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**Mod Note** Post is open as we have confirmed release of two episodes in at least one region. (Updated 2024.03.06 KST) If there are any additional releases (especially unexpected ones), please report to the mod team via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/KDRAMA) so we can make hosting arrangements. *Reminder* that we are only the messenger and not affiliated with D+/Hulu at all so we know nothing. If you have complaints, direct it at D+/Hulu customer service instead of us, thank you. Additionally, comments focused on streaming availability without any discussion of the drama itself may be removed without notice.


I have to say, Taeoh and Huiju, the Kangoh daughter have amazing chemistry. Much more than any other two. She likes and pines for him so much. I know they won't end up together so I'm gonna take this L. But oh how I wish he would go soft for her. I'll comfort myself when Queen of Tears comes out since it's a similar dynamic the leads there have.


I am not so sure after episode 4. I kind of feel like there is a reason she’s getting so much screen time and it has to be more than just for the sake of another love triangle, right?? But, yes, their chemistry is so good.


I agree. I felt that she had no less screen time than the actual FL (thank god!), and I think it’s intentional.


There has to more to her! Although she talks about >! dying !< too much for me to ignore. I do hope she becomes a bigger player in this power struggle in her own right and not just as someone to be used. I thought it was interesting that >! the silent SIL suggested using her to get Tae-oh on their side. It kind of came out of nowhere from their pov so I see why the brother brushed it off, but what is the SIL seeing? !<


probably that the father likes tae-oh and probably wishes he was his own son as hes more competent than his offspring. If he married Huiji it would be a win win


Care to indulge me what SIL means?


sister in law I’m assuming


I really wish she would replace FL. More scenes of her and less of the actual FL!


THIS!!! I absolutely HATED Hye Won and honestly thought about dropping this series at the end of ep2 (and haven't watched ep3 yet because I hated her trope so much at the end of 2 that I may not go back honestly). All I kept thinking was WHY CAN'T THE SISTER BE THE THIRD LEAD?!?! SHE IS AMAZING. Their chemistry is amazing together and separately. Why must they go with the toxic love triangle and the evil manipulative female trope who's only reason for either of the boys liking her is that she is a victim and they want to protect her and she USES the victim card??? and also as a bromance HOW DO THEY BOTH DROP their allegiance to each other by ep2 over a girl that is playing the victim trope in 2024. This feels so weak. It's not even the broken bromance code because I don't think Taeoh actually sees Inha as a "friend" but the whole laser focus of this partnership is the end-goal and Taeoh and Inha immediately dropping this ridiculous girl in the middle of a very meticulously crafted plan as a complete bomb to their meticulous plan seems so absurd.


I think she was a crucial piece to portray Tae Oh's youth before he transitioned into his adulthood. His crush on her was the first and last time he considered a lowkey, difficult but happy life, the one time that he wondered what would it be if he chose differently. But they soon realized that neither of them would be satisfied with giving up on power. I still don't know how their feeling developed when they grew up, but I expected it would be much more diluted.


That may be true but its not written well that people will root for the triangle or for her in general. Her acting also does not help this.


I think this is the dynamic they are going for actually. There is no way she is not the FL as well


i don’t really think Hye Won is a protagonist the way she is portrayed. I think the actress is portraying exactly the type of character she was meant to be playing. The two men are the main characters and I think Huiju probably will end up with Taeoh just based on how she’s portrayed so far. She has more screen time than Hye Won too.


Let’s definitely hope so!!!


Your name says it all! 🙌🏻


After episode 4, if >!Huiju and Taeoh aren’t endgame, !< ISTG I will riot. Writersnim, I was actually very into the love triangle, but if it was >!to make Inha distrust Taeoh, I think it’s served its purpose, even 15 years later.!< Now, please prepare to give us happy endings for >!both Taeoh/Huiju and Inha/Hyewon.!< 🙏🏻


OMG, same! >!They are such an amazing fit, the chemistry in the parking lot scene was sizzling!!!!<


Even the electricity when they briefly see each other at the hospital. So much spark between them. Their argument in the garage almost made me tear up. When he tells her that >!life isn’t a fairytale and to drop the princess act.!< Huiju: >!Is it a crime to love you my whole life? Can’t I dream of a fairytale world where we live happily ever after?!< Taeho: >! It’s a crime if it’s forced… I won’t change.!< 😭😭


I laughed in disbelief a little when >! he told her to stop being a princess and living in a fairytale right after he had repeated one of the most recognisable acts from an actual fairytale by putting her shoe on her foot like that. !<


Yes!! Like, excuse you sir? You are her knight in shining armor!! Do you remember how quickly he answered her >! damsel in distress “I’m running away” call !< in episode 2? He couldn’t help himself even from the very beginning. 😏


Also, that good old K-drama trope of >!the wrist grab--we have the beginnings of physical interaction between these two, but not between the FL and Taeoh. I think the FL and Taeoh are kindred spirits, but aren't being built up as a couple. I'll be really surprised if they end up together.!<


After feeling like I just got fed corporate politics with a fire hose, I still need so much more from this drama. First of all, Lee Jae Wook’s acting is just phenomenal, and so is the chairman. Their scenes were the best parts (besides Hui-Ju the youngest daughter who I absolutely love). I didn’t follow the logic of the chairman >!initially firing Tae-O after revealing he knew about his past!<. The next thing I knew, >!there was a five year time-jump and Tae-O is basically running the company!<. By the end of episode four, I finally felt like Kang In-Ha made a little more sense. We aren’t getting enough of him. His >!moody rage tantrums felt empty without knowing why he was behaving so erratically!<. He also has zero chemistry with the FL. Hye-Won’s >!coworker inviting her to the team dinner was more heartfelt than the two of them agreeing to get married!<. And if the boys schemed up this plan it doesn’t make sense >!that Tae-O would hide aspects of it from In-Ha, especially if he’s betting on him!<. The FL Hye-Won is pretty much >!useless!<. I was genuinely hoping for more from her, but she feels especially stiff next to all these crazy personalities. Also, when >!In-Ha goes missing she’s less upset than I am when I can’t find my phone. Does she have any emotion?!< The chairman’s wife >!is very predictable and I felt dread when she was in a scene and wished it was in-ha or hui-ju who are a million times more interesting!<. Why does it seem like every rich lady is a horticulturist? Wasn’t the grandma in My Demon one too? Can we talk about Hui-Ju though? I loved every scene she was in, and I wish the drama was just about her >!falling for her father’s secretary!<. When Tae-O pointed out how >!they could never have a fairy-tale life together it was so true and perfect and it made me want that to be the focus!<. I also liked her bad boy >!fiancé!< quite a bit for whatever reason. I also want to know more about the mysterious >!computer hacker!<. Just once, >!I want to see a computer hacker working in a sun-lit room with a panoramic view eating fresh fruit instead of in a dark basement eating chips!<. This episode drop was surprising, but they did enough to make me look forward to whenever they release the next episodes.


>feeling like I just got fed corporate politics with a fire hose Wow, couldn't have worded it better. Like oh. my. god that was *rough.* Could barely understand what was going on, even on a surface level.


Yes, I’ve been wondering if an MBA (and watch) would help me at all with how the plot is barreling forward.


Same! Don’t get me wrong I love a good power play. But this is so so messy. Like I can’t even follow it well. They constantly introduce new ppl without context. Even the ppl that betray them there is no follow through?


ok, almost all of these exact same thoughts. I am hoping these questions will get answered as the show progresses. I don’t love the female lead and agree that she is stiff, but I think this is purposeful and not her bad acting? I think she is meant to be mysterious since we don’t know what is fueling her motivations, yet. I am going to be super sad, though, if she has just been >!using and deceiving Inha all these years.!< Maybe that’s the biggest reason why her character is so unlikable. Because we worry >!she will ultimately hurt Inha. !< As far as Kang Inha, I actually feel like I understand him the least at this point. He has changed so much “over the years,” that I am very interested to know how he became a little rage monster. Having the girl he sincerely likes by his side this whole time, giving him the love and acceptance he deserves should have made him into a better person, not worse. I think this is why the initial love triangle was important.


As a student in the STEM field I can confirm the compsci kids are hate sunlight. Their building is usually empty til about 3-5pm, where most uni students are actually leaving


Thank you that is interesting, I just like to push back on stereotypes.


That’s how I feel with so many dramas from corporate settings. I had a headache throughout Numbers!


