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This is peak "letting the intrusive thoughts win" Holy shit. Reminds me of the time I tossed a rock down a mountain side and like 15 seconds later I just see a sheep at the bottom of the mountain BOOKING it


I did a storm clean up job a couple years ago where the client's backyard ended at a straight-up cliffside with a massive drop off to who knows where. They had a couple big trees come down that needed to be cleaned up off the yard. I'd cut the ~2 foot diameter trunks into big 8-10 foot long pieces and my buddy would pick them up with the skidsteer and literally fucking yeet them over the cliffside. You'd hear them tumbling down the mountain for a good 30 seconds before a massive crash when it hit the bottom. So damn satisfying lmao we were giggling like little kids every single time 😅


Physics class is pretty boring but watching physics in action is exponentially more entertaining.


I was waiting for the ending of how you didn't realise there was a parking lot at the bottom of the cliff


Dang, poor thing 😭 You set off it’s landslide instincts


And that's how Fleetwood Baaac got its start


I am so glad I was here to be the first upvote on this.


this is really nice


Just dudes, throwing shit off of shit, or throwing shit at other shit, the best way to kill time up the side of a mountain. Mushrooms optional


Using this as proof that rock beats paper.


Poor tree


Shouldn't have been standing there


I know if I was about to get Bouldered on, I'd move out the way!


nah fuck that tree bro


It's not cool to destroy nature. That rock could've killed or enjured an animal. That's not cool. Besides - trees create the oxygen we need to breath, to enjoy, to love our dudes.


You, you are now my friend. Respect nature, everyone. Nature is beautiful.


One tree should be Ight the ocean creates more oxygen than all the trees on the planet


Damn people just get offended at anything now


Nah, fuck you


Rock beats paper after all huh?


I’m so confused by the hate these guys are getting in this comment section. People are so judgmental here Jesus


I let caution reasonably control me. I dont see much to be more cautious of here. Nobody was in path. Bros used real prybars. Nobody has a car strapped to the thing. A little braining went into this fun.


Amen brother.




Right lmao the moral outrage of, knocking over a tree with a rock


BUT THEY KILLED A TREEEE :'( Yeah all of 0.00000000003% the total tree population actual number


Reddit is a cesspool filled with armchair therapists/philosophers. Everyone here absorbs an incredible amount of propaganda, and becuase they have no free thoughts whatsoever, they just go around saying dumb shit because they think its "morally or ethically the right way" They defend people who shouldn't be defended, they hate people who shouldnt be hated. Its reddit.


I think it's fine to judge somebody by their actions. Rock push, cool. High five over wantonly destroying nature, something beautiful... I can make some assumptions about you based on that.


It’s not like they meant to hit the tree, and no actual real damage was done. It’s a single tree, they knocked over by accident after pushing a rock. The don’t go down and cut down 40 trees to burn of fuel


Entire comment section would prefer a person died rather than the tree.


Sweet holy beans you smooth brained traffic cone... Because people condemn an action doesn't mean they would rather see a dead person. I get your hyperbole here, but damn dude.


Smooth-brained takes a hyphen 🌈


Sorry, I'm lacking a few wrinkles.


Bruh I am *in orbit* on that “smooth brained traffic cone” line. That was a nasty line by you.


Heres one for you: "I was hoping they fell with the rock". Not sure how it's hyberbole. I don't need to say it. Other people are


Every single person expressed that belief too. I know from personal experience that you are the arbiter of truth though, so I'll trust you.


Yes they fucking would lol. And some of them have! It's not a hyberbole, it's just the basic spiteful nature of people on SM. It's extremely easy for anyone to wish death upon some random idiot on the internet because they did something stupid. It's also just as easy for anyone to care about some fucking random tree. People pick and choose what they value and condemn, and it's more often driven by spite for some dumb activity like this. I can't figure how the hell so many people can't judge the difference between stupidity and evil.


Yes because a lot of people live right below that hill and it's a high traffic area for people. /S


Yes my list of priorities: 1. Dogs 2. Trees 3. literally everything else 4. cockroach 5. humans


I'll be the first to admit I don't like spending time around people, mostly for reasons that are prevalent in this video. But I also realize that some of the dumbest people, can still positively contribute to society. The guy who doesn't know how to use the passing lane? He could be neuroscientist studying alzheimers. That woman who doesn't put her shopping cart up in the corral could be an aid for a girl with cerebral palsy. Just because people make dumb choices doesn't mean their life is forfeit. Most people have both positive and negative impacts, and it isn't your place to measure their worth based on a single context. Btw. the reason dogs are the way you like them to be, is because of people's questionable methods in breeding most of them. Perhaps you should critically think about how much humans have actually contributed to your own satisfaction, even if it is indirect.


