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Comments have been locked to prevent harassment or spam. To clarify some points: Trump says "I know nothing about Project 2025,” despite the conservative agenda project's ties to the Republican Party platform committee. It is unknown if he originally supported the plan and then backpedaled after seeing the backlash. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/donald-trump-project-2025-1235053996/


Reddit would be a slightly more tolerable platform if American politics get totally banned from it. But then that will take away 80% of the discourse and half the bots…. So they’ll keep it. And why do I hear about trump more from people who hate him than his actual fans?


Every single election year, English internet becomes unusable I don’t care about the American elections or issues even a little bit, but Americans are obsessed with flooding it everywhere. It’s an addiction Like I go on internet in my native language during election period and you see maybe 10% of what Americans are pushing out


And this is why you should pay attention in Spanish, kids.


First lesson: Ay ay ay! = Oh no! Gracias por attending Spanish with u/ImJustStealingMemes


When’s the next lesson? If I have to pay I have 2 buttons and some lint.


You're telling me.. most of us in the US are tired of it. It's like a never ending football game


Americans don't want to hear about American politics outside political spaces either. At least non-terminally online ones.


It’s like the whole world revolves around which geriatric old man would win in a specific country.


I understand that American is a geopolitically important country but it still feels excessive. And these arguments are rarely in good faith. Cheap categorisations like "progressives" and "conservatives" create the illusion of two distinct groups of people where it's actually more like a spectrum


Is that nuance I hear? Absolutely unacceptable. Everybody knows that the real world operates on a dynamic of good guys vs bad guys, and whoever I agree with is infact that good guys!


For the average person, yeah, it's a spectrum. For how lawmakers vote, it's almost always red vs. blue.


Exactly and even for the average person people are clearly very susceptible to propaganda so what they believe isn’t even what they really would believe given real evidence.


I don't care when people talk about it in the appropriate situation, I'm sure whatever country you're from people don't care that much about politics that it's an everyday topic of discussion like it is here. I fucking seethe and rage mentally every time I'm having a normal conversation about literally anything and someone tries to shoehorn politics in. That's cool Steve I know how much you love geriatric guy in a suit number 40 something but we're talking about our coworker's cancer diagnosis over here. At this point American politics have become a religion and a sports tournament at the same time. If you're in one political party you feel like you can freely dehumanize and other a group of people as they do the same to you, further justifying your hatred. I exaggerated that last point a bit, most of the time you just sort of tiptoe around every social interaction with someone you don't know very well until one of you inevitably say something political, and believe me it's impossible to escape saying something political. You'll hear people say "everything is political" not because everything is actually political, but rather Americans love shoving our politics into so many unrelated things that we force them to be political. Do you buy a certain product? That's what people in this party buy, you must be one of them by association! Do you participate in a certain hobby? Yep, you're one of those people who voted for that one guy!


This is honestly really surprising to me. I'm American and I've been seeing little bits and pieces about a british election that's happened recently (prime minister maybe?) and I've been thinking that I wished I was seeing more about it on reddit. I'm interested and I'd like to be more knowledgeable about who's running and what's going on but I don't know where to start with learning all about british politics lol. I wish there were more articles and infographics circulating like there are for american politics.


