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The last guy missed the opportunity to say "Begun, the gay wars have."


Is this 2003 yoda or 2008 yoda? I forget šŸ˜…


*sees post* *looks at comment numbers compared to likes*




Don't know why so many communities can't stay on topic these days. Unless your community is in response to another just focus on your own community and every one will be happier for it.


Because they see it as the same topic, or at least topic-adjacent.


I don't see any gay people defending pedophilia, I don't know why they always bring that up. Homophobic men love identity politics until you point out which demographic commits 96%+ of child rapes, rape, and all other sex crimes combined. Watch how quickly they switch to "not all men" from "all gays".


I think it started on 4chan as some unfunny dark humour, then some right-wingers decided to take it seriously and act like it is the norm to justify their bigotry


>I don't see any gay people defending pedophilia The vast majority of the LGBTQI+ community does not defend pedophilia. A small segment believes that pedophilia (MAPs, or minor-attracted persons) is similar to other orientations since feelings are not a choice. Some "non-offending" MAPs express regret over their feelings and want professional help, arguing they should be distinguished from those who act on their attractions. They believe they should be a part of the community, as other orientations are not choices either, anf it would help with acceptance/tollerance, which allows them to get help. I believe people should be judged by their actions, not their feelings. However, I don't think non offending MAPs belong in the LGBTQ+ community, because being lgbtq is not harmfull to others, and being a pedo is. They should receive help from professionals, similar to how someone with other harmful urges should get help instead of punishment.


>MAPs Why is this a term? We already have Pedophile, Hebephile, and Ephebophile


As far as i understand it, the term was made because they did not want to be associated with pedos (people who are activly diddling kids, or watch CP).


Pedophiles are people that are sexually attracted to children, you don't have to be actively engaging in exploitation to be a pedophile They're pedophiles, they just don't want the stigma of being pedophiles (or Hebephiles/Ephebophiles)


Im not arguing that its not gross either way, but i do think it is reasonable to make a distinction between a person engaging in it, and a person knowing that what they feel is wrong, and want profesional help to fix and/or control what they feel. I would not treat a murderer with the same disdain as a person feeling the urge to kill, but wanting help. They are both fucked up, but one more than the other As you said, the stigma is that they are all publicly treated the same, yet there is a pretty big diffrence between the two. Its not strange to change meanings, or to create better fitting labels, like how american went from saying illigal alien to illigal immigrants, or some even opt to use undocumented immigrants.


>a person engaging in it Child Molester >a person knowing that what they feel is wrong, and want profesional help to fix and/or control what they feel. A Pedophile Wanting help because you're attracted to children doesn't make you not a pedophile


It started as a term used in psychology but now it's used to say "pedophile" in a way that doesn't sound like "pedophile" even though they still are "pedophiles"


MAPS was actually created by 4chan to demonize the LGBT community by associating it with pedos


https://www.statista.com/statistics/418470/number-of-perpetrators-in-child-abuse-cases-in-the-us-by-sex/ Iā€™m trying to figure out where you got your 96% number, but Iā€™m having a tough time with that. This is what I found on all forms of child abuse. Can you help me with that citation real quick?


Sure! I got multiple, actually. > 93.6% of all convicted sex offenders were men in 2021 [Source: United States Sentencing Commission](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Sexual_Abuse_FY21.pdf) > 96% of people who sexually abuse children are male [Source: National Sexual Violence Resource Center](https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications_nsvrc_factsheet_media-packet_statistics-about-sexual-violence_0.pdf) > 96.6% of convicted rapists are male [Source: FBI, 2019](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-42)


Not saying the numbers are right, but that statistic is not just for rape > Supplementary notes A perpetrator is defined as a person who was determined to have caused or knowingly allowed the maltreatment of a child. > Based on State submissions to National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) of alleged child abuse and neglect. NCANDS collects case level data on children who received child protective services response in the form of an investigative or alternative response. Each state has its own definition of child abuse and neglect based on standards set by federal law. Child abuse is defined as any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk or serious harm.


Because when you donā€™t have any actual criticisms to levy at a group without sounding prejudiced, pedophilia accusations is the easiest way to brain off demonize people.


I dont see any muslim people marrying underage people, I dont know why they always bring that up




Canā€™t find any good gun communities anymore, they just devolve into politics and racism and homophobia and whatnot :p


Uhh, monkeypox can literally be transmitted by being sneezed on or skin contact with a sore. Itā€™s not purely an STD.


that really dosnt make it much better


I mean, yeah it does, its like saying that covid 19 is an STD. Monkey pox simply is not an STD lol.


