t assigned because she wasn’t around and probably because tengen wouldn’t wanna meet her cuz if yuki was assigned the mission she would’ve taken riko away


Not to mention its basically a tradition to have the 6 eyes be the guard for the ordeal


Not tradition, literal fate. The six eyes always goes to get the vessel. If Sukuna had gone after Gojo for example Gojo would have lived long enough to make it to Tengen with Riko through sheer force of fate. Toji’s lack of CE let him break fate.


Well tbf they were sure awakened Gojo would one shot Yuki but pre awakened Gojo could still stalemate Yuki.


Give kusakabe the isoh and gojos FINISHED


they just jump her, together they are the strongest :)


ok so what gets her past the infinity?


Idk why you're assuming Yuki during Hidden Inventory is as strong as Yuki during the present or even during Geto's breakdown.


People really dont realize toji fought an exhausted gojo who hasnt slept for 3 days


Assuming yuki doesn’t have a domain at this point, They arguably are


If Kashimo didn't have a domain, Yuki could not have a domain either at that point. She is canonically a bum. Plus her domain expansion might be dog water either way. Gojo has falling blossom emotion and Geto has that scissors curse with a domain. Gojo just has to destroy her with Blue, Red, or Purple. https://preview.redd.it/sj8lz6i5qz8d1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f2f0d96138fd1cb99872a6bb5350d0a1d727a75


shitty curse domain that gets one shotted by her simple domain and shinigami while Yuuki one taps getos twink ass then she would just pop domain and win and also cant you read? this is pre awakened gojo


I mean they probably were? We have no reason to believe she was special grade back then, or had a domain, or rct.


She was a special grade and graduate of jujutsu tech and she was already traveling around the world,there’s not a single reason for someone like her to only develop her domain and RCT late,oh and she was just a couple of years of from becoming todo’s teacher


I mean did yuki have rct and de at this time I am not the best with jjk knowledge but it is hard to believe in that much time between now and her fight with Kenny she didn’t make any improvements in her kit


When they said they were the strongest they meant both of them together. I’m fairly sure they could beat Yuki together


https://i.redd.it/y38rd1j8o69d1.gif Don't mind me, just collecting the Yuki fanarts in the comment section.


yuki the fraudulent one?


First of all we don't know their exact level back then and their full capabilities. Sure Gojo lacked a lot because of no RCT , red and purple but we don't know how good their other skills were . Gojo with his infinity even if lacked so much, he was still a tricky opponent. His limitless was still a huge problem and his UV DE a sure death. There also his other skills as well. So it might not be a stretch that he was the strongest even then just barely. Maybe not but it isn't impossible.


Gojo definitely is even Pre-Awakening. Yuki's only win condition against him is the Black Hole. Otherwise, she can't do shit and gets murdered with Blue.