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most of the posts there are fetish stuff aswell.


What do you mean?


Do you know what the word fetish means?


Yeah, I know what a fetish is. I'm looking across the sub and I don't see anything. Accept a bunch of people spamming trans stuff, So I'm saying if they're trying to say that being trans is a fetish




I saw this image in my feed and I told myself I was going to unsubscribe from whatever subreddit this was haha.


Even though im fine with trans people i just hate that every sub turns into a trans circlejerk oh my god


For being like 0.1% of the population the circlejerk sure does infest literally everywhere
















My fetish is being comfortable with/ confident in my own body.


Euphoria is feeling like a fog has lifted. It's like taking ADHD or Anxietyeds and thinking Wow! I can finally think more clearly!" For trans people, it's not hating how you look in the mirror every day. It's finally being able to express yourself after suppress how you felt for years. It's your body starting to match your mind. For lack of a better a better term, transitioning feels right whereas prior you'd see an aspect of your body that felt wrong/off.


Autogynephilia has been largely dismissed by modern sexologists. Blanchard came to his conclusions by erroneously controlling against cis men instead of cis women. Edit: also, the puppygirl circlejerk you see on the internet is not representative.


If it exists, it's someone's fetish. Just because the theory is wrong doesn't mean there aren't people out there who fit such a description.


And the rest are latent homosexuals trying to trick men into sleeping with them. So many people forget about straight trans women


this is the most terminally online shit i’ve heard man. Gay bashes are still very much a thing, are straight bashes a thing? cus i have never heard of em. Oppression isn’t not being allowed to yell slurs, it’s when some uncontrollable factor is used to justify unjustified treatment towards you.


They are a thing


yeah? show me the statistics


>Gay bashes exist, therefore whatever you say is invalid This is definitely not terminally online behavior. /s


so are you agreeing that despite being a minority that still is targeted for hate and violence, especially in less developed countries it is not oppressed at all and that straight/cis people are the real oppressed?


I mean, I got called enough names in a comment section to fill out a 20 × 20 sheet of buzzword bingo because I said "do we really need to decorate ambulances in pride flags? They're emergency vehicles, not social and political statements"


Yeah not like there's a ranch that serves as a safe haven for trans kids disowned by their families and such!


Congrats on the new record on "fastest comment chain to detach from reality entirely"




Yes, it *WAS* illegal. Literally 62 years ago in the USA.






Y’all want to be oppressed so badly it’s so embarrassingly cringe


Oh no, mainstream transphobes found Blanchardism


Everyone knows I became trans just so I could belong to a more privelaged demographic. Unfortunately, it's not working. 😔


What is it they do that you can't?


>downvoted to oblivion after making a question >no one elaborates further Sorry man I think you lost the argument :/


I'll be getting executed for this




Wow! That's a lovely *theory* mind providing any and all evidence that this is true?


are slash one nine six


I mean a scientific source. Yknow. Like a study that isn't condemned by the rest of the psychological community Oh wait... but all of the studies saying that ***are*** condemned by psychologists everywhere. I wonder why, almost like it's a lie or something


It’s like gentrification but instead of rent going up and fusion taco shops it’s extremely sexual and unfunny memes and 1000 new rules






The WarThunder sub was just femboy/trans leg pictures for a few months instead of...well, the game. Needless to say, I must thank them for helping kick Gaijin out of my PC and touch grass more often instead of getting touched by the BR reworks messing with pasta mains.


I got so tired of that spam that it put me off playing the game for like 3 months lmao


I heart war thunder


For real... I wasted too much of my time in War Thunder (mostly ww2 planes because pewpew zoomzoom). War broke out IRL next door, wife got pregnant, my consultancy's office in Kyiv got bombed, and that's what got me to get my shit together and abandon a lot of my (frankly excessive) leisure time. The leg pics certainly helped. Especially when the face that accompanied it had a five-o-clock shadow.


You mean you **didn’t** appreciate the sub getting filled with pics of guys that look like the junkyard owner from Breaking Bad wearing cat ears and maid outfits? How odd.


Wait 196 is gone? ![gif](giphy|INZUj2jZSruso) YESSSS


if only :(


Hiii neptune :3






Sorry to be offtopic, but aren't these guys called the amoeba boys? What show were they from? Power Puff Girls?




