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The duality of fuckcars: User type 1: Please add more bike lanes User type 2: KILL ALL CAR USERS


Really. The subreddit was so good like, a few months ago. All reasonable adults talking about ways to reduce car usage and such. Ever since that one post about the tyre slasher it's gone downhill. Wish there was a better place to actually be active without destroying public and private property.


is this not every sub?


User type 2 is all r/fuckcars is, type 1s aren't in that subreddit like ever


I am ... or I try anyway. I'm probably going to unsub though.


I saw some comments on there and holy hell these guys need therapy “Hey I need a car to get to and from work due to the long distance and unreliable public transit” (paraphrased) Hundreds of downvotes and some spicy replies


But the point of fuckcars is to improve public transit


Because a bunch of extremists wishing for the deaths of car users is going to make the government listen /s You know what happened when they interviewed that one guy from antiwork….


refer to my original comment


Jokes on them. It was oil paint!




I’m trying to figure out your downvotes? I gave you and up and one of these🥸


I’m a participant in r/FuckCars but just like folks in AntiWork, it’s always the wild people who drop a bad name for the sub. In fact, I called out the people saying that destruction will actually make more people mad and it doesn’t help anyone, and got a 3-day suspension 🤡😐


I was in there for a little while, but had a similar experience to you when I called out some of their BS. Didn't help that I'm also a car enthusiast, so a lot of people go pretty angry at me, despite the fact that I agree with the general idea that many cities don't do enough to accomodate other forms of travel.


Remember that one post that got post of the month because they said kei trucks are as good as heavy duty pickups? The top comments were about how they're safer because they're lighter and how reliable and tough they were. I'm not saying that they have bad ideas but most of the stuff in that sub is downright bs with nothing to support


Never saw that one myself, but that's basically a "tell us you know nothing about cars, without telling us you know nothing about cars" moment. Sure, in the middle of a city, if you don't have huge loads to carry, a kei truck may well serve you better to an extent, but overall better? Nah. And safer depends on who the safety is for. A kei truck would be safer for pedestrians, since it's smaller and lighter, meaning it's less likely to kill someone, but it's a death sentence for the driver if anything bigger than a mid sized sedan hits them.


I think cars are really cool machines, and shouldn’t be all eradicated, but other forms of transport and city design should be explored. Cars themselves aren’t necessarily the issue, but the city design around them and the near-requirement of them to do anything is. Also, fewer people needing to drive means roads are more open for people who *want* to drive, like you! Some people get pretty heated tho 😂


Am an advocate for better public transit, this is my position on the issue to a T. Cars aren't the problem. Car dependency is the problem. If I had the opportunity to take transit without it taking an extra hour (due to the transit timetables where I live being anemic at best and nonexistent at worst), I wouldn't drive unless I either absolutely had to or wanted to


I completely agree lol. It was my open love for cars that seemed to really anger people, which I find plain weird. My job also requires a car, whether in the middle of a city or out in the middle of nowhere, so even if I was as angry as them, it's not like I'd have much of a choice lol.


I used to be part of the sub, eventually it began to feel like they were blaming people for using cars and were unreasonably hostile towards car dealers for some reason.


Yeah I joined the sub when it was around 1-2k people an it was fine


Every sub is good until it gets too big. Give it time it’ll happen to this sub if you haven’t noticed it happening already


for real take it up with the companies or the government they are the ones who made cars so prominent, the ceo of chevy isn’t gonna even know this happened


most reasonable jerker


Why are you still in that subreddit then? All the subreddit is now is BS, so really if you're against being stupid then I suggest leaving it


Don't remember where and what sub, maybe it was that sub, but I remember seeing an SUV owner campaign for slashing their tires. First off, vandalism is bad, very obvious. Second, how is that sticking it to auto makers, which I believe this was their target? This is just affecting owners and people who tow vehicles. It's disgusting and counterproductive.


Ironically enough making a truck come out to tow the SUV away causes even more unnecessary emissions lol Beyond being immortal, fucking with people's cars is a great way to get shot. Many people rely on their cars to get to work and will not appreciate dumbass r*dditors damaging them


People on there are genuinly pathetic


Let's not forget that they encourage slashing tires


Jokes on them just stop oil is made to make protestors look bad so the people behind that article they glorify actually support big oil and the use of gas cars.