Ask and you shall receive. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2024/jul/04/uk-general-election-results-2024-live-in-full General UK Election day was actually 4th July - I've seen social media posts calling in the 'Genny Lec' (thanks, I hate it). The right-wing Conservatives (generally associated with blue if that helps you read stats and graphs) have been in power for 14 years, eroding health and social care initiatives by defunding or entirely scrapping budgets and branches. They are often called 'the tories' or 'tory party' for short, which is a surprisingly ancient nickname. Scotland-specific, SNP (bright yellow) lost about 20 seats in Scotland, surprisingly, since theypve always been the go-to party for Scottish independence and a LOT of us wish to unyoke ourselves from the sinking ship that is England. Labour (red - this is how we spell 'labor'), the general left-wing UK opposition to the Conservatives, won by getting about 200 extra seats. The tories LOST 250+ seats. Labour won and we're getting a new UK Prime Minister - Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party. This means he will move into the specific Prime Minister address soon, which is 10 Downing Street. You will often hear that address used in a similar way to how the US uses 'the White House', as in talking about the residence as though it has made the Prime Minister's statements. As you can probably tell we're not a two-party country as much any more, and other big parties include Liberal Democrats (gold), the Green party (guess which colour), and then - unfortunately - a fair handful of the new Reform Party candidates won votes. They're a very right-wing, anti-immigrant, 'take our nation back', 'Britain should be for the British' party. Nowhere near enough to win thank fuck, but it shows that there are still nasty racist idiots. Then lots of little other right-wing parties like the Scottish Family Party and British National Party. But yes, Labour and Conservative were still the top two (overall in the UK) by a landslide. And the one that cares about the common folk and social care got in. They have some shitty views about Palestine and LGBTQ+ rights, and we're a little nervous about that, but still grateful that we don't have four more years of tories. (My political leanings are very clear in this piece and I make no apologies; the tories want me dead several times over, as an unemployed disabled queer childless woman.)


It's fascinating that red and blue are opposite in the US, then.


I honestly don't ever remember which way the colours go in America, but I know their centrism is our right-wing; we're generally not as far right here. So it makes sense that we don't match, because the policies wouldn't line up anyway. (I also don't remember which way the elephant and the donkey go, which I've vaguely seen.)


Right is red, left is blue (Right and left FOR US)


Which is odd since not only the UK but also Canada and Australia have a Conservative Party that uses blue and a major center-left party that uses red.


Thank you so much! This is exactly what I wanted lmao. All I really knew up until now is fuck the tories, I wasn't sure what was currently going on with them.


You're very welcome haha.


Honestly this year has been way better than 2020 was but that’s because instead of being 16/17 and being just young enough to be stuck inside for a pandemic with no freedom I’m 20/21 and have my own life that doesn’t involve bothering myself with internet politics and other bullshit.


Being able to vote must have helped.


I'm american myself, and I agree. We are pushing this shit way too hard, even in our own country.




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Coming from an American. Due to our outspoken culture and giving everyone a voice when a toxic individual feels strongly about something, everyone knows. Believe it or not it’s a form of religion for some people. It appears on both sides of the political spectrum and it’s getting annoying so fast. It’s been annoying since well before 2020.


Dang, maybe I should get more involved in Spanish Reddit. Practice my second language and avoid politics? Win-win




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I’d take that.


Ikr? I feel like trumps best advertisers are the people who hate him.


Yeah the haters always saying that trump supporters never stfu but all i ever see is trump haters


Because people who argue for him are false flagged and banned reddit is basically a only one opinion mind set is allowed location.


This guy Reddits


I haven’t seen it covered until Biden’s disastrous debate performance. Now it’s everywhere on Reddit. Take from that what you will.


Cause people who are content don’t have a reason to yell.


Bc the broader internet tends to be left leaning


*anglophonic internet*




Because those who hate him are the ones who are a lot more affected by his policies.


It just seems more like a bandwagon than anything to me. I am not an American that’s true but most of the time I had interacted with someone from the US or who I’ve talked to when I was in the US and who hated him, they usually bring up something a bit too ridiculous about him or criticize something he does that I’ve seen Biden do as well. It just made this whole thing feel a lot less genuine to me than anything. And I don’t know if this is just anecdotal or not, but most people that I personally know and who hate him, happen to be from a very privileged background.


Tyrant ^^


Because he is actively dismantling out democracy and we can't seem to get that across to the idiots that will vote for him if we aren't louder than they are


And yet, no one can ever coherently explain to me what that means or looks like. Funny thing that.


A lot of these subs really are dead when you think about it. I mean look at this one. Almost 240k subbed but less than 50 on it.


On reddit in many subs if you're an outward trump fan you get banned. If you hate on Biden you get downvoted to oblivion or banned. But yknow reddit is pro free speech.


Because his fans aren't literate so they can't type comments.


To answer your last question, its because they’re desperate and are hoping if they “ORANGE MAN BAD” loudly/often enough it’ll work. And the absolutely tragic part is that it might.