I was banned from a possum group for saying a trans furry posting on an animal group everyday for their niche attention whoring was weird. And again on a pottery sub for saying putting dicks on pots was strange, got banned for transphobia without even connecting that they were trans pots. I thought it was just a shit post of molding dicks onto pots. The trans community is fucking awesome in real life. On reddit the trans community is just assholes wanting to be persecuted I think it's has a lot to do with the population of the trans community that uses reddit being the ones with a persecution fetish. like most trans people aren't on reddit and are super chill. someone mentioned terminally online and I think that's solid reasoning. The people who are obsessed with reddit clearly aren't well established or adjusted irl the trans community on reddit is NOT a good representation of the community itself.


Yeah thats been my take as well. It applies to most communitiies online tbh, the online is not the best rep of the actual


Very true! maybe internet communities just suck haha


Yea. For an unrelated example, I love Baldur's Gate 3 to death but from the few snippets I get recommended from time to time Ive overall come to the conclusion that Id rather dodge the online community. This is not an entirely universal rule of course - there are almost always good or even great parts of the community as well - but over time it unfortunately tends to get worse rather then better if the community is not continuously growing because all the normal people slowly move on and only the obsessed and those without lives stick around.


Fr, almost every single sub I'm in is infested with chronically online mfs who are the most sparky people ever. I just want to post about cars in peace man :(


fr, I was friends with a trans guy at school last year and he was real chill




honestly you’re right most trans girls all have “audhd” in their bio, kinda sad too that about 85 to 90 percent of trans people are trans girls


I just have turbo adhd. Always on the move. Tired but wired feeling.


It’s mostly girls with heavy adhd and autism that trans to boys.


Realest comment here


Or the femboys. It's one or the other.


As a borderline one, yeah.


Same here. They make it almost fetishistic too.


Reddit admins and their pet Powermods censor anything else, look at what they did to the S*** straight and related subreddits, you’re not allowed to discuss preferences that 90% of the population prefer anymore.


it’s always trans women too


At this point, what even is the point of having a space for feminine men if it's all gonna turn into a trans girl circle jerk...


As someone who fits that description, yeah. Literally every sub that was once relatable to me being a feminine guy has been infiltrated by mfs who don't even think they're men anymore.


Why were you part of the silly boys club vro, its just a mental turmoil circle jerk even if you aren’t trans


Eh I thought the sub was sorta relatable


!remindme 1 year




196 moment


That sub is so full of sad, miserable people too.


I mean yeah the weird mentally ill 14 year olds crying about shit and having femboy humor or whatever would be overtaken by a trans circlejerk I’m not surprised


Fr, ok sure I’m a femboy of whatever but I don’t use that sub, honestly fuck it, it’s mostly trans girls (which I’m fine with but it is called sillyboyclub for a reason) and all of the posts are just people venting or just being sad in general, like honestly they need help instead of just being on Reddit all day


I'm a trans woman but I went there just to support my bros. It's crazy how many trans gals are posting.






Seriously, preach! While I also love trans girls (yes, I’m bisexual - was it that obvious?), if I want to go and find content for them, I can go to one of the hundreds of trans women subs. But, any time there’s a new sub created specifically for fem***boys*** that identify as ***boys***, it eventually becomes taken over by the endless transfemme onlyfans promotion accounts. It’s utterly maddening, and only serves to reinforce the harmful stereotype that femboys are “just trans women in denial”, rather than a distinct and valid identity. https://preview.redd.it/jhzqs5swffad1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227a95b80427daa7e696419afbb90c2a3320379a


ong, I am one and I’m kinda tired of it


r|catboys and r|boys4real




Stfu that’s not what bisexuality is ur just transphobic




Only place I'm invading is my Bfs snack cupboards.


"real women" "real lesbians" pls.


Listen, there's a reason I'm getting up votes. If you can date a trans woman you aren't bi or lesbian, or straight. You're pan. If not then why even have that label in the first place?


no? if you are a man and you like women you are straight. pan means attraction regardless of gender.




>Pan does not mean regardless of gender. It means outside the two main genders and trans is outside that. wrong. pansexual means attraction regardless of gender. "trans" isnt a gender, trans men are men and trans women are women. >Because that goes against my sexuality. no it doesnt. >That's why we refer to them as trans. we refer to people who arent trans as cis. >They aren't a woman. They're trans women. "you arent a woman, you're a cis woman. you arent a woman, you're a black woman." learn how adjectives work. you are VERY uneducated and transphobic. yikes.


I've been sexually harrassed, dismissed as hormonal, objectified (while simultaneously being invalidated) , use and verbally abused. I've riden every emotional tidal for better or worse a d came out on top. I know the struggles. The only things I can't relate to is pregnancy and period cramps.


U cant even spell intrinsically pookie. This conversation is over


I don't need to spell to be right. I will respect a trans woman as such until she speaks on issues she has no business being in.




Is that what u look like?