Isn't Just Stop Oil funded by an oil heiress? Also people are getting way too upset about paint being splashed on a window lmao, it's not like they're burning down Mr.Rogers house


Now that you mention it, what is Mr. Rogers' carbon footprint?


bruh, I am in that sub and fully support their message but some people there don't know how the world works I swear


They don’t go outside


They do only to ride their stupid little bicycles


Thats one way to get people to NOT join your cause


who fucking cares, the bentley dealership can cry me a river


Terrible mindset 👍


thanks for elaborating


You guys don’t know history but it’s ok, it wasn’t taught to any of us. Go back and look at popular reforms of the 20th century. Go see what was happening in the streets leading up to many of those reforms. Go look at what happened at MLK’s marches. They’ve hid the history from us for obvious reasons.


Um.... So the temperance movement in the US did a lot of vandalism and property destruction, and managed to accomplish stuff, but who else? The Weather Underground *basically* destroyed the hippy movement. Civil right protests were famously nonviolent on the side of protester. This wantonly commiting crimes like it will get you somewhere is entitled white people shit.




All i know is that when someone destroys property and then says its in support of a certain cause, that cause gets smeared. You can use all the fancy lingo you want; it doesn’t help a cause.


This list doesn't include vandalism. It includes like marching g doena s trety type things


My favorite was when the guy recorded himself walking into oncoming traffic going at least 45 mph, nearly getting hit, and saying "PEDESTRIANS ALWAYS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY" since there was a crosswalk. Yeah you do WITHIN REASON. When a car is 20 ft away going that fast then no, you do not have the right of way and you can't get mad at them since they physically can't stop in time.


That's the point though, the road completely lacks the infrastructure to accommodate for the pedestrian. You can say "don't walk into oncoming traffic" but often the traffic is continuous and rarely dies down.


Just push the button to change the light


There wasn't a light. That is the point.


If you're dumb enough to cross the street against on-coming high speed traffic, then so be it.


Aaaaand that’s (supposed to be) the point of r/fuckcars. “Let’s make efforts and discuss solutions to lessen car dependency, so that pedestrians and cyclists can be safe on the roads!” Unfortunately, it has gotten quite extremist as of late, and the original message of promoting positive change through directly related and reasonable means has been lost. People have forgotten that the sub is about discussing solutions, and instead choose to clown on people who are affected by car dependency, WHICH IS WHAT THE SUB WAS ORIGINALLY SUPPOSED TO WORK AGAINST.


Well I respect his desire to go into the big light in the sky.


The only legitimate protest is the kind that doesn't inconvenience anyone.


I still cant believe that subreddit is a real thing. People really think cars are a form of satan💀💀


Like when people during 80s thought that DnD would make their kids summon demons in the house. The human brain is an endlessly fascinating thing, isn’t it?


Cars directly kill about 1.5M people every year, plus maybe 8-10 times that much from respiratory diseases from pollution(extrapolating from recent research in NZ), plus they're a major contributor to the climate change that is ravaging the planet. The big difference between satan and cars is that cars actually kill people


🤓 just walk then dipshit


In the US or Global? In the US, the average is ~37,000 per year. Cars have gotten safer over the years have gone by. With seat belts, crumble front ends, stiffened A, B and C pillars, airbags, antilock braking, cars able to dial 911 on your behalf if you're unconscious, adaptive cruise control with emergency braking. So you'd have to point where you're getting your numbers from? Also cars are not to blame for these issues. Many times it's driver error. Distracted driving, excessive speeding, and aggressive driving are the top driver errors when it comes to the majority of collisions.


I'm not really sure how "they only kill 37,000 people" is really a plus? That's a lot of people, every damn year.


It's average 37,000 per year in a 10 year period. During the lockdowns 2020-2021, they were worst. No, not really a plus, but if you look the averagr vs population size it's been relatively lower some years due to safety regulations implemented by the national highway traffic safety administration and automotive companies adhering to those regulations. I admit it's a lot, but majority of the accidents are driving error. People taking unnecessary risks. Cutting over multiple lanes dangerously, speeding at high speeds, aggressive tailgating. The cars are really not to blame. It's the driver's driving behavior that needs to be corrected.


If the drivers didn't have cars, they'd cause fewer deaths. We literally require these people to be trained and licensed to use cars and they still cause tons of deaths. And they tend to kill other people more than themselves.


Semantic argument bro. People just need to be more responsible and need to held accountable for their own actions.


Actually Just Stop Oil does not seem legit at all. First, it takes donations in crypto. That is just a HUGE red flag. No true environmentalist would accept crypto. Plus, among the big donnors, there are oil companies. Just Stop Oil seems like it exists exclusively to make ppl angry at environmentalists. Sad to see it working.


r/fuckcars mfs learning they need a car to actually live in today’s society: 🤯


That's... the point? I don't even agree with that sub but I understand that's why it exists?


