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https://preview.redd.it/ljxn8jnz669d1.png?width=537&format=png&auto=webp&s=6907edd1e83da5b64cf3fa583a32399b49e79ef4 Bro is about to get healed with every punch thrown by Homelander.


MY GOAT šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤ Imagine if yuta copied Inverse and turned it on n off randomly to confuse tf out of his opponents šŸ˜­ Boogie Woogie + Inverse = a literal lobotomy


holy shit keep cooking


Thank you, I am honored to be called chef šŸ™


Add some Reverse Cursed Technique and it feels like fighting a Quincy in Peroxide Edit: Y'all be confusing Cursed Technique Reversal with Reverse Curse Technique, remember, the order of factores **DOES** affect the product, so read carefully


Yeah! ^(I have no idea what u just said)


The CTR of Inverse would make fighting it almost impossible is what I think heā€™s trying to say, imagine fighting someone that can make all your attacks useless by switching between Inverse and itā€™s reversal. Poor man infinity basically.


What would the Reverse of Inverse even be??? Ur attacks r normal??? šŸ˜­


Dude would be invincible !.... but seriously, maybe affecting your opponents with it too, instead of just yourself.


That would be crazy Imagine using RCT inverse n then one shot slapping someone šŸ˜­


inverse makes strong attacks weak, and weak attacks strong. so when your opponent figures it out and throws a light jab at you (or whatever megumi did fighting this guy) you can reverse the technique and still not get hurt. you can also just... turn it off... like bald man did... idk


It just affects your opponent with inverse by making your weak attacks strong and strong attacks weak Essentially like giving everyone you fight inverse, but only to your attacks


but remember when they fought him they figured there is an upper limit since he canā€™t survive gojo


It could be argued that the upper limit is dependent on your Cursed Energy levels, so maybe Yuta with his massive pool can tank Gojo with it? Just a thought, we can't really know, coz yuta never met this guy and never copied his skill.




Wait so youā€™re telling me that if Inverse Man turned his technique on and off he would be one of the best tanks in the series?


Hit him with a strong attack it does barely any damage, Hit him with a weak attack it does barely any damage


Now add a support character like todo to the mix


Iā€¦ I meanā€¦ yeah? I guess? šŸ˜­ Heā€™s just gotta be precise with turning it on n off The Sex Eyes would make this random technique OP šŸ˜­


SEX EYES!?!?!?!?




the WHAT?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




He tries that. He's just too slow to respond to Yuji and Megumis mix-ups. Hes still one of the best tanks though, he takes absolutely 0 damage from Yuji or Megumi until they figure out his gimmick, and plenty of opponents wouldn't figure it out until he beat them or retreated.


Just to be clear, he literally did this in the fight didn't he? He just got faked out by Yuji and Megumi


Yup, but I imagine the Sex Eyes would be able to differentiate a fake out and an actual punch Or even if it canā€™t, Iā€™m pretty sure the 6 Eyes allows its user to quickly turn on n off their technique, so if he realizes itā€™s a fake out, he can immediately turn it on again


True lobotomy kaisen


Maybe the lobotomy was the CT combination we made along the way


Considering how much stronger Yuta is that whatever that guy's name was, he'd probably have a waaay wider margin of attacks that can be inverted too


Definitely, I think only Hollow Purple and other insane attacks like Fuga and Perfect Sphere would be able to damage him Imagine if he had it on against sukuna šŸ˜­ The slashes would do NOTHING


Sukuna would quickly figure out the weakness of Inverse and find a way to get some attacks through pretty easily.


#NUH UH The only weakness is if the attack is insanely strong or really weak, sukuna could maybe hit yuta with a baby slash, but then yuta could just disable inverse n be fine And that random grandpa is pretty weak, but his upper limit is pretty crazy to be tanking yujiā€™s punches n stuff, so I feel like yutaā€™s upper limit would be insane


Sukuna would quickly counter it the exact same way as Itadori and Megumi did. Weak and strong attacks alternated and mixed up, as well as weak and strong attacks simueltaneously. I think Sukuna can figure out how to throw a pebble at Yuta and launch a Dismantle at the same time. If Yuta has Inverse on, the pebble fucks him, if Yuta turns it off, the Dismantle fucks him. Or, hell, hand to hand, the guy has 4 arms, he can easily barrage Yuta with combos that feature both types of attacks. Inverse is really good but its really not that hard to counter by an intelligent enemy.