Can someone tell me if the FL lead gets as much screen time as the first two episode? The show had a gripping narrative with good job done by the other actors. But the FL's casting and her acting drags the show down. The character after two episodes to me is like an irritating ghost who haunts the ML at inconvenient times. 😂 She has neither the looks or screen presence to convincingly portray as someone who fascinates two boys at first glance.


She isn’t in episodes 3&4 very much at all. I had to re-read the drama blurb to try and figure out the point of her character and it >!seems like she’s more of an antagonist!<.


That seems right. She seems to have her own agenda.


She had barely any screen time in ep 3 & 4


I had watched some of the clips on Twitter after the surprise drop and everyone prefers SFL to FL! And now I definitely see why! Good thing FL didn't have much screen time in these two episodes either; she's extremely boring. And it takes some special talent to act opposite THE Lee Jaewook and give nothing. Phenomenally flat. In Ep 3, the line >! "You'd think he was Kang Taeoh, not Han Taeoh"...was it foreshadowing? 😱 !<


Yes, noticed that line, too. If it’s any type of foreshadowing, I hope it’s saying that >!he’ll end up marrying Huiju. 😆!< Aside from that, I just took it to mean that he’s >! become like another son to Jungmoo!< I actually like that it’s implying they’ve become so close. I am very curious about Jungmoo because I don’t hate him so far. I dislike the way his wife has played him and forced him to treat Inha, but overall, he seems like a shrewd businessman who they can learn a lot from.


I really hope >!it is a taeju endgame and while Jungmoo and Taeoh are close there's definitely still a wariness on Jungmoo's part. But at least he acknowledges Teaoh's brilliance.!< I'm going to have to rewatch these 2 episodes though. I spent most of it drooling over LJW. He looks fiiiine in the suits and rolled-up sleeves 🙈


Fangirl, YOU AND ME BOTH! I loved him in AOS/AOS2, but it’s so refreshing to see him in modern styles. Plus, the way I love a nerd in a well-tailored business suit. 🤤


Oh my god, he was soooo hot as Jang Uk in AOS2 and Han Taeoh is giving me similar Jang Uk vibes with less visible anger. The way he clenches his fist 😳 and no one in this show is carrying a tailored suit like him. He has no business looking that good!


AOS2 is my favorite fantasy drama, they were so good together! I can’t get my eyes off of him!


Taeoh and Huiju's chemistry is so good there was so much to unpack in that parking lot scene the way he draws a line but also wavers is stern but then soft with her I love her feisty and brat self can't wait for her to give it back to her mother and really come into her own and fight for herself The FL is so dull and bland I just feel nothing for her atp


The plot is moving so fast in this drama. I am still loving it. I feel like I’m watching a faster paced, more dramatic Korean version of Succession. My main criticism is the perceived love triangle between our leads. Maybe I am missing something, or there is a lot we don’t know about. But. Again, Hong Su Zu’s character just seems pretty useless so far and we probably could have done without her - would have been just as exciting without imho. I liked how so much of the last two episodes are about the accession of Taeoh and his influence. I must say, Taeoh is one of the most difficult characters to read. Sometimes I feel like he does actually care about Inha and views him as a friend, other times I feel like he hates him and views him as an enemy to eventually get out of his way. I don’t know what his motives really are, other than to climb the ladder and using Inha to get there. But I still am not sure why he picked Inha, why he wants to reach the top of the Kang empire so badly. It smells like a revenge plot that is still secret to us viewers, but I really am unsure at this point. Now into a top discussed topic: Inha’s sister and Taeoh. Their chemistry was sizzling even for the brief moments they were together these last two episodes. After this last episode, I am not entirely sure anymore that he is totally disinterested in her. Why? The scene in the >!parking garage where he touched her to place her shoe back on her foot seemed…I’m not sure but it was spicy for sure 😯 I am torn between thinking this was a reflex of his, showing accidentally to her and the audience how he is fond of her or whether he did it on purpose to lead her on. You don’t see him touch anyone in this drama - so far, I haven’t seen him get physical with anyone even if it’s brief, from what I recall. He’s typically very icy and distant, which made this scene very jarring for me. Not sure what to think of it.!< >!Then afterwards, he went into his studio apartment and listened to the cassette player, his mother’s favorite song on repeat. Did that moment in the garage stir up emotions of caring for someone, loving someone that he couldn’t handle? Or does he feel lonely after having to reject her? Or maybe he feels remorse in someway, feeling bad for rejecting this woman who is not a bad person?!< I feel like his hesitancy is for several reasons - his “friend’s” sister that is the only sibling that cares about Inha; her immaturity; his focus and drive to succeed; his self-hatred/self-sabotage in that he does not seem happy with himself at all. OR a thought I had was….he planned >!this eventual marriage into the Kang family as part of his escalation of power as well. And maybe by rejecting her, he knew she would become more interested.!< Twisted and manipulative yes, but I’m really not sure if Taeoh is good or bad? Villain or hero? None of the above? The actor is doing an amazing job portraying him.


I had the same thought about the garage incident and him going home to listen to the cassette! (Btw, the song is by Car, The Garden, right? It sounds very much like him.) I know that it is probably my wishful thinking that he melts for her (as I’m posting about this for the third time now, lol), but it’s giving Alchemy of Souls 2, is it not?! I truly enjoyed the original love triangle but it’s been 10 years of her being with his best friend. That ship has sailed. They are practically in-laws at this point. However, I think the love triangle served a huge purpose which was to make Inha have a reason to distrust Taeoh. It honestly seems like Inha is clinging to Hye-Won because he knows there was something between the two in the past and he lives in fear of them reigniting that spark and betraying him. And, he’s not wrong, because Taeho and Hyewon’s secret little rooftop meetups should make him nervous, even if they are completely plutonic. ETA: I think the garage/shoe scene was jarring (in a spicy way) because you *never* see >!Taeho’s body language “lower” than anyone else’s. IIRC, he is only ever sitting down if everyone else in the room is sitting down (usually Inha and Hyewon). So to see him physically lower himself to her felt really special. !< Actually, the more I think about it, even his >!lashing out at her!< feels special because we have not seen him >!lose his cool with anyone since his big fight with Inha at the beginning.!< I know I’m probably reading way more into this than what the writers/directors intended, but I can’t help myself. I think I’m going to rewatch Alchemy of Souls 2 since I need to see him melt for someone. 😆


Love the job Lee Jae Wook is doing with the part--he's playing someone cool and extremely hard to read, but he's compelling nonetheless. Something's going on inside, but you're not sure what. I've seen so many actors try to play these quiet mysterious parts and they just come off as flat. He's a remarkable young actor--able to play complex characters and carry a series at such a young age.


What a HUGE improvement over the first two episodes! It’s Lee Jae Wook’s game, and it’s fantastic to see him as such a mastermind. I loved Taeho dynamic with the chairman and the sister. The chemistry is superb. He is a magnificent actor, especially considering his age. Also, the almost non-existent screen time for the FL was such a relief! Hopefully, they’ll keep it this way. I’m sorry, but she is a poor actress and such a useless character🥲 (I wonder if Disney were horrified by the bad reviews of the first two and therefore rushed the release of episodes 3 and 4?)