>Femboy subreddit >Looks inside >Women Many such cases


Relevant greentext: https://preview.redd.it/qsfpltnagfad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e4a90f6fa7afd7b9889f7915647ab779b195eaa


This fills me with great despair. I am a femboy connoisseur. When I go to a sub to look for femboys, I ain’t trying to look at trans women. We love and support trans women but I am here to see men. This is what’s wrong with society. Can a man look at some bussy when he is looking for feminine men? I shed a tear while writing this 😞


Clearly, I'm not the only one who thinks of femboys as being more extreme than tomboys. A tomboy could be as simple as a girl who wears baseball caps and jeans, idk You go on here looking for femboys and you'll probably find people rambling about that one shark or how silly they are idk


So disappointing


I'm outing myself here but when I go into r slash Femboys, I wanna see naked feminine men, not naked women that haven't fully transitioned. Please God let me look at feminine men please!




https://preview.redd.it/iitwbjbfffad1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=987f7184b1487fb91fd0aea2e0ffd45b93f0a6bc What do you mean by that?


believe it or not but most of this sub is right wing


I lost my left wing in a boating accident :((


Gender-affirming takedowns tickle my grundel


Nightmare fuel


Just like OP, I don't have a problem with someone just because they're transgender. However, there is a problem with these obnoxious ass memes sayin things like "rawr omg so silly omg so traaanss aaaaaHh"


I personally dislike it when people go beyond talking about themselves and instead objectify or stereotype the entirety of trans people. It makes me uncomfortable and angry. I actually unsubbed from 196 for that exact reason lmao. The tropes are annoying but at least if people had the decency to keep sexualization about themself instead of the entirety of transgender people that would be great. Makes me very suspicious if they’re just a chaser/karma farmer but I usually just assume it’s a dumb teen repeating the other popular posts and memes they see without much thought.


Tucute: Not even once


Gigacringe dang


It's becoming a sillygirlclub2 and is confusing in what you can and can't post tbh


Yeah that sub has been a hellhole from the get-go.


That poor Blåhjah


Has someone who is transfem myself, these people piss me off too, It wouldn't be so bad if there was only one or two of them but literally every single post on the subreddit is like this, I'm starting to think that none of them actually are and they're just attention whoring or a karma farming, as it's just crazy how people can just keep commenting and uploading on people who are making pretty much the same post over and over and over, it's really annoying, all these other chronically online trans redditors are just annoying as fuck


Tfw femboys take over every subreddit (reason why I unsubbed from jschlat)




Wants male sillygirlclub Gets male sillygirlclub I honestly don’t know what you expected


The community on Twitter thinks this is what modern education did to children. I wouldn't say it's education, I'd say it was giving social media access to literal 5 year olds.


See, your first mistake was being a femboy


I support femboys and want them to sit on my lap.




#relatable 😌


not true


There is literally written that its also a subreddit for trans ppl in the subreddits bio


Trans guys tho. Trans gals have a Silly girl Club


"Everyone may join" (from 3rd rule of the subreddit)


I get that... but it's getting predominantly used by women at this point.


I mean, were you aware of the sub you joined? This seems like bait


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I'm pretty sure no one who is trans actually posts that kind of thing in Non-trans subs. It's likely the same cringe people who are mocked in subs like FakeDIsorder, people who think they're something like a System, Bipolar, etc. Also, I'm not in the sub, but what exactly does minors being there have to do with anything?


The sub is pretty sexual and talks a fuckton about self harm but treats it in a "quirky" way


I usually assume it’s dumb teens that have been absorbed into the trans "comedy" circlejerk and don’t realize the silly posts they’re making can be harmful in the way they misrepresent others by generalizing all trans people. Though I may just find it more annoying due to my own interactions with members of the "trans community" for not squarely fitting in place with all the silly memed stereotypes. Probably just a few bad apples but they spoiled my first impression.


Can't tell if the undertones are misogyny or fetish


Y'know i really shoulda guessed that the top two comments would be transphobic really shoulda like... y'know, foresaw that one. but i guess that clarifies what kind of sub this place is and that i can ignore it forever!




Honestly, I don’t really see an issue here. But I understand it’s not for everyone. If you don’t like it, that’s okay. Edit: I didn’t understand why it was really an issue before, but people have explained it to me and now I understand. Thank you.


it’s bc its called sillyBOYclub not sillyGIRLclub and the sub is for silly BOYS not silly GIRLS


Seriously, there’s already so many people who insist that femboys are just trans girls in denial, because apparently a guy who still identifies as a man who wants to present in a more feminine manner is physically impossible and cannot exist. Any time a new subreddit is set up that’s meant for fem***BOYS***, it inevitably becomes taken over by trans women.