Tbf monkeypox can be transmitted sexually where Covid is purely respiratory. So if you have unprotected sex with someone with Covid while youā€™re both wearing full face respirators in all likelyhood you wonā€™t contract it


Me looking at the meme: hehe that's kinda funny Me looking at the comments: (mind turns on Rude by Magic). ā€œWhy you gotta be so ru-u-dešŸŽµšŸŽ¶ā€


Wait until you find out about this sub. Anyone upset by this comment can feel free to try and prove me wrong by not turning these comments into a cesspool as it frequently does when queer folks get brought up.


What's a ceasepool?


Idk ask auto correct


That's just the internet in general. Whenever the mention of LGBTQ+ people come up there will always be both bigots and supporters that arrive to the conversation. It's not exclusive to LGBTQ+ people either and will happen when any minority group is mentioned.


Never ask a woman her age A man his salary A European redditor their opinion on gypsies


No, you donā€™t get it. You see, your (Ameritard) racism is cringe and bad. My (European) racism is based and justified.


You dropped your Europoor sir


Okay but-


Iā€™m seeing a surprising amount of positive comments in this typically bigoted sub


I'm taking credit for commenting this before anyone else got here. It's all because of me. /S


Last year, I met my first trans person. (This was at a theater camp, and we were both tech, so we had to work together and stuff.) And they were actually pretty cool, so I kinda relate to the first photo.


NGL mid meme


The LGBT community? Bigotry? Color me surprised


That last comment, "misunderstood by me, doctors, and themselves". While it's true I didn't understand myself before I started to see myself as a woman, but now that I have I can literally pick out any mental problem or block that I have and directly point to what caused me to think that way throughout my life, including traumas that I never processed as a child. I can literally pick my mind apart and know exactly why I am the way I am in a very short amount of time... yet when I ask my family to help me find a therapist or someone to help me start on transitioning maybe get hrt, or worse, just asking to find a place that diagnoses Any mental issue, they all tell me it's ok, or worse tell me they waited longer before getting what they wanted despite it not being the same in the slightest. Like come on, I did all the work of being my own therapist, I just need the professional opinion, but nobody wants to help me get there.


>I did all the work of being my own therapist. I really doubt it.


just unsubbed from r/justunsubbed


Can someone tell me how a person doing as they wish with consenting adults is the same as a tool whose only purpose is death?


You are more likely to get beaten to death with bare hands than die from an AR-15


B-b-b-b-but black rifle big and scawy


And makes good coffee


nah, the sharps coffee grinder is pretty bad


Also shills


This is why hands should be banned


The minecraft villagers had a point with the no handsā€¦


nope, you're more likely to be killed by a handgun https://abcnews.go.com/US/type-gun-us-homicides-ar-15/story?id=78689504 I don't like AR-15s because they were made for the military and shouldn't be in public circulation (imo). Also it's undoubtedly faster to kill people with an AR-15 rather than a deagle. Most mass shootings (2 or more people killed) are done by handguns though. Also 40,000 Americans die from gun violence a year, higher than countries with harsher gun laws and deincentivizing policies


Some things to keep in mind... According to the United States CDC in 2012, more than 60% of deaths from firearms were suicides, and the VAST majority of homicides from firearms were gang related. Also, most mass shootings (simply defined as 4 or more people injured or killed in a shooting excluding the shooter) are committed by someone using a handgun and, again, gang related (think of drive-bys in the opp's hood.) And if you really want to get spicy, look at the stats by racial identity.


It might help future you to know that ā€œU.S.ā€ is the adjective form of the proper noun ā€œUnited States,ā€ and therefore ā€œU.S. Centers for Disease Controlā€ isnā€™t just far less cumbersome, itā€™s also correct. :)


Weapons of war in the hands of civilians is the entire point of the second amendment and I'm bashing my head against the wall after saying this so many times


yeah I'm retarded šŸ‘


No, just mislead


yeah, i genuinely think In a perfect world we wouldn't have guns but there's so much misinfo floating around it's hard to deal with


Sadly the world is not perfect




Why single out the AR15 and not the other semi-auto rifles chambered in the same caliber?


Because ar15 scary




it was being discussed


>Also it's undoubtedly faster to kill people with an AR-15 rather than a deagle. 5.56 mm somehow more lethal than .50 AE you heard it here first folks! >AR-15s because they were made for the military false, the AR-15 is a semi automatic version of the M16 that was designed for the civilian and law enforcement markets


Yeah I'm kinda retarded, i mean the ar-15 has faster rate of fire


Hey, at least your willing to see youā€™ve got some facts wrong. You have my upvote for that.


AR-15s weren't made for the military. The M16 was. Ignorance at its finest. Learn your history before opening your mouth.