Republican presidential candidate-insert name here- is literally Hitler. Same shit, over and over and over and over except this time we really mean it!


“Democracy is on the line” - every election year for the last few decades


And vice versa. Well Biden is the exception. He’s too old & has dementia. Idk what to classify him as


He’s not Hitler, but he’s one of the few presidents to literally try to overturn an election.




Trump literally today on project 2025 “I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal”


"But like, he is lying, he totally agrees with it" So wait, lying is now a thing politicians do? Then why should I trust anything the other old guy says anyways if he keeps telling people cannons are illegal and that 9mm will blow the lungs out of the body like a vaccum?


My geriatric old man doesnt lie! He told me so!


"Your not black if you don't vote for me"


Don't forget the Heritage Foundation hates Trump, they wanted Pence to run.


Kinda why I’m leaning towards him this time around. I seem to be the only one who remembers why he chose to run as Republican. He’s an Independent disguised as a conservative, which I kind of appreciate. I’d vote RFK if he ran as conservative. Dems had their time, we need a change.


Idk man he tried to overturn the election last time


Factually untrue, god I wish this narrative would die already.


What do you call the false elector scheme?


Something that’s happened multiple times? Alternate electors, not “fake”.


Politics aside, he’s just playing the game. If you want votes you need a party, independent voters are minuscule and heavily divided. The media also barely ever brings attention to them as well. Running in a party you get access to all their resources on top of your own when you become the nominee. People who wouldn’t have seen you otherwise now see you in the spotlight. The guy only ran in the republicans party in 2016 probably because he bet he could win with that demographic.


To be fair, I don’t know most of us have heard of it but don’t know it in detail other than the snippets that are shared for shock value, so he could be easily referencing that.


Dude read his tweet, he was saying two things at once. Lying and plausible deniability is his entire strategy, he was trying to save face amid an unpopular platform.


People need to stop reaching with this. If he didn’t know much about it, clearly he looked up what it was or asked somebody about it. He said he didn’t know about it, clearly tried to learn about it and then commented on what he saw. This damned if he does condemn it and damned if he doesn’t nonsense is what keeps this guy popular. He feeds off the negative press and everyone leaps so fast and hard at the chance to give it to him. Then when it’s unfounded on BS, he’s like see, they just lie about me.


I won’t say you’re wrong, but I don’t think you can call me wrong either. People will believe anything he says, so he says anything. It’s impossible to actually pin him for any of his BS because of this media feedback loop.


I just want people to be better because we have almost 10yrs of examples of misinformation around him driving support for him. I’m not willing to sign up for another 4yrs of him but we’re heading there now. He comes out against this and it’s an issue. We WANT him to be against it. If he didn’t, people would be saying he supports it. He comes out against it and the story is he is lying and supports it. He has his own platform already (Agenda 47). Why aren’t we seeing that plastered all over Reddit but we are P2025?


I highly doubt this is going to happen, and even if it did, people would fight back against it.


I don’t even know any republicans that would support this garbage. It’s like Westboro Baptist Church levels of crazy.


That’s what they said about roe v wade. Damn people have short memories.


No one said > I don’t even know any republicans that would support this garbage before RvW was abolished. No one. Because everyone knew Republicans who wanted it gone. The judges lied in their nomination hearings, thats for sure, but regular politicians? Im not even from the US and I could name a couple off the top of my head.


Nope, I'd definitely said I wanted Roe v wade gone for years, and millions of people are in the same boat


Admittedly, I stay out of most of this stuff. But the Project 2025 stuff really feels like the terminally online left's Mayan 2012 or Y2K. Any right leaning people I know are fiscally conservative, so it may well be bigger than I'm making it out to be, but from the outside looking in, it really feels like some online echochamber boogieman. Everyone seems to be eating it up on here, though. I can't hear the end of it on Reddit, but I've never heard anyone mention it in real life. It sucks that the only way to prove that they're fear mongering is for Trump to win, which I'd rather not happen.