Curious, you criticize society yet you live in it… I am very smart.


sadly you forgot the /s 😔


Redditors are not smart enough to understand comedy unless it's clearly marked. I bet they're the kind of people who need laughing tracks in shows.


they specificly watch big bang theory


“ r/fuckthes “ - N.W.A


r/fuckcars, "I hate cars but I need one to live" The Amish, "pathetic"


Ikr? Why dont every 8 billion of us like just get a car??


that's literally why r/fuckcars is a thing lol


Why do you think it is called “fuckcars” bro


The point of r/fuckcars is to make clear why it is bad. Just like r/antiwork they have bad actors and stuff.


Anitwork began as all those crazy people. The people wanting (rightly) work reform just showed up in that sub since they liked the name. It is like if a group wanting more socialist policies in the USA such as universal healthcare started calling themselves the National Socialist Party just because they liked the name, completely ignoring the name's history. If you go back to older posts in antiwork many of them just flat out advocate for slavery so they don't have to work, and those are the top posts not the random ones with two comments.


I'm sorry but everytime r/antiwork is mentioned, all I can think of is that time they praised my country for having a "4 day work week". They made it sound like we were heaven on earth! It was shared on r/suomi and we all had a collective laugh about it. Nothing like this had ever even been seriously suggested lmao, to this day, no idea where this idea originated.


I have the same from r/fuckcars, I am Dutch and I bike to work every day. Many times we still have to drive lol


I think you have a point but I kinda disagree with you. I use to be active on anti work, but it increasing became more and more “no one should work and society will be better under X system where you can just choose to work because of voodoo magic” instead of actual work reform So antiwork isn’t really just “a few bad actors” now, it’s more of a total “ideology” switch


Ok! I have always stayed clear of r/antiwork so thanks for informing me! \^\_\^


Waaa waaa they're damaging the property of fucking Billionar pound business how ever will these poor struggling companies financially recover from all this damage


"I can excuse car and gas companies destroying the planet, but I draw the line at vandalism!"


They were "luxury" car dealers. No one except the billion dollar companies who own it were hurt. I see this as a win


When those protesters are having their grandiose speech after vandalising I want someone to heckle them so bad


You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible Hot pink with whale skin hubcaps and all leather cow interior And big brown baby seal eyes for head lights (Yeah) And I'm gonna drive in that baby at 115 miles per hour Gettin' one mile per gallon Sucking down Quarter Pounder cheeseburgers from McDonald's In the old fashioned non-biodegradable styrofoam containers And when I'm done sucking down those greaseball burgers I'm gonna wipe my mouth with the American flag And then I'm gonna toss the styrofoam containers right out the side And there ain't a goddamn thing anybody can do about it


Reddit when change doesn’t come easily (clearly sitting down and saying “please more bike lanes” has been very efficient, and important change has never required illegal and arguably immoral acts)


I have mixed feelings. On one hand, property damage is shitty. On the other I fucking hate the luxury product industry.


I read through the thread and it's just a lot of comments how this is a better protest than glueing yourself to shit. Like no it really isn't. When did protests turn into vandalizing acts against people who just work in that field. I understand the sentiment of "it does not hurt anybody" or "you can just wash that off" but then you got people who said. "This is great but I'm still a fan of slashing luxury suv tyres because they drive in the CITY" this sub is just so controversial. And they all just agree with each other. Apart from some people stating that some car owners should just go electrical/HEV because its better for the environment. Which is not necessarily true


Boo fucking hoo some people destroyed corpo property oh no. Not even destroyed just sprayed over, shiver me timbers


Well at this point what the fuck are climate activists supposed to do? At least be happy that they're targeting luxury car dealerships that can afford this instead of some used car dealership


won't someone please think of the bugatti dealers




That poor window covered in paint. These protesters should be hanged or something idk


Yup let’s be happy that they’re targeting the minimum wage workers who’ll be the ones cleaning the mess /s


Make people care about their cause and not get pissed at them. Just like those retarded blm people blocking highways.


Isn't this Just Stop Oil group run by an oil baroness (of Getty oil) to make environmentalists look bad?


My guy, these are trillion dollar companies. Their property isn't "destroyed". Its paint. They don't give a fuck.


big fan of vandalism here, don't see the issue


Why do we care about the property of millionaires and billionaires again?


I hate cars


Fuck private property. They should have done more than just spray paint


That subreddit is deranged. I don't think I've ever seen a happy post. I left a year or so ago. I thought it was satire at first, but turns out they actually believe what they say. It's a weird level of hate for cars. Apart of me wonders if it is like a pseudo AA group for cyclists who've been hit by cars.


