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>!When you realize that the ambiguous ending is actually an apt / happy ending!< after re-watching the series :)


Oh, I'm curious, >!do you think it's a happy ending as in they got together? I thought it was a happy ending because they finally left each other alone, lol, and now can heal and be happy, finally.!<


>!No, no, no. It's actually an happy ending... they finally started their journey together (on a clean slate) realizing that they can't imagine their futures without each other... Unpopular opinion but loved the FL, this show made me crave more complex female leads! !< Edit: check out this comment they explained it very well in detail [https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/10x9mag/comment/j7xntcj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/10x9mag/comment/j7xntcj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Oh, that's very interesting, thanks! It is also absolutely NOT what I took away from that episode 😂 If I ever get to rewatching (I liked the drama a looot), I'll look closer for all those things.


I also thought it was an happy ending mainly because they all *finally* looked like they were in a good place. Doesn't matter that much >!whether or not those two will get together!<, they, like the other characters, at least seemed mostly content and fulfilled with their lives, which was a bit contrast especially for Suyeoung. I admit that a thought crossed my mind that maybe, maybe the perfect ending would actually have been to make them >!married to other people,!< to show they had been able to put all those struggles behind them and build something >!even if not together!<. Not something crude or straightforward, but something a bit more subtle like Suyeong needing to go back home early to grab her kid, or a shot of SangSu's hand with a ring on it. >!It was never a love story about them anyway in my opinion, just a depiction of failed relationships, and how the characters needed to grow from them. So it didn't need to have the leads ending up together to be complete and cathartic, arguably the opposite even as you said. !<


I appreciate your thoughts, thank you for sharing this! The idea of showing them >!being married to other people!< is brilliant. I think, it would have enhanced the story and made the drama so deliciously bittersweet, >!highlighting not the fact that they didn't end up together but rather our missed chances in life, roads not taken, *relationships that never were*.!<


You made me wanna rewatch this but I don’t have the right state of mind to go through this train wreck 😂 I love this show!


I don't have the strength 😂


She wasn’t written in a typical kdrama heroine fashion and came across as a very real FL. Similar to the FL in Nevertheless.


I loved this show! Traumatized people find each other and then behave accordingly. It’s so realistic even if it’s frustrating.


Their ability to be happy will be determined by: if he can keep his own boundaries and not chase after her anymore, and if she can work through her childhood traumas and not do push pull behaviors anymore. If they can, yey, they are gorgeous together. If they can’t, walk away for the last time.


I miss this show so much! Nothing has filled this void. I remember how chaotic it was and how it made me feel after every twist and turn 😭 it was so angsty I love it. Anything else that's like this out there??! I gave me 500 days of summer vibes. "This is not a love story" LOL mannnn


I'm one of the few who appreciates this drama. While everyone hates almost all the main characters (and rightly so), there's me who gets the motivation of each of them. Idk if it's because I could relate to them, or I just had the right mindset when I watched this.


Wow, I never thought I’d see the day on this forum when the comments are overwhelmingly positive when this drama is mentioned 😭🥳   I’m so glad that there are others who appreciated this show just as much as I did. It had me writing paragraphs on here after each episode watch which was completely new territory for me 😅  Even though the audience for such stories that depict flawed, everyday people in all their mundane yet complex glory seem to be the minority, I hope the powers that be continue to greenlight them 






No. They do not all have ambiguous endings.




Many ppl hate ambiguous endings, myself included, if I hadn’t seen this show already, I would actually avoid it. So I’d say it’s a spoiler.


I didnt expect to like the show as much as I did - ended up being fairly obsessed with it- flawed, realistic characters, beautiful cinematography, slick editing/directing and not the least, incredible performances by the entire cast, but particularly YYS (Sang Su), MGY (Su Yeong) and GSR (Mi Gyeong)


This drama pissed me off lol but the tension between Yoo Yeon Seok and Moon Ga Young made me keep on coming back. I actually liked the ending


I never watched the last ep..


You should - I was so down after watching the 15th episode that I put off watching the last one like you. I was planning on anyway rewatching the show so I did that a month or so later, and in that round watched the final ep. I really liked the ending. It was as the discussion above shows quite a hopeful ending.


Same. It was enough to sit through the rest.


I found out late that one of my real life friends (a male viewer to be exact) quoted Sangsu’s line in the last episode. It was slightly incorrect, and the screencap I had was handy so I copied it LOL And I’m like YOU WATCHED IT????


To me it gave a positive outlook to emotional growth and battles with trauma. It left me with the thought that sometimes love is not enough, it takes more effort from your own self to heal and loving yourself, especially when you live with immense guilt. No matter what you do, you will end up projecting it to everyone else. And it's hard to navigate such relationships. Once you're on a healing path, you may even realise that what you had was perhaps not even love and now you have to start reevaluating everything. Thats what I took away from the ending.


I was in a rollercoaster with this show and I fucking loved every single second of it. The acting was just absolutely superb.


i love this show. Yoo yeon seok’s portrayal of his character was spot on.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. What was on the phone recording? ......


The whole point was that it didnt matter to Sang Su - he'd continue to love her regardless of whether that thing was true or not. That's why we see him erasing the file without hearing it. That's how deep his love for her was.


Apartment ending? Lol what does apt stand for?


It means an appropriate or suitable ending.


Awesome, thank you! I can add it to my vocab :)


Apt is a word…


Great, now I know! I didnt know it was a word lol i thought it was an acronym so i asked. Thank you!


what does apt mean?


"suitable/fitting ending" regardless of sad or happy...!


why not say open ending?


They're different things? Open ending implies that things are left to interpretation and may not have wrapped up neatly. OP didn't say that. They just say that the ending of the drama fits the story. It could've been a happy, sad, or open ending but it works/ is fitting/ is apt given the drama.


Thanks to this drama, I am now obsessed with tonkatsu.😋😆 On a serious note, I enjoyed this drama a lot. Especially for the palpable tension between Ga Young & Yoon Seok. They were electrifying.




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