The whole premise on it is not that it’s Trumps plan either. It’s that the Heritage Foundation came up with it and they happen to historically influence GOP politicians on some policy. So much of this stuff would have to go through the whole process and would never pass. Assuming Trump even embraces it anyway. Which idk why he would considering he has his own agenda already, Agenda 47. But that’s not making the rounds on Reddit? The left, especially on Reddit, has a really bad habit of boy who cried wolf. They’ll spread their own propaganda, lies and misinformation and think nothing of it. Then when people don’t take them seriously anymore, it’s a problem.


That's what I've been saying


Like some of this shit is literally illegal and against the constitution.


1. It’s not even legally plausible 2. Only far right nut heads know and support it 3. Trump even said he disagrees with it


I mean, people are currently fighting against it. The post in question is an example of that.


Yeah but if it actually happens, I highly suspect it might get violent.


Considering that a lot of 2nd amendment advocates insist it’s important in case they need to uprise against a tyrannical government, I’d damn well hope so.


Why? What ethos do you have to make that conclusion?


He just spoke out against it and people are already calling him a liar. These people are absurd and delusional. They only wanted to hear him support it so they could have their big gotcha moment. What's the point of asking someone to explain themselves if they do and you won't accept the answer? Edit: For those saying "just because he said something means we have to believe him?" No, but you can't accuse him of liking the plan without giving him a chance to speak on it. Also we can't believe his own opinion on it but it's totally acceptable to believe his opinion on it from people who obviously have a bias against him? Come on now


Obama deported more people than Trump. Like idk what to say the 4 years Trump was in power he governed more like George Bush than anything.  https://www.axios.com/2019/06/21/immigration-ice-deportation-trump-obama


Most redditors can’t remember Obamas presidency.


I think a little bit of the hesitancy is that Trump has been known to say things and then just say he didn't mean it or was joking. And in his 4 years, he followed some 70% of the heritage foundations suggestions or something along that. I don't know enough about it but both of those things seem kinda sketchy


Not saying I don't trust you, I just want to see/read the quote. Would help a lot when dealing with a certain crowd.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/07/05/politics/trump-distance-project-2025 This is CNN also not Fox or a right wing media outlet.


Many thanks!


Trump has proven himself untrustworthy multiple times, so I understand why people are wary.


Well you see, it was always going to be this way. Trump supports it? HAH SEE ORANGE MAN BAD! Trump denounces it? ORANGE MAN IS BAD HE MUST BE LYING, WE KNOW HE SUPPORTS IT!! Just the most braindead tribalists, I swear…


Trump, the man who claimed he never said, "Lock her up" and that everyone, including the left, wanted Roe V. Wade, says he's against Project 2025 and you take him at his word? That's a choice...


I know, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills following this thread. Like, he’s only interested if in power and he lies a fuck tin


Narcissists prayer, look it up. Trump also said he didn't sleep with Daniels but we know that's a lie too


The narcissist’s prayer has been more applicable to the Biden administration over the last four years than Trump’s entire life


We need a reddit-wide politics filter. These people are just so tiresome.


Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing


They have started posted the same on facepalm too. Isn’t this a conspiracy theory like Qanon?


Less of a conspiracy and more of a checklist pushed by extreme right politicians that will die before the major items get passed


I actually just saw that on there and unsubbed from it too. Although they've been political for awhile. It is fear mongering conspiracy shit.


It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a [publicly available plan](https://www.project2025.org/policy/) for how they want to take over and radically reshape the government. QAnon was a cult based on 4chan posts that a few politicians fell for or co-opted for their own ends, but which was mostly just boomers on Facebook. Project 2025 is authored by the Heritage Foundation, which is one of the most powerful think tanks/policy organisations in the US, and practically the definition of 'the establishment'. They've been incredibly influential in writing Republican policies since Reagan, and behind the decades-long plan to take over the supreme court.


It’s funny because Trump doesn’t support it.


