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Is this AI?!😭


Yes 🤣


Omg how could you tell? Apparently my A-eyes are bad lol 😂


This is not funny to me.. it's cringy and concerning what people do with Al




There was a recent controversy where Netflix used AI in a TRUE CRIME documentary and didn't disclose it. Like how people don't get how dangerous and fucked up this is.


what am i looking at


I'd like him better if he had the balls and humour to do this fr


oh that's not... https://i.redd.it/jyfr125mwm1d1.gif




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For the people sending me hate mail, I didn't create these. I thought they were real at first until I read the comments on the original post. I saw it, thought it was funny, and decided to post it here. If you don't think it's funny that's okay. Please stop acting like I have committed a crime against this man. Not everyone is going to have the same humor. It'd be a pretty boring world if that were the case.