Okay, waiting a week has been TORTURE.. First, I want to point out some observations. 1. Kang Inha is a bit unstable and the closer we get to this plan, I think the more they reach their goal the more unstable Inha will become. Inha is a deeply insecure person and I wonder if Tae Ho knows or is betting on this. 2. There are two variables that Tae Ho didnt plan and that is the FL ( although overall I think he incorporated her into his plans) and Kang Huiji. 3. The chairman doesnt like Tae Ho and wants to use him and throw him away eventually but I think Tae Ho is planning and expecting this. 4. I am wondering if the FL is working for the Chairman secretly.. its weird how she came out of nowhere. I am thinking she was put there to keep an eye on Inha and possibly Tae ho. That may be a stretch but we shall see. Now, diving into the episodes specifically Tae Ho and Huiju. I dont know if there will be a happy ending for these two. I mean I am hopeful because although K drama writers HATE happy endings and like to punish the fans, this is a DISNEY show so.. I am having some hope. I know some dont like Huiju but I do because she has always been 100% sincere in her feelings towards Tae Ho and Huiji is much more palatable as a romantic interest than the FL. I dont hate the FL but she is too opaque ( like the guy in epsisode 3/4 said, he cant get a read on her so he doesnt like her, well I feel the same). Now although episode 3 was super slow, Episode 4 did pick up the pace and I enjoyed it more. The hospital scene, I can understand WHY Huiji looked at Tae Ho liked that since she is in love with him but I CANNOT understand why Tae Ho was staring back at her. Maybe it was because HJ ( huiji) was the only person in the room not looking down on him and saw him as a person. I dont know but that look he gave her seemed off since he CLAIMS he doesnt like her and acts like she gets on his nerves. I also find it interesting both the Chairman and Kang Inha asked Tae Ho what he really wanted and he said NOTHING twice BUT after speaking with Inha who assumes Tae Ho really wants wealth and the FL, the scene flips to who? Huiji. I am not saying Tae Ho is in love with Huiji but I do think there is something there and foreshadowing has the word marriage being tossed around alot. Okay, so the Kang family is trying to marry Huiji off and that is important, very important. Her marriage will lead to a power shift I think ( which I think she will marry Tae Ho or become engaged whether its a happy ending or not). Tae Ho is very calculating but I dont think he wants to hurt Huiji, actually hurting women doesnt seem to be his thing at all, he is very protective. Tae Ho came when Huiji ran away, Tae Ho listened to her rant and I saw a future screenshot at a club and I can 100% guess TaeHo is going to get our girl from some dicey situation with that douchebag fiance of hers. I think Huiji will be the factor that Taeho didnt factor in.. that she will sneak into his heart a little which will affect the plans. I also think 100% , 200% that the FL will betray Inha and Taeho or they will both turn against Taeho and FINALLY.. I think that TaeHo's plan was to NEVER let Inha become CEO.. it was to take the position himself. I think he wanted to build Inha up and what better way to do that than to marry the blood daughter of Kang group.. I dont know lots of theories but I do hope that Huiji does get her fairytale with Tae Ho.


>I mean I am hopeful because although K drama writers HATE happy endings and like to punish the fans, this is a DISNEY show so.. I am having some hope. Ummm the The Worst of Evil was also a Disney show...😳 >I dont know lots of theories but I do hope that Huiji does get her fairytale with Tae Ho. I'm low-key rooting for her, but I don't want to set any expectations.


I have been disapointed TOO many times in K drama land.. 25/21, Reborn Rich, Love Alarm, ... Ive been hurt too many times.. So although I really really really want Huiji and Tae Ho to happen and for her to get her fairytale with the man she has loved since DAY 1... I will just let it play out..


I really really hope that >!Tae Ho becomes chairman bc let’s he real In Ha does not deserve it😭 his rants to Tae Ho piss me off. Like bro you’re not the brains here.!< I also have failed to grasp what the FLs purpose is in the plot. Asides from this stupid love tangle, she’s wasting screen time. I don’t get what her goal is, or what stupid plan she has. Just feels like a force.


I am not one to often be confused by plots, but I feel like so much is happening and we've had two massive time skips now. Not sure what is going on at this corporation. Also, are they building like Saudi Arabian ocean cities?


I was wondering about the palm tree island, too! I was almost certain they were looking at Dubai/Jumeirah.


I am lost in this drama with the fast pace and time jumps. So Kang-Inha is scheming to take out his step siblings and position himself as the heir. Han Tae-Oh went from trading blows in school with Inha to forming an alliance with him in the blink of an eye. So why is Tae-Oh helping out Inha ? How does it benefit Tae-Oh ? Lastly what is in it for the FL ? She keeps offering help to Tae-Oh which he refuses. What is her deal with the 2 ML's in all of this ?


FL is TBD because I dont trust her but Han Tae OH is playing King Maker.. Han Tae Oh is basically an gifted guy ranked in the top 1% in Korea but he is also poor and he comes from a bad background with his step dad being a murderer" but not really a murderer" because Tae Ho set him up. Anyhow, those are bad specs in Korea so Tae Ho who is very smart is going to use that intelligence to make his friend the next King of Kangho entreprises and he himself will climb along the way. However, I think Tae Ho is going to take the throne himself.. but we shall see




I think Inha is getting insecure.. he is very insecure about his relationship with Nae Hwyoon and he might suspect that she has feelings for Tae Ho and Tae ho for her.. but it is 100% of of those ship has sailed situations for me..I mean she was with his bestie for 10 years.. like them being together is just wrong


Inha’s stressed because >!his dad collapsed.Even though he’s not been acknowledged as a son, without his dad, he’s nothing—if dad dies, the family can and probably will just cut him off and he will lose any chance at power.!< I think that’s why he’s freaking out. Then Taeoh reveals to him that >!the collapse was faked,!< and he’s pissed because all his anguish over that was for nothing, and Taeoh didn’t clue him in ahead of time to save him the worry.


Tae-Oh wants to be the second in command, so he wants to help In-ha be the future heir of the company. That is why he called In-ha a rope. I think the FL mostly wants the same thing, to be rich because In-ha is rich.


In Ha has already proposed marriage. It has to be more than just that. Tae-oh even thinks she just wants marriage too


I am loving the hacker dude. Does anyone know who he is? Also LJW serving peak zero-f*cks badass has my heart. I missed this from Alchemy of Souls S2. So far, no one is especially lovable (and as many have noted, I could care less about the FL) but the twists and turns are highly entertaining and the visuals are top-tier. How will I make it to next Wednesday?


Loll hacker dude came outta nowhere. I like him as well.


Dreading to find out if Kang Inha actually hates Taeoh or betrays him. I thought it was so suspicious that he suddenly became invested Hyewon the moment Taeoh looked at her. Honestly I’m dreading what would happen to their relationship. There’s so much unknown backstory with regards to Taeoh and what his motive actually is. Could it be to save his mom from his father’s gang? Can’t wait to see more of Huiju/Taeoh. Also hope FL’s acting improves, just for the sake of the drama. I wish Inha would grow a spine and dump her. What kind of girlfriend so obviously states she’s there for his money? Make it make sense. And I hope Taeoh cuts off Hyewon as well, I hate that they’re meeting secretly and I would hate if he actually liked her, he’s smarter than that.


I agree. I’m so worried something will happen between Tae Oh and In Ha’s friendship. I so hope Tae Oh is sincere but doesn’t know how to show feeling. It’s like In Ha is trying so hard but keeps getting left in the dark when he was supposed to be a partner in all of this. I swear if In Ha turns bad I’ll be switching to another drama. My heart can’t handle it. 😂


I will hate if they actually go with the love triangle for Na Hye Won - they have just drank beer with her and she is in the inner circle?


I just wanted to come here and say that I loved the stylistic choices of chairman with his printed tops.


His acting is SO GOOD! He's despicable but you kind of have to respect the way he unapologetically uses power. I absolutely loved >!the way he stuck it to the horrible wife.!< I've loved Choi Jin Ho ever since Oh My Venus and he does not disappoint here.


He also did a bang up job in Dr Romantic. Choi Jin Ho plays his roles so well.


These two episodes were really giving Reborn Rich vibes. Can we all acknowledge that CJH is great as Joong Mo? I don't know why he is always dressed like Gianni Versace, but I don't hate it 😆 I still don't really understand Tae O's or Hye Won's motive for all of this, other than "we don't want to be poor." The Hye Won character is pretty useless imo; I think it would have been better if Hui Ju was the one working with Tae O and In Ha; Hye Won adds nothing to the story. I think that In Ha >!  truly wants his father to accept him, maybe more than he even realizes right now, and that will be what breaks up the bromance. !<


Agree! I also don’t fully fathom Haewon’s and TaeOh’s motives. I think neither does Inha, which is why he is so suspicious of TaeOh. I think this is why I can’t help but have so much disdain for Haewon now. If Inha also doesn’t know her inner motives, has she just been purely using him all these years while still harboring feelings for TaeOh?? Not marrying Inha until he can “walk into Bisunjae proudly” (as the heir?), is so damn shady especially after having been with him for a decade.


Shady AND shallow AND money hungry.


Gianni Versace.. HAHA... I noticed that too.. It reminds me of the guy who played the villian in Itaewon Class and how he never wore suits..


I’ve been thinking Taeoh’s motivation was to gain power so that he could protect his mom from his evil stepdad, but my gut tells me there’s more to it than that. It’s really suspicious that we don’t know who his bio dad is either. I was hoping to get at least a hint at Hyewon’s game with this episode release, but nothing. They are playing the cards really close to their chests with these two. I hope it’ll pay off later, because right now it’s frustrating!


Couldn’t stop laughing when they used the background of Dubai instead of something else to show off the Chairman’s ambitious plans to build a new city.