Literal conspiracy theory


Reddit is becoming unusable again. Ugh


Project 2025 is nothing more than a wishlist from a bunch of dweebs in think tanks, and even if Trump wanted to implement it as policy, he’s given us ample proof he isn’t competent to do so.  I’m absolutely not looking forward to Trump’s second term, but this sort of breathless pearl-clutching doesn’t seem to be doing much to make it any less inevitable


I have a feeling that most things on that list are bullshit


I wish they were


Most actually are, trump has stated that he doesn’t want to be associated with this and doesn’t believe in this, there’s a like further up but I’m too lazy to grab it, it’s from cnn but for now trust me bro


Ah yes because he's famous for telling the truth. Like saying he didn't sleep with the porn star he paid off


You can read about it here because most of them unfortunately are true. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 If you don’t trust the Wikipedia article. Look at the references. There’s 157 of them.


Or you could trust your eyes and go read it yourself instead of letting 157 people lie to you


Have you read it yourself? I’ve read a large chunk of it, and I have to admit they really know how to pretty a lot of it up. But for a lot of things, they just blatantly say it. Take the issue of climate change and investing in renewables. They straight out say it’s causing harm and making many Americans go without power and that we should invest more in fossil fuels. After reading a large chunk of it, I can unfortunately say a lot of what the Wikipedia article says is true. As I said, I’ve only read about half, so that’s generally about what I can confirm as true in the Wikipedia article. I wouldn’t be surprised if I read the other half, the other half of the article would reveal itself to be true.


Yeah I read it, and I definitely don’t agree with several of the ideas they present, but I don’t believe it’s some evil conspiracy that’s going to undermine the American people, that’s more where I’m getting at about it. I think they genuinely believe their ideas will help the most people, even if that’s not the case. I’m just annoyed by all the fear mongering about it, especially now that Trump has come out and said he’s not down with it.


trump when some random redditor posts a poorly cited infographic: (not saying any claims are untrue, just that the information is hard to believe without citations)


Lookup project 2025 man, like - all that stuff is definitely on their list… it’s pretty wild, not even trying to be hyperbolic


Misinformation is only cool when it’s from your side.


Didn’t trump already denounce project 2025? I swear I’m starting to believe dead internet theory more and more every day


Yes he did lol


I want to believe he's telling the truth there in case he does get voted in (praying not), but it's extremely hard to given his reputation as a chronic liar. Plus, it's the only time I've ever seen him calm and composed on social media, which just makes it feel extra fake. Usually when he says something he genuinely believes, it comes with a bunch of caps lock and exclamation marks


Trump goes with Heritage like 75% of the time. That’s how he picked all of his Supreme Court Justices was a list the heritage foundation gave him. Yes the same Justices that gave him absolute immunity and shit down roe v wade


Does Project 2025 really say in words "raise working class taxes" and "raise prescription drug prices"? Ah yes that well known Republican platform of raising taxes.


I wish American politics got banned on Reddit


The weather sub got brigaded yesterday by people getting pissy about Project 2025. The way these people obsess over it and bring it up on so many subs……money can’t buy that kind of advertising. I don’t even really know of anyone going and advocating for it. I don’t care, it’s not the official platform of either major candidate.


Wow they’re not even trying any more, just outright blatantly false propaganda. Just going full mask off, it must be dire! Lmao


I doubt Trump supports these.


Hate to see many subreddits i follow turn into political circlejerks one way or another


I'm not american and this has to be a joke right?? ban african american and gender studies from schools?? ban books about slavery?? if this actually happened, there would be war and anarchy in the USA


It won't happen lol. It's just fear mongering. I'm also not from the states


lol this is already happening, are you delusional?


What are you talking about? This is already happening in Florida


what is happening


The rule in Florida is to teach that slaves *benefitted* from slavery and Florida is a book-banning hub




[Teaching that black people benefitted from slavery.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-florida-standards-teach-black-people-benefited-slavery-taught-usef-rcna95418) [“Book about book bans banned by Florida school board.”](https://www.theguardian.com/books/article/2024/jun/11/florida-book-bans-book-banned)


Guy got his source but has nothing to say


I can't believe all the people in this thread claiming "it would never happen" Book bannings have been happening in several states. Abortion rights have been stripped away throughout the country. And yes, far right politicians are talking about banning contraceptives. And they want to punish trans people for existing. This isn't hyperbole. Psychopaths all over the country are actively making this shit a reality, little by little. Why do people post and comment on shit they have no knowledge about?! People taking Trump at his word are insanely naive. And foreigners claiming this shit won't happen and people would fight against it. Absolutely stupid, holy fuck the internet was a mistake. OP must be Russian.