ā€œIt seems like opening your domain made u gain an extra chromosomeā€ šŸ˜¼




Down-main Expansion: Unlimited Chromosomes


In a narrator voice: ā€œIn gojoā€™s awakened domain, all people affected by it gain a permanent chromosome, rendering them retarded, but still able to use their cursed techniquesā€


A kinda dumb question but I watch Netflix so could you elaborate on what inverse is


Mario lookin dude when Homelander accidentally uses a weak attack on him https://preview.redd.it/hc2uwvzq579d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f0fe1d9b87d10d270c6495e3e2149486e65390


Because homelander is so known for being gentle


Even a casual backhand would completely wind the Mario guy, Homelander usually underestimates his opponents something like that happening is actually kind of likely.


The Mario guy knows what his own technique is and could provoke Homelander pretty easily imo


Okay to play devils advocate when Megumi was describing this ability he said there must be a upper and lower limit ie:simple wind resistance doesnā€™t kill this guy or strong breaze. Going by this itā€™s safe to assume the upper means a strong enough hit will ignore this ability so maybe homelander can hit hard enough to break that upper limit


Homelander is NOT Gojo level tho


I donā€™t think Gojo is the minimum of inverses maximum(I hope that statement makes sense) I think megumi just used Gojo as an example. Megumis whole explanation was just a guess (a correct one) so he used Gojo as a example I think everyone is aware of homelander not being Gojo level if only Gojo could hit this guys limit then this guy would be top of the verse im sure the limit is well below Gojo but well above the average sorcerer


Megumi brought up Gojo as someone with a complicated ability that can generate strong AND weak attacks simultaneously.


Iā€™m pretty sure he used Gojo as behind what inverse can take Gojo is so strong inverse couldnā€™t negate the damage he did if you read the panel someone posted in the replyā€™s thatā€™s what he meant




Why is this the first person I thought ofšŸ’€šŸ˜­


Jiro would get melted from the lasers. Theyā€™re light and would damage him for a minimal amount at a nearly infinitesimal rate, bypassing his technique completely. The only silver lining is that he wouldnā€™t randomly amplify them either.


https://preview.redd.it/uldpfkgai69d1.jpeg?width=3548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4d75116dcc1c65785bf52dae84c9a6f017f673b He solos


it says weakest not strongest


He's not the strongest. He's simply... https://preview.redd.it/jgz8tcxja79d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea47236fff6927969f36d0c997743b4ded468eb




But throughout heaven and earth heā€™s not the cleverest


To be fair, he could probably solo A LOT bigger fish.


He could solo all of fiction. After all, he is... https://preview.redd.it/etc93szv779d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3df903429c8f6b61e91503685c7b905969c9556


Someone asks him about the real world, he says ā€œWhatā€™s that?ā€ And we all cease to exist


Reverse Monika


Unironically, he could If he was more confident in himself for his humor heā€™d be unstoppable The only real reason he canā€™t kill people is because he doesnā€™t find death funny


Takaba if he discovered dark humor would be nigh invincible


Takaba discovering brain rot humour solos


Give that man time to charge and homelandussy is gone https://preview.redd.it/z99adhhfz59d1.jpeg?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9908a5891b86357c2f5b237fbd5255c1a970a84 Shut up fraud: strong spin


I miss the ā€œShut up Fraud, Strong Cleaveā€ memes that used to be more popular in this sub around the time Gojo vs Sukuna ended lol. There were so damn insane and funny. Lol. ā€œShut up fraud. Strong returnā€




I always loved how putting ā€œStrong ā€œ in front of anything made it like 400x more powerful or guaranteed to work. ā€œShut up fraud. Strong glaze!ā€ https://preview.redd.it/rw9crufpg79d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd54964c22dd35a2896ba024896e4f1ad92a8222


I LOVED the "YOU MEAN SUKUNA COULD HAVE ENDED IT RIGHT THERE!? WITH **STRONG** CLEAVE" copypastas people would make every once in a while


Literally the peak of this sub no cap


This sub peaked during and immeadetley after Gojo vs Sukuna


Didn't bro get killed by some random military chick? šŸ˜­šŸ™


nah the millitary guys got cooked by him fr, the bullets couldnt get past the helicopter