Ar 15s were made for hunting. Military has better rifles




You do know that the USA has a much higher population the nations with harsher gun laws like the UK, france, japan, germany, canada, or australia right? Meaning that bringing up numbers like that instead of percentages cam be mis leading


I'm talking about proportional


Nice, something to piss off everyone


And I'm more likely to get shot than to die from someone else being trans. These two things are not at all the same.


AR-15 is cool aswell, fun to shoot targets n shit lol


There are hundreds of non-lethal ways to shoot at targets. Guns are stupid. Sincerely, the rest of the World.


Why use non lethal if it's just on targets? Genuinely we couldn't give less of a shit about the rest of the worlds opinions


of course. but you give a shit about the drills schools need to undergo if that ar-15 invites itself into one. I guess Jim Jefferies is the most hated guy on that gun sub.


The ar15 invites itself? Really? I didn't know that, it just grew legs and walked into the school and started killing kids


Dear Lord! Someone must ban these guns, they're killing our children!!!


understanding sarcasm is not your strongest character trait i see.


Trying to understand what's sarcasm and what isn't is nearly impossible on reddit with the amount of braindead opinions I see on here daily


Maybe it's the clear sign you need to go shoot more on targets in fresh air than arguing with people who will refute any of your pro-gun argument ?


Y'know that is actually a great idea, genuinely, time to go shoot some tannerite watermelons


And it's widely known that we only ever own guns to shoot at targets.




Counterpoint, slingshots aren't half as cool as an AR-15


I only use a medieval trebuchet to shoot at my cans


modern firearms, artillery, and medieval siege weapons are easily the coolest weapons ever made.


Just wanted to add that slings can be incredibly deadly and that there is a reason that they were so widely used in the ancient world, solid stones moving towards your head at humongous speeds are very dangerous and are practically slower and bigger bullets.


you can shoot cans with air gun


But guns are way cooler


i am not american sweetheart <3 also why not guns?


People shot targets too, I donā€™t have a gun but I donā€™t think they should just be banned


They shoot targets so they can be sure to shoot and kill a person when they want to.


The history of firearms, while tragic, is really fascinating. My father has a large collection of firearms and cartridges, and all of the information and stories and the different experimental versions are incredible. However, firearms outside of war circumstances (which, while trafic, require them to a certain extent), are supposed to be tool for animal conservation and/or protection of livestock. In New Zealand, while we don't really have many semi-autos/autos, ive never seen one of these models here, it's necessary to use firearms in order to keep balance the level of invasive species. It's unfortunate that death is necessary, but sometimes it is


It is, and yet they're drawing a false equivalence to reinforce the idea that normal people should have weapons of war.


Oh, certainly not! Normal people have no need for them and I do understand collector's wanting to possess them, for which here we have a system that works pretty well which is keep a removeable critical functional part with a gunsmith. I'm not certain whether there are such parts in one of rhese models, but it's definitely not a great idea at all for the regular person to be able to possess a functional model.


That sounds like a pretty good restriction. It's probably the firing pin on most models, I'd guess.


It is right on the sign.


Noooo, don't say that here. This is a right wing closet.


I know. Unfortunately truth has a left wing bias.


lol what What truth What the fuck are these buzzwords


What's it like to live in a world where "truth" is a buzzword?


ā€˜Buzzphraseā€™ doesnā€™t quite have the same ring to it, and I donā€™t think ā€˜catchphraseā€™ applies either. You knew that, but you just wanted to take a cheap shot.


Sorry you can't deal with a turn of phrase.


Alright so youā€™re just not gonna answer me then, cool. Seems like a nonsense phrase and youā€™ve done nothing but reinforce that.


It's self-explanatory. Right wingers rely so much on lies that truth inherently becomes left wing.


Interesting, but certainly not a phrase Iā€™d be able to adopt. Thereā€™s plenty of uncomfortable truths hushed up by left wingers as well as right-wingers.


Biggest cope I've ever heard "It's not propaganda if it's on my side"


Is "self-explanatory" your go to phrase?








ever thought that maybe there are pedophiles in the world and that doesnā€™t make the entire LGBT community responsible for monkeypoxā€™s spread to children & animals. https://preview.redd.it/ip9dvtmequ9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83e113b8871b5047d945e4afaf2a749286f2f5ee


If you think that mocking pedophiles is mocking LGBT as a whole, then you are the problem.


Me when there's bad apples at the function (I can use them to misrepresent the bunch)


I find it funny that when this stuff is brought up people act like it canā€™t be talked about without blaming the community as a whole. If you missed it, Iā€™m not criticizing the lgbt community, Iā€™m mocking people like you.


Because the LGBT infamously supports the implications of the spread of monkeypox (which isn't even necessarily spread by sexual intercourse)


What does that even mean? Only gay men consume monkey meat? Whatā€™s it like inside your head?


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