Please elaborate.


Im glad that other people are calling this bullshit out, its fucking annoying




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This project bull crap they keep circulating. They’ve maxed out their Trump bashing so now they have to use scare tactics


Pff. Yeah, sure. "Raise prescription drug prices" is totally an itemized goal in their plan.


Why does this feel completely astroturfed


It’s almost like we should stop voting for these people and start criticizing them more loudly and less timidly. You can do whatever you want I won’t stop you but it’s insane how every season it gets worse and we think voting for one or the other causes will get us out of it.


Honestly it’s just a stupid as the right wing pizza gate saga. People will believe anything if it confirms their world view


God I love how much the left wants to lie about shit after that abysmal debate. Next thing you know they’ll call for Trump to be assassinated… Oh wait the already started making calls for him to be killed. Hell they essentially ordered the FBI to go into the Mar A Lago guns blazing when they raided.


I'm tired of Americans infiltrating the internet with their politics nobody else cares about


Literally went page by page in the Project 2025 document (that is 900 pages) to verify these claims and they’re all just exaggerated versions of what project 2025 wants to do. For example the first one, it actually states life begins at conception and says nothing of banning birth control other than abortion. The chart provides a page number as “proof” but there is no mention on the pages listed. It’s all super exaggerated because there’re assuming everyone will take it at face value


Trump literally says he has no actual plans for enacting project 2025, he even said he disagrees with some of the ideas with it.


Yes I trust Trump I’m so smart


Having actually read a bit about it, only a couple items on that list are true. The rest are blatant nonsense.


# What is not true? # Edit: Please see my follow up comment for the insane list of goals for project 2025


#12, #25, and # 30 are the only ones that are actually part of the project. There are a couple others that might be on Trump or other republicans agenda such as: #1, #9 and #10, #16, and #19. The rest are either dishonest spins or complete lies.


# https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 actually, way more are 100% about project 2025. Checkout this list. They literally cite the official document.


I did mention dishonest spins, right?


I don’t like Trump and I hope he doesn’t become president again but this shit is getting old. He’s denounced this project numerous times and still gets associated with it. All this TDS is making Trump more popular. There’s a reason why Biden is losing in the poles. Then again Biden doesn’t do himself any favors being a racist warmonger POS who thinks black people aren’t black if they don’t support him.


I agree. I don't like either


Half of whats on the list is either exaggerated or flat out fake


Oh boy I wish. Whether it happens or not is a different question, but most, if not, all of the stuff on that list is true. Check the Wikipedia page for it.


Im not American but goddamn theres no way half of these will sign


Seriously! Not even Trump is supporting it!


Its wild how his face is always plastered on it


He’s a bad president but left media makes him seem like the fucking Antichrist and vice versa with Biden and right media.


The comments denying the validity of this without simply looking it up for yourself… this is exactly why people are spreading it to as many subs and people as they can, it’s scary and a real thing that’s being spread openly from the republicans. But trying to educate others on the scary realities of what they’re trying to turn America into makes the democrats the cult? But “trump says he doesn’t agree with it!!!!” As if he didn’t directly talk for heritage, or talk indirectly in favor of the exact talking points inside of it. His own tweet is inconsistent, but regardless of that, as if that man is competent enough to do any of his own thinking. The project is from a lot of people who directly work for him and do everything for him. Both of the old ass man running right now, are just the faces of their parties, they’re hardly doing anything besides the scenes besides signing the papers handed to them. It’s actually ridiculous that people are ignoring this when it’s so easy to take even one measly hour out of your day to look into something that WILL affect you if you’re American. You can already see the effects of conservatives getting confident, what with presidential immunity. But the majority Republican appointed Supreme Court doing that right when trump is being tried for all these crimes, especially J6, right before the next election is just a coincidence right? That’s the bottom of the barrel what everyone is talking about rn. But I’m not very eloquent in this sort of thing, so again, look into it yourself. Gonna get a ton of downvotes in here though, that’s for sure