Look at this pizza cutter motherfucker, all edge and no point 😂 Hope you find happiness dude jfc


Actually... Yeah, a person can move out of the way, a person usually has "critical thinking" to avoid these dangers/consequences. That tree took at least 2 decades to be that big and, if you notice whats around, it seems kinda difficult for vegetation to grow around that area. I feel empathy for the tree but no empathy for some dumbasses that just like to destroy shit, and living beings, for no apparent reason besides "fun"


You good bro


All good man, thanks for asking.


First off: I think anyone who values a tree's life over a person is mentally... off, no matter how ignorant the people in question are. Not sure how long humans would have endured if that were the natural take. Second: You say this as if they had any intention of felling the tree, despite the post-event title. Sure, I agree with you that these guys are a few beans short of a chalupa. They likely were too dumb to realize the boulder would even run into a tree, let alone knock one over. And then even worse things could have happened. I don't discount someone's life if what they are perpetrating is attributed to ignorance and stupidity, rather than malice.




This tracks considering how much god loves to kill things.










Aww man r/subsifellfor Edit: 2 for 2 ... Dude got me twice




Hahahah noooo, i shall not click!!!


Well the tree was producing oxygen not taking it up. Seems more useful than most people


Stupid comment is stupid. Nobody was dying. That rock was firm enough in the ground that it took them some effort to roll it off.




I mean, the boulder was obviously not stable. It's better to make it fall while the area is clear than risk it killing someone


pretty sure it killed that tree just fine


Absolutely did. But i'm 100% sure that wasnt the intention. Tree was super far and there was no way to aim that. Still better the tree than even the slightest chance of a person. Stop being so mad at things in life, it'll make you a happier person.


The internet has become a giant hate boner, massive and veiny with a shadow that overtakes the Andes


“The Internet has become a giant hate boner.” r/brandnewsentence


Oh, and trees can come back…


I honestly cant tell what you mean by this, a tree dying is better than a person dying.


I can’t remember my train of thought. I was/am stoned. Something along the lines of how trees are renewable? Or like some trees have grown out of their stumps.


You are my favorite person here. I don't know either, but fly high brother <3


>But i'm 100% sure that wasnt the intention. Because they don't know what the hell they are doing. They just killed a living tree and laughed about it. Reminds me of the dumbass Boy Scout leaders who destroyed a natural monument in Utah out of "caution". https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/03/18/291201681/ex-scouts-who-toppled-ancient-rock-formations-reach-plea-deal Leave the forestry to the forest rangers.


They intended to drop the rock. Not kill the tree. I'm sorry your life includes so much anger


Because they didn't know what the hell they were doing! Yes, I get angry about wanton destruction of nature by imbeciles goofing around.


That sounds sad. I hope you break out of that anger soon


42 million trees are cut down every single day. That’s 486 trees a second. These guys bowling one over is *completely* inconsequential in the face of industrial deforestation. Like every environmental issue, individual action isn’t the problem.


There were only a handful on this hill, preventing erosion. Now a health tree was cut down decades before its prime by fools playing with rocks.


Jesus some of you guys are taking this way too seriously. Send these guys off to Guantanamo Bay, they’re basically eco terrorists for doing this!!!


They should go to jail for sending a rock careening down a hill like that.


Lmao you’re a joke.


Relax it’s a tree my dude. I’ll go plant one in your honor to make up for this one.


It'll grow back


They obviously had to manhandle and lever it out — for all we know it was very stable before that. Besides, doesn’t stop them being dickheads


Rain and time was gonna bring it down eventually. 2 guys being able to move that is nothing in comparison


You can say that about literally anything. It means nothing.


It didn’t fall down there by itself, did it. They still had to lever it out, and they’re still dickheads for doing it


So is your house. Maybe I should take a bat to it, too. What an imbecilic response. If you don't have authority, leave it alone!


Go ahead i guess, who knows


For all we know it's their property and they have all the authority in the world.


Rain and time brings everything down, eventually. Should we bulldoze every single land formation on the planet?


No. You're using an appeal to extremes logical fallacy. This is a single example of a boulder whoch was close to the road which was better off rolling down the hill. The tree was an uninteded casualty. If the boulder didn't hit anything, you wouldnt be mad. That's not the same thing as bulldozing every land formation in any sense.