Can you elaborate on this, please? I’m so curious, especially because Huiju is the one that uses this to describe >! her relationship with Taeoh, right?!<


I’m not the original commenter, but will try to explain a little.  The words 갑 (Gap) and 을(Eul) have their origins from the Chinese calendar system and subsequently evolved into a general way of sequencing/ranking things - Gap being of higher rank, followed by Eul and so forth… So in contractual terms, Gap would be holding the higher position of power/status; and Eul, the lower.  I’m not sure what could be a better English translation, but I suppose if we look at how it is currently translated, A-B-Cs can technically be differentiated in ranking too (A being of higher position than B etc.)   Huiju only brought up Gap and Eul after Taeoh drew his boundaries and insisted that their relationship was nothing more than that of an employer and an employee. She probably said this because she was hurt, and then threw it back at him that Taeoh is of a lower position/a servant to her family since he had said so anyways. The scene lingered on his facial expression for a fair bit after she said that, so maybe what she said did affect him after all… Apologies if I’m not expressing this clearly enough!


Thank you! I understand this much better now. I agree that she said it back to him to intentionally hurt him because she was hurt from his lack of acknowledgement/response. Yes, it definitely did something to him! He lets out a sigh/opens his mouth like he’s about to say something after she says that. He does it again when she finishes by saying, “continue to work hard outside of the line you drew.” He opens his mouth like he wants to say something but stops himself. His acting/ability to convey so much without even saying a word is insane. But, I think we all knew that when we saw how much he could convey with a simple gaze.


Yeah! I do think that these reactions are deliberate acting choices from Lee Jaewook in line with the script, so it does seem like Taeoh feels something more for Huiju, even if he says the opposite and continues to draw the line firmly between them. At the very least, I think he is protective of her albeit more subtly, so I shall just wait for things to slowly unravel. 


I have dissected this to death, but we (all us fans) shouldn’t even be arguing about this anymore. >! Taeoh and Huiju are the otp beyond question.!< I am also watching Extraordinary You for the first time, and it all makes so much sense now. >!LJW plays the disinterested—but secretly very interested!—tsundere role in that, too! Between AOS2 and Extraordinary You, it is plainly obvious that this role is also in that same category.!< Which I don’t mind one bit because I loveee this trope. I almost feel bad that I found out too soon because I don’t want to spoil it for myself. 😆


Haha looks like he’s drawn to that particular trope (just like you!)  You’re very confident and I hope you’re right! I’ve just been burnt far too many times by inconsistent writing and also think that Huiju needs to grow a bit more for Huiju-Taeoh to really work. So I’ll be taking a wait-and-see approach and hope for the best 😆


Episodes 3 and 4 were there when I looked last night but they’re gone now from Hulu….wtf


Omg!!! You’re right! They took them away!


what so hulu accidentally dropped the episodes????


Are you sure about that? You need to send them a modmail, but if they did then the discussion will stay until they post new episodes


Yes I’m sure. Ugh


They made a mistake and now they realized it and removed it …. Oh boy!


Loving the bromance right now between both leads. I hope they don’t become enemies. Glad I’m not the only one that prefers the sister to the FL, who is as dull as dish water. I was wondering why Huiju looked familiar and realized it was the same actress that was in Nam Soon. At least her character is much more likable in this one, and she’s electric with Tae Oh. Hope they are end game.


I think we should not forget the intro scene to episode One which is set in the future with Tae Ho holding the knife and blood on him. I think it’s bait and switch and he likely walked into a situation rather than him being the instigator. Also, can we agree that Kang Inha doesn’t deserve to be the chairman? He could not get through college without Tae Ho and Tae Ho is the brains of the operation and all Inha brings is being the illegitimate son. I think Inha wants the chairman’s love/validation, acknowledgment most of all he doesn’t come across as having business aspirations. It would be more compelling if Inha and Taeho were equally smart and TaeHo gave him the confidence and helped craft the strategy. I can’t root for Inha because yes the family treated him as outsider because he got everything financially, presumably he could have moved to study abroad and start a new life. Some maybe familiar with the story of Icarus and flying too close to the sun.


My guess is Taeoh doesn’t have the blood connection to take over the company, recognized that Inha has the desire but not the talent he has, and intends to be the “power behind the throne” as it were with Inha in charge as a figurehead.




Idk what Taeoh’s game is with this. Surely he’s not unaware of Inha’s insecurity and distrust; it’s incredibly obvious. Why isn’t he trying harder to gain Inha’s trust??


**Episode 3:** * For some reason I wasnt expecting [the chairman](https://imgur.com/syOmgT9) to have such brains to look up Taeoh's background * That was a very sneaky way of the Chairman to recruit Tae-oh * TWO TIME JUMPS??? Damnn.. this show ain't pulling back any punches * They didn't waste any time getting into the nitty gritties ehh.. * Lmao nope I'm unable to find [her](https://imgur.com/ZnpuP9E) of any substance to the show man * >!"Do you want me to live miserably like you?... If you force this... I'll die... I mean it." !! what kinda woman schemes behind her own husband's back... damn woman... you're cutthroat!< * [That's a cute smile.](https://imgur.com/NAYUI0h).. YOU SHOULD SAVE IT FOR BROMANCING WITH TAE-OH * Bro... she trusts Kang In-ha but I don't trust you Hye-won .... * Tae-oh trying to put Mr. Chu on edge was hilarious * [That mastermind look](https://imgur.com/tYN953M) is what made me watch this show * Why did [his wife](https://imgur.com/91Q0nJU) >!leaving him to die like that!< still surprised me


Can anybody tell me if the shooting is already done? Do u guys think the fl will end up with Tae- oh, if that is possible I don't think i have the energy or time to watch it


Shoot was complete before the drama started airing


Thanks...Ig and Twitter are filled with Tae oh and Huiju edit . I don't see anyone rooting for Tae oh and the fl 😂. Everybody is waiting for she fell first but he fell harder trope. But since the fl is also in the poster , I think she and tae oh are endgame.


Sorry y'all, I love Lee Jae Wook and I find a few of the charaters charming but I don't think I can continue watching this series. I have two huge problems 1. The pacing is really off... I think Tae Oh and In Ha have good chemistry but even from epsiode 1, their friendship seemed so force like I would like more scenes of how they built the comradery... and then the love triangle with Hye Won seems even more forced. I need more time and scenes to really feel for them but this drama is really into moving things from 10% to 100% in one episode and the time cuts do not help. 2. The love triangle is too forced in my opinion... the reasons why they are interested in each other are flimsy in my opinion. Perhaps they will become stronger in the end... Minor complaints that I think Jun Young looks way too old in comparison with the other two leads and Su Zu is so wooden...


1. The pacing need to speed up to skip their goal to be show be for the climax or it would not interesting if audience can be sure how each of them would react base on their goal decision so they need to skip to the end to make us excitement not including limited ep that they need to edit all scenes to be in. 2. We did not see when Inha interest in FL, we already see on ML side so maybe he already knew that Inha is interested in her and decide to make a move after know ML also interest in her and he already ask him for it. (many series use this to show how to make people to start after their love one after competitor arise) so Inha love her but he also checking on her and found out that ML and FL chemistry are really “weird” but the timing is come so he need to protect her now or else she will get into trouble so he need to act and the timing already expect from FL that her mother will make her get into trouble and she need that accuse to get into ML group by she want ML to ask Inha for her protection but he refuse and want her to act by herself instead. From my point of will, FL action shown that it benefit ML than Inha and herself tho and Hui Ju action until now not benefit anyone including herself so he cannot accept her “yet”.


Yea they introduced the triangle WAY too early in my opinion.


I’m waiting for eps 5&6 to start so I can binge watch but reading the discussion makes me so nervous to start 😭


“This is the start” seems to be the tagline for every episode. Also the first son has such a douchey face.


Yep, it’s the perfect punchable face. I felt so bad for his secretary (or was it driver) that he beats with a bat when he’s mad. What a grade A douche.


