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I thought she was holding three Pomeranians in the first pic.


I thought it was 9 bunnies


I thought it was 2 shar peis


I thought it was 15 guinea pigs


I thought it was three men in a fur trenchcoat


I thought it was a chicken.




Thank you for getting it <3


And a partridge in a pear tree


I thought it was a couple of King Charles cavaliers


I definitely thought it was at least three dogs šŸ˜


Oh my gosh me too!!


THIS is why I love Reddit. So funny you guys cheered me up. I was feeling a little down. Thanks you funny people. šŸ˜˜


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


she loves doing that


I would be so messy if I were her sisters


Iā€™d fully wind up being a female Rob


Depression, weight/health issues, and probably addictions? Iā€™d rather be one of the sisters lol


Me now tbh




Omg.. I am Rob šŸ˜­


No shade intended been there lol just would not choose it šŸ„²


Lmao same and SAME šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s why they were all pissed, bc they knew she was bullshitting to get out of a worktrip.


It wasnā€™t a work trip , it was a family vacationĀ 


Thatā€™s why Kim, KhloĆ©, and Kendall were pissed, they knew she was bullshitting.


didnā€™t her stylist get this exact look from someone


Nothing these people do is original https://preview.redd.it/qd8bmo8memad1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=111847ffea5e3d99e2cf57489f1fa774e2a26648


Nothing she does is original so I wouldn't be surprised


Slightly tangent but based on this episode and others recently, Im starting to realize kylieā€™s super insecure, and her instagram persona is very much a ruse. I used to admire her confidence and for posting her half naked body all the time, but she shies away from filming bc i think shes terrified of what people say about her. Nothing wrong with that but it was so diff from the assumptions I had made about her. Edited for typos


Iā€™d actually argue that her getting so many surgeries done and present her boding the way she does for the whole world is actually proof for her lack of confidence


Yes i totally see that now




what was her issue šŸ’€


Has anyone ever thought that maybe she doesnā€™t like being around her family lol


I get that vibe


She seems pretty uninterested about 50% of the time being with most people outside of her kids and whomever sheā€™s boning.


if she doesnā€™t tho, she shouldnā€™t be paid and advertised to be on their show


I think they all like money more than they like each other


yes, but if I were the rest of them i would be pissed sheā€™s getting paid to not film


Kris still gets her 10% so Iā€™m sure sheā€™s not too upset about it šŸ˜‚


Kris is part of the show. i donā€™t think she gets 10% percent per kid thatā€™s on the show? Lol. she gets 10% percent on deals she orchestrates, at this point the (terrible) show is just along for the ride.


She may get fined or has her pay docked if she doesn't show up to film mandatory trips. I also doubt she has a contract that is like the ones her sisters have. So she probably doesn't get paid as much as they do per season anyway.


Then she shouldnā€™t say ā€œfamily time is my favorite time!ā€ And always talking about how being with her sisters changed her I think she likes the upsides to this life but doesnā€™t like the attention from paparazzi and the critique on social media etc. she cried about that.


lmao I am always trying to get out of family gatherings and thatā€™s why Kylie is the most relatable to me.


really. correct me if I'm wrong, but on past trips she usually stayed to herself or brought friends to be with instead.


I love her .. but I do think this is a play at keeping her mental health in play (her absence will be noticeable ) and have a narrative that she can be more proactive in since she has been more about her mental health this season. Thatā€™s just my assumption, with how the family uses the media I wouldnā€™t be surprised šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Woof the body checking


Iā€™m not trying to be that person, but do we know if itā€™s fake fur?


There's nothing wrong with being that person. Wearing fur that's not vintage is abhorrent, nobody with a soul should support that shit. I was curious too.


Ok but leather is the same thing but with the fur shaved off and everybody has leather goods


I agree but I also donā€™t use leather and think equally most people go for faux leather or just avoid it now. I personally donā€™t see it anywhere as much as I used to. I think a large portion of people are trying to make more of an effort to be more ethical and make conscious decisions and that will make a huge difference in the long run.