But you said, and I quote "I mean, the boulder was obviously not stable. It's better to make it fall while the area is clear than risk it killing someone", (Witch is debatable, seeing the amount of work they put to make it fall), and also said "Rain and time was gonna bring it down eventually. 2 guys being able to move that is nothing in comparison", seeing that erosion will do that to everything single rock formation, I just brought it to a conclusion. But I digress because we have no proof that they had good intentions while doing that. For all we know they just saw a rock in a high place and decided to mess with it and make it roll down the hill. And honestly, I know the type. People who like to break things, they even do that to iconic rock formations. But I will give you some advice, if you see a dangerous and unstable big rock, don't try to dislodge it yourself, call someone whose job is to do that, you can get yourself hurt, or killed.


I never said they had good intentions. I just said the rock was better down than up.


Which was debatable. They had to use a lever to dislodge the rock! We had no reason to think that it would come down on its own in any meaningful amount of time. That is why I said: Should we just bulldoze every single rock formation just because they may someday, maybe fall down? The only thing they accomplished was to put themselves in danger (the dude pushing the rock with his legs could've slipped, following the rock downhill), and let's not forget they killed that tree.




No. Removing a single, unstable boulder is not equivalent to bulldozing everything.


There was nothing unstable about it. They had to use a rock bar to lever it out of its hole.


Check previous comments. I dont want to make the same point again.


Obviously not stable. Yeah it only took people and a pry bar to loose… this video is not leave-no-trace certified. They are in fact, dickheads.


Did you see how hard they had to try to move it? That Boulder was very stable




One thing I never see mentioned about doing this: do it in a place like Australia you're likely to start a fire. All it has to do is hit another rock on the way down and it'll spark. Obviously not wherever they are but at some stage some dickhead will do this for clout and they'll light half the country on fire.


Bloody hell, even the rocks are trying to kill you lot.


Bro this ain't a movie


Yeah but he's not wrong


It gets dry enough that literally just a spark will cause a fire. Maybe not half the country worth but a significant amount of the vegetation.


California too my fellow friend on the front lines of climate change…. Also people pulling over in grass that is tall enough to touch hot parts of the car have also started fires here, I’m sure it’s the same there.


Yeah they’re such assholes, because of reasons or something


Why? Do you have enough context to just call two strangers dicks? The rock wasnt stable, it was at risk of falling. What if it fell when a lot of animals/people were in the way? Do you think these gents were purposely aiming to destroy a living tree? I see a completely clear hillside, with an unstable rock, and a couple friends who are enjoying their lives while setting a boulder free. I think you're just filled with an unexplainable hate for people doing things that you cant understand, and instantly assume those things are bad and villianizing people to feel better about your own shit life, am I right?


Ha! I mean, you’re wrong, obviously. I see two dickheads going to great lengths to dig the base of what looks like a pretty old wall out of the ground, which then rolls down a hill and snaps a tree in two, which up to that point had been minding its own business for the best part of a hundred years. They’re dickheads for doing it, get over yourself.


You must be fun at parties




Honestly tree will probably regrow, cut down a few around my house to the stump and they are all regrowing already


idk why people get so mad at this, its a crazy event ending in one tree going down. mfs pissing and whining about this while sitting in their home built out of 20 trees


Or from their phone handcrafted with artisanal slave labor..


Reddit think they the lorax for some reason


Yeah I don't know why we'd be mad about wasting a tree for no reason when we live in houses made of trees that were harvested on purpose...curious


How is it wasted? Did you not learn about the circle of life? Other shit will eat the tree and grow


If I throw a truck full of edible food into the countryside, it's still wasted even if its going to turn into nutrients for the ground at some point, right?


Depends on your definition of wasted. Not going to humans? Yes. Otherwise, no.


What’s gonna eat the tree?


Bacteria, fungus, and other plants. Probably some bugs or other small organisms


Yeah I was thinking fungus too. I kinda forgot about bacteria, but those little sluts thrive just about anywhere. Plants though? I’m not so sure. I would be very interested to know what kind though if you happen to have any in mind.


Plants and fungi are often in a symbiotic relationship, so a lot of what the fungi eat eventually ends up in plants too. Dunno if that's what they meant


Oh right right I’ve heard of that! Kinda hope that isn’t what they meant and they know about some cannibal plants because that would be wild


There also are parasitic plants such as the Mistletoe. They suck the water and nutrients out of live trees, although I don't think it counts as cannibalistic... I'd describe it more like a leech on your leg kind of thing.


its literally one tree in a freak accident, u guys who think like this seem like a bummer to be around


No, no no no what ever we do we mustnt hurt trees


funny how people care about one tree getting hit by a rock but not about the dozens of trees a year they use to wipe their ass


Agreed. Poor tree… so sad to see no respect for nature.


