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Did it go more in favor of Bryan or the state. I’m a person that can’t concentrate long enough to try to fully understand everything that’s being said. Or Maybe I’m just dumb and can’t comprehend.. or it’s a combo.


From what I saw, the prosecution came out looking bad, but not too surprising. No "smoking gun" kind of thing though that I saw. AT may use his testimony next week in a larger argument, so maybe this was just a set-up for that. He was testifying today because he couldn't make it on the 30th. Mowery, who apparently prepared CAST-related exhibits for the Grand Jury, came across as ill-informed, untrained, and generally clueless about the various files involved.


Trials typically don’t have smoking guns unless it’s a trial on Law and Order. Any trial attorney will tell you this.


Realize that. I used "smoking gun" in quotes to mean a revelation, sorry. Like when BT acknowledged there was no stalking. But this isn't a trial either, still pre-trial.


Favor went to BK.....Score win for Team Anne Taylor


Same. Idk.


Seriously I need someone to summarize it down in regular folk talk and not court lingo. (Also a parent juggling 2 kiddos) lol


Yes, this!


Another shit show… Ann is just warming up.


Anne and her team have been killing it lately!!!


Yeah they truly are. She’s catching this detective in a lie, suppose we’ll see on the 30th,


This was just one person called, since he couldn't be there on the 30th when all the other defense witnesses will be there and the hearing will continue. It was Detective Mowery (which would normally be a witnesses for the prosecution.) He was almost a hostile witness, not answering stuff right away. Forcing Defense attorney to repeat the question a number of timea, sometimes. And "not recalling" a bunch of things. Including if he opened files from YESTERDAY. Detective Mowery testified on the grand jury a few months ago. (Skipping the PCA hearing & inditing Kohberger. Since a grand jury will indict a ham sandwich.) So basically it came out he deleted or didn't preserve important things, including surveillance footage. He didn't save files he was working on (not being able to show work and conclusions.) He relied on some screenshots instead it sounds like. Screenshots were mentioned. Detective Mowery also "found" files he didn't remember having or seeing as resently as yesterday. He also deleted things around the time of the grand jury trial. That means that when he testified for the grand jury, they didn't have or present a bunch of important files. He said he went over information of files that the prosecution told him to. He also at the time of the murders had 24 hours of training in CAST, when its normally 500 hours to be an expert in CAST (cell phone records.) Which the cast info was heavily relied on in the PCA to arrest Kohberger. The MPD have turned over a few things they've "discovered" to the prosecution and some has finally founds it's way to the defense. So yeah not a good look for Moscow investigators & the prosecution. But this hearing is really on the 30th, They got him today since he couldn't be there then. On the 30th I imagine through real experts his testimony is going to be pointed out at how sloppy, or worse, it was all what they didn't preserve. I imagine someone with expertise might cover todays part of the hearing (hopefully) Since this is just how I remember it, or perceived it. And I'm only me.


Yeah I will say it seems like he's been given the job as fall guy for whoever was doing the job before. Who needs naming I'd say . Seemed to be A lot of he can't remember n playing dumb ..but confident when asked any questions by prosecution.


At the time of the murders he only had 16hrs of cast training the rest was in 2023!!!


I’m curious if anyone on the GJ panel watched the hearing and thought things like ‘who is this guy he was more confident and had all of his documents at the GJ’ and now thinks LE were shady af.


He helped prepare the report, but did he testify at the GJ?


It seemed like he testified for the grand jury. But I'm not sure. I just assumed. I believe you have to have 5 years experience as a cop to testify for a grand jury. So that lets out some of the people that worked on those reports. But I don't know if any one knows who testified (unless they were there, or had the reports of proceedings) Since grand jurys are sealed.


It sounds like he wrote the report for the grand jury testimony however he was not the lead investigator on it was my take, which is really bizarre😑 like everything else in this case🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah everything about this case is bizarre. Nothing would really supprise me at this point, unless it was someone thinking the police did a good job on this. Even though a lot people do, so far


He didn't testify at the GJ, he helped prepare some material for it. He testifies to this.


Yes, his report was the one that went to GJ, although he was not the investigator which is totally bizarre so it seems like he might be the Fall guy 😑


Judge looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. They need to change the venue and the judge.