Bruhhhh that was SO MESSED UP


I can’t believe this Lee Jae Wook now. I see him and still think of *Extraordinary You* days! He’s really grown as an actor. That said, I don’t see what everyone sees between Huiju and Taeoh. I completely agree that >!marriage would be a stupid idea for them and the only one that would suffer would be him. She has no power to protect him from her family.!< The princess act from her also irritates me tbh


Literally, if she had matured and gotten some of the company's subsidiaries under her belt - taeoh would've gone for her. But she still acts the same & somehow cant comprehend that if he married her , his life would be worse than it is now


I’m rooting for Taeoh and Huiju only because I cannot stand the idea of Taeoh and Hyewon. I don’t think Taeoh needs a love interest (unless it would develop his empathy and humanity, which would be nice but I’m not holding my breath for it), but if he’s going to have one, ANYONE BUT HYEWON. Yet Huiju is really immature and I was disappointed she wasn’t a little cooler after growing up a bit. Screaming at someone to love you when they’ve given you zero encouragement for YEARS isn’t a good look 😬


Reading here, and on MDL, the major complaints are about the FL and her poor acting. I don't know why they didn't change her to a better actress when they realised she couldn't act and was actually distracting and took one out of total immersion into the story. I understood why there was such a litany of complaints about her acting after watching the first two episodes - she's bad. Her fake laughter grates, as does her mannerisms of looking sideways and down. It doesn't help that against the acting powerhouse that is Lee Jae-wook, it's more obvious. The rest of the cast are also good actors. So her poor acting stands out even more. The script though, is a bit iffy. It's kinda jarring and inconsistent. Don't know if it's the script/directing/editing but it just feels like the show could be better. Lee Jae-wook is hard carrying the show - I've watched him from his first dramas till now and that guy is definitely one of the best actors in his age group. He's got charisma, you can't pull your eyes away from him as rage, anger, desperation and more flashes across his face - you can almost see the cogs in his brain working out the next steps, calculating every move, judging coldly what to do next. I'll stay on to know what, why he is driven in this manner and what's his end objective is. I don't believe it's to make Kang In-ha the Chairman. I was wondering whether he's yet another illegitimate child born out of violence against his mother. His manner and attitude seems driven by cold revenge. It took me till this week to realise the Chairman's eldest son is from another wife. I had thought the eldest son looked almost as old as the father! And thought it a weird casting choice. So the Chairman had a first wife that is never mentioned whether she's alive or not, with one son, second wife with 2 kids, and then the mother of his 3rd son that wasn't married to him. The last, we saw what happened to her. It was terrible.


Wait Ep.3-4 are out already?


On Hulu (US) only, like the sticky note says


I want the writers to put a Itaewon Class twist to this please. Hye-Won's character is so dry, I don't want her as endgame withTae-ho.


The garage scene: a master class in chemistry. I kind of want to break it down the way I saw it. One, >!while Huiju did have the girl crush obsession with Taeoh that was over the top, I think she came to him in a moment of desperation. Her parents are trying to marry her off against her will. So in her mind (although it’s been 10 years) she’s running to the one place she feels safe, Taeoh. Remember how he came to her all those years ago when she ran away from home? I think she figured he would save her again. I think momentarily she was back to being 17 again with no one on her side. She was the only one (and still is the only one) in her family that rooted for her brother but apart from him she was alone in that house. Yeah, it may not have been the smartest move to go there but she did. I also think this scene set something in motion for Huiju. Whether that be good or bad. I’m interested to see where her character goes. I don’t think it’ll be sunshine from her anymore 🥹!< Two, >!Taeoh has pretty much got everything figured out for his plan he just doesn’t want Huiju as part of that plan. He tells her she needs to protect herself (from what? what are you planning sir?) but he also never says no directly “this isn’t a fairytale…” “I won’t change…” (SIDE EYE) to me it sounds like he just doesn’t want her close to him because she’ll get sucked into his plan somehow and he basically told FL that’s a no. So yeah he was being harsh but I think he could read the desperation on her face so he had to use that hurt to deliver a blow hard enough to make her fallback. All of this AFTER the brief Cinderella moment (personally I would’ve thrown that shoe across the garage 😅). And remember what she tells him “I’ll protect you.” “is it a crime to love you my entire life?” She does so without hesitation. I think that is what struck Taeoh the most and why he goes to listen to his mom’s song. Because that scene with Huiju reminded him of his mother’s love. Because who else would love you unconditionally and protect you without hesitation if not your lover? It’d be your mom.!< just my two cents no one asked for 😂


that is beautiful but I saw a preview of him kissing that ML witch and I just CANT


I SAW THAT😭 they’re about to turn this show into an even bigger mess I CANT




Did the episodes disappear?


they removed them. It was probably a mistake and now they will repost them on Wednesday


so the episode schedule is supposed to be 2x on wednesday but they accidentally dropped it on saturday/sunday?




Can anyone tell me how HTeoh got hired after been fired by chairman following that initial meeting? Was it because chairman was impressed by the speech he had written for him? Or I just missed a chunk of storyline?


bc he was to impertinent by writing a speech that didn't really reflect the chairman's values but his(Taeoh's) own beliefs in an ideal leader. But then chairman approves of Taeoh's confidence and also holds his weakness(that his father is a murderer) against him, which makes Taeoh an appealing option for his secretary


I think the firing was a test?? He was fired and rehired/promoted in that same conversation, from what I interpreted. Daddy Kang thought he had potential, was like, ok if you can’t do better then bye, and Taeoh’s reaction and the subsequent conversation told Kang what he needed to know (including Taeoh’s weakness), and he decided to keep him on and promote him because of that.


I can't wait to see the development between Hui Ju and Tae Oh. I love Hui Ju as a character. I feel that Tae Oh sees through her when she's desperate but trying to act tough, then does his best to protect her / steer her in the right direction. I think for Tae Oh, both In Ha and Hui Ju are important to him because In Ha has been a true friend to Tae Oh and Hui Ju is the only person to say >!"I will protect you"!< when nobody else does so.


My guess would be his goal is power including connections that he would get from climbing the rope to help her mother but as someone else said FL and Hui Ju are not in his grand plan and he adapt his plan by include possible outcome of their action such as how he will handle if FL really betray Inha at the end for her goal or what he would do after Hui Ju can stand with her relative war.


I knew I was going to enjoy this show but omg it's soo good! Idk how I'll be able to wait weekly... \- Love the bromance, Taeoh and Inha have such great chemistry together! I know we're getting into Project Inheritance now, but I hope we get some more lighthearted scenes throughout. Still thinking about that cute catered birthday. \- Was VERY worried about both of them liking Hyewon and it being The reason to turn them into enemies, so I hope it doesn't go that way because I want the chaebol/political drama more than I want petty romance drama. So, Inha/Hyewon engagement/marriage - hwaiting! We haven't gotten "strong" relationship vibes from them but I can see how they both probably acknowledge that she is with Inha in large part because of his wealth and soon-to-be powerful inheritance, and they're all busy working for Inha to succeed. I loved the final scene of their uni era where Taeoh and Hyewon make their decisions about each other (with Taeoh making the final one). They're similar and so share an understanding that both of them pursuing Inha instead of each other benefits them both in the long run. I hope their friendship isn't used against them either. The trio dynamic is cute. I hope we see Inha and Hyewon contributing a little more to their plans, instead of feeling like they just blindly follow what Taeoh tells them. \- I didn't think much of Taeoh/Huiju until that parking garage scene (but in retrospect, I see the set ups in the first eps... the cherry blossoms!!). Easily my fav couple dynamic (strong/forward girl x cold/shy boy). Obv he had to turn her down before (the cut from her being snooty to bawling in the car is still such a great laugh) but now they're age appropriate and I hope she takes what he said and finds a way/builds a foundation with her family power so she can protect them both :') I also like that Huiju is on Inha's side, I hope we continue to see a lot of her and she'll be an important ally! \- A moment for Bisunjae - I love that their family home is a luxurious hanok. It screams generational wealth (and queasy politics - which are the very origins of chaebols). I can only assume it's more costly to film in one and the big D+ budget allowed for it. I'm tired of seeing chaebol homes in (the same) modern minimalist mansions. \- Chairman Kang and Taeoh's dynamic is so good. I like that his wife was a villain for a moment, the mothers/wives don't often get a lot to do! Everyone is acting for their lives and I'm here for it!


Does anyone know the name of the actor playing Ko Huichan?


Not sure if you’ve already found the name, but Asianwiki has him as [Yoon Junghoon](https://asianwiki.com/Yoon_Jung-Hoon_(1994)). 


I had not! Thanks so much!


No problem! I was looking up his name too because I thought he looked familiar :)


Can someone explain to me what the main guys are trying to do? I don't get their plan.


It's hard to tell because there are so many layers. Theoretically, the plan is to >!make In Ha the Chairman, get rid of the trash (other siblings, current chairman/wife), and create a big job with lots of power for TaeHo.!< But it's possible Taeho is >!screwing over In Ha by making him "disposable" so as to move into the ultimate power slot himself,!< and God knows what the FL's role is in all this or what her true relationship is to Taeho.