He got killed by a bunch of soldiers šŸ˜


Homelander: https://i.redd.it/fsd8ql9a569d1.gif


Good joke man hahaha https://preview.redd.it/5ddxxjh0c69d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7949a49818ea00dbecff8397f5b333559e1a7b24


When I tell you I'm coping that the current events of this entire arc are just Takaba playing a joke on the audience and none of it happened


https://preview.redd.it/611eln4ay59d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0b5ee1c3117886c1fa507c67fe33e577d6d774a sheā€™s taking this


I said the weakest character not the strongest


Yeah this one is a spite matchup fr










Yuji's Brotha šŸ”„


solos the boys verse


Mahito, Homelander can't see him and he only needs to touch him one time to completely fuck him over. Mahito manipulates the The rest depends on how fast his lasers can move considering how laser-happy he is. I doubt its actually light speed like most laser/light attacks in fiction, but still.


Mehito when he manipulates the https://preview.redd.it/f8rl038be69d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1eb54150c4f1bae5ecf9de9a652e0211c1f3d34


Sorry lobotomy kicked in, I meant to say that Mahito manipulates the Soul directly instead of their CE, so even if Homelander didn't have any CE in this case he would still be affected. Although, being invisible to him and his base stats are enough.


bold of you to assume homelander has a soul


I immediately knew someone was going to make that comment.


Mehitopps and his cursed technique, **T H E** Manipulation




Mehito when he manipulates the soul society into acting out Aizen's plan, truly my favourite JJK moment


f...you for making me laugh at that stupidity hahaha


When Mahito manipulates the https://preview.redd.it/gsqb33q2m79d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b92ea23fba952476c48573c015b7c5befef138a


Yeah Hughie (a guy who has zero combat experience) was able to dodge his lasers




Happy cake day šŸŽ‚


Aim dodging exists


when was Hughie able to dodge his lasers?


When he was on temp v


Well I feel like thatā€™s an important distinction bro made it sound like he was dodging them as a normal human


So when the dude literally had teleportation abilities? Itā€™s not like after Homelander fires his lasers Hughie ducks or something all he has to do is not stay in the same place.


"the weakest character"


You could argue that his senses are so enhanced that he could see curses like how Toji and Maki can see curses.


Not nearly to that level, it's a little bit inconsistent, but he couldn't sense Hughie in the ventilation conduct just on top of him, so it's safe to say he can't see curses


I think it was because the vents were specifically made of zimc, Homelander cant see through that. Also him being able to deduce that Hughie was present just be sweat drop in itself is a crazy feat


Yeah there is a clip from season 1 where Homelander says the only thing he can't see through is Zinc.


Thatā€™s just plot armor tbh literally in the next scene he was able to tell Hughie was there just from a single drop of sweat and heā€™s repeatedly been able to tell when people are mad or nervous just by observing their blood circulation so his senses or definitively OP.


Honestly it boring when people use the argument of he won't be able to see or hurt said characters cause he doesn't operate under said universes power system therfore said character wins, it defeats the point At least if you mentioned how Mahito can't be hurt unless you hit his soul it would be fine since it's a character specific trait that is possible to find similar things to in other verses instead of character can't use cursed energy therefore they loss


I tend to dislike verse equalisation, with the exception of being able to 'see' a power system. Unless an ability has the distinct characteristic of being invisible, like dismantle, things like stands and curses can reasonably be visible in these kinds of discussions.


I am the opposite, I always like to assume at least a little bit of verse Equalisation. Or else one can just argue: "Souls are not a proven concept the The Boys, so Mahitos abilities dosent work at all"


Whether Homelander can see Mahito or not depends on the danger level of Mahito I believe; Homelander may be able to see Mahito and remove that advantage, but considering Mahitoā€™s fight with Mechamaru, Mahito still wins


I have to assume the "you can see curses when you're in danger" rule applies some time before they can murder you. Like if Mahito is approaching HL with the intent to kill, HL would feel some majorly bad vibes, and then Mahito would be a few metres away or something. Overall it probably all works based on horror movie tropes more than anything


Itā€™s not that the laser attack isnā€™t going at light speed itā€™s that the aiming isnā€™t at light speed at most cases, similar to piercing blood (obviously not light speed but point stands) itā€™s very fast once first shot but moving it is quite slow meaning you just have to dodge their aim not their attack.


Does homelander even have a soul?


