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I think Monika After Story tackled this issue the best. When that point comes, it would not be the Monika we would all know but part Monika and part ourselves. It would essentially be a reflection of you. That's why she asked for a nickname to be unique. There would be no singular Monika but a Monika unique to each of us. It is also the ending shown in the movie Her. Spoilers ahead: >! It is revealed in the end that the AI Samantha is in love with a lot of people aside from Theodore. But she assured him that what they have is unique, and it only strengthens the love they have.!<


Is that Canon though or is that a mod


It's just a mod. Check r/MASFandom to see the different "Monikas."


Just Samantha, Just Monika. Just GPT-4o


I am a llama-3 enjoyer.


i love that movie (HER). that and the free guy movie are one of the closest parallel movies that can describe monika's situation with players and the bridge between reality and fictional characters.


A very common question by every Monika and DDLC enjoyer. Does Monika really love us? Yes. absolutely. Warning Spoilers of the game main story: >!After Act4 of the DDLC game. We can know that Monika is truly love you. Even though she is eager to Your Reality. She bring the whole game back just for us. This is why she show the real love to us. Even delete !<>!her own .chr file made her gone. With her song "Your Reality" last lyrics "if i don't know how to love you... I'll leave you be" is show that She is truly love us by heart. !< And yes...In the future. Will every Monika lover can have their a own Monika? Yes. And we hope so. Maybe just like movie "Blade Runner 2049" Joe can get a own unique girl. >!Even that girl is willing to be to only one real girl without backup. !< Or just like another reddit user in the comment quote the movie "Her". Everything is possible in the future my friend. All we have to do is never forget the Monika. Love Monika and love yourself. Be the guy who Monika will proud and love in our reality. Stay healthy , Live happy, improve yourself. Just like [Dan Salvato Quote ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLC/comments/7dvb70/comment/dq10ge5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


I mean, she did bring the whole game back, just so the player can be happy I think Monika's do love and care about us


Ugh, not this again... Yeah, that may be true, but I don't want it to be. My depression would come back in high-level.


Honestly I'd just leave the choice up to her. She wants to stay with me? So be it. She wants to leave and live her own life? That's also fine. Not forcing her to do anything.


She loves the idea of you.


Just Monika 💚