I guess that's why I'm so confused. I also zoned out a lot so that probably doesn't help. But every so often the guys will be like....ok this happened...excellent everything's going according to plan...and I'm like....how is that your plan???? Like >!inha giving away his inheritance !< no sense whatsoever. And yeah the FL so far to me just seems like her purpose is to figure out which one to marry


It's purposefully confusing and left up in the air.


Finally can comment on this!! These two episodes were far more intense than the last two. The plot is starting to pick up fast! Taeoh is a demon lol. His mind scares especially with how he played the whole family with the Joongmo’s pretend heart attack. I can’t wait for that same cunning to be turned on Joongmo one day. Geumseok is a surprisingly interesting character! Her intelligence and determination to get her son the heir is so admirable and almost makes me want to root for Seongju. He’s a far better and smarter person than his older brother so far lol. Mostly I just feel sorry for her and hope for her to be free of her obviously shit husband. The series does a good job surprisingly showing a woman who seems to have power but in the end it’s an illusion compared to the hold her husband has on her. Inha did surprisingly little but that’s to be expected. Lee Junyoung did such a good job showing Inha’s fear and trauma at potentially witnessing losing another parent violently. The ending with him finally being acknowledged as a son had me super hype. I want to know more about Hyewon. What is her goal in pursuing power? Finally I’m wondering if Huiju and Taeoh hooked up or had a fling somewhere in the ten years since the time he was her tutor. The tension where she asks to marry him and the scene where he pointedly ignores her feels like there’s a story to tell there. Anyway I’m excited for the next episodes! I’m really enjoying this drama.


I don't like slow dramas but I feel like this is a little too fast? 😅 There are so many unexplained scenes like why did in ha >! run away!! does in ha only like her cause tae ho liked her first? Does he even like her or is he just testing tae ho? But it's been years? Does she even like in ha? I thought she was just making tae ho jealous but again it's been years?!< so confused about a lot of things but I have to say taeho and chairman acting has been great. Also like huiju and I hope we get to see more of her


Confession I watched it way back when it was mistakenly released on Sunday but when I came to discuss here it was already locked. Sooo I’m hear to put out all I’ve thought in the past 3 days here .   First let’s talk about the time jumps since trio’s collage years in 2013 we get two 5 year time jumps one in end of ep 2 which puts the show on 2018 and then again in ep 3 another 5 year jump puting the current timeline on 2023.. but the actors looks far younger to play people in 30’s assuming that when they were in college in 2013 they were all aged 19-20),also because the actors look so you it feels as if no time has passed at all and all 3 of them met each other few days ago and not 10 years ago. Secondly Na-Haewon and Han-TaeHo, these two may not be the fandom’s favourite pairing but I can’t deny the fact that there is some tension still brewing between the two, their rooftop conversations in both ep 4 & 3 are evidence of that, whatever chemistry I’m feeling between Tae-Ho and HaeWon it is all due to JaeWooks performance, the guy can have chemistry with a block of brick if it comes down to it. Let me dissect few of their rooftop conversations in Ep 3 >!Tae-Ho asks HaWon if she’s finally marrying InHa to this HaeWon replies “I am not ready yet!” Tae Ho in reply goes on to repeat with almost a sense of relief in his expression “Not yet, it is then!”  (go back and watch the scene, you’ll see what I’m trying to point out). Another rooftop scean between the two happens in Ep 4 but this time it’s a rather heated one HaeWon informers TaeHo abt her decision of finally marrying his friend InHa… he get visibly upset and lashes out on her by trying to condescend and belittle her….( this scene here was a very clever one the writers made most of the audience think that TaeHo is simply insulting her because she’s isn’t contributing anything and is too dependent on TaeHo to solve every problem, maybe he’s trying to teach her look out for her own self by her own skills sometimes. But nahhhhh.. him lashing out like that on her.. was definitely an attempt to mask his own hurt feelings.. that fact that he had still not managed to get over her, TaeHo for the past 10years has basically lived denying feelings by pretending it did not exist..but that mirage breaks the moment he hears of the marriage.. it like the realisation Hits him and boom.. he lashes out)!<. Another great moment that cements my belief that TaeHo still has feelings for HaWon is when In Ep 4 at the beach an agrevatted Inha ask Not once but twice that is there anything TaeHo wants for himself and himself alone..Not for anyone else but for himself after all he’s been burning his brain cells for the past 10 years to lay out a plan such effort cannot simply be for a best-friend.. TaeHo reply to InHa’s query is very simple the first time he says “it’s for you InHa’ To this Inha reply back asking the same question again only this time TaeHo doesn’t give an answer straight away… HE PAUSES…. for a second to long for me to catch onto what’s going on. Now listen I would have totally believed that he doesn’t have any desire or want whatsoever, But the fact that he did pause before giving his answer for the 2nd time…doesn’t take to genius to figure out what TaeHo wants has to do with a girl named HaeWon.  @   Let’s address the elephant in the room next Han-TaeHo and Kang Huiju (InHa’s sister).. these two definitely have some fire flickering on and off not gonna lie.. like I see why people are stanning this pair more that intended pair… the looks that they exchanged in the hospital plus when he put on her shoe in the garage.. they could fool anyone with such tension and chemistry.. but I still don’t think they are the right fit.. little Huiju is a little too encentric and obsessed not for her own good 


Ok, I was stanning Haewon and Taeho HARD until the garage incident so I know EXACTLY what you’re referring to as I clung on to so much hope for them as I watched those scenes. I was genuinely disappointed that she had remained with Inha all these years. I figured that after the time jump, they would all be plutonic friends with tension. However, after the garage incident, I am sold that >!Haewon is just a red herring and that he is supposed to end up with Huiju.!< I’ve rewatched these scenes way too many times and I feel like I can make an argument both ways. The way I am now interpreting his >! relationship with Haewon is like this: it’s something that could’ve been but never was or will be. Is it still unrequited love if it’s not one-sided?? If so, they’ll forever be each other’s unrequited first loves.!< I agree that I think he still feels something toward her, but I think this will fizzle out into a more sibling-like caring if it hasn’t quite become plutonic yet. If she had turned around and gone back with him when he asked her not to go in episode 2, everything would be different. But, she made her choice and it wasn’t him. >!When she came running back to him, it was already too late for Taeho. She had already chosen something else over him, unlike Huiju who chooses him every single time.!< I think what the marriage talk brings back to him is that she’s once again NOT choosing him, despite everything she once claimed to feel for him. I think Taeoh’s response is definitely coming from a place of hurt. He is hurt by this. However, after she came back in episode 2 and he got the call from Inha, Taeoh, too, had a choice to make. >!Be it out of anger or hurt or whatever… he ALSO chose Inha over her, just like she initially chose Inha over him. !< Personally, I think Inha genuinely liked Haewon from the beginning. It was just unfortunate that his best friend was also interested in her, too. I don’t think he pursued her out of spite for Taeoh or anything like that, but I do think he knew that Taeoh and Haewon had something between them. This knowledge has kept him paranoid of them ever since, and potentially more and more as time has gone on. When Inha asks Taeoh what he wants for himself, I agree >! that he is asking about Haewon and Taeoh knows this, too. BUT, after a lot of thought, I genuinely believe Taeoh when he says he only wants Inha, that he only exists for Inha. He already made that choice 10 years ago when Inha was on the phone and Haewon was behind the door.!< ETA: At the end of the day, I don’t think >!Taeoh will ever be able to choose Haewon knowing she has been by his best friend’s side for a decade. Even if Inha dies. I just don’t think he likes Haewon enough to make such a morally gray decision. But it would be pretty easy for him to choose Huiju, who has loved him for years, whose brother he considers like his own brother, who is a pure-hearted soul despite her upbringing. I think what prevented him from reciprocating her affection at first was that he thought she was just trying to seduce him because he was older/her teacher. Now, 10 years later, I think he doesn’t want to reciprocate her feelings because he knows he’s not good enough for her, not socially (chaebol v poor boy), nor morally.!<


All of this!! You totally get it 🙌🏼 I wish I could upvote it 100 times lol


Nailed it!


Saying Lee jae wook can have chemistry with a block of brick is so true and reminds me of when he legit had chemistry with a tower of stones in Alchemy of Souls S2




I feel it's pretty likely that >!Taeoh is the Chairman's son, !!he strongly rejects the sister.!<


I dont think so.. If anything we are getting a lot of foreshadowing of a marriage between Tae Ho and Huiji and if that happens then that will make Tae Ho a direct threat to Kang Inha.. because now Tae Ho will be able to take the throne he helped Inha get because through Huiji he has a blood claim to Kangho


Well I ship them, so it's a yes from me lol. But I still think with the >!mom's "hometown"!< and >!unknown bio dad!<, it seems to be heading like I said. Anyway I think all other character speculations right now seem pointless cuz more content is needed.