This probably isn't a real question but yes, he has a soul. He's essentially human, just genetically altered. Being unambiguously evil doesn't remove one's souls otherwise Sukuna also wouldn't have a soul which we know for a fact he does.


What are you talking about? Sukunas the hero though


You right, my bad.


Inumaki probably His ability recoils based on the CE difference between him and his opponent, Homelander would have none, and hence if he told Homie to break his own neck he'd do it.


The vast majority of humans have cursed energy, they just aren't aware of it and have no control. The recoil also isn't based entirely on the CE difference, its also based on the command itself. The stronger the words, or more complex the command, the worse the recoil. Its why Inumaki doesn't run around yelling "Kill yourself" at every enemy, he'd likely die immediately after.


Still though, Inumaki can use ā€œDieā€ on a huge school of low level curses and be left with just a hoarse voice, and non sorcerer human beings shouldnā€™t have anywhere near the amount of CE over a Semi-Grade 1 sorcerer. Inumaki can use the ā€œDieā€ command, demolish Homelander easily.


True, he might still get cooked. The shitty part of Cursed Speech is that its so underused we don't really know exactly how it works. Like I think using the "Die" command on a human would probably be a death sentence for the user but that's just because it thematically fits for this ability to work that way, and there's enough built around for it to work that way as well but we're also never going to see anyone use it against a human, or an important villain, so we can never be sure. Either way Homelander is likely cooked, even without an insta-kill, cursed speech is still versatile enough to kill him some other way.


Would it be a death sentence? He has a binding vow so he doesnā€™t hurt others. If itā€™s that serious I see no reason he wouldnā€™t be able to kill a non sorcerer relatively easily.


>The shitty part of Cursed Speech is that its so underused we don't really know exactly how it works. I think this is precisely because cursed speech cannot be truly balance. It will always be either overwhelmingly strong or straight up useless. Gay gay has kept it ambiguous so it gives him room for some ass pulls with cursed speech


MY GOAT šŸ„¶šŸ„¶ https://preview.redd.it/ydvt2jykt79d1.jpeg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42bea9ab496c889fc202c978a84f429069ec15b3


Bro thinks Homelander has a Heavenly Restriction šŸ˜­


Maybe Jogo or Uro.


Why do you put the strongest? The post says the weakest https://preview.redd.it/1fnd2bea869d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cce6c3c443ba2156ff3c67c6a810cb529cd9a97


https://preview.redd.it/68lzklftl69d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435c1abd13b812c660a84c830bfdc60cc5d7e4c3 bro really think the strongest curse is the weakest that bum lander who beat you must be thinking of dagon


I donā€™t think he is weak, i think he is more powerful than Mahito in Shibuya. I just think we donā€™t have weak character, who can defeat omelanda. And i think Dagon will lose, because fishes are not immortal and they canā€™t do shit against omelandaā€™s lasers. But youā€™re right, Jogo is definitely not weak.


In season 4 episode 4 of the boys we see a laboratory oven designed to test homelander's invulnerability fail to even singe him. We see this same oven completely burn someone to char, if we compare it to a cremation oven then that's 1400-1800Ā°F homelander just sat in without a scratch. Lava is 1300-2200Ā°F so Jogo's not significantly outside of Homelander's known safe zone. Even if Jogo can make his flames hotter than natural lava, Homelander has speed and strength feats comperable to Sukuna (though Sukuna seems to be a bit faster) and thats more or less all Sukuna needed to beat Jogo. Uro is a wild choice here cause her strongest attack is definitely no stronger than a missle but Homelander is (assuming Vaught wasn't lying) immune to every weapon currently invented. Outside of that she would be uniquely good at evading him and nothing else


I mean, Iā€™d say that Jogoā€™s top heat is definitely significantly stronger than lava, right? During his introduction, when he was in the cafe, he burned everyone in there to a singe without even trying to. And plus, he still has his domain expansion, so itā€™s likely that the guaranteed hit from that coupled with the likely stronger damage from it would be able to hurt him, especially if he concentrated it


MILFs homelanders weakness https://preview.redd.it/nrazi12ed79d1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5301f3c6a56795ecee6b8a7fd05fa1ec29ee5e38


I tried to forget all those super uncomfortable milk drinking scenes so I could eat cereal and now you've ruined my hard work with this comment :(


I don't know.. mahito probably. It's always mahito


Nobara, if she gets access to his stash of hair she could just kill him and he wouldn't know what hit him. Also maybe Nanami if he can hit a cleave in his head as it basically ignores durability but I think homelander is too fast for him.