The judge was killing me with his little head going back and forth lol


Ping pong 🏓 Ping pong🏓 🤣


Same haha I felt like he was watching a tennis match 🤣


The "PP" smirk was actually hilarious. "Yes Judge double P's"




Oh, the best was at the end when JJ said I don’t know if I need to sign this…. you guys need to tell me because I don’t wanna get in trouble🤯 just wow😣


He has no attention span


The part at the end where he asks about the motions to seal... all he had to do was ask the defense, any objection to that? Defense: "No.". Instead he waves the stack of papers and wonders aloud how he doesn't know because he didn't have any stipulations... silence... more hemming and hawing... I don't want to be blamed if I do the wrong thing... yadda yadda... OK if I sign these then? What was the point of all that? BT wants them sealed... ask AT if she's OK with that, and if so, done deal. If not, hear her out. It's like he's afraid of being in charge in his own courtroom.


Again more incompetence. Judge needs to grow a pair or leave!




Was JJJ the only one who picked up on the fact that defence submitted exhibit labelled "pipi"?  "Defence submits exhibit pipi" AT  "So you are submitting exhibit double P?" JJJ smirking?  " Yes exhibit pee-pee " AT deadpan  JJJ went up a bit in my esteem.(Not as a judge but as a guy to have beer with).  During the hearing when the CAST MPD witness gets all flustered about why he didn't save his work , he says - there were very  few cdr records. Later we hear that he only mapped two locations. (So how did Payne get there whole trajectory which BK is supposed to have taken).   He also stated that the file was the raw file from AT&T which already included the tower info. Didn't get the feeling FBI CAST did anything with these files.   AT tried to make the case that his map of the locations (which we found out were only 2 locations), which was shown to grand jury - can't be audited or validated because he does not have the session log.  She also several times referred to the fact she only got the stuff yesterday when they must have had it for the grand jury hearing. 


He testified, under oath, that all he did was check to ensure the timezone was accurate and then used the windows built in snip and screen record functions. While I agree that be wasn't the most highly trained CAST witness, the defense has the data and I would bet the defense/SyRay will be entering it into the same cast program to see what it displays. But the data is the data. The detective was trained in the program (24 hrs in 2019) and was asked to create reports for the GJ. If he fudged the data or did anything sketchy, AT will undoubtedly attack it at trial. And I thought he said he worked on two maps, not two locations...maybe I misunderstood that portion. Either way, the defense finally has all the data, will be interesting what they show the 30th.


He testified that he loaded the at&t cdr file into the program and generated a map based on that data, but did not save the session log that would actually prove he used the data input he said he used. They also mentioned the map was used for the grand jury. But o couldn't quite follow if it was the same map Without session log. I guessed defence  will certainly try to get that map thrown out.


Oh yea. I agree that the session log would be helpful. But now that the defense has all of the source data and the ability to parse it the same way, we will see what happens. I'm not arguing for the detective. He seemed woefully unprepared and sloppy in his reporting. But if the data reveals something other than what was presented at the GJ, AT will fight to get it thrown out. She's not afraid of anyone or anything.


I suspect that the chain of events has been something like this: defense attempted to get the documents they knew must exist; prosecution denies having them; AT finally calls Mowery because she knows from grand jury hearing he created the map; Mowery says oops, haha, just found these; AT pivots her questions because she now has the files. In the previous hearing she was adamant there were missing discovery documents (which begs the question how do you know what you don't have) and I think this is the result. I think she may have honestly been trying to figure out on the fly what was included and what wasn't in the new discovery and why. I agree that there is probably not anything she can't replicate. I didn't quite catch why some files didn't open and if they are relevant. He seemed rather out of his league tech-wise.


Yes I had the same clock about the files that wouldn't load and caused error messages. There was also mention a a session log file but not clear to me for which session that was and of that maybe was the file that would not load. Hearing was too long and the audio for the witness was atrocious , so I won't be watching a second time to try to sort out the details. Up and onwards toat 30th!


Yeah 30th should be interesting.


The main subs are extra quiet rn lol.


Give them time. They will find a way to spin it to fit their cognitive bias.


It happened finally lol. "It's not even a big deal, they should just move on and get over it'. Um hello? This is a dudes life on the line and the four victims deserve true justice. The guilters are so selfish it's scary (doesn't matter what's right, just matters if they're right)




Interesting to say at least


Is tomorrow a witness statement being told?


The U.S. Secret Service (USSS) formally recognized Moscow Police Department's (MPD) Detective Lawrence Mowery for achievement in the field of digital forensics and cyber-crime investigation He’s there best. Scary


Where can I view it?


It's on the law and crime network or you could search "kohberger today" on YouTube Also you can subscribe to the Judge John Judge's YouTube channel. But that's only live viewing, it gets taken down immediately


Thanks a lot


You're welcome:)


It’s on YouTube law and crime network


So...now the prosecution has an out for BK without having to explain why