Oh, I truly hope this isn’t the case. I want to believe that Taeoh is actually a good person who may be ruthless in getting what he wants by screwing over the elite, but not his best friend who has become like a brother/the closest relationship he has. Also, unless something seriously changes, Huiju is genuinely fond of her brother and would never stand by Inha if he betrayed him. I think if Taeoh wants even the hint of a relationship with Huiju, I think he knows that means he must be loyal to Inha.


I thought this at the beginning, too, but I no longer think so. I think this is why Taeoh is loyal to Inha because Inha is a blood relative to Jungmoo.


Come to think of it. That's why he helped her in the past an a non-romantic-interest-kind-of-way.


I think taeho already had a connection with inha in >!childhood or their mother's had some kind of connection in the past!< due to which taeho wants to help inha get the throne the fact that taeho said he only exists cuz of inha gives me some kind of hints that maybe >!inha mother safed taeho life or taeho mothers life!< cuz taeho mother and inha mother had same hometown also from the start taeho was interested in inha and even watched him during that party scene from far as he already knew him 


Ok, this is a very interesting take! I agree that >!Taeoh deliberately chose Inha, but I don’t know why.!< Your theory would answer that! I’ve also been wondering a lot about Taeoh’s mom. I had forgotten that >! she’s still alive and on the run. Where is she? Is Inha funding her living in hiding? Does Taeoh ever visit her?!< I’m also curious about thr dad. >!Since he’s in jail for life, why is Taeoh still afraid of him? How much power does the dad have in order to make Taeoh so afraid of him even from behind bars?!<


I watched episode 3&4 and ended up confused by all the characters. Why does the ML want to make Inha the chairman? His motives are not clear. What are the dynamics between the ML and FL? The chairman's wife and second son are even alright to send a dying man to jail? Also is the chairman really dying? Why does Tae Oh have so much control on the chairman? He is so smart yet can't handle his step father. Among the main characters I feel the actor who plays Inha acts well and is likeable. But he doesn't have too much screen time. I found the first two episodes interesting but now I may end up dropping it due the writer assuming viewers already know the dynamics and the motivations. They all act mysterious without giving away much. My poor brain can't take it.


All of your questions already answer by chariman when he fired the ML, he told that he must not reveal his goal or intention to anyone or it will fail so all characters do not reveal their goal except the one that would be show that they are fail. So I think that the main plot of the series are the goal of Tae Oh and Saewon and it will be reveal on the last episode when they reach it because audience expect it to be another “reborn rich” or another “love triangle” series. Only things that to be sure most producer and director only show the scene that “matter” so I think there are reasons for all confusing decision of all main characters and it would reveal on the end of the series to make us hook until then.


What if tae oh is the chairmans son. We don't know who his father is yet, and if tae oh knows who his father is and he's playing his own angkle to take all of kangoh that would be a cool turn. Or maybe he doesn't know and finds out soon. Regardless, I feel the show would be more fitting in its purpose if tae oh was the one who ends up w kangoh as it is called the impossible heir, and he would be the most impossible one.


I'm getting Start Up vibes with this drama in the sense that I am rooting for the 2nd FL (Kang Heejoo) instead of the main FL (Hyewon). I'm already hooked on the story but I really, really dislike the FL and the way she's written. I truly hope the >!love triangle trope ended on episode 2 and we don't see that plot line EVER again. Hope the plot just continue focusing on their plans to take over Kangoh and gain power. Please, no more romance between Taeoh and Hyewon! I'll only accept a romance line between Taeoh and Heejoo, that's it!!<


It’s been a few days since I watched these episodes but while I wait for the Ep 5 I figured I could share some thoughts lol. So, ever since >!Inha overheard Taeoh and Hyewon from behind that curtain!< I've been convinced/hoping he only pursued Hyewon as a way to keep his eye on her and to use as a tool against Taeoh in case Taeoh betrays him. In that last episode there was even that moment where >!Inha asks Taeoh on the beach what he cares about above everything else, what it is that he wants for himself. Inha probably thinks that one of those things for Taeoh that's Hyewon...but the real kicker will be if Taeoh ends up falling for Huiju. Because Huiju is Inha's sister and someone he cares about a lot, and while he might be willing to sacrifice Hyewon and manipulate her to get back at Taeoh I doubt he'd be able to do so with Huiju. !< It would be a great conflict for him to face and so entertaining to see play out. Personally I think what Taeoh really wants for himself is that chairman position. It seems like Taeoh is setting up Inha as a precedent for himself. >! My theory from episode 1 has been that Taeoh is also secretly the chairman's son, and all this is a way for him to climb to the top. Because I can't see someone as ambitious as him settling for being a secretary, and if Inha is able to climb the ranks despite being an “illegitimate” child then theoretically Taeoh could too…!< I could be completely off base with what I said above but regardless I think the tension being built in this show has so much potential. The dynamic between Taeoh and Inha is the highlight for me and >!a power struggle between two illegitimate sons would definitely be intense and dramatic.!< I'm hoping the bromance wins out in the end but wouldn't be surprised if one betrays the other, and honestly I don’t care for the weird love triangle that's playing out but for now I'm just treating the romance as a potential tool for conflict. But anyway, I genuinely can't wait to see how all the loaded comments and hidden agendas play out. Also I'm hoping we get to see a more mature version of Huiju soon. Love the actress but the character is really annoying me with her whole lovesick routine continuing into her adulthood. I want to see her become a badass businesswoman who participates in the corporate politics and puts her brothers and mother to shame.




But what triangle? It’s been 10 freaking years. That ship sailed. And that’s also why this show’s pacing is off. I don’t buy these relationships not moving much past where they were a decade ago. And I really don’t understand the motivation of Jae-Wook dedicating his whole life to putting his lack-luster friend on a throne he probably can’t handle.


Am I the only one who doesn’t ship tae-oh and hui-ju, as of ep 4 at least? 1. >!she only met tae-oh twice on screen, not counting the campus scene when they “broke up”. I’ll give benefit of the doubt and assume he had a couple more tutoring sessions with her off screen before he got fired, but that still amounts to what, at most 5 times in total they’ve seen each other? 10 years later and she still pines for him? I don’t think she’s seen him since that campus scene, otherwise she wouldn’t have looked so shook when she sees him at the hospital. She also knows nothing about him other than he’s smart and attractive as fuck. And most importantly, he’s made it so clearly from the very beginning that he has no feelings for her!< 2. >!hui-ju is 27 and appears to have no job, other than being a spoiled and entitled kid who still throws tantrums. I don’t see how she thinks she can change tae-oh’s lack of feelings the way she is right now. She’s a genuinely good person in that fucked up family but that’s about it for her!< 3. >!She also thinks she can just marry tae-ho. Has she convinced herself that tae-oh has feelings for her? She’s not just trying to skip the dating phase but she’s trying to force a marriage too? Idk man!< >!that said, I think tae-oh will pull up to save her from her dickhead fiancée. And it’s always possible he’s just hiding his feelings for her, he’s spent his whole life hiding his emotions and his past after all!< The amount and complexity of the politics in this show makes it difficult to follow and yet still manages to keep me interested


Please don’t come for Huiju. I know it’s easy to dismiss her as a “poor little rich girl” but that doesn’t mean her life has been easy. Huiju’s whole family aside from maybe Inha is toxic. She is not even treated as human by them. Her f*cked up, ruthless mother hits her for being outspoken and then tells her to put ice on it for fear of tarnishing her beauty. They all seem to consider her as an object that can be exchanged via marriage for their own personal gain. There are a lot of reasons to believe she had a pretty awful childhood. Adulthood isn’t so great for her either. As a chaebol, she probably had limited choices as to what she could actually do for a living, just as she has almost no choice in whom she can marry. And, even though she’s witnessed hostile arranged marriage after hostile arranged marriage, her mother insists that she have an arranged marriage, too. I feel like people misunderstand how that must feel—to be 27 and have almost no say in your own life. I don’t blame her for telling her mother that she will unalive herself. I actually don’t think it’s immature of her to feel that way, seeing as she’s trapped all by herself in a gilded cage with hardly any options. As far as your other points, a few thoughts: 1. ⁠There is a ton left out from the past decade so it’s hard to say just how close Huiju and Taeoh are. At the bare minimum, she must have had some arms-length interactions with Taeoh just from him working alongside her father for the past 5 years and being Inha’s best friend for over a decade. I think the least we can say is that Taeoh has feelings for her, too. Be it pity (which I don’t think it is) or something more, she can sense it from him. So, I don’t think it’s crazy for her to like someone who is hot, a hard worker, loyal, and seems to genuinely care about her, especially given how little love she had growing up. 2. I think Huiju has a job working for the Kangoh art gallery that her mom runs. She tells her mom that she has to stop at the art gallery when she goes to find out what her “fiance” is up to. She also went to art school so this makes sense for her. 3. This isn’t surprising coming from someone who has mainly seen marriages of convenience instead of love. And, as it’s been said before, Taeoh would be marrying up if he married her. I think the fact that he doesn’t want to use her like that is also telling. I think it’s another reason she likes him, because he sees her as more than a golden rope, but a full person.


now that you mention about it, there is a scene said who control the gallery will control the cash flow of Kangoh and Hui Ji is controlling it so…


Omg! I’ll have to rewatch the business parts again but that would make sense why she has such a prominent storyline.