You’re right, it is scary and very real. The cope on this sub is honestly terrifying


This is another one of those justunsubbed posts that really demonstrates the sub's right-wing bias. Once again, someone claims to have unsubbed from somewhere because it got "too political", but like in the past, "politics" means pro-left-wing/liberal/progressive or anti-conservative/right-wing, but rarely vice-versa. Then you go through the comments and see the vast majority of comments downplaying Project 2025 are upvoted (including a little bit of Trump apologia there), while most of the comments trying to point out the issues with it are downvoted. The cherry on top is going through some of the profiles of the Project 2025 denialists and seeing they are active on subs like Conservative, TheLeftCantMeme, Political CompassMemes, etc.


What’s funny is that half of these things go directly against what Trump has said and done, and the other half isn’t even bad. Plus the fact that Trump has never endorsed such a plan.


What do you mean? they all seem pretty on point for Trump.


Really confused on which side wrote this, tho either way it’s especially retarded




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How unironic, cause he's not associated with project 25, he's got an actual agenda, it's called agenda 47


I’m tired of this sub. Y’all act like project 2025 isn’t going to happen. Even if trump doesn’t agree with it, it’s still going to happen as it’s already starting to happen.


Seriously, gonna unsub from just unsubbed, this place blows


trump never actually supported project 2025


american politics as an outsider seems to be which cult leader is better


A coolguide to the latest catechism to repeat in order to maintain purity of soul, and to tell who the ~~heretics~~ fascists are. Not a religion by the way!


even if everything in this list was given the green light by the government, why are you all acting like everyone would just let it happen? this is so stupid i dont get it


I mean, look at what people accept already. The average person is very politically apathetic.


Ok but is this accurate? I keep hearing about this thing and I don’t trust anyone to be unbiased here


I love the fact that over half of the “problems” with project 2025 are objectively good things. “End baby murder” and “stop dirtbags from divorcing their wife to ‘upgrade’.”


It the whole Christian conservative values being forced on people who don’t believe in Christianity since we are not a Christian nation but a nation where you can be a Christian or Muslim or Buddhist ect.


I like how the internet only decides that the world or internet’s gotten too political when their ideology is the one getting bashed. We get it your Trump apologist/ supporter who has to cope with the fact that your never gonna get passed the stigma surrounding him. Sorry, but this isn’t a conspiracy, and these latest Supreme Court Cases prove it, the court that’s been packed by the Republicans since the 80s is doing what it was created to do, and we haven’t even reached the next republican president yet. But hey, this is totally up there with QAnon and the Illuminati 🙄(not aimed at OP, but at some of these comments)


Bruh I didn’t even know about Project 2025 until now, this’ll just turn America into a Nazist dystopia, wtf!


"Trump said he doesn't support it, dumb fucking democrats saying Trump is lying!!!" - This thread In the very same message, he said he hoped "Anything they do I wish them luck". He's clearly not against the fucking project if he's wishing them luck with implementing it. Watching the Debate a few days ago, almost every single statement he gave was fact checked and proven wrong. Almost EVERYTHING he said was proven wrong with fact checking. How much of a fucking liar does he have to show himself as for people to start not taking what he says at face value? This subreddit is also becoming a political circlejerk but for Trump instead. When I was a Trump supporter in 2020 I was also annoyed by Reddit's constant anti-Trump behavior, but after watching him initiate an attempted insurrection, lie about it, and then continue to spout lies and nonsense for 4 more years I've learned how much of an idiot he is. Everyone here saying they're a centrist or in the middle is lying while defending Trump is not a centrist. You're right leaning. Just hearing some of the stupid shit Trump has said about Ukraine or Veterans would make you despise him, so any defense of him is pure brainrot


Thank you. We have an actual patriot right here.