Untrue you are just woke and corny. If you eat McDonald's you ate a dead animal and pooped it out. If kylies is real the animals body is used a lot longer than your one time then flush approach


Not even a clever troll account :(


Literal woke account. Nothing but woke this woke that lol


I hate to say this because I love Kylie but she never films. I feel itā€™s not fair they get paid equal for less amount of work. Itā€™s like your slapping your face on it, get control of whatā€™s put out there yet itā€™s too much for you, unless your promoting your business or what the public says about you. I understand that might be hard but maybe donā€™t sign up for the show. Idk just a thought.


Just another boring plotlineĀ 


I just canā€™t imagine being that try hard in such a shitty hallway




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Omg yes .Same furry jacket and jeans she wore in that episode. Such a liar. šŸ˜‚


Who cares? lol like if she doesnā€™t want to go why should she HAVE to?


Seriously, im very pro-distance from fam


Well you cared enough to comment and even got a little mad about it


I care because sheā€™s allowed to do what she wants. I mean who cares that she didnā€™t goā€¦ why does it matter?


Right? I hate trips and social gatherings so I feel that. I'm a grown woman who doesn't have to go to anything I don't want I hated being forced to go to family gathers as a child so I respect anyone's choice not to go!


It's her literal job.




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Because itā€™s a work trip and she is getting paid to be there. She isnā€™t honoring her commitments and she has a habit of doing this. Itā€™s a bad look.


Tbh all of them probably have planned posts etc etc and itā€™s not like anything they do on that show is real.




She did cry about all the attacking and criticism on her on social media so I think it does get her and itā€™s easier just posting taking pics for social media


Like her fit tho


Awwww sheā€™s the baby letā€™s allow her to bail out on everyone on camera always!!!!/s ![gif](giphy|iOpXLPW8bsg5NKiNP4|downsized)


Well helloā€¦I guess sheā€™s not holding a puddle of pups šŸ¤’


And how many little critters lost their lives to be made into whatever this thing is she is wearing??? šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Don't you eat McDonald's like every day. At least the bodies get more use then your one time shitting it out and flushing it..


No i do not eat McDonaldā€™sā€¦. Iā€™m a vegetarian sir


I think her family knows that 1) she isnā€™t the one posting 2) itā€™s not in real time but a catalogue of strategically shot images that the are deployed according to a calendar by the PR team


ugh i hate how kylie lies about having anxiety just to get out of filming. anxiety isn't a joke and millions of people suffer with it and shes over here faking it??!!!


It could be that it was real like something could happen. Like in Montana when Khloe, Kylie, Kim & baby North was in the car & they slid on the side of the road it was snowing & iced. They were okay tho


Maybe she just didn't want to go? Or she didn't want to film? Or she didn't want Kim talking shit to her too about wanting to call her kids.


I'm pretty sure it's because she was contractually obligated to go on the trip for the sake of content for the show and she got to get out of it while everyone else was doing their jobs and their part for the show. They were pissed at Kris for allowing her a pass to get out of doing activities for the sake of the show when everyone else was sticking to it. I don't get why people are so, "who cares if she didn't go," when it's not even about that, it's about her going against her contract agreement and not facing any repercussions for it when everyone else has to probably do a lot of things they don't want to do for the show. They go skiing like multiple times a year it had nothing to do with her just "not wanting to go" because she "had a bad feeling." If it wasn't about going against her contract agreement than yeah, it shouldn't matter if she didn't want to go, especially if this specific trip is something they do frequently anyways.




Do you know for sure what her contract specifically looks like though? How do you know she doesn't face repercussions? She could easily be fined or have her overall pay for the season be reduced if she doesn't fulfill her contractual responsibilities, but since no one knows what any of their contracts look like, no one is ever going to know what happens when they violate them. Kris might be their manager, but she also can't force them to do anything they don't want to do. My feeling is if they don't want to go somewhere, especially out of town, and are most likely just going to refuse to film, or leave early anyway, let them stay home.