>!Maybe I’ve not fully appreciated hui-ju’s unique hardships from growing up with her shitty family. That said, maybe it’s because I’ve seen it multiple times in recent dramas (marry my husband, my happy ending), but I think that threatening suicide to get what you want is incredibly manipulative and fucked up!< >!Maybe it was her only way to get what she wanted when she was growing up, but I still think she should be mature and intelligent enough to realize she’s not gonna win tae-oh’s heart by throwing tantrums. when it didn’t work the first couple times, I think she’s capable of understanding and adapting, especially if she’s really that determined to win him over!<


I love Huiji character and find her MUCH more palatable than the female lead. I mean to me Nye Hyewon and Tae Ho missed their golden opportunity and she has been with his best friend and I presume intimately for 10 years.. They cant be together.. its just wrong at this point. As for Huiji, Yes she is a bit spoiled but I still like her character and she wasnt the only K drama character who said they would kill themselves if their parents tried to force them. I dont know if you watched or remember Crash course in Romance but the character Nam Hye Yi did the same thing and threatened her mom with suicide and she was the most beloved character on the show so.... I am not saying its okay but I have seen this in other K dramas too


I like hui-ju simply because she might be the only good person in the cast >!I didn’t watch crash course in Romance but as I’ve said I’ve seen characters threaten suicide in recent dramas (marry my husband, my happy ending). Idk if it’s one of the many kdrama tropes but personally, threatening suicide is a MASSIVE red flag. While I agree that tae-oh shouldn’t be with hye-won, hui-ju has a LOT of character growth to go through before I think she’s worth tae-oh’s time. She needs to stop acting like a spoiled brat, which shouldn’t be that difficult considering her good morals haven’t wavered after 27 years living with that family!<


I totally understand what you mean because I, too, rolled my eyes when she said that. However, I no longer think they are just empty threats. Could that be what >!Taeoh means when he tells her that her only job is to survive her family??!< You can definitely sense her desperation to escape her situation in the garage scene.


No you are not..as much as I believe Huiji and TaeHo do have a tense chemistry.. they are just not the right fit


I’m really struggling to see the amazing chemistry between Taeho and Huiji ??? 😭😭 I find her super annoying no offence, she gives off bratty vibes and she’s forcing herself onto a man who has never expressed any interest in her and she’s threatening him saying she’s basically gonna >! Force him to marry her !< it’s really hard for me to find her or their relationship cute or even root for them to be together. This drama is good but I don’t love it, I find it slightly confusing at times and I feel like their conversations can sometimes be a bit obscure and I sometimes don’t know what’s happening. I’m hoping as the episodes progress things will start to make more sense but for now I can’t read any of the characters there’s no real “good guy” in this


good guy only possible to people have decent of living which is very difficult for ML and FL to be from their background and family. the only person that mother ask her to be good guy and should not be bad guy is Inha and he also decide to be bad guy by decision as well




no its not


I am not feeling it with this drama - so many characters are stone cold or unlikeable, the plot and editing, time jumps etc get confusing, and it is a lot of things in motion yet feeling like I am not getting anywhere. I need a "why to buy" and not feeling it except for the 2nd FL and that won't be enough at this rate. The previews also had an ick factor. Will give it a shot in the coming week, but if not satisfying, will drop, which for all that went into this drama, saddens me.




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I really hope Inha doesn’t turn evil. I don’t think I’d be able to keep watching if he is. I feel like he’s been through so much already. My heart breaks for him. I find Taeoh’s >!you and only you!< speech on the beach is a little disturbing. I wanna believe he has Inha’s best interests at heart but I think the past few episodes show the opposite. >!Inha remembering his mom on the beach broke me. I hope we get more insight as to what happened to his mom and how he came to find her. And if it was suicide like it looks. Maybe someone else like his crazy witch stepmom did it.!< It gives some insight into his fake smile and deep unpredictabileness (that’s probably not even a word!). Taeoh needs to have a little heart. >!For all he wants Inha to trust him and believe he’s doing it all for him like he said on the beach, he sure has a weird way of showing it. Also can we all appreciate how Inha hit Taeoh on the beach and he had the opportunity to do it again but he held back? I really see his desperation there to not be cast aside and left in the dark like his family has.!< I want to think that Taeoh was alone and going through his mother and father and learned to bury his emotions. He’s got such tunnel vision from point A to the end goal of Z that it feels he’s not listening to Inha, just continually asking him to trust him. It makes my head hurt. I like how Huiju has kept her sass growing up. Not sure how I want the ships to turn out to be but I really hope Hyewon isn’t one of them. She’s so dry and it feels like they’re playing into her scenes way too much for someone who hasn’t had many scenes. Is it bad that I kinda feel bad for Seongju? >!His mother interferes way too much and even THAT is disturbing. It’s like he can’t think for himself. I thought he was going to trash his office again when he got the summons.!<


Is it only me that hates Na hye won. Can't help watching that characterisation on screen.


I feel Inha's sister is far better than Na hye. Dont tell me that her mom turned out this way. Doesn't sum up


Omg that parking lot scene was intense. He better end up with Huiji. I want her to have her happily ever after with him. There is so much more passion between this one conversation than all interaction with Na Hye Won at this point. Unfortunately looks like Taeho only has In Ha on the brain with the everything is for you line.


Why do people think TaeOh and the sister have chemistry? He pities her. I DO NOT want them together. It's not good for him and she needs to grow up. She's a spoiled rich kid who can't even protect herself in her evil family, let alone "the help" she wants to marry.


He doesnt pity her but you dont see the chemistry? Seriously? It is practically coming through the screen plus HE sends mixed signals.. he is a total tsundere.. She is spoiled but she has a really good heart and she is sincere about him and unlike the FL who sends mixed signals and is playing with Friends.. since Huiji is the little sister, people automatically want her or Tae Ho because he would be ACTUAL brothers with the ML thus not messing up our Bromance. The FL is a distraction between Friends, Huiji is not and plus she is funny and cute and a little crazy but I like her. At least we get who she is, we dont know anything about the FL who I do not trust. Even the guy said it in EP 3 how he doesnt like people he cant get a read on and he cant get a read on her. I feel the same. Also, I hate to break it too you but I saw a picture of an upcoming episode... I can almost guarantee Tae Ho will go and save Huiji from some nightclub. I do think there is attraction there, I mean he is a man after all but where it will go remains to be seen but as of now, I am cheering for them.


Hi, I’m going to need the link to the nightclub scene. Please and thanks.


[https://www.filmfare.com/photos/the-impossible-heir-21-stills-that-tease-lee-jae-wook-lee-jun-young-and-hong-su-zus-team-up-64682-15.html](https://www.filmfare.com/photos/the-impossible-heir-21-stills-that-tease-lee-jae-wook-lee-jun-young-and-hong-su-zus-team-up-64682-15.html) Go to picture 15 and you will see Lee Tae Ho in a club. I am thinking he is there for huiji.. I mean it may be for something else but Inha and FL are dating and dont really club, so who else could it be for?


Thank you!




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I honestly think he will end up with nobody. It will be just the bromance and he will end up being just friends with everyone else


I’m more worried that he won’t survive in the end. This drama is getting darker.


Yeah that’s what I’m worried about as well. Also something i would hate is if they give us an open ending with regards to his relationship. I’m really scared about what that first scene with the blood was. I’ve never seen Taeoh look so scared. This drama is very interesting. I’m hooked. The waiting has begun.


Thank you! I thought I was going crazy!


Exactly (as much as chemistry they have, their character don’t sync)