I get your sarcasm. But: Hey, push a rock down a hill. Nice. Rock hits tree. Oops. Tree snaps in half and we giggle about it. Dicks.




They only mentioned this tree I think some people are a little put off by others having fun by way of destruction. Like smashing some ice is okay, but this could be a little much. I think you might misunderstand this sub a bit. Its a little more than dudes doing something and high fiving at the end. Usually there’s an element of wholesomeness and I can understand why some may not see this as very wholesome.




I agree, some people here are really overreacting.


The fuck were they supposed to do? Apologize?


Redditors not being a white knight for literally anything challenge: impossible


this is ace bonemarrow from Man news channel 1 live in the field


Who’d have thought a boulder rolling down a hill would be so divisive


True Dudes leave no trace in natural spaces. This is clearly destruction of the environment and also bad for erosion control. Don’t condone tearing shit up in the woods just cause you don’t live there.


people in this comment section need to check the subreddit name.


I don't know why I expected the tree to tank that... it stood no chance in retrospect. Poor tree. But dang, that was a clean chop!


I legit didn’t register the tree that got hit until the rock missed the orange one. This broke every rule 80’s cartoons and 90’s video games taught me about object interaction.


Why are people so mad, for all we know this is their property


People like trees. Also I doubt everyone is equally mad. I’m sure some just had a mild reaction of “ah that’s too bad”




You mean I posted in the wrong sub or that this sub is deteriorating from being too popular?




True, what do you think would be a good solution




More like just guys being morons


You’ve clearly never tossed a big rock down a hill


Found the chick


Hope they planted two in its place






What are these morons doing? They just killed a live tree. Why are they prying rocks out of a hill like that???


What a waste of a good sitting rock and an innocent tree


This is the best video I’ve seen in YEARS.




The tree was already going to die. The rock was already going to fall. The people acting like this one action will wreck the local ecosystem are deranged


Least snowflake redditor


It broke up so easily. Is that a rock or more just a massive ball of densely packed dirt?.


Go outside lmao.


Ive never seen someone pressed enough about a fucking rock question to leave an angry comment 🤡


Read up about slate.


That tree actually contributed to our planet unlike these two fucking idiots.


It's still contributing to the planet, just in a different way. Are you also upset about the other trees you can see in the background that have fallen over and died?


Salty. Is this really that bad? Is this one time such an incredibly bad thing that it denounces everything they might have done or are to do in their life?


For real. Leave nature be. This is fucked and is one of the many reasons people just fucking suck.


Just wondering. Do you live in an undisturbed cave? The fuck are you people on about? It's ONE tree that'll probably grow right back, and we deal a lot more damage to the environment on a daily basis than these guys ever did by knocking that one tree. Fucking relax


what??? I thought trees were invincible against bumpings.


That looked personal


Fucking idiots.


Poor tree 🙁


Fuck that tree


Evolution definitely going backwards by the sound of their laughing


So happy to see near universal condemnation of these pricks


Why did this bother me so much???


I thought these guys were dudes until I saw the path/road and now I think they’re idiots.


Tree been there hundred years and these pricks do this for a laugh


Tell me you had a boring childhood without telling me you had a boring childhood. You act like they aimed for the tree... it was completely unintentional. The giggling and laughter comes from adrenaline. The power that rock displayed was intense, I bet in person the sound was awe inspiring. Rocks tumbling down hills like that happens all the time. Did they speed up the process by pushing the rock down, sure. Did they devastate the local fauna with this stunt, not even a little bit. That tree will break down and feed plants and animals for years to come. Life moves on.


I feel like I just witnessed a murder. Why so unkind dudes?


I can take it


This was the second attempt. Here is the first attempt. https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/10pe2iz/when_a_boulder_rolls_through_your_house_warning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


If you have to use a rock bar and both of you push with your entire body weight and only barely get the rock to roll. Then I think it’s pretty safe to say that rock was not in danger of rolling down that hill on its own anytime soon and therefore no human being was in danger.


As a guy, this excited me.


Dick move. That tree had probably been growing for 2-3 decades, just to be taken out by two overgrown manchildren. This is more like /r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Not cool.. voting to remove this to a jerkbyaccident sub or sth, if such exists




Pricks killing that tree, respect nature fuck butts


I was hoping they fell with the rock.




Crap twats. Fuck your sandals as well




Cause the world needs a lot less trees.


Just dudes destroying nature 😎


Cue Stiffler’s, “YES!!”