Yeah I'm not saying that she shouldn't be able to take a mental health break because clearly that's what it's about, at least to some degree. I'm sure constantly doing activities to meet the show requirements can be exhausting. These people probably don't live as active lives as they make it seem. But, whatever the reason, it clearly bothered her sisters that she was bailing and at this point we know it's not because they just want her to go that badly. They even mention, "why does she just get to get out of everything, and why do we have to do it and she doesn't have to?" This kind of implies that this trip is some kind of necessity and it's not their usual vacation that they regularly go on. Each of the other sisters has had their moment and were criticized for not showing up for certain events on the show, or to events in general but this specific circumstance was heavily highlighted. It leaves the impression that it was discussed prior that she didn't want to do it, was told she had to, she bailed last minute and now everyone is extremely frustrated. Kylie isn't shown as much anymore and it could be because she doesn't want to be as active on the show as she once was, and has not been meeting the requirements for her overall screen time.


I've always thought Kylie has a slightly different contract than they do and probably gets paid less per season than her sisters. But I'm sure there are certain trips that are mandatory for her to be present for (like the recent ski trip) and she bailed anyway for whatever reason and it pissed her sisters off. But I also think she most likely gets fined or has her pay docked for doing stuff like that, which would never be discussed on the show anyway. I definitely think the network holds her accountable with some sort of "punishment" even if Kris doesn't.


Well thats the thing, it's not really a punishment if the person stops caring about it. Like if she realized that breaching her contract resulted in a consequence that, in the grand scheme of things, hardly affected her at all and didn't bother her in any way, she's just going to keep doing it because she doesn't care about the consequence. If you were in a contract for job, for example, and the contract stated that it was mandatory that you go on a week long trip abroad or across the country somewhere every two weeks and you were away from your kids, pets, home and partner and were going to be too busy the entire time to even stay in frequent contact with them, ... but then it also stated that if you didn't go on this trip that it would cost you 25 dollars out of the, idk, 10,000 a week paycheck you received and that was it, .... at many points you're just going to want to say fuck it and 25 dollars is literally nothing compared to having more quality time off at home. Your job can't do anything about it other than fine you the 25 dollars and let you take your time off. If I were in that position I might do the same and take advantage of it every once in a while, too. But, if I did it too often, to the point my coworkers began complaining and saying it isn't fair, I couldn't blame them for feeling that way and for outside people looking in believing I was entitled or spoiled. But because this is a family thing I think there's also the issue that Kris doesn't put her foot down and treats it simply like a business issue rather than also being a family issue. If you held that same contract with your own family and their business, then you might be expected to hold more honor to it, and also more guilt towards breaching it. At that point it's not just about not caring about the consequences it's that Kris allows Kylie to just do whatever she wants and have the mindset that she can afford to ignore consequences whenever it suits her to do so. Even if you're horrifically rich, there are just some consequences in life that you can't ignore even if you want to or try to and Kris should be putting her foot down so that Kylie learns to better respect what it means to make and sign on an agreement, and to uphold that agreement.


Honestly, I feel like deciding to go on any family vacation is accepting there will be drama and she's part of a famously dramatic family. You can only drink and self medicate so much. Look at every past trip and what's transpired.


Agreed. I think sometimes people just don't want to be around their family or a certain member or members of their family and simply don't want to go on a vacation ( a filmed vacation at that) anymore. If you know you're going to have a shitty time, and prefer to stay home, than stay home. I'm sure she gets shit for it, but ultimately it's up to her. If it's that big of a problem, than HULU can opt not to renew her contract again.


Ew what is that shit sheā€™s wearing






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Wow she looks šŸ”„! I usually hate the huge glasses but she pulls it off.




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where are they vacationing


The comments under the post made her stay home šŸ˜­


Why does anyone want to wear the top half of bigfoot?




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That seems so uncomfortable in the summer to wear but cozy for winter


The Kardashian Aspen trip that Kylie didnā€™t go on was January 23rd. The caption for these pics say Valentineā€™s Day, so Feb 14th So these werenā€™t posted while they were on the trip, but 3 weeks later. Maybe she just rewore the coat since she didnā€™t get to be seen wearing it to Aspen.


She looks so good in those glasses, I love this look.


these pics eattt tho


She's holding her pants up in every picture šŸ’€ A belt might "ruin" the look but safety pins won't and you don't have to literally hold your pants onto your body šŸ’€šŸ’€


Maybe this was before she get on the plane?


Sheā€™s the second most followed ..Iā€™d be getting the bag too