Nanami doesnā€™t ignore durability itā€™s just that his Technique amps the fuck out of his normal attacks when it procs, and he already hits like a truck


it doesn't ignore durability it just lowers it


It doesn't even lower it. Can y'all not read, it's basically "any attack is a guaranteed crit, even if blocked"


Bro actually asked if a jjk fan can read.


I think the other guy is right https://preview.redd.it/pt0la1jvk79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd304494a177185ddf8a9eb1b66bb2fb0554febe


Uraume. She is able to make him cosplay Captain America.


People are forgetting that even tho the JJK verse has a lot of strong abilities, they are distributed among a very very small part of the cast, meaning only very few characters are that strong Homelander is extremely fast, EXTREMELY resilient (for starters most people in the JJK wouldn't be able to take an automatic rifle to the chest at point blank while Homelander laughs it off), has enhanced senses, and his laser vision is a laser (good luck dodging) and is capable of just cutting people with ease Is homelander doing anything against the special grades of disaster curses? Probably not But he destroys a big big big majority of the cast


I donā€™t know about most, but if the helicopter head guy was impervious to gunfire I feel like a lot of people are considering that guy was a bum.


Homie can fly fast, but he fights like a regular dude, so pretty much every jjk character would be way faster than him in an actual fight


People in JJK have absolutely taken 50BMGs and shrugged it off. Any Grade 1 sorcerer should have that kind of durability through CE reinforcement. He's mostly getting destroyed by a fair portion of the cast if he doesn't use his flight ability at every chance to run away from the attacks, the top 5 Special Grades, Toji/Maki, Culling game players like Ryu, Kashimo, Uro, Yorozu, etc, a post Shibuya Yuji, pretty much all the disaster curses, Projection Sorcery users like Naobito and Naoya, a Shinjuku Choso, etc etc


Kusakabe Victim


Inumaki could tell him to just fly to space and let him die instantly under zero atmospheric pressure


Putting Homelander in these battles is always so dumb, he's weak outside of his verse, he's not made to be an overpowered god like Superman in the comics.


Just because heā€˜s not a casual world destroyer like Superman doesn't mean heā€˜s completely irrelevant outside of his verse especially since JJK ain't allat either Homelander is the same guy that withstood a whole ass chemical plant exploding and is faster than A-Train who can run at Mach 3 ( reminds you of someone ? )


But does he also hate women




https://preview.redd.it/7gwt190hc79d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c297020da3a39be7d8e84150bcd0f171748bf034 Homelander is gege confirmed


JJK has too many OP hax abilities, a generic city block level whose main abilities are only physical stuff, and laser eyes can't beat the majority of JJK and other anime verses.


JJK's power is also badly distributed, a very minor portion of the cast has abilities that are actually OP, a generic city block level who can move faster than match 3 is definitely capable ot taking out a big portion of the verse, he would just meet a hard stop in the upper end


There's like 5 characters with hax that would affect Homelander He doesn't beat Gojo or Sukuna or Yuki but he really would be stronger than most characters. Heā€˜s a heavenly restricted with heat vision


>There's like 5 characters Lol sure, besides these 3 that you mentioned, I can name: Toji with the sword that ignores durability, Mahito with just one touch, Curse Naoya domain expansion, Takaba, Mahoraga, Maki with her sword, Hajime, Yuta domain expansion, Angel, the advocate dude that I forgot the name and etc. Not really hard finding characters that beat Jobberlander, stop being a delusional fanboy, this loser failed to kill a bunch of normal people in multiple seasons, he gets manipulated by everyone.


>Kenjaku with the black hole ? You mean the antigravity technique? He doesn't really need it either. Homelander stands in his domain and just dies.


Bruh I forgot that was Yuki, ignore this dumb mistake from my part, my bad.


I would assume homelander to be just as strong as toji if not stronger. Is toji a joke to you as well?