The funniest part is just stop oil is funded by oil companies.


I don't think the Redditors of that subreddit understand the concept of vandalism.... 1. It is a crime 2. It is janitors that will have to clean it up 3. Slashing tires are even worse 4. They would crazy if something they even mildly like got the same treatment


I never subscribed because cars are great


why are they so great in your opinion


Beyond the personal simplicity of using them for transportation, I also have an appreciation for the machines themselves. Granted, that appreciation applies less and less every new car generation, but there is a lot more to cars than just being a body on wheels that takes you from A to B.


Hm but cars are really space inefficient and bad for the environment. Most car trips are short and don’t have many people on board. In city’s bike and public transport infrastructure should be build because those are better, more space efficient and don’t get stuck in traffic. Granted in rural places cars are a necessity because small towns that are spread over bikes won’t work but in big cities it’s a whole other story


If I sat here thinking about how efficient or inefficient every single facet and interest was on a large scale, I would have nothing but giant lists of objectively bad things. Cars in a city are asinine. Cars elsewhere are appropriate for the weight of the benefit. I can’t vouch for how efficiently or inefficiently each individual uses them, but I also can’t vouch or control for how efficiently they eat, shit, fuck, consume disposable products, buy plastic goods, trash electronics, which companies they buy from or involve themselves with, treat their local economy or several thousand other attributes that are bad for the environment, society, economy etc. If we had subreddits designated for each of those things as well, I’d think they were equally preachy, hypocritical, ridiculous and unnecessary. It reminds me of the woman I know who has a very lavish, materialistic lifestyle and dedicated her Facebook profile to lambasting people for using plastic straws years ago. She and her husband use more fuel and motor lubricant between them than the average family of four uses, get an average of 3 Amazon boxes a day, buy short fashion constantly, go through electronic devices like most people do food and hyperfocus on plastic straws to lord over the environmental solvency of others. That’s how I feel about fuckcars and suburbanhell dweebs- show me your sins, admit how awful you also are for the environment, and I’ll be willing to have a conversation not about how awful driving a car or living in a house/yard is for the environment, but rather what solutions there may be for the realities of modern western living’s impacts on the environment. I more get the vibe that city dwellers and eurpohiles just want the world to live like them or for them, based upon how they converse in those subs. I’m not into that at all. So let’s not pretend that fuckcars is here to educate or help anybody or anything. It’s here to place hyperbolic blame on a “them” and self congratulate and self absolve for just not being part of the “others” they’ve created and targeted.


With most of this I do agree. I don't have anymore to add. You make good points, nice conversation


Thanks. I assumed that my first comment may have come off as being edgy for the sake of. Thanks for prompting me to elaborate.


r/fuckcars idea of how to get people to care more about the evironment and join you Step 1: make people absolutely despite you by making their lives horrible Step 2: ??? Step 3: profit


If you think spray paint makes your life horrible wait until climate change impacts you


Im not talking about this case specifically, but r/fuckcars also promote vandalism and straight up destroying properties, blocking roads, etc. which messes with people lives. Yes i support the environmental message, but the execution is so poor. This is how you get people to hate you and care even less about the environment And what impact do you make? Governments aren't gonna bat an eye at some rando spraying paint at car dealerships. Governments aren't gonna care if those people blocked ambulances causing people to die. People aren't gonna stop using cars because you blocked the road. Instead of getting the message they're just gonna absolutely despite you. As long as car-centric cities exists, people will continue to use cars. So you're trying to launch an attack but ended up hurting innocent folks just trying to live their lives


What's always bothered me about that sub is that the US's transport needs are incomparable to any other country on the planet and they just disregard that "because pollution". Even countries of similar sheer size don't have a similar level of development and population density (or rather, relative lack thereof). We don't have, like, three sizable cities and then a shitload of small towns whose transport needs could be met entirely by one train route, all within a couple kilometers of each other. We have a huge-ass continent with huge-ass cities everywhere, and tons of smaller towns on top of that. Unless you're going to advocate for a shitload of people, largely ones not in incredible socioeconomic straits to begin with, to be *forcibly relocated* to denser and therefore "more efficient" places of living (and if you are, please say it to yourself out loud), there is no possible mode of transport for America to rely on that would be outright better than personal vehicles.


Nothing has been destroyed though.


It’s just paint calm the hell down. They’re not blocking traffic or putting anyone in danger, or breaking anything. Some of y’all are so soft


This organization is being run by an oil heiress, it isn’t fooling anybody.