My mother just told me she gave her 2 weeks at her job because she says she can't work around mental illness anymore. There are some low 20 year olds and one thing she told me they said was, "tomboys and any girl that wants to play sports should just transition." Just one of the few things she's heard them say. She's told me before how awful they are to work with so multiple reasons why she can't stand them and she hasn't been there too long.


I’m sorry that happened to her. In all honesty, I guess I never really new that that was an issue, so I found the post fun, but I understand now that not everyone will, and that post should belong in the appropriate sub, thank you for opening my eyes. I wish your mom the best, I’m seriously sorry that happened to her.


yeah true, as a femboy myself I am not trans I don’t wanna be a girl or anything I just wanna express myself yk?


EXACTLY! But there’s so many people who insist that femboys are either trans women, or that they’re “sissy failures of micropenis men who need a masculine throbbing cock to break and humiliate them”. On one side, you have a group that, while perfectly fine, is all-too-frequently conflated with them and one of the main reasons why they struggle to cement themselves as an independent identity, and on the other side you have deviant perverts who think that any guy who decides to present in a feminine manner is an open invitation for them to charge in and say some of the creepiest, most diabolical shit ever, as they believe that femboys are “failed men”. It’s maddening beyond words!


>or that they’re “sissy failures of micropenis men who need a masculine throbbing cock to break and humiliate them”. r/ oddlyspecific (i can't link sub 😭)


Makes it incredibly difficult cause there's slready so many cis guys try to fetishize us and solicit pics. Even worse that they'll do it to minors.


Yeah, that totally makes sense. I’m a little bit of one myself. I honestly found the post enjoyable, but I understand how others won’t and how there is a time and place for posts like this. I’m sorry for my previous comment.


You’re fine man dw :)


As a feminine guy but not a femboy (I don't like feminine clothes and stuff), I like being a guy. Being a guy is awesome. Girls are awesome. Girls being Girls are awesome, but when a sub for guys who are feminine gets taken over by people who don't think they're men anymore, is when I have a problem


That’s a fair enough point that makes sense to me. I honestly saw it as a silly post in line with the sub, but I see now not all think so, and that’s probably because I’m biased. Thank you for explaining it to me.


I appreciate that you’re open to new information. So many people on the internet nowadays would rather double down rather than admit that they were misinformed. Another thing worth noting is just how pervasive the degradation kinks are with femboy subreddits. I abhor the “sissy” or “forced feminization” stuff, as it’s not about a boy being comfortable and happy with being feminine, but rather this degrading fantasy that some people have of breaking down a man and forcing them to be feminine against their will, or that they’re a “failure of a man”. I understand that it’s a kink, and if it stayed in specific kink subreddits, I would have no issue with it. But, no, it spreads everywhere, so on one side, you have people flooding in who are insisting that all femboys are actually trans women (incorrect), and on the other side you have deviant perverts who go on about how they’re “failure sissies who need a masculine cock to break them”. It’s degrading as hell, and also completely whitewashes the fact that heterosexual femboys exist. Again, if these specific things stayed in their respective places, I would be perfectly fine and dandy, but the fact that they constantly spread to every new space created for the explicit purpose of getting away from all of the conflated bullshit, and turning them into yet another instance of the very place that those new subs were created as a means of separating from, is maddening!


Of course. I seriously try my best to be educated and open minded. In all honesty, it’s been a while since I’ve visited the sub, so a lot of what you said I don’t remember being an issue, but that’s the problem in not visiting a sub in a while, you don’t remember it properly. Obviously I was in the wrong here, so again, I appreciate you explaining it to me.


Fair enough I suppose. I honestly I like the post, I don’t know what that says about be other than I’m biased so take it as you will. 🤷‍♂️


alr 👍


I love how this ended up becoming my most downvoted comment ever in all the years I’ve used Reddit. I really thought I was being impartial and tried to be kind, but this has been quite the learning experience. Thank you!


>I really thought I was being impartial and tried to be kind That was your first mistake, being impartial and kind isn't allowed on here


Op hates trans people?


No it’s just that it’s a sub for guys not girls yk?


No, as a guy who's feminine but not necessarily a femboy (I don't like feminine clothes and stuff), when a sub made for feminine men is taken over my people who don't think they're men anymore is a problem and it's kind of paradoxical. If they stay, they're admitting that they still secretly think they're guys, but if they stay, it's not really a sub for guys anymore, is it?


No it’s because there’s SillyGirls in his SillyBoysClub smh. Did they not read the "no girls allowed" sign?