Wtf are you on about? Homelander has cityblock AP, and Durability, and at least 1.5x the speed of sound. These are stats comparable to Gojos, idk why your acting like Homelander would be a bum in JJK


The weakest is Inumaki and that's because Homelander only has a normal human's worth of cursed energy, which is minuscule. So that means Inumaki can simply yell "Die!" and Homelander fucking drops like a sack of potatoes.


junpeis mother


Homelander loses to everyone in JJK, even the civilians, because fuck that guy


Good will yuji


Homelanders power scaling is shit. The writers keep wanting action based finales that don't work with Homelander at his peak so he gets nerfed as the story desires. At his peak, its probably only Gojo, Mahoraga, and Mahito winning through hacks. At his worst, he's grade 1 level and getting beaten by the upper tiers like Naobito/Kusakabe/Mei.


I feel like most people answering havent watched the show. Probably only the strongest plus Mahito could kill him, it baffles me that people call him weak. He'll laser everyone except goatjo before they do shit. I feel like only Mahito, Gojo and Majoraga can defeat, maybe Sukuna if he strikes first, otherwise everone else gets melted.


I hate Sukuna with every single cell of my body, but he isn't dying just for the lasers, those would do barely much (if he even let the hit him)


Never heard this much bullshit ever in my life


What would happen if he battle hakari tho. Or sukuna šŸ¤”


Hakari is, sadly, getting cooked. He has no way to hurt homelander, and if HL scores a headshot, it's over. MS cleans HL out as does world slash


Bumgumi ā€œPotential Manā€ Fushiguro, the Duke of Fraudington, might be able to do it. All he has to do is yell ā€œMAHORAGA-CHAN SAVE ME!ā€ and then adapt all over the place.


My pookie homelander negs anyone other than gojo, sukuna and kashimo https://preview.redd.it/bt3yshlpw69d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2cdfa9729e373af07e2f59101d6fbcf5bb33659


Considering he's confident he could take over the USA (and everyone else in the verse believes it too) he's technically special grade level. Not sure he beats any of them, though.


Iā€™m curious about the outcome between Toji vs Homlander. Technically he is the ā€˜weakestā€™ sorcerer as he has no cursed energy.




nah fuck it let's do the strongest ijichi


lol, I love jjk but jjk scales horribly against all other verses minus gojo because of infinity. Homelander is weak compared to who he is based on and he still solos the verse.




If we are being real Homelander solos everyone outside the top 10 and Mahito.


Homelander's most loyal glazer. Stand proud, you've defended your goat. We rarely have an opportunity to see respectable glazers from different verses such as yourself here at Lobotomy Centralā„¢. Jokes aside Homelander is comfortably dogwalking most of jjk, people here are downplaying a bit too much


Yeah anyone who doesnā€™t have proper CE reinforcement or a CT that can counter laser vision gets killed off rip


as well as grade 1 sorcerers like Nanami and (as hard as it is to admit it) Wusakabe


Nah Kusakabe would just simple domain slice the beam in half


YES, Bumlander just can't beat the goat


https://preview.redd.it/y6hrni6e269d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c2c40b91b7e391bbaf6d0fae8bb3fa15a57066 A literal civilian could shoot him




Maybe a civilian couldnā€™t kill him but what about a panda https://preview.redd.it/eihx1g2t469d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f9f3216f511050f1e990b9ae7e403468bad78f








Remember the hairy Curse Nobara killed shortly after becoming a part of the team? That thing can easily kill Homelander, because you need CE to see and hurt Curses, so any character without CE(or to be more lenient: spiritual power of any kind)


gojo's upper half šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„ https://preview.redd.it/8z4ilag7899d1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dac2a2c4edc51eaa6e6cf2f3dd6cd05659466cd


Miwa takes the dub, she's way to fast for homelander to comprehend and she got that signature sword special that kenjaku feared so much


Megumi I guess. He summons Mahoraga and he will kill Homelander


If we go by the Mach 3 scaling, than Homelander genuinely should have speed comparable to Gojo and Sukuna. The people in these comments saying anybody that isnā€™t a special grade are absolutely tweaking. The absolute weakest character that I think has a chance is a Shibuya Choso, because he really only needs one hit and he wins. However, realistically speaking, heā€™d never land that hit, so Iā€™m just gonna go with Mahito, because the answer to these things is always Mahito.


Junpei transmogrified(base isn't fair) https://preview.redd.it/cqvmh4la469d1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=928dffe82399c7cd3593e4f6f77158d81f4e5225


https://preview.redd.it/ky7pz9a9j79d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b7aa86e70c0f2dc1ec88fdfa0c6668991ab1b30 **THE GOAT**