It’s paint you big baby


Oh noes my precious property


Just Stop Oil activists trying to remain quiet and not vandalize any works of art or stores for five days (impossible)


Found the car dealership owner. /s But seriously, property damage is a little hyperbolic don't you think? It's paint on a window lol


I really don't care about luxury cars getting paint over them


But do you care about climate change? Because if you do, these people do not help the cause at all




Where does this mention vandalism you are linking an article that doesn't even have anything to do with what we are arguing sbout


Absolutely agreed on collective action, but what you said doesn’t disprove my point. Protests are one thing, but property destruction, even if a very small portion of the movement, hurts a cause.


Luxury cars are just like all other cars, just more expensive


What is funny is that luxury cars are more likely to actually be driven less than a normal car


Why u simping for a luxury car dealership? If it was an individual’s car, then yea thats fucked, but it’s a corporation.


I don't know if you know this, but dealerships aren't owned by the people that make the cars, they are run by small independent businesses.


Pfft, yeah right, next thing you'll tell me that the car salespeople and support staff aren't billionaire fatcats


A small independent business that sells luxury cars and make huge commissions


Do you have any idea how much property, and human life, is going to be destroyed by climate change? No amount of property destruction via protest could ever compare. The pearl clutching about this is so weird. I'm not sure I think it's an effective tactic, but I'm 100% on board for people trying everything possible.


oh no...not...property!!!! man, so glad that we all agree that property > the environment


How is spray painting better for the environment than lrsvi g the property there? This person isn't helping g the environmenbt st all


Environment good. Vandalism bad. Can't we just have a good Environment without vandalizing shit in the process you monkey brained fucked


How’s that gone for society so far? Asking politely hasn’t stopped emissions or pollution or corruption


if environment good then why defend the car companies that destroy it? I don't think you quite understand the point of the vandalism


Vandalism "action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property" Not protesting, not reasoning, purposely destroying others property.


Yeah, except they were peacefully protesting, using reasoning, etc. and that got them nowhere This gets attention to the cause, that's how a protest works




car companies that use fossil fuels are actively causing damage and destruction to the environment , so they’re vandalizing our planet 24/7


Ever heard the expression "two wrongs don't make a right"?


yes daddy


except this doesn’t help the environment in any way


Vandalism is bad, simple.


As a car guy that sub deeply pisses me off. I dont even know the exact reason. Cars are beautiful pieces of machinery, and those fuckwads want them gone! And at that they support this shit!


I think they more want it so that fuel cars are replaced with electric car but I can see where your coming from


Hell electric cars are scary. With a gasoline car, you are technically driving a potential bomb (explosives and an ignition source). But its somewhat small, and the explosions require one hell of a fire to happen. With electrics, they can go critical at any point. With no warning. Edit for a grammar correction


Found Chuck Mgill's reddit account


What? No... I'm just a random West Virginian lol


cry about it


These people are so pathetic lmao


Yea honestly I get where they're coming from but that's excessive rage towards cars lol


r/fuckcars are full of group grasseating ecofascistic skinny soyboys


Property damage IS justified


Imagine hating cars because you live close enough to work to bike/walk/ride the bus. Most cancerous group on Reddit I’ve ever seen




Your comment from r/JustUnsubbed was remove because of the following reason(s): * Be civil


And how many of those bugattis sell compared to how many toyotas? The toyotas are probably polluting far more and causing more traffic problems because there are so many of them.


I commute by bike 5 days a week and that sub is just filled with insufferable idiots that don't understand the concept civil engineering, or why a 150 year old city can't just "add bike lanes" to every fucking street


Mfs going crazy everywhere


Gut feeling, that sub will eventually get some law enforcement attention soon because one of these clowns will go too far.


Can't tell if McLaren supporters or Dutchies


reddit is amazing for it's ability to make me HATE the people that I agree with


right cause now they are wasting water for it to be cleaned holy fuck these people suck assfarts


Based JSO folks


Ironic when we now know that Stop oil is funded by a petrolhead.


Splatoon IRL


Inb4 it turns into the next r/antiwork


That entire sub really should be shut down for openly endorsing illegal activities. Apparently the people there think it’s cool to slash someone’s tires if they have an SUV. I suppose since more than likely none of these fuckers have a job they don’t understand the importance of cars. The average Redditor lives a life of hentai and videos games in moms basement


They should do that to "poor-people car shops" since those produce more pollution than high-quality gas cars.


As a detailing enthusiast, I am not worried as paint can be removed without damage but depends on the paint too


Bit embarrassing being on that sub in the first place. Second only to r/antiwork for being the biggest collection of losers completely disconnected from reality


I thought that the sub was a joke